How to choose the ideal dumbbells for the home: an overview of all varieties + how to choose the right weight for girls and men

Greetings to all lovers of fitness, bodybuilding and a healthy body, which will definitely have a healthy mind. Today we will touch on one of the sacred topics that have long been of interest to both those who go to the gym and those who train at home - how to choose dumbbells. How to train with them correctly, which ones are better, whether they are more effective than a barbell, how good they are for developing strength, muscle mass, burning fat, etc. In this article I will tell you everything about these wonderful and extremely useful sports equipment.

What are dumbbells

There is hardly a person who has never seen dumbbells. However, few people know that this is one of the most ancient sports equipment. Unlike the barbell, which was created at the beginning of the 20th century, dumbbells were used in Ancient Greece, Ancient Rome, and India. Naturally, they did not look like modern fitness models, but were already used to develop strength, endurance, coordination and other abilities.

The difference between this projectile is its compactness. Even with a lot of weight, the size remains insignificant. And holding a weight in each hand has a number of advantages over a barbell and other options.


Let's look at what dumbbells are and how sports science has improved this equipment over the years. Although the design is quite primitive, there are several types of equipment that have some differences.

By design

Initially, all types are divided into two main subspecies:

  • Solid (or cast).
  • Collapsible.

The first ones have a solid body and constant weight. The collapsible version allows you to adjust the weight by adding or removing pancakes. Essentially, this is an analogue of a barbell, but with a short bar designed for one hand.

Among the collapsible ones, there are several subtypes: power blocks (most often rectangular in shape, designed for large weights), with a weight switch handle. Power blocks are exclusively men's sets, in which maximum weight plays a vital role. Rarely are less than 20-30 kg. The maximum weight reaches 50-60 kg. Switch options are a set of dumbbells on a special platform where you can automatically set the desired weight. But these options do not provide any real advantage other than ease of use.

According to the shape of the neck

Contrary to popular myth, dumbbells only have straight handles. Any other shapes are simply not needed, since holding the projectile in your hand will be more difficult. The handle simply cannot be curved, like in a barbell. One of the few differences regarding the neck is the presence or absence of threads. It is better to choose the option where the pancakes are not just clamped with a clamp, but screwed in. This significantly increases the reliability and safety when working with the projectile, preventing accidental unwinding of the lock.

Some manufacturers produce dumbbells with magnetic attachment to the bar. Such models are the most convenient and easy to use, although their price is almost always higher than their classic counterparts.

By weight

There are no restrictions on this criterion; the weight is adjusted to the goals, needs and physical abilities of the athlete. The range extends from 1 kg models to 50-60 kg. Although everything over 40 is either a professional series of well-known brands or custom-made shells.

By material

The choice of material is as individual as the weight - from metal to wood, if you assemble dumbbells from improvised means. In fact, the material is not so important if it corresponds to the required weight categories. The only thing it affects is the durability of the product.

Today in the industry there are the following options:

  • Metal ones are one of the best options. High wear resistance, do not rust due to special coating (chrome plating, spraying, etc.), show accurate weight. The only negative is that with these it is easier to get injured during work.

  • Rubberized - models with pancakes covered with a rubber layer. They have an advantage over iron ones, because it is unlikely that you will be injured by soft pancakes. But over the years, the coating can peel off or crack. The inside is most often metal (a good option) or bitumen, if you take cheap models (an extremely undesirable choice).

  • Vinyl models are light in weight and feature a pleasant material. Most often intended for women. Often used in aerobics, gymnastics during pregnancy, and other types of training.

  • With neoprene coating - also intended for aerobics and women's fitness. They are distinguished by their low weight, skin-friendly material and the ability to absorb sweat, preventing the projectile from slipping in the hand.

Of all the models, I can’t recommend only bitumen ones. They are short-lived (the body of the pancake often cracks), are not environmentally friendly and, in general, are not suitable for either home or halls. It is better to purchase inexpensive iron models than bitumen shells with a very short service life.

By manufacturer

Almost all manufacturers of sports equipment produce dumbbells, so brands do not matter much. Choose models by characteristics, kilograms and material. There are also branded models, like BOWFLEX and others, but given their price, ease of use becomes a very dubious advantage.

