How many calories does Zumba burn?

What is Zumba

The fitness dance zumba, which is becoming increasingly popular all over the world, was developed by Colombian choreographer and fitness instructor Alberto Perez in 2001.
This is a special program that combines elements of fitness and Latin American dance. The concept of the ZUMBA®Fitness brand unites the desire for a healthy lifestyle, joy and positive emotions from regular dance sports training, uniting people of different nationalities, professions, and ages. Over the 16 years of its existence, this global brand has acquired, according to official statistics, about 15 million regularly practicing zumba fitness fans from different countries. Under the ZUMBA®Fitness brand, we produce our own line of clothing, shoes, and sports accessories for training, and provide training for professional instructors. It is easier to achieve better results by working out in the gym under the guidance of a trainer. If there is no such opportunity, you can learn and dance without leaving your home, using official online training materials.

The program includes the rhythms and movements of the most famous dances. These are samba, flamenco, salsa, merengue, as well as elements of hip-hop and belly dance. But you don’t need to have dancing talent or skills to take classes. It is important to catch the musical rhythm, move intensely and naturally, and get maximum pleasure. After regular exercise lasting at least an hour, the process of losing weight begins.

Resident of Voronezh: “Zumba helped me change my life at the age of 40”

The famous phrase from the film “At 40, life just begins” is viewed with skepticism by many. But not Natalya Valkova. Five years ago, 38-year-old Natalya lived in the Kazakh city of Aktau, she had her own company that dealt with elevator equipment, and her son was growing up. The work did not bring her pleasure, but Natalya was afraid of change. The only thing she wanted to change was to get rid of 15 extra pounds. And that's where it all started. Now Natalya is a Zumba trainer, a super popular fitness trend in the world, she regained her slim figure and moved to Voronezh.

Photo by Alexander ZINCHENKO

"Party, not activity"

- With a height of 171, I always weighed 58 - 60 kilograms. And then I suddenly gained weight to 75. I tried diets, but I always failed,” says Natalya. - Then I went to the dance. For a year and a half I was engaged in different areas, and then the coach suggested something new - Zumba, aerobics with elements of Latin. And I liked it so much! Regular fitness exercises are boring. And when they are combined with simple movements from Latin American dances and all this takes place to energetic music, the lesson is more like a dance party rather than a workout. At the same time, all muscles are perfectly worked out, plus cardio load.

Natalya trained for several months, and then her instructor invited her to undergo training as a trainer herself. Natalya was confused by the idea - all the movements were easy for her, but she had never danced in her life.

“But I decided to try, completed training in Astana, returned, and prepared the program for a month. And then I recruited the first group,” she recalls. — In fact, unlike other fitness programs, you can become a Zumba trainer at any age and without any special physical training. This accessibility is the philosophy of the direction. All movements are simple and designed so that when a person joins the group, he will not feel like an incompetent beginner. It doesn't matter which foot you started on or which direction you turned.

ZUMBA is a popular fitness trend and global network that trains licensed instructors in 186 countries. Trainers who hold certificates are sent monthly already developed programs and music; they can study in special areas - for example, aqua-zumba or zumba for children.

Photo by Alexander ZINCHENKO


ZUMBA is a fitness program based on popular Latin American rhythms. It was invented by an instructor from Colombia, Alberto Perez, in 2001; Zumba appeared in Russia 5-6 years ago. The new direction appeared by chance. One day Alberto forgot to take a music cassette to training. I had to play the one that was in his car - with the rhythms of salsa, cumbia and other Latin dances. He began to improvise, combining aerobic exercises with dance elements. His students liked the workout so much that from then on Alberto began doing it regularly and came up with the funny name Zumba. Soon businessmen became interested in his technique, and together they created the global company Zumba Fitness, LLC, which trains instructors around the world. Her philosophy is that anyone can become a coach. Now about 15 million people practice Zumba fitness every week in 200,000 gyms around the planet. It is the largest brand in the fitness industry and one of the most influential movements today.

“When are you going to jump?”

For some time, Natalya combined two jobs - during the day she worked on her elevators, and in the evening she went dancing. The weight began to come off, but slowly.

“I underwent a medical examination, and it turned out that I had hormonal disorders,” our interlocutor continues. She was treated, and then, to the Latin rhythms, she lost her 15 kilograms in six months.

