The benefits of step aerobics and is it possible to lose weight?

Outwardly, everything is very simple - like steps on a ladder. But there is so much grace, beauty and hard work in these easy movements. Step aerobics immediately gained unprecedented popularity among the female population. It turned out that regular exercise helps you quickly lose weight and give a clear contour to your figure, especially in the legs, buttocks and abdomen. Exercises help strengthen the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, as well as prevent the occurrence of osteoporosis and arthritis.

Very important. Steps on the steppe help reduce the volume of your legs and dry them out. As a result, we get a beautiful hip line and a thin, graceful ankle.

What is step aerobics

Step translated from English means “step”. Each set of steps seems to involve moving up a staircase, while remaining at the same level. Step aerobics is a type of cardio exercise performed at a fast pace and accompanied by rhythmic music.

The basis of all classes is basic steps, combined into sequences of varying complexity. It is noteworthy that the minimum number of steps in one exercise is four. The workout begins with a light warm-up, then the movements become more complex and the pace increases.

To perform the exercises, a step platform with a non-slip top is placed in front of each participant. Increasing the height of the platform leads to more complex movements and greater energy consumption.

Classes are collective in nature, usually a group is selected according to the level of preparedness of the participants. It should be noted that working in a team is much more interesting and emotional.

The workouts last 45-60 minutes without stopping. Exercises are performed in increasing complexity, alternating from time to time with a transition to a step or easier movements. It can be very difficult for an unprepared person at first, but over time the movements are honed and performed automatically.

Important. The main load falls on the muscles of the legs, buttocks and abdomen. What is especially noteworthy is that the work involves the muscles of the inner thigh.

Walking on a platform is a gentle exercise. Oddly enough, it is precisely these movements that help develop the knee and ankle joints. There are no impact movements or obvious jumps that can quickly lead to damage to muscle ligaments, bones, and joints.

How do we lose weight? Is step aerobics suitable for weight loss?

Step aerobics for weight loss is an ideal choice, provided that the workout lasts more than half an hour and you watch your diet.

In order to answer this question, you must first understand the mechanism of weight loss itself. A person loses weight at the moment when the amount of energy he expends exceeds the amount he receives. This is simple mathematics and the statement is quite obvious.

You spend a lot of energy in class, and we can conclude that any type of aerobics for weight loss is simply ideal. Step aerobics is no exception. But if everything were so simple, thousands of women would not be tormented by the question of why they attend training regularly, but the weight does not come off.

Our body receives energy from food and distributes it for its own needs. What remains “extra” is put aside in reserve. Energy resources for different needs are formed by the body in different forms.

There is a certain reserve of energy that the body always keeps, as they say, “in quick access.” What if you urgently need to climb the stairs to the tenth floor or run a hundred meters.

This energy reserve, which helps quickly mobilize your strength, is stored in the form of carbohydrates (glucose, glycogen) in your muscles. This reserve is enough for 20-30 minutes of intensive work.

When you have spent this resource, but by force of will you force yourself to continue training - nothing can be done, the body has to extract energy from more valuable resources - fats. Accordingly, you begin to lose weight after half an hour of intense step aerobics.

I will not focus on the fact that step aerobics training for weight loss needs to be continued for more than half an hour, since the standard training time in a fitness club is 45-60 minutes. Of course, if you study at home, make sure that you have enough time to fully study.

So, you left the hall, came home and sat down to eat. The body has replenished the spent reserves of carbohydrates. You continue to eat - the reserve of carbohydrates is full, excess energy is stored by the body in the form of adipose tissue. Everything you spent today was immediately restored.

This is where we came across the second reason preventing you from losing weight by doing step aerobics. Of course, step aerobics is effective for weight loss, but without an appropriate diet it is unlikely to achieve results. The situation seems kind of hopeless, doesn't it? And how can you understand how many calories you spend during training and how you can build your diet. More on this later.

