Triceps exercises for women at home and in the gym

If you sit with your hands folded, you won’t even dream of a beautiful horseshoe-shaped triceps. But it’s worth putting small projectiles in your palms and practicing regularly at home - and the results will not keep you waiting. With strong muscles, it’s easier to carry bags, and there’s no shame in wearing an open dress. Training the triceps muscles is relevant not only for bodybuilders. Women are genetically predisposed to accumulate fat in their arms and underarms. Even a thin subcutaneous layer causes the skin to sag and make it loose.

Based on the proposed techniques, you will create a complex yourself and tighten your arms in 1-2 months. Triceps exercises at home for girls are designed not only for working with your own weight. will be needed to gain mass and outline the contours . Unlike men, women do not need to measure their volume and strength, so there is no need to carry heavy weights, but they cannot do without dumbbells.

Triceps exercises for girls[edit | edit code]

The best triceps exercises

Triceps brachii

Triceps brachii

, or triceps, consists of three heads. The lateral (outer) head is most noticeable. The other two are located close to the body, so they do not attract attention as much. Given this circumstance, one should focus on the development of the lateral head. This will allow you to quickly see the results of your classes. The triceps straightens the arm at the elbow. It is an antagonist to the biceps and brachialis muscles.

The long head of the triceps muscle is the only one (of the three heads) that connects several joints. It not only straightens the arm like the other two heads, but also participates in bringing it to the body and retracting it back, working together with the muscles of the back and shoulder girdle. Therefore, to avoid injuries to the elbow joints, they should be thoroughly warmed up before training the back muscles.

Advice[edit | edit code]

As a rule, women do not strive to have large triceps. Usually they just want to tighten them up a little. In women, fat is deposited on the back of the hand. By regularly training your triceps with light weights and high repetitions, you can prevent the formation of fat deposits in this area.

Triceps training is important not only for quick results, but also for long-term goals. After menopause, many women lose the fat deposits covering their triceps as a result of hormonal changes. As a result, the skin becomes loose.

This problem can only be corrected through surgery. This is why it is important to prevent the formation of fat deposits in these areas early in life.

Protect your elbow joints from injury[edit | edit code]

Women have a greater range of forearm motion than men.
The elbow joints are very fragile, so we recommend not using heavy weights when performing biceps exercises. For the elbow joints, exercises with light weights and a high number of repetitions are safer. This also prevents the formation of fat deposits in the triceps area.

Women's elbow joints are more fragile than men's because the forearm has a greater range of motion. Simply put, women are able to extend their elbow at a greater angle than men. This increases the degree of contraction of the triceps, but at the same time increases the risk of injury to the elbow joints. If you use heavy weights when performing triceps exercises, bench presses or shoulder presses, do not straighten your arms completely to avoid injuring your elbow joints.

Preparation for training

The best way to start doing triceps exercises in the gym is by working with a trainer. Consultations with a specialist and construction of a training plan according to their purpose are necessary both for the correct handling of equipment and for correcting errors during exercises. Just 3-4 joint workouts will create the basis for subsequent independent work with the body.

In addition, working together will help you better plan exercises for each workout while gaining weight. However, warming up is the basis of training any muscle group. It is necessary to thoroughly warm up all tissues and tendons to give them elasticity.

Don't come to the gym feeling hungry. It is recommended to eat vegetables or potatoes 1.5 hours before training, and drink a glass of still water 20 minutes before training.

It is also important for an athlete to remain positive and avoid stress. During training, it is necessary to mentally work through each movement with a focus on achieving the goal. If you approach classes with a positive attitude, then the result will not take long to arrive.

Pulldown on a cable machine[edit | edit code]

Cable Pulldown
The cable pulldown is an isolation exercise because it only moves the elbow joints. As a result, virtually no muscles are used except the triceps and forearm flexors.


Attach a rope V-shaped or straight handle to the cable of the machine, installed in the upper position. Grasp the rope handle with a neutral, semi-neutral or overhand grip; It is better to grasp the straight handle with a straight grip. Use a grip that allows you to use your triceps more effectively.