Natalya also changed her diet a lot. She stopped eating bread, limited herself to sweets, and included sports nutrition and vitamin complexes in the menu.

“Many people confuse protein shakes with steroid drugs and believe that they cause mountains of muscle to grow and that they are harmful,” she says. - In fact, protein drinks help the body build and repair muscle. Of course, you need to follow the dosage and know the contraindications - for example, people with serious illnesses need to consult a doctor.

Recently, another event happened in Natalya’s life - a few months ago she, her parents and 24-year-old son moved to Voronezh. Their relatives live nearby, in Stary Oskol, but Natalya’s family chose Voronezh - according to the descriptions, they really liked it. And the settlers were not disappointed in their choice. They say they were especially pleasantly surprised by the kindness of Voronezh residents. And upon her arrival here, Natalya finally decided to give up lifts and make fitness training her main job. Now she is a Zumba instructor in one of the Voronezh clubs, she is going to move in this direction further - and when communicating with her, you can see a person completely satisfied with life.

“To be honest, my family reacted with restraint to the dramatic changes in my life,” our interlocutor smiles. “My parents grumble: “When are you going to jump up?” It seems to me that this will not happen very soon!


What other fitness programs have captivated millions?

Plank fitness - a static plank exercise (hovering above the floor with emphasis on your palms and toes) is considered truly magical. After all, in just a few minutes, most of the muscles of the body are worked out, including the hips, buttocks, abs, pectoral muscles, etc. And in order not to get bored of standing in one position, variations of this pose were invented - for example, by stretching one arm or leg forward. Plank fitness is an approximately 10-minute set of different types of planks, each of which is done for about a minute.

Stretching – stretching exercises. By doing stretching, you not only become more flexible and flexible, but also relax your entire body and improve blood circulation throughout your body. At the same time, pain from stretch marks is also very useful for losing weight - at this time, the hormone somatropin is released, which is responsible for the development of endurance and muscle mass, and also burns fat very successfully.

Tai-bo is a mixture of fitness and martial arts. Tai-bo was invented by world martial arts champion Bill Blanks, who made his program very popular among Hollywood stars. It is based on elements of karate, taekwondo, boxing, mixed with basic aerobics and strength exercises. Each workout burns about 1,000 calories - this is a very effective indicator for a fitness program. Therefore, those who practice tai bo do not have to go on a strict diet, which is also a plus.

The benefits of Zumba for weight loss

Zumba fitness for weight loss is not just an exercise program that helps you burn calories and lose weight. This is a philosophy of life that involves not only young people, but also older people, aimed at long-term preservation of good spirits, physical activity, filling its practitioners with good mood, energy, pleasure from moving to music, forming a positive attitude towards life. The practical benefits for losing weight are the following:

  • During training, all muscle groups are involved.
  • Group classes, people come together based on their interests, moving together towards a common goal (weight loss).
  • There are no strict requirements for performing the exercises; the load increases gradually.
  • The program helps you lose weight naturally, smoothly, without harm to your health.
  • Special complexes are designed for different ages and different levels of training.

How many calories are burned during exercise?

Zumba dancing for weight loss helps you burn an average of 500 to 1000 calories per workout. Their number depends on the level of difficulty of the workout (beginner, intermediate and complex), its intensity (you can give it your all or perform the movements fully), and the duration of the lesson (from one hour or more). This type of activity refers to cardio training in which:

  1. The circulatory and respiratory systems work more intensively;
  2. all muscle groups are loaded;
  3. coordination of movements and flexibility are trained;
  4. the silhouette is tightened, the figure is formed.

Pros and cons of a fitness complex

The zumba fitness program promises its fans easy weight loss with pleasure in the process. Many people note an improvement in their emotional state after just a few workouts. Becoming beautiful and slim in a good mood is much easier and more pleasant than in a state of chronic fatigue and constant feeling of hunger. Other advantages of the complex are the following factors:

  • The process of losing weight occurs gradually, at a natural pace for each body.
  • The volume of the hips and waist is noticeably reduced.
  • Metabolism accelerates, the rate of breakdown of accumulated fat increases.
  • Muscle tone increases.
  • Joint mobility develops.
  • Increases endurance.
  • The functioning of the circulatory and respiratory systems is normalized.

