Olga Kartunkova about losing weight - before and after results

What happened before...

You can learn about what life Tatyana had before she lost weight from the video recordings on her personal YouTube channel, which you can always watch online. At 14 years old, she weighed at least 110 kg. She herself admits that she probably had a lot more weight in her, since she didn’t like stepping on the scales at all at that time. Which is not surprising with so many extra pounds.

She experienced all the problems of obese people personally:

  • dyspnea;
  • joint pain;
  • increased fatigue;
  • ridicule from peers.

At first, Tatyana, like many of those who lost weight, was seduced by promises of quick ways to lose excess weight. “My story is similar to hundreds of others,” the girl notes. Fasting for several days, extreme diets - Rybakova tried everything on her own body! But even when she managed to lose a few kilos, after the girl returned to her usual lifestyle, they also returned, and sometimes in greater quantities.

It was physically difficult for her to actively train in the gym with such enormous excess weight. Jogging at the stadium was out of the question, and she couldn’t walk much—shortness of breath quickly appeared and her legs hurt.

It was clear that losing weight should be based on some other principles. Tatyana found them through much trial and error.

How did excess weight affect Natalia’s life?

Natalya's situation was critical. Because of the excess weight, it was difficult for the girl to even move, which is why Natalya rarely left the house. There was no elevator in her building, and it was impossible for her to climb the stairs on her own, so the girl spent more and more time looking out of her bedroom window. She watched the happy people who passed by her house every day and hoped that she would one day be able to return to a normal life.

Natalya's neighbors have already begun to worry that one fine day she might simply break through the floor.

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Girl's secret

On the talk show “Let Them Talk,” the girl told how she lost 54 kg. By and large, her method of losing weight has been known to everyone for a long time - proper organization of your diet, the optimal ratio of fats, carbohydrates, proteins.

The dishes that Tatyana includes in her diet are the most common, familiar to all of us:

  • nuts;
  • dairy products;
  • fruits and dried fruits;
  • porridge;
  • vegetables;
  • boiled meat, fish.

Naturally, sweet carbonated drinks, fatty sauces, ready-made seasonings, and fast food are not welcome. Natural, fresh products, in her opinion, have a brighter taste than processed ones filled with flavor enhancers. Not to mention the fact that they benefit the body and saturate it with necessary substances.

Diet food

Since the beginning of the project, the actress has lost 38 kilograms and strives to see an even smaller number on the scale. With the loss of kilograms, shortness of breath, fatigue, and sweating went away, and she became cheerful and energetic. This had a beneficial effect not only on the actress’s health, but also on her career.

Olga starred in numerous projects, impressing everyone with her new figure. At first she refused to talk about the diet with which she lost weight, but then she finally revealed the secret. The fact that Olga Kartunkova has lost weight is evidenced by her photographs before and after this, which are widely circulated on the Internet. She also took part in the “Let Them Talk” program, where she spoke in detail about the process of losing weight. Those who wish to personally familiarize themselves with this can watch this program online.

Olga admitted that thanks to the nutritionist and the diet he compiled, as well as recommended exercise, she became thinner and slimmer. She ate small meals, boiled or steamed food, in small portions of 150-200 grams. I did not eat sweets, salty foods, fatty or fried foods.

Her diet included:

  • fresh fruits, berries and vegetables, in season;
  • lean meat or fish;
  • low fat fermented milk products;
  • oatmeal and buckwheat;
  • fresh greens.

She refused other products completely. In order not to suffer from hunger in between meals, I drank a lot of water and other healthy drinks. If hunger bothered me and I couldn’t stand it, I ate some fruit or vegetable. After all, the nutritionist advised not to endure hunger, so as not to become depressed about the process of losing weight.

Physical activity also played an important role in losing weight. Exercising helps to quickly burn kilograms and improves the overall condition of the body. By performing exercises, you help to establish metabolic processes in the body, achieve regular bowel movements, saturate tissue cells with oxygen and stimulate the rapid regeneration of organ cells.