The benefits of step aerobics

Step aerobics, like other types of cardio exercise, has a beneficial effect on the condition of the cardiovascular system. By increasing the heart rate, the blood is enriched with oxygen, the level of hemoglobin increases, and tissue nutrition improves.

What’s good about step aerobics is that it can help restore the knee joint after injury. A large number of flexion movements contributes to the formation of joint fluid, the joints themselves gradually become more mobile and elastic.

But most of all, women love step aerobics because it gives them the opportunity to shape their figure, especially the lower part. An increase in muscle tone leads to the burning of subcutaneous fat, muscles become more elastic, and the skin tightens due to increased metabolism.

Rhythmic steps to and from the platform plus simultaneous arm movements also help strengthen coordination. Well, for those who still prefer strength training to a greater extent, step machines have been invented.

Important for many. With a decrease in volume, cellulite disappears, and step aerobics leads precisely to a decrease in volume.

So, the main advantages of step aerobics:

  • high efficiency of training - in one session you can burn from 300 to 500 kcal (for comparison - a full lunch consisting of salad, first, second and “bun”);
  • safety for joints - unlike running and jumping rope and with the same weight loss results, step aerobics protects joints, exerting a gentle load;
  • a great opportunity to remove the volume of the lower body, which is the most problematic for most women;
  • prevention of cardiovascular, pulmonary diseases, osteoporosis, arthritis - by increasing metabolism;
  • increasing endurance, which is especially important when climbing a floor, up mountains, or during long walks;
  • maintaining a normal weight – helps to avoid problems associated with excess weight;
  • Increased bone density – Weight-bearing exercises help maintain bone tissue.

Interesting. The founder of step aerobics is Jean Miller, who developed her joints after an injury by stepping on a box on the advice of an orthopedist. This is how a new trend in fitness emerged, which immediately became popular all over the world.

Benefits of step aerobics

Step aerobics gained popularity in the 80s of the 20th century and is still one of the most popular types of fitness due to intense training that allows you to quickly lose weight at home. This type of fitness is an effective way to not only increase endurance and burn fat, but also improve your mood.

  • Step aerobics is effective for losing weight.
  • A set of exercises with low loads and amazing results.
  • Helps burn a large number of calories.
  • Accelerates the process of weight loss.
  • Tones many large muscles in the body.
  • Increases body flexibility over time.
  • Helps improve coordination as well as endurance.
  • This sport can be practiced at home.

Aerobic exercise is an important part of a well-designed workout. Many exercises are designed to train cardiovascular endurance; step aerobics is one of these types of exercises.

Step aerobics is easy to learn at home. All you need is a pair of comfortable sneakers and a step platform. You can use another elevation, but we recommend that you still pay attention to a professional platform, because... it is sustainable and not too expensive.

Using other elevated positions, such as benches, poses a risk of injury.

Is it possible to lose weight by doing step aerobics?

The main condition for losing excess weight is to spend more calories than you consume. Regular physical activity helps to expend the energy stored in fat cells. At the same time, metabolism increases, oxygen supply to tissues improves, which again contributes to rapid and stable fat burning.

Step aerobics is recognized by experts as one of the best methods for losing weight. With proper nutrition and good intensity of movement, the body begins to burn fat after about 15 minutes of exercise.

After just a few sessions, the result becomes visible - the body becomes more compact and dense. The lines of the figure become clearer, the legs and hips lose volume. The weight goes away, and therefore it becomes easier to breathe, move and live in general.

How many calories does step aerobics burn?

The number of calories burned during exercise depends on the duration of the activity and the person's weight.

Weight 15 minutes 30 minutes 45 minutes 60 minutes
50 kg 100 kcal 120 kcal 140 kcal 160 kcal
80 kg 140 kcal 160 kcal 180 kcal 200 kcal

The above calculations correspond to the average intensity of training. When training using more “advanced” methods, including dance and complicating elements, weighting, the result can reach about 300 kcal for women, about 500 for men.

