Ectomorph, mesomorph, endomorph - how to determine your body type

Sheldon classification

William Sheldon (1898-1977) - American psychologist and physician. He is known for his works describing the relationship between a person’s body type, his character and mental disorders. In the forties of the last century, Sheldon analyzed 4,000 photographs of young men. In the photographs, each person was photographed from three positions - front, side, back. When studying the resulting images, the scientist introduced the concept of somatotype.

The term defines the type of body structure, characterized by three indicators : skeletal development, volume of muscle tissue and the presence of subcutaneous fat. Their combination underlies three somatotypes: endomorphic, mesomorphic, ectomorphic.

Sheldon's classification was not revolutionary, as it was based on the typology of the German psychiatrist Ernst Kretschmer, but it had differences. Kretschmer argued that all people can be classified into three clear categories. But by the thirties of the twentieth century it became clear that the theory was untenable - most of it did not fall into the designated categories.

Sheldon's somatotyping differed from the work of his German colleague in that it assumed the existence of not only three main body types, but also many transitional ones. That's why Sheldon's typology has become so popular.

But, despite its wide distribution, the classification of the American scientist also had its opponents. Many researchers disagreed with Sheldon. The main argument of critics was that the body changes over the years, which means the somatotyping system should be modified.

In addition, the technique was not suitable for determining the figure of children and had errors in the classification of female somatotypes. In the end, scientists came to a unanimous opinion - Sheldon’s typology is conditionally suitable for the final assessment of the physique of people 20-25 years old who lead a normal lifestyle and have a normal diet.

Diet for weight loss

The problem with loving sweets is only partly its high calorie content - a spoonful of sugar contains about 15 kcal, which is not that much. However, after digestion of simple carbohydrates, the level of glucose in the blood first rises sharply, then sharply decreases, giving rise to a “false” feeling of hunger.

In turn, to utilize glucose, the body produces the hormone insulin. Regular consumption of fast carbohydrates against the backdrop of a sedentary lifestyle leads to an excess of insulin - and a decrease in sensitivity to it. As a result, type 2 diabetes mellitus develops.

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Trying to lose weight, endomorph women often go on a weight loss diet - abruptly refusing to eat. However, this leads to an increase in the hormone ghrelin - and an uncontrollable feeling of hunger. A separate problem is posed by leptin, a hormone produced in internal fat.

Proper nutrition for endomorphs

A successful nutrition strategy for endomorph women is to constantly maintain a low-carbohydrate diet, which consists of avoiding baked goods, sweets and other fast carbohydrates as much as possible, increasing the amount of vegetables and fiber in the diet, as well as minimizing saturated animal fats.

Also, periodic fasting days and intermittent fasting - for example, the 16/8 diet (if there are no contraindications) - will also benefit your metabolism. This will not only improve glucose metabolism and reduce sugar cravings, but will also teach the body to naturally use reserve reserves and fat deposits.

Characteristics of the ectomorphic type

Features of the body constitution:

  • equal ratio of the width of the pelvis and shoulders;
  • short body and disproportionately long limbs;
  • thin bones;
  • low content of subcutaneous fat deposits;
  • underdeveloped muscles;
  • narrow thoracic region;
  • weak joints and poorly stretched ligaments.

Women with this type of figure stand out for their thinness and slenderness. The muscles are poorly expressed, angular outlines predominate in the body. As a rule, most female models are ectomorphs.

The character strengths of people with such a figure include logical thinking, a constant desire for new knowledge, and systematization of surrounding processes. Therefore, ectomorphs can reveal themselves in those activities that require attention, analysis, organizing information, and working with technical documents.

People with an ectomorphic body type find it difficult to gain muscle volume, so it is advisable for them to abandon aerobic training and devote all their attention to regular strength training with weights. It is recommended to adhere to the following principles:

  1. Duration . Due to the small reserve of muscle endurance, ectomorphs need to train for no more than 1.5 hours. If you load your muscles for longer, the opposite effect may occur: stopping progress and losing your already low weight.
  2. Frequency . The number of visits to the gym largely depends on the person’s work. If your work activity involves heavy physical activity, then you should train 2 times a week; if not, 3 times.
  3. Training methodology . The basis of the program is strength exercises: squats, deadlifts, bench press. It is advisable to train large muscle groups no more than once a week. Number of approaches and repetitions: 3–4, 8–10.

An important factor for success in gaining weight is rest. Ectomorph muscles take a long time to recover, so pauses between training elements should be from 2 to 3 minutes, and breaks between classes should be at least a day. On recovery days, you need to get enough sleep and, if possible, minimize physical activity.

