Olga Kartunkova’s visual diet: how to go from 150 to 70?

Many KVN fans remember the girl Olga Kartunkova, captain of the City of Pyatigorsk team. She not only captivated with her optimism, but also attracted the attention of viewers with rather non-standard parameters: with a relatively short stature, her weight was 151 kilograms. But the girl found strength in herself and decided to lose weight. Nutritionists helped her with this, creating an individual program for Olga to combat excess weight.

How Olga Kartunkova lost weight

Health problems pushed the artist to take the first steps towards a slim figure. Five years ago, Olga Kartunkova, before her next performance at KVN, fell and suffered a broken leg. When the girl was admitted to the hospital, the doctor noted that excess weight only interferes with the body’s recovery from injury. Then Olga decided that the moment had come when it was time to take charge of herself and go on a diet.

Her struggle with excess weight began with participation in the “Lose Weight Together” project, organized by StarHit magazine. There she managed to lose 18 kilograms, but Olga Kartunkova had to leave the project due to a previous leg injury. The artist did not despair and continued the fight against excess weight on her own. After trying many strict diets that turned out to be useless, Kartunkova turned to specialists who developed a nutrition system for her.

The diet allowed the artist to lose another 61 kilograms of excess weight within a year. But this is not the limit; Olga Kartunkova admits that she plans to continue losing weight.

In addition to an individually developed nutrition system, nutritionists also compiled a list of rules for the artist that had to be strictly followed. It was the conditions proposed by the specialists that helped the girl lose weight while on this diet. Here's what Olga Kartunkova had to do:

  • always count the calorie content of dishes and foods that you eat;
  • maintain a balance between proteins, fats and carbohydrates;
  • strictly adhere to the developed nutrition schedule;
  • provide the body with sufficient fluid;
  • have several meals in small portions;
  • increase the number of calories burned during the day.

In addition to the established nutritional rules, Olga Kartunkova needed to reconsider her attitude towards an active lifestyle. But the leg injury made itself felt, so the doctors forbade the girl to play sports for a long time. But after the rehabilitation period ended, Olga began doing exercises that accelerated the loss of excess weight. The artist notes that without physical activity, diets will be useless.

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Rule #1 - no junk food

In words, we all tearfully promise ourselves that from Monday we will start a new life, give up junk food and drinks, and even work out in the gym 2 times a week. Or even 3! In practice, until Monday everything is rethought, and plans change radically. But Olga did not turn on the rear on “her” Monday.

The famous comedian turned to a professional nutritionist. Task No. 1 was to overcome the habit of eating junk food. To restore normal stomach function, the star gave up fatty foods, smoked foods, canned food, pickles and baked goods. According to Olga, she managed to lose weight by giving up all those dishes that are so loved in her homeland, the Caucasus.

The essence of the artist's diet

As already mentioned, the weight loss method developed by specialists for Olga Kartunkova requires compliance with a number of rules. These recommendations are the essence of the diet.

One of the main principles of the artist’s diet is maintaining a balance between fats, proteins and carbohydrates. Kartunkova needed to completely revise her menu and give up many of her favorite foods. This had to be done because most of them were saturated with fats and carbohydrates, the consumption of which had to be significantly reduced in the diet.

Expert opinion

Yulia Mikhailova

Nutrition expert

Those who want to lose weight should bring the substances entering the body to strict proportions. Ideally, it looks like this: 30 grams are given to fats, 70 to proteins, and most of all carbohydrates – 120 g. It is this balance that will help you quickly lose weight. As for carbohydrates, you should give preference to slow ones, as they are more nutritious and take longer to be absorbed by the body.

The number of calories consumed for Olga was reduced to 1500 per day. This is significantly less than it was when the girl, without limiting herself in anything, happily ate pizza, burgers and other junk food.

As for the frequency of meals, nutritionists advised Kartunkova to eat more often, but reduce the size of portions. Thus, they note that ideally after a meal there should be a slight feeling of hunger. This way you can avoid overeating, which results in heaviness in the stomach. When it comes to meal frequency, the best option for this diet is to have a snack every three hours.

Another fundamental principle of Olga Kartunkova’s nutritional system is providing the body with water. Fluid plays an important role in the weight loss process. With its help, various harmful substances and toxins easily leave the body. Water also directly affects fats, which disappear faster under its influence. Therefore, experts advised Olga Kartunkova to drink at least three liters of liquid a day.

