Cleansing the body according to Marva Ohanyan: scheme and recipes for 21 days

  • A little about the author
  • The essence of the technique
  • Benefit
  • Contraindications
  • Recommendations
  • List of herbs
  • General scheme
  • Description of stages
  • Cleansing the child's body
  • What's next?

In 1987, in Krasnodar they started talking about the fact that a folk healer had appeared in their city who could cure any ailment in a month.
The rumors, of course, were somewhat inconsistent with reality: firstly, he was a biochemist with a medical education (general practitioner); secondly, she put people on their feet in just 3 weeks; and thirdly, she took on feasible tasks - she did not perform miracles and only relieved her of curable diseases. A lot of time has passed since then. And it still receives streams of people in the same Krasnodar. Over 40 years of active practice, her name has become known not only throughout Russia, but also abroad. This is Marva Vagarshakovna Ohanyan, who proposed a unique method of cleansing the body, which allows treatment without the use of drugs.

A little about the author

Marva Ohanyan is one of the most famous Armenian women of the present time. For almost 40 years, she has been traveling around the world giving lectures on a healthy lifestyle and the problem of slagging in the body. He permanently resides in Krasnodar, where to this day he continues to receive people who dream of getting rid of their illnesses without drugs and surgeries. Judging by the many grateful reviews, her technique really works and helps a huge number of sufferers.

Ohanyan offers cleansing of the body through fasting, juice therapy and herbal medicine, which results in miraculous healing from more than 50 diseases. Among them, by the way, there are some that even official medicine cannot get rid of. We are talking about diabetes, allergies, infertility, etc. Marva had many patients whom doctors refused, recognizing the situation as hopeless.

Despite the title of a traditional healer, she is not one. In fact, Marva Vagarshakovna is a general practitioner, naturopath, biochemist, and candidate of biological sciences. It was this education that allowed her to develop her unique program. She managed to combine everything useful for human health that was created before her: in her system she relies on such famous personalities as Paul Bragg, Norman Walker, Herbert Shelton, Yuri Nikolaev. She summarized their works and derived a formula for eternal youth. He sets out his methods in books, which sell in large quantities. Among the most popular are “Golden Recipes for Naturopathy”, “Practitioner’s Handbook”, “Golden Rules of Natural Medicine”.

Marva Ohanyan voices her goal in all interviews and begins each of her lectures with it: teaching absolutely all people (regardless of their age, gender, social status) the rules of natural nutrition, a healthy lifestyle and drug-free disease prevention.

Gold words. One of Marva Ohanyan’s phrases has become a catchphrase and is heard more and more often in television programs about a healthy lifestyle: “Death comes from the intestines!” The naturopath is convinced that a person’s well-being depends entirely on what he eats.

The essence of the technique

Why did the cleansing according to Marva Ohanyan become so viral and is practically not criticized? Perhaps because it is difficult to argue with a candidate of biological sciences who understands this issue at the level of molecular cellular chemistry of the human body. Or maybe also because her technique really works and has already helped a huge number of people get rid of not only waste and toxins, but also serious diseases.

What is the essence of her technique? This program is called “Becoming Healthy in One Year”, and it is based on the following principles:

  1. In her opinion, fasting and cleansing are inseparable. Moreover, you will have to completely give up food for some time. If you are not ready for this, you should not start studying according to her system. This is the main condition for removing waste and toxins.
  2. Secondly, medicinal plants will keep the body normal and simultaneously treat existing diseases during the cleansing period. Marva Ohanyan offers her unique list of herbs that are designed to improve the patient’s condition and alleviate hunger strike.
  3. And the third pillar of the program is freshly squeezed juices, which serve as nutrition (you still can’t leave the body completely without food) and the main source of vitamins.

No chemicals, everything is only natural and consistent with a healthy lifestyle and natural nutrition, the simplicity of the scheme and the methodology itself is why thousands of people are followers of Marva Ohanyan. It is not surprising that its development brings real results.

