Bodyflex exercises for weight loss - the most detailed guide!

Bodyflex[edit | edit code]


is a charlatan system of exercises aimed at losing weight by stretching muscles, combined with a certain breathing technique.
As many trainers claim, you breathe and lose weight, without “special sacrifices in nutrition.”[1][2][3][4] However, in practice this bodyflex does not work

In reality, bodyflex is a commercial scam

, which does not help weight loss at all and does not live up to its stated promises. Bodyflex is advocated and promoted by numerous trainers and organizations who benefit from it personally. There is no medical reason to believe that breathing practice and muscle stretching will significantly affect your figure, much less the condition of your skin. The research claimed by the authors does not exist! In 2003, in the United States, bodyflex founder Grig Childers and her company were hit with a major lawsuit for making false promises to their clients.[5][6] After a trial in 2004 in which the bodyflex marketing company paid $2.6 million to the plaintiff,[7] Grig Childers disappeared from television screens until 2006 and then appeared with a new training program, without any mention of bodyflex.[ 8] In Russia, bodyflex quackery continues to flourish and develop unhindered.

The absurdity of the idea of ​​aerobic respiration is that fats can only be oxidized if there is a lack of energy. If you eat and expend the same amount of energy as usual, then the oxygen entering the blood will not oxidize the substrate. This is just idle lung function and a placebo effect, otherwise bodyflex doesn’t work!

The most famous bodyflex trainer in Russia is Marina Korpan. She doesn’t just conduct bodyflex classes, she has developed her own system for making money,[9][10] which has virtually no restrictions. This method is not supported by science and official medicine and can be dangerous for people with diseases such as glaucoma, high blood and intracranial pressure, thrombosis, etc.

And here bodyflex comes to the rescue

Let's figure out what this miracle method is. A special set of exercises is based on aerobic breathing and is aimed at stretching the necessary muscle groups. Fat burning occurs due to the enrichment of blood with oxygen. Proper deep breathing and tension of a certain muscle group will allow you to burn fat in the right places (waist, buttocks, thighs).

It all happens as follows: you perform special breathing exercises (inhale, exhale, then draw in your stomach and hold your breath, take a stretching pose, count to ten, then inhale and relax as you exhale). As you can see, there is nothing complicated about bodyflex exercises. The main thing here is to master aerobic breathing technique.

The founder of this method, Greer Childers, claims that bodyflex is a universal technique that allows you to maintain the body and the entire organism in excellent condition.

Stated operating principle[edit | edit code]

Marina Korpan. First lesson. Bodyflex.

The bodyflex system is based on a combination of deep diaphragmatic breathing with special physical exercises. Moreover, according to Marina Korpan, you can stand in any position by doing a breathing exercise and lose weight. Allegedly, after exhalation, oxygen is directed to the place of tension or tension in the muscle, as a result of which the fat near this muscle begins to be consumed. However, you can see for yourself that without diet and additional physical activity, your weight will not change even after several months of exercise. To which bodyflex adherents will tell you that you did not follow the breathing technique correctly or will refer to certain metabolic characteristics of your body.


In addition, it is suggested to perform a breathing exercise: pulling your stomach under your ribs (the “vacuum in the stomach” exercise), as a result of which the volume of your stomach decreases significantly, and after several sessions you will notice that you can no longer eat as much as before.

An absolute fairy tale, since the volume of the stomach cannot be reduced by breathing exercises since it is innervated by the autonomic nervous system, and the “vacuum” exercise has an effect on the abdominal muscles, but not the stomach.

You can perform stretching exercises only, without making almost any effort. On average, as trainers and many followers of the system assure, weight loss in one week is 5 kg.

Bodyflex about burning fat with stretching

Stretching exercises are not exercises for burning fat, this has long been known to everyone.

It is believed that proper breathing is very important in the bodyflex system. First, you need to exhale calmly through your mouth (to the end, so that there is no air left in your lungs), then take a sharp deep breath in through your nose, thereby filling your lungs to capacity, and exhale all the air through your mouth (until a whistling sound). After exhaling, you need to hold your breath for 8-10 seconds (during this time you are doing the exercise), and then inhale through your nose. If you are just starting to practice bodyflex, holding your breath can be much shorter. You can start with three seconds, adding a second every day. Don't torture yourself by holding your breath, it won't do you any good. Proper breathing is half the success.

False effects of the bodyflex system

  • With the help of aerobic respiration, a large amount of oxygen enters the body, which saturates the blood and, along with it, is delivered to the area of ​​tension, which contributes to the intensive breakdown of fats.
  • Bodyflex accelerates the metabolic process.
  • Bodyflex enhances lymph flow, which contributes to the accelerated removal of waste, toxins and other harmful substances from the body.
  • Bodyflex has a beneficial effect on the intensity of contraction of the stomach muscles, causing it to decrease in size over time, and, consequently, a decrease in the amount of food consumed.
  • The uniqueness of the bodyflex system is that it can effectively work in two directions: help reduce overall volumes and model individual problem areas (buttocks, hips, waist, etc.).

Results of training using the bodyflex system: loss of excess weight, reduction of volume in problem areas, reduction of cellulite; reducing nervous tension, gaining a calm state, cheerfulness; improvement of skin condition; improvement of general well-being (getting rid of snoring, constipation, migraines, “women’s” problems); general rejuvenation of the body; increasing flexibility, gaining grace; improving the functioning of the circulatory system, accelerating cleansing and digestive processes.

