How many calories are in a lemon with peel (per 1 piece and per 100 grams)

general characteristics


  • general characteristics
  • The nutritional value
  • Beneficial features
  • Health Benefits
  • Benefits of Lemon Water
  • Possible danger from consumption
  • Use in cooking
  • Lemons in cosmetology
  • Other uses of lemon

Lemon is a hybrid plant of the citrus genus. It is believed that the ancestors of all citrus fruits known today are citron, pomelo and tangerine. All the rest are hybrids, resulting from mixing between these species and their “descendants”. Lemon, as scientists believe, is the “child” of citron and mandarin. It is believed that its homeland is the Deccan Plateau in central India. But when that very first lemon appeared on the planet, scientists cannot yet answer.

The first images of citrus fruits appeared on Roman mosaics, and the first surviving written descriptions of lemons date back to the beginning of the 10th century (found in Arabic treatises). In the Middle Ages in the Mediterranean countries, lemons were no longer something exotic. The fossilized remains of these fruits were found in the ruins of Pompeii. And at one time in Britain, this citrus was used to save the Royal Navy from scurvy.

The tropical and subtropical lands of Southeast Asia are considered native to plants of the rue family, to which lemon actually belongs. Lemon trees can grow up to 10m tall, but in general most plants are much smaller. Their open canopy is easily recognized by its thorny branches and white and purple fragrant flowers. Their leaves are shiny, rich green, elliptical in shape. The fruits are sour, juicy, oval-shaped with aromatic skin, usually yellow. The pulp is divided into slices.

Today, these fruits are grown commercially in Italy, Spain, Greece, Argentina, and the USA.


Nutritionists advise to include lemon in your diet. Thanks to organic acids, this fruit is able to inhibit lipogenesis - the process of converting carbohydrates into fats. During the lemon diet, you don’t have to change your usual menu. It is enough to drink 1-2 glasses of water daily, with the juice of 1 lemon squeezed into it. The weight loss effect will be achieved faster if you have fasting days only on this drink once a week.

Lemon has a set of properties valuable for the human body:

  • contains acids that inhibit the processes of putrefaction and fermentation in the intestines, facilitating bowel movements;
  • thanks to pectin, it normalizes blood sugar levels and improves metabolic processes;
  • rutin in its composition protects blood vessels from fragility and prevents thrombus formation;
  • contains a record amount of ascorbic acid, which improves the immune system, increases the body's resistance during colds, and reduces the risk of heart attack;
  • helps to cope with unpleasant problems during pregnancy: belching, heartburn, toxicosis, constipation, swelling, excess weight;
  • improves appetite and promotes more proper absorption of food;
  • rich in many chemical elements involved in various vital processes of the body.

Lemon zest also has valuable properties. It is useful to chew it for pharyngitis, sore throat, and mouth ulcers.

Lemon is indispensable in cosmetology. Masks based on it lighten pigmentation, rejuvenate the skin, treat fungal diseases, stop hair loss, give it shine, and eliminate dandruff. Citric acid has a degreasing effect, so it normalizes increased sebum secretion from the scalp and face, and also effectively cleanses acne. Lemon baths return your nails to their natural color and prevent them from becoming brittle and peeling.

The nutritional value

One medium lemon without peel (approximately 58 grams) contains about 17 calories, about half a gram of protein, 0.2 grams of fat and 5.4 grams of carbohydrates. In addition, the fruit will provide the body with a small portion of thiamine, riboflavin, pantothenic acid, vitamin B6, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, copper and manganese.

Nutritional value per 100 g

Calorie content29 kcal
Water89 g
Squirrels0.4 g
Carbohydrates5.4 g
Fats0.2 g
Vitamin A1 mcg
Vitamin C54 mg
Vitamin E0.16 mg
Thiamine (B1)0.05 mg
Riboflavin (B2)0.03 mg
Niacin (B3)0.2 mg
Pantothenic acid (B5)0.2 mg
Pyridoxine (B6)0.09 mg
Folic acid (B9)11 mcg
Kholin5.1 mg
Calcium25 mg
Iron0.7 mg
Magnesium7 mg
Phosphorus15 mg
Potassium139 mg
Sodium3 mg
Zinc0.07 mg
Copper0.05 mg
Manganese0.04 mg
Selenium0.3 mcg

Calorie content of lemon

The ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in lemon is as follows:

  • proteins – 4 kcal;
  • fats – 0.1 kcal;
  • carbohydrates – 12.0 kcal.

