Gymnast Laysan Utyasheva and weight loss, which was personally verified by her

Utyasheva got into gymnastics completely by accident. A mother brought her daughter to dance classes, and the coach noticed the girl’s incredible flexibility. Until 1997, she trained in Ufa, then she and her mother moved to Moscow, where after 2 years she won the title of Master of Sports. Her career moved rapidly:
  • 2001 – absolute champion at the World Cup in Germany;
  • 2001 - gold in Madrid at the World Championships;
  • 2002 - silver medal at the international tournament in Slovenia;
  • 2004 – conquered the European Rhythmic Gymnastics Championship;
  • 2004 - gold medal at tournaments in France and Latvia.

Her further career was interrupted by Laysan’s forced retirement from big-time sports due to health problems. But the surgeons performed a number of operations, and Laysan herself actively trained and already in 2004 proved that she deserves the highest awards. In 2006, the gymnast, together with coach Irina Winner, decided to leave the sport. The name of Laysan Utyasheva will forever go down in the history of world gymnastics as an athlete who performed with injured legs.

Immediately after making the decision to end her sports career, the girl stopped restricting herself in food and simply rested for 6 months . The rest consisted of the following:

  • sofa, TV, books;
  • eating pastries, cakes, ice cream, chocolate;
  • desserts like strawberries and cream;
  • fried meat, salads with mayonnaise;
  • baked goods, cookies and so on.

Just six months of living like this, and the weight began to grow rapidly. An incident helped Laysan stop: she was invited to one social event and refused it because she could not wear her outfits and looked outright fat in them.

Laysan admitted that at that moment she was in a state of panic and began to apply weight loss tips from the Internet. But it wasn't until she found her own old diary of nutrition that was acceptable during active gymnastics that the effect became visually detectable. And now, being a mother of two children, Laysan remains in good shape: with a height of 167 cm, she weighs only 50 kg.

The diet was developed individually and taking into account the characteristics of the body, but it can be used as a basis for others. A sample menu for 5 days will be as follows:

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Morning boiled egg + 50 g hard cheese + apple juice at 9.00, 200 ml protein shake at 11.30 green tea without sugar + 2 boiled soft-boiled eggs + 2 thin slices of black bread or with bran at 9.30, 1 sour green apple + 100 g dry cottage cheese at 12-00 protein shake with chocolate flavor at 9.20, 1 large pear + 50 g of hard cheese at 12-00 oatmeal with water + 50 g hard cheese + black coffee without sugar at 9.30, 1 large orange at 11.30 cottage cheese with fresh berries + tea or coffee without sugar at 9.30, 100 g of a mixture of nuts and dried fruits + green tea at 12-00
Day fish from the oven + salad from any fresh vegetables + tomato soup at 14-00, 1 protein bar at 16-00 chicken broth soup with herbs + lettuce with olive oil at 16-00 pumpkin soup + black bread at 15-30 rice with boiled fish + green tea at 16.00 buckwheat porridge with water and without butter + boiled chicken + fresh vegetable salad + tea at 16-00
Evening low-fat cottage cheese with fresh berries + 200 ml chamomile flower tea at 19-30 200 g of natural yogurt at 18-30, steamed fish with cabbage + tea without sugar at 21-00 1 protein bar at 17-30, boiled rice with vegetables and steamed fish at 20-00 200 ml of natural yoghurt at 18.30, 100 g low-fat cottage cheese + apple + rosehip decoction at 21.00 1 apple and 1 tangerine at 18-30, baked trout + fresh cucumbers at 21.00

At the same time, the feeling of hunger is a priori impossible: meals are frequent, portions are small and there is absolutely no need to give up tasty dishes. This menu is perfect for young mothers who want to lose weight after giving birth, but are still breastfeeding . It must be remembered that this diet will only be effective if there is regular physical activity.

It is important to sleep properly for weight loss:

  • go to bed at the same time every day;
  • night sleep should not be less than 8 hours;
  • if necessary (if the night's rest was inadequate), you need to allocate 1-2 hours of sleep during the daytime.

Doctors have definitely established that if a person goes to bed before midnight, then his rest will be complete . It is better to get up early, for example, no later than 7 am, and then you will be able to do a set of exercises and take a shower before breakfast.

Laysan Utyasheva emphasizes that you need to spend at least 1 hour every day doing active outdoor activities . Thus, she began her process of losing weight after the birth of the child, when the athlete gained 25 kg, was feeding the baby and was simply not able to fully load her own body. Here's what the former gymnast recommends:

  • walk in a park or square, just along the street, but with the most active steps or even light jogging, if your weight and health condition allow;
  • go to or from work on foot, movements should be active, the step should be fast, not walking;
  • exclude the use of the elevator;
  • make purchases without personal vehicles, and bags with purchased goods can be an excellent weight for walking.

It is important to follow one rule: active outdoor activities must last at least 1 hour.

Outdoor activities by Laysan Utyasheva

Daily exercise is the key to success in the fight against excess weight . It is highly advisable to do it in the morning, but you can also move it to lunch. The complex consists of only 4 exercises, each is repeated 10 times, but after 2-3 days (depending on the condition) you will need to increase this figure by at least 2-5 repetitions.

