How to get ready to lose weight psychologically and morally. Mood from Sytin, Kuznetsova, tips for losing weight

Psychology and weight loss are two inextricably linked concepts. Without high-quality psychoanalysis and elaboration of one’s own attitudes, solving the problem of excess weight is very difficult. Any experienced nutritionist knows that the success of body weight correction depends 80% on the client’s psychological attitude and willingness to become thin and change something in their life.

That is why today, training to become a nutritionist psychologist is becoming increasingly popular, who can not only create a balanced menu and a gradual weight loss program, but also work through the destructive attitudes of his clients and help them break out of the captivity of their own beliefs, fears and blocks.

In this material, experts from the Wellness Consulting Academy will talk about the main reasons for gaining excess weight, touching on aspects of the psychology of losing weight. How to overload your brain and allow yourself to finally become slim - read here...

What is a weight loss mindset?

To lose weight, you need to have a clear motivation, define the end goal, in order to avoid disappointment, depression and apathy. People are not born fat, but become overweight during the course of life, when laziness and bad habits take precedence over a balanced diet, a healthy lifestyle, and correct eating behavior.

Getting ready to lose weight means deciding exactly why you need to go through this path, what results are expected, why problems with excess weight arose, how to avoid emotional and physical starvation.

The process of weight adjustment should bring joy, satisfaction, motivation to have a positive attitude - I want to lose weight in order to have a child, get healthy, get a job, get married, buy the desired dress, swimsuit, go on vacation. But to lose extra pounds so that neighbor Ira will envy - it is unlikely that such an attempt to lose weight will be successful.

The main motivation for losing weight should be love for your body and joy, because positive emotions work wonders and make it easy to achieve your goal.

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How to mentally prepare yourself for weight loss

How to mentally prepare yourself for weight loss in order to comfortably prepare your brain and body for the changes will be discussed below. To do this, you need to follow several steps.

Defining the Goal

The main reason for failures on the way to the desired goal is insufficiently strong motivation. You need to clearly answer yourself - “why do I want to lose weight?” The answer should inspire, give strength, invigorate, be a bright activator when you give up or become lazy. The correct goal is like a diagnosis in medicine - the success of the treatment process depends on it.

You need to set a specific and adequate goal - to lose 3 kg in a month in order to fit into your favorite skirt. But you shouldn’t overestimate the results, as this can lead to exhaustion of the body and a depressive state.

Stimulus is motivation, and efforts generate results. The process of losing weight starts from the head, and the brain controls the body. When there is a goal, then there is a desire to work on yourself and move on.


A valuable assistant in losing weight is a food diary. You need to write down all the information related to the weight adjustment process in a notebook. First you need to describe the available parameters of the figure.

Mark the initial data and record the final results, as in the example:

Height 159 cm10.07.201801.08.2018
Weight64 kg59 kg
Bust90 cm88 cm
Waist74 cm70 cm
Berda95 cm90 cm
Leg61 cm58 cm
Hand30 cm28 cm
Stomach83 cm80 cm

Add the selected goal, desired results, write down a weight loss program and diet menu. The more accurately each step is described, the more comfortable it will be to follow the weight loss rules. The diary makes it possible to analyze, control actions, draw conclusions from unsatisfactory results, and take new steps towards correcting the situation.

The diary will allow you to adequately look at the situation:

  • amount of food eaten;
  • how many kilocalories were burned in the gym;
  • what foods were introduced into the diet;
  • were there any deviations from the diet?

All records must be honest, awaken responsibility for the actions performed, discipline, correct mistakes, visualize the final result, and be a powerful incentive for further self-improvement.

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Choosing a comfortable diet

Nutritionists do not recommend abruptly switching to a low-calorie diet; it is necessary to gradually reduce the calorie content of dishes, taking into account the needs and characteristics of each organism. First, you need to exclude semi-finished products, sauces, chips, crackers, white bread from your diet, then reduce the fat content of the dishes, and in the end say “no” to sweets.

