How often should you weigh yourself while losing weight? Diet, weight loss, fitness

What is the danger

How does this happen in practice? A person bravely overcomes all the temptations of the world gastronomic backstage all day long, and instead of relaxing in the evening watching TV, he sweats in the gym. In the morning he gets on the scales, expecting a reward of “minus 300 grams”, and then there’s a plus! The next shot is “screw it all, there’s no point anyway!” - a forced march to the refrigerator with the destruction of everything that is not nailed down. The second option for the development of events is to “cut” the daily calorie intake even more, in especially severe cases, go on fasting-kefir diets or some other fashionable obscurantism from the pages of Instagram (they won’t lie there!)

In both cases, nothing good, of course, happens. And these unfortunate scales are to blame for showing an increase. Although, provided that only two factors are observed - a reasonable diet and adequate physical activity - the process of burning fat goes on as usual. And it does not always directly correlate with the readings on the scales. In just a day, weight can change by kg or even more. There are many reasons - shifts in the water-salt balance (we ate salted fish at night), muscle swelling after high-impact strength training, changes in hormonal levels, which is especially important for women.


How to weigh yourself correctly

Weighing rules are determined taking into account what type of device is used. Mechanical scales provide accurate results. However, this type of device is characterized by increased sensitivity to ambient temperature and other factors. Mechanical scales often exhibit incorrect readings due to vibration.

On mechanical scales

It is recommended to measure your weight on mechanical scales wearing the same clothes. The latter also has a noticeable impact on performance. The device must be placed on a flat and hard surface. Any horizontal deviations lead to the device producing incorrect data. For this reason, the scale should not be moved to a new location.

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The feet on the device should be placed symmetrically relative to the central axis (at the same distance from zero). It is recommended to stand up with both feet at once if possible. At the same time, you need to keep your back straight. To find out the measurement results, you can lower your head down. You cannot lean forward or backward, as this will change the indicators.

If the scale shows a result that is strikingly different from the previous one, this may indicate a breakdown of the device. However, you should not immediately take the device for repair. It is possible that the result shown is due to non-compliance with weighing rules or the influence of external factors (temperature differences or others).

On electronic scales

The rules for weighing on electronic scales are similar to those given above for mechanical ones. But this type of measuring instrument is subject to other factors that can negatively affect the results.

It is recommended to stand on floor-standing electronic devices at a distance of 80 centimeters or more from other household devices (refrigerators, microwave ovens, etc.). It is better to weigh yourself barefoot, as some devices have built-in sensors that respond to pressure with bare feet.

Measurements should be taken based on the manufacturer's recommendations. Some devices require certain settings before each procedure. You also need to wait until “0” is displayed on the electronic display.

If after the next measurement the device shows a significant discrepancy with the results obtained earlier, the battery in the device must be replaced. In addition, you cannot weigh yourself using electronic devices in a cold room, since at low temperatures the scales often show incorrect data.

How to do it right

So what happens, don’t weigh yourself at all? I’m afraid that no one losing weight can withstand such torture. The brain loves to measure and analyze everything. And it wouldn’t hurt to motivate us to know that just a couple of months ago we were carrying, say, 7 kg more. It’s just that scales, like any other tool, must be used correctly.

1. Take measurements once a week. 2. Always in more or less similar conditions. For example, on Sunday morning, before breakfast. 3. Use the same scales, since an error in the settings of different equipment can “steal” all the positive dynamics. 4. It is better to purchase scales with additional sensors that calculate the percentage of body fat. The data will, of course, be very, very approximate, but over a distance they will clearly show the dynamics. 5. If expectations (lost weight☺) differ from reality (weight hasn’t changed☹), first analyze what happened last night. Maybe the body has gained a little extra water. Of course, women should take into account the fluctuations associated with their cycle.

But even following these rules does not guarantee that you will be able to avoid the “weight trap.” For example, beginners who have recently entered the gym can sometimes build muscle mass even on a diet, when it would seem theoretically impossible. There are few calories coming in, so the building material for new muscle fibers has nowhere to come from. But the body somehow twists around and still builds muscles, it seems like it’s literally out of thin air. This period, unfortunately, is short-lived, but it exists! This is the bonus for neophytes, for which experienced athletes are ready to sell their souls. But, alas, this is no longer available to them. That is, the body can “eat up” fat and grow muscle over a short period of time. And as a result, there is an increase on the scales.


How to weigh yourself correctly

Weighing rules are determined taking into account what type of device is used. Mechanical scales provide accurate results. However, this type of device is characterized by increased sensitivity to ambient temperature and other factors. Mechanical scales often exhibit incorrect readings due to vibration.