Another important point in the artist’s diet was the preparation of a diet. A list of approved products has been created. Among the healthy foods were:

  • fresh fruits and vegetables (except bananas, grapes, potatoes);
  • mushrooms;
  • lean meat;
  • lean fish;
  • various cereals (buckwheat, oatmeal, millet);
  • kefir, milk, low-fat cottage cheese;
  • lentils, peas, beans and other legumes;
  • whole wheat bread;
  • greenery.

Sport exercises

Physical activity if you are overweight is included in the schedule carefully, always under the supervision of an instructor. Kartunkova started in the pool, where she swam only 2 times a week. Aerobic exercise in water gently stimulated fat burning and strengthened muscles. With it, Olga not only lost weight, but prepared herself for further training:

  • Exercising on a treadmill. The first big record was covering a distance of 500 m, and at a low pace. Over time, Olga’s instructor increased both the speed and the required mileage.
  • Morning jogging after eliminating the “obesity” label.
  • Working with exercise equipment selected individually for Olga.

Olga Kartunkova has lost weight, but continues to abstain from high-calorie foods. Diet has become a way of life for her. The actress also used moderate physical activity. Exhausting training did not suit her. Classes began with visiting the pool 2 times a week.

Swimming helped strengthen muscles, speed up weight loss and relieve tension. Then she got on the treadmill. The initial record was 500 meters. Gradually the mileage and speed increased. The complex of classes included other exercise equipment and morning jogging.

Olga Kartunkova, who has lost weight, notes that having become the owner of a slender waist, she also got rid of health problems. The pain in the joints and back, shortness of breath and other “companions” of being overweight are gone. My posture and gait have changed for the better.

The star of comedy programs recommends that fans do not strive for the standard parameters of models, but to lose weight for the sake of health. Now she is working on a book in which she talks in detail about the nuances of diet and other methods of dealing with extra pounds.

Menu for every day

Olga Kartunkova combined foods allowed for the diet in a variety of ways. She had five or six meals a day, with breakfast following twenty minutes after waking up. At the same time, the artist tried to diversify her diet menu so that the body received all the necessary elements in abundance. Olga Kartunkova’s meal plan for the week looks like this:

Breakfast Lunch Dinner Afternoon snack Dinner
Mon. fruit salad, green tea; a glass of low-fat kefir; a piece of boiled chicken breast; millet porridge, a glass of freshly squeezed juice; cottage cheese casserole without sugar
Tue oatmeal with a cup of not very strong coffee small portion of dates and nuts, tea light vegetable soup and dried fruit compote a glass of homemade natural yogurt, fresh fruit buckwheat
Wed. a couple of boiled eggs and a cup of green tea without sugar orange juice and a serving of baked beans a small piece of boiled beef with vegetable salad some nuts and one fresh fruit a glass of kefir or yogurt
Thurs. oatmeal with dried fruits, glass of juice pear and green apple baked salmon with vegetables, berry juice fresh fruit stewed cabbage and tomato salad
Fri. buckwheat porridge, tea portion of low-fat cottage cheese baked chicken with broccoli a glass of tomato juice with a slice of whole grain bread grilled vegetables, tea
Sat. omelette with vegetables, cup of coffee carrot and bean salad vegetable stew with a piece of lean steamed fish stewed champignons with leeks salad with tomatoes and arugula
Sun. cottage cheese pancakes and cups of tea without sugar a couple of fresh fruits mushroom soup, berry compote a glass of natural yogurt boiled chicken breast with vegetables

Reviews from doctors and specialists

Maxim Sivolapov, nutritionist

Olga Kartunkova’s diet was developed by specialists, taking into account the individual characteristics of the actress. At the beginning of treatment, her body mass index was more than 50 kg/m2, which is the 3rd degree of obesity. In other words, this is morbid obesity, in which a person may experience serious health problems: atherosclerosis, hypertension, diabetes, sleep apnea, miscarriage, etc. I’m not even saying that fractures in such people heal poorly, which is what she collided.

Fortunately, it's not all that sad. Self-confidence, effort and focus on results will help such a patient. A comprehensive health examination is carried out and treatment is prescribed. In exceptional cases, when diets and physical activity are not effective, surgical methods are prescribed: partial gastrectomy, gastric banding and gastric bypass.

As for the described weight loss system, it has a good effect on accelerating metabolism, cleanses of waste and toxins. Thanks to this, the kilograms disappear slowly, but for a long time, if not forever.

Recipes from Olga Kartunkova

The actress shared with those who want to lose weight the secrets of preparing some of her favorite dishes. They fit perfectly into the diet, while they will delight girls with their ease of preparation and bright taste.

Fruit salad

Required Products:

  • green apple - 1 piece;
  • one ripe pear;
  • medium sized orange;
  • natural low-fat yogurt.