Exercises from Laysan Utyasheva for weight loss:

  • Twisting. Lie on your back, raise your shoulder blades and legs bent at the knees, stretch your arms forward and box with them in this suspended position for 10-20 seconds
  • "Scissors". Lying on your back, lift your legs and shoulder blades off the floor 30 degrees and imitate the work of scissors with straight lower limbs.
  • "Releve." Stand straight, knees together, tense your buttocks and roll from heel to toe, mentally holding a coin between your thighs, repeat at least 30 times.
  • Squats. Spread your legs wider than your shoulders, bend your arms at the elbows, squat as if you were trying to sit on a chair (the pelvis moves back), perform only half-squats.

For women who are at home with a baby, this complex is also great, because you can put the baby next to you or pick it up to perform exercises from a standing position.

Exercises for weight loss:

  • For legs . Sit on the floor, tilt your torso and raise your lower limbs above the floor. First perform upward swings with them one at a time, then two at the same time, then the “Scissors” and “Bicycle” exercises. Next, roll over onto your stomach, lift your upper torso and legs and repeat the set of movements. Each exercise is performed at a fast pace 8 times, followed by a minute rest and repeated 3-5 times.
  • For abdominal muscles . Lie on your back, put your hands behind your head, bend your knees and rest your feet on the floor. Quickly raise your upper body so that your shoulders and shoulder blades lift off the floor. Then perform the same movement, but at the same time reach with your left shoulder to your right knee and vice versa. Each movement is performed 8 times, then you need to take a break of 30 seconds and perform another 2-4 approaches.
  • For large muscles . Lie on your back, bend your knees, place your feet on the floor and move them as close to your body as possible. Grasp your feet (or ankle joints) with your hands and quickly lift your pelvis up. The buttocks are tense, the shoulder blades, shoulders and head remain pressed to the floor. Repeat 8 times, then take a 10-second break and perform the next set.

Laysan Utyasheva’s exercise for legs
Laysan developed the “Personal Trainer” program for doing gymnastics at home. The essence of such a workout is not to lose weight, but to strengthen muscles, improve stretching and coordination of movements. A 10-minute workout will work to improve your figure. When losing weight, the complex will be very useful because it:

  • accessible to every person: the gymnast talks in detail and clearly about the correct execution of each exercise;
  • unique: the exercises included in the complex are not found in other programs;
  • performed at a slow pace, so it is optimal for morning training when you need to wake up the body;
  • improves posture, increases body flexibility, makes stretching as possible;
  • allows you to work out different parts of the body: lower and upper limbs, stomach, thighs.

But experts warn that Laysan Utyasheva’s “Personal Trainer” program is only suitable for those people who have natural body flexibility . However, the gymnast draws up individual training programs.

Laysan Utyasheva's weight loss results

Laysan herself, according to the program, was able to get rid of 25 kg of excess weight in just six months of following the recommendations and rules . By training every day for just 20 minutes and following the rule of active rest, reducing portions and caloric content of food, the first results will be noticeable within a month.

Read more in our article about gymnast Laysan Utyasheva and weight loss with a personal example.

Gymnastic career of Laysan Utyasheva

Utyasheva got into gymnastics quite by accident: her mother brought her to dance classes and thanks to the coach, who drew attention to the girl’s incredible flexibility, Laysan became famous in the world of sports. Until 1997, she trained in Ufa, then she and her mother moved to Moscow, where after 2 years she won the title of Master of Sports. And then her career grew rapidly:

  • 2001 – absolute champion at the World Cup in Germany;
  • 2001 - gold in Madrid at the World Championships;
  • 2002 - silver medal at the international tournament in Slovenia;
  • 2004 – conquered the European Rhythmic Gymnastics Championship;
  • 2004 - gold at tournaments in France and Latvia.

Unfortunately, her further career was interrupted by Laysan’s forced departure from big-time sports. The fact is that at the next examination in Germany (2002), a bone divergence on one leg and a fracture of the scaphoid bone on the other were diagnosed. Doctors gave the most dire prognoses, including ending up in a wheelchair and complete loss of independent movement.

But Utyasheva showed herself to be a strong, strong-willed person. Surgeons performed a number of operations, and Laysan herself actively trained and already in 2004 proved that she deserves the highest awards.

In 2006, the girl, together with coach Irina Winner, decided to leave big-time sports. She did not manage to become an Olympic champion, but 4 of the most difficult elements in gymnastics are named after her. The name of Laysan Utyasheva will forever go down in the history of world gymnastics as an athlete who competes with injured legs.

We recommend reading the article about Eva Polna’s weight loss. From it you will learn how the singer lost weight, Eva’s diet, recipes and exercises. And here is more information about belly dancing for weight loss.

A set of exercises for all muscle groups

  • Bike


it is important to maintain the “square”, i.e. right angle at the knee. The shoulders should not twitch, and the buttocks should be “glued” to the surface. At this moment, only your legs work, so all your internal muscles will turn on.

  • Burpee

It has long been a popular exercise that even gymnasts do not neglect.


in a squat, place your hands on the floor, alternately move your legs back to the push-up position. We bring our legs back to our palms and jump, straightening our legs and clapping our palms above our heads. Try to do as many repetitions as possible and perform the exercise cleanly, observing the phases. Make sure there is a clear emphasis on your hands.

