Blood type, genotype and daily routine: what to pay attention to for those who want to lose weight

By blood

There are quite a few types of diets today, most of them combine two key requirements - limiting the amount of food a person consumes per day and focusing on a certain set of foods.

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Many of them will help not only get rid of excess weight, but also improve your diet.

At the same time, simply giving up junk food - for example, fatty, sweet or fried foods, without reducing portions - will certainly have a positive effect on the condition of the body and even, possibly, lead to minor weight loss. But it’s unlikely to help you lose weight.

The diet and meal schedule depend on the chosen diet. Some experts, among other things, recommend focusing on the characteristics of the body inherent in us by nature.

Thus, the diet of American Peter D'Adamo is based on the assumption that people with different blood types need different foods.

According to the scientist, people with the first blood group (it is the most common, about 40% of the world's population have it) are closer to a meat diet, which requires the presence of protein. Eating fish and poultry with limited carbohydrates, grains and legumes is also suitable.

Blood type, genotype and daily routine

Photo: Depositphotos/timolina

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“The author calls people with the second blood group farmers. Its owners are approximately 39% of the world's population. Accordingly, their diet should be dominated by vegetables, fruits, legumes, and gluten-free grains. But meat, dairy and fermented milk products, coffee and alcohol should be limited,” Ulyana Rumyantseva, candidate of medical sciences, endocrinologist, nutritionist at SM-Clinic, told Izvestia.

People with the third blood group in this system are considered nomads - this is approximately 15% of the world's population. Experts recommend that they eat mainly vegetables, fruits, dairy and fermented milk products, and any meat except chicken. It is recommended to exclude seafood and products made from wheat flour.

The fourth blood group is the smallest. It is present in approximately 6% of the population and, according to Peter D'Adamo, has inherited the features of the second and third groups. Such people, according to the author of the theory, can eat almost anything. It is suggested to exclude beef (and red meat in general), corn, beans and alcoholic beverages. And fish, any meat except red, dairy and fermented milk products, legumes, grains, vegetables and fruits can be especially suitable for them.

Blood type diet exposed

2 minutes


Nutrigenomics specialists from the University of Toronto (Canada), having for the first time conducted a large-scale study of the validity of the popular hypothesis that eating according to your blood type has a positive effect on health and reduces the risk of developing chronic diseases, found out that it is completely untenable. There was no connection found between the blood type of study participants and the effects of a particular diet on their health. The work was published on January 15 in the journal PLoS One.

The blood type diet became popular after the publication of the best-selling book Eat Right for Your Type by American naturopath Peter D'Adamo in the late 1990s. The book has been translated into 52 languages ​​and has sold more than seven million copies. D'Adamo's theory is that a person's immune and digestive systems are predisposed to the same foods that their ancestors once consumed, so the chemical reaction between the blood and the food they eat is an integral part of their genetic heritage. Therefore, eating in accordance with your blood type inherited from your ancestors—the complete exclusion of some foods and, conversely, greater consumption of others—can improve your health and reduce the risk of chronic diseases. However, until now there has been no scientific testing of this hypothesis.

The study authors, led by Ahmed El-Sohemy, head of the department of nutrigenomics (the study of the influence of nutrition on gene expression) at the University of Toronto, conducted a statistical analysis of data on 1,455 healthy, mixed-sex young people aged 20 to 29 years old, belonging to different ethnocultural groups. All participants had their blood type determined according to the ABO system, as well as starting values ​​of cardiometabolic risk factors such as insulin, cholesterol, triglyceride glucose, and others. Each participant received four lists of foods recommended or not recommended for consumption for four blood types, and he had to decide for himself whether to adhere to these recommendations or not. Monthly updated data on participants' physical status and nutrition were collected over a six-year period, from October 2004 to December 2010.

To evaluate the extent to which adherence to the blood type diet was associated with improvements in cardiometabolic risk factors, participants were divided into groups of those who followed the D'Adamo diet and those who followed the same diet but did not. corresponding to your blood group. Biomarkers associated with the risk of metabolic disorders and cardiovascular disease were then compared in each of these groups.

As a result, it was found that all types of diets generally had a beneficial effect on the health of the participants, normalizing indicators such as body weight, blood pressure, cholesterol, glucose, insulin, triglycerides and others. But no statistically significant connection was found between following the blood type diet and improving indicators, which does not speak in favor of D'Adamo's hypothesis.

“How an individual responds to any of these diets has absolutely nothing to do with their blood type and is entirely dependent on their individual sensitivity to a vegetarian or low-carb diet,” El-Soemi noted. “The results obtained allow us to argue that the theory underlying the blood type diet is false.”

Nutrition by genotype

Proponents of the genotype theory of nutrition adhere to a similar gradation. They believe that a suitable diet can be formulated based on genotype. Which, in turn, can be determined by a person’s build.

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Dietary restrictions can affect not only the health of the person losing weight, but also the life expectancy of his offspring.

In total, in this case there are five possible genotypes. Pathfinders (tall, with long legs, toes and large feet) are advised to emphasize protein-rich foods, vegetables and grains, and avoid most dairy products.

“Hunter-gatherers” (the authors of the diet include slender and narrow-boned people of average height) are recommended to consider diets consisting of protein-rich foods in combination with fruits and vegetables. Beware of fatty foods.

“Researchers” include strong and stocky people of average height - they are asked to pay attention to separate meals and exclude soda, caffeine and salty foods.