Three rules for a good result[edit | edit code]

Rule 1. Regularity

Only systematic training provides the necessary load on the muscles and gives the desired result. And here the intensity of the load does not matter: it is consistency that plays a decisive role.

Rule 2. Exercise on an empty stomach

A prerequisite is that all bodyflex classes are carried out only on an empty stomach. The ideal time is in the morning, immediately after waking up. If it is not possible to study in the morning, keep in mind that you can start exercising no earlier than two to three hours after your last meal. It is precisely because you exercise on an empty stomach that you will feel like your abdominal volume has decreased.

Rule 3. Refusal of strict diets

There is no need to combine bodyflex exercises with a strict diet or fasting. However, in most cases, you will be advised to limit your intake of sweets and starchy foods; in this regard, some positive effects may be observed.

Contraindications and side effects[edit | edit code]

Bodyflex exercises are contraindicated in the following cases:

  • for severe cardiovascular pathologies (heart failure 3-4FK, pulmonary hypertension, aortic aneurysm);
  • with increased intracranial pressure, cerebral aneurysms;
  • if implants are installed in the spine;
  • after spinal surgery (at least a year must pass after surgery);
  • in the presence of acute inflammatory and infectious diseases (temporary limitation);
  • during exacerbation (relapse) of chronic diseases (during remission it is possible, and sometimes necessary, to do bodyflex);
  • for tumor diseases;
  • with bleeding (any location);
  • during pregnancy.

Basic bodyflex exercises[edit | edit code]


" After doing the breathing exercise, place your palms together in front of you. In this case, your shoulders should be straightened and your forearms strictly parallel to the floor. You should feel the tension in your pectoral and arm muscles.


" Starting position – sitting on the floor, legs spread apart. The back is slightly tilted back, the hands behind the back rest on the floor. After doing the breathing exercise, stretch forward while keeping your back straight.


" Starting position – standing on all fours. The back is strictly parallel to the floor. After doing the breathing exercise, arch your back upward as if you were hanging on a hook. After counting, return to the starting position.


Take measurements at the beginning of classes

  • Bodyflex is ideal for mothers who want to recover after childbirth, very busy women and simply those who want to achieve ideal proportions.
  • It is aimed at burning extra centimeters in problem areas. Many Bodyflex instructors advise taking measurements before starting classes in order to see your results with your own eyes.
  • You can eat whatever you want, because Bodyflex does not require strict food restrictions. But after a week, you will be pleasantly surprised that you begin to eat less often and much less. The magical power of oxygen will affect you.
  • You will feel a huge influx of energy and become full of vitality. Bodyflex is like a balm, lubricates all the springs of a ossified body and puts them into action.
  • It is especially effective for those who have been accumulating extra pounds for a long time and have loose fat deposits.

Sources[edit | edit code]


How breathing exercises work

In such gymnastics for weight loss, the respiratory process plays a key role. Until you have learned to breathe correctly, you should not even start classes, the expected result will not be achieved. Why does the combination of diaphragmatic breathing with physical activity give such a strong effect?

The Bodyflex program recommends breathing as follows: a strong sharp breath in the stomach with maximum filling of the lungs with air, then a deep exhalation and stopping breathing for a few seconds (8-10). During this delay, exercises are performed that involve various muscles of the body.

During deep and sharp inhalation, hyperventilation of the lungs occurs. The body receives the maximum amount of oxygen, which is absorbed into the blood and intensively supplied to tissue cells. After you have completely exhaled all the spent air from your lungs (in Bodyflex this must be done with special care, pushing it out, strongly drawing in your stomach), you hold your breath.

When breathing stops for a few seconds, oxygen starvation begins. A stressful situation is created for the body. Tissue cells begin to intensively use fat reserves, burning excess fat. In this case, the process of breaking down fat cells begins with problem areas of the body. Thus, the body begins to lose excess weight at an accelerated pace.

Disadvantages of gymnastics

The creator of this weight loss program points out that Bodyflex may not help everyone. If you follow all the recommendations, it will not cause harm, but the benefits of exercise will not be in all cases. Before you start, consider the following factors:

  • You need to do this gymnastics regularly. If you are determined to lose weight, this is only possible with daily exercise. Since they only take 20 minutes a day, it won't be difficult to do. If you stop training when you reach optimal results, the excess weight will return.
  • Bodyflex cannot be combined with other physical activities. If you are involved in any kind of sport, there will be no effect from this gymnastics.
  • Also, this system will not give good results if you are taking any medications. Taking medications reduces the impact of gymnastics.
  • Bodyflex is only effective if you are overweight. The number of kilograms must exceed at least five kilograms above the norm. If you are of normal weight and want to lose weight, then this program will not do it.

Bodyflex is a highly effective weight loss system, which has been proven by the creator of the program and her followers through personal experience. If you decide to lose extra pounds using this technique, carefully follow all recommendations and study all contraindications so as not to harm the body.

Basic bodyflex poses.

Basketball player

Position your body so that your knees are bent, your legs are apart, your body is tilted slightly forward, and your hands are a few centimeters above your knees.

Wide gray

Bringing your shoulder blades together, place your hands behind your back and place your palms on the floor. In this case, the face is turned upward.

Four point emphasis

This pose involves standing on the floor with emphasis on your knees and palms. In this case, your pelvis, body, arms and knees should be at right angles.

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