Real reviews of Lotus fat burner from Regeneration Pharm

The principle of operation and composition of the Lotus fat burner

The composition of the Lotus fat burner is distinguished by natural and healthy ingredients, which in combination with each other really give good results in losing weight.

Let's start analyzing the composition and the effect of each component on the body.

  • Ephedra is an ingredient that has a thermogenic effect; it helps suppress appetite, normalizes eating habits, and helps you feel full with a minimum amount of food.
  • Geranium is a stimulant of the central nervous system, it enhances concentration, and also improves overall well-being during training and increases endurance. In combination with ephedra, geranium helps reduce hunger.
  • Caffeine – promotes the active production of adrenaline and norepinephrine, increases performance, improves endurance.
  • Citrsium Oligophilum is an adrenaline stimulant that has a similar effect to caffeine.
  • Beta-Phenylethylamine – improves mood and well-being, increases concentration and brain function.
  • Dandelion root – helps remove excess fluid, toxins and waste from the body. Eliminates the process of swelling.
  • Yohimbine - helps maintain continuous lipolysis by suppressing receptors that inhibit fat burning processes.

Each component in the Regfarm fat burner fully copes with its responsibilities, helps reduce fat mass, and improves relief. Without interacting with each other, it is difficult to achieve such an effect, which is why manufacturers made sure that only the best and natural components for the fat burning process are present in the composition.

Contraindications and side effects

There are several contraindications to the use of Lotus fat burner that you need to become familiar with:

  • Pregnant women;
  • Children under 18 years of age;
  • Breastfeeding period;
  • Individual intolerance to the composition of the drug;
  • Disturbances in the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  • Kidney and liver diseases.

These contraindications indicate that the body is unable to adequately perceive these components and can provoke a number of side effects. Among them we note:

  • Apathy;
  • Impaired performance;
  • Drowsiness;
  • Decreased immunity;
  • Painful condition;
  • Pain in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Nausea, vomiting.

Side effects can manifest themselves in different ways, the main thing is to recognize the body’s negative reaction in time and stop taking it in order to avoid deterioration of well-being. Before taking the product, you should consult with a specialist who will determine all the risks of the fat-burning drug.

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When using Fat Burner Lotus, you should exclude coffee and other drinks that contain substances that excite the nervous system from the menu.

Fat burners Instant Knockout, Biotech Mega and Apocalypse Hardcore Fat Burner give results only in combination with a thoughtfully designed diet and regular exercise.

Before starting a course of the drug, it is advisable to consult a specialized doctor.

Main contraindications:

  • Periods of waiting for a child and breastfeeding a baby,
  • Tendency to high blood pressure,
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver and cardiovascular system,
  • Age category under 18 years old.

Possible side effects while taking Fat Burner Lotus:

  • Dizziness,
  • Feeling of indigestion in the stomach,
  • Vomiting.

If unpleasant reactions of the body are detected, it is necessary to adjust the dosage or stop the course of the drug.

How to take fat burner "Lotus"?

Fat burner Lotus from Regeneration Pharm requires compliance with certain rules when taking capsules. The manufacturer allows taking 1 capsule 30 minutes before training or before meals. It is strictly forbidden to exceed the dosage of more than 3 capsules per day, because in this case serious consequences will arise that interfere with the quality of life. To check the body’s reaction and tolerability of the drug, in the first week you need to limit yourself to 1 capsule, then you can increase the dosage to two capsules.

In order not to provoke side effects, you must follow the following recommendations and rules for taking fat burners:

  • If the body is sensitive, it is necessary to check its reaction and observe changes after the first capsule. If there is no negative reaction, then no side effects will occur during the course.
  • If you feel weak, lose appetite, or generally feel unwell, you do not need to take the drug.
  • Taking the fat burner with alcohol or energy drinks is strictly prohibited.
  • Additionally, experts recommend taking a vitamin-mineral complex, which will increase the body’s immunity.
  • Along with the capsules, it is necessary to include cardio training in your work, which will speed up the fat burning process.

