How to get out of the initial, 3-day dry fasting at home?

  • Why do you need a way out of the hunger strike?
  • Basic rules and recommendations.
      Fasting for one day.
  • Fasting for three days.
  • Dry fasting is one of the most difficult methods of voluntarily giving up food and water. To carry out it, it is important not only to correctly enter the system, but to exit it, returning to your usual diet. If you do not follow the recommendations, you can seriously harm the body, disrupting the functioning of many organs and systems.

    The way out of dry fasting is an opportunity to consolidate the results of the technique, cope with many unpleasant ailments and finally get rid of extra pounds. In this article you will learn how to end fasting correctly so as not to harm yourself further.

    What is the essence of dry fasting?

    The technique involves abstaining not only from food, but also from any liquids. Some systems in this category additionally recommend avoiding contact with water: brushing teeth, swimming, walking in the rain. What is it for? When the body is deprived of nutrition, it begins to work in autonomous mode, spending internal resources on solving existing problems.

    Thus, by following simple rules, you can cope with the following ailments:

    • Oncological diseases.
    • Diseases of the cardiovascular system.
    • Diabetes.
    • Autoimmune diseases.
    • Psychical deviations.

    Interesting fact. Fasting is a serious stress for the body. Due to insufficient water and food, cells with toxic substances cannot be protected from healthy organs. If they enter the blood in excess, they often cause damage to some internal systems. Not only the correct input, but also the output helps prepare the body for the upcoming changes.

    Basic rules and recommendations

    The period of recovery from fasting, as a rule, is twice as long as the process of giving up food itself. If the fast lasted a week, then it takes 14 days to finish the system. But there are exceptions depending on the output products. In this case, it is important to adhere to absolutely all recommendations given by the doctor.

    Depending on the type of hunger strike, different options for exiting it have been worked out.

    Breaking out of a three-day dry fast

    Coming out of fasting is a very important stage of the entire therapy process. You can spend a good fast by abstaining from food and water, but ruin everything by exiting it incorrectly. A competent way out can significantly enhance the positive effect that was achieved by abstaining from food and water.

    To properly exit dry fasting, you must strictly adhere to the main rules:

    1. Meals should be fractional.
    2. The concentration and quantity of products consumed should increase gradually.

    So, how do you need to get out of fasting correctly so that three-day abstinence brings the desired result?

    On the first day, you can start eating food at any time. Many people advise starting with breakfast. However, it is still advisable to eat in the late afternoon. Because after eating in the morning and going to work, you won’t always be able to avoid unpleasant moments. Firstly, the body may react with digestive upset, which is very inconvenient outside the home environment. Secondly, during the day the desire to eat a lot of things at once and cope with more is quite difficult; sleep will be a good helper in this.

    Coming out of a 3-day dry fast should last at least half of this period, ideally – exactly the same amount of time. You need to eat in small portions. Water and food should be consumed little by little, several times a day, because after prolonged abstinence, the size of the stomach has decreased significantly, and it is not recommended to overload it, even with light food.

    At first, after abstinence ends, it is forbidden to consume sugar, as well as berries (including melon and watermelon), plums, grapes, and exotic fruits. You should not drink beetroot juice in its pure form (starting from the third day, you can mix it with carrot juice in the ratio: 1/3 beets, 2/3 carrots). All canned food, sweets, and garlic are excluded; you should not overuse dairy products, especially store-bought ones.

    Meat dishes, legumes, mushrooms, salty and spicy foods must be removed from the menu. You can add vegetable fats to your diet only after the third day. The main food should be vegetable and dairy products.

    At the end of the three-day fast, you will be able to eat fresh fruit. But we must remember that they must be consumed in small quantities, first without the skin. Daily portions should be gradually increased. Then fresh vegetables and juices from them are introduced into the menu. You can prepare salads and light soups; of course, you cannot add salt to your dishes.

    In the first stages of breaking fast, it is recommended to drink diluted juices. You need to drink them in this form for 2-3 days, after which you can switch to regular, undiluted juice. It is advisable to drink no more than half a glass at a time.

    Fasting for one day

    Even from daily fasting, it is necessary to exit correctly:

    • You should end your post at the same time you logged in. The main healing effect occurs at night, so exit should occur no later than 8 o’clock in the morning.
    • The first 12 hours after returning to your usual diet are devoted to careful drinking of water.
    • In the first two hours after waking up, experts advise drinking 8 glasses. This should be done slowly and in small sips.
    • After drinking water, take a warm shower or bath with medicinal herbs.
    • At 12 noon we drink fish broth without adding vegetables or any seasonings.
    • Flour is prohibited.
    • At 14:00 we add fermented milk products to the diet, for example, kefir or whey.
    • From 15-16 hours you can start eating traditional food, but without salt and sugar. We eat little by little, chewing each piece thoroughly.