Keeping your elbows close to your torso, lower the handle toward your hips. Hold this pose for a second, then return to the starting position without moving your elbows. You can stand with your feet together or with one foot in front (the latter position, shown here, is more difficult to maintain balance).


Training triceps on a cable machine is less damaging to the elbow joints than exercises with your own body weight (such as push-ups), dumbbells, barbells and other exercise machines. A complex system of blocks and cables reduces the total effect of forces, so the exercise does not overload the joints.


Since the triceps muscles are not used in everyday activities, many beginners do not feel how they work. Perform this exercise at a slow pace at first to learn how to feel the contraction of your triceps.

Too much weight can cause you to sit up, causing you to arch your back as you lift your arms. Try not to sway and bend as little as possible. If you feel pain in your elbows when stretching your arms, do not straighten them completely, as this position can injure your elbow joints. Maintain constant muscle tension without straightening your arms completely.


It is considered incorrect to raise your elbows when lifting weights. This is true if you are trying to isolate the triceps. However, if you train your back muscles and triceps at the same time, you can easily raise your elbows to the level of your chin or nose while the handle moves up. As you press down on the handle and lower it, lower your palms and elbows as well.


You can place your hands on the handle at different distances from each other. However, try not to change the position of your hands frequently. Find the position that is most comfortable for you and stick to it in the future.

How to pump up triceps for girls without dumbbells at home

To warm up, do a yoga exercise. Even a beginner can do palm squeezing. They involve the arm muscles in the process and tighten the chest.

  1. Raise your palms in front of your chest, spread your elbows to the sides and squeeze with all your might for 1-2 minutes.
  2. Loosen the press for 10 seconds without changing position, extend them overhead and repeat with the same pressure. Repeat the movements 10 times.

Technique for toning triceps

  1. Sitting on the floor, bend your knees, bring your palms back, turn your fingers towards you and press them to the surface.
  2. Lean back and lower your body to your elbows. Keep your back and stomach tense.
  3. Hold and use your triceps to return to the full rep position.

How to pump up your triceps: 3 variations of push-ups

  1. Kneel down facing the chair, resting your palms on the edge.
  2. Connect your thumbs and point the phalanges of your index fingers towards each other.
  3. Stretch your body in line and rest your toes on the floor.
  4. With your abs tense, perform a series of sit-ups.

Beginners perform the session on their knees.

Reverse push-ups

  1. Turn over, sit closer to the edge, place both palms next to your thighs. Take a step forward and place your feet parallel to your thighs.
  2. Keeping your pelvis suspended, sit on the virtual chair.
  3. Form a right angle with your thighs and shins. The further the body is from the support, the greater the load.
  4. As you inhale, lower yourself down, hovering just above the floor, and as you exhale, rise up. Don't lift your heels. Perform actions using tension in your arms.

After mastering the triceps exercise at home, complicate the technique: straighten your legs, rest your heels on the floor. This will put more tension on all 3 heads when lifting.

Straightening arms in plank

The technique is great for training your core muscles, but if you modify it, you can also pump up your triceps.

  1. Take IP: in a horizontal position, rest on your bent forearms and toes, twist your pelvis upward.
  2. Straighten your right arm and shift your body weight to the opposite side for a few seconds.
  3. Reverse the movement and bring the left one forward. Work exclusively with your forearms.

Work for 1-2 minutes and do 2 more times.

Triceps extension[edit | edit code]

Execution: on a cable machine
Triceps extension belongs to the category of isolating exercises, since here only the elbow joints are moved. As a result, virtually no muscles are used except the triceps and forearm flexors. This exercise can be performed sitting, standing, lying on a bench, with dumbbells, a barbell, or on a cable machine. You can work your arms simultaneously or one at a time.

Execution: with weights

Taking a lying, sitting or standing position, take a barbell with a curved bar or dumbbells with both hands (option: one dumbbell for alternate arm training). Lower the weight to your forehead (if lying) or behind your head (if sitting or standing). Elbows and little fingers should be facing up. Using your triceps, straighten your arms and then lower the weight again. When performing an exercise with dumbbells, you can hold them with a neutral grip at the bottom of the movement, and with a straight grip at the top to tighten the triceps more.

