Let's look at the original Osama Hamdiy diet: who is it suitable for and what rules + menu with recipes and photos of the results

What is the essence of the diet?

The nutrition plan was invented by the eminent nutritionist Osama Hamdiy for diabetics, but later it turned out that for those who do not suffer from this disease, but want to lose weight comfortably, this regime is perfect. The main goal of the diet is to reprogram metabolic processes using new eating behavior.

A little about the author Professor Osama

The author of the technique is not the last person in the world of modern medicine. Osama Hamdiy, MD, PhD, directs the obesity clinical program at Harvard Medical School.

Dr. Hamdiy researches various areas, but his main interest is diabetes mellitus and diseases of the cardiovascular system. Improving the quality of life of diabetics in modern life is precisely his merit. In addition to various programs, Osama Hamdiy is also known for his book “The Diabetic Breakthrough.” Actually, it sets out a system that very quickly gained popularity among losing weight diabetics and healthy people around the world.

In search of the original, I decided to read what they wrote on the official website of the nutritionist, and came across the fake page of “Osama Handi”. The typo suggests a scam site, so be careful.


The diet is designed for 4 weeks, each of which has its own diet:

  1. 1 Week. This period will probably be the most difficult, because the body will have to adapt to a new diet, and one that is not too varied.
  2. Week 2 is practically no different from the previous one. During this period, the body has already mastered and become accustomed to such a meal.
  3. Week 3. Each new day at this stage implies a mono-diet.
  4. Week 4. It is considered the easiest, since a person gets used to small portions and diet. Here you are allowed to consume a certain set of foods every day, which you need to independently distribute throughout the day.

Indications and contraindications

The main indication for Osama Hamdiy’s method is diabetes and obesity. But you can use this diet and simply lose 5-15 kg if you want.

As for contraindications, this diet is not suitable:

  • Women pregnant and during breastfeeding.
  • For those who have problems with the gastrointestinal tract and genitourinary system.
  • If you have intolerance to protein, eggs and citrus fruits.

In other cases, if you are not part of the 4.3% of absolutely healthy people, then before using Osama Hamdiy’s weight loss system, still consult a therapist, gastroenterologist or nutritionist.

Advantages and disadvantages

The diet has its own advantages and disadvantages.

The advantages include:

  • efficiency;
  • good tolerance;
  • noticeable results from the first days;
  • lack of constant hunger;
  • if you follow all the rules, the effect will be preserved for a long time;
  • ease of cooking;
  • availability of products.

The disadvantages include:

  • long-term diet. Not everyone will be able to force themselves to follow strict rules every day, without allowing deviations;
  • difficulty in changing eating habits.


  • The diet should not be used by pregnant or breastfeeding women;
  • It is prohibited for people with gastrointestinal problems, diseases of the urinary tract, liver and kidneys.

Benefits and harms

The undeniable advantage of the Hamdiy method is the reduction of cravings for sweets and control of hunger attacks. In addition, metabolism is normalized, and therefore the functioning of the body as a whole.

Among the disadvantages: it can cause serious harm, causing irreversible processes, to those who suffer from kidney, gastrointestinal and liver diseases.

Week three – not so difficult anymore

Days of the weekAll day (any volume)
MondayFruits from the list.
TuesdaySteamed vegetables and green salad.
WednesdayOr fruits or steamed vegetables.
ThursdayBoiled fish and green salad.
FridayBoiled chicken fillet.
Saturday1 type of fruit, such as apples.
Sunday1 type of fruit, such as kiwi.



The main component of the diet is boiled eggs, hence the name. But this is not the only product that can be consumed: the diet is quite varied.


This is the second working title of Osama Hamdiy's egg diet. Not at all because you need to take synthetic substances. As you remember, the technique promises to change the chemical processes in the body, hence the name.


On a chemical diet you need to get a lot of protein from food. Eggs are best for this, but if for some reason you don’t eat them, you can replace them with cottage cheese.