It should be remembered that Zumba for weight loss, like any type of physical activity, is a load on the body. With an inept approach, for example, with overly intense or frequent training practiced by a novice dancer without physical training, it can be harmful to health and lead to overexertion and loss of achieved results. The following points can be considered as relative disadvantages of the complex:

  • The practitioner must have a sense of rhythm, a love of music, dance or movement.
  • To get the effect of losing weight, you need to exercise regularly.
  • Possible injury.
  • During exercise, there is a possibility of an increase in blood pressure.
  • In the absence of physical training, beginners may have difficulty breathing.
  • For professional athletes and dancers, the load level is too low.

Types of zumba fitness

Zumba fitness is a complex designed for people of different ages, including children and the elderly, with varying degrees of readiness for stress, with different tasks. The existing different types of training are designed taking into account personal musical and dance preferences, are aimed at developing different muscle groups, and promote both comprehensive weight loss and weight loss in specific areas.

Zumba fitness for weight loss is divided into the following main areas, differing in the set of movements, the musical style to which they are performed, the level and emphasis of the load:

  1. Classic (Zumba Basic) or Zumba Fit. This is a classic fitness routine performed to Latin music themes. Strengthens the cardiovascular system.
  2. Zumba Step. Includes a set of step exercises.
  3. Zumba Toning. Classes with maracas - sand-filled instruments that make rustling sounds in time with music and movements. The set of exercises is aimed at tightening all muscle groups of the body; cardio and strength training alternate, replacing each other with a change in musical themes.
  4. Zumba Pilates. One of the most effective types for weight loss. Combines Latin dancing with elements of Pilates.
  5. Eastern Zumba. Fitness exercises are intertwined with elements of oriental dances. During exercise, the abdominal and thigh muscles are strengthened, excess fat is burned, and an elegant silhouette is formed.
  6. Circular Zumba. During this complex, you need to alternately repeat a set of fitness exercises and dance movements one after another.
  7. Zumba Aqua. Also an effective complex for weight loss, exercises are performed in water (in a pool or any calm natural body of water). The load on the muscles increases, the respiratory system is strengthened.
  8. Zumba Gold. A set of exercises designed for people with disabilities or older people, with a specially selected level of load. Suitable for people undergoing rehabilitation after injuries or serious illnesses.
  9. Zumba Step Zumbatomic (Kids, Zumbini). Complexes designed for group training with children of different age groups with the obligatory inclusion of sports games.

Main directions

Since the emergence of this dance style, many varieties of Zumba fitness have appeared.

Varieties of Zumba:

  1. Basic or Fitness - classic cardio dance workout to dance music.
  2. Strong - power zumba, a new direction that uses elements of kickboxing and isometric exercises.
  3. Toning is a dance workout with weighted maracas for strength training and music and noise accompaniment.
  4. Aqua - classes take place partially or completely in water, which increases the resistance of the environment when moving.
  5. Pilates - the aerobic exercise of Zumba is combined with the stretching movements of Pilates.
  6. Step - cardio training using a step platform.
  7. Gold is a dance cardio program designed for older and untrained people.
  8. Kids is a Zumba program designed specifically for children and teenagers, including game elements.

During the existence of the Zumba direction, the musical range of the program has expanded, and the following dance styles have been added to the list of dance styles:

  • Zumba-Afro - dance cardio to the rhythm of African drums,
  • Zumba Tribal is a cardio dance using elements of oriental belly dance.

Zumba for beginners

A Zumba fitness class for weight loss is a bit like a dance marathon, the participants of which move freely to the music with pleasure and joy. The complex does not contain complex exercises, professional dance steps, and does not involve heavy loads. In the usual sense, this is not really a fitness workout. The participants simply have a pleasant time together in the company of lovers of dancing and vibrant music.

Principles and rules of a fitness program for weight loss

Zumba fitness for weight loss is a type of aerobics, the class is carried out after preliminary warming up. Regardless of what kind of training you have, whether you are a beginner or an athlete, before the main set of exercises you need to prepare your muscles for the upcoming loads with a preliminary warm-up. In its absence, it is impossible to perform the more complex elements of Zumba correctly and at full strength, which makes it more difficult to achieve the desired loss of extra pounds. Training begins with gymnastics, not dancing.