Execution: on a cable trainer

You can set the cable machine in the lower or upper position and work your arms simultaneously or one at a time. Attach a rope handle to the cable and grasp it with one or two hands. To work both arms at the same time, grab the rope handle and stand with your back to the machine set in the upper position, place one leg in front of the other and lean forward so that your torso forms an angle of approximately 120 degrees with your legs. Straighten your arms so they are in line with your torso, then bend them to lower the weight.

To work with both hands alternately, stand with your free hand towards the machine set in the lower position. Grasp the rope handle, lift and straighten your arm above your head, and then slowly bend it to lower the weight.


  • Provides an extremely effective triceps stretch.


  • When you perform free weight exercises, fatigue often forces you to change the form of the exercise (such as arching your back) or leads to injury.

Performing exercises with dumbbells or a barbell puts a lot of stress on the elbow joints. You must be in complete control of the movement and perform it slowly so as not to injure your elbow joints.

  • If you feel pain in your elbows when stretching your arms, do not straighten them completely, as this position can injure your elbow joints. Maintain constant muscle tension without straightening your arms completely.


  • The further you move your elbows away from your body, the more you engage the long heads of your triceps.
  • Performing the exercise with one hand, you better stretch the muscles and contract them more actively, since this increases the range of motion.
  • When performing the exercise in a standing position, you arch your back, which can lead to compression of the intervertebral discs. It is safest to perform the exercise while sitting. The lying position is the most comfortable for the back. In addition, it allows you to maintain proper execution technique, since you cannot swing.

Free weights or machines?

Cable exercises are safer for your elbows than free weight exercises, but some triceps machines put quite a lot of stress on your elbows. If you experience pain in your elbow joints, you should avoid this exercise or perform it only on a cable machine.

Triceps training rules for girls

Many girls avoid doing triceps exercises, afraid to swing their arms or increase their volume. We hasten to reassure you that if you perform arm exercises with a light weight (up to 5 kg), then no “swinging” of the muscles will occur. And with a lot of weight, there is no talk of any noticeable increase in muscle mass - at most you will tone your muscles a little and make your arms more prominent. But why would a girl do triceps exercises at all?

Why girls need to pump up their triceps:

  • By pumping your triceps, you tone the muscles on the back of your arms and get rid of unsightly flabbiness and sagging.
  • The triceps are involved in most chest exercises, so without a strong triceps muscle, you will not be able to progress in chest exercises.
  • Strong triceps are needed for push-ups, pull-ups, racks, and most static plank exercises.
  • Strong triceps are also needed to perform many yoga asanas well if you plan to develop in this direction.

So, what basic rules do girls need to know in order for triceps training to be high-quality, effective and useful?

What weight of dumbbells to use for triceps training:

  • For muscle growth: the maximum weight of dumbbells so that you can do 10-12 repetitions to failure with the correct technique (for girls usually up to 8-10 kg)
  • For easy muscle tone and fat burning: enough weight so that you feel the load, but can still do 15-20 repetitions (for girls, usually up to 4-5 kg)
  • For beginners: dumbbells 1-2 kg with gradual increase in weight

What to train triceps exercises with in one day:

  • Classic : Combine triceps exercises with chest exercises. Exercises for the chest involve squeezing weights, and the triceps are responsible for this function in the arm muscles. Therefore, he is directly involved in training the chest muscles. Start your workout with chest exercises, then move on to triceps exercises.
  • Alternative : Combine triceps exercises with biceps exercises. Biceps and triceps are antagonistic muscles, so many people consider training them together to be the most effective way to strengthen muscles. Some girls choose this option because it is convenient to train two arm muscle groups (biceps and triceps) in one day. For those who train 3-4 times a week, you can add delt exercises on the same day.