  • Rugby

And this is something new. An exercise for clarity and complex coordination. It will keep your muscles toned by making it more difficult – maintaining balance.


lower the opposite hand to the opposite foot. We move the other leg back. Imagine that there is a ball at your foot. And you put it on the floor. Next, press the knee to the chest.

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  • Bounce

Note from Laysan: “The exercises, at first glance, seem very simple, but when repeated 20 times at a good pace, the next morning you will feel “woke up muscles” that have been sleeping for a long time.”

  • Leg raises

This exercise was included in the top 3 for preparing for summer. It looks simple from the outside, but in reality the muscles burn after several repetitions.


standing on all fours, we move our straight leg back. Pull it out and lift it as high as possible. Then we stretch our knee to our forehead. It is important to maintain a right angle and not to abduct the pelvis. Alternately on each leg.

  • Knee Raises

Another seemingly very simple exercise.


standing straight, stretch the spine, the top of the head looks straight up. Alternately raise and lower your knees (to the maximum). Again, remember to keep your shoulders and pelvis level.

  • Lifting the body


Lying on your back and bending your legs, slowly raise your body to your knees. We help ourselves with straight hands. It is important to pay attention here that the rise should be slow, without jerking. It’s hard, but that’s how it’s effective - slowly and carefully, tearing off vertebrae by vertebrae. And most importantly, don’t hunch over and don’t strain your neck.

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Comment from Laysan: “Would you say that this is very simple? Take your time, try it first. Each exercise 50 times.”

Reasons for weight gain in athletes

Laysan herself claims that she simply relaxed. And indeed, immediately after making the decision to end her sports career, the girl stopped limiting herself in food and simply rested for 6 months . This rest consisted of the following:

  • sofa, TV, books;
  • pastries, cakes, ice cream, chocolate;
  • desserts like strawberries and cream;
  • fried meat, salads with mayonnaise;
  • baked goods, cookies and so on.

Utyasheva decided to enjoy life and experience the joy of eating food that had been banned for several years. Just six months of living like this, and the weight began to grow rapidly. And a case helped Laysan stop: she was invited to one social event and refused it because she could not wear her outfits and looked outright fat in them.

Laysan admitted that at that moment she was in a state of panic and began to apply weight loss tips from the Internet: she ran in cling film, performed some kind of sports exercises, but there was no result. It was only when she found her own old diary on nutrition, which was acceptable during active gymnastics, that the effect became visually detectable.

And now, being a mother of two children, Laysan remains in great shape: with a height of 167 cm, she weighs only 50 kg.

Exercises for the abs

On the advice of Laysan Utyasheva, there is no need to take long pauses between exercises. Fast pace is one of the conditions for effective weight loss.

Exercise 1. Starting position – lying on the floor. Hands behind your head. Bend your legs at the knees and place them on your feet. At a fast pace, lift your body to a small height, lifting only your shoulders and shoulder blades from the floor (8 times).

Exercise 2. Starting position – lying on the floor. Hands behind your head. Bend your legs at the knees and place them on your feet. Raise your body at a fast pace, stretch your right shoulder to your left knee, and your left shoulder to your right (8 times to each knee, 16 times in total).

Exercise 3. Starting position – lying on your stomach. Hands behind your head. Bend your legs at the knees, feet should be up, pull your toes. Raise your body up at a fast pace (8 times).

Exercise 4. Starting position – lying on your stomach. Hands behind your head. Bend your legs at the knees, feet should be up, pull your toes. Raise your body up and stretch your right and left shoulders alternately towards your feet. Try to bend well and stretch as far as possible (8 times for each shoulder, 16 times in total).

General rules for losing weight at home from Laysan Utyasheva

The gymnast was able to regain her weight and regain her slim figure with the help of a specific system. She had a complex effect on her body, which is approved and considered the only correct solution to the problem by doctors of different directions.


It was developed by nutritionists individually and taking into account the characteristics of Laysan Utyasheva’s body, but it can be taken as a basis for others who want to lose weight. A sample menu for 5 days will be as follows:

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Morning boiled egg + 50 g hard cheese + apple juice at 9.00, 200 ml protein shake at 11.30 green tea without sugar + 2 boiled soft-boiled eggs + 2 thin slices of black bread or with bran at 9.30, 1 sour green apple + 100 g dry cottage cheese at 12-00 protein shake with chocolate flavor at 9.20, 1 large pear + 50 g of hard cheese at 12-00 oatmeal with water + 50 g hard cheese + black coffee without sugar at 9.30, 1 large orange at 11.30 cottage cheese with fresh berries + tea or coffee without sugar at 9.30, 100 g of a mixture of nuts and dried fruits + green tea at 12-00
Day fish from the oven + salad from any fresh vegetables + tomato soup at 14-00, 1 protein bar at 16-00 chicken broth soup with herbs + lettuce with olive oil at 16-00 pumpkin soup + black bread at 15-30 rice with boiled fish + green tea at 16.00 buckwheat porridge with water and without butter + boiled chicken + fresh vegetable salad + tea at 16-00
Evening low-fat cottage cheese with fresh berries + 200 ml chamomile flower tea at 19-30 200 g of natural yogurt at 18-30, steamed fish with cabbage + tea without sugar at 21-00 1 protein bar at 17-30, boiled rice with vegetables and steamed fish at 20-00 200 ml of natural yoghurt at 18.30, 100 g low-fat cottage cheese + apple + rosehip decoction at 21.00 1 apple and 1 tangerine at 18-30, baked trout + fresh cucumbers at 21.00

As can be seen from the diet, the feeling of hunger is a priori impossible: meals are frequent, portions are small and there is absolutely no need to give up tasty dishes. This menu is perfect for young mothers who want to lose weight after childbirth, but are still breastfeeding. If a person does not fall into this category, then you need to remember that this diet will only be effective if there is regular physical activity.


