10 reasons to eat or avoid ice cream

During any diet, you can find a healthy alternative to a harmful product.

A child's favorite cold treat can become an ally for people who want to lose weight.

An important condition is choosing the right product among food abundance.

The main goal of someone losing weight is to evaluate the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of ice cream.

Composition and nutritional value of the product

Ice cream always has a base that can be supplemented with various additives. There are 5 main types of cold treats (see Table 1). Nutritional value is given per 100 g of ice cream.

Table 1

Product (base) Squirrels Fats Carbohydrates Calorie content
Cream 3,7 15 20,4 232
Creamy 3,3 10 19,4 183
Dairy 3,2 3,5 21,3 126
Fruit ice 1,8 0 18,1 112
Yogurt 3,6 1 25 107

The table clearly shows the advantages and disadvantages of individual types of ice cream.

Products containing milk, yogurt, and fruit juice benefit from a low percentage of fat and calories.

It is better to refuse ice cream and ice cream with cream.

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Essence and features

Losing weight on ice cream is divided into two types - mono-diets (one-component) and balanced. It would seem that what could be better than eating just ice cream for several days in a row and losing weight at the same time? But in fact, this tempting technique has several disadvantages.

  1. The main disadvantage concerns possible harm to health. Nutritionists do not advise extending any mono-diet for longer than 2-3 days, but the frozen method usually lasts 3-7 days. During this time, a deficiency of nutrients occurs in the body, since, despite its taste and nutritional value, the delicacy cannot replenish the entire norm of useful components. Because of this, metabolism slows down, a person becomes lethargic and tired.
  2. The second drawback is that you need to stock up on a certain amount of ice cream for a day, and you cannot exceed the permissible amount. At first this will not seem like a problem, but after a few days the body will furiously demand more food, because it is accustomed to a completely different principle of nutrition.
  3. The third disadvantage is uneven weight loss over several days. This happens because the weight lost is not only fat deposits, but also excess fluid and intestinal contents. At first, the kilograms disappear literally before your eyes, but then, when there is no swelling or heaviness in the stomach, only fat is consumed.

The advantages of an ice cream diet include effective and rapid weight loss, a feeling of lightness and improved mood. If for several days you only eat your favorite treat, and not bland oatmeal or buckwheat, you won’t have to get rid of the sudden apathy or nervousness.

What are the dangers of dessert when losing weight?

Manufacturers often add nuts, chocolate, caramel, condensed milk, and jam to the main composition. These ingredients increase the calorie content of the product due to the carbohydrate and fat components.

If a person is determined to maintain his physical shape and lose weight, then he should choose ice cream without such additives.

For example, a popsicle in chocolate glaze has a calorie content of 261 kcal, and if flavored with crushed nuts, the figure will increase to 305 kcal.

It is important to remember that standard ice cream can weigh more than 100 g, and this adds danger to a beautiful figure. That is, 120 g of such a product will contain 366 kcal, and 150 g – 457 kcal. If we take into account that the daily calorie content of a losing weight person is 1200-1500, then by eating one such delicacy, you can cover 1/3 of your diet.

Such frivolity can harm your figure if the remaining part (2/3 of the diet) is not replaced with low-calorie foods.

Let's look at the composition

In determining whether ice cream is harmful to health, its composition is important, doctors say. “There are many types of ice cream: from fruit ice and sherbet to ice cream and popsicle. Depending on this, ice cream varies in calorie content (from 100 to 270 calories). The main part of ice cream consists of carbohydrates (about 20 g), the amount of fat ranges from 10 to 19 g, but there is almost no protein: its amount does not exceed 4 g,” notes the endocrinologist.

Question and answer How does ice cream protect against colds?

What product can you eat while restricting your diet?

Which ice cream to choose on a hot day and not harm your figure can be tracked using the data in Table 1.

Having assessed the nutritional value of the representatives of the cold dessert, the podium was taken by:

  1. Yogurt ice cream is a gold medal winner. Contains a minimum amount of calories due to the low percentage of fat fraction. A valuable component is lactobacilli, which maintain normal intestinal flora and have a beneficial effect on its functioning.
  2. Fruit ice – 2nd place. If the product is made from natural juice without added sugar, then there is no harm to a slim figure.
  3. Dairy ice cream – 3rd step of the pedestal. Recognized by many nutritionists as an excellent partner for weight loss. Contains a complex of amino acids and milk fat. Calcium contained in the composition reduces appetite and slows down the absorption of fats in the small intestine. According to the calorie level, it can be used in dietary nutrition. It is better if the base is skim milk.

Proper ice cream

Not all types of ice cream are suitable for weight loss. To avoid gaining extra pounds, carefully read the ingredients and follow some rules.

The product should not contain fillers, chocolate or nuts. condensed milk Milk is exclusively low-fat.

It is best to eat ice cream in the first half of the day - at this time the body digests food faster.

When eating ice cream, exclude all other sweets from your diet.

It is wiser to avoid ice cream - this is the richest type of ice cream. In second place is creamy. The last one is dairy. Its better and there is.

Most ice cream contains a sugar substitute, which makes it dietary.

DIY cold dessert

Unfortunately, not all stores offer healthy ice cream. The assortment includes ice cream and creamy products, which can become enemies of slimness.

