Anti-cellulite massage: features and benefits

Causes of cellulite:

  • lack of physical activity
  • smoking
  • excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages
  • poor nutrition
  • hereditary factor
  • hormonal imbalances
  • sudden weight gain or loss
  • thyroid dysfunction
  • incorrect treatment, excessive medication
  • frequent stress
  • varicose veins

Main types of anti-cellulite massage

Next, let's look at what types of anti-cellulite massage exist and what the technique for performing them is:

1. Anti-cellulite massage - manual and using a device.

Manual massage, which can be manual, classical or general, is the simplest, but at the same time very effective way to get rid of orange peel. It is performed in those areas where fat deposits are especially noticeable. Manual massage is done daily for 20–30 minutes. In this case, techniques such as gripping, pinching, stroking, patting, pressing, etc. are used. It is important to control the force so that after the procedure there are no bruises or bruises.

After a course of 14-15 procedures, you should take a break for two weeks to avoid unnecessary stress on the cardiac and circulatory system. During the massage, it is necessary to use gel, cream or oil, which will increase the effectiveness of the action. However, given that the products may contain substances that can cause an allergic reaction, a sensitivity test is required.

Among other things, classical manual massage procedures also have a healing effect. After the massage, the condition of the skin, and the whole body as a whole, becomes much better. At the initial stage, actions should be slow, but with gradual acceleration.

As for the hardware type of anti-cellulite massage, it is most often used in salons. This effect allows you to remove even advanced cellulite. In this case, such types of anti-cellulite effects as vacuum, temperature, vibration, press or ultrasound are used. It is worth noting that the procedure can be quite painful, but for the sake of the result that the client receives, one can be patient.

Under the influence of a hardware type of anti-cellulite massage, fat is effectively burned, waste, excess water and toxins are removed from the body. In addition, the skin becomes noticeably healthier. Such procedures can be used for body contouring and as an alternative to liposuction. To get lasting results, it is recommended to conduct a course consisting of 2-3 sessions per week for 15-20 days.

2. Anti-cellulite massage using cups (vacuum).

This procedure is carried out using a special silicone jar - which is why the process is called cupping anti-cellulite massage. The effect of such exposure is based on reflection, that is, by creating a vacuum, receptors in a certain area are irritated, the skin turns red, and blood flows to this area. You need to work in this technique for no more than 15–20 minutes, otherwise bruising may occur due to rupture of blood vessels.

Before starting the massage, the problem area must be lubricated with oil or cream. Afterwards, the attached silicone jar is suctioned to the skin, thereby creating a vacuum. It needs to be moved slowly over the area of ​​the body where there is cellulite, making sure that it does not come loose. The final stage will be wrapping yourself in a blanket and resting. Next, you should take a shower and treat your skin with milk, which contains citrus essential oils.

Thanks to vacuum massage, the muscles in the treated area become more elastic and their tone increases. In addition, this procedure increases the rate of contraction of muscle tissue and makes it less susceptible to temperature changes. For fans of saunas, steam baths, fitness and swimming pools, vacuum massage will also be an excellent addition. If you carry out steam treatments or swim at least once a week and do not ignore the massage, you can get rid of a huge amount of waste and toxins that come out through the skin.

3. Honey anti-cellulite massage.

To combat orange peel, as well as to improve the condition of the skin, a procedure using extracts of medicinal plants or other products can be used. This type of anti-cellulite massage refers to reflex therapy, which is based on warming up the areas of the skin that need treatment. In the active exposure zone, excess fat and salts are released.

At the beginning of the process, one or two teaspoons of honey are applied to the palms of the massage therapist. The product must be natural, liquid and not sugared. Next, patting movements are made in the problem area until the product is absorbed into the skin. Honey penetrates into the deep layers of the epidermis, after which there is a rapid improvement in blood circulation and an increased flow of beneficial elements to muscle tissue and internal organs. In addition, this useful product absorbs toxins.

Due to this type of anti-cellulite massage, the deep layers of the skin are cleansed, which become noticeably smoother. During the procedure, fat cell capsules are burned, followed by mixing their contents with interstitial fluid and removing them along with toxins to the surface. As a result, the skin becomes firmer, more elastic, smoother and silkier. Subcutaneous seals are removed and muscles are toned.

