Reviews from those who have lost weight: How a woman lost weight at 40 and began to look like a fitness model

We continue to analyze the weight loss stories of various people in order to understand what works for weight loss and what does not from the variety of existing recommendations. Our own experience is accumulated in the section How to lose weight? our website, most of the materials in which are based on scientific research.

This time in the section Reviews of those who have lost weight - a story about a woman at the age of 40 who did nothing unusual: she simply changed her lifestyle habits, nutrition and level of physical activity - what everyone talks about most often and everyone knows - and got results. which is both pleasant to look at and not ashamed to show to others.

Main thoughts:

The first step in Nessa's weight loss story: regular exercise, mainly high-intensity interval training, 5-6 times a week for 50 minutes

The second step was that Nessa made adjustments to her diet: she began to eat more often (5-6 times a day) in small portions consisting of whole natural foods, and with the help of a nutritionist she calculated the required number of calories for each day

Feedback from a nutritionist: “An important key to success when losing weight is planning your diet for every day; nutrition should be a daily priority"

Feedback from a nutritionist: “A proper diet for weight loss should be based on foods rich in nutrients, including protein. This will help normalize blood sugar levels, which affects hunger."

Nessa, 39 years old from Luxembourg, has never had problems with excess weight. She was one of those women/girls who eat whatever they want and it does not affect her body parameters and weight.

This continued until she changed her job to a sedentary one and... unnoticed by herself, she began to gain weight. “I was focused on work, not health. I ate whatever I could get my hands on and constantly felt broken and tired.”

One day she saw an earlier photo of herself and was unpleasantly surprised. “I had no idea how much my body had changed during this time,” Nessa says, adding that her sleep had worsened and she became very nervous at work.

In March 2021, the woman decided to change everything in hopes of becoming stronger, healthier and more energetic, as well as enjoying looking at herself in the mirror. She began to take gradual small steps.

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Feedback from a nutritionist on the chosen nutrition strategy

I have met people who came to me for consultation with the conviction that they were eating healthy, says nutritionist Marlee Zweifach. — Very often they exclude fast food from their diet, add more whole grains, but... do not eat enough protein .

This is how delicious meal planning looks

Protein is important for weight loss. Protein-rich foods:

  • saturates well, eliminating the feeling of hunger for a long time;
  • has a thermogenic effect, i.e. requires more energy for digestion than carbohydrates and fats (by about 30%!);
  • useful for maintaining muscle mass, because When you lose weight by limiting calories and actively playing sports, you are at high risk of losing it.

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When you set a goal to eat healthier, like Nessa did, it takes persistence and planning, says nutritionist Jane Detroyer. — To lose weight, it is important that proper nutrition becomes a daily priority.

Not only do you need to set aside time to prepare meals, but you also need to plan ahead for situations that might force you to deviate from your meal plan.

If you need to eat lunch every day, it's important to find a better place to do it that serves healthy food, says nutritionist Marlee Zweifach. Planning this way, she says, is the path to success in achieving your long-term weight loss goals .

Nessa followed her diet plan for 11 weeks without deviating one step and is convinced that her diligence is the reason for her success.

Now, on weekends, she gives herself the opportunity to relax from a strict eating schedule, but continues to adhere to it on weekdays.

Feedback from a nutritionist: “An important key to success when losing weight is planning your diet for every day; nutrition should be a daily priority"

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Small healthy lifestyle changes are the secret to weight loss success

Throughout her fitness journey, Nessa looks in the mirror rather than at the scale because she knows that muscle is heavier than fat—she doesn't mind putting on a few pounds of muscle mass. And she feels happy and healthy.

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Nessa's weight loss success is a result of hard work and determination. But she is also a clear example of how small, right changes in life can lead to miraculous results .

In a new way... “small, right changes in life can lead to wonderful results”

The woman knew exactly how much she needed to eat to maintain her level of physical activity and at the same time lose weight, says nutritionist Jane Detroyer.

Planning and preparing meals is not an easy task for those who are not used to it, as ordinary people simply do not know what their body needs.

Nessa's diet was filled with high-quality foods and included enough protein and carbohydrates to support her level of physical activity throughout the day, continues Jane Detroyer.

