Nordic walking with poles for weight loss.

What are the benefits of this type of walking?

One of the advantages of walking is the fact that in its process the physical activity is much less than, for example, jogging, and the benefits are much greater. Walking is an excellent way to combat stress and prevent various joint diseases. An important advantage is that walking can be considered one of the cheapest sports. You don’t even need to purchase a gym membership to get started. Just go outside and that's it. If you want to sign up for a gym in Tolyatti, call us, our managers will help you. The doors of our fitness center are always open for you. Our sports clubs in Tolyatti are waiting for you.

Race walking and running: what's the difference?

Constant contact of the foot with the surface is what makes race walking different from running. This technical point is assessed by the judges at the distance, and for the running “flight phase” the athlete receives a warning, and if the technique is repeatedly violated, he is disqualified.

It is impossible to imagine running without bending your knees when moving your hips forward, but in race walking the strict rule is to keep your legs straight until your feet touch the track. If the judge notices sharp knees on a walker, this will be considered a serious violation of technique.

From the point of view of how the body works, running and race walking are also different. Walking is less dangerous than running: the load on the joints is much less, and the load on the heart is also lower.

But in terms of speed of movement, race walking is not too different from running, especially from amateur running. In the next paragraph you can see at what pace an athlete must go in order to achieve the title of Master of Sports.

How to dress and how to perform?

The main requirement for clothing for walking is that it should be comfortable. As for shoes, it is better to give preference to options with rubber soles. Of course, if we are talking about the cold season, then you need to wear woolen socks. If there is such an opportunity, it is best to give preference to forest paths. Despite the fact that this is a very calm sport, you need to consider that:

  • The back should be strictly straight while walking;
  • Hands should be kept bent at the elbows, legs should be straight;
  • The foot should be moved from heel to toe;
  • You need to try to keep your breathing even.

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Professional race walking

An important rule regarding the technique of race walking is the fixation of a two-support position, this means that the leg that is carried forward must necessarily touch the ground before the toe of the second one is torn off the ground. In general, when it comes to professional race walking, the athlete’s goal is not only acceleration, but also strict adherence to the rules. As for the frequency of steps, it is several times greater than during normal walking. It is important to understand that during race walking all muscle groups actively work, and of course the legs bear the greatest load. Are you looking for where yoga classes are held in Tolyatti, in the Avtozavodskoy district? Contact our customer service managers, they will advise you. Do you want to buy a gym membership? Call us and we will advise you on the cost.

Types of walking

Walking can be different: walking, recreational, Scandinavian and, finally, sports. They all differ in speed, but perhaps only race walking has its own unique style.

Race walking differs from other types in the intensity of the load: at short distances it involves an oxygen debt, while other types of walking are unlikely to make you unable to speak while moving.

In ordinary fitness practice, race walking is not very popular; it acts as a professional activity. To lose weight and tone, amateurs resort to health-improving and Nordic walking, thanks to their accessibility and simplicity.

Read on the topic: Nordic walking with poles: benefits, technique, beginner mistakes


Race walking for the purpose of losing weight

In order to be in good shape, it is not necessary to spend a titanic amount of time in the gym. An activity such as race walking can also help with weight loss. You can buy a gym membership from us at an affordable price. If we are talking about beginners, then you should not walk faster than 7 km/h. For those who already have some experience, it is acceptable to walk at a speed of about 9 km/h. At first, it is better to walk no more than 30 minutes, no more than three times a week. When you feel that you are getting used to it, you can increase the training time to 1 hour. As for the pace - slow (about 80 steps per minute), medium (120 steps per minute), intense (140 steps per minute), fast (option for professionals, in about one hour a person walks about 12 km). With us you can always choose a convenient fitness membership with a swimming pool.

What do we know about walking backwards?

Doing the same exercise every day can get boring after a while. To prevent this, you don't have to reinvent the wheel or completely give up on the workouts you're currently doing.


