Oyster mushrooms: calorie content per 100 grams, benefits, harm, nutritional benefits

Fresh oyster mushrooms: calorie content per 100 grams, nutritional value, vitamins, minerals

The calorie content of fresh oyster mushrooms per 100 grams is 32.3 kcal. 100 g of product contains:

  • proteins – 3.2 g;
  • fats – 0.4 g;
  • carbohydrates – 3.7 g.

Read: Calorie content of fried boletus mushrooms

The composition of 100 g of fresh oyster mushrooms includes the following vitamins and minerals (in brackets, % of substances from the daily value of an adult):

  • B1 (8.2);
  • B2 (19);
  • B4 (9.5);
  • B5 (25);
  • B6 (5.4);
  • B9 (9.3);
  • D (6.9);
  • N (22);
  • RR (24);
  • potassium (17);
  • magnesium (4.4);
  • sodium (1.4);
  • phosphorus (15);
  • iron (7.2);
  • manganese (5.5);
  • copper (24);
  • molybdenum (17);
  • selenium (4.6);
  • chromium (25);
  • zinc (6.3).

Calorie content and composition of oyster mushrooms

Oyster mushroom is a low-calorie product. 100 g of fresh mushrooms contain 33 kcal.

The nutritional value:

  • proteins - 3.31 g;
  • fats - 0.41 g;
  • carbohydrates - 3.79 g;
  • water - 89.18 g;
  • dietary fiber - 2.3 g.

As a result of subsequent processing of mushrooms, the calorie content per 100 g of product changes as follows:

ProductCalories and nutritional value
Boiled oyster mushrooms34.8 kcal; proteins - 3.4 g; fats - 0.42 g; carbohydrates - 6.18 g.
Pickled oyster mushrooms126 kcal; proteins - 3.9; fats - 10.9 g; carbohydrates - 3.1 g.
Stewed oyster mushrooms29 kcal; proteins - 1.29 g; fats - 1.1 g; carbohydrates - 3.6 g.
Fried oyster mushrooms76 kcal; proteins - 2.28 g; fats - 4.43 g; carbohydrates - 6.97 g.

Vitamin composition

The benefits of oyster mushrooms are due to their chemical composition. Vitamins and microelements have a beneficial effect on the body and have a preventive effect against many diseases.

Oyster mushrooms contain the following vitamins:

VitaminQuantityBenefits for the body
Vitamin A2 mcgImproves vision, regenerates epithelial tissues and mucous membranes, participates in the formation of teeth and bones.
Beta carotene0.029 mgIt is synthesized into vitamin A, improves vision, and has antioxidant properties.
Vitamin B1, or thiamine0.125 mgParticipates in carbohydrate metabolism, normalizes the functioning of the nervous system, improves intestinal motility.
Vitamin B2, or riboflavin0.349 mgImproves metabolism, protects mucous membranes, participates in the formation of red blood cells.
Vitamin B4, or choline48.7 mgRegulates metabolic processes in the body.
Vitamin B5, or pantothenic acid1.294 mgOxidizes carbohydrates and fatty acids, improves the condition of the skin.
Vitamin B6, or pyridoxine0.11 mgStrengthens the nervous and immune systems, helps fight depression, participates in the synthesis of hemoglobin, and helps absorb proteins.
Vitamin B9, or folic acid38 mcgPromotes cell regeneration, takes part in protein synthesis, supports healthy fetal formation during pregnancy.
Vitamin D, or calciferol0.7 mcgPromotes the absorption of calcium and phosphorus, improves skin condition, participates in the functioning of the nervous system, and is responsible for muscle contraction.
Vitamin D2, or ergocalciferol0.7 mcgEnsures complete formation of bone tissue, increases the body's resistance to infections, and activates muscle activity.
Vitamin H, or biotin11.04 mcgParticipates in carbohydrate and protein metabolism, regulates blood sugar levels, improves the condition of hair, skin and nails.
Vitamin PP, or nicotinic acid4.956 mgRegulates lipid metabolism, reduces cholesterol levels in the blood.
Betaine12.1 mgImproves skin condition, protects cell membranes, strengthens blood vessels, normalizes the acidity of gastric juice.

The combination of vitamins in oyster mushrooms has a complex effect on the body, strengthening the immune system and improving the functioning of internal organs. Vitamin D normalizes muscle function and strengthens muscle tissue, which is especially useful for athletes.