In order for the body to start working properly, the processes of accelerated metabolism and, accordingly, weight loss, to begin, it is necessary... to sleep. And you need to do it correctly:

  • go to bed at the same time every day;
  • night sleep should not be less than 8 hours;
  • if necessary (if the night's rest was inadequate), you need to allocate 1-2 hours of sleep during the daytime.

Doctors have definitely established that if a person goes to bed before midnight, then his rest will be complete. It’s better to get up early, for example, no later than 7 am, and then you’ll be able to do a set of exercises and take a shower before breakfast.


Laysan emphasizes that you need to spend at least 1 hour every day doing active outdoor activities. This is how she began her process of losing weight after the birth of her child, when the athlete gained 25 kg, was feeding the baby and was simply not able to fully load her own body. And it was precisely these short-term but regular exercises that became a salvation: the weight moved off, things accelerated after correcting the diet.

What Laysan recommends:

  • walk in a park or square, just along the street, but with the most active steps or even light jogging;
  • go to or from work on foot, movements should be active, the step should be fast, not walking;
  • exclude the use of the elevator; going up and down stairs is considered optimal physical activity, but only if the person does not have diseases of the joints or respiratory organs;
  • make purchases without personal vehicles, and bags with purchased goods can become an excellent weighting agent; their weight is distributed evenly between two hands and they go home on foot.

Outdoor exercises
It is important to follow one rule: such active outdoor activities should last at least 1 hour. In this case, weight will decrease and overall well-being will noticeably improve; tissue and organ cells will be saturated with oxygen, which automatically stimulates their functionality.

Exercises with Laysan Utyasheva: 9 exercises for a great mood

Popular gymnast Laysan Utyasheva encourages you to fall in love with early rises and is ready to help with this! Cosmopolitan magazine recently published some simple exercises to get you going throughout the day.

Laysan believes that the human body works on the principle of a gadget, so it will not work without recharging. To recharge your energy for the whole day, simply do 20 minutes of exercise every morning. And if you want to lose weight, it is important not only to exercise, but also to monitor your diet. Namely, remove sweets and starchy foods from your diet and stop cooking with vegetable oil.

You can start small, for example, by teaching yourself to do exercises in the morning:

Charging from Laysan


1. Lie on your back and spread your arms. Close your feet and pull them towards you.

2. Press your lower back and knees to the floor.

3. Just relax the rest of your body.

Ideally, spend 10 minutes on this pose, but 5 is enough to start with.


1. Get on your knees, focus on your hands.

2. Start slowly rounding your back and reaching your chin towards your chest.

3. At the top point, freeze for a few seconds.

4. Perform 10 repetitions.

3. "PLOW"

1. Grasp the opposite leg with your right hand, and place your left behind your back and lean on it.

2. Gently pull your leg towards you. Try to bend your back as little as possible.

3. Lower your arms, spread them to the sides and stay in this position for a few seconds.

4.Do the same on the other side. A total of 15 repetitions on each leg.

Can't pull your leg that close to your chest? Leave it at a comfortable height.


1. Starting position - as in exercise 2.

2. Slowly arch your back as if trying to touch the back of your head to your buttocks.

3. Your arms should remain straight and the angle between your calves and thighs should be 90 degrees.

4. Don't forget to breathe! Exhale at the top point.

5. You have 10 repetitions.

5. "FOLD"

1. Sit on the floor, bring your feet together and pull your toes towards you.

2. Bend forward, trying to touch your nose to your knees. Don't bend them!

3. Help yourself with your hands: if you can’t hold on to your toes or heels, grab your shins - it will be much easier. Freeze for 15 seconds and repeat several times.

You don’t want anyone to put pressure on your back, as this can damage it.


1. Straighten your back and clasp your feet with your palms.

2. Take the opposite knee with your left hand, place your right hand behind your lower back and hook it onto your thigh.

3. Pull your stomach in. Sit like this for 10 seconds and repeat on the other side. Enough 3 approaches for each.


1. Sit on the floor and bend one leg.

2. Take the other with your right hand, while keeping your back straight.

3.Try to touch your shin to your ear. Stretch until the sensations are bearable. Change sides.

Few people can repeat this pose, but try to make the result at least vaguely resemble the picture.

8. “BOAT”

1. Lie on your stomach, lift your chest, arms and legs off the floor, stretch out like a string.

2. The whole body should be tense: buttocks tucked, feet together. Freeze for 15 seconds.

3.Slowly lower yourself to the starting position. Repeat 3 more times.

There is no need to rock back and forth: it will only add discomfort to the groin area.


