Dry fasting - treatment and weight loss in one bottle or senseless self-torture

Dry fasting, treatment, health, fasting, weight loss, diet, beauty

Only beginners can dream of losing weight quickly. Those who have been struggling with extra pounds for a long time know that the process can take a long time. Yes, there are effective and short-term methods, but most of them are extreme and belong to alternative medicine. This means that their effect on health has not been fully studied, the harm may exceed the degree of benefit, and only the person losing weight is responsible for the results.

Dry fasting, which has recently become increasingly popular, is one of these methods of weight loss. Before following new fashion trends, you need to figure out whether it is worth subjecting your own body to such a test.

What it is

Dry fasting is complete abstinence from food and water on a voluntary basis. For a certain period of time (from 1 to 7 days), a person refuses all meals and any drinking, and in some cases even water procedures. It can be used for medicinal purposes (to get rid of certain diseases) and dietary (for weight loss). It belongs to alternative medicine and is subject to active criticism from the official.

It’s clear how the process of losing weight occurs during dry fasting. In the absence of food, the body begins to consume its own reserves to obtain the necessary resources. Proponents of this method focus on intensive fat burning, the death of non-viable cells and the use of excess fluid that accumulates in tissues. The toxins also go away with them. However, what is usually not said is that muscle fibers are broken down first.

The results are mixed. Supporters write about incredible rejuvenation of the entire body at the cellular level, miraculous relief from almost all diseases, and weight loss of 10-15 kg in a week. Critics, in contrast, cite the example of people who found themselves in a hospital bed after several days of abstaining from food and water. A number of sources indicate cases of diabetic ketoacidotic coma and even death.

To understand what dry fasting really is – the elixir of eternal youth or self-torture, it’s worth getting to know this technique better.

The harm of dry fasting from a medical point of view

Photo source: shutterstock.com
Not everyone has a positive attitude towards such a unique weight loss system. Many experts consider it downright harmful and even dangerous. Based on the tenets of classical medicine, the harm of dry fasting is as follows:

  • dehydration, which can lead to death within 7 days;
  • decreased activity of digestive functions;
  • the occurrence of atrophic changes in the small intestine;
  • development of diabetic ketoacidosis;
  • immune suppression;
  • death of a large number of nerve cells.

On top of that, the technique, which is often used as an extreme diet, simply does not work. During dry fasting, the body does not burn fat at all, but “kills” connective tissue and muscle fibers.

The system is especially dangerous for diabetics. The experiment may end in a hypoglycemic coma, from which not everyone can be brought out and not always!

It’s difficult to assess all the features of such techniques from a photo, but you can find out what mistakes beginners make most often from the video:

What happens to the body

During fasting, the body goes through several stages.

Stage I

The name is food excitement. Duration - 2 days. The degree of stress is minimal. Losing weight by 3 kg.

Starting processes:

  • the hypothalamus begins to actively work (the hormones it secretes regulate the activity of the thyroid gland, which has to function in a new mode and adapt to it);
  • the level of somatotropin increases (it increases the amount of glucagon in the pancreas, which begins to intensively break down glycogen located in the liver).

Terminology. After about 36 hours of dry fasting, apoptosis begins - the death of damaged, diseased, obsolete cells. Then it gradually increases.


  • any mention of food is annoying;
  • increased salivation;
  • heavy feeling of emptiness in the stomach;
  • rumbling in the stomach;
  • insomnia;
  • mood swings, depression;
  • unbearable hunger against the background of more or less tolerable thirst.

Stage II

Names: increasing acidosis / first acidotic crisis. Duration: 2-4 days. The degree of stress is increasing. Lose another 2-3 kg.

Starting processes:

  • active consumption of reserves (the same fat reserves), damaged tissues, pathogenic microorganisms, “dead” water, diseased cells are consumed;
  • after their splitting, decomposition products are formed;
  • as a result, the body’s pH becomes acidic, but within the normal range;
  • autolysis—self-digestion of weakened, pathological and foreign cells and tissues—increases;
  • oxidation processes and increased activity of phagocytes normalize the microflora;
  • this leads to the destruction of diseased elements and the removal of all organic debris accumulated in the body;
  • air becomes the nutrient medium.