It also did not lead to sudden spikes in blood sugar levels. Eating less food throughout the day than before, Nessa still did not feel hungry or weak, which helped her refrain from eating unhealthy foods.

Feedback from a nutritionist: “A proper diet for weight loss should be based on foods rich in nutrients, including protein. This will help normalize blood sugar levels, which affects hunger."

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How to lose weight after 40 years

( 4 ratings, average: 4.25 out of 5)

Nobody says losing weight is easy. And this becomes increasingly difficult to do as you add more candles to your birthday cake. We turned to well-known experts - nutritionist, candidate of medical sciences Andrei Bobrovsky and the head physician of the Prison for Fat clinic, Andrei Knyazkov, to find out the important features of how to lose weight after 40 years. We've also looked at scientific research to narrow down exactly what you can do, from food to fitness, sleep, stress and more.

1 in 40. Reduce portions

When you wonder how to lose weight quickly after 40, you are faced with the fact that even healthy foods require portion control. “Imagine that your stomach is approximately the size of two fists clasped together. When there is more food on your plate than this amount, you may eat more than you actually need,” says Dr. Andrei Bobrovsky. To painlessly reduce portions, eat one or two spoons less than you usually consume. “We often don’t even need the excess we eat.”

2 out of 40. Food comes first

“When it comes to losing weight after 40, what really moves the needle on the scale is a change in diet,” says doctor Andrey Knyazkov. People make a common mistake by focusing only on exercise and then giving up their efforts without seeing results, she says. Focus your efforts on changing what you eat first, and then add exercise.

3 out of 40. Decide why you need it

People who have managed to lose weight after 40 did so after realizing it was either necessary because your clothes no longer fit, or because your doctor recommended it. You must awaken mentally, which will put you in a state of readiness for change. If you are not mentally involved, nothing will happen. Understand why you need it and remind yourself of this often.

4 of 40. Watch the fruit

Fruits are healthy foods. They are a source of health-promoting phytonutrients and fiber. But they also contain carbohydrates. After 40 years of age, you should watch your intake of even healthy carbohydrates. You don't have to give them up completely, but limit yourself to two servings of fruit a day. It is best to eat berries that are low in sugar and carbohydrates.

5 of 40. Control carbs

When you reach age 40, your body becomes more resistant to insulin, which contributes to weight gain (especially belly fat) and makes it harder to lose excess weight, explains Dr. Andrey Knyazkov. To avoid this, you need to control your carbohydrate intake, even if you eat healthy foods like whole grains. At the same time, measure out the required portion when you sit down at the table, not by eye (for example, half a cup of cooked brown rice).

6 of 40. Don't avoid protein and spread out your intake.

To lose weight after 40, you need to work to maintain muscle mass as you reduce your calorie intake and lose weight. To achieve this, eat 30 g of protein three times a day. This is approximately 110-140 g of chicken or fish.

7 of 40. Include protein in your breakfast

Did we mention how important protein is? It is especially important for breakfast, when people are more willing to reach for foods rich in carbohydrates. Research shows that people who eat protein instead of carbohydrates for breakfast lose more weight.

8 of 40. Start walking

Increasing the amount of time you spend walking is important for everyone, but it's especially important if you have more than 50 pounds to lose. One of the common mistakes is the idea that you need to spend all your energy on physical exercise and start intense training. This is the worst thing you can do, as you increase the risk of injury. On the other hand, brisk walking will help you shed pounds without causing pain. Set a goal of 10,000 steps per day.

9 of 40. Interval between breakfast and lunch

According to a study published in The Journal of Nutrition, timing your meals may be a helpful strategy for maintaining and losing weight. Scientists have found that eating infrequently is beneficial for reducing food intake, and they recommend keeping the interval between breakfast and lunch at least 5-6 hours. This is relatively easy if you eat breakfast at 7 a.m. and lunch at noon, but it's important to remember that timing your meals plays a role here.

10 of 40. Mentally get rid of the diet

Ironically, “compulsiveness to diet” turned out to be one of the best predictors of weight gain. This is, of course, disappointing news. However, “diet restriction” is not associated with weight gain. This is according to a study published in the journal Frontiers in Psychology. If you're committed to reducing your weight, you need to stop using the "dieting" jargon.