1. Do three sets of 20 squats.

2. Remember a few nuances: a) do not arch your back too much and unnaturally; b) do not touch your knees to your toes; c) keep your thighs parallel to the floor; d) don’t go too low to avoid damaging your joints; e) draw in your stomach.

If you want to work your gluteal muscles, when lifting, try to squeeze them until they burn.

The exercise with Laysan Utyasheva is over!

Charging from Laysan Utyasheva

Daily exercise is the key to success in the fight against excess weight. It is highly advisable to do it in the morning, but you can also move it to lunch. The complex consists of only 4 exercises, each is repeated 10 times, but after 2-3 days (depending on the condition), this figure will need to be increased by at least 2-5 repetitions.

Exercise complex from Laysan Utyasheva for weight loss:

  • Twisting. Lie on your back, raise your shoulder blades and legs bent at the knees, stretch your arms forward and box with them in this suspended position for 10-20 seconds.
  • " Scissors" . Lying on your back, lift your legs and shoulder blades off the floor 30 degrees and imitate the work of scissors with straight lower limbs.
  • "Releve" . Stand straight, knees together, tense your buttocks and roll from heel to toe, mentally holding a coin between your thighs, repeat at least 30 times.
  • Squats. Spread your legs wider than your shoulders, bend your arms at the elbows, squat as if you were trying to sit on a chair (the pelvis moves back), perform only half-squats.

Exercise “Scissors”
This complex is also great for women who are at home with a baby. You can place your child nearby or pick him up to do the exercises from a standing position.

Exercising at home with Laysan Utyasheva

We have known about the benefits of morning exercises since childhood. Exercise awakens, heals and strengthens our body. Thanks to morning exercise, we improve blood circulation and help activate all body systems. So if you start your day with physical activity, you will not only keep yourself in good shape, but also feel great.

However, in order to enjoy doing home exercises every morning, you need interesting video programs. For example, mini-trainings with Laysan Utyasheva “Wake up the country beautifully.” Short exercises lasting 2-3 minutes are an excellent option for light morning fitness. You can put together several videos and create a workout for yourself that is suitable in terms of time and load.

Due to the fact that the program has been on TV for quite a long time, a lot of episodes have accumulated. Therefore, even with regular exercise, you will not feel a lack of variety in your workouts . Laysan offers a different approach to morning sports: video programs combine elements of traditional fitness, yoga, Pilates, and gymnastics. The exercises are demonstrated by several girls at once, which helps to better grasp each movement. From time to time, guest stars come to the program, offering interesting exercises and introducing something new to home exercises from Laysan.

Exercises for weight loss

As soon as your physical fitness begins to return to normal, you need to increase the load. Laysan recommends starting the following workouts:

  • For legs. Sit on the floor, tilt your torso and raise your lower limbs above the floor. First perform upward swings with them one at a time, then two at the same time, then the “Scissors” and “Bicycle” exercises. Next, roll over onto your stomach, lift your upper torso and legs and repeat the set of movements.

Each exercise for losing weight in the legs is performed at a fast pace 8 times, followed by a minute rest and repeated 3-5 times.

Leg exercise by Laysan Utyasheva

  • For the abdominal muscles. Lie on your back, put your hands behind your head, bend your knees and rest your feet on the floor. Quickly raise your upper body so that your shoulders and shoulder blades lift off the floor. Then perform the same movement, but at the same time reach with your left shoulder to your right knee and vice versa.

Each movement is performed 8 times, then you need to take a break of 30 seconds and perform another 2-4 approaches.

  • For large muscles. Lie on your back, bend your knees, place your feet on the floor and move them as close to your body as possible. Grasp your feet (or ankle joints) with your hands and quickly lift your pelvis up. The buttocks are tense, the shoulder blades, shoulders and head remain pressed to the floor.

Repeat 8 times, then take a 10-second break and perform the next set.

Exercise for the pelvis

This set of exercises for weight loss goes well with morning exercises. And if it is performed at lunchtime, and in addition the person adjusts the diet towards reducing the calorie content of food, then weight loss is guaranteed.

Exercise sets

In her exercise complexes, Laysan Utyasheva combined various elements, where yoga asanas combine well with cardio training. With the help of such combined gymnastics, you can achieve amazing results, not only lose weight and tighten muscles, but also improve the general condition of the body.

The method does not include exercises that “pump” the muscles, so you will not gain unwanted volume; they will strengthen and become elastic.

Complex No. 1:

  • Sit on the carpet, tuck your buttocks, stretch your legs forward. Lean your body back. Alternately, raise your legs, toes extended. Perform at a fast pace;
  • Starting position: as in the first exercise. Raise your extended legs at the same time;
  • “Scissors” – cross raised legs, maintaining a fast pace;
  • "Bike".

Starting position: lie on the carpet, raise your upper body above the floor (keep an angle of 45 degrees), place your crossed arms on the back of your head, keep your buttocks tense. Repeat all previously performed exercises from a lying position. Works the buttocks, legs and back.

While performing the exercises, keep your body elevated, lifting your shoulder blades off the mat at least five centimeters without leaning on your elbows. This is how you get your abs to work.