Detailed menu for 4 weeks

The duration of Osama Hamdiy's cottage cheese diet is 4 weeks. The most difficult stage will be the first days, when the body begins to rebuild its food processes.


Breakfasts during this period do not differ in variety - every morning they eat a 200-gram portion of cottage cheese (low-fat) and any of the fruits that are not included in the list of prohibited ones for a snack. The remaining meals will delight you with a wider range of products and dishes.

First day (usually Monday):

  1. They have lunch with one of the permitted fruits (in unlimited quantities).
  2. Dinner dish – fried lean meat (fry without oil).


  1. For lunch, it is suggested to stew or boil a portion of chicken meat and peel it.
  2. A good dinner option is a portion of fish, as a side dish, a salad of tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers and carrots. You can eat one piece of toast and have a grapefruit for dinner.

The third day:

  1. For lunch, eat a few tomatoes with toast and low-fat white cheese.
  2. In the evening, fry a few pieces of lean meat or minced meat.

Fourth day:

  1. The lunch ration will consist of one of the healthy fruits (there are no restrictions on quantity).
  2. The menu for the evening meal is a portion of vegetable salad and again fried meat.

Fifth day:

  1. You can have lunch with boiled vegetables and snack on 200 grams of cottage cheese.
  2. The main dish of dinner is a vegetable salad, supplemented with shrimp or a portion of fish. For dessert - orange.

Sixth day:

  1. An already familiar lunch option is fruit of one of the permitted types without restrictions.
  2. A traditional portion of fried meat with vegetable salad is good for dinner.

Seventh day:

  1. For lunch, chicken is served again (boil, skin removed), accompanied by vegetables (tomatoes can be eaten raw). For a snack - grapefruit.
  2. For a light dinner, just boiled vegetables are enough.


You will again have to have breakfast, as in the previous seven days, only with cottage cheese (200 g) and fruits from the list of allowed ones (one to choose from, quantity not limited).

First day:

  1. At lunch, vegetables (cook to taste) will be added to 200 grams of cottage cheese.
  2. You can have dinner with boiled or stewed fish, which will again be complemented by vegetables (fresh, sliced ​​or salad). An excellent snack is the ever-present grapefruit.

Second day:

  1. Fry a few slices of meat (minced meat will also work), prepare a vegetable salad and serve for lunch.
  2. Have cottage cheese for dinner and fruit.

The third day:

  1. They dine again on fried meat, with cucumbers as a side dish.
  2. Cottage cheese and fruits - in the evening.

Fourth day:

  1. Boiled peas or beans are prepared for lunch; white cheese goes perfectly with them (can be replaced with cottage cheese).
  2. Meat or fish (your choice) with a vegetable side dish will make up an evening meal.

Fifth day:

  1. The lunch ration includes fried or boiled shrimp (you can get by with fish).
  2. In the evening, the usual cottage cheese and fruit dinner awaits.

Sixth day:

  1. For lunch, meat is served with a side dish of fresh tomatoes, with an orange to start.
  2. They have a fruit platter for dinner.

Seventh day:

Boiled chicken, tomatoes, and a grapefruit appetizer are an excellent lunch (repeat at dinner).


  1. The entire first day you can eat as much as you like of any fruit (except forbidden ones).
  2. The second day is exclusively vegetable (everything is acceptable except potatoes, cooked to your own taste).
  3. On the third day, it’s time for a fruit and vegetable diet.
  4. During the fourth day, the vegetable menu is varied with fish or shrimp.
  5. On the fifth day, I serve boiled or fried meat (poultry) with vegetables.
  6. On the sixth and seventh days, they limit themselves to a single type of fruit.


The peculiarity of this seven-day period is that the following products constitute the mandatory daily allowance. The quantity cannot be changed; the distribution among meals is at your own discretion.

The set of products for the first day will consist of:

  • boiled chicken (no more than a quarter) or other meat (lean, 4 slices, boil or fry);
  • fish (boil), which can be replaced by canned tuna (no more than 200 g);
  • vegetables - tomatoes, cucumbers (3 and 4 pieces, respectively).