Features of step aerobics

Step aerobics classes were developed by Gina Miller, a US bodybuilding champion. It was she who included the basic exercises of this type of activity in her daily workouts, having the need to recover from an injury. Gina was convinced of the effectiveness of this sport herself and demonstrated it to others. Step aerobics is divided into the following main types:

  • Power Step. It makes it possible to work out the muscles of the whole body and at the same time affects the cardiovascular system.
  • Dance Step. The steps in this type of aerobics form dance sequences and beautiful movements. This sport will allow you to lose weight with pleasure.
  • Step Interval. This workout will allow you to combine cardio and strength training. Combined with diet, this is a great way to burn fat.

Step aerobics is a separate type of aerobics that involves performing exercises using a special platform . The word “step” is translated from English as “step”, which indicates the simplicity of the classes, because they are based precisely on steps - the most basic movements.

Many beginners who are interested in step aerobics exercises want to know what the benefits of this type of activity are. Let's look at them in more detail:

  • In order to start practicing, you do not need financial investments. Of course, you need a special platform, but in fact it can be replaced with any plastic or wooden bench.
  • Basic step aerobics steps can be done at home and won't require much space. You don’t need a whole room; in principle, there will be enough space on the balcony.
  • You can practice step aerobics at home in front of a computer monitor, including video lessons of step aerobics, with which even a beginner will find it easy to perform the exercises.
  • This type of activity is considered very effective in losing weight. It helps burn excess fat and strengthen muscles at the same time.
  • This fitness has a good effect on the general condition of the body, especially on the cardiovascular system.

Experts agree that the benefits of step aerobics for weight loss are enormous. This is explained by the high level of load, active tempo and special choreography. An hour of step aerobics can be equivalent to climbing to the 1200th floor .

There is only one complaint about step fitness - it does not correct the figure. That is, it is not suitable for those who want to work only with a specific zone. But at the same time, step aerobics at home helps remarkably to correct the figure in general and maintain it in the desired shape.

Since the pace of classes is quite fast, there are contraindications to this type of fitness. These are diseases of the heart and blood vessels, such as arrhythmia, angina pectoris. This list also includes diseases of the leg joints, diseases of the spine, varicose veins or a tendency to it, high blood pressure, chronic liver or kidney diseases. In view of all this, before starting classes, it is recommended to consult with a specialist. During the execution process, proper technique is very important to help avoid injury.

Who should take step aerobics classes?

Important. Anyone who has no contraindications can do step aerobics. To avoid complications and due to high intensity training, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

Who is step aerobics recommended for:

  • women, young and middle-aged men leading a healthy lifestyle;
  • those who are overweight;
  • during the rehabilitation period after injuries of the knee joint - exclusively under low loads and with mandatory monitoring of the condition.

And, of course, if you wish. Training brings real pleasure, improves tone and promotes good health.

Contraindications and harms of step aerobics

As with other types of physical activity, there are certain contraindications to step aerobics. Under specific conditions, training can cause irreparable harm to the body. Step aerobics refers to cardio training, during which the body experiences truly increased stress.

The list of contraindications includes:

  • diseases of the cardiovascular system - arrhythmia, angina pectoris can worsen during or after exercise, even leading to a heart attack;
  • injuries and diseases of the joints - training during the acute period is not recommended, as the course of the disease may worsen and cause complications;
  • pathologies of the kidneys and liver - performing active exercises provokes the movement of stones;
  • varicose veins – in case of obvious “swollen” veins, step is contraindicated;
  • large excess weight - excessive loads will aggravate chronic diseases, in this case it is better to start with walking, gradually increasing their duration;
  • pregnancy and the first three months after childbirth.

Important. It is perhaps incorrect to talk about the dangers of step aerobics. It would be more correct to talk about the unreasonable approach of some individuals to their health.

Does step aerobics help you lose weight?

