Diet of Victoria's Secret models: menu, results, reviews

  • April 5, 2019
  • Diets for weight loss
  • Kolesnikova Alexandra

It’s not for nothing that the girls who walk in Victoria’s Secret fashion shows are called “angels.” And it’s not just about the flirtatious lacy wings on their shoulders. The figures of the models are so good that it seems that they were not created on our planet.

The recipe for such a magnificent body is quite simple, although it may require truly “angelic” patience to withstand it. We will talk about the popular “Victoria's Secret Model Diet”, thanks to which the girls look so beautiful.

Diet for food lovers

Surprisingly, if you decide to use this system, you won’t have to tediously count calories or eat only buckwheat porridge. The only food he will need to give up is sugar. Of course, smoked meats, salty foods and baked goods are also prohibited, but angels don’t eat such dishes anyway.

The meal plan consists of eating plenty of proteins and vegetables, weight loss occurs by reducing portions. Thanks to protein, muscle mass is preserved and there is a feeling of satiety. Of course, a complete refusal of glucose is fraught with mood swings and severe weakness. This is not included in the diet of Victoria's Secret models, but nutritionists advise eating at least a spoonful of natural honey a day. This will add energy and make it easier to tolerate a protein diet.

Steak and lots of vegetables

With this diet, you should strictly adhere to the recommended menu. It is designed for a week, then the menu should be repeated. Thus, the entire Victoria's Secret Model Diet will take 13 days. Typically, protein diets give quick results, immediately noticeable on the waist. But such a diet cannot be called balanced, so this diet can only be used once a year.

These recommendations are not in the list of permitted products, but for better results you should limit salt and vegetable fats. Even healthy olive oil can be added just a little.

Beef, chicken and fish are best cooked on the grill using a minimum amount of fat. Fish and chicken can also be baked in the oven or cooked in a double boiler.

Vegetables should be fresh, juicy and pleasing to the eye. With a positive mood, it will be easier to adhere to the strict menu of the Victoria's Secret Model Diet.

Weekly meal schedule

The diet for each day is described in sufficient detail, but days can be swapped (but not repeated). It is important to drink at least two liters of still water every day, this helps improve metabolism.

  • First day.

Breakfast - coffee or green tea without sugar and milk.

Lunch - two boiled chicken eggs; tomato and herb salad.

Dinner - beef chop or steak, spinach.

  • Second day.

Breakfast - coffee or green tea, thin toast.

Lunch - boiled chicken and green salad.

Dinner - puree soup from any vegetables (except potatoes).

  • The third day.

Breakfast - coffee or green tea, small toast.

Lunch - grilled veal chop, green salad.

Dinner - two boiled eggs, two pieces of boiled lean meat (or lean bacon), spinach.

  • Fourth day.

Breakfast - coffee or green tea with toast.

Lunch - veal steak, Chinese cabbage and tomato salad.

Dinner - two boiled eggs, two pieces of boiled lean meat.

  • Fifth day.

Breakfast - grated carrots seasoned with lemon juice.

Lunch - low-fat grilled (or boiled) fish, greens.

Dinner - boiled lean meat and a salad of herbs and tomatoes.

  • Sixth day.

Breakfast - coffee or green tea, small toast.

Lunch - grilled (or boiled) chicken breast, green salad.

Dinner: veal chop and medium tomato.

  • Seventh day.

Breakfast - coffee or green tea.

Lunch - veal in any form and tomato.

Dinner - three pieces of hard cheese, green salad.

The Victoria's Secret diet turns out to be quite filling; if you feel hungry, you can have a small snack between breakfast and lunch - a medium apple or other fruit (except grapes and melon), freshly squeezed fruit or vegetable juice, a green smoothie.

Diet of Victoria's Secret Angels

There are 2 options for the angel diet, one of them is short, designed for 7 days. For breakfast, you should drink a cup of coffee every day with a small amount of crackers or toast, dried without oil. You can replace coffee with tea if you don’t like the drink or don’t tolerate it well. But lunches and dinners are more varied. For convenience, we provide a sample menu.

