Hula hoop for weight loss: how to choose the weight, how to do it correctly and how much to twist

Hoop exercises for weight loss

In order to make your body beautiful, you don’t have to spend all day in the gym. Such a simple device as a hula hoop or hoop will help you practice at home and will be beneficial for weight loss. Fitness trainers advise following the main rule - start gradually with a few minutes a day and continue training daily. If you don't do hoop exercises regularly, all your efforts will be pointless.

Benefits of a hoop

People who have achieved significant results know the benefits of hula hooping. If you decide how much you need to hula hoop to lose weight, your body will receive many benefits from exercise:

  • blood supply in the pelvic area is restored;
  • the respiratory system is trained;
  • the work of the stomach and intestines is stimulated;
  • strengthens the muscles in the abs, hips and waist;
  • improves posture and coordination;
  • the likelihood of stress decreases;
  • cellulite disappears.

In order for classes to be more effective, you need to choose the right type of hoop. There are several varieties that differ in weight, price, and additional options. The most modern useful equipment are produced with electronic heart rate monitors and calorie counters, with spikes that enhance the massage effect. These models differ significantly in cost. However, even the lightest metal hoop can be made heavier by pouring sand into it.

We start with 2-3 minutes a day

For beginners, it is better to practice for a few minutes, gradually increasing the duration by about 60 seconds every day. A full lesson should last 30-40 minutes a day. If it’s difficult to spin a hoop for half an hour, you can split the workout into two, 15-20 minutes each in the morning and evening.

When you can exercise for 40 minutes daily, within a month you will lose 2-3 kg, and your waist will become 3-4 cm smaller.

How long should you spin the hoop?

Answering the question of how much you need to twist the hoop in order to quickly lose weight on your hips and waist, fitness instructors clarify that even with constant exercise, the effect will depend not only on the time spent, but also on additional measures. With continuous training with hoop rotation, which lasts 45-50 minutes, a person loses about 500 calories, and the reduction in the waist is from 0.2 to 0.5 cm.

After exercise, the body signals the energy spent by increased appetite. In order for the lesson not to be wasted, you need to choose the optimal diet consisting of foods rich in fiber, proteins or slow carbohydrates. It is better to divide training into short time periods, in this case the effectiveness increases.

To remove belly fat

Belly fat is the most difficult to remove; it accumulates in this area gradually, so in addition to hula hoop exercises, you should also include abs and plank exercises. According to reviews from women who have lost weight, regular training for 20 minutes 2-3 times a day with a weighted hoop helps to provide an effective abdominal massage, which stimulates the reduction of fatty tissue.

To lose weight

In order to lose weight by hula hooping, using only this type of sports training, you need to perform the exercises regularly for several months in a row for 40-60 minutes a day. Also, try to reduce the number of calories you eat daily. Having a correct idea of ​​how and how much you need to spin the hoop to lose weight, you can easily achieve the desired result.

For waist

Many women cannot withstand the heavy pace of exercise and prefer to lose weight in easier ways. This is explained by the fact that after the start of training, the load falls on the lateral muscles. In the first days, you may experience unpleasant painful sensations in the waist area. However, this part begins to acquire relief earlier than others. Those who have been persistent and achieved the desired effect claim that to shape your waist you need to hula hoop for 15-20 minutes a day.

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Hula hoop - the benefits of a hoop for weight loss

Of course, most people use this exercise machine to combat excess weight, but it also has many other useful properties.

Burns calories and reduces waist size

How many calories does hula hoop burn? This question is asked by almost every person who picks up a weight loss hoop. So, in a 30-minute hula hoop workout, women burn 165 calories, and men burn 200 calories [Verified source].

In addition, after training with a hoop, the size of the waist and hips decreases. This was scientifically proven in a study in which a group of women performed hula hoop exercises every day for 6 weeks.

After 1.5 months, each subject's waist size decreased by an average of 3.4 cm [Verified source], and hips became smaller by 1.4 cm.

It is important to note that if you combine training with a special diet, you can achieve greater results. The main thing is to adhere to the chosen diet, not to eat fatty and fried foods in large quantities and to practice hoop regularly.

Improves cardiovascular system

Exercising with a hoop for weight loss activates blood flow. Blood begins to actively move throughout the body and deliver useful substances to the cells of various organs, removing waste products from them.

One of the useful substances transported by blood is oxygen. During hoop training, a person’s lungs begin to work more intensely and fill with more oxygen.

These effects from hula hooping reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases and diabetes.

Muscle strengthening

When working with this simulator, the core muscles are strengthened, these include the muscle groups of the abdomen, thighs and buttocks. One session with a hoop for weight loss can replace abdominal exercises, since as a result of both types of exercises, the tone of the abdominal muscles increases.

