How many calories does walking burn, or how to lose weight without going to the gym?

April 30, 2021 Admin Home page » Tips and tricks

Don't have time to go to the gym? Learn an effective way to burn calories at home using a list of simple exercises.

In fact, the question of how to burn 500 calories at home is not so difficult if you approach this problem correctly.

The set of exercises for burning fat listed below can be used for any level of physical fitness and it does not matter who will train on it, a beginner or an experienced one in the world of sports.

What is the point of fat burning?

Performing exercises involves using the circular method, i.e. all exercises are done one after another without rest, or it is allowed to rest for up to 60 seconds in the first stages. For beginners, it is enough to complete 1-2 laps, while more experienced ones can increase the intensity to 3-4 laps. Over time, the exercises will become easier and easier, so you can then use weights, dumbbells, perform more repetitions and even increase the number of circles.

During one such workout, about 300 - 700 kcal will be burned, it all depends on the intensity, age and weight. Roughly speaking, on average the value will be 500 kcal.

In case of constant exercise for 30 days, the loss of excess weight will be around 5 kg. At the same time, all muscle areas of the body will be tightened, the hips on the sides will be reduced, the buttocks will be rounded and the abs will be tightened. Of course, this can be achieved provided proper nutrition, otherwise the toned muscles will remain visually invisible under a layer of subcutaneous fat.

How to quickly burn calories at home

In order to burn calories at home, you need to combine physical activity and proper nutrition. There are many special exercises and just regular everyday activities that will help you quickly use up the energy your body gets from food.

Burn 100 calories

In order to burn 100 kcal, there are many daily activities that people do every day without even thinking about the fact that they help them lose weight. Here are some of them:

  • Walking up the stairs. To burn 100 kcal, just walk up and down the stairs for 10 minutes.
  • Dancing. It is enough to turn on pleasant music and dance actively for 15 minutes in the evening.
  • Ironing. You need to combine business and pleasure within 30 minutes.
  • Repair. A person who redecorates a room within half an hour gets rid of 100 kcal.
  • Cleaning. It is enough to clean for 30 minutes, wipe the dust with a rag, and vacuum.
  • Playing with pets for half an hour.
  • Cooking food. Most people do this several times a day. It is enough to prepare delicious dishes for your household within 40 minutes.
  • Singing. Just do what you love for 40 minutes.
  • Book reading. Take your favorite book and go read. After spending just an hour on this, a person burns 100 kcal.

This is not a complete list of activities that help you lose 100 kcal. This can also include yoga, an exercise bike, massage, afternoon naps, playing musical instruments, heavy exercise, and so on.

How to burn calories quickly at home

All of the above methods are also suitable here, but at three times the magnification. In addition you can consider:

  • Gardening. If you tinker in the ground, plant, weed, replant plants, then after 40 minutes you can achieve what you want - spend 300 kilocalories.
  • Shopping. You need to go shopping for an hour and a half, and 300 kcal will disappear unnoticed.
  • Rearrangement of furniture. Move furniture within an hour.
  • Jump rope for 30 minutes.
  • Swimming. Go to the pool and swim in it for 30 minutes. And if you spend a little more than an hour and a half on this, you can burn 1000 kcal.

You can also use exercises that help you get rid of 100 or 300 kcal, but this will take quite a lot of time, so it is more logical to choose more intense exercises:

  • Run. To burn 500 calories in 45 minutes, you need to run at a speed of 12 km/h. For greater effect, jogging should be diluted with strength exercises. You can do without them, but then you will have a saggy belly. When performing strength exercises, a huge number of muscles work, thereby speeding up the metabolism, and the higher it is, the faster the hated calories go away.
  • Swimming. To burn 500 calories, you need to swim very intensely, not just flounder in the water.
  • Lawn mowing. You need to spend 2 hours mowing the lawn. This type of work is not everyday, but it will do as an option.
  • Tennis. It is also easy to lose five hundred kcal by playing tennis for an hour.

Circuit training: list of exercises

Do not change the order of the exercises, performing them one after another in the same sequence:

  • 40 jumps
  • 20 squats
  • 30 seconds of running while raising your knees to your chest in place
  • 60 seconds of chair exercise
  • 60 seconds regular walking in place
  • 20 side lunges
  • 10 bench push-ups for triceps
  • 30 seconds of plank exercise
  • 30 reps of abdominal crunch
  • 90 seconds of pedaling for abs

All subsequent circles are performed similarly to this one.

How to do it correctly

♦ JUMPING. From a full squat, jump up, toes lift off the floor and arms simultaneously reach up. If the exercise is not to your liking, you can replace it with jumping rope for 2 minutes;

♦ SQUATS. Perform full squats when your thighs are parallel to the floor. At the same time, it is important that the starting movement of the squat begins with the hips moving back (imagine that you are sitting on a bench), the knees should not go beyond the toes of the feet, the abs are tense, and the back is straight. Inhale as you squat, exhale as you rise. At the lowest point, pause for 1-2 seconds and while rising, further strain your buttocks;

♦ RUNNING IN PLACE. It involves raising the knees to the chest; it is allowed to the thigh or even lower only for beginners;

♦ CHAIR EXERCISES. It is necessary to press your back firmly against the wall and smoothly lower yourself down, moving your feet forward until your thighs are parallel to the floor, your shins are vertical, and the angle under your knees is strictly 90 degrees. Stand in this position for a planned period of time, later you can increase the time or put additional weights on your knees (bottles of water, a heavy backpack, a stack of books, etc.);

