Popular programs about weight loss that have helped thousands of people become slim

Programs about weight loss are an excellent motivator for those who find it difficult to start losing weight on their own and who do not believe in themselves. The best trainers show with a clear example how to turn an ordinary overweight person into a slender, handsome man.

Among the American ones, we especially liked “Extreme Transformation: Weight Loss Program”, “Those Who Lost the Most Weight”, “Two Centners of Love”, “I Was Fat”. From motivating Russians about obesity with Malysheva, “Living Healthy!”, “Wedding Size” with Anita Tsoi, “I’m Losing Weight.” Ukrainian viewers were inspired by “Weighted and Happy” and “Everything will be fine.”

The best American programs about weight loss

The best American programs about weight loss serve not only to entertain the audience, but also help women and men around the world to be inspired by the example of others. You can also learn useful information from them about what is best to eat to lose weight and what exercises to do. The most popular are “Extreme transformation: weight loss program”, “Those who have lost the most weight”, “Two centners of love”, “I was fat”.

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"Extreme Transformation: Weight Loss Program"

This American program has been helping people become slim for seven years and is considered one of the best . She first appeared on the Russian screen in 2021. So far, six seasons have been released. Eight women and men who are trying to get rid of excess weight take part in the program voluntarily. Two presenters help them with this - coach Chris Powell and his wife Heidi.

As a rule, those who are overweight come here. That is why the program is called “Extreme Transformation”, because over the course of several episodes the participants lose an impressive amount of extra pounds. All this happens thanks to changes in lifestyle and nutrition.

The result of participation in the program “Extreme Transformation”

Each participant undergoes a complete transformation program, divided into four stages. The entire course lasts a year, that is, each step to an ideal figure takes three months. At the very first stage, a person is asked to undergo a full medical examination. It helps to identify the individual characteristics of the body, according to which the nutrition program is built.

At this same stage, active training begins. First they take place at the Institute of Health and Longevity. Then the “gym” moves to the participants’ home: the living room is completely transformed, now there are exercise equipment. For the first three months, Chris Powell is next to the hero, helps with useful advice, and monitors compliance with the weight loss program.

Watch the video of the “Extreme Weight Loss” program:

During the initial stage, the participant needs to get rid of a third of the existing weight. If the goal is achieved, he receives a valuable reward. For each subsequent stage, a new motivation is invented. And when all the extra pounds are gone, the hero gets the opportunity to contact a plastic surgeon to remove excess skin. At the end of the program, the viewer sees a completely transformed person.

Motivational show “Those who have lost the most weight”

This motivational weight loss show first hit television screens in 2004. A distinctive feature of this program about weight loss is a large cash prize . It is awarded to the one who has coped with the task of regaining a slim figure better than others. The show is hosted by professional trainers Jillian Michaels and Bob Harper.

Weight loss on the show “Those who have lost the most weight”

In this program, people lose weight not alone, but together. Teams come to the show. They exercise intensely for a certain period of time and also adhere to strict diets. Program leaders monitor the progress of participants by conducting regular weigh-ins. Those who do not try hard and do not achieve their goals leave the project.

There are fewer participants every week. As those losing weight decrease, by the end of the season they begin to fight each for themselves, attending individual training.

Expert opinion

Yulia Mikhailova

Nutrition expert

Opinions about this American program are quite contradictory. Regular viewers love the show because it motivates people to lose weight by showing how people can work hard to achieve their goal. But doctors believe that the program instills the wrong approach to losing excess weight. Sudden weight loss is harmful to health. They also refer to former participants who, after a couple of years, returned to their previous weight.

"Two centners of love"

The American program has been out for a long time, the first episode dates back to 2011. The lead actress is Sarah Rue. The choice fell on her not by chance. Sarah herself previously suffered from excess weight, but was able to overcome it. Now she shares her personal experience with the participants of this show, helping them achieve their goal.

Couples in love who suffer from excess weight become heroes. The name of the program is completely justified: most often people come here whose weight exceeds one hundred kilograms. Lovers want to get married and their goal is to look beautiful at the wedding. That's why they decide to get in shape.

Participation in the show “Two Centners of Love”

In total, nine couples take part in the program about weight loss. All of them play sports under the supervision of a team of professional trainers and follow diets. Each episode ends with one of the couples leaving. Dropouts are those who lost the least amount of kilograms over a certain period. By the end of the show, only one couple remains, which, in addition to slender figures, receives another main prize - a dream wedding, which Brian Worley will undertake to organize.

