Options for using orange oil in the fight against cellulite


“Orange peel” or cellulite is the name of a cosmetic defect that manifests itself in the form of the formation of fat capsules that spoil the texture of the skin. This disease looks very unaesthetic and causes physical discomfort to its owner. To cope with this unpleasant phenomenon, women will try a variety of methods on themselves.

At home, scrubs, wraps, creams and massages are actively used. To prepare products for such procedures, it is necessary to select components that will actively affect cellulite, fighting its manifestations. One of the ingredients that is highly effective and has all the necessary properties is orange essential oil. It is included in most anti-cellulite products.

Product properties

Natural orange oil

Orange essential oil has a very rich composition. It contains a huge amount of useful microelements, including vitamins and fatty acids. One of the most beneficial components for the skin contained in it is vitamin C. Thanks to it, orange not only helps against cellulite, but also prolongs the youth of the skin.

Orange oil has found its use in anti-cellulite products due to the fact that it has a number of properties that increase the effectiveness of any composition . They make this component perhaps the most effective ingredient in such mixtures.

Properties of orange oil:

  1. Helps remove waste, toxins and excess fluid from the body.
  2. Accelerates metabolism and lipid metabolism. Thanks to this, active fat burning and relief leveling occurs.
  3. Increases the skin's ability to regenerate.
  4. Has a moisturizing effect. Nourishes the skin with beneficial elements, slowing down its aging.
  5. Has a mild exfoliating effect. That is, this oil allows you to peel without damaging the skin.
  6. Relieves inflammation and irritation. It is even possible to reduce the appearance of minor rashes.
  7. The skin from this product becomes more elastic. It has the property of tightening pores.
  8. Improves skin color, as well as age spots and redness.
  9. It is believed that such a remedy can make stretch marks and scars less noticeable.
  10. Increases the intensity of blood circulation and lymphatic drainage.
  11. Normalizes the functioning of the subcutaneous glands, increases the rate of fat breakdown.

What happens when a body is immersed in water?

  • due to the release from the force of gravity, the musculoskeletal system is maximally relieved, tension is reduced, and the body relaxes;
  • blood circulation is normalized, congestion in the limbs is reduced, the work of the kidneys and respiratory muscles is activated;
  • pores open and cleanse, the skin begins to breathe;
  • the level of stress hormones (adrenaline, norepinephrine, cortisol) in the blood decreases, mood improves;

Water is a conductor of chemical elements contained in sea salt and essential oils. The next ingredient is Crimean sea salt from the estuaries of Lake Saki.

Contraindications to the use of citrus oils

Citrus oils are indeed very effective against cellulite. They have a huge number of properties that are indispensable in combating this problem.

However, you need to understand that this ingredient is quite active. Therefore, for some people its use is undesirable.

When not to use citrus essential oil:

  • Dermatological diseases at the site of application;
  • Allergic reaction to this component;
  • Damage to the skin and rashes at the application sites;
  • Serious gynecological diseases;
  • Hypertension and varicose veins;
  • Kidney and heart failure.

You need to understand that each type of session for cellulite manifestations has its own contraindications. Therefore, in any case, before using the oil, you should consult a specialist.

Operating principle

Once on the skin, the aroma oil quickly penetrates the dermis, partially into the bloodstream and all internal organs. Therefore, the use of essential oil turns a tonic massage into a therapeutic one.

Don’t forget about your senses - the aroma of pine, lavender or rose makes you close your eyes, forget about your problems and immerse yourself in pleasant sensations. But the true value of essential oils lies elsewhere - the molecular structure is such that they easily penetrate the protective layer of the skin, picking up other useful components of the massage product. That is why we do not recommend using synthetic drugs with essential oils that are undesirable for entering the body.

Rules for using products with citrus oils

For orange oil to really help get rid of cellulite, you must follow all the rules for its use. This will also help reduce the likelihood of side effects.