Marva Ohanyan about the flu. The famous healer often writes in her works that after a deep and high-quality cleansing for a year (at least), a person will not get sick from the flu or ARVI. In her opinion, germs, viruses, infections and other pathogenic organisms multiply only in a dirty environment. And if you maintain the purity of the body from the inside throughout your entire life, then you can completely forget about these diseases (however, like others too).

Cleansing the body. Method M. Ohanyan.

Cleansing the body is the same for all diseases. This cleansing cleanses everything, including the liver.

I save the necessary information for myself:

  • Conditional fasting, according to Marva Ohanyan 1 week on herbal teas,
  • 2nd week freshly squeezed juices
  • 3rd week smoothie
  • Part 1
  • Part 2
  • Part 3
  • Part 4
  • Part 5
  • Part6
  • Part 7
  • Part 8
  • Part 9
  • Part 10

Cleaning from parasites 1 month - Parasites take a lot of calcium from the human body.

Read books by M. Ohanyan online -

Part 1 - Marva Ohanyan: Death comes from the intestines. Part 2 - You can't buy health, but you can earn it! ... Part 5 - Flax sprouts - your personal gastroenterologist. Part 6 - Marva Ohanyan - Ecological medicine - the path of future civilization. Part 7 - Book “ECOLOGICAL MEDICINE. The path of the future civilization" M. Ohanyan - read in PDF format -

Part 8 - Cleansing the body according to the method of M. V. Oganyan. Part 9 - Marva Ohanyan: How to become completely healthy in one year. ... Part 12 - 5 recipes for cleansing the body from Marva Ohanyan. Part 13 - The path to child health. Author: Oksana Belova + Marva Oganyan. Part 14 - Read online OHANYAN M. V. GOLDEN RECIPES OF NATUROPATHY.


There is a special reason why body cleansing using the Marva Ohanyan method has become so widespread. Now, if you drink hydrogen peroxide according to Neumyvakin, or eat garlic in the morning according to Semyonova, or go on the diet of Metropolitan Seraphim Chichagov - what results can you achieve? We will remove waste and toxins, get rid of parasites, and improve the functioning of internal organs. And in six months you will have to start all over again.

Ohanian has a completely different approach. Its task is not just to remove poisons, but also to simultaneously begin to treat existing human diseases. In addition, her program can be considered lifelong, since she describes in detail how to behave after the end of the hunger strike, so as not to clog the organs with garbage again. So her system guarantees a long-lasting effect. Of course, you will still have to resort to a diet of juices and medicinal infusions again and again, but this is already more of a preventative measure than a therapeutic one, and it is much easier.

Judging by the reviews, cleansing according to Marva Ohanyan is an excellent medicine and at the same time a prevention for diseases such as:

  • allergy;
  • arthritis;
  • infertility;
  • Alzheimer's disease;
  • Bekhterev's disease;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • sinusitis;
  • hypertension;
  • flu;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • impotence;
  • heart attack;
  • carcinoma;
  • mastopathy;
  • migraine;
  • uterine fibroids;
  • ARVI;
  • renal failure;
  • problems with the adrenal glands;
  • psoriasis;
  • multiple sclerosis;
  • rheumatism;
  • diabetes;
  • disruptions in the functioning of the endocrine system;
  • epilepsy.

And one more important point regarding the benefits of this technique. There is no need to consider it a panacea for all diseases, even those included in the list. It is not universal and cannot adapt to every organism with all its individual characteristics. Yes, the program helped many, but not everyone. So you can have your hopes up, but no one will guarantee you results.

Method of cleansing according to Ohanyan. Conditioned fasting according to Marva Ohanyan

Three days later, after my combined spring fasting ended, I decided to try another method and cleanse the body according to Marva Ohanyan.
I’ve been reading about it for a long time, heard reviews from other people, and besides, the author of the method, Marva Vagarshakovna Ohanyan herself, came to our settlement with her lecture and for communication.

So there was an opportunity to get to know her, ask questions about the topic and get qualified answers from the original source.

This time my wife Yana joined me!

True, the full course according to Marva Ohanyan’s conditional fasting scheme consists of 21 days, but we decided to make a shortened version of 7 days. I think that a week on herbal decoction will also bring benefits!

