Morning exercises: a boost of energy for the whole day and a healthier body

Modern people spend too little time on physical activity. This threatens not only weight gain, but also health problems. Due to an inactive lifestyle, the likelihood of developing health problems increases significantly. The cardiovascular, musculoskeletal and endocrine systems are most often at risk. The second most at-risk areas are the nervous, reproductive, and digestive systems. Low physical activity leads to decreased blood flow or blood stagnation (especially with a sedentary lifestyle, which is most often observed among office workers and drivers). As a result, tissues do not receive enough oxygen, harmful metabolic products accumulate in them, which is one of the factors in the development of a number of specific diseases.

Important! An inactive lifestyle combined with sedentary work is a provoking factor in the appearance of hemorrhoids, osteochondrosis, prostatitis, and leads to a decrease in sexual and reproductive function in both men and women.

To stay in good shape, maintain health and youth for as long as possible, you need to start your morning correctly. Morning exercises allow you to recharge your energy for the whole day. It consists of simple exercises that help stretch joints and muscles, speed up blood circulation, normalize metabolic processes, and give you energy for the whole day. This activity is useful for children, adults, and the elderly. The main thing is to know how to do exercises correctly and what exercises to include in the complex.

Interesting! During physical exercise, endorphin is released - the “happiness” hormone. It will not only lift your spirits, but also speed up metabolism, reduce pain sensitivity, stimulate the immune system, and increase libido.

What is it for, what is it useful for and what does daily gymnastics give in the morning

Not all people understand why morning exercises are needed. It helps the body recover from sleep faster and gives a boost of energy for a long time. After physical activity, due to the increased flow of oxygen-rich and nutrient-rich blood to the organs, the work of the nervous system is activated, muscle tone increases, and the condition of the joints and organs of the endocrine system improves.

Interesting! Physical exercise has a particularly pronounced effect on the intestines. Since they accelerate intra-abdominal blood circulation, enhance the production of hormones and nerve impulses, stimulate peristalsis (rhythmic directed contractions of the intestinal wall), and the release of a number of biologically active compounds. Therefore, exercise is recommended for those who have intestinal problems.

Morning exercises have both a healing and preventive effect. After a light load, heart function improves, the tone of the vascular wall and immune reactions increase. However, to achieve a lasting effect, you need to do exercises regularly.

Since the human body quickly gets used to specific actions at a specific time (cyclical work), it is recommended to perform regular exercises at the same time. This will allow you to achieve maximum benefits from exercise.

Expert opinion

Evgeniy Kislitsa

Practicing surgeon. Certified massage master. Two-time vice-champion and heavyweight champion of regional kettlebell lifting competitions.

Carefully! Morning exercises should be abandoned in case of any disease occurring in the acute phase. Performing a morning set of exercises is contraindicated at high temperatures, bleeding (including in the first days of menstruation), problems with blood pressure, and the presence of malignant tumors. You need to exercise with caution in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy.

For children

The benefits of morning exercises for young athletes are invaluable. If parents teach their children to exercise regularly, they are more likely to lead an active lifestyle in the future.

Such activity will cheer up the baby, the main thing is to turn on the music and show him the exercises. He will wake up faster and get a boost of energy for the whole day. Over time, the child will form the habit of waking up on his own at the same time and doing exercises.

Morning exercises will have a beneficial effect on the child’s motor skills and motor activity. It will help keep your weight normal and improve brain activity, which is good for your studies.

In addition, daily physical activity develops perseverance and discipline in children.

It is necessary to distinguish sports from physical education. Children, especially preschoolers and primary school age children, should be given moderate physical activity according to their age. Exercise should not become a workout. After all, excessive exercise in childhood can cause much more harm to the body than lack of physical activity.

About morning exercises

If we talk about the definition of the term exercise, then in the specialized literature on physical culture we will see that this is a set of movements (exercises) that a person performs after sleep on an empty stomach.


  • reduce appetite for the rest of the day (study by UK scientists);
  • in the morning the risk of injury is lower (research from the University of Toronto, Canada);
  • It’s easier to burn fat in the morning (studies by scientists from the USA have shown that it is enough to exercise for 20 minutes instead of 40 minutes in the morning to start burning fat, since in the first half of the day our body is tuned to energy consumption, and not to its accumulation).


