Chinese gymnastics "Jianfei": three effective exercises for weight loss

What is Chinese breathing exercises “Jianfei”

“Jianfei” is a Chinese breathing exercise that is practiced for the purpose of losing weight. This is evidenced by its name, which translates as “lose fat.” The Chinese have been perfecting their breathing exercises for centuries. Today it has become a part of their daily life. This is why China has a low rate of obesity among its population and a high life expectancy.

In the Soviet Union, they learned about Chinese gymnastics from the magazine “Rabotnitsa”. It was from this moment that the Jianfei exercises began to become popular. The complex includes only three universal exercises. They not only promote weight loss, but also help cope with stress and improve the health of the body.

Existing varieties of Chinese practices

  • Qigong gymnastics is often used in traditional medicine. Its key feature is its direct impact on the vital energy Qi. Thanks to deep, measured breathing, the body rejuvenates and aging slows down. Qigong exercises help avoid the development of a number of serious diseases.
  • Wushu has a beneficial effect. This type of Chinese practice, which allows you to lose weight and improve your body health, can be practiced immediately after waking up, while lying in bed.
  • Tai chi is similar to oriental dancing, because all exercises are performed slowly and without jerking. This Chinese system is based on basic self-defense techniques. Before starting a workout, experts recommend meditation.
  • Gymnastics with a towel roller. Eliminates belly and waist fat and improves posture.

Video lesson on performing ancient Tao-yin gymnastics:

The effectiveness of Jianfei gymnastics

“Jianfei” is one of the most famous, popular and effective methods for losing weight. At first glance, it is difficult to believe that performing simple exercises without any active movements can help in the fight against excess weight. However, this is true. As you know, one of the main reasons for the appearance of excess weight is stress, as people tend to “eat up” their own problems. Jianfei gymnastics helps to relax the body and calm the nerves. As a result of training, you can learn to control your emotions and cope with stressful situations on your own.

Another reason for excess weight is a disrupted metabolic process. Proper breathing, in turn, normalizes metabolism. This occurs due to the complete saturation of the body with oxygen. Also today, numerous restaurants and cafes offer consumers dishes for every taste. In most cases, not all of them are harmless, so they are soon stored as fat. If you practice Chinese breathing exercises, the constant need for snacks will disappear and you will eat only when it is really necessary.

Thanks to Jianfei gymnastics, appetite decreases and the feeling of hunger disappears

Numerous reviews confirm that after just a few days of daily exercise, the weight begins to come off. And after two to three months you can get rid of up to 12 kg of excess weight. At the same time, a number of positive changes are observed in the body:

  • acid-base, water-salt balance is normalized;
  • tissue gas exchange is restored;
  • excess weight is reduced through lipid oxidation;
  • the body rejuvenates;
  • appetite is regulated;
  • blood circulation improves;
  • metabolism accelerates;
  • relieves fatigue and nervous tension;
  • body cells are saturated with oxygen;
  • the tissue repair mechanism is launched;
  • immunity is strengthened.

Chinese gymnastics - why is it so effective in losing weight

Jianfei is rightfully considered one of the best gymnastics for weight loss. Its effectiveness is associated with the elimination of the two main causes of excess weight.

The first reason is stress, leading to overeating and accumulation of excess fat. It's no secret that many people start eating more in order to calm down and relieve stress. Breathing exercises help you relax and calm your nerves without eating too much food. Training according to the Chinese method makes it easier to endure stressful situations and treat them differently.

The second reason is a violation or slowdown of metabolism. This happens for many reasons. All the same stress, hormonal changes, sedentary lifestyle - the list can go on for a long time.

The important thing is that when performing breathing exercises, more oxygen enters the body. The relationship between increasing the amount of oxygen entering the body and accelerating metabolism has been scientifically proven.

Oxygen promotes more active breakdown of fats. Thus, by increasing its intake into the body through special exercises, one can successfully enhance metabolism. The result will be a clear weight loss.

A set of gymnastics exercises “Jianfei”

To achieve your goal and get rid of excess weight, you need to master only three universal exercises. Their undoubted advantages are the easy-to-learn technique and the absence of the need for special training.