Day 1:

  • Lunch – boiled eggs (2 pcs.), salad from the Iceberg mixture with tomato,
  • Dinner – favorite tea (green, fruit or black), steamed breast with herbs.

Day 2:

  • Lunch – any baked lean meat, salad with herbs and tomatoes,
  • Dinner – vegetable soup.

Day 3:

  • Lunch – chicken breast or veal salad with vegetables,
  • Dinner – hard-boiled eggs (2 pcs.) and 2-3 slices of ham without fat.

Day 4:

  • Lunch – grated carrots, egg and 2 pieces of low-fat cheese,
  • Dinner – fruit salad dressed with kefir.

Day 5:

  • Lunch – low-fat fish with steamed vegetables,
  • Dinner – cottage cheese with 2-3 tablespoons of kefir, berries or 1 fruit.

Day 6:

  • Lunch – grilled poultry breast, cucumber and cabbage salad with lemon juice,
  • Dinner – 2-3 small baked apples and yogurt.

Day 7:

  • Lunch – 2 potatoes, boiled in their jackets and grilled steak,
  • Dinner – any dish in small quantities.

For variety, the salad can also be prepared from celery, cucumber, and cabbage. All these products not only have minimal calorie content, but will also help improve digestion.

Snacks are not provided for on the strict version of the angel diet, but if hunger is severe, then you definitely shouldn’t endure it. Firstly, there is a higher risk of relapse, and secondly, your health worsens. But before a snack, it is better to drink a glass of water, because it is possible that this is how the body signals thirst. Either way, it will help you eat less. You can have a snack with kefir, yogurt, a small amount of cottage cheese or any fruit, even a banana. It's better to plan your snack in advance to avoid disruption.

Many people prefer the second version of the angel diet, which lasts 13 days. The diet is designed only for the first week, and if you need to lose more kilograms, then repeat the same menu (described above) for another 6 days, but without the seventh day. That is, on the eighth day they eat the same foods as on the first day, on the ninth - the same as on the second, and so on.

How to lose more kilograms?

Having decided on a strict diet, you want to achieve maximum results. The Victoria's Secret Angel Diet has little secrets that make this diet even more effective:

  • There should be 2-3 times more side dish for meat than the meat itself.
  • In addition to spinach and Chinese cabbage, you can also add celery, parsley, leeks and broccoli. The main thing is that the greens are varied and not boring.
  • Make salad dressing with plenty of lemon juice and a few drops of quality olive oil. You can add ground pepper and a couple of sprigs of basil.
  • Eat a handful of pine nuts or several walnuts every day. This will add some healthy fats to your protein diet.
  • In addition to warm water without gas, you can drink herbal teas. Of course, natural, without flavorings.

In general, not only the effectiveness of the diet, but also its effect on the body depends on the quality of the selected products. Therefore, meat and fish must be appetizing and fresh.

Diet principles

In general, the diet for 7 or 13 days is based on proteins - they must predominate so that the body remains fit after the diet. There are some carbohydrates present, but they are obtained only from vegetables. Fats are reduced to the maximum; only a small amount of olive oil is allowed. A little more fat will come into the body from egg yolks and dairy products.

Here are the principles you need to adhere to when following the Victoria's Secret Angels Diet:

  1. Water balance is important for excellent skin condition and maintaining normal metabolism, so you should drink about 2 liters of regular clean water per day.
  2. There are 3 meals in total, but since breakfast is not too filling, you can also supplement them with a snack. It is recommended to eat something light, but at the same time satisfying. A snack can be planned both for the time between lunch and dinner, and between breakfast and lunch.
  3. It is better to give up salt or add a little salt to the food after cooking if it seems completely bland. Some models prefer to remove spices from their diet. They, of course, make the taste richer, but also greatly whet the appetite.
  4. It is strictly forbidden to repeat the diet many times over a short period. The break should be 8-10 months. If you constantly adhere to it, it will lead to serious health problems, and it all starts with severe vitamin deficiency.
  5. Fish or meat can not only be boiled, but also grilled or baked. That is, the menu can be slightly modified to suit you - if you don’t like the boiled fillet, then simply change the cooking method. The main thing is not to add oil to food or fry it. This way you will get at least a little variety of the same type of food.
  6. Salads are dressed with a mixture of lemon juice and 1-2 tsp. olive oil.
  7. Despite the fact that there are no strict restrictions on portions, you still need to approach this indulgence wisely and not overeat, otherwise the effect will be completely opposite. It is better to eat equal portions (200-250 grams). This way the stomach will stop stretching and satiation will come faster.

