Fat burner Black Mamba – for those who want to lose weight

A slim and toned body is the dream of every woman and every man. People who have set themselves the goal of achieving the desired result in a short period of time resort to chemicals that help burn fat.

The miraculous fat burner “Black Mamba” is extremely popular among them .

What is "Black Mamba"?

Black Mamba hyperrush is a popular product developed by the famous British. Today it is the absolute leader among those companies that produce sports nutrition and weight loss products.

The basis of this universal drug is black capsules. There are 90 of them in one package. How long they last depends only on the dosage. Usually buyers use them within 1.5-3 months.

The weight loss process occurs because this drug has the following properties:

  • Each capsule has thermogenic properties. It enters the body and instantly begins to increase body temperature. Because of this, sweat actively begins to be produced, and all toxins and harmful liquid will come out.
  • The second is a psychostimulating property. Each capsule represents a small dose of adrenaline. A person’s mood will improve and their level of stamina will increase. All this will lead to the fact that he will constantly move, blood will begin to circulate better, and fat will gradually disappear.

Interesting fact: translated into Russian, “Black Mamba” means “African poisonous snake.”

Black Mamba supplement regimens

Each jar of the drug comes with instructions that describe in detail how to take the product. You should study it in detail and strictly follow the manufacturer’s recommendations. Here are just the general rules:

  • It should only be taken orally on an empty stomach, since when mixed with food, the drug loses most of its properties;
  • the first 4 days - one pill in the morning, about half an hour before breakfast;
  • with normal tolerance, from the fifth day you can increase the dosage to 2 capsules, taking the second one before lunch;
  • course of admission - 2-3 months;
  • take a break for 2-4 weeks and observe how the body behaves, whether addiction has arisen;
  • If everything is fine, then take another 1 course.

Recommendations for increasing efficiency

Check out our tips for increasing efficiency:

  • be examined by a doctor before starting the course;
  • do not combine with alcohol and caffeine;
  • diets are not necessary, but proper nutrition is necessary;
  • Take the 2nd capsule no later than 6 hours before going to bed;
  • drink more water, as increased sweating occurs;
  • Organize taking multivitamins.


The composition of the miracle drug is a combination of extracts of the most exotic plants, synthetic ingredients and chemicals.

If you carefully read the composition, you can see the following components in it:

  • The combination of black and green tea is a necessary component. It has a beneficial effect on digestive function. The capsule will be completely absorbed by the body. There will be no negative aspects.
  • Coniferous tree extracts (corex) were added to this mixture. It has psychostimulating properties. It is this substance that helps increase endurance levels and speed up metabolism.
  • Another element that gives vigor and energy is caffeine.
  • Since 2015, a new substance was introduced into the drug - a geranium derivative . Scientists believe that thanks to this component, “Black Mamba” has become even more effective, since after taking the capsule the appetite noticeably “fades away”
  • The composition contains another extract of an Indian exotic plant - Sida cordifolia. Its main function is to reduce appetite.
  • As mentioned earlier, fat in the body is burned due to the participation of thermogenic substances , namely, evodiamine, yohimbine and synevrin.
  • Many buyers claim that after taking the capsule their mood lifted and a slight feeling of euphoria appeared . All this appeared from the effects of the amino acids phenylalanine and beta-aminoethylamine.

Important! It is worth considering that the effects of many substances on the body have not been fully studied. And possible side effects cannot be ruled out.

Release forms and composition of the drug

Black Mamba is a fat burner, the main form of release of which is capsules made from edible gelatin. This sports nutrition product is packaged in black plastic bottles, on the front side of which the name of the dietary supplement, its biochemical properties and composition are printed.

Each capsule of the drug contains white powder, which includes active and auxiliary components of thermogenics. The top of the bottle is closed with a plastic cap. The standard packaging of the Black Mamba fat burner consists of 90 capsules.

