3 Day Kettlebell Training Program

Kettlebell training programs will invigorate you like nothing else. Powerful complexes from kettlebell masters Pavel Tsatsouline and Sergei Rudnev can take you to a new level and pump up your body.

You need to be very advanced in terms of pumping muscles with weights to understand the beauty of kettlebell lifting. However, you should try different options before drawing any conclusions. You know, this is a very exciting and intriguing activity!

The training program will be presented in 2 versions:

  • from Pavel Tsatsouline, Master of Sports of the USSR, physical training instructor for Soviet special forces, popularizer of kettlebell training in the USA, author of books.
  • from Sergei Rudnev, MSMK, five-time World champion in kettlebell lifting, president of the international academy of kettlebell lifting and fitness.

Learn from the best, they are always ready to instruct you in this sport. After all, kettlebell exercises are exercises and training programs that can not only increase your muscle mass, they will make your body more resilient and strong.

Training program from Pavel Tsatsouline

Kettlebell training is something. The number of movements with weights significantly exceeds other equipment: dumbbells, exercise machines, free weights.

Their design involves a number of interesting exercises. The kettlebell combines cardio and strength training into a powerful combination. It's a rhythmic element that does wonders for your body balance and really raises your heart rate above anything else. Plus, just 10-15 minutes with weights and you'll tear yourself apart.

Most of Pavel's videos are currently only available in English, however they give an excellent overview of the movement techniques.

This complex is performed with two weights. According to the author, the program will force you to discover your body in a new way, and build muscle mass in the process.

In total, you will need to repeat four exercises with a pair of kettlebells:

  • Clean
  • Press
  • Squat
  • Renegade Row

On Monday/Tuesday, we perform workout A with a pair of kettlebells, with which you are able to bench press two 6-8 times after one clean, and do a pyramid press, doing the rest of the exercises 1 time in each set.

Strength training with dumbbells at home (Day 2)

On day two, you'll work your back, legs, shoulders, chest, and even isolate your biceps and calves. Don't forget about the abdominal exercises that are recommended to complete your workout.


Working muscles: latissimus, rhomboid and teres major muscles of the back, trapezius, muscles of the shoulders and forearms.

How to do it:

This is a great exercise for your back and upper body development. Hang on the horizontal bar with straight arms, tense your core. Do pull-ups by bending your elbows and trying to touch the horizontal bar with your chest. Lower yourself down, straightening your arms completely to give your lats a good stretch.

During pull-ups, do not swing while trying to help yourself with your legs. But if you are a beginner, then jerking movements will help you learn how to do pull-ups. In this case, it is necessary to linger longer at the top point, which will help the muscles adapt to the new load.

If you don’t have a horizontal bar, then perform bent-over dumbbell rows, during which the key back muscles also work.

Bent-over rows (alternative to pull-ups)

Working muscles: latissimus, rhomboids and teres major, trapezius, rear deltoids.

How to do it:

Lean forward with your back straight and your knees bent. Hands with dumbbells are lowered down parallel to the legs. Hold the dumbbells horizontally. Don't lean too far; your chest should be pointing forward. Pull the dumbbells towards your body, bending your elbows. Make sure your elbows bend at right angles. At the top point, squeeze your shoulder blades together so that the entire range of back muscles works.

During this exercise, it is important not to bend at the waist, otherwise you may injure yourself. Maintain a slight arch in your back, which will help prevent injury. In fullbody strength training, special attention is paid to back training, because this is where the largest complex of muscles is concentrated, which affects the appearance of the entire body.

Lunges forward

Working muscles: quadriceps femoris, gluteus medius and maximus, adductor muscles of the thighs, oblique abdominal muscles.

How to do it:

Take the implements in your hands and take a wide step forward, lowering into a lunge. Come back and repeat with the other leg. When performing forward lunges, hold dumbbells with your arms extended downwards. Try not to swing them, otherwise it will interfere with your balance. Don't bend your back, look straight ahead.

Do not bend your knees at an acute angle, otherwise the technique will not only be disrupted, but the load on the knee joints will also increase.

Dumbbell chest raises

Working muscles: pectoralis major, deltoids (front and middle fascicles), biceps, triceps, forearms.

