How many calories does walking burn and how to lose weight with it?

Energy consumption when walking

The most energy is consumed during heavy loads, active training, and professional sports. But this suits few people. But walking is accessible even to city residents. This is a gentle, gentle, but at the same time effective way to increase daily calorie consumption and lose weight.

Energy consumption when walking depends on many factors:

  • Human weight. The relationship is direct: the larger the mass, the harder you will have to work to move it and the more energy you need for this.
  • Movement speed. Fast walking promotes more active burning of fat deposits, so you should not overestimate your strength and start running.
  • Additional loads. Climbing stairs or rough terrain, carrying a heavy backpack, swinging your arms and turning around - all this also increases energy costs.
  • External factors, including weather. It is important to understand that in the heat more water comes out, which is why weight loss is noticeable. But it is in the cold that there is an increased consumption of fat, since calories are needed for steps and heating at the same time.

Basic values ​​are calculated when moving on the plain with an average walking speed of 4-5 km/h. With a body weight of 60 kg, 60 minutes of such a walk will consume 220-260 kcal, and with a weight of 75 kg, the consumption will be 280-310 kcal.

To accurately calculate how many calories are burned when walking in 1 hour, it is better to use online calculators.

Energy expenditure for different lifestyles

The type of work, as well as his gender and age, determine the energy requirements per day. The norms for men and older people are always lower.

  • For those engaged in mental work, 1800-2000 kcal are required for women and 2100-2500 kcal for men per day.
  • If the work can be characterized as light physical, then the energy requirement is 2100-2200 for the fair sex and 2500-2800 for the stronger sex.
  • For average physical labor, you need 2500-2600 kcal for women and 3000-3300 for men daily.

There are quite detailed studies that show exactly how many calories are burned in a particular type of activity.

Energy consumption for different activities is shown in the table.

For example, during sleep and rest without movement, 1-1.5 kcal are spent every minute, and when washing floors and windows, 4-5 kcal are already spent. From here we can draw a simple conclusion: the more a person moves, the more energy he spends. If the body receives less “fuel” per day than it needs, it takes it from reserves - it uses up fat deposits. Therefore, when running or dancing at home, doing push-ups and other exercises, a calorie deficit appears if you do not increase your food intake. This way you can lose weight.

How many calories are spent walking?

Those looking to lose weight by walking want to know how many calories are burned while walking. All calculations were made based on an active step at a speed of 5 km/h and a slow movement of 2 km/h. When choosing the duration of training, we must not forget that during short-term exercise, the body burns light sources - carbohydrates. He only burns fat during exercise that lasts more than 30 minutes.

When walking in 1 minute (+ 30,40,45 minutes)

Energy consumption for a walk depends on its duration. When walking normally at a good pace, 4-5 kcal are consumed in 1 minute. If you walk leisurely enough, then only 2-2.5 kcal.

  • In half an hour of moving with a “confident step,” the body spends 120-150 kcal.
  • If the promenade takes 40 minutes, then you can count on a loss of 160-200 kcal.
  • A 45-minute walk will consume 180-225 kcal.

The duration of training depends on your work schedule and lifestyle. You can practice two small 30-minute walks a day, for example, walking to the office or taking a long evening promenade. Just remember that any physical exercise is contraindicated immediately after eating.

When walking for 1 hour

At a speed of 5 km/h, the body will consume 200-250 kcal in 60 minutes. Slow movements burn 120-150 kcal per hour walk.

When walking 1 km

To calculate how many calories are burned per kilometer of walking, you need to remember that rhythmic movements allow you to cover this distance in 12 minutes. Accordingly, energy consumption will be approximately 50-60 kcal. If you walk slowly, it will take 30 minutes in time and 75 kcal in calories.

10000 steps

To calculate the energy consumption for such a distance, it first needs to be converted to km. 10 thousand is 6 or 7 km depending on the width of the step. Approximate losses will be 300-350 kcal. To count steps, the easiest way is to buy yourself a fitness bracelet.

5 km

This distance can be covered in an hour of active movement. Accordingly, the values ​​are the same (up to 250 kcal). This route is also equivalent to a quiet two-hour walk with a stroller, which will take 250-300 kcal.

7-10 km

Few people can afford to train 10 km daily, because it takes at least 2 hours. But on weekends such long-distance excursions can be organized.

If you manage to maintain a good pace throughout the entire walk of 85-120 minutes, then the body will lose 420-600 kcal. This is a serious test, so long exercises should be used only after short ones have been mastered, alternating the pace of steps.

If you move slowly, then such a promenade will take 3.5-5 hours and will bring considerable benefits in the form of an expenditure of 525-750 kcal.

12-20 km

For those who are in good shape and can easily cover distances of 10 km, you can increase the load. In this case, you won’t be able to walk slowly, otherwise the day won’t be enough. If you use a sports step, then covering 12 km will take 2.5 hours and 580-720 kcal. For 20 km you need to work at a good pace for 4 hours. During this time, 960-1200 kcal will disappear from the body. This is half the daily requirement of a person engaged in light physical labor.

How to walk correctly

You don’t need to immediately start walking quickly for 3 hours a day. Especially if you are no longer 20 years old and do not weigh 50 kg. Start with hour-long walks at a slow pace. Then increase the pace for 5 minutes, then for 10 minutes and so on. Gradually you will begin to walk for 1 hour at an average pace. Want to spend more energy? Then increase the pace again and add time.