The table below shows the detailed composition of the main and additional substances of the Black Mamba fat burner:

Composition of thermogenic Black MambaCharacteristics and intended purpose of the biochemical substances of the drug
CaffeineCaffeine is the active component of the Black Mamba fat burner. This natural substance has a powerful stimulation of the autonomic and central nervous system. Caffeine increases the productivity of the training process, improves physical endurance, and adds more energy. The presence of the central nervous system stimulation effect ensures minimal sensations of physical fatigue. This substance also increases sweating and normalizes intracellular metabolism. The caffeine concentration in this thermogenic is 200 mg.
EphedraEphedra is another main component of the Black Mamba fat burner, the principle of which is to enhance the production of catecholamines. This biochemical substance acts directly on the beta-adrenergic receptors of the nervous system. The result of this physiological process is that the level of adrenaline and norepinephrine increases in the human body. These hormones are directly involved in the transformation of adipose tissue into energy reserves. The mass fraction of Ephedra in the fat burner Black Mamba is 65 mg.
SynephrineSynephrine is an auxiliary component of the thermogenic Cerna Mamba, which has biochemical properties reminiscent of ephedra. This substance enhances the effect of caffeine, and also has a slight stimulating effect on the central nervous system and has a positive effect on intracellular metabolism.
Yohimbine hydrochlorideYohimbine hydrochloride is a naturally occurring alkaloid that has pronounced fat-burning properties. This thermogenic component has a positive effect on the functions of the cerebral cortex and stimulates cognitive processes. Regular intake of this component makes it possible to obtain the effect of maximum concentration during sports training.
Geranium extractGeranium extract is an excipient of the fat burner Black Mamba, which is used to suppress appetite and hunger.
EvodiamineEvodiamine is a biologically active substance that is obtained from Evodia plants. By its nature of origin, this component is an alkaloid. In the Black Mamba preparation, evodiamine acts as a subcutaneous fat burner. If the established dosage rules are followed, this alkaloid does not pose any danger.
Sida cordifoliaExtract of the medicinal plant Sida cordifolia is used to suppress hunger and reduce appetite.

Composition of the fat burner Black Mamba
The composition of the Black Mamba drug is a unique fat-burning formula that allows you to achieve an excellent weight loss effect in the shortest possible period of time. At the same time, there is no negative impact on the functional activity of internal organs.

The only exceptions are people suffering from severe chronic diseases.

How does it work?

According to the manufacturers, the drug “Black Mamba” has three main effects on the body:

Type of impactProcesses occurring in the body
Weight lossIncreases blood circulation. All functions in the body will be performed faster. This promotes fat burning.
During your workout, you will produce more sweat, which means it will be more effective. Along with sweat, all the fluid unnecessary for the body will come out.
Your appetite will decrease significantly. Accordingly, the body will receive fewer calories and spend more.
Some substances stimulate the functioning of the stomach and intestines.
Activation of the sympathetic nervous system (adrenaline production)Blood flow will flow better to the brain. A person will be able to notice that his mental abilities are becoming better.
Extracts of exotic plants have a positive effect on the functioning of certain organs. A few minutes after taking the capsule, the bronchi expand, the blood vessels narrow, the heart functions faster, and the pulse quickens.
A person becomes more resilient. His physical indicators are noticeably improving.
Emotional conditionThe consumer will gain unprecedented self-confidence. He will feel that he can achieve what he could not achieve before.
He will be in a good mood for a long time. This happens due to the accelerated production of the happiness hormone.
A surge of strength will appear. A person will be able to perform several times more tasks.
The level of vigor will increase. The consumer will get enough sleep faster.

The drug "Black Mamba" has a short-term effect - from 4 to 6 hours. After this time, the condition returns to normal. Many buyers compare this state with alcoholic intoxication. However, it has less of a negative reaction on the body and you don’t feel unwell afterwards.

The principle of operation and effectiveness of the fat burner Black Mamba

Fat burner Black Mamba has a double effect on the human body. This is the effectiveness of the product, and therefore it has gained great popularity among not only ordinary people, but also experienced athletes.

The main property is rapid weight loss due to the launch of biochemical processes in the body:

  1. Acceleration of metabolism.
  2. Removing unnecessary fluid from the body.
  3. Stimulates digestion.
  4. Decreased appetite.
  5. Active burning of fat deposits during sports activities.

The second action is a thermogenic, which increases body temperature and activates the human sympathetic nervous system. Thus, adrenaline and norepinephrine increase. From this we can conclude that a person taking Black Mamba immediately goes into a kind of “combat mode” due to changes in some physical indicators:

  1. Gastrointestinal motility and secretion are reduced.
  2. Heart rate and breathing increase.
  3. The bronchi expand.
  4. The blood vessels begin to narrow and the pressure rises.
  5. Glycogen is converted into glucose, and therefore a person begins to be active, which helps to burn off excess calories.
  6. Mental abilities increase.
  7. Physical indicators increase.

All of these actions have significant effects on the nervous system. 20 minutes after taking Black Mamba, each person will feel:

  1. A surge of energy, vigor and strength.
  2. Improved mood.
  3. Pleasure from physical activity.
  4. Efficiency will increase.