How to do it:

Take the equipment in your hands and lie down on the bench. Raise your arms straight with the dumbbells up, palms facing each other. Bend your elbows slightly and do not straighten them until the end of the approach. Start spreading your arms with dumbbells to the sides, making sure that your elbows are pointing straight down. Lower your arms until you feel a “tightness” in your chest, then raise them up until the dumbbells touch each other.

Strength training for men at home cannot be done without working the chest. This exercise can be performed not only on a straight bench, but also on an inclined bench. Moreover, if the bench is tilted down, you train the lower part of the pecs, and if it is tilted up, then the upper part. On a straight bench, the middle part of the pectoralis major muscles is best used.

If you don’t have a bench or comfortable stools at home, you can perform this exercise on the floor, but in this case the amplitude of the exercise will be less.

Standing Dumbbell Press

Muscles worked: front and middle deltoids, triceps, rhomboids, trapezius.

How to do it:

Stand up straight, dumbbells in straight arms. If possible, stand in front of a mirror to control your technique. Raise your arms straight with dumbbells up. Bend your elbows, lowering the dumbbells to your shoulders, and press them back up. At the lowest point, the dumbbells should be at ear level. When pressing, spread your elbows out to the sides. The axes of both dumbbells should be in the same plane, as if continuing each other.

When performing the exercise, imagine that you are pressing the barbell, as if you were doing a military press. The arms should move in the same amplitude, and the dumbbells should remain motionless and not sway. Perform this effective strength exercise at home to build broad, powerful shoulders.

Bent over arm abduction

Working muscles: triceps, forearms.

How to do it:

Take the dumbbell in your right hand, lean on the bench with your left. Place your left knee on the bench, with your right leg straight. Do not bend at the waist, fix your body in a motionless position. In the initial position, the right arm with a dumbbell is bent at the elbow at a right angle: the forearm is perpendicular to the body, the shoulder is adjacent to the body. Extend your arm with the dumbbell at the elbow, moving it as far back as possible. Repeat for the other side.

This isolated exercise works the triceps, making your arms powerful. If you take a lot of weight, do the exercise slowly, without sudden movements, so as not to injure your elbow joints.

You can do this exercise without a bench:

Lifting on your toes

Working muscles: calf.

How to do it:

Take the apparatus in each hand and stand facing a raised platform (step platform, barbell discs). Place your toes on a hill and keep your heels on the floor. The dumbbells are calmly held in straight, lowered hands. Rise onto your toes, pushing your heels off the floor, and come back.

Strength training for men at home includes exercises to pump up the muscles of the whole body. This exercise will help develop your calves so that your legs look harmonious. In addition to the strength effect, raising your toes helps stretch your muscles, which is good for their elasticity.

Program from Pavel Tsapulin - A

Circular - 9 circles
Hanging weight lifts

  • 1 set x 1 rep
  • Body part: Shoulders Equipment: Kettlebells

Military two-hand kettlebell press

  • 1 set of 1-2-3-4-5-4-3-2-1 reps
  • Body part: Shoulders Equipment: Kettlebells

Deep squats with kettlebells

  • 1 set x 1 rep
  • Body part: Quadriceps Equipment: Kettlebells

Kettlebell row while lying down

  • 1 set x 1 rep
  • Body Part: Middle Back Equipment: Kettlebells

Russian kettlebell swings

  • 5 sets of 20 reps
  • Body part: Hamstrings Equipment: Kettlebells

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In the pyramid press, we go as high as possible to find the number of repetitions beyond which you simply cannot press.

On Wednesday we return to our training, but this time we perform squats using a “pyramid”:

Kettlebell Snatch Programs

One of the best types of training. This program does not require much time, however, excellent results can be obtained in just 30 days.

The workouts should be performed for 120 days, taking one day of rest between each session. You should start with a weight of 16 kg. By the end of classes the weight should be 32 kg.

The program includes: pushes, lunges, swings and presses. You should train for about half an hour. You need to rest no more than 60 seconds between repetitions.

To have a great body, you don’t need to spend hours working out in the gym. All you need to do is buy a weight and practice for 30 minutes at home for 3-4 months.

