3 best recipes for taking chia seeds for weight loss

In pursuit of slimness, we are ready to do a lot: give up our favorite treats, reconsider our habits, make sports a part of our lives and pay attention to previously unknown products. With a competent rational approach, such behavior can give much more than the treasured numbers on the scales - you will have more energy, a feeling of lightness, and fatigue will set in more slowly.

Chia seeds are a product that has become very popular among adherents of proper nutrition in recent years. However, few people know how to properly use chia seeds for weight loss.

How to take for weight loss?

The seeds themselves have no smell or taste. That is why recipes with chia seeds for weight loss are varied, since you can experiment with the contents of the dish.

The seeds have a unique property - they absorb water very well. As a result, the seed can become 2-2.5 times larger than its original size. At the same time, the seeds secrete mucus, turning into a homogeneous gelatinous mass.

There is no exact answer to the question of how to cook chia seeds for weight loss correctly. This is an additive that makes the dish more filling. As a result, you can eat less food at one meal and still get additional vitamins and minerals. Therefore, everyone decides for themselves how to properly take chia seeds for weight loss. Some people introduce the product into their main diet on an ongoing basis, while others do it exclusively during a diet.

Chia seeds

Calorie content 100 grams

Chia seeds, whose calorie content per 100 g is 436 kcal (1820 kJ), contain:

  • carbohydrates – 7.72 g;
  • proteins – 16.54 g;
  • fiber (dietary fiber) – 34.4 g;
  • water – 5.80 g.

The latter includes:

  • omega-3 – 17.83 g;
  • omega-6 – 5.35 g.

List of vitamins (quantity and % of daily value):

  • A – 54 µg – 7%;
  • thiamine – B1 – 0.62 mg – 54%;
  • riboflavin – 14% – 0.17 mg – B2;
  • niacin – B3 – 8.83 mg – 59%;
  • folate – B9 – 49 mcg – 12%;
  • C – 1.6 mg – 2%;
  • E – 0.5 mg – 3%.

Amount of minerals:

  • calcium – Ca – 631 m – 63%;
  • iron – Fe – 7.72 mg – 59%;
  • magnesium – Mg – 335 mg – 94%;
  • zinc – Zn – 4.58 mg – 48%;
  • phosphorus – P – 80 mg – 123%;
  • manganese – Mn – 2.723 mg – 130%;
  • potassium – K – 407 mg – 9%;
  • sodium – Na – 16 mg – 1%.

All information described reflects the number of useful elements in 100 of the product. When planning your diet, you should take into account that the calorie content of 100 grams of chia seeds is high. How many calories are in bananas, walnuts and mangoes?

Benefits and harms

Due to its high calcium content, the product, when consumed regularly, reduces the risk of developing osteoporosis. Chia seeds can strengthen bones. If there are primary signs of osteoporosis, they relieve joint pain.

Chia seeds help lower blood pressure and stabilize blood sugar levels. The product can be used to improve the condition of skin and hair. The grains prevent dryness and flaking. The work of the sebaceous glands is improved. A protective fatty film appears on the skin. This improves her immunity and reduces the likelihood of infection by pathogens. Hair stops splitting, becomes more elastic, and shine appears.

Chia grains thin the blood. This happens mainly due to the high concentration of omega-3. In this state, blood becomes easier to circulate. The flow of nutrients improves. This accelerates regeneration and promotes the proper functioning of internal organs. The seeds can even be used as a preventative anti-aging agent: they help provide the skin with vitamins and microelements, which prevents the appearance of wrinkles.

Blood thinning has a positive effect on the functioning of the heart muscle. It becomes easier for her to pump fluid, and her pulse improves. The risk of blood clots is reduced. By simultaneously strengthening the walls of blood vessels and removing cholesterol plaques, the seeds can prevent stroke and heart attack.

The seeds are good for women.
They facilitate the onset of menstruation. During menopause, you are less likely to worry about feeling unwell. Hot flashes and pain in the lower abdomen disappear. Grains can normalize hormonal balance. They have a beneficial effect on nerve cells, increase brain activity and improve psycho-emotional state. The use of grains helps to avoid moral and physical exhaustion, as well as nervous disorders. If used uncontrolled or abused, the seeds can cause harm. If a person has gastrointestinal diseases or eats too many grains, digestive disorders will occur. This is due to the irritating effect of fiber fibers. Possible side effects include constipation, diarrhea, and bloating. With prolonged abuse, stool becomes dry and hard, increasing the risk of developing hemorrhoids.

The seeds contain many calories, so consuming them in large quantities can cause obesity. Due to excess proteins in the composition, allergic reactions may develop. Excessive blood thinning can lead to bleeding. The seeds can be harmful for dental diseases. The grains are small and tend to get stuck, which can lead to worse tooth decay. The hard shell damages sensitive enamel.

Review of reviews from those who have lost weight

Reviews of girls who lost weight and ate chia seeds indicate that the product really works. However, they adhered to the rules of proper nutrition - a minimum of “junk” and “heavy” food.

Some girls, on the contrary, did not radically change their diet, but only slightly adjusted it, replacing their usual breakfasts and sometimes dinners with chia dishes.

Reviews about this method of taking chia seeds for weight loss say that the feeling of fullness lasts longer, which is why the total amount of food eaten per day becomes less. It even happened that one tablespoon of seeds added to the usual portion of porridge made it so filling that only half of the portion was eaten.