You will have to give up sugar in any form, as well as sweeteners. Although the diet contains sweet fruits, it will still be quite difficult for those with a sweet tooth to adhere to the angel diet without breakdowns. People who cannot live without sugar can make themselves a little indulgence by eating 1-2 tsp with coffee in the morning. honey Despite the fact that it is healthy, you should not eat this treat after breakfast. But the natural sugar contained in honey will give you more vigor and strength in the morning. Otherwise, all dietary restrictions must be strictly adhered to, otherwise, with strong relaxations, efforts will not bring results.

Not a day without sports

One of the main keys to the success of the Victoria's Secret Model Diet is active exercise. With such an abundance of protein, constant training several times a day is simply necessary.

Each Victoria's Secret model has her own favorite types of sports: fitness, jogging, roller skating or cardio training. For example, Candice Swanepoel loves running and cycling, Adriana Lima does boxing and strength training, and popular beauty Alessandra Ambrosio does Pilates and yoga.

Before the show, the Victoria's Secret models' diet becomes even stricter. Often the diet consists only of protein shakes and water. Moreover, 10 hours before going on the podium, girls are asked to limit even their water. Then the relief of a trained body will be more noticeable.

Approximate training schedule

Most famous Victoria's Secret Angels work out in the gym 4-6 times a week. They willingly share recommendations from professional body trainers for keeping their bodies in good shape.

It’s better to start your workout by warming up your muscles - running, jumping rope, squats, or a fiery dance. Famous beauties Alessandra Ambrosio and Gisele Bundchen simply love to dance Zumba, and Adriana Lima is seriously involved in capoeira.

After the body has warmed up, you can move on to strength training. Particular attention should be paid to the buttocks and legs.

And, of course, abdominal exercises. You need to do the exercises for 10-20 minutes, at first you can not focus on complex twisting, doing basic exercises and the useful “Plank”.

The main thing is to move actively and not sit still. You don’t have to rush out to buy an annual gym membership; you can start with walks in the fresh air, jogging in the nearest park and jumping rope on the balcony. Then the weight will start to go away faster and your mood will improve.

Who is the Angel Diet contraindicated for?

If you have certain health problems, it is better not to support the angel diet. However, this is a fairly strict diet that requires compliance with many restrictions, so it is difficult for people with certain diseases to tolerate. It is not suitable if you have:

  • Allergies to any products used in the diet,
  • Gastrointestinal pathologies, especially severe forms,
  • Diseases of the urinary system,
  • diabetes mellitus,
  • Any heart disease.

You cannot maintain such a diet during pregnancy or lactation, as well as during general weakness of the body, for example, after taking antibiotics. Still, the range of products is quite meager and such a diet will only do harm in the situations listed above. Nutritionists categorically do not recommend that teenagers “sit” on it, since for full development a balanced diet is needed.

If you have health problems, you should consult your doctor before starting even a short version of the Victoria's Secret Angels Diet. However, the process of losing weight should not cause harm or cause the emergence of new or exacerbation of old diseases.

The right products

According to reviews of the Victoria's Secret Model Diet, you can lose 4-8 kilograms in two weeks. More often, the result depends on the initial weight and sports load. Most of the weight is lost in the first week, the next 6 days should help consolidate the results.

There are no recommendations as such for quitting this diet. Gradually you can add low-fat fermented milk products, nuts and honey. Most professional models already adhere to the principles of proper nutrition.