By appearance

First of all, dumbbells are equipment that helps to load your muscles. Their aesthetic appearance should fade into the background, especially if there is a serious markup due to it. Therefore, first of all, choose dumbbells based on their properties, and only then take into account personal tastes and preferences. After a couple of months, you are unlikely to pay attention to the appearance of the projectile, but ease of use or the quality of the material will always be important.

The most prestigious dumbbell manufacturers

Today there are countless manufacturers of this type of sports equipment. But not many of them can boast of being included in the ranking of quality products. We will try to introduce the top ten global companies that are leaders in the market of products in this segment.

Lite Weights

Among the products in this series, both men and women will find a suitable design for performing strength training and fitness activities. The company produces solid dumbbells of small sizes and different weights. They can be purchased as a pair or separately. The neoprene coating prevails over the plastic one, thanks to which they fit tightly in the palms, do not slip out, and the hands do not sweat.

Collapsible structures are also produced, with discs of different sizes. They come in plastic, steel, and rubber. Preference is given to the latter option, since they are not cold for the hands, are as comfortable as possible, and pleasant to the touch. The company has its fans thanks to the production of a variety of sports equipment at an affordable price.

Euro Classic

A Russian-made product that stands out from its competitors with its unique design and style. There are models with printed patterns, numbers, and a logo. Among the wide range, bulk plastic dumbbells predominate, inside of which there is a composite mixture. The products are of high quality and durability, without changing the original appearance.

According to customer reviews, the equipment is very convenient to use, safe, and has an ergonomic shape. Solid cast iron equipment has a hexagonal shape. Prefabricated models also contain a composite filler. Excellent combination of price and quality.

Start UP

The company specializes in the production of one-piece fitness equipment. Despite their simple appearance and apparent lightness, they have sufficient weight due to the use of cast iron and steel in their manufacture. The shape of the model is convenient, it can be hexagonal. Main advantages:

  1. Various colors.
  2. Large variation in weight (from 0.5 to 5 kg).
  3. The cost is reasonable.
  4. Long service life.
  5. Functionality.


They are mainly purchased by those who devote themselves to sports and are seriously involved in it. The product has a significant price, but it is worth it. Non-separable options with almost identical characteristics predominate. Their main design feature: they are manufactured using high-quality steel with a chrome coating. The discs are made of rubber. The appearance is strict, stylish, sporty.

The products are mainly purchased to equip gyms, and therefore the manufacturer has launched the production of sets consisting of 20 dumbbells with various parameters.


The company specializes in producing products for beginners, as well as those who like to keep themselves in good physical shape by doing fitness. Basically, steel and cast iron models of hexagonal shape are produced. The outer covering is high-strength plastic that does not crack, or neoprene, which removes excess moisture and prevents the formation of calluses on the palms.

Chrome plated bars with cast iron discs are available for sale, but their selection is minimal. In terms of cost, the product can be compared with Chinese analogues, but the quality of Atemi is much higher.


The company is a leader in the ranking of manufacturers of various sports equipment. Among the manufactured products, you can easily choose the option you like for both fitness and strength training. The unique feature of the brand is the unusual shape of dumbbells. They are almost straight, have soft linings and handles for comfortable fixation. Can be D-shaped or hexagonal.

As for the materials of manufacture, cast iron and steel are used. Bulk options are available. Preference is given to collapsible models. I would especially like to draw attention to cast iron structures. Their service life is unlimited.


Russian manufacturers want to conquer the sporting goods markets, surpassing the quality, variety and low cost of products from the Chinese manufacturer. The company produces sports equipment for professional athletes. Although its cost cannot be called budget, the reliability and durability of the design is impressive. The appearance is very rich and stylish: steel wheels are chrome-plated, the neck is covered with a non-slip vinyl coating. Even budget options are distinguished by their quality, which cannot but please buyers.


The durable cast iron product of this manufacturer is very popular among many connoisseurs of good quality and convenience. In the catalog you can find models of standard shapes, coated with simple paint. They are used for strength exercises, as their weight reaches 15 kg. Lighter designs are used for fitness.

The company has launched the production of sets of solid hexagonal dumbbells with different weights. A special stand is provided for them. Suitable for those athletes who do exercises alternating loads. The product is of high quality and reliability.