We bought a collection of herbs from our herbalist neighbor in the settlement; the required volume (for the two of us) of 300 grams cost 800 rubles.

The composition of the collection is as follows:

  • mint
  • lemon balm
  • oregano
  • plantain
  • coltsfoot
  • yarrow
  • chamomile
  • knotweed
  • violet
  • agrimony
  • nettle
  • sage
  • motherwort

Marva Ohanyan recommends starting cleansing the body by taking magnesium sulfate in the first days, and doing cleansing enemas throughout the course.

But we again risked deviating from the rules and not doing these procedures, because we considered that we have a more or less clean body, because we lead a healthy lifestyle, eat healthy food that does not pollute the body, so we decided that we could do without daily meeting with Esmarch's mug.


It’s worth mentioning right away that Marva herself does not describe the indications and contraindications for her development in any of her works. This is one of the few disadvantages that her technique has. Therefore, people and doctors compile these lists on their own.

Any sane person understands perfectly well that not everyone can withstand such a hunger strike. And it’s not only about willpower, but also about health. The lack of solid food and a huge amount of herbs and juices, according to many doctors, is unlikely to be beneficial in the presence of diseases and conditions such as:

  • avitaminosis;
  • allergies to certain vegetables and fruits from which you need to drink juices;
  • anorexia;
  • pregnancy;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • children and old age;
  • cholelithiasis;
  • lactation;
  • any gastrointestinal diseases;
  • oncology;
  • pancreatitis;
  • increased blood clotting;
  • liver problems;
  • rehabilitation period after myocardial infarction;
  • tuberculosis;
  • sensitivity to medicinal herbs.

In any case, if you have any doubts, you should go to see a doctor and get a consultation. Rather, it is even a mandatory measure before any similar procedures.

And one more nuance, which, according to doctors, is a significant disadvantage of the technique. During the period of cleansing the body, medications are also prohibited. But what about those who are doomed to use them “for life”? How can a diabetic refuse insulin, an asthmatic from an inhaler, or an allergy sufferer from an antihistamine? After all, complete recovery takes time, and sometimes it takes about 2 years. On the one hand, I want to get rid of such serious diseases, on the other hand, how can I risk my own health?

The authors of positive reviews are divided into 2 camps: someone took a risk and refused the medications. Others ignored this recommendation and continued to drink them, observing the remaining rules of the hunger strike. So here the choice is yours, but you will also be responsible for it.


In order for Marva Ohanyan’s method of cleansing the body to work 100% and live up to the expectations placed on her, ideally it is worth reading her works, where she sets out the principles and basic rules of the procedure. There are also videos with her participation, where she herself explains and shows everything in detail. If we summarize all this, we can formulate a number of useful recommendations that will allow you to do everything as the healer advises:

  1. The day should start at 5.00 or 7.00 am.
  2. After this, it’s time for cleansing enemas, which are done in several passes (the procedure will be described below).
  3. Then you need to take a warm, comfortable shower.
  4. Instead of breakfast - a decoction of herbs.
  5. Then Marva advises doing physical activity.
  6. You need to go to bed at 21.00.

Any system of fasting and treatment (including that of Marva Ohanyan) requires adherence to certain rules. And the more accurately they are performed, the more effective the result will be. But in this case, as you understand, this is quite difficult to do, and this is another one of the shortcomings of this program. Few people can afford such a daily routine, except perhaps pensioners and housewives. Therefore, you have to adapt somehow: a vacation can serve as a solution.

As for frequency and frequency, Marwa recommends the following: if this is your first time cleaning, then you should do it every 3 months for 2 years. After this period - 2 times a year. And when the body is completely cleansed and the state of health is excellent, you can reduce it to 1 time per year.

List of herbs

The list of herbs in different sources may be different. This is due to the fact that Marva Ohanyan’s method is already about 40 years old, and she has made certain adjustments to it over time. In any case, they will all work to cleanse the body. We offer the most popular and frequently encountered ones.