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Rules for using orange oil:

  1. It is very important to make sure that you are not allergic to this product. To do this, apply a drop of orange oil to the crook of your elbow. If after two hours no allergic reaction occurs, then the product can be used.
  2. You can use a product with citrus essential oils only if there is no damage to the problem areas. Even after depilation, you will have to wait a while with such procedures.
  3. Before any session of fighting orange peel, it is necessary to steam the skin. In this case, the nutrients will penetrate deeper into problem areas.
  4. You should not use mixtures with such ingredients immediately after tanning. In this case, sensitive skin may react poorly to such a composition.
  5. After using products with citrus oils, you should not go out into the sun for three hours in open clothing.
  6. When using such components in the summer, it is better to use creams with sun protection.
  7. All procedures against cosmetic defects associated with inflammation of subcutaneous fat are done on an empty stomach. At least an hour and a half should pass between the session of fighting it and eating.

How to choose a quality product

For anti-cellulite products to be truly effective, it is necessary to use only natural and high-quality ingredients. After all, unscrupulous manufacturers may, instead of preparing a product from natural ingredients, use dyes and flavors added to a cheap base. At best, such products will be useless, and at worst, they can cause a serious allergic reaction.

You can choose good orange oil only if you know the basic rules. The fact is that it will be very difficult for an ordinary person to identify a high-quality product by appearance, since chemical components make it possible to accurately counterfeit natural oils.

How to choose quality oil:

  1. Choose products from well-known manufacturers. You can read reviews about the company on the Internet.
  2. It is also important to pay attention to the container in which the oil is sold. A quality product should be bottled in dark glass.
  3. You also need to pay attention to the price. A quality product cannot be very cheap.

Face massage

Such aesthetic imperfections as decreased skin tone and wrinkles are reduced or completely eliminated by facial massage.

Before starting the procedure, you must remove makeup and cleanse the skin. To open the pores, you can warm the skin with a cloth soaked in warm water. Take 4-5 drops of oil onto your fingertips and apply evenly to your face and neck with tapping movements.

Essential oil is chosen depending on skin type:

  • dry - cedar, geranium, neroli, ylang-ylang, sandalwood;
  • oily - mint, cypress, juniper, lavender, citrus, patchouli;
  • fading - myrrh, geranium, patchouli;
  • sensitive - chamomile, virola, sandalwood, neroli, lavender, rose.

How to make your own orange oil

Orange oil is not very expensive. However, now there are quite a lot of fakes on the market. Therefore, many people prefer to make such products with their own hands. In this case, you can be one hundred percent sure of their naturalness.

Steps for making orange oil

How to make your own orange oil:

  1. It is necessary to remove the peel from two oranges and pour boiling water over it.
  2. Then the skin is broken into small pieces by hand. It is placed in a wooden mortar and crushed with a pestle until the juice appears. It is better that the skin does not interact with the metal, otherwise some of the beneficial substances will be destroyed.
  3. The crusts along with the juice are transferred to a glass container. They are filled with odorless vegetable oil on top so that the raw material is hidden under it by the width of one finger.
  4. The mixture is placed in a dark place for a week. However, it needs to be shaken daily.
  5. Then the oil along with the crusts is sent to a water bath. Here it should be heated in a glass container for half an hour.
  6. After this, the composition must be filtered through several layers of gauze. It is very important to squeeze out the peels as much as possible.
  7. The resulting orange oil must be poured into a dark glass container. It is advisable to store this product in the refrigerator.

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Recipes using orange oil

From this product you can make quite a lot of anti-cellulite options at home. It is worth noting that citrus oils have found their use in most of these formulations.

To combat this cosmetic defect, a large number of procedures are used. And for most of them, products prepared with the addition of aromatic anti-cellulite orange oil will be useful.

What anti-cellulite remedies can be made with orange derivatives:

  • Oils for massage procedures;
  • Anti-cellulite creams;
  • Scrubs;
  • Mixtures for wrapping procedures.

All of these compounds are considered effective in the fight against cellulite. They can be used either individually or in combination.

Anti-cellulite baths

Orange oil bath

Therapeutic baths are the most pleasant anti-cellulite procedure. During its course, beneficial microelements penetrate under the skin, which accelerate fat burning, improve blood circulation and metabolism, and also improve skin condition.

It is better to do such procedures in the evening before going to bed. It is advisable to repeat sessions two to three times a week. However, you can use them every day.

Bath Recipes:

  1. Add a glass of sea salt to a bath of warm water. You can also add ten drops of orange oil and the same amount of rosemary oil to the water.
  2. Place half a glass of rye flour and the same amount of bran in a bag. Add two tablespoons of milk powder and 15 drops of orange oil to the same bag. Tie the bag to the tap and turn on the water to fill the bath.
  3. A bath with honey and orange is also very useful. To prepare it, you need to add half a glass of honey and 20 drops of orange to the bath.