Only these rules will help you achieve the desired effect in losing weight, speed up the fat burning process, and normalize the necessary processes without harm to the body.

After watching this video, you will make your fat burner work 100%:

We recommend that you seek the selection of sports nutrition for weight loss >>

Real reviews of Lotus from Reg Pharm

Lotus tablets have many reviews from athletes who use this drug to improve athletic performance and tighten their body.

Pavel, 33 years old:

I take the drug in the morning and before training, one capsule at a time, and it really works. After taking it, I feel stronger and ready to work hard in training for two. It feels like I drank an energy drink. Previously, I drank a fat burner every other time before training, now regularly! After it, endurance and strength really appear, and there is more desire to train. I lost 5 kg with it, and this is a great result. Because the muscles have become more pronounced and beautiful. There was no such effect before taking it.

Ilona, ​​29 years old:

I give the drug an A! The fat burns, the abs are visible, the result is super! I lost noticeable weight during the course of taking it, took one tablet in the morning, the second on the training days before it. There were no side effects, everything was great. Trained 100%.

Maxim, 38 years old:

If you want to lose weight by training in the gym, then I advise you to try this fat burner. The only thing that it will be effective only with regular exercise, I noticed for myself. With it you can train for half an hour longer, you have enough energy and strength. There is no nausea, no dizziness, you feel confident during training. Lost 4 kg.

Olga, 31 years old:

This is just the best thing I've ever tried. I noticed results from the first day! I drank before the workout and didn’t even notice how I came to the end of it, because I still had a lot of energy! It’s difficult to explain that with Lotus you lose weight before your eyes, and you work in the gym like you don’t belong. Now I have a beautiful and dry body, I can go straight to the stage.

Even more real photos before and after taking the Lotus fat burner:

Reviews of fat burner Lotus from Regeneration Pharm

“I didn’t think I’d write this, but it works! I take Lotus fat burner capsules in the morning, and sometimes I add another one before training. The thing is very tough, in terms of the fact that it rushes wildly! This is comparable to a heavy dose of caffeine, when you concentrate like a sniper scope and out of nowhere gains + 100 horsepower) It is for this reason that I began to drink it before training. More endurance, strength and overall buzz! In 2 weeks the scales began to show -6 kg! I'm freaking out. This has never happened before!”

“The fat is a solid 5. The price is quite affordable, especially since it contains 90 capsules. I take it 1 day at a time, so that’s enough for 2 courses. During the first course, I noticeably lost weight, especially in the stomach and sides, this is my most problematic area ((I tolerated the intake well, although usually the burners make my heart pound. It gives a lot of energy and quickly removes water. You dry out before your eyes.”

“I’m happy to advise, but only to those who have experience taking ephedrine and dmaa. I was ready and tolerated the fattop perfectly! I felt a mad drive and a good mood. But my girlfriend, who tried Zhirotop for the first time, got nausea and felt unwell. Let me note that I don’t blame Lotus and Regfarm! The fattop is excellent! It just needs to be taken wisely and by prepared people.”

“-10 kg for two courses of taking Lotus! What a cool thing Regeneration Pharm did! I was waiting for the release of this fat, because I immediately fell in love with its composition. I have a lot of drying experience behind me, but no supplement has helped me like this one. No apathy, rabid appetite or torment. I drank it for 1.5 months, dried up to 51 kg from 58 without problems! Thanks to the addition of prot and BCAA, the muscles did not go away either. I took a break for 1.5 months and then drank another 1.5 fatty drinks, during which I lost another 4 kg. The body is super lean, decent shape for performing!”

As you can see from the reviews of the Lotus fat burner, it is recommended only for experienced users to take it! We advise you to adhere to this rule and start getting acquainted with similar products with lighter formulations. Well, Lotus will be just a godsend for athletes with drying experience!

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