Does fat make you fat or not? Calorie content, benefits and harms of the product

Main product qualities

Adherents of a healthy diet and weight loss diets try to avoid eating foods that contain a lot of lipids. In addition, reports regularly appear in various media that such foods contribute to the deposition of cholesterol on the inner walls of blood vessels. In general, the answers to questions about whether fat makes you fat or not, whether this product is beneficial or harmful, are not unambiguous.

It should be noted that the subcutaneous fat of animals accumulates many substances that have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the body.

For example, it contains:

  • vitamins E, F, D, A and carotene;
  • various acids (linoleic, arachidonic, palmitic).

The statement that fat makes you fat is due to the fact that it has a fairly high energy value. 100 grams of product contains 770 kilocalories. The daily norm of such food is 80 grams.

Nutritional value of the product

Lard is a carbohydrate-free product, but its nutritional value is high - 787 kcal/100 g. This is due to the fact that the product contains a lot of fat.

This is interesting! To reduce calorie content, it can be boiled. After cooking, the calorie content of the product is reduced by 30% compared to salted products.

There are different types of lard, which differ in the method of preparation. It can be pickled, smoked, boiled, fried.

Energy value of different types of product:

Type of lard Calorie content of 100 g of product in kcal
Without interlayer 770
With meat layer 622
Smoked 815
Roast 753
Boiled 500

Most often, people eat a sandwich made from 10-15 g of lard and a slice of rye bread; this dish contains 300 kcal. The calorie content of 100 g of dumplings with potatoes with cracklings is 223 kcal, baked potatoes with bacon - 279 kcal, pork pate with garlic and herbs - 540 kcal.

The following table shows the proportions of proteins, fats, carbohydrates per 100 g of product:

BJU Amount of nutrients per g
Squirrels 1.5
Fats 93
Water 5.5

Lard is rich in vitamins, minerals, and healthy fats.

Positive traits

Lard is a good way to improve the functioning of the immune system. The product is absorbed quite quickly by the gastrointestinal tract and has an enveloping effect. Such food contains a small amount of harmful substances, therefore it is used for culinary purposes, in medicine and in cosmetology.

There are several cooking options. Lard can be salted, baked, boiled, stewed and fried. Contrary to popular belief, the cholesterol contained in this product does not contribute to clogged arteries. And in combination with a small amount of garlic, such food helps maintain vascular health.

Experts advise using lard to treat lung pathologies, reduce discomfort from mastitis, eczema, diseases of the joints and dental tissue. In addition, the product does not worsen the condition of the liver, removes heavy metals from body tissues, improves the functioning of the urinary system, brain and heart muscle, and prevents the appearance of tumors. It does not harbor parasites (unlike raw meat). Lard is often consumed with alcoholic beverages. This food is a popular holiday dish. The fact is that such a product prevents rapid intoxication and slows down the process of alcohol absorption.

Do pork lard make you fat? It is impossible to give a definite answer to this question. It all depends on the amount of food consumed and the method of preparation.

Does fat make you fat? Beneficial and harmful properties of this product

Illustration from the website
Lard is usually eaten raw and salted, however, it is also used in the preparation of fried, steamed and boiled dishes, writes
Now many lovers of low-calorie and healthy food have declared lard almost a poison for the body, but this should not be done, because lard is a necessary product. It should be consumed in the right quantities and then it will not cause any harm. Lard is a very fatty product, so you need to eat it little by little.

By the way, if you are going to have a party with alcohol, you should know that a better snack than lard has not yet been invented for strong drinks. Its fat is able to envelop the stomach from the inside and thus alcohol will penetrate into the blood more slowly, and you will get drunk longer.

What are the benefits of lard?

The main thing when consuming lard is not to overeat, because it contains Omega-6 fatty acids, which can be deposited on your problem areas as extra pounds and on the walls of blood vessels - atherosclerotic plaques. However, do not rush to put the lard away and not eat it at all. Lard in the winter can create additional protection against viruses for your body.

Several more fatty acids are capable of building body tissues and are also participants in the very important cholesterol metabolism. You should know that lard does not contain radiation even in small doses and is not a carcinogenic product. That is why lard, from the point of view of proper nutrition, is perhaps the healthiest product.