In theoretical descriptions, the concept of the “principle of priority” is applied to this stage. It says that the body, when there is a deficiency of nutrition and water, first of all destroys everything unnecessary, without affecting healthy tissue. This hypothesis has no scientific confirmation. Official medicine refutes it: examinations of people after fasting show the persistence of stones, tumors, and visceral fat, but at the same time there is a significant loss of muscle tissue and a decrease in the performance of many organs.


  • headache;
  • nausea;
  • weakness, drowsiness;
  • general malaise;
  • gray coating on the tongue, cracks on the lips due to dryness, unpleasant mucus in the mouth, acetone smell of breath;
  • dry, pale skin;
  • the feeling of hunger decreases, but thirst becomes unbearable.

All this is due to the accumulation of breakdown products in the blood after autolysis. In medicine, this condition is diagnosed as hunger-induced homotoxicosis.

Proponents of dry fasting claim that it is at this stage that chronic diseases are cured and the immune system is strengthened. In fact, cases of miraculous recovery from long-term illnesses in this way are very rare and raise many doubts among official medicine. Much more often, after 4 days of such abstinence, people end up in a hospital bed - weakened, with aggravated and acquired diseases.

Stage III

The name is compensation (adaptation) with a smooth flow into the second acidotic crisis. The duration is determined by the individual characteristics of the body: on average, adaptation occurs from days 5 to 8, the second crisis - from 8 to 11. The degree of stress is first decreasing, then maximum. Losing 3-4 kg during compensation and the same amount during acidosis.


The body, as far as possible, adapts to new conditions of existence.


  • improvement of well-being;
  • decrease in weakness;
  • disappearance of most unpleasant sensations;
  • the feeling of hunger goes away, thirst comes in waves, but its attacks are quite severe and difficult to bear.

Second crisis

There is a maximum activation of the immune forces, which begin to fight the most inveterate diseases, incurable, from the point of view of official medicine.


  • exacerbation of all existing diseases;
  • maximum temperature rise;
  • deterioration of health;
  • exhaustion;
  • weakness, loss of strength;
  • insomnia;
  • breakdown;
  • hunger and thirst feel equally unbearable.

During this period, the body undergoes two changes - primary and secondary. First, he adapts to new conditions of existence, and then makes them work for his benefit.

Cleansing the body

Most diseases are in one way or another associated with slagging in the body as a result of poor nutrition and environmental influences. Cleansing is the first stage on the path to the healthy functioning of all internal systems, and, accordingly, getting rid of many diseases.

Cell regeneration

The human body is capable of self-healing and rejuvenation. This process is triggered by the intensive release of stem cells into the blood. Their number decreases significantly over time due to severe slagging in the body.

The exclusion of food forces the body to use internal reserves to obtain nutrients. It begins to break down “idle” cells, using them as energy fuel. And the space vacated after them is occupied by healthy stem cells, which, entering the blood, begin the cleansing process.

During the period of treatment, an even larger number of stem cells are injected into the human blood, as evidenced by the results of the research. Moreover, advanced regeneration continues even after breaking fast, “working” for several months. With regular use, this practice helps to prolong youth by 15-20 years.

Getting rid of tumors and edema

When the body is placed in harsh conditions that exclude the supply of fluid, it begins to obtain water on its own, pulling it out of the cells. Moreover, it acts very intelligently, using “extra” tissue, such as tumors, edema and various fatty deposits.

The principle of fasting has long been studied by science. It involves three stages, as a result of which a complete restructuring of the internal systems occurs.