In addition to actually losing weight, the program participants perform various tasks. They think through all the details of their future wedding: choose a design, wedding rings, try the dishes of the festive table.

The weight loss show for couples was canceled after the first season. But despite this, it was shown several times on The CW Network. In Russia, an American program about weight loss could be seen on Muz-TV and Yu.

Watch the video about the program “Two Centners of Love”:

“I was fat,” Or how to get rid of obesity in three months

The first episode appeared on television in 2010. The program about obesity and weight loss reached Russian screens only after 5 years. The participants in the show were girls from high school who decided to take their figure seriously.

Each episode of the show lasts an hour and is dedicated to the story of one heroine. Girls talk about their problems and their desire to lose excess weight. They decide to take a three-month weight loss course. During this time, the participants actively engage in sports and listen to the advice of nutritionists.

But by the end of the episode, the viewer sees a transformed girl who has turned from fat to beautiful. Sometimes participants come with serious excess weight, which already indicates obesity. But in three months, even those who weighed more than a hundred kilograms change dramatically.

The weight loss course begins with the end of high school and continues throughout the holidays. This allows girls to get themselves in order and come to their new place of study confident in themselves.

The result of participation in the program “I was fat”

Foreign broadcasts

"Extreme Transformation: Weight Loss Program"

The program has been broadcast since 2011. Six seasons have now been released. The host is coach Chriss Powell. The transmission script is the same every time. A person, whose weight is usually 150 kg or more, addresses the letter to the presenter. Then Chris Powell flies to him and begins rescuing the hero. An overweight man is sent for a medical examination, while the show's team is working on converting the hero's home into a gym.

For three months, the participant receives an assignment from the presenter to lose 40-70 kilograms of weight. Three months later, a new goal appears. After nine months, the hero gets rid of excess weight, and then his sagging skin as a result of weight loss is surgically tightened. A year later we can see the same person in a completely new form, and this transformation is truly shocking.

"Those who have lost the most weight"

It was in this program that our favorite Jillian Michaels and Bob Harper acted as coaches.
Two teams of fat participants are being recruited. For a certain time, they train, eat right and perform various tasks. Control weigh-ins take place regularly, according to the results of which the person who lost the least weight leaves the project. At first, the competition takes place between teams, but then each participant fights only for himself, regularly studying with a coach.

Each week, the two people who have lost the least amount of weight go home. In the USA this show is extremely popular. It has been published since 2004, and for many fat people it has become a salvation and an opportunity to regain not only external attractiveness, but also physical health. There are also versions of the program in other countries - Great Britain, Australia, Russia, Ukraine. The Russian version is called “Weighted People”, the Ukrainian version is called “Weighted and Happy”.

"Two centners of love"

The American show “Two Centners of Love” has been airing since 2011. It was hosted by actress Sarah Rue, who in the past was fat herself and had to put in a lot of effort to regain her normal shape. In this show, she tries to pass on her experience to other fat people.

Nine overweight couples in love who naturally want to lose weight are selected to participate. The weight of most participants exceeds the 100 kilogram level. Sara Ryu herself, as well as professional fitness trainers, help them fight excess weight. For three months, couples actively train and follow a diet. And the couple who managed their excess weight the best will receive a surprise at the end of the project in the form of a luxurious wedding.

"I was fat"

American show that started in 2010. The heroines of this project were high school students suffering from excess weight, who really want to lose weight and are ready to switch to proper nutrition and exercise to achieve this. Each 60-minute episode tells the story of a girl who conquered excess weight. Before this, trainers, nutritionists, doctors and other specialists work with them for three months.

Most girls weigh more than 100 kilograms before the project, and then lose weight to completely normal parameters. The show follows them during their three months of summer break between high school and college, and each episode ends with them starting school in a new location. A lot of tears and sweat are shed, but then each of the participants can proudly and boldly say the phrase “I WAS fat.”

Popular Russian programs about nutrition, obesity, weight loss

In Russia, their own programs have also begun to appear, where they help people fight obesity, improve their nutrition, and motivate them to lose weight. From motivating Russians about obesity with Malysheva, “Living Healthy!”, “Wedding Size” with Anita Tsoi, “I’m Losing Weight.”


“Tabletka” aired on the Domashny TV channel. The program covers in detail all issues of the fight against excess weight. Each issue is dedicated to one topic. From the program you can find out what the main reasons leading to obesity are, as well as ways to get rid of it.

