How to remove belly fat for a girl 7 years old, 11 years old, 12 years old, 13 years old, 14 years old. How to remove belly fat for a teenage girl. Why does a child have a big belly?

Why do girls' bellies grow?

Women's body structure differs in many ways from men's. In adolescence, these differences become especially clearly visible. In girls, the stomach may stick out a little. This is considered normal, especially if you are overweight.

If the belly grows over time for an unknown reason, then this is a reason to consult a doctor, conduct a diagnosis, and possibly a course of treatment. Why do girls' bellies grow? Only a specialist can answer this after analysis and a thorough examination. It is impossible to draw preliminary conclusions in this case, because there are many reasons for this phenomenon.

The child's parents need to carefully monitor their child. If the excess weight goes away after following a diet, but the stomach still remains large, then you should immediately consult a doctor to avoid negative consequences.

enlargement of internal organs

The cause of an enlarged abdomen in girls may be a congenital pathology - enlarged internal organs. Usually changes occur not in all organs, but in several. The reason for this may be previous infectious diseases, injuries, or prolonged inflammatory processes.

This phenomenon is very dangerous for the child’s life, because if treatment is refused, the organ may not withstand it and rupture. Pressure may also occur on neighboring organs, causing them to become deformed and lose their functions.

There are cases when a slight increase in some of the insides can be considered normal. For example, the liver may extend beyond its normal size by 3 cm. This is typical for children 7 years old. At a later age, such a fact will be considered a deviation.


Closer to 7 years of age, a child may have problems with posture. This is due to rapid muscle growth and stress on the spine. In turn, such changes can lead to kyphosis, a phenomenon when the spine bends forward.

This is possible if the child has a weak bone frame. Incorrect posture when sitting at the table, uncomfortable furniture and lack of physical activity will only worsen the situation.

As a result of kyphosis, folds appear on the abdomen, and the abdomen itself protrudes significantly forward. This disease is also hereditary. If there has already been a case of illness in the family, then from childhood the girl should be taught to keep her back straight, play sports and monitor changes in posture.

abdominal dropsy

The accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity in girls, as in boys, can cause a significant increase in the abdomen. This phenomenon is called ascites. Abdominal dropsy cannot be called a full-fledged disease. This is a symptom or result of other serious diseases, including oncology.

Ascites also occurs as a result of:

  • development of renal failure;
  • dystrophy.

Abdominal hydrops can be a congenital pathology. To check whether abdominal enlargement is precisely this phenomenon, you need to lay the girl on her back and examine her navel. If it is convex, then you should go for ultrasound diagnostics.

Also, with this symptom, the skin near the navel thins and veins become visible.

Ascites can also occur due to intestinal obstruction caused by a neoplasm (malignant or benign).


One of the most serious reasons for an enlarged abdomen in a child is neoplasms in the abdominal cavity. They can be benign or malignant. A distinctive feature of this disease is that the abdomen grows unevenly, with some part of it protruding more strongly.

In this case, it is important to contact specialists as quickly as possible, undergo diagnostics and rule out the appearance of tumors of any kind.

Puberty is a critical but important phase of human development. The quality of reproductive function, fertility prognosis, social adaptation, and somatic health in the adult generation largely depend on the usefulness and well-being of the puberty period.

Hyperandrogenism is a condition that develops due to an excess of male sex hormones. In the female body, hyperandrogenism is manifested by male-pattern hair growth on the face and body, acne, seborrhea, hair loss, deepening of the voice, clitoral hypertrophy, and masculinization of the phenotype [5]. The source of male sex hormones (androgens) in a woman’s body are the adrenal glands and ovaries. In addition, androgens are formed as a result of peripheral metabolism in the liver, muscles, skin and adipose tissue.

The main adrenal androgen is dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) and its sulfate (DHEA-S); Testosterone and androstenedione are produced in the ovaries. Under physiological conditions, androgens act as anabolic factors.

