Does jam make you fat: the whole truth about the berry delicacy

The harm and benefits of jam

Some believe that it is empty calories with a lot of sugar, others believe that it is a healthy dessert, a few spoons of which are necessary for the body. To some extent, there really is some benefit. It contains pectin (especially in apple, plum, apricot and blackcurrant), which can inhibit the growth of cancer cells, vitamins PP, B1, B2 and E (preserved after proper cooking). By the way, due to the fact that vitamin C is destroyed during cooking, it is better to grind black currants with sugar. For anemia, you should try apricot jam, and for kidney diseases, pear jam.

People with low acidity in the stomach will benefit from jam. The acids contained in the dessert will stimulate the production of gastric juice, which will lead to an increase in appetite. It is also a whole storehouse of fiber, which slows down the growth of cholesterol.

However, don't forget. that most jams that can be found on store shelves contain at least 50% sugar. It is tasty, but at the same time very high in calories (260-340 kcal). If you add less sugar, you can reduce the energy value by at least half.

Those who have diabetes, ulcers or high stomach acidity should not eat this dessert. Also, do not forget that, due to the high sugar content, jam can destroy enamel.

If you make your own jam, make sure there is no mold left on it. To do this, you need to tighten the jar properly so that a vacuum forms inside. In this case, you should not use the methods of our grandmothers: cover the package with a lid without the help of a seaming key. Wait until the jar has cooled and cover the neck with paper soaked in alcohol or use a special tool.

Calorie content of Jam in your diet

One of the undoubted joys of life is delicious food. At the same time, for some reason, your favorite food always has an excessively high calorie content. Many people like to pamper themselves with various sweets, which include candies, marshmallows, marshmallows, marmalade, and other exceptional delicacies. But quite often the significant calorie content of your favorite foods stops your sweet tooth.

Jam can be called one of the favorite desserts of most people. The variety of varieties and types of jam confirms the validity of this judgment. The only negative that darkens the joy of eating this delicacy is the rather high calorie content of the jam, which ranges from 200 to 400 kilocalories per 100 grams of your favorite product.

In general, the calorie content of this dessert, prepared from berries or fruits, varies depending on the type of fruit and its fructose content. Moreover, it is necessary to remember that two spoons eaten daily will not add extra pounds, but will give a boost of energy and will bring great benefits to the body. It has been noted many times that the calorie content of this delicacy depends on the method of preparation and, of course, the amount of sugar it contains. During the cooking process, natural boiling occurs, while the total mass decreases significantly, so there is a significantly larger amount of carbohydrates per spoon of jam.

Some people deny themselves the appetizing delicacy, citing the excessive calorie content of the jam. In fairness, it should be noted that these people are partly right; jam is a really high-calorie product. The main danger for lovers of a slim figure is sugar. Moreover, the longer the jam is stored without use, the more it becomes sugared, which only harms the jam. Fans of this sweet should always take into account that just one teaspoon of jam contains as many calories as one chocolate candy.

Depending on the type, the calorie content of jam varies, but it should be remembered that the healing qualities at a certain point turn out to be much more significant than the notorious calorie content. Everyone knows that raspberry, blueberry, rowan and viburnum jam are a kind of “home doctors” who will always come to the rescue and provide more effective support than the usual pills. You also need to be able to make healthy jam, because after boiling, not all berries or fruits are able to retain vitamins. For example, apples, sea buckthorn, red and black currants retain exclusively all vitamins.

When discussing the calorie content of jam, it should be said that cherry jam is considered the lowest in calories (230 kilocalories). Rowan jam, which contains a lot of phosphorus, is close in its indicators. Barberry, sea buckthorn, walnut, hawthorn, and dogwood are also considered low-calorie varieties of jam, but they also have additional medicinal properties. But you always need to know when to stop.

Having examined in more detail individual types of jam, it should be noted that boiled plum, beloved by many people, has a calorie content of approximately 280 kilocalories per 100 grams of product, and tangerine jam has the same indicators. Raspberry jam is slightly lower in calories - 270 kilocalories per 100 grams of a delicious product. The calorie content of jam made from aromatic strawberries is equal to 260 kilocalories, approximately the same calorie content of blackcurrant and apricot jam.