Macro- and microelements

Mushrooms contain macro- and microelements necessary to maintain a healthy state of the body and ensure the vital processes of all organs and systems. 100 g of product contains the following macroelements:

MacronutrientQuantityBenefits for the body
Potassium (K)420 mgNormalizes heart function, removes waste and toxins.
Calcium (Ca)3 mgStrengthens bone and dental tissue, makes muscles elastic, normalizes the excitability of the nervous system, and participates in blood clotting.
Silicon (Si)0.2 mgParticipates in the formation of connective tissue, increases the strength and elasticity of blood vessels, improves the functioning of the nervous system, the condition of the skin, nails and hair.
Magnesium (Mg)18 mgRegulates protein and carbohydrate metabolism, reduces cholesterol levels, relieves spasms.
Sodium (Na)18 mgNormalizes acid-base and electrolyte balance, regulates the processes of excitability and muscle contraction, strengthens blood vessels.
Phosphorus (P)120 mgParticipates in the synthesis of hormones, forms bone tissue, regulates metabolism, and normalizes brain activity.
Chlorine (Cl)17 mgRegulates water and acid-base balance, normalizes the condition of red blood cells, cleanses the liver of lipids, participates in the process of osmoregulation, and promotes the elimination of salts.

Microelements in 100 g of oyster mushrooms:

MicroelementQuantityBenefits for the body
Aluminum (Al)180.5 mcgStimulates the growth and development of bone and epithelial tissue, affects the activity of enzymes and digestive glands.
Boron (B)35.1 mcgTakes part in the formation of bone tissue, making it strong.
Vanadium (V)1.7 mcgRegulates lipid and carbohydrate metabolism, reduces cholesterol levels, stimulates the movement of blood cells.
Iron (Fe)1.33 mgParticipates in hematopoiesis, is part of hemoglobin, normalizes the functioning of muscles and the nervous system, fights fatigue and weakness of the body.
Cobalt (Co)0.02 µgParticipates in DNA synthesis, promotes the breakdown of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, stimulates the growth of red blood cells, regulates the activity of adrenaline.
Manganese (Mn)0.113 mgParticipates in oxidation processes, regulates metabolism, reduces cholesterol levels, and prevents the deposition of fats in the liver.
Copper (Cu)244 mcgForms red blood cells, participates in collagen synthesis, improves skin condition, helps synthesize iron into hemoglobin.
Molybdenum (Mo)12.2 mcgStimulates enzyme activity, removes uric acid, participates in the synthesis of vitamins, improves blood quality.
Rubidium (Rb)7.1 mcgActivates enzymes, has an antihistamine effect, relieves inflammatory processes in cells, normalizes the functioning of the central nervous system.
Selenium (Se)2.6 mcgStrengthens the immune system, slows down the aging process, prevents the development of cancerous tumors.
Strontium (Sr)50.4 mcgStrengthens bone tissue.
Titanium (Ti)4.77 mcgRestores bone damage, has antioxidant properties, weakens the effect of free radicals on blood cells.
Fluorine (F)23.9 mcgStrengthens the immune system, bone tissue and tooth enamel, removes radicals and heavy metals, improves hair and nail growth.
Chromium (Cr)12.7 mcgParticipates in the metabolism of lipids and carbohydrates, reduces cholesterol levels, stimulates tissue regeneration processes.
Zinc (Zn)0.77 mgRegulates blood sugar levels, maintains the sharpness of smell and taste, strengthens the immune system, protects against infections and viruses.

Fried oyster mushrooms: calorie content per 100 grams, bju

Calorie content of fried oyster mushrooms with onions per 100 grams is 76 kcal. 100 g of dish contains:

  • proteins – 2.28 g;
  • fats – 4.43 g;
  • carbohydrates – 6.97 g.

Steps for preparing fried oyster mushrooms:

  • 1.5 kg of fresh mushrooms, washed well, dried, cut into medium-sized pieces;
  • finely chop 300 g of onion;
  • fry the mushrooms in vegetable oil over low heat for 15 minutes;
  • add onion and salt to taste to the fried oyster mushrooms, mix the ingredients of the dish;
  • fry onions and mushrooms over medium heat for 5 minutes.

Stewed oyster mushrooms: calorie content per 100 grams, bju

Calorie content of stewed oyster mushrooms per 100 grams is 29 kcal. 100 g of dish contains:

  • proteins – 1.29 g;
  • fats – 1.1 g;
  • carbohydrates – 3.6 g.