M. B. Barbell

The products of a well-known company are very popular among professional athletes. Just take a look at the dumbbells, and it will become clear that the product is of high quality, safe, durable, comfortable, and has a long service life. The variety of models is impressive, although their design is standard. There are dumbbells weighing 81 kg, but despite their heaviness, it is very convenient to train with them, thanks to their successful ergonomics. Beginners can also choose from the whole variety the option that suits them, the weight of which will not exceed two kilograms. The product cannot be called too cheap, but the quality is worth it.


The company is familiar to those who are used to doing daily exercises at home. On the shelves of branded stores you can find any sports equipment at an affordable price and of good quality. It is compact, convenient, safe, durable, pleasant to the touch, and quite lightweight. It is convenient to do fitness and yoga with it.

There are some products that are not quite familiar, for example, for fast walking they look a little complicated. Only a knowledgeable person can see dumbbells in them.

Which dumbbells are better: rubberized or metal?

The choice of material is the second criterion after weight, so it is important to consider the main options. There are two types: with iron pancakes and rubberized ones. The second ones are the same metal discs, but with a special rubber coating.

If you are on a very limited budget, I recommend choosing metal models. Even though the metal will ring when the dumbbells hit each other, such equipment will last you a very long time. Cheap rubber coating deteriorates after just a couple of years of active use, so when choosing rubber-coated projectiles, preference should be given to good brands. I also do not recommend buying cheap rubberized models: they are most often made of bitumen.

Indications and contraindications for exercises with dumbbells

Indications and contraindications for working with dumbbells are almost no different from the list for general strength training. Among the main indications:

  • Strengthening joints and ligaments.
  • Increase in muscle volume.
  • Weight correction.
  • Improved posture.
  • Cardiovascular training.
  • Development of endurance.
  • Coordination training and more.

Contraindications include any situations where physical activity is prohibited: exacerbations of diseases, recovery from injuries or surgery, elevated body temperature, some chronic diseases, etc.

Advantages and disadvantages

Let's start with the advantages, because there are many of them, even if you compare dumbbells with a barbell. Among the main advantages I will highlight:

  1. Mobility. The shells can be easily stored in a corner, under a bed or in a closet and do not take up much space.
  2. Versatility. You can do almost any exercise with a pair of dumbbells.
  3. Autonomy. You will not depend on the hall. A pair of stacked dumbbells is the best solution for those who want to exercise at home without losing the effectiveness of their workouts.
  4. Coordination and balance training. Just like when working with weights, training with dumbbells develops balance and balance well, and improves coordination of movements. Other advantages include better development of the core muscles, even when performing exercises not related to the muscle group.
  5. Safety. It has been proven that working with dumbbells is much safer than working with a barbell.
  6. Greater calorie consumption. Due to the inclusion of additional muscles and stabilizers when training with dumbbells, athletes burn more calories. This is a big plus for those who train to lose excess weight.

Dumbbells have no fundamental disadvantages, although two minor disadvantages are usually identified. The first is the small weights, although this is more likely an incorrect choice of model than a direct drawback of the projectile. Many people evaluate their current level of fitness, so they often select dumbbells with light weights. although in six months they will not be enough and you will have to buy new ones, with more weight. Therefore, it is better to immediately take dumbbells with a large supply, so as not to pay twice later.

The second disadvantage is the price, although I consider it a conditional disadvantage. Good models will indeed require considerable expenditure, but they will last for decades.

How to choose dumbbells for men for home

Since males are endowed with greater physical strength than women, it is better for them to start training with dumbbells weighing at least 5 kg, gradually increasing the weight to 25 kg. To achieve high squat training performance, you can use heavier models. Use the optimal weight for your body shape and level of training. You can also use kettlebells to increase the difficulty of your workouts.

Remember the tips for choosing dumbbells, and visit group classes on Oktyabrskaya, the gym on Partizanskaya, and you can also check out CrossFit on Dmitrovskaya. It should be remembered that all exercises should be done correctly and without haste.

Which is better - dumbbells or barbell?

Despite the similar exercises, these are two fundamentally different equipment, so the choice between them cannot be called completely correct. From the point of view of developing maximum, or explosive, strength, the barbell will certainly be a priority. For fat loss and endurance training, dumbbells have some benefits.

If we are talking about choosing equipment for the home, then it is definitely more profitable and effective to choose a pair of dumbbells that are optimal in weight. The barbell and frame are too bulky and will cost much more.

Tips for choosing dumbbells

Now let's look at how to choose the right dumbbells based on your goals, training experience and other criteria.