“Shepherds” are short people with soft, round features. In this case, the authors believe, a lacto-vegetarian diet would be optimal, but due to the low metabolic rate, it is necessary to carefully monitor the amount of calories.

Blood type, genotype and daily routine

Photo: Depositphotos/Nomadsoul

Finally, “Dancers” include short or average height people with strong muscles. People with such a constitution within the framework of this system are asked, first of all, to pay attention to their diet - and make sure that they do not skip major meals. At the same time, you can eat almost everything that is not fast food (and in reasonable quantities). It is recommended to focus on dairy products, grains, fruits and vegetables.

But any diet should be selected comprehensively, experts point out, taking into account a number of factors unique to each person. And of course, if you have food allergies or intolerance to certain foods, regardless of the diet you choose, these foods must be excluded.

The essence

The fourth blood group is the rarest and youngest of all existing ones, it is found in only 8% of the population.

But even for such a small number of people, nutritionists have developed a special nutritional system that improves metabolism, digestion and overall health.

Those with a positive blood group are characterized by problems with the immune system. Such people are more susceptible than others to infectious, heart and cancer diseases, poisoning and gastritis. They also often suffer from anemia. Such people are often emotional, sociable and sensitive.

In connection with these features, the diet for 4 positive blood group is aimed at strengthening the immune system, accelerating metabolism, preventing diabetes, improving the functioning of internal organs and normalizing blood clotting. Among other goals is getting rid of excess weight, although rapid weight loss should not be expected.

Calorie counting

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Regardless of the diet you choose, the main principle of losing weight is to consume fewer calories than you burn. Therefore, the calculation of the required norm for each will be individual.

This depends, first of all, on gender. It is believed that on average for women the daily calorie intake in this case should not exceed 1200-1500 calories, for men - 1600-1800 calories.

Moreover, if you want to lose quite a lot of weight in a short time, the norm will be less if you are ready to act gradually, as most experts recommend - it can be “stretched out” a little.

Load is another important factor. If you have a sedentary job, spend most of the day at the computer, and regular exercise or walking has not yet become a habit, your calorie intake will be lower.

Blood type, genotype and daily routine

Photo: Depositphotos/AntonLozovoy

If you move a lot during the day or are used to intense training, it is better to focus on the “upper” level of calorie intake.

In addition, during significant physical activity, it is worth adding more protein to your diet to avoid exhaustion or constant hunger.

What is possible and what is not?

Everyone can independently create a menu for a diet for 4 positive blood group, based on the table of products. From time to time you can add neutral ones to your diet, but you will have to give up harmful ones for the entire time you are losing weight.

Turkey, lamb or rabbit meat, lambChicken,Red meat, duck, smoked sausage
Oatmeal, millet porridge, pasta, rye breadRice, corn porridgeWheat, buckwheat, white bread
Herring, sturgeon, cod, trout, tunaPerch, flounder, carp, catfish, catfishEel, hake, crayfish, halibut, salmon
Walnuts, flaxseeds, peanutsSunflower seedsPistachios, almonds, hazelnuts, legumes
Cottage cheese, cheese, yogurt, kefir, tofuEggs, fermented baked milkWhole milk, processed cheese
Olive oilFlaxseed and peanut oilsSunflower and butter
Cherries, cranberries, gooseberries, plums, grapes, blackberries, sweet cherries, figs, lemon, pineappleApples, pears, blueberries, raisins, strawberriesAvocado, bananas, oranges, tangerines, pomegranate
Grape, cherry juices, green teaBlack teaOrange juice
Green vegetables, carrots, cabbage, eggplants, onions, seaweedCucumbers, pumpkinTomatoes, peppers, beans

It is necessary to add physical activity to the diet for positive blood group 4. However, you should not overload the body. For greater effect, exercise should be done on an almost empty stomach.

The menu should be tailored to your own preferences. If you do not like any products from the list, or they are contraindicated for you, then you should not eat them.

Listen to your body, only you can decide what and in what quantities to eat. But do not forget that this type of nutrition is still a diet and can be harmful to your health. Therefore, be sure to consult your doctor.

Product Recommendations:

  1. since the acidity of the stomach in people with blood group IV is reduced, it is worth consuming less meat (no more than 400 g per week) and more vegetables and fruits;
  2. You should start your morning with light exercise and a glass of water with lemon;
  3. Do not overindulge in salty and sweet foods;
  4. food should be boiled or steamed, fried foods should be excluded;
  5. give up bad habits, for example, alcohol retains fluid in the body, so the diet may not give the expected result;
  6. Drink enough water, it fills your stomach and creates an imaginary feeling of fullness. It is advisable to drink at least 2 liters per day;
  7. Don't eat more calories than your recommended amount.


Since the diet is not strict, it is easy to follow, there is no feeling of hunger, and the lost kilos do not return.

According to doctors, a diet for 4 positive blood group has a beneficial effect on the well-being of those who are losing weight - the body is cleansed, the risk of cancer, heart disease, and diabetes is reduced, aging slows down, and chronic diseases go into remission. Those losing weight noticed that they had energy, their metabolism accelerated, and their immunity improved.

The diet for those with blood type 4 and Rh positive has almost no contraindications. It is suitable even for children, the elderly, pregnant and lactating women. The only contraindication is allergies, but in such cases simply eliminate the unwanted product from your diet.

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