Bread toast and orange will complete the menu.

On the second day, fried meat (up to 0.5 kg) and vegetables (the same 4 cucumbers and 3 tomatoes) are allowed. An apple, a slice of watermelon or melon will diversify your diet.

The menu of the third day is cottage cheese and vegetables: in addition to 400 g of cottage cheese are fresh tomatoes and cucumbers (2 pieces each) and other types of boiled vegetables. A quarter of a loaf of bread is allowed. Fruits (allowed) - no restrictions on types and quantities.

On the fourth day cook half the chicken (to taste, boil or fry). Mandatory, as in previous days, are cucumbers and tomatoes (a couple are enough), 1 grapefruit and another fruit of your choice. Bread toast is allowed.

On the fifth day , you can eat a couple of boiled eggs, any set of vegetables (fresh, make a salad or regular slices, 3 tomatoes are a must). The orange will serve as dessert.

For meals on the sixth day, you should divide 125 grams of unsalted cheese (an alternative is cottage cheese), 2 chicken fillets, again a couple of cucumbers and tomatoes, toast and grapefruit. Curdled milk will add variety.

The seventh day menu should include a little (up to 400 g) cottage cheese and vegetables (the already familiar pair of tomatoes and cucumbers), fish (tuna is perfect) and one piece of toast. Snack on fruit.

You need to switch to a traditional diet slowly. Increase calorie content gradually, including those on the list of prohibited foods and include other foods gradually.

On a note! Experts recommend adding no more than two different foods per day to your diet. In this case, the body will more easily switch to its usual diet and fat deposits will be avoided. It is not recommended to repeat the diet more than once a year

Diet rules

  1. If the quantity of the product offered is not indicated, this means that you can eat it in any quantity until you are satisfied.
  2. If you feel pain from hunger, you should not endure it until your next meal. Snack on one type of raw vegetable - cucumber, tomato or carrot.
  3. Do not forget to maintain the required minimum of water throughout the diet.

Permitted, Prohibited and Restricted Products

Products that must be in the diet:

  • Eggs.
  • Chicken and beef.
  • Lean fish.
  • Tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots, beets, any type of cabbage, eggplant.
  • Citrus fruits, kiwi, pineapples, apricots, peaches, plums, watermelon, melon, pears, apples.
  • Curds, low fat cheese.

Sometimes acceptable, but should not be abused during a diet:

  • Potatoes.
  • Corn.
  • Legumes.
  • Bananas.

By the way, if you really want to, you can occasionally indulge in diet cola, but, of course, in small quantities.

It's better to exclude:

  • Grape.
  • Figs
  • Dates.
  • Mango.
  • Animal fat and vegetable oils.

Preparing for the diet

As the first step of the diet you need to:

  • Weigh in.
  • Mark the result.
  • Set an end goal.

The day before starting the Osama Hamdiy diet, you need to drink a large amount of liquid: pure water, cucumber juice or kefir with the lowest fat content. It is advisable to do an enema at night.

Diet duration

Osama Hamdiy's course is designed for 4 weeks. If you need to improve the result, the diet is repeated according to the scheme: the diet of the first and then the fourth week. True, it can be carried out no more than once a year.

Quitting the diet

At the end of the diet, you will clearly have a desire to devour a whole elephant. But you need to consolidate the result obtained, and therefore at the end of the course you will have to work a little more:

  • For 2 weeks after finishing, forget about high-calorie foods.
  • Take plenty of fluids: As before, drink plenty of water, decoctions, tea and juices.
  • Half an hour before bedtime, drink a glass of low-fat kefir.
  • Continue to consume fresh fruits and vegetables.
  • Do not indulge in pastries, sweets and alcohol (especially beer).
  • Eat in small portions, slowly.
  • Exercise daily.

Can it be combined with other diets?

The result of Osama Hamdiy’s diet will be zero if you break it even once, change the sequence or tighten it yourself. The conclusion suggests itself: no combinations with other diets!

Approximate cost of the diet

The cost is average and comparable to the cost of regular food for an average family.