The energy ratio of BZHU is: 11% / 3% / 35%.

The calorie content of lemon with peel is 34 kcal per 100g; without peel, this figure is slightly lower and equal to 29 kcal. If an average lemon weighs 130 g, then its calorie content corresponds to 44.2 kcal. There are few calories in lemon and therefore it is considered a dietary product. It is included in various diets, since citrus perfectly burns fat and restores slimness and a beautiful figure.

Beneficial features

Lemons contain a large number of different chemicals that scientists believe have beneficial properties for humans.

By the way, the characteristic smell of lemons is the “work” of the terpene D-limonene (a class of carbons). And citric acid, contained in large quantities in the fruit, is responsible for the sour taste.

These yellow citrus fruits are also known for their high concentrations of ascorbic acid (vitamin C), a deficiency of which causes serious illness. Interestingly, 100 ml of lemon juice contains almost 50 mg of vitamin C, which is more than half the recommended daily intake. Due to its high ascorbic acid content, lemon has gained fame as a tonic, beneficial for the digestive and immune systems, as well as for skin health. But not everything is so rosy. Ascorbic acid in lemon juice is destroyed very quickly: after 8 hours at room temperature, lemon juice loses approximately 20 percent of vitamin C; in the refrigerator, the same amount of vitamin evaporates after 24 hours of storage.

But flavonoids contained in lemons, according to scientists, have anti-cancer properties. They inhibit the growth of malignant cells and remove carcinogens from the body. In Ayurvedic practice, a glass of warm water with lemon juice is a means of toning the liver and removing toxins from it.

In addition, lemons are useful for preventing diabetes, constipation, hypertension, indigestion, and also for maintaining healthy hair, teeth, skin, and nails. And urologists are confident that lemon juice eliminates the risk of kidney stones because it promotes the production of urinary citrate, which prevents the formation of crystals.

The benefits of lemons are due to their rich chemical composition. This fruit supplies the body with such elements as:

  • vitamin C;
  • B vitamins;
  • vitamin A;
  • vitamin E;
  • copper;
  • iron;
  • calcium;
  • magnesium;
  • zinc;
  • potassium;
  • phosphorus;
  • flavonoids.

Lemon juice is useful for:

  • throat infections;
  • kidney stones;
  • increased risk of stroke;
  • low body temperature;
  • stomach diseases;
  • constipation;
  • dental problems;
  • fever;
  • rheumatism;
  • arthritis and polyarthritis;
  • burns;
  • obesity;
  • breathing problems;
  • cholera;
  • weakened immune system.

BJU lemon juice

Four tablespoons of fruit juice contains the physiological need of an adult for vitamin C (ascorbic acid).

It is primarily necessary for the body for the normal functioning of the immune system. In addition, vitamin C is involved in the synthesis of hormones, collagen, takes part in the regulation of metabolic processes and hematopoiesis, etc.

Interesting! Composition of the famous oriental elixir of youth:

  • 100 ml lemon juice;
  • 200 g liquid honey;
  • 50 ml olive oil.

Take 1 tsp of the mixture on an empty stomach.

KBZHU lemon juice (100 g):

Proteins, g0,35
Fats, g0,2
Carbohydrates, g6,6
Calorie content, kcal23

We recommend that you familiarize yourself with the BJU of yolk

Health Benefits

Consumption of vegetables and fruits has always been associated with a reduced risk of various diseases. Here are just some of the health benefits of consuming lemons.

Reducing the risk of heart disease

According to American researchers, regular consumption of lemons helps reduce the risk of developing coronary heart disease, and in women the percentage of disease prevention is much higher than in men (about 19%). In addition, consuming fiber from citrus fruits has been found to be effective in lowering blood cholesterol levels. The essential oils contained in lemon play a similar function in the human body.

Fight against cancer

Being a very rich source of the powerful antioxidant vitamin C, lemons and the juice of these fruits help fight cancer-causing free radicals.