For men

I advise men to take heavier weights. Sooner or later, any dumbbells will become small, because the later this moment comes, the less money you will spend on changing heavier weights. The optimal weight, regardless of physical fitness, is 25 kg.

For girls and women

Girls do not need such large weights as men, but still a certain reserve for the future should be present. Especially for good pumping of the legs, buttocks, lower back and other important muscle groups. It is optimal to choose a set of 10 kg for each dumbbell.

For children

The choice of equipment for children should be taken with the utmost seriousness, taking into account their age. You should never follow popular fitness trends and give your child excessive exercise for his age. You also need to carefully sort exercises, excluding movements with axial load. Frequent compression of the vertebrae can affect the child's growth rate.

  • 5 years. Optimally - from 0.3 to 0.5 kg, no more. This is enough training for the next few years.
  • 8 years. The standard 1-2 kg will be enough for a good load of all muscles. It is better to purchase typesetting models in increments of 0.25 kg.
  • 10 years. For this age, the weight range can vary from 2 to 4 kg, but no more. Moreover, 4 - only in case of good physical fitness and training for at least 2 previous years.

For beginners

I am of the opinion that even a beginner should not buy dumbbells that are too small. He will very quickly “grow” from this weight, and again he will have to make unnecessary financial expenses. It is ideal to choose a collapsible kit with a maximum weight of 4 to 20-30 kg. This is more than enough to pump up all the muscles.

I also advise you to take into account that some exercises are performed with one dumbbell, for example, a seated overhead press. Therefore, a set with a reserve will allow you to correctly select the weight of the equipment for exercises.

For the bodybuilder

In fact, the difference between a bodybuilder and an ordinary athlete who works out at home and for himself is not too great. At least if you take into account physical activity. The optimal weight is the same as for other men – about 25 kg. With long experience and good working weights – 5-35 kg.

For weight loss

Exclusively for weight loss, a collapsible set of up to 10 kg will be sufficient. You don't need heavy weights to burn fat. However, if you want to start building muscle or maintaining shape later, then you should think about this in advance by choosing a set with a higher maximum weight.

To tighten and build muscles

To maintain muscle tone and slowly increase weight, it is enough to have a set of 12-20 kg. Large weights are unlikely to be required, although a small supply is always welcome.

To practice striking techniques

This is the only case when the best ones are not collapsible kits, but die-cast models. Increasing weight in this type of training occurs very slowly, and most models will not allow you to take a minimum step, for example, by 100 g. Therefore, it is better to choose several inexpensive cast pairs with a minimum weight of 3 to 7-8 kg.

Dumbbell weight for slimming arms

Firstly, you need to understand that excess weight leaves the body evenly, that is, it is impossible to lose weight in only one place. To get rid of extra pounds, you need to create a calorie deficit (expend more than you consume) and exercise regularly, paying special attention to cardio. Dumbbells can be used as an additional load, due to which you will burn more calories. Also, exercises with dumbbells will help make your arms more prominent and toned. For such purposes, choose dumbbells weighing 1-2 kg. Then it can be increased to 5-7 kg.

How much are

Price tags vary greatly from manufacturer to manufacturer. I don’t recommend considering options less than 4,000 rubles. Only bitumen will be cheaper. If we take a steel structure, then such sets cost from 7-8 thousand rubles for a set of 18 kg. The higher the weight, the higher the price, this must be taken into account.

Good rubberized models will cost around 10,000 rubles, this is a fairly good choice for many years. For this amount you can purchase a 24 kg set, which is suitable for the whole family. I do not recommend buying expensive (designer or branded) dumbbells: they do not provide any real advantage. Unless your budget will suffer in any way from such a purchase, in which case you can choose any options, even Bowflex or ZIVA for $850-1300 per pair.

Which dumbbells are better to buy – collapsible or cast?

Definitely cast. In 95 cases out of 100, they will be much more profitable in both price and capabilities. The only exceptions are those types of training where you do not need to add weight. For example, recreational aerobics, children's training, etc.

Popular models

In order not to make a mistake in your choice and purchase sports equipment for home training, which will definitely not disappoint during use, you should familiarize yourself with the collapsible devices presented in the rating.

The best models up to 15 kg

Rating of the TOP 5 best collapsible models up to 15 kg according to customer reviews and ratings.