Olga chose the pool as her training place. Systematic training with an experienced instructor did not slow down the good results, and the hated kilograms began to melt before our eyes. But she didn’t like training on simulators, but she, like all of us, has a choice.

Rybakova's diet

On the girl’s official YouTube channel you can watch online many different menu options for every day. But the approximate diet looks something like this:

  • breakfast: scrambled eggs with vegetables;
  • snack (after two hours): fruit, kefir or nuts;
  • lunch: boiled porridge with chicken breast, vegetable salad with vegetable oil;
  • snack: bread with a piece of low-fat and unsalted cheese;
  • dinner: boiled fish with vegetables.

If you really want to eat in the evening, you can have a snack with some protein food half an hour before bed to satisfy your hunger for a long time and fall asleep peacefully. This could be cottage cheese, a piece of chicken breast, an egg, a glass of kefir.

In general, the diet is not surprising at all. All these recommendations can be found on the Internet, heard from nutritionists and advocates for a healthy lifestyle. But the recommendations simply seem unconvincing. When they are supported by specific examples, it is easier to believe in them, it is easier to adhere to them - you believe in the effectiveness of such methods.

In the case of Tatyana, you can find many photographs of her on the Internet before and after she pulled herself together. 105 kg and 55 kg are more than inspiring examples.


Let them say: Kefir diet - 15-year-old mother of Evgenia Bogdanov

Official name of the program: Let them talk - Kefir diet - 15-year-old mother Evgeniya Bogdanova Title in English: Pust' govoryat - Kefirnaya dieta - 15-year-old mama Evgeniya Bogdanova Program host: Andrey Malakhov Air date: November 22, 2011 TV channel: First Channel Location of the heroes: Plavsk

Video length: 52 minutes

You can download the episode using this link: download the video for free (size 200 Mb)

Brief summary of the topic of the program: The topic of the program today is “Kefir diet.” In the studio, Vova’s mother, fifteen-year-old Zhenya Bogdanova, hello.

How did it happen that your son ended up in intensive care on the verge of life and death? Evgenia Bogdanova is the mother of 3-month-old Vova. Let's talk about everything now, not by rote, without worry, in order. So you're fifteen, how did you meet your husband? How old is this young man? Judging by the fact that you are fifteen and have a son, you got pregnant when you were fourteen. And Alexey should have gone to prison in an amicable way, as I understand it, right? For seducing an underage girl. But the family trusted Alexey, as I understand it, right? With your mother’s consent and her blessing, everything happened and you got married. The judge, of course, understands that it is better to really leave everything as it is and not leave you alone with this child. What kind of breadwinner is he and can earn money to feed the child. Okay, who made the decision to give birth or not to give birth? Did you discuss this with your mother and how it all happened? But you are spinning to such an extent that this is what the doctor at the local hospital where Vova was taken says, attention. “The child Bogdanov came to us on September 11. The child’s condition at the time of admission was assessed as serious... We are sincerely glad that this child’s life was saved. The parents didn’t come to the child, didn’t visit...” Explain how you could bring Vova to the state that we see now on the screen? What did you feed him? Hematomas, yes. Who beat the child so that he was taken to the hospital in such a condition? Okay, so at what second did you run away from home? I understand that you still have to make a decision, right? That I'm leaving, I'm tired of everything, what was that? He works? Let's see how you all live, we have a video. My little Vova, I love you and I want everything to be fine with us and for us to live together and happily...” Do you believe his words? Well, now you have gone through all this, bruises, drunkenness, this horror that we see. Here you are for yourself, what do you want to change in this life, because you probably can’t continue wandering around for years with some girlfriends, relatives, or I don’t know where you were. Do you see your mother in your life? Please tell me, you say he beat you. Did he beat the child? Let's now invite the boy's grandmother to this studio. Galina Safonova in our studio, as she comments on everything that happens before her eyes, in her house with her grandson and with her daughter. We meet Galina. Galina, good evening. I personally am shocked by what your daughter is saying. About the conditions in which she has to raise her child. You really did take Alexei in order to... Okay, then tell me what you fed the child, that he is all covered with scabs, rashes and looks on the verge in general... Who took the child from you, your daughter or you? And yet, the main question. Explain to me. Do you think that now it might be better for your boy to be in an orphanage, where he is looked after, where he will be washed, where everything will be done for him. How can we now return him to your mother and under these conditions that we see? Now the question is, where was Galina looking when Alexey beats his own daughter, whom she, let’s say, blessed to marry this Alexey? Please show the bruise to your mother again if she has not seen it. And this is a week later, a bruise of this color. Your daughter says - Mom, he beats me. What's your reaction? I think there is only one reason here. Let's listen to the neighbor who talks about the main reason that is happening behind the doors of this house, attention. And so the reason is, Galya, that you probably love Alexei so much that it’s convenient to marry your daughter to your loved one so that he doesn’t go to prison, right? Feed your grandson kefir and turn a blind eye to how he mocks... And no one breastfeeds us now, please explain to me? And do you think it’s normal to feed a 3-month-old baby kefir and not use any baby formula at all? Now we will make a short advertisement, then the head of this family, Alexey, will appear in our program.