Boosting immunity

Foods high in ascorbic acid and other antioxidants help the immune system fight germs that cause colds or flu. For this reason, it is important to include lemons and other citrus fruits, such as oranges, tangerines, and pomelo, in your menu during the cold season.

Anemia protection

Iron deficiency is one of the most common causes of anemia.

Eating foods rich in vitamin C, such as lemons, will help enhance the body's absorption of this mineral. Studies have shown that the combination of ascorbic acid and ferrum promotes better absorption of these beneficial substances. For this reason, a salad of spinach leaves dressed with lemon juice is an extremely effective remedy against anemia.

Preventing Asthma

Scientists have made an interesting discovery. It turns out that people lacking ascorbic acid are more likely to develop asthma. If you want to protect yourself from this disease, drink tea with lemon.

Maintaining a healthy complexion

Lemon, as a source of vitamin C, is essential for maintaining healthy and youthful skin. The thing is that this sour fruit is important for the production of collagen, which, in fact, is responsible for maintaining skin health. In addition, antioxidants protect the epidermis from solar radiation and the environment.

Vitamin content

It's no secret that lemon, like other fruits, contains many useful substances and vitamins. Thanks to its vitamins, lemon effectively fought viruses and helped the body overcome colds (flu, sore throat) in the shortest possible time. Lemon contains:

  • A;
  • B1;
  • B;
  • B2;

In addition to all of the above, lemon contains iron, phosphorus, manganese, magnesium and other minerals. But the most important factor that determines the most effective benefits of the fruit is citric acid. It cleanses the human body of toxins, improves digestion, increases appetite, and blood circulation.

But these substances are not contained in the pulp, but in the peel.

Benefits of Lemon Water

The benefits of this drink are talked about all over the world. It is customary to drink it warm on an empty stomach. It is said that drinking lemon water daily not only strengthens the immune system, but also prevents the development of incurable diseases. You can prepare this drink in just a couple of minutes in the morning. Simply squeeze half or a whole lemon into a glass of warm water.

Warm water itself, drunk on an empty stomach, is an excellent start to a new day, as it promotes the proper “start-up” of all organs, especially the digestive system. Lemon juice flushes out toxins and waste from the body, activates the liver and intestines, and has a mild diuretic effect.

Like whole fruits, lemon water strengthens the immune system, affects skin health, and enriches the body with additional energy. But perhaps the most paradoxical property of this sour citrus drink is that it reduces the overall acidity of the body. This acidic product, when entering the body, becomes alkaline and thus neutralizes excess acid in the body (for example, uric acid in the joints, which causes inflammation and pain).

Another benefit of drinking lemon water daily is improving your mood.

Scientists have proven that the aroma of citrus fruits affects brain cells, improving overall well-being and mood, relieving depression and anxiety.

Also, although lemon water contains almost no calories, it is still a good source of energy.

Lemon treatment

Lemon and its medicinal properties have been known since ancient times. Useful citrus is an auxiliary remedy in the treatment of a number of ailments:

  • for asthma, drink 1 tbsp on the eve of a meal. juice;
  • diluted citrus juice is useful for liver function in the morning;
  • to strengthen the blood vessels, mix 6 lemons, 6 cloves of garlic and 200 g of honey, place the mixture in a 3-liter jar and dilute the contents with water, drink a healthy and medicinal drink three times 100 ml each;
  • a slice of lemon is placed on the site of the abscess, from which the pus gradually comes out;
  • for arthritis, rheumatism, a cloth moistened with citrus juice is applied to the sore spot until a slight warmth is felt;
  • Lemon juice, drunk before meals in the amount of 2 tbsp, helps the heart function. l..

Use in folk medicine

Traditional medicine in its arsenal contains many useful recipes for using citrus crops:

  1. Infections go away if you take a lemon-honey mixture with butter, and the patient’s condition improves.
  2. Nosebleeds are stopped by injecting a few drops of diluted citrus juice into each nostril.
  3. You can forget about migraines and headaches if you put pieces of citrus peel on your temples.
  4. The heart rate returns to normal with regular use of a mixture of honey, lemons, and crushed apricot kernels.
  5. Diphtheria plaque in the throat disappears when the mucous membrane is lubricated with juice.
  6. Calluses go away if you apply citrus peel to problem areas 3-4 times overnight.
  7. Worms leave the body forever if you drink citrus syrup.