The special element selenium, which is found in a minimal amount of foods, is very important for the human body. Lard is one of these products. By the way, when salting lard, they also add garlic, which is generally indispensable in the cold season and can be an excellent anti-flu prophylaxis.

There is one secret that all lard lovers need to know. If you eat lard along with vegetable salads, then these products will balance each other and the harm from lard will be offset by the benefits of vegetables.

Lard can perfectly serve as a snack during work or any important activity. It’s not for nothing that people take lard with them on hikes and for field work. It provides a huge amount of energy that is difficult to get from other products.

Lard is useful for pulmonary diseases, it removes heavy metals from the body, cleanses blood vessels, has antitumor properties, and parasitic helminths do not live in it. Pork lard, especially in combination with garlic, increases immunity and vitality, especially in the autumn-winter period. Pork lard is also an excellent choleretic agent.

Nutritionists recommend eating lard with a salad of raw vegetables, seasoned with unrefined sunflower oil and natural vinegar (apple or grape), which is a strong antioxidant.

A piece of lard is a great “snack” during working hours. It is well absorbed, does not overload the liver and provides as much as 9 kcal of energy per 1 g of product. This is much healthier than even the most expensive sausage, bun or pies.

Dangerous properties of lard

First of all, this product benefits the body only if consumed in small quantities. For an adult, 10-30 grams is enough. lard a day. Anything above that can be deposited as subcutaneous adipose tissue. In addition, it is not recommended to subject lard to strong heat treatment. As a result of frying cracklings, harmful carcinogens appear. However, this happens with almost any fat, even vegetable fat. That is why fried foods are considered the most harmful.

Since lard is consumed fresh, this product should be chosen without meat streaks, because they can be a source of various helminths. We also recommend that you start choosing lard by considering veterinary certificates.

There are also a number of diseases for which lard is contraindicated. These include diseases of the liver, bile ducts, gall bladder and cholesterol metabolism disorders. Therefore, you should consult your doctor and find out if you can eat this product.

Lard is part of the diet for weight loss

Oddly enough, this product is present in diets that include large amounts of lipids. A well-known Polish physician, who determined the ideal ratio of lipids, proteins and carbohydrates, recommends using such food to get rid of excess pounds. These types of foods help you feel full quickly. Why don't fat make you fat? The fact is that even a small dose of this high-calorie product dulls hunger and prevents overeating.

This dish is a good snack option during working hours. It brings much more benefits to the body than candy or sausage, and will not cause liver problems. However, it should be remembered that the answer to the question of whether fat makes you fat or not depends on its quantity. People leading a sedentary lifestyle do not need to eat more than 30 grams of product per day. If you are overweight, the permissible dose is 10 g.

Lard against coronavirus and for weight loss: advice from nutritionists

“Each person can choose their own convenient alternation mode. For some it may be one or one, every other day. For some it is one to three, and for others it is one to six. Only once a week is allowed,” explains Roman Malkov.

With this diet, fats are required. Lard is ideal. It sounds fantastic, but this choice is scientifically based. The fact is that lard has a negative calorie content. Of course, it contains a lot of calories - 800 per 100 grams of product. Negative means that our body spends more energy on digesting the product than it has in itself.

“In order to provide the calorie content of a simple office worker with a low level of physical activity, only 30 grams of this product is enough,” says nutritionist Albina Ermolenkova.

Yes, lard and fatty meat are healthy. But only if they are eaten as independent products or combined, for example, with vegetables.

“They contain fiber. And fiber stimulates the intestines, and it seems to push meat through faster,” says nutritionist Roman Malkov.

What is dangerous to eat lard with? When should you not eat it?

But lard mixed with champagne can be fatal! The pancreas may not be able to withstand such a blow. Even for absolutely healthy people, such gastronomic experiments are unsafe.

“In combination with chilled champagne, you can provoke intestinal volvulus,” warns nutritionist Albina Ermolenkova.

For lard to benefit your health, you need to know when to eat it. Better not for dinner, as we are used to. And certainly not as a Russian snack, in combination with pickled cucumber. It turns out that lard is an excellent and healthy breakfast.

“I don’t allow myself every day, but nevertheless I have shmat somewhere in the freezer, I can take it out, cut it thinly and eat it, even make scrambled eggs with it. As an option,” says fitness and bodybuilding instructor Pavel Korpachev.