11 of 40. Build Up Your Training

Once regular walking becomes a habit, “turn your attention to other pleasurable body movements,” says Dr. Knyazkov. This could be dancing, hiking, cycling, swimming or martial arts. The important thing here is that physical activity should be something you enjoy – not just a fad or a punishment. When you look at physical activity this way, you will be more willing to do it.

12 of 40. Eat salad with lunch.

There are many ways to prepare a salad that is difficult for the stomach, for example, flavoring it with a large amount of high-calorie dressing. A proper lunch salad should consist of a heap of vegetables (lettuce, cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers), 110-140 grams of protein, and vinegar and olive oil for healthy fat. “One of the reasons I love salad for lunch is that you can eat a large amount of food that won't make you hungry until dinner,” says nutritionist Andrei Bobrovsky.

13 of 40. Don't forget about your favorite foods

Dieting doesn't have to be a terrible feeling. Just because you need or want to lose weight, you shouldn't feel punished or left out. Finding a way to eat that will last is exactly what will prevent you from constantly gaining weight. Even as you lose weight, you shouldn't completely give up your favorite foods, she says.

14 of 40. Manage stress

In a UK study of adults aged 54 and over, participants who had higher markers of the stress hormone cortisol were more likely to be overweight, have a higher body mass index and have a larger waist size. High cortisol levels promote fat storage, especially in the abdominal area. Learning stress-reduction strategies—and using them when needed—can help you lose weight without changing your diet.

15 out of 40. Drink more water

A Michigan State University study of nearly 10,000 adults linked “inadequate hydration” to high body mass index and obesity.
Overweight people may eat fewer water-rich fruits and vegetables. It is also worth drinking more clean water. One tip for drinking more: Many people notice that they drink more water when it's at room temperature. Find out the causes of excess weight and ways to quickly lose weight

Sign up for a free initial appointment with a nutritionist!

16 of 40. Organize week-long holidays

Weekends often throw you off track because they don't have the structure of workdays. The approach of Friday evening and until Sunday means holidays in terms of your dishes. Turn to “holiday” foods once a week, which can include anything you know you love. This could be your favorite spaghetti, or a visit to an Italian restaurant. Such moments help to get rid of the feeling of loss.

17 of 40. Think about something else

When the problem arises of how to quickly lose weight for a woman after 40 years old, you constantly come across all these opportunities to eat - all sorts of donuts or cookies at work.

When you see these cookies, tell yourself that you are in charge and you are the one making the decision. Say something like, “I'm choosing not to eat this because I'm choosing what I like better,” recommends Dr. Bobrovsky. This is where your holiday meal promise comes in - when you're focused on that, you may ignore other snacking opportunities that come your way.

18 of 40. Read labels

It's easy to look at the front of packaging and be swayed by its attractiveness and misleading claims, especially those that say the product doesn't "contain" something there. Not everyone realizes that gluten-free foods can be high in sugar, salt, calories and fat, and may be low in fiber. All this contributes to weight gain. Read nutrition labels that give you real information about what you're buying.

19 of 40. Plan ahead

Hoping to pick nutritious foods on a whim throughout the day is ruining your diet. There are many things that come your way that you can choose with the best intentions. Plan your next day's meals in the evening and stick to the plan. The next day you will know exactly what you are eating.

20 out of 40. Eat more plant-based foods.

A plant-based diet can promote long-term weight loss. A review of 12 randomized controlled trials conducted in 2021 found that those who ate a vegetarian diet lost nearly 2.5kg more weight than those who ate meat. (Vegans lose even more). Legumes, salads and tofu are excellent sources of plant protein and should not be avoided. On the subject: How to lose excess weight after 50 years

21 of 40. Eat three times a day

There is an opinion that if you eat constantly throughout the day, it will increase your metabolism. “This is true, but the effect of this approach is very minimal,” says Dr. Knyazkov. Eating three meals a day means you can move on to other activities after eating without thinking about food until your next meal. “It’s very liberating,” he says.