  • requires additional concentration (in the morning, blood circulation is slowed down due to its thickness, in addition, after sleep, our lungs are narrowed, as a result of which nervous activity is also reduced due to a decrease in the flow of oxygen, in other words, our body continues to sleep in the morning). The solution to the problem is to warm up and then increase the load.

Lesson objectives

Light morning exercises last no longer than 10-15 minutes, but have a huge healing effect. It speeds up and facilitates the body’s entry into everyday activities.

Before morning exercises, the following tasks are faced:

  1. Awaken the body.
  2. Charge with vigor.
  3. Set it up in an effective way.
  4. Increase muscle tone, strengthen the musculoskeletal system.
  5. Activate the work of internal organs.
  6. Improve posture and gait.

Thus, this simple activity increases overall vitality, normalizes health, and puts you in a working mood.

The best options for physical activity in the morning for health, energy and vigor for the whole day

It is important to choose a complex that will help include the main muscle groups and many joints. A set of exercises will help you work your neck, shoulder girdle, arms, stomach, back, buttocks, and legs.

A home complex may consist of the following elements:

Worked area Exercises and technique
  1. Turn your head to the right, trying to see what is behind you, and then repeat to the left. Then slowly lower your head back and forth. It is important to feel muscle tension.
  2. Draw your head in a semicircle in the air clockwise and then counterclockwise. Then tilt your head back and repeat the movements.
Arms, shoulders
  1. Raise your hands clenched into fists up and down, and then rotate your fists clockwise and counterclockwise.
  2. Bend your arm at the elbow, rotate your forearms counterclockwise. Then stretch them forward, clench your fists, perform circular movements away from you, and then towards yourself.
  3. Bend your elbows, and then sharply move them behind your back, and then return them to your chest again. Then repeat the movement with straight limbs.
  1. Stretch your arms to the sides, tilt your torso left and right, and then back and forth. Try to reach the floor with your hands.
  2. Rotate your body behind and then counterclockwise.
  3. Twist the hoop around your waist.
  1. Sit down and perform circular movements with your feet in different directions. Then rotate your legs from the knee (lower part). Repeat for both limbs.
  2. Take a wide step forward with your leg, bend it at the knee, touch your foot with your hand, the limb behind is also bent, its knee on the floor. Raise the knee of your back leg and then lower it. Change the position of your legs, repeat.
  3. Squat down, keeping your back straight and arms extended forward. Make sure your heels don't leave the floor.
  4. Lying on the floor with your knees bent, raise your pelvis up, fixating for 3 seconds, and then lower it. Tighten the muscles of your buttocks and back.

These are basic elements that can be performed as the main morning complex or take some of them to warm up the muscles.

You can supplement the program with jumping rope, which accelerates fat burning, strengthens the heart muscle, and increases muscle tone.

The plank can replace all exercises if there is no time for full exercise. Rest on your elbows or palms, as well as your toes. Hold your body, tensing your abdominal muscles, back, and buttocks for 30-60 seconds or more. Make sure that the body forms a straight line. This exercise works all major muscle groups.

This is interesting! The best way to wake up, lose weight and improve muscle tone is jogging. Only training should be done on an empty stomach. 15 minutes of running at a free, easy or medium pace is enough.

Back lunges

An exercise for the muscles of the legs, hips and abs, which forces them to work in an unusual mode and helps burn calories.

Stand as for the previous exercise. Take a long step back with your right foot, spreading your arms slightly out to the sides for balance. Both heels are on the ground. Squat down on your right leg, lifting the toe of your left foot toward you and slightly bending your left knee. When squatting, press your elbows to your body and raise your fists to your chin. Return to the starting position and perform with your left leg.

Several simple and effective programs for the whole body

Classic exercises are suitable for athletes of any age. This ten-minute complex will help awaken all muscle groups, charge you with vigor and positivity.

Classic set of exercises:

  1. Tilt the head back and forth, left and right – 10 times.
  2. Cross your outstretched arms in front of you – 8 times.
  3. Move your arms back (one up, the other down) 7 times, changing the position of the limbs.
  4. Extend your arms, bent at the elbows – 8 times.
  5. Rotate your shoulders (arms bent at the elbows, fingers on the shoulders) back and forth – 8 times.
  6. Tilt your torso towards your knees (arms behind your head) – 6 times.
  7. Tilt your body left and right with your arm raised – 6 times.
  8. Raise your knees to your chest while standing, then right and left - 7 times.
  9. Squat with your legs wide apart – 8 times.
  10. Take steps focusing on your toes, heels, outer, inner part of the foot - 8 times.