Recipe for stewed oyster mushrooms:

  • thoroughly rinse and peel 1 kg of mushrooms;
  • pour oyster mushrooms into 1 liter of water, bring the water to a boil, drain the liquid, pour in new water, also boil and drain;
  • cut boiled oyster mushrooms into small pieces;
  • grate 100 g of fresh carrots on a medium-sized grater, finely chop 100 g of onions;
  • Mix onions and carrots with mushrooms, add salt to taste to the resulting mixture, and simmer the oyster mushrooms for 15 minutes.

Boiled oyster mushrooms: calorie content per 100 grams, nutritional value

The calorie content of boiled oyster mushrooms per 100 grams is 34.8 kcal. 100 g of such mushrooms contains:

  • proteins – 3.4 g;
  • fats – 0.42 g;
  • carbohydrates – 6.18 g.

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Boiled oyster mushrooms retain most of their beneficial properties with short heat treatment. Due to their low fat content and calorie content, such mushrooms can be included in the diet in almost any health diet.

Benefits of oyster mushrooms

The beneficial properties of oyster mushrooms include:

  • the product reduces the level of bad cholesterol in the blood and prevents atherosclerosis;
  • with regular consumption of mushrooms, the body’s immune functions are activated;
  • Oyster mushroom protein is a good alternative to animal protein, which is important for people switching to a vegetarian diet;

Read: Calorie content of boiled chanterelles

  • B vitamins of mushrooms are useful for maintaining the health of the nervous, cardiac, and vascular systems of the body;
  • Oyster mushrooms have pronounced antioxidant properties and have an antibacterial effect;
  • Studies have shown that an extract prepared from mushrooms reduces the rate of progression of oncology of the large intestine and mammary glands. An extract from oyster mushroom mycelium prevents the development of staphylococcus and E. coli;
  • due to the presence of potassium, mushrooms regulate blood pressure;
  • oyster mushrooms are rich in iron, which is necessary to prevent anemia;
  • the fiber in the product ensures active removal of toxins and waste from the body and helps get rid of constipation;
  • Oyster mushrooms reduce the acidity of gastric juice.

Beneficial and healing properties for the body

The product is very useful for people prone to high cholesterol levels in the blood , as it contains lovastatin, which inhibits cholesterol synthesis and dissolves its deposits on the walls of blood vessels and capillaries.

The composition of mushrooms includes the following unique substances:

  • polysaccharide lentinan , which stimulates the immune system and has antitumor effects;
  • benzaldehyde , which gives oyster mushrooms antimicrobial, antiviral and antimycotic properties;
  • ergotoxin . This compound was recently isolated from oyster mushrooms. This is a powerful antioxidant that can stop bleeding and heal wounds and ulcers.

What are the benefits of oyster mushrooms:

  • strengthen and tone the nervous system;
  • prevent the development of oncology;
  • normalize blood pressure;
  • correct immune status, including after radiation therapy;
  • inhibit the development of atherosclerosis;
  • cleanse the body of radionuclides, heavy metal salts and toxins;
  • relieve stubborn constipation.

A distinctive property of oyster mushrooms is that after cooking they do not lose their beneficial properties .

Harm of oyster mushrooms

Contraindications to the use of oyster mushrooms are:

  • despite the many beneficial properties, the possibility of including mushrooms in the diet must be agreed with the attending physician during pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • Some people experience individual intolerance to mushrooms;
  • salted and pickled oyster mushrooms are contraindicated in case of swelling, chronic and aggravated diseases of the pancreas, stomach, intestines, kidneys, liver, gall bladder;

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  • mushrooms collected in contaminated areas are saturated with toxic substances that can cause severe food poisoning;
  • The product's fiber is rich in chitin, which is difficult to digest. To make mushrooms a less heavy food, you should chop them into small pieces before cooking;
  • Contraindication to the use of oyster mushrooms is childhood.

Harm and contraindications

In large quantities, mushrooms can cause stomach or intestinal upset, accompanied by diarrhea and flatulence.

Negative effects can manifest themselves in the form of allergic reactions.

It is not recommended to consume mushrooms for people with diseases of the cardiovascular system, as well as for young children. Pregnant women should consult a doctor before eating oyster mushrooms.

It is important to remember that you should not eat mushrooms without heat treatment, as this can cause food poisoning.

© Natalya — stock.adobe.com

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