Complex No. 2:

  • Lie on your back, bend your knees slightly, clasp your hands at the back of your head. Raise your body to an angle of 45 degrees. Maintain a fast pace, this will burn off excess belly fat;
  • From a lying position on your back, twist the body, reaching with your left elbow towards your right knee;
  • Raise your legs bent at the knees above the floor and twist from this position;
  • Turn onto your stomach, lift your legs bent at the knees one by one;
  • Exercise “ring”: lying on your stomach, raise your body, bend your legs. Goal: touch your head to your bent legs.

Complex No. 3:

  • Lie on your back, bend your legs, arms along your body. Squeezing your buttocks, lift your pelvis up;
  • “Rifles.” Grab your knees with your hands and roll from your shoulder blades to your buttocks back and forth;
  • Lie on your stomach, raise yourself on your elbows. We move our right leg to the side, return it to its original position, and lift it up. Repeat with your left leg.

Finish your workout by doing another 7-8 push-ups. The bench press strengthens and tightens the chest muscles.

Training should be regular, at least 4 times a week. It may be difficult at the beginning, but you need to go towards your goal, and then in the new beach season you will boast of a slim, toned figure.

If you didn’t manage to do the exercises correctly the first time, don’t despair. Ideally, if the complexes are done one after another, without interruption, this approach will give the desired result. Do your muscles hurt the next day after exercise? This means that you did the exercises correctly, the processes necessary for weight loss have begun in the body, and the effect will not take long to appear.


Program and lessons for individual gymnastics lessons

Laysan has developed a “Personal Trainer” program for doing gymnastics at home. The essence of such a workout is not to lose weight, but to strengthen muscles, improve stretching and coordination of movements. A 10-minute workout will work to improve your figure. The complex will be very useful because it:

  • accessible to every person; the gymnast talks in detail and clearly about the correct execution of each exercise;
  • unique; the exercises included in the complex are not found in other programs;
  • performed at a slow pace, so it is optimal for morning training when you need to wake up the body;
  • improves posture, increases body flexibility, makes stretching as possible;
  • allows you to work out different parts of the body: lower and upper limbs, stomach, thighs.

Watch the video of Laysan Utyasheva’s “Personal Trainer” program:

But experts warn that Laysan Utyasheva’s “Personal Trainer” program is only suitable for those people who have natural body flexibility. However, the gymnast draws up individual training programs taking into account the characteristics of the person and his level of physical fitness.

Laysan Utyasheva stretching exercises

Stretching exercises are very beneficial. They help relieve pain in a stiff body, improve blood circulation, and prolong the youth of joints. Laysan Utyasheva shows us exercises that are applicable in everyday life at home, but are based on a deep knowledge of human physiology and its capabilities.

Laysan Utyasheva stretching exercises

“How to do the splits” (part 1)

A set of exercises for flexibility and preparation for the splits.

“How to do the splits” (part 2)

We continue to develop flexibility with Laysan Utyasheva.

The result before and after losing weight by Laysan Utyasheva

According to the gymnast’s program, losing weight will be absolutely correct from a medical point of view. The weight will go away slowly, but irrevocably, the muscles will strengthen, the skin will tighten. Laysan herself was able to get rid of 25 kg of excess weight in just six months of following the recommendations and rules. But even if a person’s excess weight is too much and the simplest physical activity is difficult, there is no need to stop.

By training every day for just 20 minutes and following the rule of active rest, reducing portions and caloric content of food, the first results will be noticeable within a month . The body will become more flexible, the scales will begin to move in the opposite direction, and shortness of breath will disappear. And then you need to increase the pace, increase the load and continue to reduce the caloric content of your dishes.

We recommend reading the article about the horizontal bar for weight loss. From it you will learn about the benefits of the horizontal bar, contraindications for exercise, and exercises to perform at home. And here is more information about the weight loss video.

Laysan Utyasheva, when drawing up her own weight loss program, took into account the possible problems of obese people. Her diet and workout routine is quite acceptable even with a lot of excess weight and poor physical development. It is important to strictly follow the gymnast’s recommendations and, if necessary, consult a nutritionist to avoid lack of results.

Pros and cons of home video charging


1. The videos are very short in time: 2-3 minutes, so they will be convenient even for those who do not plan to spend a lot of time on morning exercises. If you plan to study longer, you can put 3-4 videos together.

2. Laysan Utyasheva offers a different approach to training: you will perform both yoga and Pilates elements for stretching, and traditional fitness exercises to work out problem areas.

3. There is a huge selection of options for charging at home: more than 100 different editions. You can do something new for yourself every day.

4. Laysan comments on each exercise, clearly explains its features and technique.

5. Together with her, several other girls of varying physical fitness . Therefore, if it will be difficult for you to focus on the flexible Laysan, then it is very possible to focus on her partners.

6. The video is in Russian, so you will understand all the trainer’s explanations.

7. Guest stars come to the program, who also offer new interesting techniques and give useful advice.


1. The videos are not grouped in any way: you will need to independently search for the workouts that are most preferable in terms of load and content. For example, classes with abdominal exercises, or light aerobic exercise, or stretching, or for the back and spine.

2. Part of the time during short training sessions is “eaten up” by talking and discussing exercises. Therefore, it will be difficult to get by with just one video , even if you are looking for a minimal load for the morning.

But in general, home exercises with Laysan Utyasheva remain one of the most convenient and varied programs for waking up in the morning. Everyone will be able to find suitable videos for themselves , with which it will be pleasant and useful to start their day.

