How many calories are burned when walking: calculator

The online calculator will calculate the length of your step and calculate the number of steps in 1 kilometer walked. It will be useful for those who strictly monitor their physical activity and use a pedometer while walking or jogging. To find out how far you have walked or run, calculate your stride length by entering your gender and height into the table.

Walking is the most beneficial sport that we all do every day. Even if the work does not involve physical labor, you still have to walk. Nutritionists and fitness trainers unanimously claim that simple walking helps to tidy up your figure and significantly lose weight, especially if you adhere to proper nutrition. In addition, regular walking helps strengthen the heart muscle and blood vessels, improves lung function and trains endurance.

No time for the gym - we walk to work

It is not at all necessary to have special electronic devices that will count the distance traveled. It is enough to know how many steps there are in 1 kilometer to understand how much time you need to spend walking. Without expecting it, we spend a lot of calories on this simple process. And the more you move, the more you spend. In addition, we must not forget that this promotes the active breakdown of fats. Therefore, knowing how many steps are in 1 kilometer, you can build an individual system for losing weight and improving your body’s health. This is a very good incentive to start walking home after work. And in a month you can lose several kilograms completely unnoticed.

Walking can be different too

The length of steps will vary from person to person. This depends primarily on the person’s height. The higher it is, the longer the step, and therefore the faster it will cover a certain distance. However, there is more to it than that. The size of the foot, as well as the shoes a person wears, also matters. For example, if you are walking in sports sneakers, then your stride length can be maximum, and even without speeding up, you will cover the distance a little faster. But a girl wearing high-heeled shoes will have a much shorter step length, and this in no way depends on the person’s height. When calculating how many steps are in 1 kilometer, we must not forget about such nuances.

Not so simple arithmetic

As you can see, simply taking the final number will not work, and therefore you will have to make some calculations. True, you can use an approximate formula, which states that there are 1000 steps in 1 km. However, it is not at all accurate. It is taken as a basis that one step is about a meter, that is, in 1000 steps you will walk about 1 km. But the only option to obtain reliable data is to turn on any navigator and walk one kilometer, counting your steps.

Here are some approximate calculations by which you can find out how many steps there are in 1 km. For example, let's take a person who is 175 cm tall. He will need to take 1377 steps to cover the required distance.

Walking is the best way to lose weight

If you decide to lose weight by walking, the first thing you need to do is go out and buy a pedometer. You can now find very inexpensive pedometer models that can help you calculate how many kilometers you walk a day and how much you need to walk to lose weight.

To find out how many miles you need to walk to lose weight, first find out how much you already walk every day. This will let you know how much you need to increase the time/distance you walk each day to finally see a difference on the scale.

For example, using a pedometer you found out that you walk 8,000 steps a day without gaining weight. Finding out how many steps/kilometers you need to add to lose weight is a matter of simple mathematics, calculated according to the number of calories you need to burn.

How many steps a day should you walk to lose weight?

The average human step length is approximately 0.7-0.8 meters. Taking into account this length, there are approximately 1250 steps in a kilometer. For walking 1 kilometer, a person burns approximately 60-70 calories. If a person walks 3 km more per day (4 km in total), then 240 calories are burned.

Walking 5 km a day will burn approximately 300 calories. 300 calories per day = 2,100 calories burned per week (if you walk daily). After a month, you will have burned approximately 9,000 calories, which equates to losing 1 kg of weight. In a year, you will lose 14 kg from walking.

Adding another 4 km to your daily walk (for example, 1 km) is quite easy. Take the stairs instead of the elevator, walk while talking on the phone, if you drive a car, park further away from work, if you use public transport, try to walk part of the way to and from work, etc. To walk 5 km in one times, it will only take 45-60 minutes - that’s very little!

Now let's calculate how many steps to walk a day to lose weight

There are 1250 steps in 1 km. To lose 1 kg per month, you need to walk 5 km = 6250 steps daily. This is without reducing the number of calories per day. If you reduce your calorie intake by 250 per day, you will have a daily deficit of 550 calories, which will allow you to lose 1 kg per week.

We increase the load

If you want to take up walking in order to lose weight, then you definitely need to maintain a calorie deficit. In this case, you should know that just walking through the park, you will spend much less than if you are in a hurry. An athlete who uses a sports step will also work much more efficiently, with greater impact. When walking fast, the costs increase by about three times, which can be used for good. Walking up stairs, over rough terrain and uphill significantly increases calorie consumption. There's a slight catch here, though. Speaking about how many steps there are in 1 km, it should be noted that when going uphill, the step length decreases, which means that the initial calculations will no longer be correct. However, the effectiveness of such activities increases, and quality is much more important than quantity.