  1. The first stage is to fight the feeling of hunger, which goes away on the third day. Thanks to dry fasting, the need for food goes away within a day, which allows you to use the technique in more comfortable conditions.
  2. The next stage is the beginning of a ketoacidotic crisis, which rebuilds the metabolic system. This stage begins on the third day, which is much earlier than with the traditional method of fasting on water.
  3. The second stage of the crisis, whose healing effect is even greater, also begins earlier. The body begins to look for the necessary energy reserves in internal reserves, starting the process of autolysis.

The body, whose prudence can be envied, uses up everything unnecessary and foreign, destroying various formations, tumors, and damaged tissues.

The effect of “living” water

Dry fasting involves intense cleansing, which occurs by flushing out deposits of salts and toxic substances. To do this, hidden reserves of water are used, which the body begins to produce independently in the absence of fluid intake from the outside. Such water is considered endogenous or “living”, and only healthy cells are capable of producing it. The weak and sick die off during this process, and the body gets rid of harmful “ballast”.

The value of endogenous water is that it is synthesized by its own cells, which means that the cells are completely devoid of negative information that is alien to the body. Under its influence, the blood and lymph are cleansed much more effectively, becoming perfectly clean by the end of the fast. Penetrating into all organs and systems, these important fluids trigger a unique mechanism through which all tissues are freed from negative information influence. This amazing phenomenon is achieved only through dry fasting. Its therapeutic effect is difficult to overestimate, since stagnation of fluid, which has accumulated a lot of negative information, provokes the development of physical and mental abnormalities.

Natural cleansing

This principle of complete refusal of food and water promotes natural cleansing of the body without additional manipulations, such as enemas, saunas, and colon hydrotherapy. Thanks to the influence of endogenous water, effective cleansing of waste and toxins occurs without water procedures, which often cause discomfort.

Weight stabilization

Fasting without water speeds up your metabolism, resulting in excess weight loss. Moreover, such weight loss has a number of advantages:

  • fat accumulations are burned three times faster than with traditional water fasting;
  • after release, the adipose tissue is not restored in full, which allows you to maintain the result;
  • Predominantly fat tissue is burned, which is 90% water. Muscle mass remains unharmed, while during normal fasting, it is destroyed in proportion to fat mass. This means that as a result of dry fasting, you will have a slender figure with beautiful reliefs, and not sagging skin.

For people who want to lose excess weight, this method has a number of advantages: there is no need to purchase special products, prepare special dishes, waste time and money. Instead, a little patience and the result will exceed all expectations.

Rejuvenation effect of dry fasting

Extreme conditions created as a result of the rejection of external resources force the body to enter into a tough struggle for internal resources. Natural selection, in which weak, damaged cells die off, makes room for healthy “offspring” with an intact genome. As a result of the division of the latter, rejuvenation of all tissues occurs. The first effects are visible in renewed hair, nails and skin, which amaze with healthy shine and freshness.

Energy Field Renewal

The therapeutic effect of fasting is also reflected in the human energy field. The mind becomes clearer and unexpected creative abilities that have been “sleeping” in the depths of consciousness for a long time are revealed.

This method requires a certain amount of willpower, which is strengthened during the process. Abstinence from usual resources is impossible without spiritual work and meditation, thanks to which energy channels are renewed. All negative information, often called damage or the evil eye, is eliminated without a trace, leaving a clear mind and harmony of soul and body.

This effect is also achieved due to the “leaving” of water that has accumulated a flow of negative information. Its stagnation, which provokes the further development of diseases, resolves under the influence of therapeutic techniques. Endogenous water synthesized by cells frees the body, ridding it of the source of disease on a psychological level.

Influx of energy

As a result of therapeutic fasting, the body's performance increases. A person quickly regains his strength, spending less time sleeping and resting. At first it’s hard to believe this, because deprived of vital resources, in our opinion, it should weaken. But in fact, such deprivations force us not only to use hidden internal resources, but also to obtain the necessary energy from the surrounding world. Chakras that draw energy from space open.