22 of 40. Avoid artificial sugar substitutes

Artificial sweeteners may not contain calories, but they increase your taste for sweet foods. (By the way, this is true for Stevia, too.) If you consume a sugar substitute of any kind, you will never feel an "orgasm" in your mouth from the taste of apples. But seriously, the less you consume sugar substitutes, the more you will enjoy the natural sweetness of foods, even vegetables.

23 of 40. Drink green tea

When you feel your morning energy starting to wane, you may crave something sweet in hopes of perking you up. Instead, it is recommended to drink green tea, which contains antioxidants that can enhance fat burning and curb hunger. They also say that if you are taking omega 3 supplements, tea time is the best time to do so. These are fats and together with the tea they will help boost your energy until dinner arrives.

24 of 40. Be strong

Strength training is absolutely necessary for women who are faced with the problem of how to get rid of belly fat after 40. This is the age when muscle mass begins to decrease. “If you don't pay attention to this, you will lose muscle incredibly quickly,” says Dr. Knyazkov. Forget about visiting gyms. He recommends using workout DVDs that focus on bodyweight resistance training, such as squats, lunges, and push-ups.

25 of 40. Consume Fat

If you ask whether it is possible for a woman to lose weight after 40 years, then you will definitely receive a positive answer. The right fats won't make you fat—they can prevent age-related fade. A study published in The Lancet found that people who ate a Mediterranean diet with olive oil or nuts had less weight and a smaller waist circumference over the five-year study period than those in the control group. What's even better is that you don't have to count calories.

26 of 40. Eat more yogurt

Make yogurt a staple in your breakfast. One 2021 study concluded that eating yogurt is associated with positive effects on weight. Use plain yogurt, no added sugar.

27 of 40. Combine proteins and carbohydrates

It's a winning combination: Protein takes longer to digest, resulting in more stable blood sugar levels after eating carbohydrates. Combine a couple of bananas with peanut butter, rice with chicken, or cheese noodles with some fruit.

28 of 40. Don't loose control

Emotional eating happens sometimes—and when it happens, it's nothing to be ashamed of. But by analyzing what causes it and identifying calming activities that don't involve food, you can increase your chances of successful weight loss by 70 percent, according to the Journal of Behavioral Medicine. On topic: Traditional methods of losing weight

29 of 40. Snacking at night

“Most of my clients come to me and say that they like to have a snack at night,” says Mr. Knyazkov. If this is true for you, follow this natural tendency. Otherwise you will suffer all evening. Plus, snacking at night will help stabilize your blood sugar while you sleep. A good recipe is to microwave an apple (so it's soft), then fry it (so it's crunchy), and add yogurt and cinnamon for a healthy combination of protein and carbs.

30 of 40. Close the kitchen

If possible, have a snack early in the evening. Then close the kitchen at 8 p.m. "Stop eating for 12 hours a day, and use large meals for lunch," says Dr. Andrei Bobrovsky. This follows your body's natural metabolic rhythm. Think of the hours when you don't eat anything as a "refresh" in which your cells do the cleaning necessary to remove body fat.

31 of 40. Timing Your Carbohydrates

The body burns carbohydrates most efficiently in the morning and immediately after noon. Eat carbohydrate-rich foods (such as grains) early in the day when your metabolism is most active. For lunch, you should eat small portions of whole grains (not bread), half a plate of unpeeled vegetables, and 110 g of protein (chicken, fish).

32 of 40. Sleep (more)

You may not believe it, but sleep is one of the most important factors in weight loss, especially for those trying to lose weight after 40 years of age. “If you don't sleep enough, the regulation of appetite and hunger hormones is disrupted,” says Dr. Andrey Knyazkov. “You are ready to eat everything you can get your hands on.” The only solution is to regularly get 7-8 hours of sleep every night.

33 of 40. Increase your fiber intake

Scientists suggest that if you have problems sticking to a particular diet, solve them with a small change - start consuming more fiber. According to a study published in the Annals of Internal Medicine, over the course of a year, people who eat high amounts of fiber lose about the same weight as those who follow the American Heart Association diet (about 2.5 kg). A lot of fiber is found in vegetables, fruits and whole grains.