Write down your daily diet in your diary, introduce more vegetables, fruits, and dairy products. In the process of losing weight, it is important to cleanse the body of waste, toxins, and regulate water-salt metabolism.

The following indicators must also be taken into account:

  • the number of kilograms you plan to lose;
  • time for which you need to lose weight;
  • general well-being and health status;
  • eating habits and taste preferences;
  • financial costs for purchasing dietary products;
  • intensity of physical activity.

When choosing a diet, you need to analyze the menu, food intake, and method of preparing foods. For example, according to Mirimanova’s diet, you need to have breakfast early and dinner before 6 o’clock, while observing exceptionally gentle processing of foods.

It is possible, instead of long-term diet programs, to use fasting days, for example, on kefir, cottage cheese, apples, milk, vegetable or fruit smoothies, light broths or water. There are also quick diets - from 3 to 10 days (Hollywood, Japanese, cabbage, kefir, buckwheat).


You can tune in to losing weight by “programming” your brain to achieve a certain goal - losing up to 10-15 kg per month. This is real, both physically and psychologically, because thoughts change a person’s life and a lot depends on the mood.

For self-hypnosis to help, you need to retire, relax, and focus on breathing. Imagine your own body in front of you, note the shortcomings, and then mentally change the shape, look at yourself renewed - slim, thinner, beautiful, confident in your actions.

Formulations for self-hypnosis:

  • Everything works out for me, I strictly follow my goal.
  • Yes, I want to eat a bun, but such food will not achieve my desired goal.
  • Laziness won't stop me from enjoying my new lifestyle.
  • I can control myself.
  • I feel better every day, and the kilograms are disappearing before our eyes.

    Tips on how to mentally prepare yourself for weight loss.

You can use various phrases to lose weight; it is important that the text of self-hypnosis is positive, gives strength and encourages. It is important to regularly perform self-hypnosis sessions, after waking up and before going to bed.

Gaining support

When losing weight, you need to enlist the support of like-minded people. Being in a team is an opportunity to discuss together an action plan, results, and outline new plans.

During a period when you give up, a partner will help give you confidence and allow your motivation to grow and strengthen.

It is also an additional incentive to be better, to move forward, to compete, to be responsible not only to yourself, but also to others. “How can I eat a cake when my friend is starving!”

Establishing stages of weight loss

Proper weight loss consists of several stages:

  1. Weight Loss Plan - Predicting exactly how your body will react to dietary changes is difficult, but setting a desired goal is necessary.
  2. Organize your daily routine – sleep, exercise, breakfast, nap, gym session, lunch, walk in the fresh air, dinner, motivational lesson, sleep.

  3. Physical activity – determine the type(s) of physical activity (fitness, swimming pool, jogging, jumping rope, strength exercises).
  4. Review bad habits and develop a plan to eliminate them.
  5. Diet – you need to adjust your body to small meals, at least 5-6 times a day, with light snacks and hearty main meals (breakfast and lunch).
  6. Diet – food should be balanced. Proteins and fats of both plant and animal origin, a sufficient amount of microelements and vitamins is required.
  7. Body composition control - it is necessary to regularly measure the circumference of the waist, hips, arms, analyzing body parameters.

If you follow the stages of weight loss, the weight loss process will be smooth, safe and of high quality.

System of rewards and punishments

Rewards and punishments are two sides of the same coin, and to get gold as a result, you need to follow simple rules:

  • Eating too much - no watching your favorite program, or punishment in the form of cleaning the house, getting up early;
  • The desired results have been achieved - you can afford to buy a new handbag or a bottle of expensive eau de toilette.

When your mood is positive, it is easier to stick to a weight loss program.

Ways to overcome food addiction

Not every person can understand how to psychologically tune in to losing weight and overcome food addiction in order to get rid of the constant desire to eat something. First of all, you need to work on proper self-esteem, you need to stop reproaching yourself for your weaknesses and eliminate self-flagellation.