In addition, the recovery process involves the active accumulation of energy. This is facilitated by the renewed “shape” of the body, which freely receives nourishment from all sources surrounding it. As a result, a powerful flow of energy boils in the body of a person who has undergone dry fasting treatment, which undoubtedly affects mental harmony. It’s not for nothing that the ancient Japanese wisdom says: “A healthy mind in a healthy body!” Of course, to put the dry fasting method into practice, you need to strictly follow the developed methodology and to begin with, it is recommended to undergo a 36-hour therapeutic fast in practice and the best option would be the supervision of an experienced mentor. A person who uses this method for the first time will be amazed at the results that are worth the effort. And regular use of practice will increase the effect, acting on the principle of accumulating positive experience.

Arguments for"

Cleansing the body

It is believed that the benefits of dry fasting are primarily in self-cleansing of the body. Moreover, the key point is the lack of water, not food. Without it, bacteria and viruses cannot exist, which begin to die in such conditions. Therefore, a general improvement occurs due to the destruction of everything foreign and harmful, which can provoke various diseases.


Terminology. The breakdown of tissues as a result of the lack of nutrients entering the body is called autolysis in medicine.

The great benefit of dry fasting is that adhesions and plaques in the blood vessels are broken down. Therefore, it is recommended primarily for those who suffer from atherosclerosis.

Temperature increase

Without water, your body temperature gradually begins to rise. This provokes intense release of interferon. It kills pathogenic bacteria present in the body at that moment. Moreover, even inactive ones die. The result is elimination:

  • infections;
  • cystic neoplasms;
  • inflammation;
  • boils;
  • benign tumors;
  • colds;
  • edema.

However, treatment of the above diseases with dry fasting should be carried out under the constant supervision of a doctor, as it occurs against a background of elevated temperature.

Weight loss

Another plus is weight loss. To produce energy, fat reserves are used as fuel. As for the breakdown of muscle fibers, its supporters argue that the body destroys only the protein that forms the basis of already affected tissues and is of no value. Weight loss results - up to minus 10 kg per week.

Getting rid of “dead” water

This is the name given to water with a high level of deuterium (heavy hydrogen). It has poisonous properties. Where it accumulates in the body, a “swamp” is formed where pathogenic microorganisms actively multiply. During dry fasting it is eliminated.

And a number of other advantages of the technique (from the point of view of its supporters):

  • recovery from all diseases - acute, chronic and incurable;
  • tissue renewal, rejuvenation;
  • radiation protection;
  • cancer prevention;
  • strengthening willpower;
  • cleansing not only the body, but also thinking and energy chakras;
  • filling with strength and energy.

As already mentioned, all this data requires scientific confirmation.

General information

Those who promote fasting as a way to effectively improve their health often talk about its benefits. The benefit of dry fasting is that it is one of the methods for treating a variety of diseases.
Answering the question of what dry fasting is, it should be noted that the history of this technique goes back very deeply. Its essence is that a person goes completely without food and water for a certain period of time. Proponents of this technique argue that with its help it is possible to provide treatment for diseases, the spectrum of which is very wide. But still, despite the many arguments in favor of this technique, it is very important to understand that dry fasting, even one day, is a very serious stress for the body. Therefore, it can be practiced only in the absence of contraindications and with strict adherence to a number of important rules. How the preparation is carried out, the benefits and harms of this method, and how to properly practice it at home will be discussed in the article below.

Arguments against"

From a medical point of view, dry fasting is a complete harm to the body, which manifests itself in different ways:

  • dehydration within 7 days can be fatal, and in hot conditions after 3 days;
  • 1-2 days of dry fasting for diabetics ends in a hypoglycemic coma, from which not everyone can be brought out;
  • on day 3, in fasting people, the activity of digestive enzymes begins to rapidly decrease, which ultimately leads to atrophic changes in the mucous membrane of the small intestine;
  • immunity is suppressed - susceptibility to pathogenic microorganisms increases;
  • Diabetic ketoacidosis may develop;
  • First of all, the body does not burn fat - it synthesizes the glucose necessary for life from amino acids, breaking down muscle fibers and connective tissues;
  • nerve cells that have not received the required dose of glucose during the day die.