Lite Weights 3101CD 5 kg

A collapsible dumbbell with a secure lock and small discs, which is an ideal option for beginner athletes who want to conduct highly effective workouts at home.

The device is made of durable plastic that is highly resistant to mechanical stress - with proper use, the product will last for many years.

If necessary, the discs can be removed with a slight movement of the hand or secured with nuts to increase the load.

The total weight of the device is five kilograms, which is quite enough at the initial stage.


  • number of disks - 4 pcs.;
  • minimum/maximum dumbbell weight – 3.3 kg/5 kg;
  • dumbbell material/filler: plastic/mineral;
  • neck material/weight - steel/0.5 kg;
  • design features - bulk;
  • the disk mounting diameter is 26 mm.


  • compactness of the device;
  • materials that are pleasant to the touch;
  • convenience and ease of use;
  • profitable price;
  • unlimited service life.


  • low weight of the structure;
  • specific smell during the first time of use;
  • The device may roll a little on the floor.

Euro classic assembled 15 kg gray

Vinyl model of a collapsible type, complemented by a Vader nut with high quality plastic threads.

The handle has anti-slip notches, so the device does not slip in the user’s hands - even the most intense workout will be comfortable and completely safe for the user.

The model will be an excellent solution for a novice athlete, as it is characterized by easy assembly, high-quality materials and ease of use.

In addition, it has optimal weight and a convenient size, which is especially important for beginners.


  • number of disks - 6 pcs.;
  • minimum/maximum dumbbell weight – 2.5 kg/15 kg;
  • dumbbell material/filler: plastic/composite mixture;
  • neck material/weight - steel/0.23 kg;
  • design features - bulk;
  • the disk mounting diameter is 26 mm.


  • high-strength materials were used;
  • ease of use at home;
  • duration of the warranty period;
  • attractive appearance;
  • acceptable price.


  • there is a slight chemical smell;
  • with prolonged use, the coating may come off;
  • slightly confused adjustment system.

BRADEX SF 0557 2×10 kg

A set of collapsible dumbbells designed for people who dream of a slim and toned figure.

Using this model, the user will be able to create the desired relief without visiting the gym - now you can conduct effective workouts at home.

Dumbbells are used to work the deltoid and pectoral muscles, triceps and biceps.

It will be very convenient for both women and men to work with the elements.

The delivery set includes four pairs of plates, as well as two barbells - the user will be able to adjust the weight independently depending on the level of physical fitness.


  • number of disks - 8 pcs.;
  • minimum/maximum dumbbell weight – 5 kg/10 kg;
  • dumbbell material/filler: steel/mineral;
  • neck material/weight - steel/0.5 kg;
  • design features - bulk;
  • the disk mounting diameter is 25 mm.


  • presence of a convenient lock;
  • premium quality materials;
  • durability of equipment;
  • the device does not slip in your hands;
  • The model is ideal for home training.


  • appearance is not for everyone;
  • warranty period from the manufacturer;
  • the price is a little high.

Decathlon DOMYOS 8018574 2x10 kg black

A successful model for home strength training, the main advantage of which is the ability to independently adjust the working weight based on the user’s level of training.

Thanks to these dumbbells, you will be able to work out your muscles perfectly without unnecessary tension - simply, conveniently and most effectively.

The device will help you easily master an impressive range of exercises for triceps, biceps, pectoral and deltoid muscles.

The manufacturer took care of the safety of the novice athlete and equipped the model with a threaded neck - everything was thought out to the smallest detail.


  • number of disks - 12 pcs.;
  • minimum/maximum dumbbell weight – 2 kg/10 kg;
  • dumbbell material/filler: cast iron/cast iron;
  • neck material/weight - steel/0.22 kg;
  • design features - no data;
  • the disk mounting diameter is 28 mm.


  • simplicity of design;
  • comfortable non-slip handle;
  • absolute safety of the device;
  • affordable price;
  • lifetime.


  • Careful weight adjustment is necessary;
  • durability of the coating;
  • appearance of scratches on the surface.

Starfit BB-501 2×10 kg

Chrome-plated collapsible dumbbells, which are supplied in a compact plastic case, convenient for transporting and storing all structural elements.

For better grip on the user's palms, the developer added special notches to the neck - there is no need to worry about your safety during active use.

The model will be an excellent solution for both beginners and experienced athletes to keep fit.