34 of 40. Eat nuts

Nuts may be high in calories, but they have an interesting effect in preventing weight gain and promoting weight loss. According to a 2021 study, people who ate a lot of nuts had a 5 percent lower risk of being overweight compared to those who didn't eat nuts.

35 of 40. Turn off your electronic devices.

There's another reason to turn off your phone before bed: Blue light emitted from electronic devices suppresses the production of melatonin, the sleep hormone. In short, your phone and tablet could be quietly contributing to your weight gain if you can't get the sleep you need. At 7 pm, turn off your phone and computer (you can use a timer to do this automatically). Then, declare an hour before bed free from electronic device screens.

36 of 40. Think about the quality of food

According to a 2018 Stanford University study, people who eat plenty of vegetables, little refined flour and trans fats, and focus on eating whole foods (without worrying about counting calories) lose the same amount of weight as if if they were on low fat or low carbohydrate diets. Conclusion: Consuming high-quality foods is the most important component of a weight loss diet after age 40.

37 of 40. Whip up your hunger

It's completely normal to feel hungry sometimes. And while you should respect your hunger, you also need to know that it's not something to be afraid of. “If you experience normal hunger, this means you are losing weight,” says nutritionist Andrei Bobrovsky. - It's just a feeling. It will pass, and there will be time until your next meal, and you will feel good.”

38 of 40. Know when to weigh yourself

For people who want to eat healthy, Dr. Andrey Knyazkov recommends getting on the scales every day. "So you focus on losing weight and following good nutritional principles," he says.

39 of 40. Reduce the amount of alcohol

A glass of wine at night, “is a disaster for weight loss after 40 years,” says nutritionist Andrei Bobrovsky. “Many women allow themselves to do this, but if you drink wine, you start eating.” Additionally, alcohol adds no nutrients to your diet; it only provides empty carbohydrate calories. Limit your alcohol consumption to small amounts, no more than 1-2 times a week.

40 of 40. Move

Losing weight after 40 is all about moving your body throughout the day. For inactive adults at risk of developing type 2 diabetes, every 60 minutes of inactive time is associated with an increase in belly and liver fat, a study published in the journal Obesity shows. On the other hand, people who meet physical activity recommendations (at least 150 minutes per week of moderate-intensity physical activity) are protected from storing fat around the waist or from being sedentary during the day. It's another reason to get out of the house, play with the kids (or the dog), plan a game of tennis with friends, or even spend your free lunch time shopping.

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Test check yourself:

fact or fiction?

Eating more fruit can improve bone density.

Correct! Wrong!

Consuming foods with plenty of bioavailable calcium improves bone density. Fruits generally do not contain much calcium.

Excess protein accumulates in the muscles, causing them to increase.

Correct! Wrong!

Once the need for protein and energy has been met, excess amino acids are converted to acetyl-CoA, from which they are converted into fatty acids and stored in adipocytes. Therefore, excess protein will not be converted into muscle.

Calories consumed after 7 pm are automatically stored as fat, which contributes to weight gain.

Correct! Wrong!

Regardless of when you eat, excess calories are used in anabolic reactions, converted into fat or glycogen, and stored. If you eat fewer calories than you need, catabolic reactions will occur in the body more often and, accordingly, triglycerides will be broken down.

Test: myths about protein - fact or fiction?


The Internet is filled with advice on how to lose weight, which often contradict one another.

If you really have weight problems and want to lose weight, but don’t know how, then the best solution is to contact a certified, experienced nutritionist. He will be able to find out your individual needs and create a nutrition plan based on them.

Dietitians typically take into account where you live, your level of physical activity, your type of work, and your personal history when developing a personalized diet that will be effective for your weight loss while helping you avoid becoming deficient in essential health nutrients.

We also recommend that you read the materials in the Weight Loss section on our website, where we consider various aspects of weight loss from a scientific point of view.

The path to proper weight loss is not quick and should always be based on adjusting your eating habits , which you will need to adhere to for the rest of your life.

By the way, this is also a criterion by which you can always distinguish false methods: avoid everything that promises quick results with the help of magic pills, for example.

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Without words…

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