Secondly, you need to learn not to hold back your emotions, to give vent to negative energy in order to avoid emotional starvation. Thirdly, you need to occupy your brain, do some general cleaning in the house, read a book, solve crossword puzzles.

If you feel a strong desire to eat something, you need to drink water and try to distract yourself.

Each time it will be easier to overcome psychological difficulties without overeating. Regular physical activity reduces cravings for sweets; in addition, fitness will allow you to tune in to the right wave and become a source of positive charge in the process of losing weight. The famous psychoanalyst Louise Hay calls for changing life attitudes.

First of all, you need to change your inner self, and then adjust your physical parameters. To do this, give up negative thoughts, often say the phrases “I live in harmony with the world around me,” “I am full of strength and energy,” “I am happy in my new body,” “I love myself and my figure.”

To cope with addiction to eating high-calorie foods, you need to find the right ways to manage emotions and not depend on the opinions of others. A person himself is the master of his life, dictating his own rules and guidelines.

Fifteen commandments for losing weight

Don't be a hostage to the scales

Take out a measuring tape and open your eyes, looking at your figure, take out your things that are already in time for you. Just don't confuse fat and muscle. At the same weight, fat and muscle content constantly varies. Knowing this, it will become easier for you to lose weight for the benefit of your mood.

When losing weight, we are used to focusing on weight. In fact, volumes and your own sense of self are much more important. Have you taken your pre-pregnancy jeans out of your closet? Did you manage to button up your favorite dress from your student days? So you are on the right track. Or at least you feel, looking in the mirror, that your belly is gradually disappearing. Yes, the enchanted cursed weight is in place, but you see that the scales are lying, you feel that the figure is changing, you feel harmony in the body... That means the ice has broken! Hallelujah!

If the weight stands, it means the ice has broken

You shouldn’t jump on the scale every day and celebrate your victory over the extra 300 grams or be sad about the 500 grams that have arrived. The catch is that the lost grams can simply be gained back. Is this what you are striving for? After all, if you drink one liter of liquid more, eat 1 kg of fruit more, and you will undoubtedly improve your appearance, but your weight will increase.

Our body is a complex multicomponent system, and each of its components has its own mass.

The numbers on the scale exist only to turn on the brain process at the right moment and once again confirm: everything is in order, the body is in good shape. This means that it is beneficial for us that the brain is mistaken. We are losing weight, but he sincerely believes that we are not. The main thing is that it is not the other way around. The main thing is that we consciously understand that we are intensively losing weight and replacing muscle mass with fat.

Therefore, if the weight is “standing”, do not panic, wait calmly. The body is working. “Steps” in weight loss are absolutely normal and even good. The body is undergoing a restructuring: hundreds of meters of blood capillaries that supplied the burned fat must go somewhere. Give your body time to get used to the new rules. And hey hey let's move on!

You can't jump over your head

Minus 70 g of fat per day (maximum 150) is a real result for those who have begun the fight against excess weight. You can’t jump over your head: steel losses are due to metabolic processes in the body and water exchange. Is it worth losing weight at their expense? Of course it's not worth it. Mistake #1: Losing weight by reducing fluid intake. Don't even think about it! The skin will wrinkle before your eyes, and strangely enough, you will not only become slimmer, but also look much older. This is only in preparation for the bodybuilding championship; you need to strictly limit yourself to fluids. Don't even think about doing this! Especially if you live in cities with poor ecology.

He who sleeps well loses weight well

8 hours of sleep is an ideal condition for those who want to lose weight. Sleep is important, and getting a good night's sleep is doubly important. After all, it is at night that fat is burned: at this time the immune system is actively working and regenerative processes are launched. It is during sleep that the body records your daily achievements. People who sleep little are much more likely to suffer from cancer, live shorter lives and look older (all other things being equal), and people who don’t get enough sleep have trouble losing weight. And by the way, try reducing the calorie content of your meals and try to fall asleep. A wave of excitement will cover you and you will not be able to sleep. All you will think about is food. Therefore, be sure to drink at least kefir at night, at least lemon, but eat and don’t even think about starving. This is difficult and often impossible, because we are mostly fixated on food.