On mechanical scales

It is recommended to measure your weight on mechanical scales wearing the same clothes. The latter also has a noticeable impact on performance. The device must be placed on a flat and hard surface. Any horizontal deviations lead to the device producing incorrect data. For this reason, the scale should not be moved to a new location.

The feet on the device should be placed symmetrically relative to the central axis (at the same distance from zero). It is recommended to stand up with both feet at once if possible. At the same time, you need to keep your back straight. To find out the measurement results, you can lower your head down. You cannot lean forward or backward, as this will change the indicators.

If the scale shows a result that is strikingly different from the previous one, this may indicate a breakdown of the device. However, you should not immediately take the device for repair. It is possible that the result shown is due to non-compliance with weighing rules or the influence of external factors (temperature differences or others).

On electronic scales

The rules for weighing on electronic scales are similar to those given above for mechanical ones. But this type of measuring instrument is subject to other factors that can negatively affect the results.

It is recommended to stand on floor-standing electronic devices at a distance of 80 centimeters or more from other household devices (refrigerators, microwave ovens, etc.). It is better to weigh yourself barefoot, as some devices have built-in sensors that respond to pressure with bare feet.

Measurements should be taken based on the manufacturer's recommendations. Some devices require certain settings before each procedure. You also need to wait until “0” is displayed on the electronic display.

If after the next measurement the device shows a significant discrepancy with the results obtained earlier, the battery in the device must be replaced. In addition, you cannot weigh yourself using electronic devices in a cold room, since at low temperatures the scales often show incorrect data.

Additional indicator

In general, scale readings, as you already understand, are an insidious thing; relying only on them is a big risk of ruining your mood. Therefore, I always recommend once a week not only to step on the scale, but also to measure your waist. The most common measuring tape (tailor's or sewing meter). The rules are generally the same as for weighing.

1. Unity of time and conditions (Sunday morning on an empty stomach). 2. Do not change the measuring “device” (the tapes have different levels of stretch, which sometimes takes half a centimeter, but sometimes they are so important). 3. Do not pull in or protrude the abdomen, maintain a neutral position. 4. Men measure their waist at just below the navel, women - at the narrowest point. But the most important thing is to always measure exactly at the same level.

In practice, the weight may remain unchanged, but the waist will become a whole centimeter thinner in the same week (sometimes more). Of course, this means that the fat layer is thinning, and this is our main task! It also happens the other way around: your waist doesn’t change, but the weight is gone. Also good. It’s absolutely ideal if there’s a “minus” here and there. But this doesn't always happen. Very often these indicators will play catch-up. But it’s important for us to have a safety net so that the scale readings don’t spoil our mood and take away the much-needed motivation to continue.

By the way, if you choose between scales and tape, I definitely vote for the latter. So you can try to save money. Both nerves and money (the initial models of scales with an adipose tissue analyzer cost a couple of thousand rubles and more, a tailor’s meter costs 200 rubles). A little life hack. And your waist circumference can quickly tell you whether it’s time to lose weight or whether you can still “take a walk.” If the measurement result does not exceed half of your height, then everything is not so bad. Was there more? Well, as an option, you can try to grow up.


How to take measurements correctly

Body measurements, the table of which is used to analyze the effectiveness of weight loss, must be absolutely reliable. In order to get the most realistic result, it is necessary to correctly measure representative areas of the body.


You need to stand straight, place your feet shoulder-width apart. It is necessary to straighten up and raise your head so that the chin is directed slightly forward and horizontal. It is better to take measurements in front of a mirror. Muscles in progress. You need to take a measuring tape and apply it to the middle of your neck, in a place located just above the collarbone. Place the measuring tape around your neck and record the result.

Shoulder girdle

Without changing your position, you also need to stand straight, with your feet shoulder-width apart. Don't slouch. In order to obtain correct data, the tape must pass in the area of ​​​​the shoulder blades and chest, wrapping around each shoulder.


Chest measurements will differ depending on whether a person inhales or exhales. You need to remember in what position the initial measurement was taken, and do each measurement in exactly the same way. The measuring tape should extend across the fullest part of your ribcage and frame the bottom of your shoulder blades.

When taking measurements, you need to relax your muscles as much as possible and straighten your shoulders.

Body under the chest

You need to stand up straight and relax. The beginning of the meter should be located strictly under the chest. It should go horizontally. The hands are not adjacent to the body. You need to take measurements the same way every time: only on inhalation or only on exhalation.

Waist in three places

You should stand directly in front of the mirror and visually determine where your waist is thinnest. You will also definitely need to find the widest point in the waist, and measurement 3 is in the area where the navel is located. Before taking measurements, you also need to stand upright and straighten up. At the same time, you should not pull in your stomach or strain your abs. It is not recommended to take measurements before and during critical days. It's better to do this in the middle of the cycle.

