Running in winter for weight loss: recommendations and most popular myths

Features of running in winter: help in losing weight

Despite the fact that there are some precautions during such activities, which will also be discussed, it is worth noting that such activities have an excellent effect on health.
Often, running can compete with other physical activities that help you quickly lose weight. Many people are interested in how many calories can be burned when running in winter. Here it is worth taking into account the weight, as well as the speed of the running itself; the higher it is, the more calories will be burned. More details about this can be found in the table.

Weight, kg Speed, km/h6065707580859095

Does anything depend on running speed during training? Jogging, as a rule, does not exceed a speed of 10 km/h. With such loads you can run long distances. If you reach a maximum speed of 18 km/h, sprint, then you should be careful not to run at this pace for more than 60-90 seconds. This can be extremely draining on the body. The most optimal speed for running in winter is 10-14 km/h.

It is also worth considering that during severe frosts you should try to choose an area where there is no ice, and not too snowy. In any case, jogging in winter, slippery paths, frost and wind create additional stress on the body, which allows you to lose excess weight faster.

Another factor to consider is the length of your runs. Some may believe that by running for 3 hours you can lose a lot of calories and then calmly do your usual things. In fact, long runs greatly weaken the body; after them, it is imperative to replenish energy reserves with a balanced diet.

On average, to lose weight and maintain a healthy lifestyle, it is recommended to run 15-40 minutes daily, depending on the body’s endurance, needs, age of the person and body weight.

Another common question that can be confusing for some when playing sports. This is especially true for beginners. Some people believe that by burning 100 calories while exercising, you can lose the same number of grams of fat. In fact, not only fat is burned, but also fluid in the human body. According to calculations, in order to lose 100 grams of fat, you need to burn about 900 calories.

Friendship with a cold

Cold allows the body to take more energy from food, so calories are not stored and used. Cold temperatures also promote the formation of brown fat, which helps you lose weight. Unfortunately, there is little of this fat in the adult body. The main part is located at the back of the neck. Brown fat decreases with age. The great news is that when exposed to cold conditions, the amount of this fat increases. Those who are trying to lose extra pounds should not be afraid of the cold. Exercising in the fresh air will be more effective than working out in the gym. Before exercise, you need to adjust the room temperature. These techniques help speed up your metabolism and burn fat faster.

The benefits of jogging in winter

In winter, jogging is effective because it allows the body to quickly harden. At the same time, the cardiovascular system begins to function more actively. In addition, jogging is a good way to prevent oxygen deficiency in the body.

Often running paths in winter are slippery, which contributes to increased work of the following muscle groups:

  • increases tension in the calf muscles;
  • affect the functioning of the ankle joint;
  • are an excellent way to pump up the muscles of the thighs and buttocks, as well as quickly remove excess fat deposits from these areas of the body.

Interesting fact
Winter jogging is 30% more effective than in summer due to increased loads. They influence the burning of more calories and influence the gradual elimination of fatty tissue.

The most basic advantages of running in winter are as follows:

  1. it helps strengthen blood vessels and joints;
  2. affects the hardening of the body, increases the threshold of resistance to infections;
  3. promotes relaxation of the nervous system, helps relieve the brain after a hard day;
  4. effectively reduces cholesterol levels;
  5. slows down the aging process of the body.

Approximate winter menu for the day


  • Scrambled eggs with fried onions (or garlic).
  • Orange.
  • Coffee.


  • Radish salad with sour cream.
  • Borsch.
  • Baked herring, jacket potatoes with vegetable seasoning.

Afternoon snack

  • Cheese.
  • Coffee with cream.


  • Solyanka.
  • Tea with lemon.

Late dinner

  • Apple.
  • Kefir with the addition of dry herbs.

Meat and sauerkraut. Winter diet for depression and excess weight Read more

Who is not recommended to run in winter?

The most common contraindications for running in winter are chronic diseases of the respiratory system. This includes influenza, ARVI, bronchitis, and pneumonia. It is also worth considering that if you have recently suffered from infectious diseases, jogging should be postponed for a while. During such a period, the body is extremely weakened, and cool air can cause harm to it. In addition, in such situations the human body cools down much faster and there is a risk of freezing.

It is also worth paying attention to those who have problems with blood vessels. It is recommended that you run with caution both in winter and summer. If, after consulting with a doctor, you still decide to go jogging, then you should exclude strong physical activity and reduce the time for jogging.

It is also worth remembering the most important rule when running in winter: if the temperature outside is below -24 degrees, then jogging is strictly prohibited. In this case, they can only harm the body.

Increased appetite

Indeed, in winter we eat more high-calorie foods and drink less fluids. In winter, there are few really fresh and high-quality vegetables and fruits, and a sea of ​​temptations in the form of the New Year and Christmas table.

It would be a bad idea to try to eat the same foods in winter as in summer. Indeed, the body requires more calories during the cold season. In addition, overeating can be caused by a complex of psychological reasons. However, all this is not a reason to refuse to lose weight until spring.

To curb your appetite, it is better not to eat the fifth apple, but to introduce more low-fat proteins into your diet. You should strive to ensure that your breakfast, lunch, and dinner contain a portion of easily digestible protein.

Translated into Russian - eat, for example, cottage cheese and dried fruits at breakfast, this will give you enough energy to survive until lunch without the obligatory chocolate bar at work. In addition, you will feel sweet, which means your body won’t be able to win additional “sweet prizes.”

For lunch, you can choose any side dish with a small piece (half the size of your palm) of meat or fish, or one serving of soup with grain bread.

There must be dinner. If you limit yourself to a glass of kefir, you will most likely wake up at night because a cream cake or grilled chicken will come to you in a dream. The best food for dinner is again a piece of lean meat, chicken or fish with steamed broccoli or other non-starchy vegetables.