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4. Lymphatic drainage type of massage.

It is often carried out together with anti-cellulite massage. Its purpose is to increase lymph and blood flow. In the first case, we are talking about intercellular fluid, which occupies up to 80% of the human body. It is through lymph that toxins are removed, and when it stagnates, cellulite deposits form, since excess fluid is not removed from the body. Lymphatic drainage massage eliminates this problem.

There are several techniques for performing lymphatic drainage massage:

  • Superficial - done manually. The main effect is on capillaries and subcutaneous neuroreceptors.
  • Deep is also a manual type of massage. However, in this case, the effect is carried out not only on capillaries and vessels, but also on deeper layers, in the process of which stagnation is eliminated.
  • Internal is a hardware type of anti-cellulite massage that uses microcurrent effects on large lymph nodes.

The technique of this type of massage consists of light pressure, circular and wave movements directed from bottom to top. This allows lymph to flow to the nodes, where fluid is filtered and sent back into the blood. The entire body is healed, including the central nervous system. This type of massage procedure does not cause discomfort, allows you to relax and lasts from an hour or more.

5. Thai type of anti-cellulite massage.

This is a fairly new type of anti-cellulite massage for our area. This technique consists of influencing human energy zones (active points, meridians) using certain techniques. In this case, the actions extend not to certain areas, but to the entire body. One session lasts 2–2.5 hours, during which the master performs movements such as twisting the joints and many others.

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Thai massage helps to normalize metabolic processes in the body and improve lymph movement. In addition, the figure is corrected, cellulite disappears, fat is burned, and the skin becomes firm, elastic and beautiful. To achieve optimal results, about 12–15 procedures are recommended.

The dry rubbing method can be used, as well as therapeutic, aromatic and other types of massage aimed at combating cellulite. But the techniques described above are the most popular.

Anti-cellulite massage: the correct technique to perform at home

A course of procedures for home use consists of 10-15 procedures lasting 30 minutes.

  1. Do not eat food for one to two hours before the procedure at home.
  2. Take a shower, cleanse your skin
  3. Warm up your hands by rubbing one palm against the other for a few seconds.
  4. Apply the cream or gel to the skin of the buttocks and thighs. During the procedure, you can use natural citrus fruit oils
  5. Before starting the session, study the structure of the body's lymphatic system. During the procedure, it is impossible to exert strong influence on the lymph node areas
  6. At the beginning of the independent procedure, use the technique of smooth massage movements - stroking for 2-3 minutes. According to the location of the lymphatic system, movements should be directed from bottom to top

Gradually increasing strength, use the following massage movements:

Patting (light claps on the surface of the treated area)

Kneading (successive gripping, lifting, squeezing, kneading, rolling out muscles)

Pinching (intensive pinching of the skin of the legs and buttocks)

Rubbing (the technique is based on shifting the skin under the hands. Rubbing is similar to kneading, but is more intense and strong)

Vibration (this massage technique can be applied using the fingertips, hand, base of the palms, fist. The vibration technique consists of performing continuous or intermittent oscillatory movements)

Impact technique (chopping with the edge of the palm, one or two at a time)

Be careful with massage movements in the area of ​​the inner thighs. Thin skin and a large accumulation of lymph nodes make this area very sensitive to mechanical stress. Strong pressure can lead to a negative effect from the anti-cellulite procedure, especially at home

  1. At the end of the procedure at home, with a relaxed hand, repeat the stroking technique to relax the body.
  2. Take a shower and rinse off any remaining massage product.
  3. Avoid eating for 2 hours after the procedure at home. This is necessary to achieve a more effective result.