The YouTube channel “Forge of Sports” offers its selection of the best exercises with kettlebells:

Program from Pavel Tsapulin - B

Circular - 11 circles
Hanging weight lifts

  • 1 set x 1 rep
  • Body part: Shoulders Equipment: Kettlebells

Military two-hand kettlebell press

  • 1 set x 1 rep
  • Body part: Shoulders Equipment: Kettlebells

Deep squats with kettlebells

  • 1 set of 1-2-3-4-5-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps
  • Body part: Quadriceps Equipment: Kettlebells

Kettlebell row while lying down

  • 1 set x 1 rep
  • Body Part: Middle Back Equipment: Kettlebells

One-arm kettlebell snatch

  • 5 minutes 1 set
  • Body part: Shoulders Equipment: Kettlebells

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Do as many maximum repetitions of pyramid squats as you can handle. And aim to do a 5 minute dash. You can change your hand, for example, every 10 times.

It is recommended to take the weight for the snatch less than the working one. Exactly the kind that will allow you to make jerks for a long time. If at first you don’t succeed in five minutes, don’t give up.

Training schedule

Train on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, changing the order of the bench press and squat pyramid:

Week 1, 3Week 2, 4
Monday – A/press (X)

Wednesday – B/squats (Y)

Friday – A/press (X)

Monday – B/squats (Y)

Wednesday – A/press (X)

Friday – B/squats (Y)

You will perform the same number of MAXIMUM reps (X and Y) to “fix” the pyramids for 4 weeks. In the example workouts, these are 5 presses and 6 squats.

In the fifth week we increase the MAXIMUM by +1 (total 6 and 7)

In the sixth week we increase the MAXIMUM by +2 from the base (total 7 and 8).

Week 5Week 6
Monday – A/press (X+1)

Wednesday – B / squats (Y+1)

Friday – A/press (X+1)

Monday – B / squats (Y+2)

Wednesday – A/press (X+2)

Friday – B / squats (Y+2)

That's all. In six weeks, you will see your own gains in meat, and you will also feel your body in a new way. Unload yourself with a week of fun and easy training and you are ready for strength training that uses the “pyramid” (1, 2, 3, 2, 1).

These six-week workouts can be scheduled several times a year. Remember that you need to eat a good and balanced diet in order to gain quality mass.


You can rest between approaches as much as you see fit. A good guideline is restoring breathing. Rest one day between workouts.

Physical means of recovery

Temper yourself and keep your body clean, this also promotes recovery. Water procedures with cool water tone muscles, give vigor, and increase performance. Do them in the morning or afternoon. After training, use warm water, it has a relaxing and calming effect.

A steam bath is very useful, it enhances metabolism and eliminates fatigue. But remember that dehydration and high temperature lead to some loss of muscle strength, so do not go to the sauna more than once a week and before competitions.

We will tell you about additional recovery methods, in particular, pharmacological support in kettlebell lifting, in the following articles.

Biathlon - Clean and Jerk

Two-handed kettlebell push

  • Rate by minute: 9, 10, 10, 3
  • Body part: Shoulders Equipment: Kettlebells

Two-handed kettlebell push

  • Tempo by minute: 11, 11, 11, 11, 12, 12, 6
  • Body part: Shoulders Equipment: Kettlebells

Treadmill workout

  • 4 km in the third zone
  • Body part: Quadriceps Equipment: Exercise

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Stretching - 15-20 minutes after the complex.

Combined - Snatch

Circular - 10 laps
One-arm kettlebell snatch

  • 1 set of 10 reps
  • Body part: Shoulders Equipment: Kettlebells

Attention: on each hand, rest 30 seconds

Swing kettlebells with two hands

  • 1 set of 20 reps
  • Body part: Hamstrings Equipment: Kettlebells

Treadmill workout

  • 6 km in the second zone
  • Body part: Quadriceps Equipment: Exercise

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Some mistakes made by beginner weightlifters when performing the kettlebell snatch exercise and ways to eliminate them are discussed in the video below from Sergei Rudnev.

