Parallel Bars Training Program: Perfection in the Details

How to properly do push-ups on parallel bars

Let's consider classic push-ups on parallel bars with an emphasis on the pectoral muscles. However, when performing them, the entire shoulder girdle is also included in the process.

  1. The process must happen slowly. Ideally, the rise should last 1 second, and the descent should last 3.
  2. Starting position: arms straight, holding the bars on top, bending your knees so that an angle of 90 degrees is formed.
  3. The body needs to be moved forward a little and lowered, bending your elbows.
  4. Initially, inhalation is done in the upper position. And then during the ascent. Exhale as you lower.
  5. You can lower yourself until an angle of 90 degrees is formed in the elbow joints. It can be lower, depending on your plans for pumping different areas of the torso. We repeat.

Dips program for mass and strength

Depending on your goals, the parallel bar push-up program varies.

When training for weight:

  • The optimal frequency of classes is 1-2 times a week
  • working approaches - 3-4
  • number of repetitions - 6-10
  • pauses between approaches - 2-3 minutes

As soon as you manage to do 10-12 times in a set, you need to increase the load. Typically, a disk from a barbell is used for this, which is attached to a special belt using a hook.

As an alternative, chains are used (they are hung around the neck), weights (on the belt), or body armor.

When training for strength, the load pattern is similar:

  • rep range – 1-5
  • from 3 to 5 working approaches
  • rest reaches 3-5 minutes

What muscles are activated during dips?

A wide and developed torso is the dream of every self-respecting man. How he attracts individuals of the opposite sex is a completely different story. No exercise machine can help you the way these two magical parallel wands can help you. They will fully work out: shoulders, arms and chest. During simple but effective work on this apparatus, every millimeter of your muscle fibers will be fully used. And when working with additional load, they will beg you for mercy, but do not listen to them. They will get used to these loads and become stronger, more resilient and naturally larger in volume.


Dips are a very effective, but at the same time quite traumatic exercise. To avoid serious injury, the following rules should be observed:

  • Don't make sudden movements. Lower yourself down smoothly and under control.
  • To avoid overloading your shoulder and elbow joints, do not go down too far. At the bottom of the amplitude, the shoulders should be slightly below the elbows (or at their level if you are working with very heavy weights).
  • At the top of the amplitude, do not straighten your elbows completely. Try to support your body weight with your muscles, not your joints.
  • When working with additional weights, be sure to do one warm-up exercise with your own body weight before the working approach.
  • Do not practice single maxes with heavy weights or work in the 1 to 3 rep range. This is extremely dangerous.

How many approaches to do on the uneven bars? Again, it all depends on your goals. People who train with additional weights should perform no more than 3-4 sets of 6-8 repetitions per workout. For endurance athletes who want to set a personal record for push-ups, the number of sets and reps will vary.

Techniques for working out different muscle groups

  • Compound exercises are always more effective for gaining mass and increasing strength. When working on parallel bars, the muscles of the upper body are loaded: pectoral, triceps and deltoid. The load can be adjusted by tilting the body, positioning the hands and the distance between the “boards”.
  • When the body is tilted forward, all the emphasis will be on the chest. For maximum effect, you need to bend your knees.
  • With a vertical body position and straight legs during lifting, the load will be on the triceps.
  • If your elbows point to the sides, the emphasis shifts to the pectoral muscles.
  • If you press your elbows as close to your body as possible, the load will go to the triceps.

The effect of projectile width on muscle load

  • When the position of the hands on the apparatus is equal to the width of the shoulders, then the triceps muscle is subject to maximum load.
  • When the position of the arms is wider than the shoulders, the emphasis will shift to the muscle areas of the chest.
  • The ideal width of the projectile is slightly wider than the athlete’s shoulders.

Dips: working muscles

Dips are a basic exercise that targets the chest and triceps. During execution, the anterior deltoid muscles also receive indirect load. The inclination you choose will determine which muscle group will receive more load. If you keep your body strictly vertical, then most of the load will fall on the triceps. If you lean forward, then the pectoral muscles will do the main work.

Safety precautions when performing exercises on parallel bars

These tips will be useful for both novice athletes and seasoned athletes who often ignore the rules.

  • The projectile should not wobble.
  • The crossbars must be at the same height.
  • The first rule of any workout is a mandatory warm-up. Our case is no exception.
  • Breathe correctly. Inhalation is done in the upper position of the body in order to eliminate the possibility of injury to the chest.
  • Speed ​​in our case is not the main thing. The entire process of lowering and raising the body should last about two seconds.
  • Too much distance between the poles can harm your joints.
  • A common mistake among beginners is training with weights. You can add weight only when you can perform at least 3 sets of 15 reps.