Since all the components are of natural origin, side effects are reduced to a minimum, and the beneficial properties are elevated to a plus.

Use in cooking

Lemon juice is primarily used for culinary purposes. Although the zest has also found its use, mainly for baking. This fruit serves as the basis for lemonades and other drinks, including alcoholic ones. In Italy, the lemon liqueur limoncello is made from yellow citrus fruits. And marmalade is made from boiled lemons.

Chefs also like to add this fruit to salads, as a dressing for side dishes and boiled meat. Fresh lemon juice is squeezed into fish dishes and into meat marinade (in this case, hard fibers are softened).

Some people like to eat fresh lemons with sugar. But after such a sweet and sour meal, it is important to rinse your mouth thoroughly, as acid destroys teeth and can cause some dental diseases.

Another way to use lemon juice is as a short-term preservative. If you sprinkle sour juice on sliced ​​apples, they will not darken longer.

A little trick: to increase the amount of juice, just before eating, just put the fruit in the microwave for a few seconds or leave it in the sun for a while. But storing fruits at room temperature makes them more vulnerable to mold.

The dried, crushed leaves of this plant have a lemony flavor but are not acidic.

Interestingly, lemongrass, lemon balm, verbena, lemon thyme, scented geranium and some varieties of mint also have a lemony smell and taste. So they can replace lemons if necessary.

Use during pregnancy

For a long time in China, lemon was called "li mung". The literal translation of the word is useful for mothers. In gynecological practice, yellow fruit is prescribed as a general tonic that is beneficial for the body of the child and mother. Vitamin C in lemon strengthens the immune system. In addition, yellow fruit is prescribed to pregnant women to solve the following problems:

  • eliminating swelling;
  • help with heartburn and gag reflexes;
  • strengthening the immune system;
  • improving the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • combating constipation;
  • eliminate skin pigmentation;
  • weight loss;
  • eliminating existing stretch marks and solving other problems.

We must not forget that for pregnant women, lemon is both beneficial and harmful. Yellow fruit is not recommended if you have problems with your teeth or gastrointestinal tract, allergies or hypertonicity of the uterus. If there are no contraindications, then you should not exceed the norm of 2 lemons per week.

Lemons in cosmetology

This sunny fruit in any form is good for skin, hair, and nails. Here are some secrets on how to use lemons to improve your appearance.

Anti-wrinkle remedy

Lemon juice has the ability to rejuvenate, brighten and tighten the skin. It is enough to apply its juice to your face in the morning and before bed for 10-30 minutes, and then rinse off.

Hair lightener

Lemon juice applied to your hair will help lighten it a tone or two. Of course, the effect will not be noticeable immediately, and, of course, you cannot become a platinum blonde this way, but the result will still be noticeable. In addition, fresh lemon juice will enrich your hair with many vitamins and other beneficial substances, making your curls shiny, strong and healthy.

Beautiful lips

Applying a small amount of lemon juice to your lips before bed can help remove dead skin cells more easily.

Natural deodorant

If you apply lemon juice to your armpits, you don’t have to worry about the unpleasant smell of sweat. Citrus juice kills bacteria, which, in fact, are the cause of sweat odor.

Acne cure

Sour lemon juice with low pH has antibacterial properties, thanks to which it can cure acne, Staphylococcus epidermidis, and acne. In addition, lemon cleanses the skin of oil and dirt, removes dead cells, prevents clogged pores, gets rid of cystic acne, and prevents the occurrence of blackheads.

Strengthens nails

A mixture of olive oil and lemon juice applied to the nails strengthens them and eliminates brittleness, dryness and yellow color. Lemon juice also helps fight fungal infections.

Benefits of lemon

  1. The first thing that comes to mind when it comes to lemons is their high content of vitamin C. The freshly squeezed juice of one medium-sized lemon contains a third of the daily requirement of this vitamin. And just one tablespoon of peel contains 13% of the amount of ascorbic acid required per day. Thanks to this, lemon is a strong antioxidant and strengthens the immune system.
  2. Citric acid, the source of which is this citrus, is an active participant in carbohydrate, protein and fat metabolism in the human body. Lemon promotes active fat burning, restoring a slim figure and a person – good mood and well-being.
  3. Despite its pronounced sour taste, lemon perfectly reduces stomach acidity, which is why doctors recommend drinking lemon juice for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  4. When body temperature rises, lemon is your effective assistant for normalizing it. Lemon is used to prevent colds and to treat them. Gargling with lemon juice quickly relieves inflammation of the oral mucosa.
  5. Lemon juice is an excellent antiseptic for both internal and external use.
  6. Lemon and lemon juice are also used as a cosmetic product that has an excellent effect on the condition of the skin and nails.