It is worth noting that all the positive reviews were written by girls who do not have stomach problems. If you have health problems, it is better to ask your doctor about how to eat chia seeds to lose weight. Is it possible to eat bananas if you have gastrointestinal problems?

Chia seeds contraindications

Despite their rich composition, chia seeds have a number of contraindications and side effects. Among them:

  • pregnancy (1st trimester) and breastfeeding period. In large quantities, the seeds can cause bloating and constipation in pregnant women. When breastfeeding, taking chia can cause digestive problems in the baby;
  • allergic reaction to sesame and mustard seeds;
  • low pressure. Hypotonic patients are contraindicated in taking chia seeds, as they can lower blood pressure even more;
  • functional digestive disorders - dyspepsia, flatulence;
  • taking blood thinning medications (aspirin and anticoagulants);
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases (pancreatitis, gastritis, urolithiasis).

Side effects include:

  • indigestion (diarrhea);
  • allergy;
  • blood thinning;
  • labored breathing;
  • decrease in pressure.

To prevent Chia from harming your body, follow moderation. Doctors note that these seeds are addictive. Excessive consumption can cause oversaturation with the product and indigestion.


If the body does not tolerate Chia well, this product can be replaced with flax seeds. The beneficial properties of these seeds are similar to each other. Another great substitute for Chia is quinoa. Saponins and fiber stimulate the immune system and prevent high cholesterol.

The best recipes on how to use correctly

Recipes with chia seeds, which can be used for weight loss, allow you to diversify your breakfast or dessert.

Addition to the main dish

Add 1-2 teaspoons of the product to the main dish (for example, Greek yogurt or porridge, cottage cheese, vegetable or fruit salad). If the “base” is liquid, then you should wait a while - the dish will thicken. If “dry”, then the seeds will become a useful, almost invisible addition. The most delicious recipes for mango dishes.


The answer to the frequently asked question about how to use chia seeds for weight loss without depriving yourself of desserts is simple - prepare a healthy dessert! Granola is perfect.

You will need:

  • chopped pitted dates;
  • natural peanut butter;
  • cereals;
  • honey, maple syrup or stevia;
  • any chopped nuts;
  • dry berries or dried fruits;
  • chia seeds.

The amount of ingredients is variable and depends on personal preference.

Granola serving option


  1. Mix all ingredients and let steep for 10-20 minutes.
  2. Place the contents of the cup in a frying pan without oil (or use a small amount of coconut oil) and fry.
  3. Place the mixture in a cup and place it in the refrigerator to infuse.

If you use a large amount of chia or syrup, you will get a healthy natural bar. This is a popular option for using chia seeds for weight loss - consuming a healthy product containing seeds as a snack between the main meal.

Seed-based jelly

The easiest way. The dish can have many names: jelly or even chia soup, but this does not change its benefits.


Add water or milk to a cup of chia seeds (amount – 0.5 of the cup’s volume). The amount of liquid is adjusted based on the desired consistency. You can add fruits and berries to the dish.

Chia is combined not only with “light” foods (cottage cheese, fruits, etc.). You can take chia seeds for weight loss by adding them as a thickener for sauces or pureed soups.

Can I drink grains or just eat them?

You can drink chia seeds for weight loss; in fact, the drink replaces a snack. The consistency depends on the number of seeds and holding time. For example, if you add a small amount of chia to kefir, drinking yogurt or milk and drink it after a couple of minutes, the drink will not have time to thicken.

A popular way to use chia in a drink is to add the seeds to fruit or berry smoothies. This is a delicious and satisfying replacement for rich milkshake and cake. This once again proves that you can use chia seeds correctly for weight loss without depriving yourself of pleasure. Is there a banana diet?

Banana, Blueberry and Chia Yogurt Smoothie

General characteristics of the plant

Chia also has another name - Spanish sage. This is an annual plant whose height can reach up to 1 meter. The leaves are opposite, i.e. grow in pairs. The length varies between 4-8 cm, width - 3-5 cm. The flower itself can be white or purple.

The original habitat of the plants is Guatemala. The flower also grew in central and southern Mexico. The product was considered a very valuable food.

The ancient Aztecs did not think about how to eat chia seeds for weight loss. Culture was valuable primarily because of its properties. Historical information also states that in some provinces the seeds were presented as tribute.

Now the crop is grown in the southwestern United States and the western part of southern Mexico. The product has gained, or rather regained, its popularity and is used as a food additive not only in the countries of the Western Hemisphere.

The use of chia seeds for weight loss has become the reason for the popularity of the culture in Europe. The European Union approved in 2009 that seeds are a complete food product. Herbal tea from sage leaves.

Chia seeds: where to add and how much?

Due to the abundance of beneficial properties, chia is considered a valuable food product. The seeds are used whole or ground. Their mucus ensures the fluffiness of baked goods and maintains freshness. It is an excellent emulsifier and a potential substitute for eggs and fat.

Chia is used as an additive to various dishes. They are mixed into dough, decorated with the surface of products, combined with berries, breakfast cereals, and poured with milk and kefir. Smoothies, porridges, and cocktails are prepared on their basis. They are sprinkled on salads and confectionery products.

In Brazil, chia pudding is used to make a pudding that is gaining popularity in Europe. And the residents of Colombia make an energy drink from it, similar to jelly.

In 2009, the European Union approved chia as a new food product. The recommended dose in baked goods is 5%.

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