The second part will reveal the secrets of effective weight loss. The viewer will find out which tools really work and which are created only to lure money out of buyers.

The third part is devoted to unconventional methods of losing weight.

Watch the video about the Russian Tabletka program:

With Malysheva

Not only specialized programs can give advice on proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle; useful recommendations are contained in the author’s program of Elena Malysheva.

A doctor of medical sciences and a recognized specialist tells viewers in various sections about a healthy lifestyle. "Live healthy!" — Elena Malysheva’s program is not only about losing weight, but also about various diseases. Medical professionals work with nine participants live on air and give them recommendations on the treatment of various pathologies. Guests of the program are also treated to dishes from the healthy nutrition menu.

Most often, weight loss issues are discussed in the “About Food” section. Elena Malysheva, together with her team of specialists, shares the secrets of proper nutrition and talks about healthy foods that will help you lose weight.

Malysheva’s program, episode “About food”

In addition to the program “Live Healthy!” Elena Malysheva hosts another program called “Health.” In it, the doctor proposed a weight loss system in one week, which is absolutely harmless. Malysheva also shares useful tips regarding pills and products for weight loss.

“Wedding Size” with Anita Tsoi

The show “Wedding Size” with Anita Tsoi first appeared on TV screens in 2015. The participants in the program about weight loss are married couples who have been together for more than ten years. As you know, during such a time together, spouses can relax and gain excess weight. They come to this program with the goal of returning to the size they were before the wedding.

Reality show by Anita Tsoi

At the beginning of the episode, viewers are shown photographs taken during the wedding. This makes it possible to compare how the figure of the heroes has changed over this time. During the program, participants perform physical exercises, rearrange their menus and consult with a family psychologist.

Singer Anita Tsoi, after marriage, just like the program participants, began to gain weight, reaching 100 kilograms. Then Anita decided that something needed to be changed and began to lose weight. Working with her on the team are nutritionist Ksenia Selezneva and fitness consultant Eduard Kanevsky. Professionals do their best to help the heroes of the show lose weight and try on wedding dresses again.

Watch the video about the program “Wedding Size”:

"I am losing weight"

The program aired on the NTV channel. Twelve participants were selected at the casting - nine women and three men. They all differed in age and social status. These people had a common goal to get rid of extra pounds.

The host of the program is Yulia Kostyushkina. She is a master of sports in acrobatics. The girl helps all participants achieve success in one or another sports discipline. For each hero, the type of load is selected individually. Moreover, preference is always given to a sport that a person has never practiced before. This gives you the opportunity not only to lose weight, but also to try yourself in something new.

In addition to sports, all participants adhere to a strict diet and also attend various procedures. Wraps and all kinds of massages help the heroes of the Russian program about weight loss get the figure of their dreams.

Despite participating in the show, women and men continue to lead their usual lives. But at the same time they are always under the gun of television cameras. Some people can't stand it and break down. But all violations are fraught with punishment, because otherwise it will not be possible to achieve the goal.

The result of participation in the “I’m Losing Weight” program

Useful and interesting programs about weight loss - watch online on YouTube

There are many useful programs and channels on YouTube that help you lose weight, eat right, and qualitatively transform your figure. This video hosting is equipped with useful and high-quality content for body correction and eating habits. In particular, here you can see Anita Tsoi and her program about weight loss, programs about weight loss, both American and Russian, many videos from bloggers and public people, including artists and world stars. Our top list can choose the right channels about weight loss, and then YouTube programs will only bring benefits and a real transformation in appearance.

The most useful program. The science of losing weight

Motivating Ukrainian programs

Ukrainian television also offers the viewer its product - the programs “Weighted and Happy”, “Everything will be fine”.

"Weighted and happy"

This program about weight loss is an analogue of the popular American show “Those Who Have Lost the Most.” It airs on the STB channel.

Twenty people who are overweight take part in the Ukrainian program. Moreover, many of them have crossed the line of one hundred kilograms. All participants are divided into two teams. Each of them is assigned a professional trainer to help them cope with physical activity.

In addition to experienced athletes, the team includes nutritionists and qualified doctors. Therefore, this program is not only about weight loss, but also about nutrition. Here the viewer can see recommendations for creating the right menu.

