Model diet for 3 days: reviews and results

The essence of intermittent dieting

The three-day diet is one of the “golden” ten best short-term diets for quick weight loss. The three-day weight loss cycle can be repeated 1-2 more times if necessary, or the duration of the phase can be varied from 1 to 3 days. Due to these features, this technique is called interval dieting.

The classic diet consists of three phases lasting 1 day:

  1. Comprehensive cleansing of the body from waste, toxins and end products of metabolism, removal of excess fluid, acceleration of metabolic processes;
  2. Saturation of the body with easily digestible protein for active weight loss by burning fat deposits without affecting muscle mass;
  3. Normalization of digestion and peristalsis through the consumption of plant foods rich in fiber.

The basis of the diet for 3 days is low-calorie foods: slow carbohydrates, low-fat sources of animal protein, fermented milk products, non-starchy vegetables.

Interval diet rules:

  • During the day, eat only approved foods;
  • follow the sequence of phases and do not make independent changes to the recommended menu;
  • completely eliminate salt and spices;
  • Drink purified or mineral water without gas in the required quantity.

To obtain the expected result, you must follow the recommended alternation of diet stages.

Prolonging weight loss beyond the specified period is highly not recommended, since long-term dietary restrictions negatively affect human health. You can repeat the interval diet no earlier than after 3-4 months.

No more than 1300 kcal

Next, we will consider another quick diet for 3 days - for those who urgently need to lose weight. It allows you to lose 3-4 kilograms if the daily amount of calories consumed does not exceed 1300 kcal. The following rules should be followed with this diet:

  • drink a lot of clean water;
  • coffee or tea - no more than 250 ml;
  • throughout the day, eat a large portion of salad in several doses, consisting of tomatoes, cucumbers, apples, sweet peppers, green beans;
  • do not use dressings and spices;
  • if one violation is committed - 20 squats or the same number of jumping ropes.

For meals, choose one of the following foods to choose from:

  • breakfast - banana, boiled egg, bran bread, milk, orange juice;
  • lunch - boiled potatoes, cabbage or beans, homemade cottage cheese, low-fat ham, chicken breast;
  • dinner - shrimp, pasta or baked chicken, ham - any of these products with tomato;
  • for dessert - bananas, apples, pears.

When following a diet and leaving it, take a vitamin-mineral complex and drink plenty of water with lemon. When returning to your normal diet, do not overeat, but practice small meals.

First stage: rice

The first phase of the interval diet is a kind of detox necessary to cleanse the intestines of toxins and residual metabolic products. A strict salt-free diet helps remove excess fluid from the body and relieve swelling, so weight loss can be noticed in the evening of the first day.

Permitted products for the first stage and their permissible quantity:

  • 1 cup long grain rice (no more than 300 g of dry cereal);
  • 300 g of fresh cucumbers, lettuce and any greens;
  • 1 glass of zero-fat fermented milk drink (kefir, yogurt, drinking yogurt);
  • no more than 1 tsp. natural honey;
  • green leaf tea without sugar in unlimited quantities.

The main food product of the first stage is long-grain rice, which has unique absorbent properties. Conventional white rice loses most of its nutrients as a result of polishing and becomes starchy waste, so it is not suitable for the diet.

To lose weight, you should give preference to brown rice, which has undergone minimal mechanical processing and retains all the beneficial substances of the whole grain. The calorie content of the raw product is approximately 333 kcal per 100 grams and is reduced by three times when cooked. This product is rich in B vitamins, folic acid and manganese.

Brown rice belongs to the category of slow carbohydrates, so it gives you energy, gives you a feeling of fullness for a long time, and does not contain gluten, which causes allergic reactions. This rice is not polished and retains the outer bran shell, which contains a record amount of fiber necessary for normal digestion. The combination of beneficial properties of brown rice makes it an ideal diet product.