The materials used are durable and reliable, so you can use dumbbells for a long time without any problems.


  • number of disks - 12 pcs.;
  • minimum/maximum dumbbell weight – 2.5 kg/10 kg;
  • dumbbell material/filler: cast iron/cast iron;
  • neck material/weight: chrome steel/1.5 kg;
  • design features - chrome plated;
  • the disk mounting diameter is 25 mm.


  • reliability and durability of the product;
  • suitable for active use;
  • product build quality;
  • non-slip surface;
  • convenient weight adjustment.


  • not every user will like the shape of the product;
  • excessive noise of equipment;
  • the cost is slightly higher than analogues.

The best models from 16 to 30 kg

Which collapsible models are best for a man to buy for his home, weighing from 16 to 30 kg.

Proxima PS-ADB-2.5K/24K

An easily adjustable, collapsible dumbbell that captivates with its ergonomics, relative compactness and the ability to independently change the weight for comfortable yet effective training.

In addition to the collapsible dumbbell, the delivery package includes a special stand on which you can install the device. The design is adjustable in 15 positions.

To avoid damage to the adjustment mechanism, the manufacturer recommends trying not to drop or throw the dumbbell - this will help extend its service life.


  • number of disks - 10 pcs.;
  • minimum/maximum dumbbell weight – 2.5 kg/24 kg;
  • dumbbell material/filler: plastic/mineral;
  • neck material/weight - steel/1.5 kg;
  • design features - adjustable dumbbell;
  • the disk mounting diameter is 26 mm.


  • quite low price;
  • reduced stress on the wrist;
  • comfortable handle;
  • attractive external design;
  • reliability of fastenings.


  • specific smell at first;
  • product warranty period;
  • weight adjustment needed.

BrutalSport 24 kg

A powerful model with rubber wheels, presented by a well-known company that has been producing high-quality sports equipment at reasonable prices for many years.

The discs are made of durable and practical steel, and covered with colored rubber on top - it does not wear off or fade.

The dumbbell bar is made of chrome-plated steel. The discs are securely secured to the neck with nuts.

An important design feature is the presence of a rubber handle on the bar - it prevents hand rubbing during productive home workouts.


  • number of disks - 8 pcs.;
  • minimum/maximum dumbbell weight – 1.5kg/24kg;
  • dumbbell material/filler: steel/steel;
  • neck material/weight - steel/1.5 kg;
  • design features - rubber coating;
  • the disk mounting diameter is 26 mm.


  • design versatility;
  • attractive design;
  • excellent dumbbell coverage;
  • relatively low price;
  • compactness.


  • standard equipment;
  • there is a slight chemical smell;
  • guarantee period.

MB Barbell Economy 18_5МВА25 18.5 kg

One of the top collapsible models with rubberized pancakes, which when fully assembled is perfect for experienced athletes who are proficient in specialized equipment.

The design has an impressive weight, but can also be used by beginners for effective training at home.

This model features the latest safety system, so you don’t have to worry about the possibility of the dumbbell slipping in your hand.

Thanks to the rubberized design, the device is silent during operation, which is a significant advantage of the model.


  • number of disks - 4 pcs.;
  • minimum/maximum dumbbell weight - 1 kg/18.5 kg;
  • dumbbell material/filler: steel/steel;
  • neck material/weight: plastic/1 kg;
  • design features - rubber coating of discs;
  • the disk mounting diameter is 25 mm.


  • the model is suitable for various workouts;
  • long service life;
  • lack of specific odor;
  • safety of the materials used;
  • nice appearance.


  • the price is a little high;
  • dimensions of the structure;
  • The device is intended for experienced athletes.

MB Barbell MB-FdbM-St19 19 kg

A practical and effective robber-type device with an excellent set of all-metal discs included, rubber-coated locking nuts, and a rotating steel handle.

A special feature of the design is the rubber-coated pancakes - this not only looks decent, but also makes the work process absolutely silent.

The neck is made of high-strength steel. For user comfort, the manufacturer has supplemented it with nickel-chrome galvanic coating.

In addition to the bar, the set includes six discs - the user can choose the optimal dumbbell weight for home training.


  • number of disks - 6 pcs.;
  • minimum/maximum dumbbell weight – 9 kg/19 kg;
  • dumbbell material/filler: steel/steel;
  • neck material/weight: steel/6.5 kg;
  • design features - chrome plated;
  • the disk mounting diameter is 51 mm.