The main rule is to walk for at least an hour. When walking, fat begins to be burned no earlier than forty minutes later. Our body is extremely thrifty and first spends available carbohydrates.

Also remember not to exercise immediately after eating. The optimal time for training is an hour after eating. And when you finish your classes, don't rush to eat. Drink a glass of water. You can indulge in an apple or a banana smoothie.

While walking, remember to breathe. Inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth. It is also important to quit smoking. It negatively affects breathing and the cardiovascular system. Shortness of breath and even dizziness will appear.

Give yourself a nice gift. Buy nice sportswear and comfortable sneakers. Better yet, buy special clothes that help burn fat. For example, breeches for weight loss. They create a sauna effect and help you lose weight much faster.

How many calories are burned when walking up stairs?

Climbing stairs requires much more effort than climbing a flat road. The effectiveness of such exercises depends on the height of the step, intensity and time of movement. On average, up to 550-700 kcal are lost per hour, but it’s difficult to hold out for that long.

It is best to refuse the elevator and walk up to the apartment. You should start small, adding only 1 floor per week, so that there is no severe shortness of breath and palpitations, and harm to health. You can walk up the stairs to the 5th floor at a good pace in 5 minutes. One such “race” is minus 50-60 kcal. For more information about walking on stairs for weight loss, read the link.

Sex - 300 calories per hour

Some people rub their hands in anticipation when they hear this. What calories can you think about at this time! And rightly so, during sex the body becomes hot and sweaty, and this is a good bonus. You burn a lot of calories when your heart rate increases significantly.

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How many calories are burned during Nordic walking?

Nordic walking differs from regular walking in that it uses special poles. Relying on them reduces the load on the joints, but at the same time 95% of the muscles are included in the work. This is more than when running.

Its advantages:

  • more intense fat burning;
  • walks are always in the fresh air, often in company;
  • pumping up the abs and buttocks if you follow the steps correctly;
  • less risk of injury;
  • a good alternative to running if it is contraindicated;
  • improves posture, coordination, sense of balance.

It's always a fast pace, otherwise you won't be able to keep the rhythm. For every minute the body loses 5.2 kcal, per hour 350 kcal. Training should be at least 30-40 minutes. Nordic walking can combine movement through the forest, slopes, and snow in winter, which only enhances its effectiveness up to 700 kcal per hour.

Everyday housework - 175 calories per hour

Cleaning and vacuuming the house is a tedious job. But if the incentive is to burn excess fat, then it will bring pleasure and a good mood. Cleaning and cleaning is physical work in constant motion. And this is a really effective and simple way to burn calories.

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Increase in consumption

There are many techniques to increase the intensity of exercise: weighting, swinging your arms, walking in heels, moving with sticks and even on crutches. Their main goal is to use as many muscles as possible and increase the load. You can combine walking with tension in your buttocks and abs, and do inserts of steps with your knees raised high. It is also good to walk short distances backwards, go down and up slopes. This will not only enhance the effect of losing weight and help you lose excess weight faster, but will also make your classes more varied and not boring.

Many people are interested in the question, how many calories are burned when walking in place? In fact, this is a very intense exercise due to the pace and knees that rise high. It destroys 58 kcal in 5 minutes.

Hand movements

This is the simplest and most accessible way to everyone. It will help you work out your upper body and stretch your shoulders when sitting at the computer for a long time. It is enough to bend your elbows at an angle of 90 degrees and move them back and forth in rhythm with steps.

Additional weighting

Some trainers recommend putting extra weight on your arms or legs, while others recommend wearing a backpack filled with bottles of water or sand. This way there is less chance of damaging your legs.

The weight of the “additional weight” is of great importance: the larger it is, the faster fat will be burned. If you carry a load of 10 kg with you, this will increase the effectiveness of training by 13%, with 20 kg it will increase by 31%. If the number of weights is significant and their mass is 30 kg, this will increase the result by 60%.

Hiking with ski poles

Even regular ski poles provide intense movement. They are good for both children and older people. This simple equipment increases the effectiveness of classes by 40%. In winter, it is good to practice skiing; it is 2.5-3 times better at losing excess weight.

Running trainer

A treadmill is a good alternative to outings when you need to exercise and it’s raining or snowing outside. Moreover, the simulator allows you to adjust the speed from 4 to 6.5 km/h. If desired, exercises on the stepper can be supplemented with arm swings. There are simpler mechanical exercise machines, as well as elliptical ones, which are suitable for walking, running, and cycling.

Uneven terrain

A flat, smooth road means minimal load. Moving through grass or forest increases costs by 10-15%. If the terrain has a slope, then climbing it uphill increases energy consumption by one and a half times. Trying to get through the snowdrifts is 2 times more effective.

On crutches

If your leg is in a cast, this is not a reason to stop training and move little, otherwise you can gain even more extra pounds. In terms of energy consumption, walking on crutches is equivalent to Scandinavian walking (350 kcal per hour of exercise). But you need to adapt to such equipment, because the load on your hands will be significant.

To lose weight, you don’t have to exhaust yourself with exercise equipment in the gym. Simple walking, if practiced regularly and for long distances, will help bring your weight back to normal. Fresh air and pleasant company in the form of friends or your beloved dog will make classes enjoyable.

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