Allowed and prohibited products on the menu

The menu in the Hamdiy cottage cheese diet is quite extensive, it includes:

  • a variety of fruits other than bananas, mangoes, grapes, figs and dates;
  • vegetables other than potatoes;
  • fermented milk products with minimal fat content, cheeses;
  • lean varieties of fish and meat;
  • Sometimes you can afford whole grain bread, or at least rye bread.

There are also strict prohibitions - all sweets and foods containing oil and other fats are prohibited.

Recipes for diet

I’m not one of the experienced housewives, so I always look for simpler recipes for myself. I'm sharing!

Recipe 1: Vegetable salad

Chop the cucumber, tomato, bell pepper and greens, tear the lettuce leaves with your hands, squeeze a couple of cloves of garlic through a press, sprinkle with lemon juice, stir.

Recipe 2: Steam cutlets

Mix 400 g of lean minced meat (beef or chicken) with 1 egg, mix well. 1.5 tsp. Add tomato puree to the mixture and mix again. Finely chop half a carrot and 1 small onion, add to the minced meat. Add salt, pepper, chopped herbs.

The cutlets are formed with hands dipped in water and steamed for half an hour.

Recipe 3: Baked Shrimp

Mix a tablespoon of soy sauce with freshly squeezed juice of 1 lemon, add dried garlic and paprika, and you can add a little seafood spice. Place half a kilo of peeled shrimp in the marinade and mix well. Cover the dish with cling film and place in the refrigerator for an hour.

During this time, mix 2 tbsp. parsley and the zest of one lemon. After the specified time has passed, turn on the oven at 230 °C, place the shrimp on a baking sheet, pour over the marinade, and sprinkle with lemon-parsley seasoning on top. Bake for 8-10 minutes.

Second week: continuing

Days of the weekBreakfastDinnerDinner
MondayRep. eggs – 1 or 2 pcs. Half a grapefruit or orange. Rep. eggs – 2 pcs., green salad. Boiled eggs – 2 pcs. Grapefruit or orange – 1 pc.
eggs – 1 or 2 pcs. Half a grapefruit or orange.
Fish or meat (not fatty) and green salad.Boiled eggs – 2 pcs. Grapefruit or orange – 1 pc.
eggs – 1 or 2 pcs. Half a grapefruit or orange.
See Tue.Boiled eggs – 2 pcs. Grapefruit or orange – 1 pc.
eggs – 1 or 2 pcs. Half a grapefruit or orange.
Cheese cheese, steamed vegetables and... eggs (2 pcs.). Fruits from the list.
eggs – 1 or 2 pcs. Half a grapefruit or orange.
Seafood or fish (boiled or grilled).Fruits from the list.
eggs – 1 or 2 pcs. Half a grapefruit or orange.
Grilled meat, green salad and 1 fruit (orange or grapefruit).Fruits from the list.
eggs – 1 or 2 pcs. Half a grapefruit or orange.
Boiled fillet, tomatoes, 1 fruit.Chicken fillet, tomatoes, 1 fruit.

It remains to go half way, you can already feel that it has become much easier to follow the rules.

Common diet mistakes

Stop or continue if you go beyond the Osama Hamdiy diet? Both will be a mistake. You just need to start over.

Often women are in such a hurry to see the dynamics of the process that they forget an important rule: when weighing clothes there should be a minimum, and this should happen only after bowel movement.

By the way, here’s what’s interesting: you shouldn’t expect that if you weigh 70 kg you will lose 25 kg in a month, but if you weigh over 100 kg, such an outcome is very likely.

Reviews of women who have lost weight

Women like the diet. Many people cannot control themselves in the 3rd week, break down and return to their previous diet. Not everyone likes food: bland food without salt gets boring. But some people are attracted by its simplicity. There is no need to cook; you can eat boiled chicken and chicken eggs.

It is difficult for patients to switch from their previous food to healthy food. Real results are visible after the most difficult 3rd week. After the diet, women switch to low-fat soups, dietary meat and sea fish on the menu.

