The use of Lyapko applicators for cellulite and in cosmetology

Anti-cellulite program Lyapko

Beautiful healthy skin is the calling card of our body. Lyapko's application therapy will help to make the skin exactly like this, which helps to activate metabolic processes in tissues and cells, improves lymph and blood flow, eliminates swelling of various origins, increases the firmness and elasticity of tissues, helps reduce body weight and correct the figure. Also, Lyapko applicators and massagers are an excellent tool for preventing the appearance and combating cellulite.

To get the best results against cellulite, you need to purchase 3 types of Lyapko products. These include:

  • Magic ribbon Health.
  • Universal roller.
  • Massager Lyapko Pharaoh.

Anti-cellulite program using Lyapko applicators

Beautiful healthy skin is the calling card of our body

Lyapko's application therapy will help to make the skin exactly like this, which helps to activate metabolic processes in tissues and cells, improves lymph and blood flow, eliminates swelling of various origins, increases the firmness and elasticity of tissues, helps reduce body weight and correct the figure. Also, Lyapko application devices (hereinafter referred to as Lyapko applicators) and Lyapko massagers are an excellent tool for preventing the appearance and combating cellulite.

Cellulite is structural changes in the subcutaneous fat layer, leading to impaired microcirculation and lymphatic drainage. It can be characterized as stagnation in adipose tissue, leading to its degeneration.

Cellulite is not only a cosmetic problem, but a sign of ill health - it is a “dead zone” where tissues do not receive the necessary substances and metabolic products are not excreted. Thus, real intoxication of adipose tissue occurs, and persistent scar changes gradually form.

Cellulite needs and can be treated - this will help avoid more serious health problems in the future.

The following periods of risk for the occurrence of cellulite can be distinguished:

  • puberty;
  • taking oral contraceptives;
  • pregnancy;
  • menopause period.

Causes of cellulite

Among many factors

, which are direct or indirect causes of circulatory disorders and fat metabolism, with a reasonable degree of probability the following are formulated:

1. Hormonal imbalance, primarily ovarian dysfunction, thyroid disease and other hormonal pathologies. 2. Exposure to external factors - violation of proper diet, smoking, physical inactivity. 3. Acute and chronic stressful situations. 4. Hereditary and constitutional factors.

With cellulite, a number of changes in adipose tissue occur:

  • the volume of fat cells (adipocytes) increases,
  • swelling appears,
  • connective tissue fibers, collagen and elastin lose their elasticity and separate fat cells, the effect of “walling up” the cells occurs, toxins accumulate in them,
  • nerve endings are pinched - skin sensitivity and vascular tone change,
  • lymph and blood circulation becomes difficult.

Thus, clusters of cells are formed - those very unaesthetic bumps that have the appearance of an “orange peel”.

Types of cellulite

Types of cellulite are determined by the density of the skin and subcutaneous fat. There are:

  • dense,
  • soft,
  • hydropic,
  • fibrous
  • mixed cellulite.

Stages of cellulite

Stage 1 – pre-cellulite.

It begins with a slowdown in blood flow in the capillaries, an increase in the permeability of their walls, disruption of venous outflow and fluid circulation in the lymphatic system.

There are no visible signs at this stage. The only hint of early cellulite can be considered a longer than usual healing of scratches and bruises, the appearance of bruises from the slightest blows, and slight swelling of the tissues.

Stage 2 – initial.

Beginning swelling. Lymphatic vessels are compressed, toxins accumulate, and little oxygen is supplied. Changes are visible only when the skin is folded or with muscle tension in the form of an “orange peel” effect. There is some pallor, a decrease in temperature and elasticity of the skin in the affected areas.

Stage 3 – small nodular

Fat cells form clusters and are surrounded by scar tissue. The elastic septa of fatty tissue become rough cords, similar to scars. Swelling and microcirculation disorders progress. Obvious “orange peel” effect without special tests, standing and lying down. Numerous small and medium-sized nodules can be palpated. Noticeable tissue swelling. Paleness and decreased skin temperature, capillary stars, pain with deep pressure. Cellulite of this degree can be considered a disease; it is often accompanied by impaired blood supply, swelling, and dilated veins.

Stage 4 - large nodular

Stagnation of lymph, edema, impaired venous outflow. Lack of oxygen contributes to even greater formation of scars and swelling. Stage 4 is characterized by more pronounced changes: the nodes are obvious, large, painful, adherent to the skin. Large nodules can be easily felt with your hands. There are depressions and areas of hardening. Severe tissue swelling, pain on palpation of the affected area, there is a local change in tissue temperature.