Pelvic area

These measurements must be taken in front of a mirror in order to get the most accurate result. You need to stand up straight, your muscles should be as relaxed as possible. The body should not lean forward, backward or sideways. Feet stand together. The meter runs along the most convex point. It is better to take measurements on a naked body or thin underwear.

Hips under buttocks

You need to stand straight, feet together, back as straight as possible. Do not bend over or strain your muscles. In order for the indicators to be correct, you need to observe in the mirror how the meter is located under the buttocks.

Mid thigh

Feet are shoulder-width apart. Feet are completely on the floor. The leg to be measured can be placed on an elevation so that the bend at the knee is from 40° to 45°.

Visually find the widest place in the middle of the thigh; it is located approximately 7 cm below the groin area. Take a measurement. You need to do this with each leg.

Thigh over knee area

Feet shoulder-width apart, back straight. The measuring tape is fixed horizontally in the area above the kneecap.


Take a sitting position, but do not slouch under any circumstances. Place the leg firmly on the foot so that the bend is 90°. Visually determine the narrowest point of the ankle. As a rule, it is located 3 cm above the foot. Measure with a horizontally applied tape.


Bend your arm at the elbow. The wrist should be level with the chest. You need to determine the bottleneck and take measurements. Most often, the narrowest point is directly above the bone.

Forearm area

This is the part of the arm that starts from the wrist and continues to the elbow. In order to take measurements, you should bend your arm at the elbow. Place it at an angle of 90°. The forearm rises to the same level as the chest. The muscles should be as relaxed as possible. It is necessary to remember the position of the hand in order to be able to take measurements in exactly the same position in the future.

It is advisable for the hand to be pointing palm down. In this position, the correct result can be measured.


Both feet are on the floor. If it is convenient, the leg being measured is placed on an elevation at an angle of 40°. You should not raise your leg on your toes, as this provokes muscle tension. Visually determine the widest point in the shin and measure it with a tailor's tape located horizontally.

The lower legs are very susceptible to swelling, so the indicators of this area may change size depending on the time of day, food consumed or day of the menstrual cycle.


This is the part of the arm that is located in the area from the elbow and above. In order to accurately measure the girth, the hand must be lowered parallel to the body and relaxed.

You cannot strain your muscles, otherwise the results will be inaccurate. Each measurement may have a slight error.

Be patient

What to do if both your waist and weight have not changed in a week? Do not panic! Firstly, the body does not like to lose weight. This is fat for you - a source of dissatisfaction with the reflection in the mirror, and for him - a stash in case of hunger. And you know, no one likes to take something out of their stash. And he tries his best not to do this. So wait another week. And if even then the process does not move in the right direction, then there is a reason to make adjustments to nutrition and physical activity.

In general, don't rush. You haven’t been getting fat for a month or a year, so give your body time to remember what it’s like to be beautiful and fit again.”

You need to weigh yourself after using the toilet

Before any weigh-in, you must go to the toilet. A full intestine and bladder can add up to 500 extra grams to the total! These are significant errors if the slightest change in weight is monitored. Therefore, it is necessary to consider these factors and weigh yourself only at the right time.

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What affects the numbers on the scale?

Scientists have identified several factors that cause the needle on the scale to move either to the right or to the left:

  1. Eating salty foods. Salt is absorbed into the blood, and then “gets” to tissues and cells, from where it draws water. This, in turn, inevitably leads to the formation of edema and weight gain. This condition can be recognized by the roundness of the face in the morning, swollen fingers that rings do not fit on, tight shoes, and a bloated stomach.
  2. Glycogen reserves. Glycogen is a chain of glucose molecules. It is considered a source of “fast” energy, which is consumed in case of sudden need. The amount of glycogen in the body is directly related to the amount of fluid, and its reserves are either replenished or restored, which naturally affects weight.
  3. Intensified training. This factor is of great importance for beginners - those who have just begun to exercise regularly or have returned to exercise after a long period of rest. Muscles that have not received stress for a long time are injured, destroyed, and sometimes become inflamed - this leads to tissue swelling. Those who want to lose weight often experience disappointment when they see not a “minus” on the scale, but a big “plus”.
  4. Hormonal background. Many women note that shortly before the onset of menstruation they “swell,” which is again due to fluid retention in the body. This condition is also observed when sleep patterns are disturbed, during periods of severe stress, during pregnancy and breastfeeding. All this is due to hormonal imbalance.
  5. Alcohol consumption. Alcoholic drinks themselves do not contribute to weight loss in any way, as they provoke the consumption of large amounts of food. Even one glass of wine can cause swelling in the morning.
  6. Clogged intestines. After a rich feast, the gastrointestinal tract is filled with dishes and what is left of them. You should not convince yourself that the food will dissolve and come out naturally. It takes a long time to digest it.
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