It’s better to snack on small portions of fruit, but it’s better to forget about everything creamy and fatty. Well, remember about portions, you are not living in a time of famine, when it was unacceptable to leave anything on the plate.

Running and losing weight: the most popular myths

There are a fairly large number of myths about running and weight loss that many people encounter sooner or later. They often become very unpleasant barriers to achieving an ideal figure or quickly losing excess weight. So, here are a few of the most popular myths about running that everyone should know about:

Myth 1. If you want to lose weight, run faster

Jogging is a thing of the past, as some may point out. In fact, if there is a need to get into good shape and maintain a healthy lifestyle, then jogging will help with this. If you run too fast, the body quickly depletes its energy reserves, and various health complications can also arise.

Myth 2. If you run regularly, you can eat anything

Of course, training will be a great excuse for those who want to enjoy buns and sweets. And it doesn’t even matter that a person ran for only 15 minutes, and after that he ate half a kilogram of sweets, because if you run, you don’t have to worry about what you eat.

Such thoughts are true only to some extent. It is important to consider how many calories were burned during the workout, and then decide how many are needed to replenish energy after the workout. You can easily gain weight if the calorie content of the foods consumed is greater than what a person spends while running.

Online food diary

Myth 3. To lose weight you need to run in the morning

In fact, everything depends only on the individual capabilities of a person and his chronotype. However, experts say that the most effective time for running is 10-12 am, since it is during this period that the cardiovascular system becomes more active.

Of course, you can go for a run at 5-6 in the morning or even at 8 in the evening, it all depends on the person’s individual schedule, as well as preferences. The number of calories burned will be almost the same regardless of the time of day.

Myth 4. Running with a wrap is the most effective way to lose weight quickly

Why not, because most athletes do this: they wrap themselves in film and quickly lose weight. What's really going on? Using wraps, you can artificially increase the temperature of tissues and increase the intensity of sweating. In this way, it will be possible to get rid of excess fluid in the body, but after a few days it will completely return. This method does not in any way affect the intensive burning of fat deposits.

Lose weight in spring

Protein and vegetable foods are the best option for losing weight in the spring. You should not resort to strict dietary restrictions, since in winter the body exhausts most of its resources. Vitamins and minerals will always help restore dull hair and improve skin condition, and as daylight hours gradually begin to increase, serotonin increases in the bloodstream and cortisol decreases. The level of appetite depends on the amount of these hormones in our body. When cortisol levels decrease and serotonin increases, a person experiences a significant decrease in appetite. People note an improvement in their mood and a desire to move more, so in addition to a balanced diet, long walks will always help you lose weight and stay in better shape.

Nutritionists recommend including protein-rich foods in your diet: low-fat cottage cheese, fish, meat. Water, which you should never forget about, removes toxins well and helps activate metabolic processes.

What you need to know before you start running in winter

Most people do not know what jogging rules exist. In addition, some do not even bother at all about proper clothing and safety measures during training. It is because of this that viral diseases, hypothermia, and other problems that arise due to negligence can most often occur.

In order to protect yourself and make your jogging more comfortable and efficient, it is important to take care of the following:

  1. Choose special running shoes, and their soles should be protected from slipping, as well as be warm and comfortable.
  2. Thermal underwear must be worn if the outside temperature drops below 0 degrees.
  3. You need to go for a run prepared: do a set of exercises at home. A little warm-up will help you get into the right frame of mind.
  4. While jogging, be sure to inhale air through your nose and exhale through your mouth.

How many times should you run to effectively lose weight? Experts say that to achieve quick results you need to run 4 times a week.

Running in winter is a useful activity that will help you quickly lose weight, get your figure in good shape, and saturate your body with oxygen. It is also an excellent preventive measure for many diseases of the musculoskeletal system and the cardiovascular system. Of course, regular exercise helps develop willpower and also helps lift your mood even in bad weather.

The most important thing is to follow all safety measures while running in winter and try to achieve a positive result after the first training sessions. Effort and focus will help you overcome any difficulties.

How do we feel at different times of the year?

In winter, all metabolic processes in our body decrease, digestion is slower, and therefore there is a risk of gaining toxins and, consequently, extra pounds. By neglecting the basics of a healthy diet and eating “whatever,” we cannot control the calorie content of the products we receive. That is why excess weight overtakes us very quickly.

The spring season is traditionally called the period of awakening from hibernation and cold weather. Spring is a critical period for many people, fraught with the appearance of vitamin deficiency, problems with hair and skin, as well as constant mood swings. Frequent colds, insomnia and general irritability are not the best companions of spring.

In summer, unlike winter and spring, the body works harmoniously and intensively, in ri. Summer is the most favorable period for any changes in life, including weight loss.

Autumn is the time of blues, depression and cold weather. Our body begins to gradually conserve energy, which is necessary for the winter period. Thus, all processes, including weight loss, are closely related to the characteristics of our behavior, which are influenced by environmental conditions. Alas, it is impossible to exclude the natural influence on internal processes, since we form a single whole with nature. However, don’t despair: it’s possible to lose those hated pounds at any time of the year, just with different intensities and different approaches.

Don't snack between meals

You should not have snacks or long breaks between meals. A regular diet is important. If you eat rarely, then the body does not know when it will receive a new portion, and begins to gain energy. In such cases, the body thinks for itself. You won’t be able to defeat physiology, so you shouldn’t starve your body. If you eat every 3.5-4 hours, you will have a better chance of losing weight. People who run lose weight more often, even if they do not change the size or quality of food. They only care about eating regularly, which helps in losing weight. The statement that you cannot eat after 18:00 is a myth. You should eat food 2 hours before bedtime. An important rule: eat when you are hungry.

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