Some manufacturers replace natural ingredients with dry concentrate and preservatives, generously enriching the frozen product with sugar. To be sure of the composition and safety of the cold dessert, you can prepare it at home.

Recipe for banana-strawberry cold treat with vanilla flavor

Easy to prepare and can be enjoyed by the whole family. Calorie content per 100 g of product – 64 kcal, BJU – 1.5/1/14.1.


  • banana – 3 pcs.;
  • skim milk – 250 ml;
  • strawberries – 500 g;
  • cocoa powder – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • vanillin - a pinch;
  • honey - 1 tbsp. l.

Cooking process:

  1. Peel the bananas, cut into thin slices, freeze.
  2. Mix the frozen bananas with the remaining ingredients and mix using a blender.
  3. Pour the mixture into molds.
  4. Place in the freezer for 4-5 hours.
  5. Dessert is ready.

Ice cream recipe for gaining muscle mass

The main component is cottage cheese - an excellent source of calcium and protein. Many people quickly get bored with this product, and a simple ice cream recipe will help diversify their diet.

Calorie content per 100 g – 110 kcal, BJU – 8/0.5/16.


  • low-fat cottage cheese – 1 pack;
  • prunes – 4 pcs.;
  • low fat kefir – 100 ml;
  • cocoa – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • banana – 1 pc.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. Mix banana and kefir using a blender.
  2. Add cottage cheese, cocoa, prunes to the resulting mass.
  3. Mix everything thoroughly.
  4. Place in molds and place in freezer for 4 hours.

Protein Ice Cream Recipe

A great treat to provide your body with protein after a workout. Per 100 g of product – 78 kcal, BJU – 11.3/1/5.5. Ideal for snacking.


  • protein – 30 g;
  • skim milk – 250 ml;
  • cocoa – 2 tbsp. l.


  1. Using a blender, mix the ingredients and get a cocktail.
  2. Place in the freezer for 4 hours.

Recipes can be modified using other fruits and berries.

Bakery products and pastries

Satisfying your hunger with a piece of bread or a roll is the easiest option. However, these foods are high in calories. They contain refined flour and sugar, which slow down metabolic processes, which leads to weight gain. In addition, yeast dough often causes heartburn and increased acidity, and in the worst case, serious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Advice from nutritionists

Famous people from the world of slimness will help you figure out whether you can eat ice cream on a diet or not.

Irina Lizun, nutritionist

If your goal is to lose weight, then you should give up factory-made ice cream. It is better to cook at home, which will eliminate excess fat and carbohydrates.

Marina Rosenstein, nutritionist

To maintain your figure, you should exclude your favorite ice cream, ice cream with cream, and various varieties with fillings (nuts, chocolate, syrups, caramel, etc.) from your diet. Unfortunately, health food stores are not popular in many cities. In the refrigerator of such establishments you can find varieties of healthy ice cream that will not harm your figure. A great alternative is a homemade cold treat.

Anthony Howard-Crowe, fitness blogger from Colorado

A man ate exclusively ice cream for 100 days and lost 15 kg.

It doesn’t matter what you eat, the main thing is not to overeat the amount of calories you burn.

Bernardo Lafuente, nutritionist from Colombia

He recommends eating one serving of ice cream every day; it contains a lot of calcium, which will help burn fat and strengthen bones.

Are ice cream and diet compatible?

During any diet, you can find a healthy alternative to a harmful product.
A child's favorite cold treat can become an ally for people who want to lose weight. An important condition is choosing the right product among food abundance.

The main goal of someone losing weight is to evaluate the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of ice cream.

Main conclusions

If you take a disciplined approach to the process of losing weight, then one ice cream a day will not become a hindrance in achieving your goal. A number of recommendations:

  1. Look at the product label, mentally calculating whether it will be acceptable to consume it today or not. A person who is losing weight has a calorie limit, the main thing is not to exceed it, otherwise the loss of extra kg will not happen.
  2. Diversify your diet so that you can add a cold treat to it without harm.
  3. Maintain a drinking regime – 30 ml of water * 1 kg of body weight.
  4. Learn how to make low-calorie ice cream.
  5. Perform physical activities that can burn extra calories.

Each person on proper nutrition is responsible for what he eats and in what quantities.

Green tea

When researching foods not to eat before bed, many are surprised that green tea is one of them. This healthy drink should be consumed during the day, but not at night. It contains caffeine, and its percentage is much higher than in natural coffee. In addition, the drink is known for its diuretic effect, so taking it at night will ensure that you repeatedly get out of bed to go to the toilet, making your sleep interrupted and restless.

Fruit ice

Fruit ice is a separate item on the list of ice cream types. From the name itself it is clear that this is frozen water, in this case juice. And here a reasonable concern arises: won’t such ice cream lead to a cold? In fact, as doctors note, there will be no harm in terms of ENT pathologies if you eat it correctly.

As for health risks in terms of fat and calorie content, fruit ice is the best option. “Fruit ice is considered the lowest in calories. It contains minimal fat and only 8 g of carbohydrates. The vitamin composition of such ice cream is determined by the set, quantity and quality of the fruits from which it is produced,” notes Elena Gubkina.

Article on the topic

What to eat ice cream with? 5 unusual options

Therefore, you need to carefully read the labels regarding the composition of the product in order to understand how natural it is. And, of course, you should not pounce on the ice cream, but eat it carefully, slightly melting and warming it in the process.

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