It is important to note that the state of euphoria will last up to 6 hours depending on the individual parameters of the body.

Important! The state that a person enters after taking the Black Mamba capsule is called “flight or fight.” This is an irresistible desire to start physical activity. If this desire is not fulfilled, the person may become aggressive. Therefore, it is advisable to take the drug only before starting a workout.

How to use?

As mentioned earlier, “Black Mamba” is one of the most effective drugs that promote weight loss and comprehensive cleansing of the body from toxic substances and excess fluid.

A positive effect will be achieved only if the consumer adheres to the correct regimen for taking the drug.


Capsules are for internal use only. According to the instructions, it is recommended to consume them on an empty stomach, no later than half an hour before meals.

People can take the drug in two ways:

  • One capsule per day, only in the morning (general course of administration – 90 days (3 months)).
  • Two capsules per day, in the morning and in the afternoon (general course of administration – 45 days (1.5 months)).

In both cases, in the first three days you need to take strictly one capsule at a time, so that it is easier for the body to adapt to the new regime.

For greater effectiveness, it is recommended to take 2 capsules per day. Each of them needs to be washed down with plenty of water. The first of them is absorbed in the morning on an empty stomach, and the second - 45 minutes before lunch. Typically, experienced athletes adhere to this scheme.

How much should I take?

The general course of taking the drug is different. Depending on the daily dose of capsules, it can last from 1.5 to 3 months. This is how long one course lasts. If during this time the desired result is not achieved, then you can repeat the course. A break of at least 2 weeks is required between them.

General recommendations for use

  • An effective consequence after taking the capsule is the release of fluid through the skin. To strengthen it, you need to drink as much clean water as possible - up to 2.5 liters of water per day.
  • During the “treatment” it is better to give up any bad habits (alcohol and smoking). They will put additional stress on the body, and accordingly, the benefits will be significantly lower.
  • It is recommended to combine taking capsules with moderate physical activity and spa treatments.
  • Another important point is to maintain proper nutrition . If you eat too much junk food, a positive result will not be achieved.

We remind you that after taking the drug, your mood will noticeably improve and a charge of vigor will appear. Therefore, it is not advisable to take it earlier than 6 hours before bedtime.


The Black Mamba fat burner comes with instructions for use, which you must read first, not missing the slightest nuance. The more accurately you follow it, the greater the effect you will achieve.

Reception regimens

  1. The only way to use Black Mamba is to take it orally on an empty stomach.
  2. The first 4 days - 1 capsule per day in the morning, approximately 40 minutes before breakfast.
  3. In the absence of side effects and with normal tolerance, starting from the 5th day, the dosage can be increased to 2 capsules.
  4. Take the next one in the afternoon, shortly before lunch.
  5. The course is 2-3 months.
  6. After this, you need to take a break from taking the fat burner for 2 to 4 weeks and see how the body reacts to it. If you don’t notice any dependence, you can take another 1 course.


  1. Go through a medical examination - make sure that you are healthy and nothing prevents you from using the fat burner.
  2. Do not combine with alcohol or caffeinated drinks.
  3. Do not use in parallel with other sports dietary supplements for weight loss. Although fat burner products can continue to be included in the diet.
  4. It is not necessary to go on a diet, but it is advisable to organize proper nutrition, giving up fast food, fatty foods, and soda.
  5. You need to take the second capsule no later than 6 hours before bedtime, otherwise you are guaranteed insomnia.
  6. It is necessary to increase daily water consumption to 2-2.5 liters, as the drug promotes intense sweating.
  7. At the same time, you can take a course of multivitamins.

Recently, Black Mamba has become increasingly controversial. Thus, some athletes claim that the capsules are ideally combined with sports nutrition (protein shakes, for example). Others believe that this is unacceptable, since the effects of these drugs are multidirectional and weaken each other. There is no consensus on this matter. You can consult a fitness trainer, but it’s better not to try such experiments on your own.

Side effects

The British product is not as safe as it might seem.

After taking it, a number of unwanted side effects may occur:

  • Complete insomnia may occur . It will be difficult for a person to fall asleep during a course of taking capsules and for several days after its completion.
  • It is worth carefully reading its composition. Extracts of some plants can cause an allergic reaction, presented in the form of a rash, redness, itching or mild irritation.
  • Infrequent cases of pain in the abdomen , heart, and limbs have been recorded. You may also experience dizziness or nausea.
  • A normal phenomenon is a change in psychological state (the appearance of vigor and self-confidence). Some people experienced the opposite effect (depression and anxiety).
  • Severe increase in heart rate (tachycardia).