Useful video

Watch the video about weight loss by Laysan Utyasheva:

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Leg exercises

With these exercises you can tone your leg muscles, create a slimmer figure and get rid of thigh fat.

Exercise 1. Starting position - sitting on the floor. Hands behind your head. Tilt your body back approximately 45°. Tighten the muscles of your buttocks, picking them up as much as possible. At a fast pace, the right leg rises to a small height (8 times), then the left leg (8 times). Next, lift both legs together (8 times, fast pace). Perform scissoring movements 8 times. The exercise ends with movements simulating running - up and down alternately (8 times). Rest and repeat the exercise several times.

Exercise 2. Starting position – lying on your stomach. Raise your body off the floor at a 45° angle. Throw your head back, tighten your buttocks. Repeat all movements from exercise 1 at a fast pace.

A set of exercises from Laysan Utyasheva

Laysan Utyasheva’s exercises are aimed at losing weight and creating a beautiful, toned figure. The complex necessarily includes stretching, preferably training with a fitball, jogging and exercises for different types of muscles. This is the only way to achieve a good result.

Fitness with Utyasheva

Laysan stopped her career as a gymnast and became even more famous when she developed her weight loss program. She became one of the most famous fitness trainers. Any woman can afford fitness with Utyasheva right at home, because there is a whole video course of exercises with Leysan Utyasheva.

Gymnastics with Laysan Utyasheva

The instructor's stretching exercises are very good and effective. Stretching is one of the basic rules of good training from Utyasheva. This is an excellent option for warming up your muscles.


Stand with your back straight and your feet shoulder-width apart. Raise your hands up and join them in a lock, turning it out so that your palms face up. Stretch your arms up. Then make deep bends to the right, and then to the left. Continue this 20 times on each side.


The legs are straight, the back too, the arms need to be stretched up and folded into a lock, it is directed to the ceiling. Stretch yourself well and bend forward as much as possible, without bending your knees. Then do the same back bend. The exercise is also performed 40 times: 20 forward bends and 20 backward bends.

Upper thigh stretch

The exercise is done from a standing position, legs together. The right leg rises, bent at the knees, turns as far as possible to the left with the knee, and then to the right, maintaining balance on one leg. Then switch legs. Perform the movements 20 times in total, 10 on one leg, 10 on the other.

Exercises with fitball

Exercise 1.

Place your hands on the floor as if you were in a push-up position, but keep your elbows straight and your palms directly under your shoulders. First, place one, then the other foot on the ball. It should be under your shins. At the same time, the back remains flat and without deflection. Hold your body in this position for 90 seconds.

Exercise 2.

Sit on the ball with your feet shoulder-width apart on the floor at a 90-degree angle at the knees. Slowly lower your upper body back, arching your back until it rests firmly on the ball. Place your palms on the floor, then place your hands behind your head. The exercise lasts 90 seconds.

The best set of exercises for weight loss

After training with Laysan Utyasheva, there is a whole complex of stretching exercises for all types of muscles.

Exercise 1.

Sit on the floor, with your feet even on the floor. Slowly lower your torso toward the floor to a 45-degree angle. The body is supported by the press. Raise your right leg 45 degrees, lower and raise your left, then raise both legs together. There should be 8 lifts on each leg, 4 on both legs at the same time.

Exercise 2.

Also an abdominal exercise, like the previous one. Lie on your back, knees bent, feet on the floor. Place your hands behind your head. First, lift your body 10 times so that your lower back does not lift off the floor, straining your abs. Then rise with a twist: right elbow to left knee and left to right knee. Do this 10 times in each direction.

Exercise 3.

Standard scissor ab exercises. Lying position, lower back on the floor, legs raised and spread wider at a height of 10-15 cm from the floor. We bring and spread our legs together, tensing our abdominal muscles 15 times.

Exercise 4.

Lying on your stomach, bend your knees so that your feet point toward the ceiling. The hands are behind the head. Lift your chest and, arching your back, direct your upper body as far back as possible towards your feet. Do this 15 times.

Exercise 5.

Sit on the mat with your legs straight. Bend your right arm at the elbow and stretch it towards your left thigh. Then use your left elbow to reach your right hip, tilting your body. Do 10-15 of these movements on each side.

Exercise 6.

Lie on the floor, bend your knees and pull your heels as close to your buttocks as possible. straining them, lift your buttocks and lower back off the floor for 5-10 seconds. The emphasis is on the shoulder blades and feet. Do the same movements at least 10 times.

A set of exercises for weight loss

Laysan Utyasheva’s set of exercises for losing weight is designed in such a way that all muscle groups of the body are involved in the work, even those that are practically inactive in everyday life.

Therefore, with regular training, it is possible not only to lose weight, but also to correct all problem areas: stomach, hips, buttocks, etc.