Classic list of 13 herbs:

  • valerian (root) - antiparasitic agent;
  • oregano - anti-inflammatory;
  • calendula (flowers) - strengthening;
  • nettle - choleretic;
  • linden - diaphoretic;
  • coltsfoot - antiulcer;
  • mint - sleeping pills;
  • lemon balm - soothing;
  • horsetail - hemostatic;
  • motherwort - hemostatic;
  • chamomile - antibacterial;
  • yarrow - laxative and diuretic;
  • sage - analgesic and antibacterial.

Option 1 (15 herbs)

There is another list of herbs, from which linden and horsetail are excluded, but there is plantain (wound healing), knotweed (diuretic and blood purifying), agrimony (stimulating metabolic processes) and thyme (antiseptic).

Option 2 (14 herbs)

Valerian, calendula, nettle, linden and motherwort are not included in this list. Added bay leaf (fights salt deposits in joints), plantain, knotweed, bearberry (diuretic herb), tricolor violet (anti-inflammatory) and rosehip (diaphoretic and diuretic).

Article on the topic: “Herbs for cleansing the liver.”

List of herbs. What you need while fasting

To properly start and complete the course of fasting, you need to stock up on the required composition of plants. The entire diet consists of taking decoctions of medicinal herbs.

Throughout the cleaning period, you need to stock up on:

  • lemon balm;
  • coltsfoot;
  • nettle;
  • chamomile;
  • calendula;
  • yarrow;
  • rosehip;
  • oregano;
  • plantain;
  • thyme
  • valerian;
  • sage;
  • motherwort;
  • horsetail;
  • tricolor violet;
  • mint;
  • apples;
  • carrots and other vegetables.

Treatment with herbs relieves many gastrointestinal diseases, removes toxic substances and eliminates slagging. After such a diet, the body is completely restored and rejuvenated.

You will also need:

  • Epsom salt;
  • Esmarch's irrigator;
  • warmer;
  • Vaseline for lubricating the tip;
  • honey;
  • soda;
  • sea ​​salt;
  • juicer;
  • strainer;
  • thermos.

A person must mentally prepare for the start of fasting and for leaving the diet.

Be sure to read: How to do an enema to cleanse the intestines at home: solutions, indications and contraindications

It is important to know that:

  1. You should not take any medications during the fasting period.
  2. You should not engage in sports or active exercise.
  3. It is recommended to spend the entire fasting period at home or in a sanatorium.
  4. You cannot use anything other than decoctions, otherwise there will be no result.

Attention! You should not undertake a fasting course without the advice of a specialist. An incorrect approach to treatment may not live up to expectations and cause irreparable harm to the body.

General scheme

The undoubted advantage of the technique is the gradual, stepwise nature of cleansing. This eliminates a stressful situation for the body and minimizes side effects and complications.

An approximate daily schedule looks like this:

  • 1-3 days (3 days) – entrance (preparation);
  • days 4-13 (10 days) - fasting;
  • 14-21 days (8 days) - exit.

It turns out that the whole procedure will take 21 days. However, Marva herself notes that this is a very conditional time limit, because everything depends on the state of the body. If cleaning has never been carried out and the degree of slagging is high, there are kidney stones or a serious illness, each stage can be extended. And vice versa: after 2-3 years of active use of the technique, all these stages are automatically reduced, because the body is already accustomed to a certain nutritional system, and too thorough cleaning is no longer necessary. And recovery from a hunger strike lasts much longer than 8 days.

Side effects and contraindications to fasting

Carrying out the procedure using the Ohanyan method is prohibited for people with:

  • severe form of exhaustion of the body;
  • gastrointestinal pathologies;
  • vitamin deficiency;
  • blood clotting disorder;
  • allergy to citrus fruits.

The procedure is also contraindicated for pregnant and nursing mothers. People with diabetes should undergo fasting under strict medical supervision.

Side effects include: dizziness, gag reflex, headaches. If the signs are severe, then you need to stop the fasting course.

Description of stages

This is where the theoretical part ends. If everything that has been said before has been learned and accepted, you can proceed directly to practice. This is how this unique cleansing should be done.