Mechanisms of cellulite development

The anti-cellulite program is a comprehensive impact on the problem of cellulite, taking into account four mechanisms of its development:

  • Slowing down the outflow of lymph;
  • Microcirculation disorders;
  • Accumulation of fat deposits and the formation of fat lobules;
  • Decreased skin tone.

Stages of the anti-cellulite program

Based on the indicated mechanisms of cellulite development, the anti-cellulite program includes the following areas:

  • Lymphatic drainage
    is the removal of excess fluid - lymph - from the intercellular space. Improving blood circulation in the area affected by cellulite to block the trigger for the appearance of “orange peel”;
  • Lipolysis
    – breakdown of fat deposits;
  • Lifting
    – increasing skin elasticity.

All of the above can be successfully performed using Lyapko applicators.

Anti-cellulite program

The anti-cellulite program using Lyapko applicators implies an individual approach to the client. The emphasis should be on the mechanism of cellulite development in a particular patient. The success of anti-cellulite programs largely depends on the correct formation of lifestyle and nutritional style.

Contraindications for use

Relative contraindications are:

  • acute infectious diseases;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases with elevated body temperature;
  • state of decompensation in diseases of the cardiovascular system, lungs, liver, kidneys;
  • acute thrombophlebitis;
  • diseases of the blood and hematopoietic organs in the stage of decompensation;
  • acute surgical conditions;
  • severe exhaustion;
  • violation of the integrity of the skin.

The weight and figure correction method offered by MPK Lyapko makes you believe in yourself, the strength and capabilities of your body. Application therapy is not just aimed at getting rid of fat, cellulite and weight loss, it is a real treatment of the whole body, removing waste and toxins, improving metabolism, strengthening the immune system, improving mood and increasing performance.

Thanks to the effect of Lyapko applicators, the speed of lymph flow and blood flow during the session increases several times.

The course of application therapy is 10 - 15 procedures, the duration ranges from 30 minutes to 2 hours, depending on the type of massage performed.

Any type of massage should begin by treating the entire body with a Large Roller for 5-7 minutes - lymphatic drainage effect.

First you should break in your feet. Then the lower limbs (from bottom to top), back. Locally and for a longer period of time, it is necessary to influence problem areas of the body (hips, buttock area, abdomen).

For cellulite and obesity, be sure to use Lyapko applicators on the back area - the thoracic and lumbosacral spine. Additionally, the areas of the legs, thighs, forearm and shoulder, and abdominal area should be involved.

The best effect is achieved when the applicators are applied to large areas of the body.

To carry out the procedure, you can use the Large Rug, Chamomile, Quadro applicators, and Lyapko Applique Suit.

Exposure time is 20-60 minutes.

The procedure should be carried out on an empty stomach, or 1.5-2 hours after eating. The criterion for completing the effect is a feeling of pleasant warmth in the stomach area.

At the final stage, massage the back and problem areas of the body with the Pharaoh Massager.

Massage can be done directly on the skin (using massage products), or through a thin cotton cloth.

Massage time is 5-10 minutes.

A wide range of MPK Lyapko products will help you make the right purchasing choice. And the correct use of applicators will make your skin beautiful and healthy.

The large roller has a maximum pitch (5.0 mm) and the largest working surface. With its help, you can quickly and effectively treat large areas of the body.

The Pharaoh massager allows the massage therapist to add to his arsenal not only an original and pleasant massage for the patient, but also to significantly increase its effectiveness.

The Pharaoh massager is convenient to use for self-massage.

At home, it is convenient to use the applicators Chamomile, Baby Belt, Insoles Plus, and Magic Ribbons Health. They can be fixed on problem areas of the body.

Take care of your skin and take care of it from youth, and MPK Lyapko products will help you with this.

Be always healthy and beautiful!

Application of Lyapko for cellulite

Includes the following areas:

Lymphatic drainage is the removal of excess fluid - lymph - from the intercellular space.

Improving blood circulation in the area affected by cellulite to block the trigger for the appearance of “orange peel”.

Lipolysis is the breakdown of fat deposits.

Lifting – increasing skin elasticity.

All of the above can be successfully performed using Lyapko applicators. Thanks to the effect of Lyapko applicators, the speed of lymph and blood flow during the session increases several times. The course of application therapy is 10 - 15 procedures. Any type of massage should begin by treating the entire body with the Universal Roller for 5-7 minutes - lymphatic drainage effect.

First you should break in your feet. Then the lower limbs (from bottom to top), back. Locally and for a longer period of time, it is necessary to influence problem areas of the body (hips, buttock area, abdomen).