General tips for exercising at home

  • Any workout should begin with a thorough warm-up.
    Even at home, you can get injured and leave sports for a long time. Never neglect warming up. This rule is especially relevant for older people. It is necessary to warm up all the muscles, and not just those that are going to be trained. Start your warm-up with gentle movements, gradually increasing the pace.
  • Don't forget to stretch.
    Moderate stretching helps you recover faster, which speeds up the process of muscle growth.
  • By exercising regularly, you are doomed to success.
    The optimal frequency of fitness classes is 3 times a week. By training once or twice a week, you shouldn’t expect good results in the form of a narrow waist or defined abs. Exercising every day is also not an option; you can overtrain.

Effective warm-up before training. Warm-up exercises.


Perform for a while: - 50 Long Cycle Presses of two kettlebells 24/16kg - 50 Snatches of two kettlebells 24/16kg - 50 Thrusters with two kettlebells 24/16kg - 50 Russian Swings with two kettlebells 24/16kg - 50 Lunges with two kettlebells overhead 24/16kg

The kettlebell marathon is rightfully one of the most difficult tasks with kettlebells. Your task is to perform 5 exercises of 50 repetitions (that is, 250 repetitions in total with two weights).

2. TEST FOR A MAN WITH A Kettlebell

Your task is to complete a set of maximum repetitions in kettlebell swings with both hands without lowering the kettlebell onto the platform; there is no time limit. In the top position, the bottom of the weight looks up, the arms are straight (but a slight bend in the elbows is allowed), in the bottom position the weight is lowered to a hanging position between the legs. The swing is made with only two hands.

We recommend reading: Deadlift 100 kg for 8 reps

It is prohibited - to hold the weight hanging (that is, to clearly rest when the weight is below) - it is prohibited to place the weight on any part of the body (head, leg, shoulders, etc.). The approach should not be discontinuous.

A pause is allowed in the top position, holding the kettlebell with both hands by the hook, bottom up.

Men wave 32kg kettlebells Girls wave 24kg kettlebells

The task will not be easy! It’s not for nothing that this test is called a test for a man, who has the courage to hold the weight on the floor for as long as possible and endure hellish pain? The Kettlebell Man Test is a test of your endurance and mental toughness!

3. Kettlebell

Perform 2 rounds for time: - 30 pushes of two kettlebells with a long cycle of 24/16kg - 100 air squats

The task is simple! We perform 2 rounds of 30 pushes of two kettlebells in a long cycle and 100 air squats for a while!


The task is to complete 3 laps of 3 exercises for a while! We perform trays in any way, you can kipping, lunges in place without weight and 40 kettlebell swings!

We recommend reading: Post-workout nutrition: why it’s important and what you should eat


We'll check you out quickly! Complete the task as quickly as possible with minimal stops! Just 1 round! The height of the bedside table for men is 60 cm, for girls it is 50 cm, with the weights, I think you have already figured out the first value for men, two weights of 24 kg and for girls, two weights of 16 kg.


Perform for a while: - 400 meter run - 20 thrusters with two weights 24/16kg

Another sprint challenge! You need speed in running and a reserve of strength in thrusters! For most athletes, this routine will fall into the submaximal anaerobic power zone.


Explanation of the task - in the first round we perform 2 snatches and 2 squats, in the second round we perform 4 snatches and 4 squats, then 6+6 and so on for 15 minutes (it is important that the kettlebell snatches must be divided in half, that is, in the round where 2 snatches, you need to perform 1 snatch with one hand and one snatch with the other hand, in a round where there are 4 snatches - perform 2+2 snatches and so on) Result - you need to add up all the rounds and repetitions and write down the total amount.

Calculate your ideal sports weight!

Cool challenge with one kettlebell! I recommend trying it out and taking a weight that is heavy for you, it will be cool, believe me!


So what does this work mean? Performed like EMOM at the beginning of each minute, only 1 repetition is added with each minute. That is, the first minute is 1 thruster - rest until the end of the minute, the second minute is 2 thrusters, the third is 3 thrusters and so on until you fit into a minute.

The result will be the total sum of repetitions for all minutes.

Additional exercises in the program

Let's look at a few additional exercises for beginners. Kettlebell exercises are definitely not for weaklings. Their essence is precisely to make you stronger and more resilient.