Recommendations for performing manual anti-cellulite massage

Massage for cellulite at home should be carried out in compliance with the following rules:

  • skin and hands should be dry and warm;
  • the procedure should begin with slow movements and gradually increase the pace;
  • self-massage is recommended to be carried out in the morning or late in the evening, before going to bed (2 hours before meals and 3-4 hours after);
  • The session should take 30–60 minutes and take place at least once a week. To obtain the best effect, it is recommended to conduct an average of about 15 sessions, 10 of which with a break of 1 day, and the rest distributed over several weeks (perform 2 procedures every 7 days);
  • The direction of massage movements should be towards the heart. In the abdominal area you should act especially delicately;
  • The thighs on their inner surface have a cluster of large lymphatic vessels. No massage movements should be made in this area;
  • You can use a special anti-cellulite cream or essential oils.

Anti-cellulite massage at home can be performed not only as the main procedure to combat the problem, but also as a maintenance treatment, conducting 1 session every 14 days.

Anti-cellulite massage of the abdominal area

  1. Do not eat food for one to two hours before starting the home self-care procedure.
  2. Take a shower, cleanse your skin
  3. Warm up your hands by rubbing one palm against the other for a few seconds.
  4. Apply anti-cellulite cream or gel to the abdominal area. You can perform the procedure yourself using special essential oils: juniper, orange, lemon
  5. Take a pose lying on your back with your knees bent. For comfort, place a pillow under your head
  6. At the very beginning of performing a massage technique for cellulite at home, use the technique of smooth massage movements - stroking the abdominal area for 2-3 minutes. Make all movements from bottom to top
  7. Increase the strength and intensity of your movements. Be careful, especially at home! During the massage session, do not put strong pressure on the abdominal area and internal abdominal organs!
  8. Repeat the massage movements for 10-15 minutes, then go back to stroking the abdominal area (1-2 minutes)
  9. Do not get up immediately after finishing your home massage session, rest in a lying position for 2-3 minutes
  10. Remove any remaining massage oil from your abdominal skin

Who can benefit from anti-cellulite massage?

Professional massage therapist Vyacheslav Kryzhanovsky is sure that absolutely everyone.
During the massage, blood circulation and lymph flow are accelerated. This improves the condition of the subcutaneous tissue and skin, preventing the formation of bumps. If you already have an “orange peel”, anti-cellulite massage can quickly smooth it out. Vyacheslav Kryzhanovsky

certified massage therapist, teacher at Glory massage school

It is important to perform anti-cellulite massage at a fast enough pace to ensure maximum blood flow to problem areas.

Plus, the muscles receive more nutrition and oxygen. This means that the bonus is an improvement in well-being and motor activity in general.

Moreover, the exercises are so simple that they are ideal for doing at home: with a friend or by yourself. For lasting results, massage sessions should be combined with other methods of combating cellulite.

Anti-cellulite massage of the arms

It is important to start doing a home anti-cellulite procedure the moment you see the first signs of its appearance: loose or sagging skin on the inside of the arm. Timely massage delivers the best effect and helps prevent the appearance of deep cellulite. A properly performed anti-cellulite massage at home will not only improve the condition of the skin, but will also give results in the form of reducing the size of unwanted fat deposits. Time: 10-15 minutes for one hand.

  1. Apply cream or gel to the body for the session
  2. Do light anti-cellulite stroking with one hand (in the direction from the shoulder to the hand) for 2-3 minutes. During a self-massage session, work on the outer and inner parts of the arm
  3. Gradually move to the active rubbing technique
  4. Perform the pinching and patting technique
  5. At the end of the anti-cellulite session, again make several intense movements - stroking
  6. Remove any remaining massage oil from your hands

Anti-cellulite massage at home (7 tips)

To obtain the most effective results from anti-cellulite massage procedures, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the following rules:

  • It is important to do massaging movements carefully, smoothly, gradually accelerating the pace.
  • The muscles must be completely relaxed, and the hands should not be cold or wet.
  • During the procedures, it is useful to use a special anti-cellulite cream or natural oil, such as citrus.
  • Session duration – 20 – 30 minutes.
  • Perform massage movements strictly from bottom to top.
  • While massaging the abdominal area, try not to press or rub the skin too hard. Movements should be light, delicate, and not cause discomfort.
  • It is best to start the procedure in the morning, immediately after waking up or in the evening after water procedures.