  1. In a sitting position, stretch your legs straight forward, tilt your back slightly back (at an angle of approximately 45°), stretch your arms straight in front of your chest. First, you need to raise your right leg up and down at a fairly fast pace, thus completing 8 swings, then repeat the same with your left leg. After this, you need to try to lift both legs at the same time 8 times. Performing “running” and “scissoring” movements with your legs while lying on your back will help you complete the exercise effectively.
  2. Lie on your stomach, clasp your hands behind your head, lift your body as far as it goes (it is recommended to lift your upper body off the floor at least a few centimeters). Repeat the above exercise also 8 times with your right and left legs and 8 times with both. Perform running and scissoring movements.
  3. Lie on your back with your legs bent on the floor. To activate the muscles of the upper abs, you need to lift your head and shoulder blades off the floor, and then return to the starting position. You need to do the exercise 8 times. Now you need to use the oblique abdominal muscles; to do this, you should raise your upper body completely, reaching with your elbow to the knee of the opposite leg, and at this moment extending the other leg up at an angle of 60°. Repeat 8 times on each side.
  4. Lie on your stomach, bend your knees. Stretch your body back, bending, and return to the starting position. Repeat 8 times. Then, with one hand, reach for the knee of the same leg, make a movement to the opposite side. Repeat 8 times.
  5. Lie on your back, place your knees bent on the floor and hold your ankles with your hands. Raise your pelvis with force and return to the starting position. Do the exercise 16 times. Pull your bent legs towards your shoulders, press them to your body with your hands and rock left and right to relax.
  6. Lie on your back, stretch your legs straight, clasp your hands at the back of your head. Raise your upper body 8 times and return to the starting position. Then repeat the exercise while lying on your stomach and then lying on your side.

When performing the complex, you should not overload yourself, fitness should be fun, only in this way will training become a habit and bring maximum benefit. After all, the main secret to the effectiveness of the proposed exercises is regularity; it is recommended to perform them at least 4-5 times a week.

As Laysan Utyasheva herself rightly notes, weight loss exercises are only part of the system for getting rid of unnecessary pounds. The trainer also advises:

  • eat right, love healthy food;
  • love and accept yourself and your body;
  • think positively;
  • give up bad habits;
  • lead an active lifestyle;
  • start your morning with a glass of clean water with lemon.

By devoting just 15-20 minutes a day to training, you can achieve excellent results in a short time, the main thing is not to be lazy, but to constantly move forward - to a slim figure, excellent health and a great mood.

How does Laysan Utyasheva train at home?

Since we most often spend time within four walls in a sitting or lying position, it is important to periodically stretch the back muscles. Not long ago, Laysan told subscribers how to relieve tension from a tired lower back and strengthen muscles. Before starting the exercises, the presenter recommends doing a warm-up and drinking water 20 minutes before the start of the workout.

Wall stand

Initial position:

We stand close to the wall.

This must be done so that the heels, knees, lower back and shoulder blades are pressed against a flat surface. Then we raise our arms above our heads and also lean them against the wall. Laysan recommends standing like this for 100 counts - you can time it with a stopwatch. The exercise not only allows you to feel your lower back, but also stretches.

High chair

Initial position:

we sit against the wall as if there is a chair under us.

Keep your hip and knee joints at an angle of 90 degrees. Inhale, gently bend your back vertebra by vertebra and stretch your body towards your knees as far as you can. We return to the starting position and exhale. This strengthens the buttocks and knee joints and also stretches the back. We perform the exercise 5-6 times at the first stage.

Straighten your back: 5 minutes a day for beautiful posture

Personal experience: how stretching helped me get in shape

Fold near the wall

Initial position:

we sit on the floor, straighten our legs and press our straight back close to the wall. The stomach is pulled in, we pull our socks towards ourselves.

Gently bend your back, vertebra by vertebra, and try to lie on your feet. At the same time, the lower back should not come off the wall - this is very difficult!

It's best to cycle your workout. On the first circle we linger in each pose for 30 seconds, on the second – for a minute, and on the third – for a minute and a half.

Boat with alternating leg raises

Initial position:

We lie on our stomach, arms extended above our heads.

First, we raise our right leg and left arm at the same time and try to keep them straight. Then we lower and perform the same movements with the opposite arm and leg. We do 15 lifts on each side.

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Initial position:

We lie on our stomach, arms extended above our heads.

At the same time we raise our straight arms and legs and then lower them. We repeat the movement 15 times. At the same time, we pull our toes and do not bend our knees.


Initial position:

We lie on our stomach, arms extended above our heads.

At a fairly fast pace, we perform the “scissors” movement with our legs, and then smoothly connect our arms to the exercise. It will be more effective if we do not lift our heads and tilt them down. Then we move on to the next movement: we alternately raise and lower our straight arms and legs as if we were swimming in water.

In each exercise, you need to achieve a burning sensation in the working muscles or a feeling of stretching and relaxation.


At the end of the workout, take a child's pose to stretch your back. We kneel down, sit on our heels, bend over and stretch our hands forward.

We finish everything off with the “cat” exercise. We kneel down and rest our hands on the floor. We arch our back as if someone was sitting on you. Pull your head and neck back. Then slowly round your back and draw in your stomach. According to Laysan’s ironic remark, there is a chance that after this exercise your personal life will improve.


It allows you to get rid of muscle pain after strength training and completely relax. The gymnast recommends using a massage roller, but warns that at first the sensations may not be very pleasant.

Guys, don’t be alarmed, during the exercises you may experience quite strong unpleasant sensations, they will go away over time. In general, the roll provides you with a massage, working out problem areas, and pumping.

Massage roller: how to get rid of muscle pain

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