Stage I. Entry/preparation (3 days)

The first day

First of all, the liver is cleansed, since this is where a lot of waste and toxins accumulate.

Time: 19.00-21.00.

Recipe: Dilute 50 g of Epsom salts (magnesium sulfate) in 50 ml of water (warm).


  1. Drink the prepared magnesium sulfate solution in one gulp.
  2. If your stomach is sick, drink 3 tbsp. l. castor oil or infusion of 1 tbsp. l. senna.
  3. Drink an infusion of the above herbs, adding a teaspoon of honey and a slice of lemon.
  4. Lie down.
  5. Place a heating pad under your right side.
  6. Lie like this for 2 hours, during which you need to drink 2 liters of herbal infusion.
  7. Go to bed.

This procedure must be repeated once a week throughout the cleansing. This stage is skipped by people suffering from stomach ulcers, gastritis, hepatitis and cholelithiasis.

Second day

At this stage we cleanse the intestines.

Time: starting at 5.00 am.

Recipe: Dissolve 10 g of sea salt and 5 g of baking soda in 2 liters of warm water. Pour them into Esmarch's mug.


  1. Take a knee-elbow position.
  2. In several passes, introduce the entire volume of liquid into the rectum.
  3. There is nothing to eat on this day.
  4. You can only drink a collection of medicinal plants listed in the list above. You can add honey and a little juice (lemon, viburnum, pomegranate or currant) to it. Lightly brewed tea is also allowed.

An intestinal cleansing enema must be done daily for a week, in the second week - every other day, in the third - every 2 days.

Day three

It is carried out exactly according to the same scheme as the second one.

Stage II. Fasting (10 days)

Some people break this stage into 2 smaller ones: introducing herbal infusions and juices into the diet.


Recipe: mix the herbs indicated in the list in equal proportions. Take 75 g of the resulting raw material and fill it with 3 liters of hot (but not boiling!) water in a thermos. Leave for an hour. After this, squeeze through cheesecloth. Add 5 g of fresh honey and 50 ml of concentrated lemon juice to each serving (glass) of the resulting infusion. The latter can be replaced with any other sour fruit juice or apple cider vinegar (10 ml is enough).


  1. Drink a glass of herbal tea every hour, preheating it until hot.
  2. During use, most people experience nausea, vomiting, cough with sputum, and nasal discharge. You shouldn’t be afraid of this, because these side effects indicate the cleansing of the main organs.
  3. During the day you need to drink the entire volume of the infusion (3 liters).
  4. Gradually reduce the volume every day so that by day 10 it is 1.5 liters.
  5. The infusion must be prepared fresh every day.
  6. If you are allergic to any of the herbs, it is recommended to replace it with rose hips in the first days. If you are allergic to it, just drink 3 liters of ordinary water a day.

Solid food is prohibited these days, and only juices are allowed among drinks.


During these 10 days you need to drink freshly squeezed vegetable and fruit juices. The volume per day is 500 ml, but Marva recommends increasing it every day by 50 ml, eventually bringing it to 1 liter. Juices and herbal infusions should be alternated every hour.

Recommendations. Carrots and potatoes are not peeled with a knife, but simply washed with a hard sponge. Juices are not diluted with water. Exceptions are grapefruit, cherry and grape. After preparation, drinks must be filtered through a strainer.

Recommended juices:

  • orange;
  • watermelon;
  • grape;
  • cherry;
  • grapefruit;
  • squash;
  • cabbage;
  • potato;
  • tangerine;
  • carrot;
  • beet;
  • pumpkin;
  • apple;
  • berry.

Possible juice mixtures:

  • orange-grapefruit;
  • beet-carrot with cabbage;
  • beetroot and carrot with the addition of tomato;
  • beetroot and carrot with the addition of apple or grapefruit;
  • tomato-cucumber with the addition of bell peppers, or apples, or herbs (dill, celery, parsley).

On the first day, it is recommended to drink something citrusy.

At this stage, the body is cleansed of waste, toxins, poisons, radionuclides and parasites.