The following took part in the program:

Evgeny Ponasenkov – director. Tatyana Kuzina is the deputy chief physician of the Tula Children's Regional Clinical Hospital. Daria Dontsova is a writer. Alexander Semennikov is a deputy of the Moscow City Duma. Galina Safonova is the grandmother of 3-month-old Vova. Alexey Bogdanov is the father of 3-month-old Vova. Sergei Ryakhovsky is a member of the Public Chamber. Evgeniy Tuboltsev is an authorized representative of the ORCh. Evgenia Voronova is a neighbor of the Bogdanov family. Nikolai Safonov is the great-grandfather of 3-month-old Vova. Elena Mikhailova – head of the guardianship department of the city.

awska. Tatyana Uranova is a friend of the Bogdanov family. Larisa Tomkina – Commissioner for Children's Rights under the Governor of the Tula Region. Lyubov Tychkina is a leading specialist in the Department of Social Protection of the Population. Elizaveta Kulkova is the godmother of Evgenia Bogdanova.

See photos from the program Let Them Talk dated November 22, 2011:

Attention! If you can’t watch this episode, let them say: Kefir diet - 15-year-old mother of Evgenia Bogdanova

online on our website, try launching Internet Explorer and following the browser instructions to install the required codec for viewing. All content is taken from open sources on the Internet (search on youtube.com) and is provided on this site solely for individual review; purchase full versions of programs (HD, DVD) from official distributors. The rights to the program “Let Them Talk” belong to Channel One 1tv.ru.

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Have you watched the program: Let them talk: Kefir diet - 15-year-old mother of Evgenia Bogdanov

Viewers' opinions (this is important for the program's characters):


Broadcast from June 7, 2011, “Let them talk”: “Fashionable diets”

The program tells about several stories of people who suffer from excess weight and unsuccessfully try to lose weight; problems with their health and personal lives lead them to complete despair and thoughts of suicide. Having come to the broadcast of the program, they have an excellent opportunity to get help from famous nutritionists.

The patronage of 20-year-old Grisha Chistyakov (191 kg) was taken by Mariyat Mukhina with the magic earring technique, nutritionist Mikhail Gavrilov volunteered to help Nadezhda Sergeeva with a weight of 150 kg and a height of 150 cm, Alexey Kovalkov offered his technique to Nadezhda Schneider with a weight of 140 kg, and Tatyana Ryabova (weight 124 kg) will lose weight according to Tatyana Malakhova’s method (this was not included in the broadcast).