8 rules for training triceps for girls:

  1. As a rule, it is enough for girls to train their triceps once a week. But if you do strength training 5-6 times a week and want to specifically work on your arm muscles, you can train your triceps twice a week.
  2. If you do not want to get injured and postpone training for a long time, then do a warm-up warm-up before doing triceps exercises. After completing triceps exercises, do not forget to stretch the muscles, this will make the workout more effective. For an additional warm-up just before performing a particular exercise, you can do one set of that exercise without dumbbells (or with very light weights). Check out our selection of warm-up exercises and our selection of stretching exercises.
  3. We suggest six triceps exercises, but you don't have to do them all on the same day. For a full triceps workout, it is enough to do 3-4 exercises in several approaches (for example, two isolation exercises and one or two multi-joint exercises). You can alternate these exercises or periodically change the set of exercises in your session. However, remember that with different body positions, the triceps bundles are loaded differently, so it is better not to focus on the same exercises.
  4. If you want to lose weight, remember to eat in a calorie deficit. If you want to build muscle mass, then eat in a calorie surplus and consume enough protein (2-2.5 g of protein per 1 kg of weight). Also read more about proper nutrition.
  5. If you want to lose weight, do cardio at least twice a week to burn extra calories and speed up your metabolism.
  6. Remember that to achieve effective results, it is important to train the whole body, and not just individual problem areas. If you need a more detailed strength training plan, then check out our article: strength training for girls: exercises + plan.
  7. The exercises suggested below are suitable both for doing at home and in the gym. The convenience of training in the gym is the variety of dumbbells, so you can easily choose the optimal weight and increase the load in the future. But you can train triceps at home without compromising the results. At first, you can even use plastic bottles instead of dumbbells to train triceps at home.
  8. It is important to understand that gradually your muscles will get used to the load, so it is advisable to increase the weight of the dumbbells over time. For home workouts, it is convenient to purchase a collapsible dumbbell that allows you to adjust the weight.

Bent-over triceps extension[edit | edit code]

Bent-over triceps extension
Bent-over triceps extension is classified as an isolation exercise because only the elbow joints are moved. As a result, this exercise does not involve almost any muscles except the triceps and forearm flexors.


This exercise can be performed for both hands at the same time or in turn (the description is given for one hand). Lean forward and grab a dumbbell with a neutral grip. In the starting position, the upper part of the arm is pressed to the body and almost parallel to the floor. The arm is bent at the elbow at an angle of 90 degrees. Using your triceps, straighten your arm, moving it back along your body. Hold this pose for at least a second, straightening your arm, and then lower the dumbbell to the starting position.

The one-arm version of the exercise puts less strain on the lower back and allows you to perform the movement with better technique. But the two-handed version takes less time.


  • Of all the triceps exercises with free weights, this option is the safest for the elbow joints. If your elbows hurt when you do other triceps exercises, try this.


  • Provides virtually no stretch, so some may find it difficult to feel the contraction of the triceps.

If you perform an exercise for both arms at the same time, a significant load is placed on the lower back due to the tilt of the torso. If you perform the exercise with both hands in turn, then you can rest your free hand on your thigh, which will help support the spine.

  • If you experience pain, stop exercising and allow your joints to heal for a few days. Then you can continue working your triceps.


  • Straightening your arm, try to fix the position for as long as possible in order to maximally tense the triceps muscle. Be prepared to have to strain your triceps quite a bit as you straighten your arm as you perform the exercise. This is the advantage of this exercise.
  • You can focus on the lateral head of the triceps by slightly turning the little finger of your working hand away from you while holding your arm straight.

Simulator option[edit | edit code]

Instead of dumbbells, you can use a cable machine installed in the lower position. The main advantage of this option is that it provides a more constant tension than free weights.

Simulator option

How to tighten a woman’s triceps at home: exercises with dumbbells

The effectiveness of the exercises increases if the complex is performed with weights (projectiles, bottles of water) and if you do 1-2 basic practices. One of the most effective is the French press.

  1. Lie on the stools moved together, pressing your feet into the floor.
  2. Bring your straight arms with the load at a slight angle to your head.
  3. Bend your elbows and, while inhaling, bring them behind the top of your head.
  4. Exhaling, straighten your limbs and repeat the action.