Rice menu

The specified amount of brown rice should be divided into three parts and consumed as a main dish for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
In total, there can be three meals and no more than two snacks per day. Sample menu for the cleansing phase of the diet

BreakfastA portion of empty rice without salt and spices, green tea with grated ginger and lemon
LunchSalad mix, green tea with a spoon of honey and a slice of lemon
DinnerBoiled rice, sprinkled with herbs, one fresh cucumber
Afternoon snackCucumber salad with dill, parsley and green onions
DinnerThe rest of the finished rice, a glass of 0% fat kefir with ground cinnamon

In order for rice to do its cleansing work, it must not be overcooked.

Before cooking, a glass of rice is thoroughly washed and soaked for 1-2 hours to reduce the starch content in the grains. The water must be changed at least 3 times, then boil the rice until half cooked.

Salads should not be salted or seasoned with oil. To avoid nighttime hunger pangs, you can eat a little more cucumber salad with parsley or drink a glass of fermented milk drink before going to bed.

How can you lose weight in 3 days

Dietary nutrition and physical activity with an even distribution of the load are the key to success, otherwise there will be no quick results - you will not be able to lose weight. It is important to control fluid intake - drink up to 3 liters of water, avoid increased swelling of the limbs. When choosing a method of how you can lose weight in 3 days, it is important to remember that the food should not be high in calories; it is also recommended to cleanse the intestines of toxins. Each 3-day express diet focuses on digestion and limits calories; and exercises pump up problematic muscle groups.

In the thighs

Weakened muscles are in dire need of protein, so express weight loss in 3 days necessarily includes proteins found in lean meats and fish, eggs, milk and fermented milk products. To lose weight in your thighs in 3 days, nutritional correction alone is not enough; additional physical activity is required. Fast sprinting, swimming, step aerobics and hard leg training in the gym are encouraged. The main thing is not to overdo it with approaches and heavy weights, otherwise you can harm your health.

Lose weight by 2 kg

The first step is to reduce the caloric content of food, include natural antioxidants in the daily diet to remove toxins and free radicals from the digestive organs and dermis. When answering the question of how to lose 2 kg in 3 days, it is important not to forget about an effective liquid diet, which involves only drinking. These can be chicken and vegetable broths, juices from unsweetened apples or cabbage, herbal infusions and diuretics. It would not be a bad idea to drink kefir with chopped dill, since such a drink has a slight laxative effect.

How to lose 3 kg

Fasting to lose weight is strictly contraindicated, since extra pounds return to their original places in the shortest possible time. It is necessary to radically reduce the calorie content of dishes, and for the next three days, use only natural fat burners on the menu. These are grapefruits and oranges, cabbage of all kinds and green tea. Daily portions of drinking water - up to 3 liters, for physical activity - rhythmic jumping rope, 100 repetitions at a time, three approaches. This way you can not only lose 3 kg in 3 days, but also increase your body’s endurance.

How to lose 5 kg

In this matter, you definitely cannot do without cleansing enemas or food products with a pronounced laxative effect. To quickly lose weight, you can choose extreme diets, for example, buckwheat, rice, Japanese or protein. If you have stomach problems, this is dangerous, since the health outcome may be negative. To productively lose 5 kg in 3 days, eat low-fat yogurt for breakfast, vegetable broth and a slice of black bread for lunch, and 200 grams of low-fat cottage cheese for dinner. Snacks – 2 apples per day, cardio exercises are encouraged.

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Second stage: protein

In the second stage, the body must receive the necessary nutrients to build muscles that are not transformed into fat deposits. Low-fat animal foods are a source of easily digestible protein and are ideal for the second day of the diet.

Foods that can be eaten in the second stage:

  • no more than 900 g of dietary meat (chicken, turkey, rabbit);
  • 2 chicken eggs;
  • 150-200 g of cottage cheese with 0% fat content;
  • 1-2 glasses of low-fat kefir;
  • 1-2 tbsp. l. oat bran;
  • a little lemon juice and fresh herbs;
  • unsweetened green leaf tea.