The following short exercise will help people with poor physical fitness to wake up and gain strength:

  1. Lean forward, trying to touch your hands to the floor.
  2. Run in place with your knees raised.
  3. Swing your legs backwards.
  4. Move your leg to the side and back.
  5. Swing your legs back and forth, gradually increasing the amplitude.
  6. Lying with your knees bent, lift your torso.
  7. Roll on your spine, clasping your knees with your hands.
  8. Lying on your stomach, lift your torso, straighten your arms, try to tilt your head back (pelvis on the floor).
  9. Raise your buttocks, fixating on the top point.

All exercises are repeated 10 times. Charging takes 15 minutes.

A set of exercises for morning exercises will help more experienced athletes wake up the body:

  1. Lower your body, touching the floor with your hands – 10 times.
  2. Squat with small dumbbells – 15 times.
  3. Do push-ups – 15 times.
  4. Perform crunches 10 times.
  5. Raise your legs while lying down - 10 times.
  6. Raise your pelvis, hold for 30 seconds.
  7. Perform the plank – from 30 seconds.
  8. Rise onto your toes – 30 seconds.

A quick charge will help you work out all muscle groups in 15 minutes.

A set of physical exercises

Even a person who has never played sports can master an easy but effective set of exercises. It is suitable even for the laziest. A seven-minute exercise, during which all parts of the body are worked out, consists of 7 exercises. Thus, only 1 minute is allotted to perform each movement.

The complex includes:

  1. Neck exercises. Stand up straight, bring your shoulder blades together. Tilt your head to the right and left 5 times, then forward and backward - also 5 times. Perform movements smoothly, without jerking or sharp turns, so as not to damage the soft cervical vertebrae.
  2. Exercises for shoulders and hands. Extend your arms in front of you, clasping your fingers. Perform hand rotations left and right 5 times. Then, without changing position, holding your arms opposite your chest, perform rotational movements with your shoulders in both directions, also 5 times.
  3. Exercises for the lower back, pelvis and entire core. Place your feet shoulder-width apart and extend your arms along your body. Perform rotational movements with the pelvis, helping yourself with the whole body, first clockwise, then counterclockwise.
  4. Back bends. Spread your legs wide apart. Perform 5 bends forward, left and right, trying to place your palms on the floor.
  5. Exercises for the knees and hip joint. Raise one bent leg as high as possible, then lower it to the floor and lift the other leg. Perform these steps in place for 30 seconds. Then raise your legs so that your heel touches your buttock. Repeat also for 30 seconds.
  6. Exercises for the abs and spine. Lie on your stomach, stretch your arms forward. Raise your arms, lifting your upper back, keeping your hips pressed to the floor. Stay in this position for 10 seconds, then lower your hands to the floor. Repeat 5 times. Option for advanced: simultaneously lift your arms and legs off the floor, bending back at the waist.
  7. Dynamic bar. Rest your palms and toes on the floor, tighten your abs and buttocks so that your body is extended in one line. Raise one leg up, leave the other on the floor. Repeat for the other leg. Complete 10 times in total. You can do this movement with your hands: one hand is extended forward, the other is on the floor.

All the exercises are simple and anyone can do them correctly. After 2-3 weeks, exercise will become a habit and will seem very easy. For those who want to make gymnastics as difficult as possible, you can diversify the complex with stretching and exercises with dumbbells to strengthen your back.

How to do it correctly at home

Proper exercise will only benefit the body, the main thing is to adhere to the following rules:

  1. Train after water procedures on an empty stomach 15 minutes after waking up.
  2. Choose simple exercises (depending on your physical fitness).
  3. Perform gymnastics in a ventilated room or outdoors.
  4. Play some fun music.
  5. The main part of the complex consists of elements for warming up and stretching; it is better to abandon the power elements.
  6. Exercise no longer than 15-20 minutes.
  7. Breathe deeply, move smoothly.
  8. After training, take a contrast shower.

Complexes can be periodically changed or supplemented. Try to exercise at least 5 times a week, or better yet, every day.

How much load is recommended to include in a lesson?

To awaken the body, perform 7-10 movements to work all parts of the body. Start with simple elements, gradually increasing the load. After training, a person should feel light and cheerful, not tired. If it’s hard for you, then reduce the number of exercises or choose simpler ones.