Straightening arms while standing

  1. Take the shells in your hand.
  2. Bend your knees and lean your body forward.
  3. Place your left hand on the support, press your right hand to the body.
  4. Move your arm with the dumbbell back until it is parallel to the floor. After 10 repetitions, switch hands.

Overhead extensions

A multi-joint exercise at home for women on the triceps with a focused load on the long heads, deltas, and pectoralis major muscles. When using collapsible dumbbells, check the fastening of the locks. Start with 3 kg and increase the weight to 10 kg.

  1. Sit down, stand the dumbbell upright and grab the base with both hands.
  2. Lift it up, bending your arms and moving them to the back of your head.
  3. As you exhale, straighten and do 10 more movements.

If you are a beginner or have recently suffered injury , limit yourself to 5 sets.


  1. While standing or sitting, hold a dumbbell with one palm.
  2. Bending your elbow at an even angle, bring it to the back of your head.
  3. Using tension in the triceps muscles, press upward until the joints are completely straightened.
  4. Feel the stretch in the triceps, and after a pause, return to the IP.

Straightening your arms

Finally, do an isolation practice with high reps. It will provoke a rush of blood and speed up the recovery of muscle fibers.

  1. Lying on your back, lift the shells vertically, holding them with your palms facing each other.
  2. Keeping your shoulder girdle static, bend your elbows and lower them until your forearms are parallel to the floor.
  3. After a pause at the bottom, move into the positive phase.

For muscular arms, stick to multiple repetitions, varying the number of repetitions from 12 to 15 times in 3 sessions.

How can a girl properly pump up her arm muscles?

Triceps are otherwise called the triceps muscles of the arms. Despite their small size, compared to, for example, the biceps, they are the key muscles that shape the appearance of the upper limbs. In the absence of timely training with age, due to female physiology, triceps give the arms flabbiness and excess volume.

It is necessary to pump up the muscular corset of the arms on a regular basis at any age. In order for triceps exercises intended for women to bring results in the shortest possible time, it is important to follow the recommendations of qualified fitness trainers. The main ones are:

  • maintaining regular training (optimally 3-4 times a week);
  • competent determination of working weight (when performing exercises with weights);
  • combining different types of loads in sports;
  • adherence to the principles of healthy eating;
  • performing a warm-up immediately before starting a workout;
  • stretching and self-massage of worked arm muscles after class;
  • the need to give the triceps time to recover after active physical activity (you should not pump your arms more than 3 times a week with a break of 1 day);
  • control over the frequency of inhalation and exhalation during exercise.

Important! By following the basic advice of professionals, a girl will be able to both pump up her triceps muscles and give them definition, as well as tone the skin of her hands.

Be sure to check out:

We train the back and triceps: effective loads Effective triceps training: exercises and principles A set of triceps exercises with dumbbells Features of chest-triceps training: exercises and recommendations

"Hammer" for muscle mass

In addition to the biceps, the muscles that are targeted are the brachioradialis, brachialis, and pronator teres muscles.

  • With pronated palms, the load is focused on the brachialis;
  • with supinated heads - on double-headed heads;
  • a neutral grip loads both equally effectively.
  1. In a standing position, press your elbows to your sides.
  2. Raise your hands with dumbbells to your shoulders, focus on peak muscle contraction and go into the negative phase.

To finish off the target muscles, add 2 isolation techniques each to the biceps and triceps, performing repetitions at a slow pace until failure on the last set.

Arm training for girls in the gym with a barbell

Start the workout by bending and moving your elbows back. They simultaneously load several muscle groups and allow you to lift heavy weights.

  1. While standing, grab the bar with your palms facing forward, pressing your hands to your body.
  2. Bend your limbs, bringing the barbell closer to your collarbone, while simultaneously moving your elbows straight back without raising your shoulders.
  3. As you inhale, return to the starting position along a vertical trajectory.

Alternative: Work with dumbbells or a Smith machine.

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