One of the reasons that prevents an ectomorph from gaining weight is a high metabolism. Therefore, food “for weight” should be high in calories. Recommendations:

  1. The basis of the menu is complex carbohydrates (50% of the entire diet). These products include: millet, rice, oatmeal, buckwheat, whole grain bread, premium pasta.
  2. The ratio of proteins and fats is approximately in equal proportions - 25% of the entire menu.
  3. Fractional diet. You should eat 5-6 times a day, every 2-3 hours.

The recommended calorie intake for male ectomorphs is 3000–3300 kcal/day, for girls — 2200–2400 kcal/day. Gainers and creatine can be used as a dietary supplement.

Famous ectomorph bodybuilders: Arnold Schwarzenegger, Frank Zane, Flex Wheeler, Sue Gafner.

Description and characteristics of types according to Sheldon

Sheldon identified seventeen dimensions, calculated on a seven-point scale. These measurements are described in terms of three main indicators.

Description of somatotypes according to Sheldon:

  1. Endomorph physique (looks like 7−1−1 in the table) - these are people who have overdeveloped internal organs and have excess body weight due to fat deposits. People who have a reserve of strength and endurance, but are susceptible to bouts of fatigue. The body shape is round, there is a predisposition to obesity. The figure is pear-shaped. Endomorphs have a slow metabolism, which is why they have problems losing excess weight.
  2. Mesomorph physique (1−7−1) - people with a proportionally developed body, well-developed physically and mentally stable. These people have a slender figure, which is given to them by nature. They have a normal amount of body fat, which is distributed evenly throughout the body. Metabolism works exactly with the efficiency to make it easy to build muscle mass, develop muscles, and lose excess weight. It is considered the most successful and harmonious type of human build.
  3. Physique ectomorph (1−1−7) - people with underdeveloped internal organs, low body weight, fragile and delicate physique. Ectomorphs are energetic and active people who do not have special endurance or strength qualities. The body is long, elongated, with long limbs, often elongated fingers. The muscle mass is poorly developed, the bones are thin and narrow. Even without exercise, such people have a small fat reserve. The biggest problem for this type in training is gaining weight and muscle growth.

It is clear that such extremes as a clear type are extremely rare. Usually people have a mixed build. So, someone may have more of a mesomorph, but also have traits of other types. How each of them is expressed in a particular person is shown by these three numbers.

Characteristics of the mesomorphic type

Features of the body constitution:

  • the shoulder girdle is much wider than the hips;
  • proportional structure;
  • strong bones;
  • minimal presence of subcutaneous fat;
  • well developed muscles.

Mesomorph women have a dense physique, and the volume is formed mainly due to muscle tissue, rather than fat accumulation. The circumference of the chest and hips is approximately the same, the waist is narrow. Overall, the figure resembles an hourglass - the most desirable silhouette among the fair sex.

Distinctive character traits of the mesomorphic type are self-confidence, courage, adventurism, assertiveness, and the desire for leadership. Therefore, such individuals feel good in leadership positions, in business, and in professional sports.

People with a mesomorphic physique are predisposed to strength training. They easily gain muscle volume and increase strength. Features of the training:

  1. The basis of the classes are weightlifting exercises performed with large weights. It is recommended to supplement the basic elements with 3–4 insulating elements.
  2. Due to the rapid adaptability of muscles, a mesomorph must regularly change the principles of his training: the number of approaches, weights, angles of performing elements, duration of training, number of sessions per week.
  3. To increase muscle volume, mesomorphs should limit long-term aerobic exercise. It is allowed to combine strength exercises with 1-2 intense runs per week. Such training will help get rid of subcutaneous fat and will not interfere with muscle growth.
  4. The number of classes per week is 3–4. There should be recovery days between workouts. Otherwise, there is a high probability of developing overtraining.

The preferred training structure for mesomorphs is three or four-day splits with the distribution of large muscle groups into separate classes.

People with a mesomorphic body type have a fairly high metabolism, which allows them to absorb large amounts of protein foods. Basic nutritional recommendations:

  1. Consumption of 2 g of protein per 1 kg of body weight.
  2. The carbohydrate content in the diet should be selected individually in each case. Experienced athletes recommend starting with 3 g per 1 kg of body weight.
  3. Fats should be reduced to a minimum (0.5 g per 1 kg of athlete’s weight).

The required caloric content of the mesomorph menu is 3000–3200 kcal/day. Whey isolates, amino acids, and vitamin complexes can be used as an additional source of nutrients.

Famous mesomorph bodybuilders: Phil Heath, Dexter Jackson, Kai Greene.