In order to lose weight, you need a comprehensive approach consisting of diet and exercise. precisely because it is very energy-consuming.

In the first 20-30 minutes, quickly accessible carbohydrates (glycogen) are consumed, which are deposited in the muscles throughout the day, however, after 25-30 minutes, it runs out, and the body has to “process” deep fat reserves, due to the elimination of which weight loss occurs.

The energy consumption of a workout is directly related to the type of step aerobics. So, with low-intensity exercise, approximately 250-270 kcal per hour is spent, at an average level - 350-400 kcal, but high-intensity exercise will burn more than 500 kcal within an hour.

Attention! Accordingly, weight loss with this type of training depends solely on the complexity of the program and the preparedness of the athlete. Regular exercise speeds up metabolism, as a result of which calories are intensively burned within 24 hours after the last workout.

By exercising 3-4 times a week and adjusting your diet, you can achieve tangible results within a month.

Be sure to check out:

How to practice correctly: avoiding mistakes

If you decide to do step aerobics, you should pay attention to some points that may complicate your life and desire to lose weight.

Everything will not work out at once. You will have to start with the simplest steps until they are fully automatic. If you decide to start by attending a group of trained people, you will make a big mistake - you will not keep up with the trainer and other participants, and as a result, you will lose interest in the classes.

A mandatory requirement is to place your foot correctly on the platform. The main load during training falls on the Achilles tendon, so injuries may occur if the technique is not followed.

Step aerobics should be done in doses. Two or three workouts per week lasting 40-60 minutes are enough. Daily exercise, due to its high energy consumption, will lead to overwork, nervous breakdown and even depression. This point is very important, especially for those who want to lose weight quickly.

Important. Listen to the coach and everything will work out for you.

Types of step aerobics

Step aerobics cannot be viewed as just a series of specific steps. Each trainer leads groups based on the level of training of those participating and their own ideas about the methodology of teaching fitness.

Conventionally, several types of aerobics can be distinguished:

  • Basic Step – workouts for beginners mastering basic movements and steps. It is in the first classes that you should pay great attention to the intensity of the load. If you feel that your body is tired and has begun to resist, you should stop in time.
  • Advanced Step - the program is intended for those who already have certain skills. Includes complex combinations and jumps. Those who have never done step aerobics are not recommended to start classes immediately with Advanced Step - without preparation, they simply will not be able to complete the exercises and will quickly lose interest in training.
  • Dance Step is an ideal option for those who love and know how to dance. Includes elements of choreography, develops plasticity and precision of movements. Classes are held in an intensive mode with high energy consumption, which invariably leads to weight loss. A special advantage is the emotional component.
  • Step-Combo - includes very complex movements, exercises are designed for good coordination and existing skills. The training is fast-paced and almost non-stop.
  • Step Interval is an excellent solution for those who want to lose weight quickly. The training takes place with alternating active and quiet periods in interval mode.
  • Double Step – to increase effectiveness, classes are conducted on two platforms. Performing the exercises requires good coordination and utmost attention.
  • Power Step – involves the inclusion of strength exercises in the complex. To increase efficiency, weighting agents are used.

Important. Each trainer builds classes according to his own program and uses those connections that he considers necessary. For example, to balance the load on certain muscle groups, at the end of the workout they perform exercises that involve the upper body and spine.

Step aerobics for beginners

If you have never done step aerobics and are just planning to start, then be sure to look at the features of the classes, basic exercises from step aerobics and recommendations for clothing and shoes for training.

Step aerobics for beginners: 10 features

1. Be sure to remember the correct body position while performing step aerobics exercises: knees slightly bent, back straight, stomach tucked in, buttocks tense, shoulders straight, gaze directed forward.

2. Steps must be taken with the entire foot on the platform so that the heel does not hang down.

3. In step aerobics there are no steps in two counts - at least four. This is due to the fact that you not only need to move along the floor, but also climb onto the platform.