Hyperandrogenism syndrome is a fairly large group of endocrine diseases that arise due to very diverse pathogenetic mechanisms, but are united according to the principle of similar clinical symptoms due to excessive quantity and/or quality (activity) of male sex hormones in the female body. The most common hyperandrogenic conditions are:

  • Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS): a) primary (Stein-Leventhal syndrome); b) secondary (within the neuroendocrine form of the so-called hypothalamic syndrome, with hyperprolactinemia syndrome, against the background of primary hypothyroidism).
  • Idiopathic hirsutism.
  • Congenital dysfunction of the adrenal cortex.
  • Ovarian stromal tecomatosis.
  • Virilizing tumors.
  • Other rarer options.

In most cases, the causes of the formation of these diseases have been studied in sufficient detail and there are specific effective methods for their correction. Nevertheless, the interest of scientists and clinicians of various specialties in the problem of hyperandrogenism does not dry out. Moreover, the object of constant and most close attention, especially over the last decade, is PCOS, otherwise called hyperandrogenic dysfunction syndrome of polycystic ovaries [10].

The clinic of hyperandrogenism consists of a few symptoms (about ten signs in total), but, depending on the severity of the process, the general appearance of patients can vary significantly. Four main clinical manifestations of hyperandrogenism are considered: acne, oily seborrhea, hirsutism, androgenic hair thinning. Such dermopathy are the first and sometimes the only early diagnostic signs of hyperandrogenism syndrome, which can subsequently lead to serious fertility disorders in women of reproductive age [4,10].

Hirsutism is not only a sign of hyperandrogenism, the most striking and “catchy” when it comes to medical diagnosis, but also the factor that most traumatizes the patient’s psyche. The Ferriman-Gallway scale allows you to evaluate the severity of hirsutism in points within a minute. The scale easily calculates the so-called hormonal number (a four-point score in nine androgen-dependent zones). It reflects the androgen saturation of the patient, as a rule, much more accurately than the testosterone concentration in the blood serum. It is well known that the latter, even with severe pathology, can remain within the reference norm (due to a decrease in the level of the biologically inactive fraction of the hormone associated with the TESH transport protein), while the result of visual screening diagnostics using the hormonal Ferriman-Gallwey number deserves more confidence , since a direct correlation of the value of this marker with the concentration of free androgens has been repeatedly shown. It is the free fraction of testosterone that determines the severity of the process, therefore, in practice, the hormonal score for assessing hirsutism may well be considered as a reliable “mirror” of hyperandrogenism [10].

Androgenetic alopecia is a reliable diagnostic marker of virile variants of hyperandrogenism. Like other types of endocrine alopecia, it is diffuse and not focal (clustered) in nature. But unlike baldness in other diseases of the endocrine glands (primary hypothyroidism, polyglandular insufficiency, panhypopituitarism, etc.), androgenic alopecia is characterized by certain dynamics. As a rule, it manifests itself as hair loss in the temporal areas (bitemporal alopecia with the formation of symptoms of “temporal bald patches”), and then spreads to the parietal region (parietal alopecia, “baldness”) [10].

The frequency of hyperandrogenic conditions in the structure of gynecological diseases ranges from 1.4 to 3% [9].

Some researchers note that hypertrichosis may be caused by the side effects of certain drugs, such as phenytoin, penicillamine, diazoxide, minoxidil, cyclosporine, glucocorticoids, etc. Along with this, excess male-pattern hair growth, i.e., hirsutism, is often detected with examination of girls with menstrual irregularities such as oligomenorrhea, amenorrhea and uterine bleeding, in patients with hypothalamic syndrome of puberty, thyroid dysfunction, obesity, diabetes mellitus, dysmenorrhea, anorexia nervosa. Symptoms of hyperandrogenism are sometimes observed in patients with pathologies of the liver and biliary tract, with a deficiency of vitamins, minerals and trace elements, porphyria and dermatomyositis, with chronic diseases of the kidneys and respiratory system, including against the background of tuberculosis intoxication [9].

Hyperandrogenism in adolescents requires a special ability from the doctor to understand the true causes and prescribe the most rational way to eliminate them. Difficulties in diagnosis are due to the fact that the functions of the ovaries, adrenal glands, hypothalamus and pituitary gland are closely intertwined with each other, and damage to any of these parts of the neuroendocrine regulation of the female body cannot but affect the state of its other parts and, ultimately, the functioning of the reproductive system in in general.

