Where to start properly cleansing the body - expert advice

The discovery of antibiotics was a real revolution for medicine. For more than 90 years, they have been effectively treating many diseases that are based on bacterial infections and relieving complications literally in a matter of hours. The effectiveness is so high that, even knowing about the serious side effects after their use, modern medicine does not refuse them, because there is no replacement for this type of medicine. Today, the global market for this type of medicine is estimated at $50 billion and continues to grow rapidly.

How to effectively cleanse the body of waste and toxins

The main reason for poor health, along with lack of sleep, stress and fatigue, is the accumulation of harmful substances in the body, which have a negative impact on all body functions. Toxins clog blood vessels, accumulate in tissues and provoke the development of diseases. This process is aggravated by excessive consumption of alcohol, sweets, meat, unhealthy diet (fast food, processed foods) and uncontrolled use of medications. Where to start properly cleansing the body is the main topic of the article. Please note that cleaning up toxins that negatively affect health does not have to be done in a medical facility. This can be done at home using gentle methods, namely:

  • natural juices plus fermented milk products;
  • decoctions of medicinal herbs are a mandatory item in the program of gentle cleansing of the body in a week;
  • enemas;
  • sorbents.

Cleansing will help get rid of toxins and parasites, and will also prevent chronic diseases and cancer. You can cleanse your body from the age of 30. Read on for effective methods of liver cleansing without harm to the body.

Symptoms of slagging and indications for cleaning

Symptoms of slagging in the body appear faintly as toxic substances accumulate. At first it may be headaches and constant fatigue, irritability, and weakness. More serious symptoms include heartburn, nausea, belching, excessive sweating, skin rashes, bitterness in the mouth, bad breath, etc. The late period is characterized by changes in blood vessels and organs. If the above symptoms appear, you should seek advice from a specialist who will tell you how to effectively cleanse your body of toxins.

Along with the indications for cleaning, there are a number of contraindications that should also be taken into account:

  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • exhaustion of the body, weakened immunity;
  • oncological diseases;
  • severe chronic pathologies of internal organs and systems.

It is recommended to consult a doctor before cleaning.

What is included in the concepts of “toxins and waste”

What many call in these intimidating terms is actually not so. A toxin is a biological poison (toxins of plants, microorganisms and others). As for the human body, toxins can produce malignant neoplasms.

There is a broader concept of toxin, which means any substance of chemical origin that causes negative changes in the body. The main route of entry into the body is through the digestive system; less commonly, toxins enter us through breathing and through the skin. Toxins accumulate in almost all tissues, but are selective: heavy metals settle well in bones, fluoride in teeth and the thyroid gland, etc.

Slag is a by-product of ore production. A priori, such products cannot exist in the human body. This term is used in a figurative sense and implies harmful substances that accumulate in the body during life.

Harmful substances are a very broad concept that can include everything that has a negative impact on health.

Normally, substances that the body does not need are excreted by the kidneys, digestive system, lungs, as well as with other biological fluids: sweat, milk, tear fluid. If there are a lot of toxins, the body cannot cope with them - detoxification therapy is performed in a hospital setting. Conditions in which many toxins accumulate in the body are called intoxication or poisoning.

Cleansing the body at home

To obtain maximum results, doctors recommend following a certain sequence when cleaning. You should start from the intestines, then comes the liver, kidneys, blood vessels and joints.

To cleanse the intestines, salt water enemas, decoctions of medicinal herbs, bran, fresh vegetables, kefir and freshly squeezed juices are used. In medical institutions, for this purpose, monitored intestinal cleansing of fecal stones is used.

Choleretic herbs (yarrow, corn silk, wormwood) and hepatoprotectors - drugs that cleanse and restore liver cells will help cleanse the liver.

The most effective folk method of cleansing the kidneys is watermelon with black bread.

Our website provides more complete information on the topic. By making an appointment with a specialist, you will receive answers to all your questions, including how to quickly cleanse the intestines before a colonoscopy.

How to remove cannabis from your body at home

Despite the relatively short period of intoxication, cannabinoids are detected by laboratory methods 3–4 days after a single episode of smoking, and with systematic use they are detected several months later. They recommend fairly simple ways to remove marijuana from the body:

  • drink as much fluid as possible;

  • exclude from the diet dishes with animal fats or too much vegetable fats: sauces (mayonnaise, tartar, etc.), fatty meats and poultry, fast food, foods fried in batter or deep-fried, etc.;
  • limit milk and dairy products;
  • eat as many vegetables and fruits and greens as possible (in particular, spinach, Brussels sprouts, broccoli);
  • completely give up alcohol and tobacco.