4. In step aerobics, unlike classical aerobics, there are no reverse steps.

5. At first, in step aerobics classes, it will probably be difficult for you to repeat the exercises after the instructor. You may even get lost and confused in your steps. This is absolutely normal, after 3-4 lessons you will feel much more confident.

6. The higher the step platform is located, the more intense the load. Beginners should choose a height of 10-15 cm. More experienced practitioners should choose 20 cm. Gradually, the height of the projectile can be increased. It has been established that every plus 5 cm added to the height of the step platform will provide an additional 12% of the load.

7. You can make your step workout more challenging by using dumbbells or weights on your legs or arms.

8. Half an hour before your workout, drink a glass of water and be sure to take a few sips of water every 10 minutes during your workout.

9. If your gym offers step aerobics of several difficulty levels, then it is better to choose a class for beginners, even if you have good physical fitness from other workouts.

10. Remember the movements first with your “legs” and only then with your “hands”. Engage your arms only when the lower body has fully mastered the movements.

Basic exercises from step aerobics

To make it easier for you to master step aerobics, we offer you several basic step aerobics exercises in visual pictures.

1. Basic Step

Step onto the step platform with both feet alternately. Performed in four counts.

2. V-steps or V-steps

Step one step at a time with both feet on opposite corners of the step.

3. Step with shin overlapping or Curl

Step your right foot onto the corner of the step platform and swing your left foot back. The heel should touch the left buttock. Then do it on the other side.

4. Step with knee lift or Knee up

Step your right foot onto the corner of the step platform, bend your left knee and pull it towards your stomach. Then do it on the other side.

5. Step with leg lift or Kick up

Step your right foot onto the corner of the step platform and throw your left foot forward. Then do it on the other side.

6. Touching the floor

Standing in the middle of the step platform, alternately touch the floor with one foot and then the other.

7. Pull your leg back

Step your right foot onto the corner of the step platform, and take your left foot as far back as possible, without bending it at the knee. Raise your arms in sync with your legs. Then do it on the other side.

8. Leg abduction

Step your right foot onto the step platform and take your left foot to the side without bending it at the knee. Move your arms to the side synchronously with raising your legs. Then do it on the other side.

More complex step aerobics exercises

We also offer you examples of more complex exercises that trainers can add to programs for advanced practitioners:

1. Platform jumping

2. Jump over the platform

3. Jumping with legs abducted

4. Jumping in place

As you can see, in advanced classes, trainers can also include jumping exercises. If you have discomfort while jumping, then it is better not to jump, but to perform a low-impact version of the exercise (just walking).

Jenny Ford YouTube channel for the gifs .

Clothes and shoes for step aerobics

In step aerobics, it is very important to choose comfortable sports shoes. It is better to exercise in sports sneakers with non-slip shock-absorbing soles, which reduce the load on the joints. Shoes should fit tightly on the foot and support the arch of the foot, this will help protect the feet from injury. If you are predisposed to varicose veins, you can wear thick tights to class.

There are no special requirements for sportswear. The most important thing is that it is comfortable and does not restrict movement. It is better to choose high-quality breathable material. Please note that it is better not to wear long, loose-fitting pants: there is a risk of injury when stepping onto the step platform.

How to choose clothes and shoes for classes

Particular attention when choosing equipment for classes - shoes. A thick shock-absorbing sole is required to reduce the impact force on the joints and spine. The sole must be non-slip. The best option for step aerobics is sports sneakers that fit snugly on the foot and support the arch of the foot well. Sneakers and Czech shoes are absolutely not suitable for training in this case.

When choosing clothes, we pay attention to the fact that it is convenient and comfortable to work out in. It is preferable if it is made of “breathable” materials. It is not recommended to wear long, wide pants, as you can simply get tangled in them or step in your step, which can lead to injury.

Important. If you have a predisposition to varicose veins, it makes sense to wear tight tights, which will ensure uniform blood flow in the lower extremities and avoid stagnation in problem areas.