  • ratio of quality and price;
  • duration of the warranty period;
  • materials do not slip;
  • versatility and practicality of the device;
  • functionality.


  • noisiness;
  • simple equipment;
  • classic design.

Starfit DB-702 29.5 kg

Rubberized, collapsible dumbbell with a plastic fixing ring and a plastic bar, available in deep black.

Training safety is achieved due to the non-slip plastic surface of the bar at the grip area - doing your favorite physical exercises will be more comfortable than ever.

The design is very strong, the discs are easy to remove and install back, so no difficulties should arise during operation.


  • number of disks - 8 pcs.;
  • minimum/maximum dumbbell weight – 3.3 kg/29.5 kg;
  • dumbbell material/filler: metal/metal;
  • neck material/weight: plastic/3 kg;
  • design features - rubber-coated wheels;
  • the disk mounting diameter is 26 mm.


  • no excessive sliding;
  • excellent load on the muscles;
  • high-strength materials were used;
  • pleasant coverage;
  • manufacturer's warranty.


  • not the best solution for beginners;
  • there is a specific smell;
  • price.

Rating of the best dumbbells

It is very difficult to create a rating that would cover all models, otherwise it would include lists of dozens of shells. Therefore, I took into account all the criteria when forming the rating from quality, price and manufacturer to reviews and independent reviews. I also did not take into account professional equipment for the gym, because a pair of dumbbells in such lines will cost from 50 to 800 thousand rubles. So:

  1. Starfit are good metal dumbbells with an average weight of 10-15 kg.
  2. MB Barbell is one of the best choices in the 20-30kg range. Rubberized plates, chrome plated neck, excellent combination of price and quality.
  3. Borabo – models without rubber coating. The brand's advantage is steel structures.
  4. HouseFit Vinyl Dumbbells are a good, reasonably priced choice when you need lightweight, molded dumbbells.
  5. TITAN Barbell. They make an inexpensive rubberized line of dumbbells with a range from 5 to 43 kg. The advantage is that you can buy additional pancakes using the same bar.

In general, there are about 2-3 dozen good manufacturers that produce excellent models, so choosing a projectile will not be a problem.

Some useful tips

Coming to the end, it is worth highlighting a number of recommendations that will help a beginner determine what weight to work with.

  1. We are not trying to surprise anyone. You shouldn’t feel complex that everyone around you is lifting “metal”, and you are unfortunate five-kilogram dumbbells. They were the same: everything will come with persistence and time.
  2. We work with lighter weights to learn the correct technique. Don't be shy about asking experienced athletes for advice.
  3. Before each workout, you should stretch and warm up your muscles. This reduces the chance of injury.
  4. When training, maintain the same pace.
  5. Do the exercise correctly. To do this, at the initial stage it is recommended to hire a personal trainer or ask your comrades in the gym.
  6. It is worth understanding that when going to training, you need to know what weight you will have to work with.
  7. To increase the load, steps of 5-10% are used.
  8. The dumbbells should fit snugly in your hand. Otherwise, attention will be constantly occupied with fixing the dumbbell, and not with the quality of the exercise.
  9. You should not increase the weight of the apparatus until you are sure that this same exercise will be done with more weight for at least 3 approaches.

Rules for training with dumbbells

Training with dumbbells does not have any special differences. With these equipment you can perform the same exercises as with a barbell in the gym.

The only thing I recommend paying attention to is technique in complex movements, such as deadlifts, bent-over rows and others (that is, exercises that are more common to do with a barbell). Due to the fact that the weight is held in each hand separately, the technique may be disrupted, so I recommend working with a trainer. For those who train at home on their own, you can simply record a video of the exercise and then study it for errors in the technique.

Proper nutrition

I advise you not to forget that physical activity is only one side of the coin. Nutrition plays an equally important, and sometimes even more important, role both when gaining muscle and during cutting. Therefore, try to consume enough protein, complex carbohydrates instead of simple ones, and healthy fats.

How to determine the dumbbell weight for a specific exercise

Weight is determined exclusively by practical means, as in any exercise in strength sports. However, I strongly advise starting with light weights. It’s better to do 10 sets of ladder exercises than to immediately lift a lot of weight. In this case, injury can only be avoided by a miracle.