What muscles work on the parallel bars?

The uneven bars program includes the pectoral muscles, back muscles, shoulder muscles and arm muscles, but the triceps, chest and deltoids are subject to the maximum load.

Training on parallel bars according to special programs allows you to strengthen other muscle groups, including the shoulder girdle and abs. By studying according to the formed table, you will observe how your body is transformed: relief appears on your chest, your shoulders grow, your back straightens.

You can make your workouts more challenging by adding weights. This could be a belt with pancakes or a regular backpack with some heavy objects inside. Even if you work out in the gym, do not neglect dips, which can increase the effectiveness of your workouts.

Training for beginners

If you are just starting to build your muscles, then parallel bars are a great tool for pushing all pressing exercises such as bench press, dumbbell press, etc.

  • If a beginner cannot complete a single repetition on the apparatus, then this is of course sad, but not critical. You should not immediately lean on advertised steroids. There is another way out of this situation - you need to start with simple push-ups from the floor. It’s better to do fewer presses, but for more approaches.
  • If classic push-ups from the floor are not easy for a beginner, then you need to start doing push-ups from your knees, or put your hands on a hill. Thus, the pressure on the muscles will decrease.
  • When you learn classic push-ups and accumulate enough strength, then you can safely go to the site and start conquering the uneven bars. If you've done a couple of reps, even with difficulty, then you've already won. Under no circumstances should you be ashamed to do this several times with trembling hands.
  • Do many sets once or twice, increasing the number over time.

Many beginning bodybuilders had this kind of training program on parallel poles when they were small and weak.

Exercise technique

Bars are a fairly versatile sports equipment and allow you to perform many different gymnastic elements.

But in the training program, it is push-ups on the uneven bars that play a key role, so we will focus on them:

  • It is necessary to start work from the top point, which will allow the muscles to prepare for the load. Starting from the bottom position promises microtraumas and sprains.
  • Smoothly lower yourself down, no inertial force, all movements must be under control, smoothly and clearly. Try to feel the tension and avoid shaking your body.
  • Having dropped to the level where you feel a stretch in your chest (the signal will be a slight burning sensation, but not painful sensations), hold for a second and take a deep breath.
  • As you exhale, begin to smoothly lift your body up. Watch the location of the elbow joint; it should not bend towards the body. Over time, the rate of ascent can be increased.
  • Concentrating on the target muscle groups, perform the required number of repetitions.

For a clearer understanding, check out the videos of parallel bars training programs.

Training for mass gain

The growth of muscle mass directly depends on the time that muscle fibers spend under load. So lift and lower your body slowly.

  1. Exercise number one is, of course, classic dips.
  2. You can also perform horizontal push-ups with this tool. The athlete's legs and arms are placed on the bars, they are performed as on the ground, only they have a significant advantage - the ability to increase the amplitude of movement by bending below the bars.
  3. Naturally, training alone will not be enough to gain muscle mass. You will also need proper nutrition and proper rest.
  4. To work on mass, you will need to do 5 sets of maximum repetitions without weights. Rest between sets should not be more than 3 minutes. With weights there are also 5 approaches, only 5 repetitions each.

For maximum results, use different widths of the projectile, position of the arms and body, depending on which muscle group you want to pump at the moment.

Weight training

If you can easily manage 12-15 reps in several sets, then it's time to try increasing the weight you lift. There are special weight belts and vests. It is better to use a special belt; it is wide and comfortable and will protect you from injury. First, attach a light weight plate to your belt. Do 10-12 repetitions in each set. Gradually change the pancakes to heavier ones. A complex with weights will have a positive effect on body weight.

Terrain training

A pile of muscles is not a victory. Especially if they are hidden by ominous fat. For the final result, so that they look beautiful and aesthetically pleasing, you need to reduce its content in the body, without losing muscle mass. To do this we will need: a diet, intense training and possibly various fat burners and protein shakes.

  • When working with uneven bars, you should do 10 to 15 or more repetitions.
  • It is required to reduce the rest period between sets to 1-2 minutes.
  • You should use a weight with which you can perform the required number of repetitions, taking into account that you reduce the rest time.
  • Use a drop set - performing an exercise with a decrease in weight right in the middle of the approach itself.
  • Also, when training for relief, good results are achieved by such a technique as a superset - this is performing two exercises in a row without rest.

A training program on the horizontal bar and uneven bars will give more tangible results than training on any one individual implement. For almost all bodyweight enthusiasts, these two brothers are inseparable.

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