5. Good metabolism is everything

During the weight loss stage, it is necessary to carefully monitor the quality of stool, since the percentage of fat in the diet has decreased. If a problem exists, you can get into the habit of drinking fish oil or vegetable oil on an empty stomach. You shouldn’t forget about the beneficial properties of water (warm boiled on an empty stomach) and fiber.

To lose weight you need to eat

Protein foods first. (proteins-40%, fats-15%, complex carbohydrates-45%). Why are these numbers so important? Our body is made up of cells (muscles, organs, nerves), fats and water. A decent “standard of living” of cells is the key to vitality and youth of the body, good health and excellent appearance. It takes about 70 kcal daily to maintain it, so the cells (active cell mass, ACM) need to be “fed.” And it is the protein that does this. You can eat peas, lentils, cheese. It is not necessary to crush hormonal meat or eat fish.

One, two, three, four - legs higher, arms wider

If you decide to lose weight, you will have to make friends with sports. Eating boiled meat as a source of protein will not solve the problem. And this is not a useful product. You don't eat homemade meat, do you? This means they must be prepared for the fact that it is hormonal, mixed with poisons and has no benefit. It can be consumed in small doses, but as gourmets. Need physical activity. Gymnastics. Aerobics.

With regular exercise, favorable conditions are created for the absorption of protein foods, and therefore for maintaining a decent level of AMC. Do you want your body to live in luxury cages? Then move! And by the way, after class, indulge in cottage cheese! It is tasty, low in calories, good for bones, inexpensive and also a protein food.

Drink, drink, don't be sorry!

Much is known about the life-giving properties of water. The more you drink, the longer you live. Regular consumption of water increases skin elasticity, improves complexion, relieves dryness and flaking, and can even solve digestive problems. No cream has such a lifting effect as a glass of water.

You should drink water from 1.5 liters to 3 times pure water per day. Not to be confused with drinking food: latte, tea, coffee, soup, borscht, milk, kefir, fermented baked milk. Oddly enough, such food and drink is not water. Water is water. The rest is liquid food. Even tea and coffee are not water. Water is clean water, which should definitely be consumed day after day in the region of two liters per person.

Food is not joy, look for other pleasures!

Often the circle of our pleasure closes on food. On holidays we arrange hearty feasts, we prefer to meet with friends not in the park, but in a cafe, we relieve stress not with love and communication, but with a large piece of chocolate pie. It is not right! Again, these are social norms. We eat all the time - at weddings, funerals, various briefings and corporate events.

Expand your range of pleasures: theatre, dancing, swimming pool, a walk in the park, a sincere conversation with a friend, a hand-sewn toy, a bath with rose petals - you just forgot that we eat in order to live. But only.

On the other hand, we have a sea of ​​temptations and how can we resist them? If it drives you crazy to think that today and tomorrow and for another year you cannot afford to eat cake, chocolate, marshmallows, pastries, cookies and candies.

Eat after 6 pm

This rule contradicts the common rule of not eating after 6 p.m. Let's explain why.

Just the thought of fasting after 18 hours drives many people crazy. Therefore, you should not become like a template. Drink kefir, eat lemons, drink water with lemon, eat an apple. Don’t torture yourself; exhaustion doesn’t make anyone happy, because the risk of relapse is maximum.

Reduce the calorie content of your meals.

Be sure to eat 1500 calories a day. By the way, no one is asking you to give up sweets, flour and rely on homemade sour cream, olive and sunflower oils. With the help of the latter, we allow ourselves not to starve and at the same time not to eat sweets and starchy foods.

Reducing calories is the only way to start losing weight gently and sustainably. Many people eat 700 calories a day, others eat 1000 calories. But you can stop at 1200-1300 calories and allow yourself everything that corresponds to them. It is quite possible to saturate your body with them if you set such a goal for yourself.