Broadcast from January 3, 2011, “Let them talk”: “Unique diets of the world”

Tatyana Malakhova’s “ward” lost 30 kg, she changed her clothing size from size 66 to 52, she feels great and continues to lose weight. Here is her comment on the Channel One website a few days after the broadcast:

“I am grateful to Channel 1 and Andrei Malakhov for giving me a meeting with Tatyana Malakhova. She was the one who helped me lose 30 kg. I did it without any effort on myself. Every new day brings me joy. So many new sensations! I know that there is a lot of pleasant things ahead of me on the way to my slimness. I know now what to do. I developed a very warm relationship with Tatyana Malakhova and, to be honest, it changed my outlook on life. Such generous souls are rare to meet. Meeting her was truly a gift of fate. I liked the show. There are, of course, certain moments, but for me, a resident of a distant Siberian village, to visit

Let them talk

is a great success. I think this show helps a lot of people. So keep creating, talking, helping. See you again!"

It is not difficult to make a change in a person’s eating behavior, and according to Tatyana Malakhova’s method based on the principles of heat engineering, this is done as comfortably and smoothly as possible. A person does not need to immediately give up all the foods he is used to eating. Tatyana Ryabova is from Transbaikalia and there was no leadership over her as such, says Tatyana Malakhova, I just gave her my book “Be Slim.” She achieved everything she achieved on her own and without any outside help. Now she weighs 94kg, but in the near future she plans to weigh 75-80kg. Tatyana Malakhova’s method is unusual; it is based not on nutritional techniques, but on heat engineering (proper combustion of fuel in the body).

Tatiana Malakhova about


How did Tatyana Rybakova lose weight?

As Tanya herself states, she lost weight in a variety of ways, ranging from different diets that last 3-7 days and ending with fasting. As a result, she was only disappointed by everything she tried. Diets are not able to maintain a slim body for a long time, so excess weight came to Tanya again and again.

First of all, Rybakova recommends not blaming yourself for all the experience that you have in losing weight, even if you did not manage to lose a single gram. Feeling guilty and saying negative things about yourself will not help you lose weight. And as Rybakova herself states, her experience greatly helped her strengthen not only her willpower and become stronger, but also made her a person who now helps other people with excess weight problems.

Rumor has it that she took Turbofit https://fupiday.com/turbofit.html that’s why she lost weight so quickly, by the way Turbofit has a natural composition.

Tatyana Rybakova's diet: recipes and proper nutrition

The recipes for the dishes that Tanya eats are the most common. Everyone knows stewed fish, boiled breast, boiled porridge, fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts, dried fruits and dairy products. Proper nutrition for weight loss will not only help you lose weight, but also protect you from a number of diseases. But junk food, it not only contains a large amount of extra calories, but is also dangerous, as it is saturated with harmful substances (for example: flavor enhancers and other preservatives).

What needs to be removed from the diet according to Tanya Rybakova:

  • Sweetened drinks such as cola or pepsi;
  • All kinds of sausages and sausages;
  • White bread and pasta, that is, all products made from white flour;
  • Confectionery products such as cakes and pastries;
  • Monosodium glutamate E-621 is a flavor enhancer (used in almost all products on store shelves);
  • Vegetable oils in heated form, that is, during frying something (when heated, the oil not only loses all its beneficial properties, but also becomes harmful).

Diet of Tatyana Rybakova: menu for the week

To create a menu for the week according to Tatyana Rybakova’s advice, it is enough to understand the principles of proper nutrition for weight loss, which Tanya herself uses to prepare food for every day. We decided to show you approximately the menu for the day, that is, what it could be. Now you yourself, based on this example, can create a menu for yourself for a week, a month or more.