Exercise helps speed up your metabolism and relieve hunger. It is for this reason that it is recommended to perform it before or instead of meals. The exercise also prevents the appearance of weakness and dizziness, which often plague during dieting and fasting days. You can do the “Wave” while lying down, sitting, standing, and even while moving. However, those who have just started practicing Jianfei gymnastics should start from a lying position. Technique:

  1. Lie on the floor and bend your knees. The feet should be shoulder-width apart, and the hands should be on the stomach and chest.

    Both hands need to control the movements of the abdomen and chest

  2. Inhale slowly through your nose. The stomach should be pulled in as much as possible and the chest should rise. This movement resembles a wave.
  3. Exhale through your nose. The stomach should inflate and the chest should fall.

Do 40–60 reps. If you feel nauseous or dizzy, take a break or start breathing at a slower pace.


Thanks to the “Frog” exercise, blood circulation improves, metabolism and the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract are normalized. Most often, the exercise is done while sitting on a chair. It should be 35–40 cm high. The main thing is that your legs are bent at an angle of 90 degrees. It is also possible to perform the exercise in the lotus position.

The “Frog” exercise can be performed in the lotus position


  1. Make a fist with your hand. Women clench their left hand, and men clench their right hand. Place your other palm around your fist.
  2. Place your elbows on your knees.
  3. Lower your head. It should touch the thumb.
  4. Relax and try to get rid of obsessive thoughts. It is best to imagine picturesque landscapes or remember happy moments in life. Spend 1-2 minutes in a relaxed state.
  5. Take a slow breath through your nose, during which your stomach will fill with air as much as possible and inflate. Then exhale calmly.
  6. Inhale again, but now when your stomach is filled with air, hold your breath for 2 seconds. Next, inhale briefly again and exhale, drawing in your stomach.

Alternate regular breaths and breaths with delays for 15 minutes. When you are finished, do not stand up abruptly. You should do three approaches a day for 15 minutes, especially for those who are actively losing weight. If you have had surgery, do not do the Frog exercise for the first three months after surgery. If you suffer from diseases of the cardiovascular system and gastrointestinal tract, then fill your stomach with air not completely, but 10–20%.


This exercise calms the nerves, helps cope with stress and relieves fatigue. It is performed in the lotus position or sitting on a chair. If you do the exercise on a chair, do not lean on its back. The back should be straight, shoulders down, and eyes closed. The tip of the tongue should touch the palate behind the teeth. Relax your arms and place one palm on top of the other (for women, the left one is on top, and for men, the right one). Point your palms up.

Lotus pose tones the back muscles and improves blood circulation

Before you start doing the exercise, relax for a couple of minutes and think about something pleasant. You can imagine picturesque landscapes or your cherished dreams. Next, start doing the exercise. It consists of three stages:

  1. You need to breathe slowly and deeply through your nose. Do this naturally, lowering and lifting your stomach and chest so that it is barely noticeable. The stage lasts five minutes. You need to be in complete control of every inhalation and exhalation.
  2. Stop controlling your inhalations and control only your exhalations. Inhale naturally and exhale slowly and quietly. The stage also lasts five minutes.
  3. Stop controlling your breath too. Breathe naturally, without thinking about the length of your inhalation and its depth. At the same time, you should feel your own breathing, relax and not pay attention to extraneous thoughts. The stage lasts 15 minutes, but if desired, it can be extended to 50 minutes.

Do three approaches in one day. You can immediately after you have done the “Frog” exercises, as well as after waking up or before going to bed.

Video: set of gymnastics exercises “Jianfei”

Chinese gymnastics – “Wave” exercise

With the help of "Wave" you can successfully control your appetite. Its implementation helps reduce the feeling of hunger and the amount of food consumed. Unpleasant sensations associated with reducing the amount of calories consumed do not occur during Jianfei classes. The “Wave” exercise also helps great in cases where you want to eat too much.

You can perform the exercise both sitting and lying down. It is more convenient to do it from a lying position.

Starting position: lying down, legs bent at the knees, feet parallel to each other and resting on the floor. Place your right hand on your chest and your right hand on your stomach.