Change your relationship with food. Diet will not change your life.

Slimness is not weight, it is the state of the body. And it (the body) has the right to happiness, just like the soul. It is not enough to achieve ideal forms, you need to learn to live with them. It is not enough to become happy, you need to learn to be happy. And for this you need to invest effort, time and money. Today, tomorrow, every day, always!

The thought is material

Set yourself up for positive thinking, value your intuition, don’t say a hundred times on social networks that your weight is “worth it”, there’s no need for this. Thought is material and what you say, the universe, of course, supports you and you reprogram yourself.

You are beautiful, confident, loved, desired and slim.

Repeat this mantra, dream about it and let it come true. The main thing is to really want it.

Love and accept yourself.

Feel the surge of strength, bliss and unique luxury of your external identity. Treat yourself to yourself. You need to “drag” not from food, but from yourself. Take care of yourself and cherish yourself, take care of yourself and may good luck accompany you. Take care of yourself! And remember that any relaxation is as important as lunch or dinner. Allow yourself to eat it more often!


Why do you need motivation?

The motivation for losing weight can be different - someone needs to lose extra pounds due to health problems, someone cannot give birth to a child and cannot do without adjusting their figure and nutrition. For some, it’s enough to “fit into” a new dress or go to a party looking slim and radiant.

For everyone, a goal is a tool for victory; as a result, self-esteem increases, health improves, and joy appears in life. The answer to the question: “Why do I want to lose weight?” must be clear and precise. But at the same time, you don’t need to set inflated goals so as not to be disappointed in yourself and your abilities.

It is safe and physiological to lose up to 3 kg per week, depending on your initial weight. The right motivation will be an incentive for effective weight loss. You shouldn’t postpone the “start of a new life” until tomorrow. Today you can make a light salad for dinner, perform a few gymnastic exercises, and start a food diary.

Psychological attitude for losing weight

The hard part in any business is the first step. The psychological attitude before a diet is the main factor in the question of how to start losing weight. Here are some tips to help you prepare for weight loss:

  1. Try to sort through your problems so that nothing depresses you while losing weight.
  2. Set a realistic goal. Losing weight before the New Year or holiday is an irrational idea. Compliance with the regime should become a way of life.
  3. To help yourself, keep a diary or personal plan.
  4. Never give up. Even if something doesn't work out. Just lower the bar a little. Achieve small goals.
  5. Allow yourself small portions of your favorite treats, perhaps once a week.
  6. Enlist the support of your loved ones.
  7. Look on the Internet for pictures of people before and after losing weight.
  8. Lose weight for yourself, not for someone else.

How to start losing weight and not lose weight

Expert advice will help you get ready to lose weight psychologically and not break your routine. Nutritionists advise developing a step-by-step action plan, taking into account the actual results of weight loss.

Physiologically, the body, when the calorie content of food is reduced, begins to lose accumulated fat; weight indicators in the first or second weeks will be higher than later, when the metabolism stabilizes and the diet is balanced.

10 tricks to stay on your diet:

  • Make it a habit to drink at least 6 glasses of water a day, which leads to a feeling of fullness and normalizes metabolism.
  • Replace simple sugars with complex carbohydrates - sweeten food with honey, eat dried fruits, fresh fruits, muesli.
  • Create a diet so as not to feel hungry - use vegetables, fruits, dairy products, juices, smoothies as snacks.

  • Eating should be measured - the longer a person eats, the longer saturation occurs.
  • Establish a schedule of sleep, rest, and physical activity - lack of sleep and fatigue negatively affect the brain, concentration decreases, and the desire to follow the intended goals disappears.
  • Choose pleasant moments for your body and soul - professional body and facial care, bathhouse, sauna, shopping, beauty treatments.
  • During the diet, try not to visit large grocery stores, but it is best to delegate the worries about purchasing food to household members.
  • You should not torture yourself with exhausting diets and physical activity, as a result the body will receive additional stress and, in addition, gain new kilograms.
  • Take a photo in a swimsuit on the first day of losing weight and repeat the photo a month later - a visual change in body parameters will become a strong motivation for further action.