♦ WALKING IN PLACE. Performed at an accelerated pace, imagine that you are late for work and need to speed up;

♦ SIDE LUNCHES. Take a position where your feet are 20 cm wider than your shoulders and perform lunges to the side. If you lunge to the right, the left leg remains straight, and the right leg bends at the knees. After performing a lunge, stay in this position for 1-2 seconds and then transfer your body weight to the opposite leg. During the execution, do not round your back, the abdominal muscles are collected;

♦ TRICEPS PUSH-UPS. Place your palms on a gymnastic bench located perpendicular to your body and perform triceps push-ups. When lowering, the elbows and shoulders should be on the same line, not lower, otherwise the front bundle of deltas will receive excessive stretching and, with poor elasticity, the shoulder ligaments can easily be pulled;

♦ PLANK. A good static exercise to strengthen your core and stabilizer muscles. You need to stand on your elbows, straight legs resting on the floor on your toes, the body without bending or lifting the hips, a straight line from the heels to the shoulders. The angle at the elbows should be 90 degrees, with the shoulders above the elbows. If you move your shoulders beyond your elbows, the exercise will be easier, but the load on the abs will be reduced;

♦ PRESS CURL. Lying on your back, feet on the floor, fingers lightly touching the back of your head. As you exhale, twist your abs and at the point of maximum twist, pause for a second. During the relaxation phase, lower yourself literally 10 cm so that at the very bottom your back does not rest on your shoulder blades, otherwise part of the payload will go away;

♦ PRESS PEDALS. Take the position as for twisting, but instead of twisting the body, you must simultaneously bring the right knee - left elbow, and then the left knee - right elbow towards each other. All movements are performed without amplitude using the rebound of the body from the floor; twisting is performed with the feeling of the abdominal muscles.

The Best Ways to Burn 500 Calories in One Day

If you destroy 500 kcal every day, then in a month you are guaranteed to get rid of 2-3 kg of body fat. In fact, if you subtract 500 kcal from your previous diet and exercise additionally, the effect will be much greater! Let me give you an example of the best types of physical activity:

We run with pleasure

The most budget-friendly way: you only need sneakers and a minimum of clothing. A quick half-hour run at a speed of 12-15 km/h is the best option. What to do if your physical fitness is far from ideal and half an hour of running at a fast pace is beyond your strength? You can jog at a speed of about 8 km/h. Accordingly, you need to run a longer distance, and the running time increases proportionally, up to 45-60 minutes .

It is very good to alternate jogging with strength training: this activates muscle metabolism, and as you train, your figure will take on beautiful shape.

We walk long distances

If running doesn't suit you, then walk. But you need to walk not leisurely along the boulevard in the evening, but quickly, intensely and for a long time. To burn half a thousand kilocalories you will need to walk about 10 km . For metropolitan residents this is not such a big number! Experts advise combining periods of fast and medium walking pace.

Swimming and water aerobics

During swimming, all the muscles of the body are loaded - this is very good. However, swimming is not the most effective way to lose weight if you just splash around in the pool for fun. You need to try to swim vigorously from side to side as long as you have enough strength, take breaks to rest and swim again. To burn 500 kcal, a person weighing 82 kg would have to swim for about 50 minutes .

Water aerobics is less effective than swimming, but it is more fun if the classes are held in a group.

Cycling and the “real” bike

If you pedal an exercise bike every day, you can quickly achieve amazing results. This type of physical activity refers to cardio training; the notorious 500 kilocalories are easily burned in 45 minutes of work accompanied by invigorating music.

Modern exercise bikes are equipped with smart computers and load programs; you will watch the dynamics of weight loss - very informative!

In addition, it’s not for nothing that cardio training is called that - it strengthens the cardiovascular system, stabilizes blood pressure, with which most obese people have big problems.

An alternative to exercise bikes is a regular bicycle. An hour and a half bike ride is enough, but you shouldn’t ride at the same pace. Alternate heavy and light gear ratios, change sprockets. We rode in a heavy gear for 10-15 minutes - then we need to ride in an easy gear for the same amount of time.

In winter - skis

Skiing in our Russian winters is no less effective than cycling in the summer. 10-15 kilometers on skis on a good track at a pace that is accessible to you is not such a difficult task if you are familiar with skiing.

Gym: huge selection, great opportunities

The gym is the easiest way to lose weight: you will be offered special programs, work on various machines, strength training with dumbbells and barbells, jumping rope, running in place and gymnastic exercises. One lesson - and the effect is achieved!

High intensity aerobics or fitness

Today you can find many popular exercise systems for women. If the lesson is carried out with high intensity, the result can be achieved in 50 minutes .

Dancing 'till I drop

Burning half a thousand calories through modern dancing is no easy task. It is better to take classes in a dance group, where the load is high and the classes are long. You can arrange a disco at home (without disturbing your neighbors), but you will have to choose something incendiary and dance for about 2 hours .

You can achieve results in the fight against hated fat on the sides and hips only by combining dietary restrictions with physical activity, no matter what it is! Take a tight rein on yourself, try to establish a daily routine, but the main thing is strong motivation, then you can not only lose weight - you can move mountains! Believe in yourself and you will definitely succeed.

Tips for implementation

⇒ training must take place with a mandatory break of 1 day, i.e. every other day;

⇒ before training, it is necessary to raise body temperature by warming up all muscles, if it is possible to spin the orbitor or cycling track at minimal loads;

⇒ on days off from training, swim, hike, stretch and do similar light activity, which will allow you to burn additional calories;

⇒ After training, rest for a few minutes and do a cool-down, stretching all areas of the body one by one.

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