If you haven’t played sports for a long time, then spend your first workouts no longer than 5 minutes. Over time, the duration of the lesson can be increased to 15-20 minutes, but no more than half an hour.

Where should you start warming up?

You can start training while still in bed, to wake up your body, stretch, arch your spine, turn your body, bend/extend your limbs.

Start your warm-up with joint exercises. First, perform circular movements with your neck, then with your arms, tilt and lift your body, rotate your waist, swing your legs. It is important to engage your entire body to speed up your circulation and metabolism.

What is recommended to end with?

After completing the main complex, it is recommended to stretch the muscles. It is enough to perform 2-3 exercises for different parts of the body. This is necessary to relax the muscles and increase their elasticity. Therefore, after completing a block of exercises, properly stretch your arms, torso, and legs.

If in the middle of the complex the pace is the most intense, then towards the end of the workout try to reduce it. This is necessary so as not to overload the heart.

How to make a rough plan for beginners

Beginners need to understand how to organize a morning exercise plan. The training begins with a joint warm-up. Include several exercises for all parts of the body. These movements will help prepare your muscles and joints for stress.

To speed up metabolic processes and blood flow, supplement the program with explosive exercise. This could be jump squats, jumping jacks, push-ups with a clap in the air, etc.

Be sure to include 2-3 elements in the complex to stretch muscle fibers. After performing them, the muscles lengthen, become more elastic, and pain decreases.

The optimal duration of morning exercises is from 15 to 20 minutes.

Methodology Lee Holden

Lee Holden's gymnastics is an adapted version of qigong (oriental gymnastics). It helps improve physical condition, fight stress, and lose weight. According to the author of the technique, it helps restore the balance between physical and spiritual states.

The Lee Holden complex consists of simple exercises. For exercise to be beneficial, you need to breathe with the lower abdomen, concentrate on your sensations during the exercises, and include an energetic massage in the program.

Lee Holden's gymnastics consists of the following elements:

  1. While standing, turn your torso left and right, bending your arms, patting your lower back and stomach with them.
  2. Stand with your arms above your head, exhaling and squatting, smoothly lowering your limbs. As you exhale, rise again.
  3. Lightly tap with your fists and palms in the area of ​​the kidneys, inner thighs, chest, shoulders (inside and out), and neck.
  4. Place your hands in front of you, palms facing up, thumbs extended. As you inhale, raise your arms, and while exhaling, lower them to chest level.
  5. The position of the hands is the same, smoothly spread them, and then bring them together. In the same position, raise them to chest level and lower them.
  6. Connect your legs, place one hand on the center of your stomach, and draw a semicircle in the air with the other. As you inhale, move it in a circular motion, and as you exhale, lower it. So describe circles with each limb in turn.

These exercises help improve physical fitness, give harmony and vigor.

Main conclusions

Morning exercises will only be beneficial if a person follows these recommendations:

  1. Exercise on an empty stomach after water procedures.
  2. Include simple exercises in the complex.
  3. Do exercises that work all parts of your body.
  4. Warm up before performing the basic elements, and stretch after them.
  5. Breathe deeply, move smoothly.
  6. Train for no longer than half an hour.
  7. Do the exercises regularly (at least 5 times a week).

Concentrate on your feelings in order to enjoy the process, then morning exercises will give you vigor and health.

Arguments for or why you need to do exercises in the morning

G. Landry, a fitness trainer and author of high-intensity weight loss programs, claims that one of the important elements when playing sports is morning exercises. Regular exercise helps, in his opinion, to lose weight and improve the general condition of the body. He identifies 10 reasons why you need to do morning exercises:

1. More than 90% of people who do exercises in the morning improve their results in sports.

2. Morning exercises contribute to a “jump” in metabolism, as a result of which the body burns more calories per day.

3. By doing exercises, a person receives a charge of vivacity and energy.

4. Many people say that exercising in the morning helps them regulate their appetite throughout the day.

5. Morning exercise helps awaken the body. Over time, the circadian rhythm adjusts to this regime, and the person feels better.

6. By doing exercises, we become more disciplined.

7. Research has confirmed that physical activity stimulates mental activity.

8. By doing 10 minutes of exercise in the morning, you can keep your body in shape.

9. As a result of exercise, physiological processes in the body will work better, which will lead to an overall improvement in well-being.

10. Just try doing exercises in the morning and you will see how great it is.

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