Is it possible to pump up your buttocks with running and how to tighten your butt by running and walking

What a pleasure it is to have a beautiful figure, excellent health and attractive forms. And all this at minimal cost. For example, while jogging in the morning, you can pump up a beautiful butt. After all, running helps improve well-being, eliminates excess weight, strengthens the immune system, and protects against stress. Why not, with the help of running, get a flat stomach, slender legs, rounded buttocks and a straight posture to boot. Do you want this, especially a beautiful butt? Then - get to work! Let us tell you whether it is possible to pump up your buttocks with running.

What muscles are used when running?

Running is a source of vigor, health, endurance and grace. Running to combat physical inactivity is especially important for city dwellers who spend all day in the office. Running is a reliable method of preventing heart attacks - it is an excellent cardio workout. And you don’t need special equipment for a simple jog. The exception is a treadmill machine if this choice turns out to be more preferable than outdoor exercise. Almost all muscles are involved in the running process.

The muscles of the legs and buttocks experience the greatest load when running, but others are no less important:

  • quadriceps (quadriceps femoris) - extends the leg at the knee, is involved in bending the pelvis forward, as well as in bending the leg;
  • biceps (biceps femoris) - bends the leg at the knee, helps the gluteus maximus muscle to straighten the body;
  • gluteal muscles - are involved in moving the leg back and straightening the body;
  • iliopsoas muscle - takes part in hip flexion, promotes backward tilt of the pelvis, and performs a stabilizing function of the body;
  • calf muscle - stabilizes the position of the foot when running and walking, flexes and extends the ankle joint, without it it is impossible to rise on the toe, bend the leg at the knee, and keep the body in balance;
  • intercostal muscles - involved during intense breathing;
  • heart muscle - pumps blood; A well-trained heart muscle is a great addition to a beautiful butt.

So, running strengthens many muscles well. But, limiting yourself to regular jogging, you will not be able to build muscle mass in your buttocks.

How to run correctly to pump up your buttocks

You can run in different ways and the results of your workouts will be different. If you jog, then first the part of the foot between the phalanges and the metatarsus touches the supporting surface. This type of running involves the calves, hamstrings, and gluteal muscles, as well as the muscles in the front of the thigh. To increase muscle mass, this load is not enough. Running, which involves landing on your heel and then rolling onto your toes, involves a slightly greater involvement of the gluteal muscles. Such loads are not enough to pump up the buttocks. This style of running is extremely harmful to the joints, in particular the knees.

To increase the muscle mass of the buttocks, you need maximum short-term loads with varying loads. For this purpose, running on very rough terrain or trail cross is best suited. In this case, periods of jogging on areas with a large slope, natural obstacles, ditches and steep climbs should not exceed one minute. But after passing through a section of very rough terrain, you cannot stop running; you must continue for 3–4 minutes until breathing is restored. After which, without a break, we enter the next section of difficult terrain. At first, the duration of such training may not exceed 20 minutes; in the future, it should be gradually increased. But the speed of passing difficult sections must be consistently high.

Next we will tell you how to cook porridge from an ax. Once your workout has reached 50 minutes, it’s time to include elements in the final stage that will help increase the volume of the buttocks. It is in the final stage, without taking a break after jogging. These are two types of exercises: without weights and with weights.

Gluteal bridge - can be performed in several versions:

  • with support on both legs;
  • with support on one leg;
  • with fixation of the ankle of the free leg on the lower part of the thigh of the supporting leg;
  • holding a weight plate from a barbell on your stomach.

Start from 40 times for exercises with support on both legs and from 20 times - with support on one leg (which do not forget to change), three approaches.

Swing your leg back - from a standing position, with your hands resting on the wall bars; from a position “on all fours”, with hands resting on the floor. Swing your leg to the side from a standing position. As you adapt to the load, you can use weights or a rubber expander. Each exercise should be performed at least 20 times in one approach, at least three approaches.

Lunges forward with dumbbells in hands - it is better if the trainer selects the initial weight; At least three sets of 10 repetitions for each leg are recommended.

Squats with dumbbells in your hands or with a barbell on your shoulders (for starters, at least with an empty bar); three sets of 10 times.

Now you know how to pump up your buttocks using running and some auxiliary exercises.

Is it possible to pump up your buttocks by running?


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How to pump up your butt on a treadmill

In terms of training safety, a treadmill is undoubtedly better than a trail cross track. You can change the incline and speed on it. By the way, about straight posture: it is much easier to maintain it when the angle of inclination of the running plane is constant, and does not change with each step. You don't risk twisting your leg by falling into a hole or tripping over a stone. A sudden gust of wind will not take your breath away, and you will not be caught while jogging by an unexpected downpour. Training can be done at any time of the year. And most importantly, it is much easier than in the field, without a break after a run, to begin the final part of the workout, which ensures the building of muscle mass in the buttocks. These additional exercises are described in the previous section. And by using a treadmill, you can receive practical recommendations from a trainer at every stage. Immediately after training, go to the shower, sauna or SPA salon, and then visit the massage room. And all this in one place.

It’s especially easy to arrange all this if you live in the southeast of Moscow, in Zyablikovo. All you have to do is get to the Shipilovskaya metro station, and from there it’s a seven-minute walk and you’re there. Walking at a moderate pace is very useful as a warm-up before a run. Come, at the fitness club in Zyablikovo you will find qualified trainers, a friendly atmosphere, very reasonable prices and a lot of new opportunities for body modeling.

Is it possible to pump up your buttocks by running?


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