For cellulite and obesity, be sure to use Lyapko applicators on the back area - the thoracic and lumbosacral spine. Additionally, the areas of the legs, thighs, forearm and shoulder, and abdominal area should be involved. The procedure should be carried out on an empty stomach (in the absence of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract), or 1.5-2 hours after eating. The criterion for completing the effect is a feeling of pleasant warmth in the stomach area.

At the final stage, massage the back and problem areas of the body with the Pharaoh Massager. Massage can be done directly on the skin (using massage products), or through a thin cotton cloth. Massage time is 5-10 minutes.

It is convenient to use Health Magic Tapes at home. They can be fixed on problem areas of the body to consolidate the results of previous manipulations.

The weight and figure correction method offered by MPK Lyapko makes you believe in yourself, the strength and capabilities of your body. Application therapy is not just aimed at getting rid of fat, cellulite and weight loss, it is a real improvement of the whole body, removing waste and toxins, improving metabolism, strengthening the immune system, improving mood and increasing performance.

Periods with an increased risk of cellulite:

  • Puberty;
  • Use of contraceptives;
  • Pregnancy (especially the last trimester);
  • Menopause.

The main reasons for the appearance of skin changes:

Hereditary genetic predisposition;

Frequent stressful conditions;

Poor lifestyle – smoking, alcohol, poor diet;

Hormonal pathologies: malfunction of the thyroid gland or ovaries.

What changes happen to the body with cellulite:

  • Blood circulation and lymph exchange slow down (toxins accumulate in cells);
  • Swelling of the lower extremities occurs;
  • Skin sensitivity decreases, nerve endings are pinched;
  • The level of fat cells increases;
  • Collagen and elastin lose elasticity and rupture fat cells.

What types of cellulite are there:





Mixed cellulite.

Anti-cellulite program:

Stage 1. Lymphatic drainage is the “draining” of the intercellular space and the removal of excess fluid from the body. This procedure improves blood circulation and prevents the appearance of “orange peel”

Stage 2. Lipolysis – Using mechanical massage and a balanced diet, we reduce fat deposits.

Stage 3. Lifting – increasing the elasticity and firmness of the skin.

All procedures for completing each stage can be carried out using Lyapko massagers. When conducting this program, it is worth paying special attention to the cause of the problem in a particular patient. Normalizing your lifestyle will play a big role in the treatment of cellulite.

The method of treating cellulite with Lyapko applicators is aimed at completely healing the body, removing toxins, correcting weight and figure, and not just addressing skin problems in the buttocks area.

Preventive massage mat LYAPKO KM60 Small

In addition to its smaller size, 237 x 137 mm, the small Lyapko mat also has a smaller needle pitch, 6.0 mm, which allows it to be used by people of any age, as well as on parts of the body with a smaller area, that is, locally. This version of the Lyapko rug is more compact and convenient for transportation, as it is small in size and takes up less space in a travel bag. But the effect of the therapeutic effect does not reduce the size and pitch of the needle at all, but, on the contrary, expands the scope of application.

Application of a small Lyapko rug

Areas of application that make the Lyapko small rug an indispensable assistant:

  • chronic and severe pain, including headaches and neuralgia;
  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system, pain in the cervical, lumbar regions, muscle pain after physical activity in various parts of the body;
  • therapy and prevention of problems with the digestive system: colitis, constipation, dyskinesia, intestinal spasms, etc.

The use of a small Lyapko rug improves metabolism, normalizes blood pressure, stimulates the immune system and overall well-being thanks to alloys of metals vital for the body. Due to the galvanic-electric effect that occurs between the metal needles of the Lyapko rug, the immune, cardiovascular, digestive and nervous systems of the body are activated. Microelectropheresis of metal ions, which make up the needles of the Lyapko mat, pass from them under the skin and enter the circulatory system, enhancing the therapeutic and preventive effects of the small Lyapko mat applicator.

The number and duration of sessions using the Lyapko mat depends on the disease, tolerance and desired effect. If, when you first use the Lyapko applicator, you feel discomfort or severe pain, then it is better to interrupt the session and resume after 5-10 hours or the next day. Also, during the session, you should not slide on the Lyapko mat, move or move, so as not to scratch the skin.

  • Getting rid of sudden pain, toning, increased blood pressure with hypotension requires 7-10 minute sessions;
  • Chronic pain, high blood pressure, severe fatigue and sleep disturbances disappear after 15-30 minutes.

The small Lyapko rug can be used as an applicator on the back, lying on various surfaces, under the feet in a sitting or lying position, but not standing; too much pressure from the needles can cause wounds. When lying down, rolls of towels or small pillows should be placed under the cervical and lumbar spine to ensure an even fit of the applicator.

The small Lyapko mat applicator is successfully used in medicine in many countries around the world; it will prove to be an indispensable assistant and friend of people of all ages.

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