Stage III. Exit (8 days)

In fact, 8 days to exit fasting are given conditionally, and this stage lasts much longer, because foods have to be introduced gradually. From this day on, enema cleansing is no longer performed.

  • 1-4 days

Continue drinking herbal infusion in an amount of 500 ml. Reduce juices to 3 times a day and limit yourself to only vegetable ones. Three times a day (at 11 am, 3 pm and 7 pm) eat fruit purees (no more than 150 g per meal).

  • 5-7 days

Add salads of pureed raw vegetables and herbs, seasoned with lemon juice.

  • Day 8

You can eat peeled fruits, boiled or steamed vegetable dishes. A little milk is allowed.

Sunflower oil and yolk are introduced after 10 days, and meat and cereals only after a month.

Additional Recipes

For gastritis

During the first week of cleansing, drink only mint infusion. On the 8th day, gradually introduce the remaining components of the collection. Juices include citrus, beet, apple, potato, and carrot.

To cleanse the lungs

Use the following mixture daily throughout the cleansing course. Squeeze the juice from 3 lemons, mix with 100 g of grated horseradish root, add honey to taste. Swallow (no need to chew) 2 teaspoons three times a day. Continue the duration of use up to 1.5 months.

To cleanse the sinuses

Recipe. Squeeze the juice from the peeled and crushed cyclamen root. Dilute 1/2 of the resulting liquid with water in a ratio of 1:10. Store in the cold for 10 days, after which use the second part of the juice to prepare.


  1. Lie on your back on a flat surface.
  2. Introduce a drop into each nostril.
  3. Lie down for 10 minutes.
  4. Stand up and bend deeply to the floor. Fix for 1-2 minutes.
  5. Drink 2 glasses of herbal tea.

Do it three times a day throughout the entire course of cleansing and you can even continue for up to six months.

Fasting according to the Marva Ohanyan method - treatment of ALL diseases!

Ecology of life. Health: This is a universal technique. Anyone who carefully reads its description and begins to apply what is written, without deviating from the described actions, performing everything very accurately, will be convinced of this from their own experience

A wonderful technique developed by Marva Vagarshakovna Ohanyan, a naturopathic doctor, biochemist with 45 years of experience in medical treatment and laboratory work

Treatment method

In connection with articles on the treatment of allergic conditions, childhood diseases, and the prevention of cholera, I receive many letters asking me to describe in detail the method of treating a particular disease. Since I do not have the physical ability to answer all letters, I am posting methods for treating all diseases in general. This is a universal technique. Anyone who carefully reads its description and begins to apply what is written, without deviating from the described actions, performing everything very accurately, will be convinced of this from their own experience.

I wish everyone health - adults and children. You need to be especially attentive to children; under no circumstances should they be treated with medications; a child can fast for as many days as he is old.

First of all, I must explain to you that skin disease, including fungus and any other disease - joints, heart, lungs, liver, kidneys, etc. - all this comes from our improper diet.

All people eat very poorly, and all people suffer from various diseases, and medicines only increase the harm caused by improper food, which, together with medicines, pollutes the body. In order to recover, any patient needs to cleanse the insides of dirt, pus, mucus, sand, stones, and salts. This is a long process - from six months to 1 year, but as a result of such treatment, patients always recover. I advise you and all members of your family to start cleansing your body and healing from the ailments that are tormenting you, and if you are healthy now, cleanse yourself and eat right so as not to get sick in 5 or 10 years, because natural treatment guarantees a person complete health for life .

Treatment should begin with cleansing the gastrointestinal tract.

At 7 o'clock in the evening you need to drink a laxative-salt (if you do not have a stomach ulcer or erosive gastritis) - 50 g of magnesium sulfate powder (Epsom salt), dissolving it in 3/4 glass of warm water, and immediately wash it down with a decoction of herbs with honey and juice lemon. After this, immediately lie down on your right side with a heating pad on the liver area for 1 hour without a pillow. While you are lying down, continue to drink the decoction. In total, before 9 pm you need to drink 5-6 glasses of decoction. Be sure to go to bed at 9 pm.