    Dry therapeutic fasting. How to fast correctly and comfortably

    Nutrition for health

    The ideal diet for each of us, regardless of gender, age, lifestyle, etc., is a diet that does not cause chronic diseases, disruption of the gastrointestinal tract, discomfort during digestion, constipation and does not lead to a delay in natural body waste and self-poisoning. Ideal food is the food of the home, the hearth, which is based on recipes passed down from grandmother to daughter and granddaughter, on family traditions, on the traditions of a given area, a given people, a given nationality. This will be the ideal nutrition for a healthy person.

    But if there are malfunctions in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, digestive organs, nervous system, if forced circumstances arise that force us to abandon the diet we have been accustomed to since childhood, then we can restore our own health only through therapeutic fasting.

    Principles of seasonal nutrition.

    Eating seasonally is the foundation of healthy digestion. Every month nature gives us everything we need for proper nutrition in the exact area where we were born or live. For example, in Altai, at the end of April, birch sap appears, which is the most beneficial during this period, and using it is the best way out of therapeutic fasting. In May, wild garlic appears - wild garlic, it contains all the necessary vitamins that the body needs at this time of year. The most favorable period in Altai for a raw food diet is August - September.

    The best option for winter would be hot or warm, as well as fatty foods. If the body does not receive warming food, it will certainly begin to create fat reserves on its own.

    Balanced diet

    . According to modern research, healthy eating has the following ratio:

    ✓ 80% - fresh fruits, dried fruits, herbs, vegetable salads, sprouted wheat, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, pine nuts, dairy products, cereals, beans, soybeans, beans, peas, seafood, quail eggs, mushrooms. Besides vegetables and fruits, the best source of fiber is porridge. Starting your day with oatmeal is the best option. Instead of regular bread, buy black, coarsely ground bread. Say a hard no to buns and cakes. In winter, the healthiest product is sauerkraut.

    ✓ 20% - fish, poultry, meat.

    It is recommended to choose fish, veal and poultry as the main sources of low-fat protein. Try to reduce your consumption of beef and pork, giving preference to fish and poultry (without skin, or better yet, breast).

    Based on this list and your food preferences, you can create your own menu.

    Diet restrictions

    . It is known that a person spends about 80% of his energy on digesting and assimilating food. If people overeat, almost all of their energy goes into completely unnecessary processing of food. In this case, a person turns into a biomachine.

    Studies have shown that those who adhere to the principle of moderation in their diet are most productive.

    Try to limit yourself in food, and a lot of energy will be freed up for more necessary and more rational things. Reasonable restrictions will allow you to become more efficient and less tired.

    It is good to eat often and in small portions. It’s most convenient to get yourself a small spoon, a small plate that holds a handful-sized portion.

    No need to be afraid of hunger! A healthy diet involves eating five to six snacks per day. To experience the flavor of the dish, learn to chew very slowly and thoroughly. This contributes to the ideal absorption of any food.

    You should eat only when you have an appetite, and you should not sit down at the table at a strictly defined time. Only with a good appetite does an optimal digestion process occur.

    Let's enjoy food as much as possible. The Russian folk proverb “When I eat, I am deaf and dumb” most fully expresses the essence of this rule. Never do anything else while eating. Focus only on her. Showdowns, empty talk and hasty eating - all this will not bring you any benefit, but will only harm you. If it's time for lunch or dinner, forget about everything and focus solely on food. Get the most out of it.

    Drinking regime

    . Water in large quantities. Probably even a child knows that water is the second most important element after air and that our body needs it as vitally as oxygen. Let me emphasize that for internal needs we need water - clean, without gas, sugar and other additives. But not cola, coffee, tea, beer, juices, etc. None of the listed drinks can replace ordinary water.

    By the way, the more you drink these surrogate drinks, the more water your body loses. Why? And this is how nature created us: with water, the body eliminates what it doesn’t need, and the more you use this unnecessary thing, the more water the body will spend to get rid of it, which is unnecessary. And yet, all the drinks mentioned above are diuretic in nature, that is, coffee, iced tea or hot tea, all carbonated drinks with caffeine, beer, wine and other alcohol are nothing more than diuretics. And if you drink them in large quantities, you can bring your body to dehydration. Don’t forget that the water that brings them out washes potassium and calcium out of the body, and this is already fraught with health problems (bones, skin, hair will suffer, again cellulite can develop, etc.).

    But perhaps the worst thing is that aging and dehydration, like two inseparable girlfriends, walk side by side. And if you don’t want to speed up the aging process of your body and have senile, wrinkled, dry skin, I advise you to think about what to drink. There is no alternative to plain water, and switching to its consumption, and only it, is a huge step in improving your health. Sometimes during severe thirst it seems to us that this is an attack of hunger. You really just need to stay hydrated and you'll find that you can eat a lot less. The more water you drink, the better. But it is also important to know that too cold water does not have the best effect on the functioning of the kidneys, stomach and health in general. You need to drink slowly, in small sips. The water norm is 30 ml per 1 kg of weight. Example: if your weight is 60 kg, then you need to drink 1800 ml of water per day.

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