Hyperandrogenism syndrome can occur against the background of a functional or organic disorder of the hypothalamic-pituitary system, benign and malignant ovarian tumors, adrenal hyperplasia or tumors, and liver dysfunction. In this regard, hypothalamic-pituitary (idiopathic), ovarian and adrenal types of hyperandrogenism are distinguished.

It is important to remember that increased levels of active androgens can occur as a result of genetic mutations, but become apparent during puberty. In addition, an increase in the level of these hormones may be a consequence of inferior development of the central and peripheral parts of the reproductive system. Along with this, hyperandrogenism may be a reflection of the progressive growth of hormone-producing cells of the ovaries, adrenal glands, pituitary gland and hypothalamic structures, or may be a manifestation of increased sensitivity of hair follicles to androgens and their active metabolites. We must not forget that often the only cause of hyperandrogenic manifestations may be a violation of the mechanisms that ensure the binding of estradiol and testosterone with protein compounds that transport and neutralize sex steroids (globulins and albumins that bind sex hormones).

In some cases, increased hair growth may appear at 6-8 years of age, i.e. during the adrenarche period, when there is a physiological increase in the content of 17-hydroxyprogesterone, DHEA and its sulfate, and then androstenedione with a fairly stable level of testosterone. The increase in androgen-producing activity in girls 6-8 years old coincides with an increase in the total volume of the ovaries due to an increase in the mass of their stromal and theca-cellular components. It should be noted that adrenarche precedes the increase in gonadotropins by about 2 years and is not associated with either an increase in the sensitivity of gonadotrophs to gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) or an increase in the amplitude and frequency of nocturnal LH surges. It is important to note that adrenarche does not normally manifest itself as sexual hair growth, but creates the preconditions for the appearance of hair growth first on the pubis and then in the axillary areas [10].

It should be considered that girls with premature adrenarche (PA) are often at risk of developing ovarian hyperandrogenism syndrome against the background of polycystic ovarian transformation.

Premature adrenarche can serve as the first marker of a number of metabolic disorders that lead to the development of metabolic syndrome in mature women. The main components of this syndrome in puberty girls and adult women are hyperinsulinism and insulin resistance, dyslipidemia, hyperandrogenism, and hypertension. In childhood, PA often reveals increasing signs of insulin resistance and hyperinsulinism. The severity of these signs, as a rule, does not depend on body weight. A special type of insulin resistance occurs in metabolic syndrome, including obesity, excess androgens, amenorrhea, polycystic ovary syndrome and papillary pigmentary dystrophy of the skin in the neck, armpits and skin folds (acanthosis nigricans) [1,2].

Severe virilization can be caused by androgen-producing tumors of the adrenal glands (Cushing's syndrome caused by an adenoma or cancer of the adrenal gland) or ovaries (androblastoma, lipid cell tumor, gonadoblastoma).

The appearance or worsening of hirsutism, especially in patients with oligomenorrhea and amenorrhea, may be due to hyperprolactinemia. Increased secretion of prolactin directly stimulates steroidogenesis in the adrenal glands, therefore, in patients with pituitary adenoma, as a rule, the content of DHEA and DHEA sulfate is significantly increased with moderate testosteronemia.

Hyperandrogenism in patients with thyroid dysfunction is based on a significant decrease in the production of sex steroid binding globulins (SHBG). Due to a decrease in GSPC levels, the rate of conversion of androstenedione to testosterone increases.

The effectiveness of treatment for hyperandrogenism is largely due to correct diagnostic screening and choice of treatment method. A basic diagnostic search should include: general blood test, biochemical blood test (ALT, AST, cholesterol, bilirubin, triglycerides, glucose), hormonal profile study (LH, FSH, prolactin, TSH, 17OH-progesterone, total and free testosterone, DHEA-S, cortisol), ultrasound of the pelvic organs. Further examination depends on the results obtained. When pathology is identified, patients are treated jointly by a gynecologist, endocrinologist, and dermatologist.

Treatment of hyperandrogenic conditions is difficult. The use of only cosmetic measures, especially in severe forms of the disease, leads to a short-term clinical effect and extremely rarely to a cure. Complex pathogenetic variants and etiological factors require an individual approach to the choice of treatment method.