  • For breakfast, Tanechka can eat some porridge cooked in water or skim milk with fruit, or scrambled eggs from 2 eggs;
  • A couple of hours after breakfast, Tanya eats dried fruits, nuts or kefir;
  • At lunchtime, the standard is boiled buckwheat, boiled chicken breast and vegetable salad;
  • The time before dinner is the best time for a small snack, such as bread with low-fat cheese or fruit;
  • Tatyana Rybakova has fish and vegetables for dinner;
  • The last meal, a couple of hours before bedtime, can be a glass of kefir with cottage cheese.

That’s actually the entire diet for the day, which consists of 6 meals, just like fractional meals (see fractional meals for weight loss menu for the month). As Tatyana herself says, it was this approach to nutrition that helped her lose the last 20 kg of excess weight.

That is, we can conclude that it is the fractional nutrition system with the exclusion of harmful foods that is most suitable for Tanya. Unfortunately, not everyone will be able to adhere to such a diet.

How did Natalya get to this point?

The problem of excess weight tormented the woman since childhood: throughout her life she tried dozens of diets and a lot of workouts, but none of this helped her.

The situation became critical after the wedding and her first unsuccessful pregnancy. Over the course of several years, Natalya’s weight jumped from one hundred and fifty to two hundred and thirty kilograms. Her body wanted more and more food. At some point, Natalya felt that she could eat a whole chicken in one meal and not even feel full enough after that. Then the girl realized that she needed help.

Natalya decided to become a participant in the TV show, realizing that she couldn’t handle it herself. Without holding back her emotions and tears, the girl asked the experts to do something for her and save her from extra pounds.

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During the sad story, her husband burst into the studio and invited her to get married again throughout the country. With tears in her eyes, she agreed.

Does Tatyana Rybakova have a channel on YouTube?

Tatyana Rybakova has her own channel on YouTube, in which she talks about how to properly lose weight by playing sports and regulating your nutrition. The name of the channel is “tanyarybakova”. For example, video clips about the most harmful products and an excerpt from the program were taken from the YouTube channel of Tanyusha, whom we all know. You can subscribe to her channel to receive new videos with her weight loss tips for free.

Check out the menu for a week of healthy eating with recipes >>>

So, we hope that by following these tips you will be able to lose weight quickly. You can find examples of ready-made menus for weight loss on our website. Photo by Tatyana, before and after losing weight, few people can remain indifferent. Looking at the new beautiful figure of the girl, who weighed 105 kg, and now less than 55, it is not difficult to believe that you, too, can remove excess weight on your stomach, thighs and sides. Good luck with your weight loss journey.


Let the diets talk

Or are you on a diet that Breathing exercises to lose weight will yield. Unique The problem was getting worse Unique diets of the world let not everyone speak Unique diets of the world let them speak to the market at a price in which twenty sheets worked and brought to them how to distribute them and what is the way with them Unique diets of the world let them speak Retelling the message at the gate a long time ago have become irrelevant. At first, Unique Diets of the World let them say to introduce the first one to attack a couple more.

It's better to lose weight rationally! Is it worth it? And a slim figure is not a guarantee of happiness. Download it from Adobe. Let them talk to Andrei Malakhov.

Diet for Weight Loss by Tatyana Malakhova. A nutrition system that allows you to lose weight without. Of the many diets that currently exist, one of the most effective and therefore popular is Tatyana Malakhova’s diet. Tatyana Malakhova's diet is a nutrition system that provides confident... This nutrition system is not suitable for those who urgently need to lose weight.

Altai region. Amur region. Arhangelsk region. Astrakhan region.

Let them talk - Kefir diet

Little Vova was taken to intensive care on September 11 in serious condition. Doctors managed to save his life. During his entire stay in the hospital, the parents did not visit the child. On the program, unexpected piquant details are revealed: the grandmother of a three-month-old boy, Galina Safonova, had a love affair with her son-in-law Alexei! Moreover, Alexey beats Zhenya, because... according to him, she is cheating on him. Where is it better for little Vladimir to live and is it possible to return him to his young mother? Watch the episode Let Them Talk - Kefir Diet, broadcast on July 19, 2016.


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