Another method to quickly remove marijuana is to speed up your metabolism. This effect can be achieved with moderate physical activity (jogging, cycling or exercise bike, swimming), visiting the sauna (with caution in case of hypertension and tachycardia). You can stimulate metabolic processes with the help of decoctions and teas with ginger root and yarrow.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the use of medications. Indeed, detox products help solve the problem of how to remove cannabis from the body. But self-medication is dangerous; the only medications that can be taken without the risk of complications are hepatoprotectors and multivitamin complexes (it is better to give preference to capsules with B vitamins).

Pharmacy drugs in the body cleansing program

Pharmaceutical preparations used for cleaning are usually available without a prescription. These are mainly sorbents and laxatives. For an adult, using a quick-acting laxative to cleanse the intestines usually does not cause any consequences. In rare cases, nausea and a feeling of heaviness may occur.

Microcrystalline cellulose (MCC) is a natural product that absorbs toxins and waste, removing them from the body along with feces. MCC perfectly cleanses the walls of the gastrointestinal tract. When using the drug, it is important to follow the instructions to avoid constipation.

Activated carbon and magnesium sulfate are drugs for normalizing intestinal function, the advantage of which is safety and effectiveness.

Polysorb MP is a drug used to cleanse the body of toxins and pathogenic microflora; it is also effective for combating excess weight. This remedy, unlike most others, can be prescribed to infants, pregnant and lactating women. You can read about how to cleanse the intestines using sorbents in the instructions for the drug.

TOP 3 useful cleansers from the assortment of the Russian Roots herbal store

To cleanse the body of toxins and waste in the spring, you can also use various natural preparations offered by modern manufacturers. There are three most popular means that help in the fight against slagging:

1) Foot Patch

A special Chinese patch applied to the feet will help cope with various intoxications and poisonings (food, chemical, medication, alcohol, etc.).

This product contains vitamins, minerals, essential oils, bamboo essence and many other useful substances.

Thanks to such active components, the sticker patch stimulates blood circulation and metabolic processes, has a tonic effect, triggers weight loss, heals the body, and removes poisons and toxins.

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2) Herbal collection “Cleansing”

The natural herbal mixture contains a set of beneficial herbs that have a mild cleansing effect. Yarrow, chamomile, St. John's wort, flax seeds, nettle and immortelle together help neutralize and remove harmful substances accumulated in the intestinal tract, stomach, kidneys and liver.

The cleansing collection can be used to lose weight, keep the body in good shape and replenish energy reserves.

Unlike many medications, this drug, when used correctly, does not have a harmful effect on internal organs and does not cause adverse reactions.

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3) Balm “Nuxen Detox”

To speed up biological processes in the body, normalize the functioning of the immune system and eliminate toxins, you can use natural balm “Nuxen Detox” based on black walnut fruits and extracts of various medicinal plants (schisandra, dandelion, clover, currant, etc.).
This herbal medicine cleanses the skin, blood and lymph, stomach, intestines, liver and other internal organs from harmful substances, and also stimulates metabolism, triggers fat burning, increases defenses and resistance to infectious diseases.

Taking the balm will prevent the development of many diseases - oncology, atherosclerosis, heart attacks, strokes, etc.

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Dangerous methods of cleansing the body

Doctors include fasting, urine therapy and plasmaphoresis.

  • Multi-day fasting (5-7 days) can lead to irreversible changes in internal organs and serious metabolic disorders. A one-day test is carried out for completely healthy people under the supervision of a doctor.
  • Urine therapy is treatment with your own urine. After cleansing the liver and kidneys in this way, the body will definitely not say “thank you” to you.
  • Plasmophoresis is a cleansing of the body, prescribed in emergency cases when the body is unable to cleanse itself.

If you still have questions after reading the article, please contact the center. Experts will help you figure out the cost of a complete cleansing of the body in a sanatorium and recommend home methods for getting rid of toxins.

Related services: Family doctor consultation Videogastroduodenoscopy

The most dangerous cleaning methods

There are a lot of recipes to lose 10 years and feel great. But among them there are those that can cause irreparable harm to health and even threaten life:

  • Absolute fasting.
  • Long-term mono-diets (on 1 product).
  • Enemas and gastric lavage.
  • Cleansing with vegetable oil and lemon juice, undiluted apple cider vinegar, urine, etc.

Our simple recommendations will help the body get rid of metabolic products in a timely manner and are an effective prevention of various diseases and premature aging!

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