Manual anti-cellulite massage is not the only way to get rid of the appearance of orange peel. At home, manual equipment can be replaced by an equally effective one - a can. Using cups, you need to perform circular movements on the surface of the problem area. Cups can be used independently for an effective massage against cellulite in any area at home and in everyday life: thighs, buttocks, arms, abdomen.

Special roller and vacuum electric devices can facilitate the process of performing a massage session.

If you are not allergic to bee products, use fresh natural honey instead of massage cream or oil. Honey accelerates the effect of removing toxins from the body and has an overall healing effect on the body.

In between performing anti-cellulite massage on your own, to enhance the results at home, it is useful to take medicinal baths using sea salt.

It is convenient to do the procedure using a wooden drainage brush with natural bristles. Be sure to study the structure of the lymphatic system before starting a massage session. The procedure using a brush is performed on dry skin without oils and creams.

Self-massage will give you a good effect at home, but to achieve better results, you can learn from real specialist massage therapists in the courses of our school of masters!

Author of the article:

Practicing: 15 years, Teaching: 8 years

Other types of home massage against cellulite

Cupping massage

Has anti-cellulite and fat-burning effects. To carry out the procedure, you need to take several silicone jars that create a vacuum and lubricate their surface with cream or oil. Having placed the jars on the problem area, you need to move them in a circular direction. Effect: active movement of blood through the capillaries and destruction of the fat layer.

A cupping massage session should take no more than 20 minutes. As soon as the skin turns red, you can move to another problem area. After finishing the procedure, it is recommended to lie down for half an hour, then take a shower and use anti-cellulite cream.

Buy on Marketplace Beru!

Read more in the article “Anti-cellulite massage with cups.”

Hardware massage

It involves the use of various massagers for home use, which the market is now filled with. They come in manual, roller, vacuum, and also in the form of vibration and electric massagers. Almost all devices are equipped with several replaceable attachments and have expanded functionality. When choosing a massager, you need to take into account the type and effectiveness of the device, additional features and a list of contraindications.

Buy on Marketplace Beru!

Read more in the article “Review of the best anti-cellulite massagers.”

Honey massage

The main element of anti-cellulite massage with honey is patting. The skin smeared with honey is easily pulled back, which has a beneficial effect on the skin and subcutaneous fat. Honey contains special acids that promote the breakdown of fats. The skin becomes smooth, radiant and tightened, metabolism is activated, toxins and impurities are eliminated. Before performing a massage, you should properly prepare the honey mixture.

Read more in the article “Honey anti-cellulite massage”.

Dry brush massage

The procedure is performed on dry skin before taking a shower and consists of direct rubbing and circular movements directed towards the heart. This massage perfectly removes dead skin particles, stimulates metabolism, blood circulation and lymph flow, and also eliminates cellulite tubercles. To carry out a dry anti-cellulite massage, you need to carefully choose a brush and follow the rules for caring for it.

Read more in the article “Massage with a dry brush for cellulite.”

Anti-cellulite massage at home, carried out regularly, can lead to complete elimination of the symptoms of “orange peel” in a few months.
Self-massage is always much cheaper and easier, because it can be done at a convenient time. The technology for performing manual anti-cellulite massage is not so complicated, but you need to be patient and persistent, and then the result will not be long in coming. Buy on Marketplace Beru!

Useful tips

Before you begin self-massaging, it is necessary to properly prepare the epidermis for mechanical stress. To do this, you must adhere to a number of rules on which the effectiveness of the manipulations depends:

  1. The bath is filled with warm water, the temperature of which is no more than 35°. Add any essential oil, foam or bath salt to it. Then you need to lie down in the water and lie in it for 5-10 minutes so that the dermis is completely steamed.
  2. Rub over body with a soft washcloth.
  3. Treat the dermis with a scrub. To do this, you can use homemade products. Scrubbing will help remove dead skin layers, cleanse the epidermis and open pores. There is no need to wipe the body dry; the dermis is lightly blotted with a towel so that it remains slightly damp.

In the process of rubbing or kneading the body, you should adhere to the following tips:

  • To make your hands glide better, before massaging, apply lemon, orange, cypress or juniper oil diluted in any cream to the dermis;
  • the strength and pace of impact are increased gradually;
  • begin manipulation with light, gentle stroking movements;
  • during the massaging process, the dermis should not become red; its optimal shade in this case is pink;
  • strong physical impact does not occur in the area of ​​the lymph nodes, nerves or choroid plexuses;
  • the supraclavicular, popliteal, inguinal, axillary region and inner thigh are not affected.