In the morning from 5 o'clock to 7 o'clock you need to rinse the large intestine. To do this, pour 2-3 liters of warm water (37-38°C) into a large Esmarch rubber mug. In advance, you need to dissolve 1 tablespoon of coarse table salt and 1 teaspoon of baking soda in this water and rinse your intestines with this mixture. The cleansing enema should be done in the knee-elbow position (i.e., kneel on the floor and lean on your elbows). The plastic tip must be removed, lubricate the rubber tube with Vaseline or vegetable oil and inserted into the rectum. Do the enema not just once, but 2-3 times in a row, i.e. wash out the intestines. Exactly such cleansing enemas must be repeated every morning for 7-10 days in a row.

Now - the most important thing! After the first cleansing enema, you should not eat anything, you just need to drink a decoction of herbs with honey and juice of lemon, viburnum, pomegranate, cherry, currant, dogwood - according to the season.

The decoction is prepared as follows:

Take mint, oregano, lemon balm, plantain, coltsfoot, tricolor violet, sage, yarrow, chamomile, knotweed, bearberry, bay leaf, rose hips, horsetail, 1 tablespoon of each herb, put in an enamel pan, pour three liters of boiling water, leave for 20 minutes.

Then start drinking, adding 1-2 teaspoons of natural honey and 2-3 tablespoons of lemon juice or sour berries to each glass. The juice must be freshly squeezed. In extreme cases, it can be replaced with 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar. Drink 1 glass every hour. Drink 10-12 glasses per day.

Such fasting should be carried out for 7 to 10 or 15 days, depending on the general condition of the patient and his internal desire to eat. During fasting, the tongue should be coated with a whitish and then dirty coating - it should be cleaned every day with a toothbrush. There may be nausea and vomiting. There is no need to be afraid of this; on the contrary, you need to rinse your stomach if you feel nauseous. To do this, you need to drink 3-4 large glasses of warm boiled water, adding 0.5 teaspoon of baking soda to each glass. After this, press your finger on the root of the tongue and induce vomiting.

After this, continue fasting and drink the decoction. It is very good if a cough begins with sputum, purulent discharge from the nose. You need to continue fasting until this discharge ends, but on the eighth day of treatment you need to add freshly squeezed juices - fruit and vegetable - to the broth.

Apple juice, mixtures of carrot, beet, apple (beets are red) are very useful; pumpkin and apple; carrots, beets, cabbage, radishes, parsnips; cucumbers, tomatoes, bell peppers.

If you can prepare 5-6 glasses of freshly squeezed juices a day (you need to have an electric juicer), you can add 4-5 glasses of decoction with honey and sour juice, then this “fasting” can be extended to the 21st day to completely cleanse the body . If possible, it is also very useful to drink the juices of oranges, grapefruits, tangerines, and in the summer - all berry juices. Colon lavage (enemas) during fasting should be done daily.

After fasting, you need to start eating very carefully - for the first 4 days - only soft or mashed fresh fruits: apples, tangerines, oranges, tomatoes in summer, watermelons, melons, etc., and continue to drink the broth - 2-3 glasses a day and drink juices, fruits and vegetables. Eat 3 times a day: at 11, 15, 19 hours.

After 4 days, you can add fresh vegetable salads to the fruit from grated vegetables with the addition of tomatoes, onions, garlic and any greens - dill, parsley, cilantro, mint, fresh carrot tops, beets, sorrel, spinach. You can prepare a salad only from greens and onions. Dress the salad only with lemon or berry juice without oil and sour cream - another 10 days.

Then you can gradually introduce baked vegetables into your diet: pumpkin, beets, onions with fresh herbs and vegetable oil. You can also add vegetable oil to salads - 20-30 days from the start of their consumption and add one raw egg yolk daily.

Only after 2 months can you introduce porridge into your daily diet - buckwheat, millet, oatmeal, barley, boil them in water, after they are ready, add raw chopped onions, vegetable or butter, you can eat this porridge with raw pureed vegetable salad - it’s healthier and tastier. . Soups and borscht are exclusively vegetable with the addition of butter and onions after readiness (a little sour cream is fine).