Jam is a wonderful dessert, a wonderful natural home healer. Try to prepare this delicious delicacy for future use in the quantity required for your family. Remember that candied jam has no value other than excess sugar. It is not advisable to get too carried away with jam, calming your own conscience with the knowledge that it contains a large amount of vitamins. Following the principle of rationality when consuming jam will certainly help you get great pleasure and maintain a great figure. After all, fresh fruits or berries have always brought great benefits to humans. Jam is wonderful memories of childhood and the past summer.

What other types of jam are there?

This word refers to dishes made from berries boiled in sugar. Of course, the most basic version is the same jam made from pieces of fruits, vegetables and berries in syrup. In addition to it there are:

  • jam (overcooked fruit);
  • compote (fruits boiled in water - peaches and pineapples in a jar, by the way, the same compote);
  • jam (fruit puree of uniform consistency);
  • marmalade (fruits boiled in large quantities of sugar);
  • jelly (jelly-like fruit with gelatin).

Many people confuse jam and preserves. In fact, there is no fundamental difference. It’s just that the first one may contain pieces of fruit, while the second one is more like a homogeneous fruit puree.

How to collect dandelions

In order to get benefit, rather than harm, from jam, you need to correctly collect the raw materials for it. Please note: biennial plants have healing properties. Recognizing them will not be difficult - they have a more massive rhizome and flowers themselves. For jam, you should choose the largest inflorescences. Pay special attention to the flowers themselves: choose only golden color without any darkening on the petals. The inflorescences are cut right up to the cap.

We bring to your attention a video that describes in detail how to make dandelion jam.

What can you make jam from?

The basis is fruits, vegetables, berries and sugar. Take fruits and sugar. Add all this to one container and cook over medium heat until the sugar is completely dissolved. If desired, the foam can be removed. If you are tired of banal fruit and berry flavors (apple, cherry, strawberry, raspberry and plum), we advise you to pay attention to the following unexpected combinations:

  • zucchini,
  • orange peels,
  • eggplants and walnuts,
  • pumpkin and quince,
  • watermelon rinds,
  • carrot,
  • green tomatoes,
  • barberries,
  • onion,
  • beet,
  • cucumbers,
  • chestnuts.

Beneficial features

When fresh fruits are cooked for a long time, most of the nutrients and vitamins are destroyed. This applies primarily to vitamins A, C and beta carotene. But microelements that are resistant to high temperatures are preserved in a fairly good volume. This is facilitated by the acid contained in fruits and, especially, berries. Therefore, you can count on vitamins B, E and PP.

To prevent and treat colds, it is often recommended to drink warm tea with jam; the concentration of vitamin E helps to cope with diseases of the upper respiratory tract. The most useful in this case are jams made from black and red currants, strawberries, blackberries and raspberries. It's all about the small seeds that are present in these berries. Even after cooking, they contain a substantial portion of ascorbic acid, a known substance for increasing the body's resistance.

Nutrients in jam

  • Vitamin C;
  • Vitamins B, E and PP;
  • Folic acid;
  • Potassium;
  • Acetylsalicylic acid.

Also, do not forget about the saturation of fiber; it differs in volume in different fruits. After boiling and cooking the fruits, it is not destroyed at all. The richest in fiber are jams made from apples, pears and quinces. These products are good for blood vessels, as they cleanse them of cholesterol.

How to choose jam in a store?

If you don’t have the opportunity to make jam at home, but want to treat yourself to a treat, you can find good jam in the store. The main thing is to know how to choose it correctly.

  • The composition should only contain berries, water and sugar, and sometimes pectin. Please note that sugar is not the first ingredient (otherwise there is much more of it than fruits and berries).
  • Inspect the container (the product should not be candied, there should be no twigs or seeds in it). By the way, the more transparent the packaging, the better. This means the manufacturer has nothing to hide.
  • A bloated lid is a warning sign. This means the product is spoiled.

Which is healthier?

Well, let’s take the following characteristics as criteria for “usefulness”: the presence of vitamins, calorie content (since we’re talking about losing weight here), effect on the gastrointestinal tract and, of course, taste. Let's compare these products and decide which is cooler!


So, which is healthier: sugar or jam! Let's go point by point:

  1. Availability of vitamins. White sugar is a unique thing; it does not contain a single vitamin. Zero. Zero. Zero. Brown (cane) sugar contains a small proportion of them (Vitamin B3 - 0.1 mg, B4 - 2.3 mg, B5 - 0.1 mg, Vitamin B9 - 1.0 mcg.)

    As we discussed above, jam contains vitamins (depending, of course, on the base for preparation): but exactly how many we could not find intelligible, trustworthy information on the Internet. So alas

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