In patients with predominantly central mechanisms for the formation of hyperandrogenism, the most effective use of drugs that have a regulating and corrective effect on the function of the hypothalamic-pituitary system. Treatment should begin with the elimination of metabolic disorders. It is important to carry out preventive measures aimed at creating a healthy eating pattern and preventing excess body weight gain. Reducing foods high in refined carbohydrates and saturated fats in the diet leads to normalization of carbohydrate and lipid metabolism, as well as a decrease in androgen levels. The total amount of fat per day should not exceed 30%. The inclusion of fresh fruits (apricots, kiwi), dried fruits (apricots, chicken), and fresh vegetables (turnips, rutabaga) into the diet has a positive effect. Combating physical inactivity and maintaining normal height-weight ratios through regular physical exercise is the second important factor in the prevention of insulin resistance and non-drug control of the manifestations of hyperandrogenism. The beneficial effects of physical activity appear a month after their start. An important point is to maintain a sleep duration of at least 8 hours at night and avoid mental and physical stress in the evening.

In patients with a predisposition to insulin resistance, as well as when pathological levels of insulin and hyperglycemia are detected, drugs that can increase tissue sensitivity to insulin have a positive clinical effect. The use of biguanides (metformin, buformin, etc.) for this purpose significantly improves the sensitivity of tissues to this hormone.

Elimination of autonomous hormone production by tumors of the central nervous system, ovaries or adrenal glands is possible through surgery. It is advisable to refer girls for elective surgery on the ovaries and adrenal glands to hospitals with experience in endoscopic surgery.

Wedge-shaped resection of polycystic ovaries in teenage girls is not advisable, since reducing the volume of androgen-producing cells only temporarily eliminates hyperandrogenism. Wedge resection, demedulation or cauterization of the ovaries in girls is possible if treatment is ineffective at the end of puberty, i.e. at the age of 18 years and older, if there is a desire to have a pregnancy [9].

When primary hypothyroidism is identified as the cause of hyperandrogenism, the prescription of thyroid hormone replacement therapy is justified.

The aldosterone antagonist - spironolactone (Veroshpiron) - has an antiandrogenic effect, blocking peripheral receptors and androgen synthesis in the adrenal glands and ovaries, reducing the activity of cytochrome P450c17. In addition, spironolactone suppresses the activity of the enzyme 5alpha;-reductase and promotes weight loss. The duration of treatment is from 6 to 24 months or more. With long-term use of 100 mg per day, a decrease in hirsutism is noted.

In recent years, a new analogue of spironolactone, drospirenone, has been used in clinical practice. Drospirenone is a 17alpha;-spirolactone derivative, the pharmacological properties of which represent a unique combination of progestogenic, antimineralocorticoid and antiandrogenic effects without estrogenic, androgenic and glucocorticoid activity [15,16]. Drospirenone in the combined contraceptive Yarina provides an antiandrogenic effect while maintaining the full range of effects of modern contraceptives. The drug Yarina, containing 30 mcg ethinyl estradiol and 3 mg drospirenone, is a combined monophasic low-dose hormonal contraceptive. The antiandrogenic activity of Yarina is realized in the same way as that of other COCs, i.e., it is associated with the antigonadotropic effect of the estrogen-progestogen combination [3,11,12,13].

To eliminate hyperandrogenism, the drug Diane-35 is widely used. Each tablet of a monophasic drug with a contraceptive effect contains 35 mcg of ethinyl estradiol and 2 mg of cyproterone acetate. Ethinyl estradiol in combination with a progestogen increases the synthesis of GSPC in liver cells, reduces the secretion of testosterone and androstenedione by the ovaries and the secretion of DHEA and androstenedione by the adrenal glands. Cyproterone acetate has pronounced antiandrogenic properties. To enhance the central and peripheral action in patients with hirsutism and ovarian forms of hyperandrogenism, it is proposed to combine Diane-35 with the drug Androkur-10, containing 10 mg of cyproterone acetate in each tablet and prescribed from days 1 to 15 of the Diane-35 dosing cycle [7,8] .