Lemon also stimulates appetite, reduces fatigue and increases performance.

This drink will help to stimulate the immune system in early spring. Mix the juice of one lemon in a glass with warm boiled water. You should have 200 ml of liquid. Add 2 teaspoons of honey to it and drink before bed. Spring vitamin deficiency will not be scary for you.

Does such a healthy fruit have any contraindications?

Other uses of lemon

And although cooking is the most famous area for using lemons (it is used to make juices, seasonings, and added to salads, meat, fish), it is far from the only one. This citrus is considered useful in perfumery, cosmetology, for polishing furniture, and is also grown as an ornamental tree. By the way, the juice of this fruit contains approximately 5% acid, which makes lemon an accessible raw material for this substance. Lemon juice is also an effective remedy for getting rid of ink stains. And in Japan, lemon essential oils are used in aromatherapy as a stress reliever.

This sunny exotic fruit is delicious. And even though outwardly it is not the most striking representative of the genus, its list of beneficial properties makes it the king among citrus fruits.

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Lemon water for weight loss

Many people know that they should start their morning with a glass of water. In order for the procedure not only to prepare the stomach for the first meal, but also to speed up metabolism, you need to drink water with lemon to speed up the weight loss process.

Those wishing to lose weight are advised to drink water at room temperature with a few tablespoons of lemon juice in the morning on an empty stomach and at night, about an hour before bedtime. You can add half a teaspoon of natural honey to this drink in the morning.

Lemon juice, pulp and zest are useful to add when preparing various dishes, such as salad, porridge, or use as a sauce for serving fish.

Drinking a glass of water with lemon juice on an empty stomach increases acidity in the body, which stimulates the secretion of gastric juice and speeds up metabolism. While playing sports, it is also recommended to drink water with added juice to speed up the weight loss process.

There are many lemon diets, but nutritionists do not recommend following strict diets, from which it is difficult to exit correctly, but rather reviewing the diet and increasing the amount of fluid consumed per day to 2-2.5 liters.

Scientists have proven that lemon essential oil reduces hunger and helps suppress appetite because it interrupts other tasty food odors. It is also used for body wraps and massage treatments to speed up weight loss.

© Wako Megumi —

Contraindications and harm

Let us highlight a number of contraindications of the famous fruit:

  • It is recommended to exclude sour fruit from food in case of duodenal or stomach ulcers, gastritis, gastrointestinal inflammation, colitis and hepatitis. This requirement is explained by the property of the fruit to irritate the delicate mucous membrane and aggravate the problem.
  • In dentistry, a fruit is viewed from both sides. On the one hand, it stops gum bleeding, whitens and strengthens teeth, and removes plaque. On the other hand, it destroys tooth enamel, which is undoubtedly the harm of lemon. For this reason, dentists recommend brushing your teeth immediately after eating a citrus product.
  • Inflammation in the mouth and throat is a reason to refuse to take the fruit. Otherwise, there is a risk of bleeding, irritation, and pain. In addition, the wound healing process becomes more complicated.
  • Pancreatitis is a disease in which the consumption of acidic foods should be limited or abandoned altogether.
  • The essential oil in the composition sometimes leads to skin irritation. For this reason, it is worth first checking the effect on the skin (for the fact of allergic reactions), and then applying the juice. In addition, lemon belongs to the citrus family and is considered an allergenic product.


Lemons are not eaten whole, but are used to acidify dishes and for preservation. Juice or a slice of lemon is added to tea, sauces, salads, and served with fish and meat dishes. Due to the fact that lemon fruits have high acidity, they are not recommended for people with high stomach acidity, gastritis and ulcers. The acid contained in the pulp also destroys tooth enamel. Juice, citric acid and essential oil are obtained from lemon.

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