In order for the procedure to bring results faster, movements are carried out in the direction of the outflow of lymph and blood. For the chest of the arms - from the axillary region, for the abdomen and back - from the lumbar and groin areas, for the knees and shins - from the popliteal fossa.

Anti-cellulite massage at home is a simple procedure with which you can improve skin turgor and get rid of subcutaneous fat. To achieve a positive result, it is important to follow simple rules of implementation and follow medical instructions. Once you have gotten rid of fat deposits, you cannot stop the sessions: twice a week you need to work on areas that were previously problematic.

Indications and contraindications for massage

Which massage to choose? This issue should be discussed with a specialist. He will tell you in what cases you should not do a massage.

Here is a list of contraindications for any massage:

  • infectious diseases;
  • elevated temperature;
  • blood diseases;
  • cardiovascular problems.

Pregnant women, especially in later stages, are not recommended for any type of massage. Be sure to consult with a specialist to choose the appropriate type of massage.

Massage can treat a wide range of problems, from cosmetic to emotional or health-related. But only a well-chosen and performed massage will bring benefits. Also keep in mind that most types of massage are done in courses.

Execution technique

Each technique has a number of features:

  • You need to massage the stomach and other areas either 2 hours before meals or 4 hours after meals;
  • in the process of rubbing and kneading the abdomen, the suprapubic area is not affected;
  • For women, the procedures are contraindicated during menstruation.

All movements should be light; putting pressure on internal organs is strictly prohibited.


Stroking is carried out at the end or beginning of the session. Use your fingertips or palm to easily rub over the surface of the epidermis. Acceptable movements include linear, zigzag and circular movements. The shins and arms are stroked with four fingers, without using the thumb. Self-massage of the thighs is carried out with both hands. A roller massager is perfect for these purposes.


With your fingers pointing vertically toward the skin, you can lightly tap the problem area. Light vibration tones the skin, relaxes muscles and affects the subcutaneous layer, releasing fat capsules.


During the kneading process, you need to grab a small area of ​​skin with your fingers as carefully as possible. It is moved with fast, continuous and short movements. The skin can be slightly pulled back, while fixing the position for a few seconds and then squeezed. The subcutaneous tissue is also moved between the palms: the fold of skin is pinched and, as it were, “rubbed.”


For several minutes, you can lightly squeeze the dermis, as if squeezing it out. Manipulations are carried out with two palms. The position is fixed for 10-15 seconds, then the area is stroked to calm the cover.


Rubbing refers to the stretching and displacement of tissues by circular, linear or spiral movements of the palms and fingers. During the rubbing process, there is an increase in blood flow in the veins and arteries, lymphatic drainage and mechanical movement of fluid through the tissues. Skin temperature may increase by 1-2°. Rubbing helps relieve swelling and prevent the formation of scars on the skin.


Pinching is the most aggressive part of the procedure. With their help, they restore the sensitivity of the dermis, accelerate blood circulation and lymphatic drainage. The skin is grabbed with the index finger and thumb or palm.


Performing this procedure at home is strictly contraindicated for pregnant women.

Absolute restrictions also include:

  • diseases of the cardiac system and blood vessels (including varicose veins);
  • skin diseases accompanied by rashes, redness and peeling.
  • breastfeeding period.

Anti-cellulite self-massage is contraindicated for women after delivery by cesarean section. Do not massage the abdominal area if the intestines are bloated.

How often to do anti-cellulite massage

The frequency of procedures is determined individually. If a woman has “orange peel” only in the buttocks area, they can be kneaded once every two days. The whole body is massaged for an hour, one problem surface - no more than 20 minutes. Exposure time (by zone):

  • pelvis, back - 20 minutes;
  • sides, stomach, buttocks - 15 minutes;
  • thighs, arms, legs - 20 minutes.

The course includes 15 sessions. If necessary, it can be repeated after 10 days.

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