Something as unusual as 10-20 minutes of walking backwards or jogging a few times a week can give you the variety of workouts your mind and body crave. Here are its advantages:

Why move backwards?

At first glance, moving backwards may seem stupid or useless. But it's worth thinking a little deeper. It actually provides a number of benefits for your physical and mental well-being. This is an easy way for you to challenge different muscles and force your mind to focus and act differently.

Walking in reverse provides a number of benefits to your mind and body.

Psychological Benefits

  • increased sense of body awareness;
  • improved body coordination;
  • helps avoid training boredom;
  • improves overall mood;
  • helps with sleep cycles;
  • motivates you to step outside your comfort zone;
  • makes you think;
  • sharpens your thinking skills and enhances cognitive control;
  • puts the senses into overdrive, improving vision.

Physical Benefits

  • increases strength in less used leg muscles;
  • helps rehabilitate knee injuries;
  • improves walking technique and form;
  • helps with balance;
  • burns calories;
  • helps you maintain a healthy weight;
  • strengthens bones and muscles;
  • increases energy levels;
  • increases metabolism in the body.

Other benefits

While regular walking (moving forward) is something we do every day without any conscious thought, walking backwards can help you improve your leg endurance and aerobic capacity faster. This is because the challenge you place on your body intensifies. You force your body to adapt to new and unfamiliar demands, which helps improve and grow your fitness.

A study published in the Journal of Biomechanics found that running backwards reduced anterior knee pain compared to running forwards. Another study published in the International Journal of Sports Medicine found that a combination of running backwards and walking can improve cardiorespiratory fitness and change body composition.

Your body is less familiar with walking backwards, so you can expect to experience greater cardiovascular benefits and burn calories in a shorter time. This makes your workouts more effective and intense.

In order to take advantage of all the above advantages of reverse walking, it is recommended to do it 2 to 4 times a week for 8-16 minutes. The best place for such training is nature.

In order to take advantage of all the above advantages of reverse walking, it is recommended to do it 2 to 4 times a week for 8-16 minutes. The best place for such training is nature. Photo: Instagram.

Some tips

It is best to train in the morning. It is better not to eat immediately before training. If you have problems with your joints, it is better to avoid going uphill. Shoes must be correct, buy them from reliable places, give preference to trusted brands. It's better to warm up before training. Don't forget to drink water (half an hour before training, and also after it). Of course, before you start walking, we recommend consulting with your doctor, because there are chronic diseases for which this sport is not recommended. We are also happy to offer crossfit classes and mini-football field rental.

Healthy race walking, and is it possible to lose weight with it?

We are used to seeing fans of recreational running, lovers of Nordic walking and skiing, but does race walking exist outside of professional sports?

Yes, but I must say that it is quite rare for any amateur to walk this way. However, people of any age can engage in this type of physical activity.

When starting to train, start with short distances and a slow pace to allow your body to get used to it. Up to 3 km will be enough for the first time. It is better to pay attention to your walking technique than to your mileage. For exercise, choose a stadium, park or forest paths, but not a treadmill in a fitness center. On the latter it is not possible to walk using the race walking technique.

We have already mentioned that race walking puts little strain on the joints and heart, which means that such activities can be recommended for people with a sedentary lifestyle.

Race walking is considered one of the safest sports, and for those engaged in recreational purposes it brings:

  • combating stress;
  • cardiovascular system training;
  • increasing endurance;
  • stabilization of the digestive system;
  • muscle tone.

But before your first lesson, consult your doctor if you have any chronic diseases. For example, although there is no risk of common running injuries, race walking still puts a lot of stress on the ankles and hips.

Will I be able to lose weight?

If you follow your diet, of course. This is an energy-intensive form of physical activity, so calories will be burned quickly, helping you create a deficit. By the way, it is precisely because of the reduced load on joints and bones that doctors recommend race walking for overweight people.

Note that race walking is more dynamic than slow jogging, which means you can burn more calories. It is also good because it involves many muscles at once, and this is its advantage over regular walking.

Read next: How to start running: a complete guide to running for beginners

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