  • Don’t set yourself up for a quick result - the faster the kilograms go away, the faster the previous weight will return. A complete transition to a healthy diet will allow you to get the desired result.

Failures can be avoided, but only with the appropriate mindset for losing weight. But even if this happened, you need to give up self-flagellation, draw the right conclusions and then, with joy and confidence, continue the path of getting rid of extra pounds.

Dominant in the fight against excess weight

That is why, in order for the brain to allocate its resources to solving the problem of losing weight, our FIRST and MAIN task is to excite the dominant in the fight against excess weight.

With this action we will bring all the capabilities of the brain to our side! We will force the subconscious to work on this task, and at every step it will look for and find solutions.

How we configure our subconscious (with the help of emotional images), that’s how it will work, that’s what it will achieve.

But look at how we act now. Suppose that you want to be slim and beautiful, but if an emotionally charged image of yourself as fat has taken root in your subconscious, or if you do not believe that losing weight is even possible, then there is no doubt that in this case nothing will come of losing weight.

The desires of consciousness (mind) are nothing compared to the ancient power of the subconscious, and in this case you did not want to win this power over to your side.

To avoid this, you need to create a bright, emotionally charged image for yourself. In our case, the main goal of creating an image is to see yourself thinner, to see how the fat has disappeared from your body.

Start with the statement: “I am losing fat every second.” Then imagine the fat draining like water from your body. How it melts like snow under the rays of the sun. It evaporates like water on glass on a hot day.

This image of fat draining from your body is very useful to keep in mind during physical training - the effectiveness of training increases by 3 times.

If your imagination is well developed, then you can go further. Imagine that fat is gradually evaporating from your body, and now your body has reached the condition you need! It's lost weight! Be sure to positively reinforce this image of yourself as slim and beautiful (you will delight yourself).

Next, imagine as vividly as possible: you are slim and beautiful, you get out of bed in the morning, stretch, do exercises, douse yourself with water. Here you are walking down the street and people look at you, see your reflection in the window and smile at it. So you come to work, the employees compliment you, congratulate you, and start asking you how you did it. You meet an acquaintance whom you have not seen for a long time, at first he does not recognize you and exclaims: “God, this cannot be! How did you lose weight!”, “It’s a miracle!” You feel proud and confident from the changes that have occurred.

It is with this state of joy and happiness that you must reinforce the image of the future.

You need to evoke the desired image for 10-30 minutes a day (you can do it 2 times for 5-15 minutes). Use the time of traveling in the subway, minibuses, taking a shower, etc. for this. There are many opportunities to allocate 10-30 minutes a day. It is highly advisable to evoke such an image early in the morning - the morning mood sets the tone for the whole day.

Mood from Sytin

Sytin’s attitude allows you to remove psychological barriers, heal and rejuvenate the body. And in order to achieve a positive result in losing weight, it is important to ensure that thoughts do not diverge from actions. Academician Georgy Sytin developed a scheme of psychological attitudes and tried the method on himself.

Sytin’s moods are pronounced in a spiritual rhythm, giving a signal to the brain to perform certain tasks:

  • I have a strong will, I go to victory;
  • I can do everything, I can and I’m not afraid of anything;
  • I have strong self-control, I know how to eat food correctly in order to lose extra pounds;
  • I am clearly aware of the needs of my body;
  • I know where to get energy to perform physical exercises;
  • I am ready to re-evaluate my principles of life, which will lead me to the desired goal - to lose 5 (10) kg.

Each phrase should have a positive charge. You can find moods on the Internet or come up with them yourself. It is recommended to read phrases in active motion, without doubting their strength and effect. Sytin’s audio mindset for weight loss allows you to acquire the desired shape in 7-10 days.

You can listen to the recording while working out on exercise equipment, while going for a morning jog, or while sitting at the computer. Give 100% of your attention to each saying, focusing on every word.