The chemical diet from Osama Hamdiy is different from others. Thanks to it, you can quickly lose excess weight. The main thing is to know about its advantages and disadvantages. Before treatment, be sure to consult with an endocrinologist and study how the diet works. It is prohibited to change dishes on the menu. If you have allergic reactions or food intolerances, you should abandon your daily diet.

Article design: Vladimir the Great

Reviews and results of losing weight

Tatiana, 58

“I gained weight because of my illness. I consulted with a nutritionist, and the specialist was smart. She recommended this diet to me, but made some small changes. I won’t say that it was very difficult: apparently, the fear of remaining fat forever took over. In a month I got rid of less than 9 kg.”

Vera, 27

“I love citrus fruits, eggs and all the main components of the Hamdi system, so when I gained 17 kg during pregnancy, I didn’t even think about other methods. True, I had to train my willpower, but this is just an additional advantage! In general, the method paid off."

Masha, 24

“Before the summer season, my friend and I did a marathon on this diet. I lost 4 kg in two weeks, which is quite significant for me. But my friend gave up on the sixth day because she was tormented by headaches and nausea, the doctor said that this diet was absolutely not suitable for her.”

Table of permitted products

The product's nameAction
Fruits (mainly apples and pears)Thanks to the chemicals in its composition and complex action, they promote long digestion and reduce appetite. Eliminates the need for snacks, removes excess fluid from the body, and relieves swelling.
Vegetables (eggplant, beans, carrots)They nourish the body and do not contain a large amount of calories. Vegetables are a source of nutrients.
Green teaIncreases the speed of metabolic processes. Removes excess liquid. The best diuretic.
Rose hip decoctionReplenishes vitamin reserves, tones and strengthens the immune system.
Herbal infusionsThey help you get rid of extra calories and remove a few inches from your waist and hips.
Vegetables from the garden (except potatoes)Allows you to achieve a slim figure.
Cottage cheese (0% fat)Promotes weight loss during the diet. Strengthens teeth and nails.
Chicken eggsThey quickly saturate the body and do not create a feeling of hunger. Completely digestible.
Diet meatGives slimness and beauty.
Lean fishContains a low amount of calories. Saturates the body with calcium, iodine and phosphorus. Helps naturally solve the problem of losing weight.
Rye or black breadContains a considerable amount of useful macro- and microelements, iron, fiber.

Photos before and after

How to eat after the Osama Hamdiy diet?

The exit from the chemical diet should be gradual. If you have achieved your ideal figure during the program, then gradually begin adding new products to the menu. Experts recommend introducing only 1 product every day - this will make it easier for the body to adapt to the new menu, and it will not begin to store fat.

Fatty and sweet foods should be kept to a minimum. If you pounce on all the foods that you have been denying yourself for a whole month at once, then you will not be able to avoid regaining the lost kilograms. It is even possible that the weight will exceed what it was before the diet.

What nutritionists say

Experts have not yet formed a clear opinion on this diet. Although, it must be admitted that the technique has recently been gaining more and more positive reviews, since, unlike mono-diets, Osama Hamdiy’s scheme does not involve restrictions on most foods and does not cause serious harm to health.

Could you eat eggs every morning for a month? Leave your review of Osama Hamdiy's protein diet in the comments and share the article with your friends! I'm waiting for you on the blog pages immediately after the next update, don't miss it!

List of prohibited products

Nutritionists advise excluding the following list of products from the menu:

  • flour (pies, pancakes);

  • fish and meat dishes with a lot of fat;
  • offal;
  • pasta;
  • wheat bread;
  • liquid bee honey;
  • disaccharides;
  • chocolate products;
  • milk with high fat content;
  • soda;
  • canned food;
  • semi-finished products;
  • sausage products;
  • sausages;
  • sausage;
  • porridge;
  • complex fats and lipids;
  • head of beet;
  • potato fruits;
  • berry jams;
  • melted ice cream milkshake;
  • fat sour cream;
  • fermented milk products;
  • caffeine;
  • alcohol.
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