"Black list" of dishes with meat

It turns out that you also need to eat other types of meat correctly for maximum benefit. It would seem that everything is simple. Anyone can fry a juicy beef or lamb steak in a frying pan. But no. In this case, an expensive product will not bring any benefit. On the contrary, toxic substances will enter the body.

“Roasting meat leads to the formation of heterocyclic amines, these are harmful substances and carcinogens. They are formed from creatine. Creatine is a substance found in meat,” explains nutritionist Roman Malkov.

Possible harm from consumption

The answer to the question of whether fat makes you fat or not may be positive. After all, this food contains a lot of calories. A small amount of such food will not lead to excess weight gain. However, excessive consumption of lard can cause weight gain and health problems. People suffering from pathologies of the gallbladder and digestive system should exclude this product from their diet.

Experts advise avoiding foods such as neck, carbonate and bacon.

The combination of fat and meat is harmful to the body and contributes to weight gain. Eating lard with skin is also undesirable.

Any product can cause the accumulation of excess pounds. Therefore, if a person strives to maintain a slim figure and does not want to deny himself this tasty dish, he should take into account the daily calorie intake and lifestyle features.

Pork lard: harm or benefit?

Since then, when people learned to store meat, they discovered the value of lard. The peoples of Europe and those former Europeans who moved to other continents especially love lard and have been eating it salted, smoked, boiled and fried for centuries. At all times, lard occupied an honorable place in the menu of rural residents, especially when there were no refrigerators.

The consumption of lard by our non-Muslim peoples (Muslims prefer and know how to store sheep lard) especially increased in those centuries when Rus' was raided by nomads who stole livestock and people, but did not touch pigs (you can’t drive them far - their legs are short). Pork lard has always helped the villagers out - it’s tasty, fast and convenient. And the feasts couldn’t be done without him.

By the way, lard saves you from a hangover! Now even official medicine recognizes the benefits of lard for people of any age. Unlike the fat of other animals.

Real lard is subcutaneous fat with skin. The most useful product is when salted, with garlic or pepper. But the British and Americans eat intramuscular fat with bacon or cervix, and that’s why they get fat. The Germans eat boiled lard with potatoes, which also does not contribute to a slim figure.

Photo: Depositphotos

  • Cells and biologically active substances are preserved in the subcutaneous fat of pigs, which determines its usefulness.
  • It contains a lot of vitamins A, D, E and carotene.
  • Pork lard contains such an important substance as arachidonic acid , which is a polyunsaturated fatty acid. This substance is found in heart tissue, brain, kidneys, it is necessary to improve their functioning.
  • Pork lard has anti-cancer properties, removes toxins from the body, and cleanses blood vessels of “bad” cholesterol (especially together with garlic).

Other beneficial properties of lard:

  • helps with pulmonary diseases;
  • treats the liver;
  • removes heavy metals from the body;
  • helminth parasites do not live in it.

Photo: Depositphotos
The beneficial properties of lard are best demonstrated if consumed in moderation (no more than 100 g per day). As for the danger of obesity, in America, where they don’t eat real lard, there are many times more obese people than in Ukraine, where they eat lard every day.

It should be noted that arachidonic acid, necessary for the human body, is found only in lard and is not found in vegetable oils.

Judging by the composition of nutrients, lard is necessary for a person to maintain immunity and general vitality, especially in the cold season. Only seal oil can compare with it; by the way, it is similar in composition. The biological activity of lard is approximately 5 times higher than that of butter or what we now sell under the guise of butter. Pork lard is also useful because it melts at the temperature of the human body and, as a result, is better absorbed by the body.

Photo: Depositphotos

In folk medicine, it is used for many diseases: for pain in the joints, to improve their mobility in case of injuries, for weeping eczema, against toothache and mastitis, to treat heel spurs and for hangovers.

By the way, the combination of lard with vegetables is an excellent diet and an important element of a healthy diet! A good combination is salted lard and vegetables seasoned with unrefined sunflower oil and (or) natural apple or grape vinegar.

In conclusion, I would like to note that a person needs to take 10% polyunsaturated, 30% saturated and 60% monounsaturated fatty acids with food. This content is found only in peanut and olive oils, and also... in lard!

So those who love lard, eat to your health, but know when to stop!

Tags: healthy foods, lard, healthy eating, lard, nutrients

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