Every week, all participants in the show undergo a weigh-in, as a result of which one of the teams has to get rid of someone who is losing weight. Only one person who showed the best result reaches the final.

Before and after participating in the “Weighted and Happy” program

List of programs

Nowadays you can watch TV shows about weight loss not only on TV, but also online. By listening to the motivations and advice of the presenters, you will be able to work on your body in parallel with the heroes of the show. Such “absentee” weight loss can give excellent results if you set a goal.

Choose from the list the most interesting programs for yourself and lose weight with pleasure.

"Extreme Makeover with Kris Powell"

Trainer and presenter Chris Powell receives a letter from a man who wants to lose weight and decides to help him. Chris arrives at his client's house and sends him for a medical examination. While the hero is away, his home turns into a real gym. Before leaving, the presenter sets the first tasks for the participant to achieve in 3 months.

You need to lose a lot, from 40 to 70 kg, depending on your initial weight. After another 3 months, the hero receives a new task. The last stage of the transformation is the removal of sagging skin. After this, viewers watch how the hero of the program has changed.

"Those who have lost the most weight"

A reality show that casts 18 overweight contestants. Everyone is divided into 2 teams that compete with each other. At the end of each week there is a weigh-in to determine who has lost the least. Anyone who could not achieve good results can be nominated for relegation.

At the end of the show, the participants do not compete as a team, but each for himself. The one who remains in the final wins. The Russian analogue of the show is called “Weighted People”, it is broadcast on STS, and the Ukrainian one is “Weighted and Happy”.

"Two centners of love"

This show is about the desire to lose weight and love. In it, couples compete who want to get married, but not in the form in which they are initially, but much slimmer. The main prize is a luxurious wedding, 9 pairs of fat people compete for it, and only one wins.

The show's host, Sarah Rue, was a chubby girl herself in the past, but she successfully dealt with this problem. Now she shares her invaluable experience with participants and, together with professional trainers, helps them achieve their goals.

"I was fat"

Each episode tells the story of one high school student who managed to overcome her excess weight. In order to show the viewer a 60-minute video, doctors, nutritionists, trainers, stylists, psychologists and other specialists work with the girls for 3 months. Filming takes place while the girls are on holiday between their final year of school.

Each episode ends with the young ladies starting college, moving to another city, and proudly saying, “I was fat.”

"Wedding size"

This is a popular Russian show hosted by Anita Tsoi. It was not in vain that the producers invited the singer as a presenter, because she, too, can boast of losing weight. A couple who has been married for more than 10 years comes to the project. Each of the spouses is overweight, the desire of both is to reach the size they were at the time of the wedding. After a tremendous amount of work on themselves, the spouses undergo the final test, trying on the costumes in which they were married.

"I am losing weight"

The famous show, which is broadcast on NTV. The program shows 1 story about one person who is ready to make serious changes in his life in order to achieve his optimal weight.

The program shows all the difficulties that people who lose weight face and describes the methods they use to achieve their goals. Only at the end of the story will viewers find out how many kilograms the participant was able to lose.

“Health with Elena Malysheva”

Perhaps one of the most popular programs on Russian television. Elena Malysheva helps her participants lose extra pounds using her own program. She focuses not only on losing weight, but also on improving health. Many people have already been able to achieve excellent results from working with a leader.

The program has its own website zdorovieinfo.ru. You can find out how the heroes managed to cope with the assigned tasks.

"Big changes"

A show about fitness, a healthy lifestyle and a wonderful future. During the selection process for participation in the show, there were 2 girls left who want to change their appearance with the help of proper nutrition and intensive fitness training. The course of all events is controlled by Maria Shinkevich, the coach of the participants.

"Now you're in the know"

This is a reality show in which participants compete for the opportunity to go to the main event in the world of bodybuilding and fitness - the Mr. Show. Olympia, which will be held in Las Vegas.

In this project, the main focus is not on weight loss, but on the professional preparation of girls and boys to perform at major competitions. Participants gain invaluable experience from the best athletes and have every chance of becoming world-class stars.

"Everything will be fine"

Ukrainian TV show with Nadezhda Matveeva, which touches on various topics, including weight loss. When watching “Everything Will Be Good” you can learn a lot of useful information about how to create a diet and choose the right foods. Professional trainers show every day how you can easily and simply adjust your figure.

Also in the show “Everything will be fine” there is a separate section in which they show the results of real people involved in the program’s mentor program. You can lose weight together with the participants and enjoy the results.

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