Among the derivatives of 19-nortestosterone, today there is a progestogen that has antiandrogenic activity - dienogest (part of the COC Janine). From the point of view of the antiandrogenic effect, it is important that dienogest, unlike the “classical” derivatives of 19-nortestosterone (noethisterone, levonorgestrel, desogestrel), does not bind in the blood to the transport protein that carries endogenous testosterone (GSPS) [6].

COCs containing “classical” 19-norsteroids as a progestogen component (for example, desogestrel, which is part of the COCs Marvelon, Mercilon, Regulon, Novinet and Tri-Mercy) also have a clinical antiandrogenic effect. The pronounced antigonadotropic effect of COCs containing desogestrel is manifested by normalization of the ratio of LH and FSH, a decrease in the volume of cells producing androgens in the ovaries, and an improvement in the biochemical conditions for the life of ovarian follicles [9].

In recent years, to enhance the blocking effect of COCs, prolonged 63-day drug regimens have been recommended, with a possible extension for up to 9-12 months. Patients begin taking COCs on the 1st day of the menstrual cycle and continue taking them without interruption for 63 days, i.e. 3 packs in a row.

A decrease in acne, a decrease in skin greasiness and the severity of hirsutism are observed after 2-3 months from the start of taking the latest generation COCs, but a noticeable slowdown in hair growth in hormonally dependent areas of the body is observed only after 12 months.

G.N. Mansurova, L.M. Tukhvatullina

Kazan State Medical Academy


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Why does my child have a big belly after eating?

Parents often notice that their child’s health problems begin after eating. But why does a child have a big belly after eating? This can be a signal of many diseases and abnormalities.

One of the most harmless is poor metabolism. The stomach and intestines process food poorly, so the body needs more time to cope with the task. Meanwhile, the consumed food is stored in a food “reservoir” and awaits its turn.

This problem is not entirely harmless as it seems at first glance. Contacting a gastroenterologist will help improve nutrition, reduce the load on the intestines and internal organs and give them the opportunity to cope with the task on their own.

Disorders of the endocrine and immune systems can also affect the enlargement of the abdomen after eating. This is especially true for teenagers - girls 13 - 14 years old. Changes in hormonal levels and active growth of the body can cause disruptions in its rhythm, which in turn can cause abdominal growth, abdominal pain and poor health.

Failure of the pancreas can also be a serious cause. A girl’s body may react negatively to some components, such as gluten. Then enzymes will be produced weakly by this organ, which can lead to such consequences.

Frequent constipation is another possible reason for an enlarged belly in a girl. If a child goes to the toilet less than once in 2 days, then this is a strong argument in favor of caprostasis or constipation.

The cause may be bowel dysfunction or low physical activity. Constipation is also a concomitant symptom of many other gastrointestinal diseases.

If none of the symptoms apply, then the girl may be obese. As a result of this disease, not only the abdomen enlarges, but other parts of the body also change. The child wants to eat all the time and does not feel full. Treatment in such a situation will involve not only a diet, but also a visit to a psychologist.

Growing up without excesses: how a teenager can lose excess weight

Physiology defines the age of 13-14 years as the middle of puberty. That is, at this time the fourth and last stage of puberty begins. Metabolic processes then occur faster. It would seem, where does excess weight come from if calories are actively processed? The fact is that this period ends the so-called growth spurt, and the characteristic signs of the final physique are formed. This may well result in a significant increase in body weight.

Puberty is characterized by increased attention to the opposite sex. Girls begin to dream of careers as actresses, models, ballerinas, and boys boast of strength and dexterity. Then it's time to think about your appearance. If there are extra pounds, a child may acutely feel differences from peers. If you don’t try to bring your weight back to normal in time, disastrous consequences are possible: prolonged depression, unsociability, reluctance to go to school. It can even lead to suicide, so you should never lose sight of this moment.

Features of growing up

When figuring out how to lose weight for a 13-year-old teenager, girl or boy, you should not forget that the figure is also actively developing. Guys stretch out, their hips become narrower and their shoulders wider. For girls, it happens differently: the breasts grow, and the buttocks become rounded. All due to the intense accumulation of adipose tissue in certain places, which is due to physiology. Consequently, you constantly want to eat more.