First, while inhaling, fill your chest with air, while drawing in your stomach. Exhaling, draw in your chest, while inflating your stomach. You should try to fill your stomach more, but without unnecessary tension.

Form a “wave” through alternating inhalations and exhalations and, accordingly, fillings and retractions. The breathing rhythm should be natural. If dizziness occurs, you need to slow down the frequency slightly.

In total, you should perform 40 breathing cycles, that is, inhalations and exhalations. Inhalation and exhalation are counted as one cycle.

Recommendations for increasing the effectiveness of gymnastics

Jianfei gymnastics is an extremely effective tool in the fight against extra pounds. But to achieve results, you need not only to learn how to breathe correctly, but also to adjust some habits. Breathing exercises help reduce appetite, so you need to reduce the calorie content of food in your diet by giving up unhealthy foods, namely: sugar, fast food, baked goods, canned food, etc. Eat more healthy cereals, as well as vegetables and fruits. Buy only fresh meat and cook it yourself.

Proper nutrition will allow you to gain vitality, work more efficiently and stock up on the necessary energy.

During gymnastics, we just breathe and relax. Therefore, in no case should we forget about the importance of active physical training. It is necessary to go jogging or walking two to three times a week. It is also useful to ride a bicycle, practice Nordic walking or any other sports. Only by combining the daily practice of Jianfei gymnastics with a healthy diet and active physical activity, you will not only easily get rid of excess weight, but also improve the physical and emotional state of your body.

When losing weight, exercise should provide sufficient energy loss and be regular.

Chinese gymnastics - wish fulfillment

Getting rid of extra pounds is the dream of many women. Its implementation is often hampered by lack of time and household chores. Quite often, banal laziness prevents you from fulfilling your dream. Therefore, the only difficult stage in performing unique gymnastics for weight loss will be overcoming laziness.

The main condition for obtaining the desired result should be regularity of execution. You need to do breathing exercises for weight loss every day. Only in this case the first result will be in 3 days.

Recommendations and contraindications for Jianfei classes

at all necessary to perform the entire jianfei complex at once. Each of the three exercises has its own focus and can, depending on the needs and individual characteristics of the body, be used at different times and in different quantities.

For example, to regulate appetite and muffle the feeling of hunger, use the “Wave” exercise. “Lotus” and “Frog” help cure chronic diseases, strengthen the immune system and maintain health. These exercises can be done separately throughout the day. Create a personal schedule for breathing exercises, taking into account significant problems in your body.

Like any unusual load, breathing exercises can cause some discomfort and complications. If you feel discomfort while doing exercises, be sure to consult a doctor. In addition, people with hypertension, spinal diseases, and stones in the gall bladder and kidneys should not get too carried away with any type of breathing exercises. You should also be wary of such activities for children and the elderly.

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Chinese gymnastics – Lotus exercise

“Lotus” perfectly relieves fatigue, normalizes metabolic processes, thereby promoting active weight loss. Acts as a general strengthening and tonic.

You can do “Lotus” while sitting on a chair, like “Frog”. You can do it while sitting on the floor with your legs crossed.

Your hands should also be in a certain position: place your left palm on top of your right. This is for women, men fold their hands the other way around. The hands folded in this way are lowered to the feet.

Keep your back straight while performing, without straining. Relax and lower your shoulders, remove your chest, chin down, close your eyes, lightly touch the roof of your mouth with your tongue. Relax completely.

Exercise "Frog"

  • When: at any time, especially after heavy physical or mental stress.
  • How to: Start by sitting on a chair with your feet shoulder-width apart. Clench your left hand into a fist and clasp it with your right, your elbows should rest on your knees, and your head should rest on your fist.
  • How to do it: Relax your body, close your eyes and clear your mind. As you inhale, tighten your abdominal muscles, and as you exhale, on the contrary, relax. Perform for 15 minutes 3 times a day.

  • Contraindications: internal bleeding, menstrual or postoperative period.
  • Benefits: massaging internal organs, improving metabolism and blood circulation, excellent complexion, cheerful well-being.

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