The diet of Victoria's Secret models consists of vegetable and fruit salads, low-fat varieties of sea fish, dietary veal and chicken. There is always a lot of natural dairy products, nuts and fresh juices. The main thing is no processed foods or carbonated drinks. It is also better to avoid ready-made juices; they contain too many preservatives and flavor enhancers.

Despite the fact that the Victoria's Secret model diet consists of three meals, successful models recommend smaller meals. It is better to eat 5-6 times a day in small portions.

Don't skip breakfast; it gives your body a boost of energy for the whole day. For example, one of the Victoria's Secret "angels", Doutzen Kroes, prefers a glass of citrus juice and an omelet with spinach for breakfast. Or oatmeal with fruit, the main thing is that breakfast should be hearty and healthy.

But dinner should be finished 4 hours before bedtime and made as light as possible. After all, it is during sleep that the body slows down its metabolism and extra pounds begin to be deposited.

Two weeks of “quarantine”

“Diet of Angels” is a kind of two-week quarantine. In 14 days you can lose about 8 kg of excess weight and appear on the podium in the best shape. What you definitely shouldn’t consume is sugar, salt and alcohol. Not in any way. It is better to season salads with lemon juice, and if you use olive oil, then use a small spoon per serving.

Of course, you can’t go anywhere without drinking plenty of water either. You need to drink at least 2.5 liters of still water per day. Even medicinal mineral water, if it is carbonated, can greatly harm your figure. But a glass of plain water before and after meals perfectly suppresses hunger.

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The benefits and harms of a protein diet

Reading the Victoria's Secret Model Diets menu, I really want to take advantage of these recommendations. No special restrictions, delicious meat and salads. But in reality, how beneficial are protein diets and can everyone try them?

The fiber contained in the daily menu helps remove toxins from the body and improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Vegetable salads and fruits for dessert saturate the body with vitamins, and tomatoes and carrots improve complexion. Eliminating carbohydrates and active proteins helps improve metabolism and maintain good shape after completing the diet.

However, unusually large amounts of protein foods can damage the functioning of the liver and kidneys. After all, if animal protein is not burned during active training, it begins to decompose and poison the body. Therefore, training and sports activities with the Victoria's Secret Diet of Angels, and with other protein diets, are simply necessary.

People who have kidney and liver diseases or metabolic disorders should not try this method of losing weight. In general, before starting any strict diet, you should get tested and consult with a general practitioner.


Since the diet includes low-calorie foods, the diet has a number of contraindications :

  • It is not recommended to lose weight in this way if you have gastritis, ulcers and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • the diet is contraindicated for pregnant and nursing mothers;
  • people with chronic constipation;
  • teenagers;
  • patients with diabetes;
  • people whose work involves severe physical activity.

Cherie Soria's Recipes

For girls who are vegetarians or simply don’t like a lot of animal protein, this diet will be completely uninteresting. As an alternative, you can use the recipes of experienced chef Cherie Soria. A fan of veganism and healthy eating, she published the book “Angel Food: Healthy Recipes for Divine Bodies,” which became popular all over the world.

Cherie worked as a chef for over forty years, constantly experimenting and trying to achieve new flavors. The result was recipes for low-calorie dishes, vegetable soups, dietary desserts and delicious homemade cheese and yogurt.

If you follow the book’s recommendations, you will not only maintain a normal weight, but also significantly improve your body’s health.

How much weight should you lose?

Looking at the girls demonstrating luxurious lingerie and swimsuits from the Victoria's Secret brand, it is noticeable that they are not excessively thin. The angelic parameters of Victoria's Secret models are more likely the result of active training than refusal of food.

It is simply impossible to remain so graceful and beautiful on the podium if the body, due to a strict diet, does not receive the substances necessary for life.

The Victoria's Secret Angel Diet has absolutely nothing to do with depriving yourself of essential foods. The best effect comes from proper split meals, walks and active sports.