During these years, basic behavioral stereotypes are formed. They apply equally to all areas of life, including the quantity, quality and frequency of food. If you manage to lay down the principles of a healthy lifestyle, a balanced diet, and the need for regular physical activity, then problems with excess weight will be avoided in the future. You cannot stuff your child, force him to eat too much, or restrict him from walking or playing sports.

Causes of excess weight in adolescents

Objective: you can’t do without a doctor

At the age of twelve to fifteen years, active maturation of the whole organism occurs. The bone, nervous and hormonal systems finally complete their formation. Often teenagers become overweight, gain weight, and show symptoms of health problems. In this case, being overweight turns out to be not just ugly, but... It may be a sign of some disease. An increase in weight of more than twenty percent in a short time already indicates a problem. Only a specialist can lend a helping hand.

  • Malfunctions of the endocrine system.
  • Diabetes.
  • Diseases of the heart and cardiovascular system.
  • Diseases of the digestive system.
  • Heredity, genetically determined completeness.

In such cases, you should first find and “neutralize” the source of the problem, because the problem is most likely not in buns or French fries. The child should be thoroughly examined to rule out any possible illnesses. Only after this, specialists prescribe optimal diets to maintain stable weight.


However, diseases rarely cause excess weight. In most cases, examinations do not show any serious pathologies of internal organs. Teenagers can build up body fat due to hormonal changes in the body. If it is accompanied by minimal physical activity, an unhealthy, unbalanced diet, then problems will definitely not be avoided.

Parents who are busy with work often simply do not have time to monitor what their child eats. As a result, he eats fast food, carbonated drinks, crackers, chips, and other foods that have the highest glycemic index. They contain a large amount of calories, chemical dyes, sweeteners, flavor enhancers, and preservatives. They act like narcotic substances - you want more and more tasty chips, and they are most often consumed in front of a computer monitor or TV screen.

The cause of obesity can be the parents themselves, most often these are people who are overprotective of their child. From an early age they teach him to eat a lot, and the body, accustomed to this, demands more and more. As a result, such care can result not only in excessive obesity, but also in serious acquired diseases. Attention deficit also has a detrimental effect on a teenager - he can simply “eat up” his unresolved problems, increasing his weight.

Normal weight

Many children, having watched enough television programs, have no idea how much they should weigh. Following the lead of fashion, trying to be like fashion models from the catwalks, they are unfair to themselves. Therefore, it is difficult for them to figure out whether they need to lose weight at all, or whether they should not worry about it.

The optimal weight is calculated using the formula: height in centimeters minus one hundred. For example, if a teenager reaches parameter 148, then his normal weight will be exactly forty-eight kilograms.

Komarovsky: a child has a big belly

One of the most popular pediatricians in Russia and neighboring countries is Dr. Komarovsky. Thousands of mothers listen to his advice, and videos with his participation are watched “to the gills.”

Komarovsky did not avoid the problem of the appearance of a large belly in a child. Like many other pediatricians, he recommends observing the child’s behavior, making a diagnosis and consulting a doctor.

In addition to serious pathologies, the doctor identifies the following reasons for an enlarged abdomen in a child:

  1. Various infections in the intestines. There are types of it that lead to an enlargement of the spleen or liver. Accordingly, the stomach in general increases.
  2. Poor nutrition, which can lead to bloating or poisoning.
  3. Some antibiotics cause bloating and enlargement of the abdomen for a while.
  4. Surgical pathologies: appendicitis, ulcers, intestinal obstruction.

It is important to ask your child how often he goes to the toilet. Especially in older children, because it is already difficult for parents to control this process. It is constipation that can cause an enlargement of the abdomen, and in the future negatively affect the child’s overall health.

How to remove belly fat for a 7 year old child?

To understand how to remove belly fat for a 7-year-old child, you must first start from his hobbies. Girls may be interested in dancing, aerobics, swimming, and various outdoor games in the form of quests. At this age, children can become very excited about an idea if they like it. Therefore, it is important to explain why you should adhere to the rules and monitor your health.

Also, the child must adhere to a diet and maintain hygiene in order to exclude infectious diseases. If you write out the menu in advance and hang it in a visible place, the child will know how he should eat.

A seven-year-old will definitely need control and cannot do without the help of parents. But he must be loyal, inconspicuous. At this age, the child’s psyche is very vulnerable, and it is psychological problems, along with physiological ones, that can cause the growth of the abdomen.