The duration of each lesson should not be less than an hour, otherwise the load will be insufficient and the positive effects of the lessons will not be fully achieved. If you feel that the complexity of the selected level is excessive and the complex is very exhausting, it is better to switch to lighter type training, gradually get used to the pace, and complicate the movements at your own, individual rhythm. Other basic recommendations from professionals include the following principles:

  • To achieve noticeable results, you need to exercise at least three times a week, especially in the first stages.
  • You should not overload the body - the first two or three sessions should be devoted to selecting the optimal load.
  • After mastering the basic movements, you can move on to additional independent exercises in the gym or at home.
  • It is important to maintain a drinking regime - at least 2.5 liters of plain water per day, otherwise the weight loss process will occur slowly.
  • It is better to exclude sweets, fried, and fatty foods from your daily diet.
  • It is not advisable to exercise when you are feeling unwell physically - it is better to reschedule the workout for another day.

What clothes to choose for classes

It is better to come to training in clothes that are as comfortable as possible for training. Restrictive movements and baggy tracksuits are not suitable in this case. For the top, it is better to choose a T-shirt, sports shirt or top made of natural material; for the bottom, use shorts, sports capri pants or leggings. The uniform should not tighten the body; the main rule of choosing a suit for Zumba is that it should be comfortable to move intensively in, the body should feel free. For shoes, choose lightweight sports sneakers or sneakers.

Training program for beginners

The average duration of classes is 1 hour. At the discretion of the trainer and those involved, the duration of cardio can be increased to 2.5 hours.

Classes of any length include:

  1. Warm-up part.
  2. Basic fat burning workout.
  3. Stretching.

The fitness instructor sets aside special time for strength exercises on the abs and limb muscles. The duration of the lesson can be increased if learning dance steps is required.

Trainings are held 3 times a week. This is enough to master the program, get involved in the process of training and lose weight.

At home, training for a beginner begins with a warm-up, with a gradual acceleration of the pace. Within 5 minutes:

  • walk in place with a simple step,
  • move with a high hip lift,
  • they run with their shins whipping backwards,
  • jumping on the spot.

And in order to force the muscles to burn more subcutaneous and visceral (internal) fat, the exercises are performed collectedly and energetically. The stomach should be tucked, the back straight, the muscles tense.

Once a week, 15–20 minutes after doing cardio, they do strength exercises designed to strengthen the abs, back, and arms. Good exercises for the back and chest muscles:

  • push-ups from the knees from the floor with wide and narrow arms,
  • slats - side, straight,
  • “Snake” - done while lying on the floor, raising the body on outstretched or half-bent arms,
  • “Cat,” - backbends are performed while standing on all fours on the floor.

Additional strength load is required for the muscles of the shoulder girdle and arms. Exercises with light weight dumbbells and exercises with an expander are effective.

The leg muscles work with great tension during Zumba. This part of the body does not require additional strength training; the lower extremities require thorough stretching immediately after training.

Good stretching is not only an indicator of flexibility, it is the ability to perform movements in the joints with full amplitude. And the wider and freer the movement, the more actively the muscles work and the more calories are burned.

Zumba is an awesome fitness program for weight loss

Each Zumba fitness complex for weight loss consists of a set of different movements connected in a single chain, which the dancers move on to after a preliminary warm-up. Depending on the type of sports-dance zumba and the level of training of the participants, the training can begin either with calm, smooth movements or more complex Latin American dances, hip-hop or belly dancing. The fact that different styles of movements can be intertwined in one lesson does not mean that they can be performed in any way. You need to do basic movements correctly.

Workout structure

Zumba fitness for weight loss of any variety begins with a light warm-up. During this special exercise, the muscles are prepared for the load, warmed up, and tuned. This is followed by a small block of strength exercises accompanied by music selected by the instructor. It may include push-ups, squats, and exercises with dumbbells. The last is the dance block, where participants improvise, dance, stretch and relax. The homework scheme is selected independently, but according to the same principle. Sample training program:

  1. Warm up, including cardio and strength exercises.
  2. Repetition of movements mastered in the previous lesson.
  3. Mastering new movements.
  4. Combining the mastered elements into a Zumbo dance, to music selected by the trainer.
  5. The lesson ends with a complex of stretching (relaxing stretching).

Basic movements for beginners

Mastering the basic movements that make up all zumba complexes is the main stage for a beginner, because the effectiveness of the exercises and their results depend on the correct execution of the basic exercises. Zumba fitness warm-up for weight loss consists of the following elements:

  1. Small and wide side steps with a rotation of the body.
  2. Tilts to the right to the left with simultaneous rotation of the torso.
  3. Marching to the music, gradually engaging the arms and hips.
  4. Body turns, during which the dancer alternates on his toes and on his heels.
  5. "Skater". With your hands behind your back, sliding movements are performed in place, similar to movements during skating.
  6. Leg lunges followed by a jump - the technique can be seen in the photo.