A little tasty

Surprisingly, Victoria's Secret's perfectly slim top models are not averse to occasionally treating themselves to unhealthy but beloved foods. For example, Miranda Kerr, who is in excellent shape, occasionally tries a slice of pizza or a portion of French fries. And the delightful Rosie Huntington-Whiteley admitted in one of her interviews that she loves sausage rolls and bacon. Although, when you see this slender girl, even the thought of bacon seems impossible.

The meaning of a healthy lifestyle is not a total rejection of everything tasty or weighing every portion, but daily care of your body, health and mood.

Start eating like a Victoria's Secret model!

Do you want to know how Victoria's Secret models eat? Of course you do! These girls are not starving, as many people think. In fact, most of them eat very healthy and natural foods. And it’s not liters of green smoothies and carrots. Read our tips on how to look amazing while eating from nature.

1. Eat fresh

It's easy to be beautiful and slim if you eat like a Victoria's Secret model. The first and most important rule is to eat only fresh food. Nothing from boxes of ordered food, and forget about canned goods. No more unhealthy, unnatural food, refocus on natural things. Make your main diet raw vegetables and fruits, raw almonds, avocados, etc. Healthy micronutrients and healthy fats are most beneficial when eaten fresh. This eating habit will not only help you stay slim, but it will also keep you full and in a good mood.

2. Remember the squirrels

Supermodels need protein just like the rest of us. It will improve your metabolism, make your muscles more elastic and reduce your craving for sweets. Victoria's Secret model Miranda Kerr suggests getting the protein you need from grilled fish, eggs, homemade chicken and a vegan protein blend. By following Miranda's advice, you can always stay energetic and at the same time in shape.

3. Superfoods

Superfoods are not necessary for a healthy diet, but eating them will definitely lead to amazing results much faster. Goji berries, acai and coconut oil are essential ingredients in the diet of many Victoria's Secret models. These products are not only full of nutrients and energy, but they are also an excellent food for those who want to stay beautiful.

4. Little but often

Any model who takes care of herself will tell you that the main key to energy and leanness is eating small, regular meals. Large portions cause bloating and make us sluggish and tired. Eating small, regular meals balances sugar levels, prevents bloating and makes digestion easier. All these factors result in a surge of energy throughout the day.

5. Eat for beauty

Instead of focusing on calories, think about beauty. This is one of the main secrets, think about nourishing your body instead of counting calories. Victoria's Secret models indulge in green smoothies, almonds, avocados, coconut oil, dark chocolate and salmon. Such products are excellent for the skin, and therefore for your beauty.

6. Eat homemade

Victoria's Secret nutritionists advise eating country fruits and vegetables, from which the body receives much more vitamins than store-bought ones. This simple advice is a must for those who care about their health. First of all, when buying rustic, you are sure that such products have not been processed, and you will get the maximum amount of vitamins from them.

7. Forget processed sugar

Berries, apples, and low-sugar fruits are the best sweets for Victoria's Secret models. Try including raspberries, blueberries and strawberries in your daily diet and leaving out sugar, chocolate and cookies. Sugar contributes to premature aging, excess weight, and contributes to the development of diabetes.

8. Eat for energy

Victoria's Secret's policy is that models must exercise every day. For a good workout, a girl must have enough strength and energy. The key to energy is proper nutrition. Nutritionists recommend eating fatty foods and slow-burning carbohydrates such as scrambled eggs, cereal, homemade cheese and Greek yogurt. They also recommend eating salads and vegetables with lean proteins for lunch, and brown rice in combination with any protein for dinner. This is excellent advice whether you're a model or not.

9. “Eat” water

It is important not only to drink water, but also to eat it. Victoria's Secret models consume water from fruits and vegetables in every meal, which not only allows their skin to glow, their waist to be thin, and their energy levels to go through the roof. Consume as many vegetables as possible and 3-4 fruits per day. And drink lots and lots of water.

These tips may not make you Miranda Kerr, but they will teach you how to eat healthy. They are easy to use, but will radically change your life. It's also nice to know that Victoria's Secret models eat wisely, as every girl should. At the same time, by adhering to proper nutrition, they are not afraid to enjoy their favorite food after the show.

If you already follow some advice from Victoria's Secret models, share with us!


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