Cellulite wraps

Orange oil has also found its use in anti-cellulite wraps. Such procedures are considered very effective and are often used at home.

Wrapping procedures should be done no more than every other day. In this case, such an intensive course is carried out for a month, then the frequency of procedures is reduced to twice a week.

Orange oil wrap

To make a wrap, you must first scrub the skin. Next, a medicinal composition is applied to it, which is tightly wrapped with film. During the procedure you need to lie under a warm blanket.

Recipes for wraps with anti-cellulite oil:

  1. Mix half a glass of coffee grounds with 2 tablespoons of olive oil, a teaspoon of cinnamon and 12 drops of orange oil. Make a wrap and leave it for half an hour.
  2. You need to take half a cup of blue clay and dilute it with water until it becomes thick sour cream. Add a couple of teaspoons of cognac and 11 drops of citrus oil to the mixture, as well as a spoonful of honey. Distribute the mixture over problem areas, make a wrap and leave it on for an hour.
  3. You can prepare a mixture of a glass of natural yogurt, 10 drops of orange and grapefruit oil, and a glass of rye flour. This wrap can be left on problem areas for an hour.

Scrubs with orange oil

Scrubbing is a universal technique against cellulite. After all, scrubs are used before almost every procedure to combat orange peel.

Peeling with anti-cellulite scrubs should be done no more than three times a week. This will be enough to renew the skin and eliminate cellulite.

Orange oil scrubs:

  1. One of the most popular options is a hot sea salt scrub. To prepare it, you need to take a handful of salt and add 15 drops of orange oil to it. You also need to add a little liquid honey to the resulting mixture to obtain a thick but easy-to-apply texture and 2 teaspoons of red pepper.
  2. You can also make a rice-based scrub. To do this, you need to grind the cereal in a coffee grinder. Olive oil and 10-15 drops of orange oil are added to it. To make this scrub cooling, you can also add 10 drops of peppermint oil.
  3. Sugar scrubs are very popular. You can prepare such a remedy by combining half a glass of sugar with 3 tablespoons of cocoa powder, 10 drops of orange oil, 10 drops of sage oil and a quarter glass of sea buckthorn oil.

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Massage products

Massage is another effective procedure used to combat cellulite. Before using this method, you need to scrub. This way you can achieve the best effect.

Massage can be carried out with a stiff brush, rolling pin, spoons or hands. In any case, it is necessary to move along problem areas from the bottom up and from the center to the periphery.

Orange oil for massage

Products for anti-cellulite massages:

  1. You can prepare an anti-cellulite mixture of oils. To do this, add 5 drops of juniper, lemon, orange and sage oils to half a glass of olive oil. With this product you can do any type of massage.
  2. Honey massages are very popular. To enrich the recipe, you can add 10 drops of orange and 2 teaspoons of almond oil to the honey. Honey massages are best done with your hands or using a rolling pin.
  3. Clay massages are also popular. To prepare this product, you need to mix the clay with 15 drops of orange oil and 2 teaspoons of aloe juice. You can dilute the clay mixture with cream or water to the consistency of low-fat kefir. This massage is done with your hands.

Cellulite creams

Anti-cellulite creams are also used to combat this cosmetic defect. They help increase skin elasticity, accelerate blood circulation and metabolism, provoke the breakdown of fats, and also soften the skin.

Anti-cellulite cream should be applied daily. They are especially effective after playing sports and taking anti-cellulite baths. You can prepare this remedy at home.

Recipes for cellulite creams:

  1. You need to take a quarter glass of any baby cream or body cream. You can add 20 drops of orange oil and one ampoule of caffeine to it.
  2. You can also prepare an anti-cellulite cream mask. To do this, you need to mix honey and sour cream in equal proportions. Heat the mixture in a water bath, then add fifteen drops of orange oil to it. Rub the cream in until most of it is absorbed. After this, you can wash off the remaining product.
  3. In equal proportions you need to take horse chestnut extract and olive oil. Add 15 drops of orange oil to the resulting mixture. Rub the product into problem areas before going to bed.

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