Alternative to fitness training

To have an excellent figure and excellent health, it is not at all necessary to attend any section. To do this, you don’t even need to know how many steps there are in 1 kilometer when walking. It is enough to simply refuse to travel to the store, to visit or to work on public or personal transport. Instead, walk everywhere. Of course, it will be necessary to reconsider the expenditure of personal time. However, a cheerful state and a toned figure will be an excellent reward for you. If you walk for 2 hours every day, and this is often your way to work and back, then in just a week you will burn more than 200 g of subcutaneous fat. If you do not indulge in fatty and sweet foods, and also do not overeat, then these reserves will not be renewed. Consequently, within a few months the result will be clearly visible on your silhouette.

How much should you walk a day?

Often, when deciding to resort to this method, people are concerned about how many steps a person should take per day to lose weight. This value is determined in each case individually and largely depends on the person’s lifestyle and level of activity. The average figure is 10,000 steps, but you shouldn’t always rely on it, since the step length may differ for everyone. The less active a person’s lifestyle, the more steps he needs to take.

In this case, how many kilometers should women and men walk per day to lose weight? One kilometer usually takes about 1200-1600 steps. Thus, to achieve 10,000 you need to walk from 6 to 8 kilometers.

The numbers for how many steps a day you need to take for health and to lose weight are no different. However, to maintain a healthy state of the body, you do not need to count the number of calories burned and try to maintain a certain pace, i.e. You can walk slowly and measuredly.

How are steps measured?

You can use a pedometer to measure the number of steps you take per day. It is quite convenient and counts steps by sensing body movements.

For an hour of training, a person weighing 65 kg spends approximately 240 kcal. Based on these values, you can calculate the amount of energy spent during the entire workout. To lose weight, a woman or man needs to reach an energy deficit. Thus, you can calculate the individually required pace, number of steps and duration of the workout.

It is also important to pay attention to:

  1. Pulse rate. To determine the optimal value for burning fat, you need to subtract your age from the number 220. The zone most suitable for burning fat is located in 60-70% of the obtained value. It is most convenient to measure your pulse with a special heart rate monitor.
  2. Correct breathing. Inhalation must be done through the nose, and exhalation through the mouth.

Where and when to go?

To meet your daily requirement of steps, you can take an evening walk in the park. To improve your health, you can do this at a slow pace, but to lose weight, greater intensity is required.

If you need to get to work by public transport, you can get off a few stops earlier and walk. If your work is close, you can completely refuse to use any transport and take daily walks.

Avoiding using the elevator, playing with children, and cleaning the apartment will also help increase the number of daily steps.

How much should you walk a day?

We have already said: to be healthy, you must play sports. And the simplest and most accessible form of it is walking. We tried to calculate how many steps there are in 1 kilometer (as you know, there are 1000 meters, and there should be approximately the same number of steps). However, the question immediately arises about how many kilometers you need to walk a day in order not to have health problems. The 10,000 steps rule is quite popular. This norm came to us from Japanese everyday life. However, questions arise again. And if a person ate a hamburger or ice cream, should this norm be increased? Or can I leave it the same?

In fact, this figure came to us from ancient times, when the Japanese moved much more on foot, and their diet was much healthier. Therefore, this was only a guideline for a healthy lifestyle. Today, doctors are faced with the fact that for many people walking even 2000 steps a day becomes problematic. It is for these people that the desire to cover a little over eight kilometers every day is most significant. The bar should be raised gradually so that there is no temptation to quit this venture.

How many steps should you take per day?

The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends that the average healthy person take 8,000 to 10,000 steps per day. This indicator appeared in the 60s. last century in Japan, after active advertising by a pedometer manufacturer, the creators of the electronic device presented 10,000 steps as a daily norm. Although the 10,000 number has not been backed up by any research, many walkers around the world have begun to aim for this number when walking.

Subsequently, noting positive results in people taking 10,000 steps per day for a long time, WHO reflected this parameter in its recommendations. Skeptical experts believe that such a norm was correct for the middle of the last century, when people ate more restrainedly, and in the process of life they moved much more than today, so the modern value of the norm is proposed to be doubled.