Swing with one hand

It's a little like jumping rope, but with weights. Start with a light weight of 12-16 kg. Take it with both hands and swing it between your legs, then lift it to eye level and lower it back down. This movement is one of the great muscle-building moves you can do in the gym.

It is not intended for the upper body. If you do it right, it means your hips, the backs of your legs and your core are working. You can swing the swing with one hand (one at a time).

Bent-over row

Performing kettlebell deadlifts is a great way to replace a barbell while using less weight. Take a 16 kg weight and place it between your legs. Without arching your lower back, with your legs bent and your chest open, grab the kettlebell and straighten up, squeezing your buttocks and abs.

Once you improve your strength, try to keep your legs straight but not tense. Alternatively, you can do alternate kettlebell rows.

Alternating bent-over kettlebell row

Shoulder press

Doing kettlebell presses will strengthen your upper body and protect your shoulders. Hold a 16 kg weight with one hand, resting on the biceps of a bent elbow, pressed close to the body. Lift it up above your head and, controlling the weight, lower it. Repeat.

Make sure you hold the kettlebell firmly so it won't slip or fall. Such actions will make your shoulder more dynamic than when exercising with dumbbells. Balance will develop agility and increase strength. For seated variations that will further develop body balance, you will need a special ball and this set.

Lunges with weight transfer

Adding weights to lunges is a great way to work your legs and core. Take 16 or 32 kg weights in both hands or try to throw the same one between them. Lunge back with your left leg. Now throw the weight below and catch it with your right hand. Step back.

Lunges with weights under the foot

Repeat the movement for 2 minutes, smoothly and quickly throwing the weights back and forth.

Chest Press

This is the most difficult movement for a person, which Laird Hamilton teaches you to do with kettlebells. Here's how to do it: Grab two matching weights. Lie on your back on a bench or on a balance ball (this will make the exercise more difficult), as if you were going to do a bench press.

Now turn the weights in your hands so that the weight is facing the ceiling, and control their balance as you push them up and down. Watch the traffic. You'll be surprised how difficult it is to keep track of each weight individually.

Features of training with kettlebells

Training with kettlebells has its own characteristics and nuances, which we will talk about now.

  • Multiplicity
    The weight of any weight is a multiple of four, that is, it is divisible by this number. There are weights - 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32 kilograms, etc. It is worth taking this into account and understanding. But if we are realistic, we need to understand that most gyms have weights of 16, 32 and sometimes 24 kilograms. We are not talking about any 12 or 20 kilograms. If you want to train with weights, you will have to find a good set so that you can warm up and properly load your muscles.
  • Center of Gravity
    The kettlebell is one of the implements that constantly changes its center of gravity throughout the movement. This unique property is both a plus and a minus. Constantly changing the center of gravity of the projectile develops stabilizer muscles, but increases the risk of injury, especially for beginners. It is worth taking this feature into account.
  • Bruises and pain on the forearms
    Due to the design, the kettlebell puts a lot of pressure on the athlete's forearm. Lifting weights on a regular basis will leave bruises on your forearms. Bruises will cause unpleasant pain. To avoid this problem, bandage the area where the hand and the weight come into contact with an elastic bandage, but not tightly.
  • Magnesium and Grip Strength
    Training with kettlebells requires a strong grip, especially in some exercises. Using straps when training with kettlebells is stupid because your grip will remain weak. Magnesia will help solve this problem. Usually the kettlebell slips out of your hands not because of a weak grip, but also because of sweaty palms. Wipe your hands often and use magnesium, then there will be no problems.
  • Load on the spine
    Almost all exercises with kettlebells place significant stress on the spine. People who have serious back problems will have to forget about training with this apparatus at least for a while. Athletes with a healthy spine need to engage in prevention to maintain athletic longevity and health.
  • Technique
    The technical component when training with kettlebells is much more important than brute strength. If you disdain the correct technique, you risk getting injured and forgetting about your favorite equipment and the sport in general for a long time. Improve your technique constantly, even if you achieve good results.
  • mode
    with weights is the same as training in the gym. No one has canceled the observance of sleep and nutrition. If you want to succeed, then you will have to sleep a lot and eat well.

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