After 3 months from the start of treatment, you need to resume the cleansing program, i.e. start all over again - fasting - 7-10 days, drinking juices, fruits, salads, etc. This treatment must be repeated every 3 months, 1 or 2 years. Only in this case will there be a complete recovery. You cannot take any medications.

Write to me in a month about your results. Come back for an appointment at least a year later for monitoring and further recommendations.

After the first stage of treatment, aimed at cleansing the body of toxins and wastes accumulated in it, preserved in the cytoplasm of cells and causing many diseases (due to incomplete liberation of the body from the end products of metabolism), the body restores its ability to heal itself: physiological functions, blood pressure, weight , sleep, work of the digestive glands, stomach, intestines, kidneys, heart, blood sugar levels, acid-base balance are normalized without the use of drugs. The disrupted functioning of the endocrine glands is restored: the pituitary gland (signs of acromegaly disappear), the thyroid gland with its hyper- or hypofunction (both excessive drowsiness, lethargy, and insomnia and overexcitation disappear), the cycle in women is normalized, benign tumors in the mammary glands disappear. With polyarthritis of any origin, movement can be restored even in motionless joints.

Allergic conditions in any manifestations are very effectively cured (skin diathesis in children, hay fever, bronchial asthma, psoriasis, eczema, kidney disease). Concrements are expelled from the gallbladder, biliary and urinary tracts.

As a result of treatment, the human physical body is renewed due to the inclusion of autolysis processes (dissolution and release of structural pathological elements from the body).

The treatment process leads to rejuvenation of the body, restores lost functions, improves memory, mental and physical performance, restores broken cycles in women under 50 years of age, often cures infertility, and restores potency in men.

Often reduced vision is restored (incipient cataracts are cured), hearing, and noise in the ears and head disappears.


1. If you have a sick stomach, you cannot drink Epsom salt at the beginning of the cleansing, but you need to replace it with three tablespoons of castor oil or a decoction of senna herb (1 tablespoon per glass of boiling water, brew like tea, drink after 20 minutes).

2. Meat, fish and dairy products (cottage cheese) should be excluded from the diet. Under no circumstances should you consume meat or chicken broth after fasting.

3. Bread can only be eaten at home: wheat bran and flour in equal quantities, knead soft dough in water with the addition of 1 teaspoon of bread (baking) soda and 2-4 tablespoons of vegetable oil. Bake buns in the oven. Eat them with butter or vegetables.

Homemade bread baking is dictated by the need to get rid of baker's yeast, which completely disrupts the intestinal microflora and causes dysbacteriosis.

4. Use only unfried, non-bitter vegetable oil. Taste thoroughly before using. Add it to prepared dishes in small quantities. published

PS And remember, just by changing your consumption, we are changing the world together! © econet

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Cleansing the child's body

Marva Ohanyan pays great attention to the health of children, so her program for cleansing the body also concerns them. True, for them the fasting scheme and recipes are somewhat different.

  • 1 day

At 18.00, drink a tablespoon of castor oil. Within 2 hours, consume 1 liter of medicinal infusion with honey and lemon in small portions. Lie on a heating pad with your right side for 1 hour. Go to bed at 21.00.

  • Day 2

Cleansing enema in the morning: 500 ml of water, 10 g of soda and salt. You can't eat anything. Drink a liter of infusion with lemon and honey.

  • Day 3

Repeat day 2 + citrus juices.

  • 4 day

No enema is given. Infusion (500 ml) + citrus juices + watermelon juice + some melon and peaches.

  • 5 day

Infusion + apricots, peaches, watermelon are allowed.

  • Day 6

Infusion + fruit juice + fruits + salad of fresh tomatoes, bell peppers and herbs with lemon juice.

Additional recipe: grate the beets, squeeze out the juice, and keep in the refrigerator for 2 hours. Three times a day throughout the hunger strike, the child should be forced to intensively blow his nose and instill 1-2 drops of beetroot solution into each nostril to cleanse the sinuses.

Before testing this system, parents must consult with a pediatrician. Especially if the child has chronic diseases.

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