How to choose a step platform or step machine

To conduct independent training at home, you will need to purchase a step platform or, if you are also interested in strength training, a step machine. The main requirement for the equipment is a non-slip surface of the platform or pedals, minimizing the risk of your foot slipping. The top should be made of rubberized material.

Step platform

Equipment can be purchased in sports stores or online resources. Step platforms are distinguished by their stability, dimensions, coating material, and strength. When choosing, special attention must be paid to ensuring that the foot fits completely on the platform. If your foot size is 39-41, then it makes sense to choose a board width of 40 cm. For those with small feet, a platform with a width of 35 cm is suitable.

Length – standard, 0.8-1.2 meters. The choice in this case depends solely on your preferences.

Another determining parameter is the number of levels, two or three. The minimum height of the step varies between 10-15 cm; with the intensity of training in the future, the height can be increased to 30-35 cm.

Important. The price category is affordable. The equipment is offered for sale at prices starting from 1,500 rubles.

Step trainer

Models vary in size and design. The determining factor in this case is the dimensions of the model and functionality. Steppers are, after all, equipment for complex use and are designed to develop not only the muscles of the legs and hips, but also the muscles of the back, arms, and chest.

Important. Exercise machines are not suitable for classic step aerobics classes.

What you need to study at home

A sports set of step aerobics for weight loss at home consists of the following components:

  • Stepping platform

In other words, the step or elevation is selected taking into account the level of training and height. A beginner will find a platform up to 30 cm comfortable, but a more prepared person will need a step higher. The price of sports equipment is affordable, you can choose one to suit every taste and budget. There are platforms whose height is adjustable. A beginner should not buy high equipment, even if he wants to quickly lose excess weight from his hips and waist. This rather threatens rapid fatigue and short exercise.

The width of the step platform is 40-50 cm, and the length is 1-1.5 m. The surface should not be slippery, but should be well fixed to the floor from below. Safety during exercise must be observed so as not to harm yourself, so choose step pads with a rubberized or slightly embossed surface, from which the shoes will not slip. You can even replace a step platform at home with a small stool, but only a comfortable one.

  • Aerobic dumbbells

Exercises on the steppe can be carried out with an additional load in the form of dumbbells from 1.5 to 2 kg. This way, a person will be able to maintain his aerobic pace and make the activity more difficult.

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  • Sneakers with rigid soles and cushioning

Shoes should be comfortable, properly support the foot during aerobics, and not constrict. Thanks to shock absorption, the load on the joints is reduced, reducing the risk of spraining the foot.

  • Special clothing

A tracksuit should “breathe”, fit exactly in size, and not restrict your step and movements of your arms and legs.

Is it possible to practice at home?

If you don’t have the opportunity to do step aerobics in a group, you can do it at home. You will need to make room for exercise and buy a platform. Please note that even the simplest exercises require a certain freedom of movement.

Ready-made videos can be found on the Internet. When choosing a program for self-study, you should remember your level of preparation. There are enough video tutorials on the Internet for both beginners and more advanced ones.

Also, do not neglect the rules for selecting shoes. Just because you are at home does not eliminate the possibility of injury. House slippers, socks and Czech shoes are not suitable for classes.

Important. For training, do not use improvised means - boards, bars, iron structures - instead of a step platform. Is it dangerous.

Educational video lessons for beginners

Healthy fitness with a step platform is an effective method of burning calories and losing excess weight. With regular exercise, intense step exercises will become a real pleasure for a person who wants to get rid of subcutaneous fat. A set of elements of breathing exercises and the right steps will help a person who cannot go to the gym to train at home. Watch the videos to enhance your practice.

Basic exercises on the step platform for beginners

step aerobics at home for beginners.

Advanced class

Step aerobics with Oleg Tchaikovsky (advanced level)

Best dance aerobics

Dance-step aerobics, coach Olga Ochkasova

( 2 ratings, average 4 out of 5 )
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