How to remove belly fat for an 11 year old child

To remove belly fat for an 11-year-old child, you should develop the right diet. The body must receive many useful components. The plate must have a rotation of vegetables, meat, fish, fruits, etc.

The amount of fat should be limited. You should also adhere to these “golden” rules of nutrition:

  • eat small portions 4 times a day;
  • Breakfast should account for about 30% of calories;
  • for dinner it is better to eat dishes made from vegetables and cereals;
  • taboo - fast food, sweets and flour, soda, fatty and fried foods.

Also, meals should be diluted with inserts from gymnastic exercises.

Insatiable appetite

Any attempts to limit Khatun’s diet end in vain. The girl immediately begins to panic, and then falls into a serious hysteria. If in this way she fails to achieve the desired result, Suman switches to heavy artillery - she eats dirt and sand.

But the girl did not always have such food addictions. At birth, her weight did not exceed 4 kg, like any other child. It was all due to her mother’s strong desire to save some money on her diet. She began feeding her daughter milk with a variety of grains. After some time, the parents began to notice that Suman’s appetite had increased several times and became almost uncontrollable. No one knows how much a girl eats in a day. She often goes to her neighbors when there is no food left at home and begs them for something to eat.

A standard lunch for a girl consists of two or three huge plates of rice, the same amount of fried fish or meat, several servings of an omelet or half a dozen fried eggs. You can’t do without 1-1.5 kg of potatoes a day.

Fruits and sweets are also constant accompaniments of the diet. Suman especially liked high-calorie bananas. The fattest girl in the world can eat up to 30 bananas and 20 cakes in a day, but still feel hungry and go to strangers to beg.

How to remove belly fat for a 12 year old child

Girls at the age of 12 begin to worry more actively about their appearance. This can be used to achieve results. You and your parents can sign up for a swimming pool, rock climbing or aerobics lessons.

To remove belly fat for a 12-year-old child, you need to make his lifestyle active. Many children sit for hours in front of computer monitors, thereby earning themselves a lot of diseases. Parents should limit them in this.

Also, relatives should become role models. If there are those in the family who are obese, then this will not be an incentive to lose belly fat.

Reason: hormonal changes

Why is the number of overweight teenage girls increasing? At 12-13 years old, a girl enters puberty and gradually turns into a girl.

During adolescence, a girl experiences significant hormonal changes. Her body begins to actively produce the female hormone estrogen. And as a result of this hormonal surge, the volume of adipose tissue increases. In addition, this leads to the fact that the body’s energy expenditure does not increase too much, but when consuming a minimum amount of food, a teenage girl becomes fat. But the growing body of a teenage girl requires increased consumption of protein foods, and if she allows herself this, the number of kilograms and waist size of the girl increases.

A teenage girl develops a negative attitude towards her body, self-esteem decreases, the girl begins to feel embarrassed about her body, become withdrawn and, as a result, gain even more weight.

How to remove belly fat for a 13 year old child

The question of how to remove belly fat for a 13-year-old child may have several different answers. At this age, the girl’s body changes. From now on, it can withstand heavy loads, so it would be rational to intensify training.

Special attention should be paid to the press. It should be pumped several approaches a day. You can also add strength training, swimming or race walking.

The main thing is to make sure that the child has no contraindications (hernia, cysts and other pathologies).

Among young people, such entertainment as hoverboards, roller skates or skateboards are very popular. This is a great workload and a wonderful hobby.

How to remove belly fat for a 14 year old child

You can remove the belly of a 14-year-old child using the same methods as in a 13-year-old child. A distinctive feature may be the perception of the need for exercise and proper nutrition. At this age, a rebellious spirit awakens and complexes appear. This is why you need to handle your child delicately.

You need to treat girls with special tact. They experience any changes in their appearance painfully, which can lead to depression.

If the cause of abdominal enlargement is physiological abnormalities or serious illnesses, then medical intervention cannot be avoided. The doctor will prescribe treatment tactics on an individual basis.

An enlarged abdomen in a child without an obvious reason is a symptom that should alert parents. It is imperative to consult a doctor, carry out diagnostics if necessary, and provide moral support to the child.

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