At this stage, it is possible to replace meat with sea fish fillet, but consuming these two products on the same day is not recommended. Meat and fish can be boiled, steamed or grilled, baked in a slow cooker on the “Baking” mode or in the oven without adding salt and oil.

Meat menu

Regardless of the cooking method chosen, raw meat must be thoroughly washed and skin and fat removed.
To avoid digestive problems, you need to consume fiber or bran throughout the day with warm water or kefir. Example menu for the second day of the diet

BreakfastHard-boiled chicken eggs or in the form of an omelet with herbs, cooked without adding oil
LunchA portion of cottage cheese with herbs, a glass of kefir with a spoonful of bran
DinnerBoiled skinless chicken breast or grilled lean beef
Afternoon snackBoiled chicken egg or a portion of baked meat, kefir with bran
DinnerChicken fillet baked in foil with curry and lemon juice

When eating protein foods, it is extremely important to remember to follow the drinking regime. You can drink green tea without additives throughout the day, not forgetting about plain clean water without gas.

Before going to bed, you are allowed to drink another glass of zero-fat kefir with or without bran.

How much weight can you lose in 3 days?

Ideally, you can lose 1 kg every day, but provided there are no metabolic problems or chronic stomach diseases. Dietary food should not harm, but only benefit, strengthening the health of a losing weight person, helping to lose weight quickly. Choose a strict diet with a nutritionist. The result of how much weight you can lose in 3 days is purely individual for everyone, so you shouldn’t look at others and set yourself impossible goals. Fasting is not an option, since there will be no effect, and your overall health will worsen dramatically.

Third stage: vegetable

The basis of the diet at the final stage of the diet is predominantly plant foods, rich in fiber, which is necessary to normalize digestion after a protein diet.

Low-calorie vegetables in combination with fermented milk drinks with zero fat content and oat bran will help restore the functioning of the intestinal tract.

The third phase has a fairly varied diet. Products that may be present on the menu of the third day of the diet:

Seasonal salad vegetablesCucumbers, tomatoes, bell peppers, radishes, daikon, celery root, green and onions
High GI VegetablesBeets, carrots
Fresh and semi-finished vegetables for stewsGreen beans, peas, zucchini, eggplant, mushrooms
All types of cabbageWhite, red, Chinese, Savoy, cauliflower, broccoli, Brussels sprouts
Fresh herbsLettuce, spinach, celery greens, dill, parsley, basil
BeveragesNo more than 2 glasses of kefir or curdled milk of zero fat content, green leaf tea without sugar with ginger and lemon if desired
SeasoningsNo more than 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil (sunflower or olive), lemon juice, apple cider vinegar, natural spices without salt

The vegetable stage of the diet practically does not limit those losing weight in the choice of products and portion size. You can include any non-starchy vegetables in reasonable quantities in your diet on the third day. Despite the low-calorie menu, overeating is strictly prohibited.

Vegetable menu

Plant products that are edible without heat treatment should be consumed raw in the form of salad.
To absorb the vitamins contained in fresh vegetables, salads must be seasoned with a tablespoon of any natural oil. You can also boil, stew or bake vegetables in the oven, prepare a dietary stew and even make soup. An example of a vegetable menu for the third phase of the diet

BreakfastA serving of grated carrot and celery salad dressed with olive oil, a glass of curdled milk
LunchFresh salad of cucumbers, tomatoes, bell peppers, onions and herbs
DinnerVegetable stew from white cabbage with champignons without adding fat or oil
Afternoon snackSalad of Chinese cabbage and daikon with herbs, seasoned with apple cider vinegar, a glass of kefir 0%
DinnerSteamed cauliflower or broccoli, boiled green beans, 100 g low-fat yogurt without additives

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When including beets or carrots in your diet menu, you must remember that they can only be consumed raw.

Boiled starchy vegetables sharply increase the level of glycemia in the blood. Before going to bed, it is recommended to drink a traditional glass of kefir with a spoonful of bran.

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