The various Zumba movements should be performed easily, at a dynamic, fast pace, keeping in time with the music, watching your posture, and not forgetting that you are dancing. U-turns with lunges are made according to the following rules:

  1. Feet are placed shoulder-width apart, arms are lowered along the body.
  2. With your elbows bent, one foot is placed on the heel, and the other is lunged to the side and also placed on the heel.
  3. Putting one foot to the other, rising on your toes, turn your body to the left.
  4. After returning to the starting position, all movements are repeated in the other direction.

The technique of performing steps and clapping as part of the Zumba fitness complex for weight loss is based on the same principles (ease of movement, keeping the spine straight, intense speed of execution, getting into the rhythm of the music). Scheme of the exercise:

  1. Feet are shoulder-width apart, arms are lowered along the body.
  2. At the same time as you take a long step to the left, clap your hands in front of your chest.
  3. Place your left foot next to your right and clap again.
  4. Move alternately to the right and then to the left, performing two steps and two claps on each side.

Body turns with a heel-toe roll (twist) are repeated, like the previous exercises, alternately in one direction and then in the other, for 2-3 minutes. The exercise scheme is as follows:

  1. Spread your feet shoulder-width apart, lower your arms along your body.
  2. Bend your elbows, stand on your heels, and turn your body to the right.
  3. From this position, rise onto your toes and turn your body in the other direction (to the left).
  4. Sink back onto your heels and twist your body in the opposite direction (to the right).
  5. Repeat on the other side.

Zumba workout at home

After the basic exercises have been mastered under the guidance of a trainer, Zumba fitness classes for weight loss can easily be done independently, at home. The main advantages of such training are the following factors:

  • If you have experience, you can create a lesson program that is ideal for you.
  • Saving money (on paying for lessons) and time (on visiting the gym).
  • The ability to train at hours convenient for you.
  • Opportunity to conduct a lesson with your child or friends.

In addition to the positive aspects, independent training also has a number of significant disadvantages. The level of skill to carry them out must be high, otherwise it will not be possible to choose the right load, create an interesting training program, or master new movements. Exercising regularly in a group is easier than at home, where you often want to allow yourself to relax and skip class, which is absolutely not possible to do while losing weight.

Where is the best place to study?

You can exercise in any conditions. The number of calories burned does not depend on the conditions in which the activity is carried out, but on the level of intensity of physical activity.

No special equipment or large space is required. It’s not scary if you lack an ear for music and a sense of rhythm.

The form of clothing is not particularly important. The main thing is that it allows you to move freely and does not restrict your movements.

In Zumba there is no competition; there is no comparison of who can dance better or jump higher. The Zumba fitness style is a dance party in good company, among friends, which helps you lose weight easily, without volitional effort on yourself.

In a studio

It is better to study in a group and under the supervision of an instructor. A beginner is able to quickly learn movements and adapt to intense loads while practicing in a studio.

And the presence of a trainer ensures safe execution of the exercises. In Zumba, as in any form of fitness aerobics, it is important:

  • perform movements technically correctly,
  • maintain posture,
  • monitor your breathing and heart rate.

Although physical exercises are performed in front of a mirror, it is difficult for a beginner to adequately assess his condition. In the first days of classes, the instructor’s recommendations on diet, eating and drinking to achieve weight loss are important.

At home

Doing Zumba on your own is not as fun as doing Zumba in a group. There are no technical difficulties. But at home, training performed by a beginner is performed more like exercise to dance music.

And although there is always a mirror at home to monitor your posture, learning to perform the movements correctly on your own is much more difficult than repeating them after an instructor. But a video instructor cannot replace live communication with a trainer.

Another difficulty is that at home it is impossible to feel the energy of the dance hall, which is always created during Zumba classes and serves as a powerful energy boost during classes.

Beginners cannot control their reflection in the mirror and monitor their pulse at the same time.

The training is effective for fat burning at a heart rate (220 - age) * 65–70%. If you overdo it, exercising at a heart rate of 170–180 beats/min, your health will worsen.

Physical fatigue reduces the barrier function of the immune system, and a person begins to get sick often. As a result, he stops training.

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