Moral spirit from Kuznetsova

Irina Kuznetsova reveals in her video works how to mentally tune in to losing weight. The healing mindset for weight loss should be instilled in the head, and only then transmitted throughout the body.

Active affirmations:

  • I am filled with colossal energy that allows me to accomplish what I have planned;
  • idolizing power gives birth to a strong body and a thin waist;
  • excess fat quickly burns until it disappears completely;
  • a new image is born, without extra pounds;
  • I constantly monitor my food needs;
  • I once and for all forbid myself to eat unnecessary food;
  • my body mobilizes reserves to fulfill desires;
  • I live a cheerful, meaningful life, enjoying the new parameters of my figure.

The entire video is filled with magnetism, all-consuming energy that helps you cope with difficulties and tune in to a positive result.

What is self-hypnosis

Controlling your body is quite difficult, but everything becomes easier if you resort to self-hypnosis for weight loss and weight loss. You just have to inspire yourself: “you need to eat smaller portions of food, the right portion sizes for continuous weight loss every day and spend energy as efficiently as possible.” After convincing the body and brain, the body begins to listen to your mental attitudes, so diets become effective.

Suggestions for weight loss are not just spells over a plate: “I need to eat this healthy food to lose weight.” Self-hypnosis is, first of all, a training that requires long-term preparation, attention, and determination.

Advice from experts and people who have lost weight

When choosing the path to cleanse the body of excess fat, you need to learn not to be offended by your weight, accept yourself as you are, and only thanks to a planned diet and a healthy lifestyle regimen, correct your shape.

Recommendations from experienced people - how to set yourself up for weight loss and not go astray from your chosen path:

  • Do not dwell on the problem, generating negative thoughts. It is necessary to switch your thoughts in a different direction to avoid the desire to eat something.
  • Switch yourself to active work - cleaning, washing, ironing, or find an exciting activity that allows you to tune in positively to the weight loss process.

  • Mentally praise yourself - visually imagine the desired forms, encourage your brain, sending the necessary impulses to your consciousness.
  • Making yourself happy while losing weight is not about a bar of chocolate, but about going to a spa, a massage room, you can pamper yourself with new shoes or expensive cosmetics.
  • Be sure to say effective affirmations every morning about a slim, graceful and toned body, which will charge you with energy for the whole day.

And the most important thing is to give up the saying “I can’t”, “I don’t have the strength”, “I will no longer restrain myself from eating a bun or cake.”

The right motivation will allow you to discard all weaknesses and prepare the body for effective loss of extra pounds. Knowing how to physically and psychologically adjust to losing weight can make the weight adjustment process easy, positive and highly effective. It is important to continue to adhere to the rules of a healthy lifestyle and keep fit.

Author: LisovaKonfetka

Article design: Anna Vinnitskaya

Excess weight as a cover for psychological immaturity

Whatever one may say, many overweight clients of nutritionists argue that their excess weight is not laziness and unwillingness to put things in order in their heads and plates, but because of poor heredity. There is a genetic predisposition to gaining extra pounds, but it is not a key factor in a person’s gradual obesity.

That is, people in whose family many relatives were plump only need to more closely monitor their figure. They can stay lean and fit with a little more effort than those who are blessed with genetics and a good metabolism.

However, very often everything happens completely differently: people who are inclined to have a full physique begin to blame their genes, which supposedly prevent them from losing weight. “Nothing can be done - everyone in our family was fat” is a standard excuse from those who are accustomed to looking for someone to blame for their mistakes.

This is a consequence of the psychological immaturity of the individual, infantility and unwillingness to take responsibility for one’s own actions. It is much easier to blame someone or something for your troubles than to admit your mistakes and begin difficult work on yourself.

With this category of clients, you need to actively work on the sector of responsibility and self-confidence. As soon as they learn not to make excuses for their own inaction, excess weight will begin to decrease, and weight loss will become real.

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