With the constant strengthening of the oblique muscles of the abdomen, buttocks and thighs with the help of this sports equipment, it will be extremely difficult for a person to gain additional weight.

Improves balance

According to the American Council on Exercise [Verified Source], hula hoops help maintain good posture. So, during exercises you need to keep your back straight, otherwise it will be more difficult to twist the hula hoop and the likelihood of it falling will increase. In addition, such training helps you feel better about your body and keep it in balance.

If, say, after exercising with a hoop, you want to walk in a straight line, you will be much better at it than if you did it without any preparation.

Improves intestinal motility

Circular movements of the abdomen during exercises with a hoop act as a kind of massage for the intestines. This, in turn, normalizes peristalsis and the person does not have problems with defecation. Therefore, if your intestinal function is impaired due to poor nutrition and you cannot go to the toilet, then try spinning the exercise machine in question.


Hula hoop exercises don't require traveling to the gym, working out in crowded fitness classes, or waiting in line to use the machine. In addition, a weight loss hoop is inexpensive and can be purchased at almost any online store. And it will be convenient to practice with him both in the house and in the yard.

What muscles work when twisting a hoop?

During the rotation of the gymnastic circle, the body makes oscillatory movements back and forth. Behind the apparent simplicity of the exercise is the simultaneous work of almost 30 different muscles. The most important muscles are:

  • backs;
  • legs;
  • press;
  • buttocks;
  • hands

If we talk about individual muscle groups, then when twisting a hula hoop, the following are involved:

  • external obliques;
  • chest;
  • abdominal;
  • calf;
  • femoral;
  • gluteal;
  • triceps.

Many people think that for a thin waist you need to work out your abs a lot and hard. This is a gross violation. For example, Victoria's Secret Angels, instead of standard crunches, choose various planks and squats, which help to achieve sculpted abdominal muscles, but do not widen the waist. But regular crunches can add a couple of centimeters to the circumference of your belly. Yes, even if it’s muscle and not fat, every second girl wants a chiseled waist. And there is one way to get it in a short time without grueling training. This is a hula hoop.

Hoop for weight loss is known in the post-Soviet expanses even to modern children. He can often be seen in the gym at kindergarten and school. And for good reason! It is useful not only for having fun, but also for your figure.

Slimming hoop is really popular due to its high effectiveness and low cost. In 10 minutes of exercise with a hula hoop, you can burn about 100 calories, which is approximately equal to the energy consumption of jogging.

In addition, the hoop is safe for you: the projectile does not injure muscles and joints. The only thing that can cause is minor bruising in the first weeks of classes. But only on the condition that you spin the circle on your naked body. It is also safe for your apartment, of course, if you do not study in a narrow place surrounded by a computer, mirrors, vases and a TV.

How to choose a hula hoop for weight loss

We talked about hoops, which are often found in every school. So, they are designed to maintain shape. To lose weight you need a much more serious exercise machine. A hula hoop for weight loss should be weighty.

Simple plastic or metal hula hoops will not affect the loss of belly fat, although they will not cause harm either. To lose weight, choose a hoop made of plastic, quite heavy and with foam balls with a massage effect. Yes, at first they will cause hematomas and bruises. BUT! in a month you will understand that beauty was worth the sacrifice.

Exercises with a hoop allow you to train not only the abs for a thin waist, but also other muscles of the lower half of the body (buttocks, thighs, legs). For exercises on the shoulders, arms and back, the same hoop as for the waist is not suitable - it will only do harm. Thin metal hula hoops are designed just for such areas.

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How to hula hoop for weight loss

To start training with a hoop, the duration of classes should be about 5 minutes a day, and more if you do not feel discomfort. Then you can increase it to half an hour.

How to spin a hoop? Simple: during exercises, place your feet shoulder-width apart or slightly wider, continuously keep your abdominal and lower back muscles tense - this will allow you to achieve better results. Then make one revolution of the hoop and keep it moving by swaying your hips slightly from side to side.

If the exercises are easy to perform, you can immediately take a heavier hoop. It is worth noting that hoop twisting can and should be combined with other exercises.

Massage hoops should be handled with care, since twisting such a device may cause pain and even bruises on the body. However, this is not scary - at the beginning of training, such “side” effects are quite normal. If the pain is too sharp when twisting a massage hula hoop, you need to wear a thick sweater.

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According to research by American nutritionists, the best results in losing weight in the waist area are achieved with short sessions of hoop training - about 10-15 minutes. Daily 10-minute exercises with a hula hoop will reduce your waist size by 2-3 centimeters in just a month. But no one forbids spinning the hoop longer and more often. For example, while watching one episode of The Handmaid's Tale or during commercial breaks.