Other critics believe that walking is not as important as physical activity itself, which can be achieved in any way, for example, in the gym, swimming pool or even at home. But proponents of walking believe that this method has many benefits, combining benefits with the opportunity to spend quality time outdoors. Whether you take 10,000 or 8,000 steps, or even 5,000, it’s better than nothing, every thousand makes an undoubted contribution to health benefits.

Norm of steps per day for men

10,000 steps per day is an average recommended value, which is not universal. In addition to differences when taking into account age, weight and health status, this indicator differs for men and women. So, healthy adult men under 50 years of age should walk at least 12,000 Sh per day; after 50 years, this number can be reduced by 2,000, and then be guided by individually selected values.

Norm of steps per day for women

The recommended number of steps per day for women differs slightly from similar values ​​for men:

  • for women aged 18-40 years – 12,000 Sh;
  • 40-50 years -11000;
  • 50-60 years – 10000;
  • after 60 years – 8000.

At an older age, the concept of the norm is significantly adjusted taking into account individual characteristics. Children from 7 to 10 years old can walk 15,000 steps a day (or more), regardless of gender.

Do not forget that in the process of life we ​​make many more movements than a pedometer allows us to take into account. If a person at work is engaged in physical labor or often moves on his feet, then daily walking can be reduced to 7,000 or 6,000 steps. The number of steps must also be adjusted when visiting the gym, swimming pool or exercising at home.

How many steps are there in 1 km on average?

In order to know how many steps there are in one kilometer, you need to determine the person’s height. For example, if his height is 175 centimeters, then the average length of one step is 70 centimeters. Thus, there are about 1420 steps in one kilometer.

If a person is 160–165 centimeters tall, then his step is approximately 50 centimeters. With such indicators, there will be 2000 steps in one kilometer.

How many calories are burned?

When walking, as well as with other sports activities, there is a reduction in calories. On average, according to nutritionists, if a person walks slowly, but at the same time, without slowing down, exactly one kilometer, then it will take him 70 - 75 calories.

However, this value may be higher if the person:

  • overcomes a distance with a load, for example, he has a heavy backpack over his shoulders or a bag in his hands;
  • there are obstacles on the way, in particular, stones that need to be crossed, climbs, steep descents, etc.;
  • dressed warmly;
  • does in the summer:
  • walks in uncomfortable shoes.

How many steps are there in a kilometer?

The rule, which is most often used for rough calculations, equates 1 step to 1 m. But such a correspondence is possible only for people with a height significantly above average, walking with a wide gait in comfortable shoes. The most correct way to calculate the length of your own step is to use a navigator in conjunction with a pedometer. Having walked exactly 1 km according to the navigator, you need to see how many steps you have taken.

You can walk a shorter distance, for example, 10 m, and calculate the result, but the longer the distance traveled, the more correct the values ​​are obtained, since the longer distance allows you to avoid rounding numbers and take into account all fluctuations in the pace of walking.

A healthy person 170 cm tall needs to take 1417 steps (hereinafter referred to as W) to cover a distance of 1 km on foot. With a height of 175 cm, to move 1 km, you need to cover 1377 Sh. With a height of 180 cm, the same distance is covered with 1220 Sh. Statistics allow us to take 1250 Sh per 1 km as an average value for men.

The average values ​​for converting kilometers into steps are:

  • 2 km is 2500 Sh;
  • 3 km – 3750;
  • 4 km – 5000;
  • 5 km is 6250;
  • 10 km – 12500.

It is not at all necessary to remember these values; the recalculation is simple and does not require special skills. For example, having heard the phrase “600 meters on foot,” you can easily calculate that this distance consists of approximately 750 Sh.

How to increase walking efficiency?

To lose weight, it is not enough to just walk occasionally. You need to walk regularly, and always try to increase the effectiveness of such physical activity.

Athletes, coaches and nutritionists recommend:

  1. Walk strictly according to a schedule, for example, choose 3-4 times a week, and in the morning.
  2. Walk exclusively in a good mood and when there is no general malaise or any diseases.
  3. Do not eat an hour before the start of your workout and limit your fluid intake.
  4. Wear only comfortable clothes, preferably a tracksuit, and sneakers (or sneakers).
  5. Take a small load with you, for example, put on a backpack in which you put 2 - 3 small books.
  6. Wrap thighs with cling film.

Also, to increase efficiency, nutritionists and athletes advise:

  • eat only right and never overeat;
  • three hours before bedtime, drink exclusively plain water;
  • no alcohol or smoking;
  • after walking, do simple exercises, for example, bending in different directions, shallow squats, or gentle swings of the legs.
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