The appearance of side effects indicates that the drug is not suitable for the person. The course of taking it must be stopped immediately.


There are a number of reasons why Black Mamba capsules should not be taken:

  • Early age. The drug is allowed only to mature persons whose age has reached 18 years. Accordingly, it is not suitable for pregnant women and nursing mothers.
  • Strict contraindications – high blood pressure, cardiac dysfunction, high body temperature, general malaise.
  • You should not take the drug for any chronic disease , especially diabetes, liver or kidney pathology, diseases of the nervous system, problems with the thyroid gland.
  • Individual intolerance to a component included in its composition (allergy)
  • Hypertension.

Even if the consumer feels well, he first needs to do an examination and talk with a specialist about taking this drug. Any discomfort is a reason to stop taking the capsules.

Are there any analogues?

“Black Mamba” is a far from cheap, but very effective British product. Accordingly, many people have a question about whether there are cheaper analogues for it.

Fortunately, American scientists have developed several originals with a similar composition: Black Widow (Black Spider), SummerTime, Hellfire or Anadrox Pump&Burn.

Anadrox Pump&Burn

Black Spider

hell fire

Summer Time

What is the price?

Another important point for any consumer is the cost of the product. 90 capsules of “Black Mamba” cost from 2,000 to 4,000 rubles.

Grueling diets, heavy loads - all this is no longer modern. An effective weight loss product called “Black Mamba”, created by British manufacturers, can significantly speed up the weight loss process. Thus, the consumer’s life will become noticeably more colorful and simpler.


Reviews of the drug Black Mamba:

Alexandrova Anastasia

Nutrition and healthy lifestyle specialist and author of myfitnesblog.com. For many years, she has successfully helped women and men lose weight and maintain a beautiful figure.

Black Mamba Hyperrush by Innovative[edit | edit code]

Manufacturer's description[edit | edit code]

Black Mamba Hyperrush Innovative Diet labs

- one of the best fat burners for women and men. Unlike most weight loss drugs, it “works” even with minor physical activity. Allowing you to achieve tangible results within a few days after the start of the course.



Take 1 capsule every day on an empty stomach before breakfast. After a week, the portion can be increased to 2 capsules. Do not take more than 2 capsules per day.

Composition[edit | edit code]

  • Caffeine anhydrous – 200 mg;
  • ephedran (ephedra extract containing ephedrine) – 65 mg;
  • other components – 180 mg: phenylethylamine;
  • black tea extract;
  • green tea extract;
  • phenylalanine;
  • triiodothyronine;
  • theobromine (as cocoa extract);
  • green coffee extract;
  • orange extract (source of synephrine);
  • griffonia extract (hydroxytryptophan);
  • yohimbine;
  • piperine (an alkaloid from pepper).

Efficiency[edit | edit code]

There is no doubt that with this composition, Black Mamba has a pronounced stimulating effect on the entire body. Its main components are caffeine and ephedra extract containing ephedrine. Other active ingredients have a similar effect - they stimulate metabolism, the central nervous system, physical endurance and mental activity to varying degrees. It is best to fight excess weight with the help of Black Mamba in the gym, but the supplement is also quite suitable for “sofa” weight loss.

It really has a complex effect on the body: it reduces appetite, stimulates heat exchange, enhances metabolism and has a direct fat-burning effect. It is unlikely that you will lose 15 kg per month, but you will certainly get rid of 2-3 kilograms of fat, and with regular training it is quite possible to achieve even more serious weight loss.

Side effects[edit | edit code]

First of all, people suffering from heart and vascular diseases should be careful when using Black Mamba. This combination of stimulants can cause a person to:

  • heartbeat;
  • heart rhythm disturbance;
  • heartache;
  • increase in pressure.

Other side effects are unpleasant, but less dangerous to health:

  • sweating;
  • anxiety;
  • insomnia;
  • anxiety;
  • abdominal pain;
  • nausea;
  • increased breathing.

Considering the composition, it is likely that Black Mamba becomes addictive, contrary to the sellers’ statements, so it is not recommended to take it for 3 months continuously. It is necessary to take a break every month and a half. Addiction leads to the fact that the effectiveness of the supplement decreases, and you no longer get the results you expected from taking it. But if you resume the course after a break of at least 2-3 weeks, Black Mamba will again stimulate your body, as in the first days of its use.

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