Features of mesomorphs

People with a mesomorphic physique are distinguished by their strength and vitality. The personalities are extroverts, they are resistant to stress, and have objective thinking. Representatives of this type often include speakers, leaders, organizers, athletes, actors, and models. Happiness for mesomorphs is not the process of labor, but its result. According to statistics, only 15% of the population belongs to the mesomorph somatotype. Distinctive traits of people: they like to set clear goals and achieve them. Africans most often have the body type described.


Mesomorph type in men, how to determine:

  • muscular figure (popularly the stronger sex is called stocky);
  • broad shoulders;
  • the shape of the body is a rectangle (all parts of the body are in balance, sometimes the shoulders are slightly wider than the hips).

A distinctive feature of the mesomorph physique: easy gain of muscle mass. Fat deposits in men accumulate in minimal quantities, this is a huge plus, allowing you to eat a variety of foods and not gain weight.

The best training option is strength training. They allow you to quickly work out muscle definition and make your figure athletic.


Mesomorph - the girl looks dense, and the main part of the weight is muscle tissue, not fat deposits. Women have a good appetite and often snack. It is important to have high physical activity so as not to gain excess weight. If a lady leads a sedentary lifestyle, a positive calorie balance may occur. A good appetite and large portions are the path to loss of elegance and long, painful training to regain your former figure. In this case, you will have to lose not fat tissue, but muscle tissue, which is much more difficult.

Characteristics of the endomorphic type

Features of the body constitution:

  • wide hips and shoulders;
  • massive, overweight build;
  • relatively short limbs;
  • well-developed muscles;
  • excess subcutaneous fat.

Endomorph women have a full figure, short legs and weakly defined waistlines. They have excess subcutaneous fat, which is deposited mainly in the thighs and buttocks. Outwardly, this physique resembles a pear.

By nature, endomorphs are friendly, kind people with a low level of aggressiveness. They make acquaintances easily, feel great in a team, and love communication. It is difficult for such people to force others to do anything, so positions related to stress and personnel management are not suitable for endomorphs. It is best for this type to engage in creative professions.

Having a high percentage of subcutaneous fat, endomorphs should focus on aerobic training aimed at losing weight. A combination of moderate cardio exercise and weight training in the fitness room is allowed. Recommendations for training:

  1. Use medium weights for high reps (12-15).
  2. The duration of the training can be up to two hours. This is necessary to make the muscles “burn”, which will allow the desired relief to be formed.
  3. Insulating loads must be added to the base elements.

The recommended number of classes for an endomorph is 4–5 per week. This will help speed up your metabolism.

The main problem of the endomorphic type is slow metabolism. Intensive training alone will not be enough to “accelerate” it; an appropriate diet is necessary. Nutrition tips:

  1. Fractional menu - 5-7 meals, in small portions.
  2. Consumption of 2–3 g of protein per 1 kg of body weight.
  3. Reduce fat in the diet to 10–15%.
  4. Refusal of all sweet foods, preference for complex carbohydrates (rice, buckwheat, porridge, pasta, whole grain bread).
  5. Using vegetable salads instead of starchy side dishes.

The calorie content of the diet should be lower than the “energy expenditure” during training. Selected personally. To do this, the athlete determines a menu for himself for 6 weeks. If at the end of the period it was not possible to lose at least a little weight, the diet is adjusted.

Famous endomorph bodybuilders: Jay Cutler, Steve Davis, Evan Centopani.

Workouts for mesomorphs

To achieve a lean and muscular physique, you need to include both cardiovascular and strength training. A person with a mesomorphic body type who wants to lose weight should prioritize cardio exercises.

For optimal results, they are recommended: High-intensity interval training, which involves alternating intense exercise with lighter activity. People with low fitness levels can start with less intense forms of cardio such as walking.

Mesomorphs looking to gain muscle mass may favor resistance exercises such as strength training. As a rule, mesomorphs respond well to strength training and quickly gain muscle mass.

Depending on a person's goals, strength training should include exercises targeting different muscle groups. To achieve optimal results and increase muscle mass, you should perform low to moderate repetitions of the exercises with moderate to heavy weights.

It is also important to regularly change your training regimen and ensure normal rest and recovery.

How to determine your somatotype?

As a rule, there are few pure somatotypes in nature. The majority of people have mixed constitutions, for example, endomesomorph or ectoendomorph. Therefore, each person will be able to find in himself different traits of all three types.

For self-assessment, a simple examination and correlation of appearance with the characteristics of each somatotype are most often used (see above).

You can also use the Solovyov index. To determine, measure the circumference of your wrist with a centimeter. For ectomorphs, the measurement result should be less than 18 cm (women - less than 15). For mesomorphs - 18-20 cm (women - 15-17 cm). For endomorphs - more than 20 cm (women - more than 17 cm).

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