All fruits must be washed thoroughly. Then peel and cut into coma as convenient: you can cubes, slices or anything else. Place the fruits in a bowl, mix, season with yogurt. This salad will be a good option for breakfast, lunch or afternoon snack.

Diet soup

To prepare it you need to purchase:

  • carrots - a couple of pieces;
  • half a head of not very large cabbage;
  • 2 - 3 potatoes;
  • a couple of sprigs of dill and parsley;
  • small onion;
  • 1 - 2 tablespoons of millet cereal;
  • salt and pepper to taste.

Pour cold water into a saucepan and put on fire. At this time, chop the cabbage and potatoes, and grate the carrots on a coarse grater. Fry the onion in a frying pan for a couple of minutes until it softens. When the water boils, throw in vegetables and finely chopped dill. Add onion, add cereal, salt and pepper. Boil the soup until done. The dish is suitable for lunch or dinner.

Chicken with tomatoes and basil

To prepare it you need to buy the following products:

  • chicken breast – 500 grams;
  • tomatoes - 2 - 3 pieces;
  • fresh basil - a few leaves.

Rinse the chicken breast pieces thoroughly and make cuts in the middle to form a kind of pocket. Cut the tomatoes into cubes or semicircles and place them inside the meat. Also add chopped basil. To prevent the meat from splitting during cooking and the contents from falling out, the edges of the breasts should be secured with toothpicks.

Place the chicken in a preheated frying pan and fry until golden brown on each side. This dish is perfect for lunch or dinner.

To learn how to cook chicken breasts with basil and tomatoes, watch this video:

Exit rules

In order for the results from following Olga Kartunkova’s diet to last longer, you do not need to dramatically change your diet. You should continue to count the number of calories you eat, as well as maintain a balance between fats, proteins and carbohydrates. You can gradually begin to introduce foods such as potatoes, pasta, and fried meat into the menu. But it is important not to overdo it; such food can be eaten extremely rarely.

In addition, you need to continue to exclude fast food, sweets, smoked and starchy foods. These products will only harm your figure and negate the effect of the diet.

Basic principles of nutrition

Having set a goal to lose 40 kg, Olga Kartunkova revised her diet.

Experienced nutritionists recommended adhering to the following principles:

  • eat food every 3-4 hours;
  • eat small meals;
  • adhere to separate meals;
  • eat at the same time;
  • drink 1.5-2 liters of clean water per day 20-30 minutes before meals;
  • give up fats of plant and animal origin;
  • include 70 grams of protein, 120 carbohydrates and 30 fats in your daily diet;
  • semi-finished products, smoked foods, sweet and starchy foods, fatty and fried foods, high-calorie foods, and alcoholic beverages are prohibited;
  • consume a minimum amount of salt;
  • have a hearty breakfast with the most healthy foods possible;
  • observe periodic fasting days.

Weight Loss Result

This weight loss technique has proven its effectiveness. Olga Kartunkova herself, following this diet and strictly following all the instructions of specialists, lost 61 kilograms of excess weight in just a year. Many women were inspired by her example and also decided to experience the effects of this weight loss technique.

Judging by the reviews, Olga Kartunkova’s diet turned out to be very effective for many. Girls who were overweight write on the Internet that in just a month they got rid of 15 - 20 kilograms. It is noted that during the first stage of the diet, fat deposits disappear quite quickly, but then weight loss occurs more slowly. But there is no need to worry, because the weight will still come off.

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Olga Kartunkova’s struggle for a slim figure can inspire many women to do the same. The diet that experts developed for her is suitable for anyone who wants to lose weight. For it to bear fruit, you must follow all the rules drawn up by nutritionists, and also remember to exercise.

KVN participant Kartunkova lost weight: what is the reason?

Perhaps the celebrity would never have exhausted himself with a diet if he had not broken his leg. The injury turned out to be serious, and the doctor noted that the recovery process would have been easier if not for the excess weight. That’s why Kartunkova’s diet was urgently needed.

Now the thinner Olga Kartunkova seems like a different person, which is not surprising. After all, the celebrity’s initial weight was 151 kilograms with a height of 168 cm. In two months, Olga Kartunkova lost weight from 134 to 96 kg, that is, by as much as 38 kg!

According to the star, this is not the end point. She plans to lose more weight and lose an additional 35 kilograms. By the way, the star bet with the guys from her team that losing weight to the desired figure would take 2 months. Olga is determined to bring her figure to perfection, which, among other things, will help her recover faster after a complex operation on her leg.

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