After figuring out the required working weight for different exercises, I advise you to write it down in your training diary. This will allow you not to get confused, correctly combine exercises with each other (those that can be done with the same weight) and track your progress.


If you plan to work out the muscles of the upper half of the body

The optimal weight of dumbbells can be determined experimentally. Take dumbbells in your hands and perform biceps curls. If you have the strength to press at 8-10 repetitions, increase the weight. Pause and repeat the exercise. Increase the weight until 8-10 repetitions are difficult for you. This will be your working weight for biceps training, and you can focus on it.

If you wish, you can do exercises for other muscle groups - pectoral, triceps, shoulders. There you can also determine your working weight in the same way and take the highest figure as a guide.

If you plan to also do basic exercises

If you plan to do serious basic exercises at home, such as deadlifts or squats, then it is better to determine the working weight not by the refusal method, but by a more humane method. After all, if you try to deadlift to failure, it can end in injury.

So instead of doing it to failure, just take the maximum possible weight with which you can perform 5 repetitions of the deadlift without compromising your technique (that is, with a straight back, arching in the lower back, and other points). After this, substitute the working weight into the formula. This is how you calculate your one-time maximum. Now multiply this number by 0.8. This will be your working weight in basic leg exercises - squats and deadlifts!

But remember! The working weight will not be enough for you, because over time you will become stronger, taller, stronger! This means that you need to take the weight with a reserve - 10-15 kilograms on top for each dumbbell will definitely not be superfluous. However, make sure that the set includes 1-2 kg pancakes, since your working weights will increase gradually.

If you are buying dumbbells for aerobics, cardio or high-repetition strength training

Here weight does not play a fundamental role and you can proceed from the goals of the training program. So you can take not collapsible dumbbells at all, but solid ones, and with light weight.

If your goal is high-repetition sets, you can determine your working weight using any of the methods above and feel free to multiply it by 0.5-0.6 . This figure can be used as a guide.

If you plan to do aerobics or cardio workouts, the weight may be even less. The exact number will depend on your training strategy.

Types of exercises with dumbbells

Dumbbells allow you to perform almost all exercises in the gym. Moreover, some movements can be done only with these apparatuses, for example, bent over raises, prone side raises, swings, etc. If I briefly list the main exercises for each muscle group, I would like to highlight the following movements.


  • One arm bent over row.

  • Deadlift.


  • Presses at an angle and on a horizontal bench.
  • Dumbbell lateral raises.


  • Mahi.

  • Standing/seated presses.

  • Broach.


  • Any type of biceps curl.

  • Dumbbell overhead press.

  • Retracting the arm back.


  • Squats.

  • Lunges.

  • Deadlift.

  • Calf raise.


“I bought a set of 20 kg dumbbells and still go to the gym)) I don’t go out to train at home, I have no discipline. I rarely take dumbbells, in bad weather or when I need to further pump up individual groups. I use it most often on my forearms.”

“I bought 2 kg dumbbells for myself the year before last. I already bought 5 kg in the past. At this point I realized that I needed to switch to 8-10. She spat and immediately took the set. It was necessary to do this from the beginning and not waste it. So sets of 10-12 kg are also suitable for girls; you don’t need to immediately take 2 kg plastic bags and change them every six months.”

“I fell in love with dumbbells when I started doing CrossFit. Before this I always trained with a barbell. It’s more convenient with dumbbells, but the effect is the same.”

Best Dumbbells with Quick Weight Adjustment

Bodymax Selectabell

Switch weights quickly and easily with the twist of the dial on the Bodymax Selectabells. There are ten possible load options, the minimum weight is 2.5 kg, the weight increment is 2.5 kg. You can buy one dumbbell, but according to the editors, it is more convenient to have a pair.

Price from $193.88

Bowflex SelectTech

With the Bowflex SelectTech Dumbbells, every change in weight will be accompanied by just a small click. There are 15 different modes with the ability to select weights from 2 to 24 kg.

Price from $538.20

Ironmaster with quick lock

These are adjustable dumbbells, but their properties are more similar to regular ones. Adjusting the weight may take a little longer compared to competitors, but the possible maximum weight is a whopping 34kg. If you use sets with additional disks, the maximum weight can be increased to 75 kg, which, of course, is quite funny, but completely useless.

Price from $766.40

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