How to spin a hula hoop for weight loss

You should not only study information about how much you need to spin a hula hoop in order to quickly lose weight, but also read how to choose equipment for exercise, how to perform exercises correctly to achieve quick results. There is no need to follow advice that recommends doing workouts casually while watching TV. It’s better to choose free time for this, when no one will disturb you, turn on your favorite music and start spinning the hula hoop. You can tense and relax your abs, use movements with your arms and legs, then weight loss will happen faster.

Execution technique

Proper body positioning and hoop rotation technique are of great importance. It is better to stand in the center of the room so as not to touch surrounding objects. Take the hula hoop in your hands, spread your legs shoulder-width apart. Twist the hoop in any direction, begin to perform oscillatory movements back and forth, helping with your hips. The main thing is to learn to maintain balance. Raise your arms to chest level, extend them parallel to the floor, in front of you, or bend them at the elbows so that they do not touch the projectile. If you put your feet together, the load on the muscles of the buttocks and abs will increase, but the position will be less stable.

How exactly should you spin a hula hoop?

There are several secrets from professional trainers:

  • At first, place your feet shoulder-width apart, which will provide more stability to your body. But over time, try to place your feet as close to each other as possible. Because the smaller the distance between the feet, the more the muscles tense during exercise. That is, you will simultaneously burn calories intensively and model your silhouette.
  • Once you can hula hoop for a long time while standing in one place, complicate the exercise with additional movements. At first, you can take steps in different directions: forward, backward, left, right. And then add more complex elements - for example, leg lunges.
  • Alternate sides and tempo of rotation. That is, for the first half of the workout, spin the hoop to the left, and then to the right. Start spinning slowly, gradually increasing the pace, and then slowing down again.
  • Work out to rhythmic music to make your workout dynamic and enjoyable. Some novice athletes spin the hula hoop while watching TV series, but it is better to focus on the hula hoop, watching your body position, tempo, and breathing.
  • Take measured and deep breaths: this way you will avoid shortness of breath.

Hoop exercises

Beginners should start hoop training gradually, increasing the number of exercises, training time and rotation rate every day. Many trainers use the hula hoop not only for twisting at the waist; you can use it to train your legs and arms. A special set of exercises works well:

  1. Take the hoop in your hands, lift it above your head and twist your body.
  2. Use the hula hoop as a jump rope, jumping over it.
  3. Stand with your feet apart and rotate the hoop alternately 50 times left and right.
  4. Bend your knees and rotate from this position.
  5. Lunge while maintaining balance and continuing to perform rotational movements.
  6. While rotating the hoop, perform turns with your upper body and arms.
  7. Move around the room with side steps, twisting the hoop.

Choosing the right hoop

If you have not practiced with a hula hoop before, take a massage or soft model for beginners - weighing 1-1.6 kg. At the first stage, your task is to learn how to confidently spin a hoop, gradually preparing the body for more serious loads.

Do not be afraid of bruises that may appear after the first sessions with a massage hoop. After 7-10 days they disappear without a trace and do not appear in the future.

But if you have very delicate skin or you just want to avoid the moment your body gets used to the effects of massage elements, use a special neoprene belt. It will prevent the appearance of bruises in the waist area, and will also enhance the effect of training due to the active breakdown of fat deposits in combination with the removal of toxins from skin cells.

Getting ready to train with a hoop

Never hoop on a full stomach. The ideal time to exercise is two hours after your last meal.

Shoes are not particularly important during such training. It just needs to be stable and comfortable. You can even exercise barefoot or in socks.

But you need to approach the choice of clothes with close attention. At the very beginning of classes, you should not spin the hoop on your bare stomach. This area should be covered with clothing

The ideal option for such training is tight leggings or “bicycle shorts” and an elongated beacon, which should fit tightly. Loose clothing will interfere with an inexperienced hula-khub.

And one more trick, if you are just starting to exercise, but purchased a heavy massage hoop, it doesn’t matter. This projectile can also be used. The only thing is that before such a workout it is necessary to protect the abdominal area. To do this, you can wear fairly thick clothes or a special elastic thermal belt for weight loss. It will protect your tummy from bruises, neutralize the force of the hoop hitting your body, and due to the “steam room” effect it will promote faster weight loss.

Massage hoop

A distinctive feature of this modification is the wave-like structure of the inner surface. It can be used as the main exercise, since it not only promotes fat burning, but also improves blood circulation in the abdominal area and normalizes the functioning of many organs. More expensive models include special massage modules aimed at increasing the effectiveness of training.

This type of hula hoop is best suited for the waist. It contributes to the formation of its correct shape and the development of posture. It can also be used to solve various problems caused by poor intestinal motility.

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