Ketoacidosis, which proponents of this technique consider their goal and the beginning of the cleansing process, is nothing more than a dangerous consequence of hunger shock. To dispel this myth, a number of doctors (representatives of official medicine) conducted an experiment. They were able to prove that the body becomes polluted precisely during the period when it receives neither food nor water. In particular, during fasting, stones form in the gall bladder, rather than being removed from it. There is also a scientific basis: cleansing this organ of decay products is impossible without additional intake of fats from food.

The harm of dry fasting is manifested not only by complications and deterioration of health. Even if you managed to avoid negative consequences, you should not hope that the result of losing weight will be lasting. A third of the lost mass (or even more) is muscle. After the end of the test, they are replaced by adipose tissue, even if you exercise. Before you get pumped up, your body will stock up on fatty tissue in order to adequately meet the next “rainy day.”

And one more warning from scientists: fasting greatly depletes muscle and connective tissue. They are the ones who normally support fatty tissue, forming a kind of “corset” around it. But it disappears, and it begins to grow chaotically - this is how pronounced cellulite appears.

When it comes to effective weight loss, dry fasting is a double-edged sword. On the one hand, without water and food, weight loss will indeed be quite significant (it’s rare that a diet can provide minus 10 kg in a week). On the other hand, you will not become the owner of a beautiful figure, since all the adipose tissue will not disappear in such a short time, but muscle breakdown will occur much faster.

Important Warning

Doctors warn that fasting should be carried out in a hospital or sanatorium, extremely rarely on an outpatient basis and never on its own, at home. Moreover, it is prescribed by a specialist. Even if he is a representative of alternative medicine, he must have:

  1. Medical education.
  2. Experience in counseling such patients.
  3. Patents and licenses for conducting such activities.

Prolonged dry fasting is extremely dangerous to health. There are cases when the use of this technique resulted in death due to the discovery of hidden diabetes mellitus, sudden cardiac arrest, and the inability of the body to exit the stage of acidotic crisis. After the experiments, irreversible damage was recorded in such vital organs as the liver and brain.

Possible consequences:

  • anorexia
  • insomnia;
  • stomach pain;
  • bulimia
  • brain starvation;
  • dehydration;
  • fainting;
  • complete loss of strength, inability to do work and housework;
  • thrombus formation;
  • mental disorders: hysterics, depression, depression, even suicide.

The tolerance of such a harsh fasting system is individual, and not every body can withstand such a serious test. Self-medication and weight loss in this way are strictly prohibited by many doctors.

The problem of popularizing dry fasting

The Western world intensively cultivates SG due to its active popularization by dubious bloggers (by the way, not very popular in society). We are talking about bloggers in the areas of wellness and lifestyle who, while promoting dry fasting “for everyone at once,” constantly talk about its safety and benefits for eliminating inflammatory processes and improving metabolism. Among these bloggers there are those who cite the Muslim fast in the month of Ramadan as a “illustrative example.” Among Muslims there are those who do not eat or drink during the day for a whole month.

Bloggers are very fond of citing as an example one of the studies allegedly conducted in 2013 by Iranian scientists - as if they confidently spoke about the “Ramadan effect” when, after a long period of abstinence from water and food, people experienced an active decrease in body weight. Of the numerous religious movements of various kinds, Mormons (on Sunday, once a month), as well as Jews (during the period of Judgment Day or Yom Kippur, once a year) can be called supporters of SG. It is important that among Mormons and Jews the duration of such abstinence is no more than one day, but side effects for the body occur because of it in many people. It is not for nothing that Israeli doctors often talk about “Yom Kippur headache” as a separate pathology that has objective reasons associated with a period of religious abstinence.

However, despite the criticism of doctors and other competent health workers against SG, popular bloggers zealously continue to promote this dubious technique online, citing its benefits. Of course, doctors cannot remain indifferent to such propaganda and are already beginning to seriously “sound the alarm” by publishing articles on the dangers of dry fasting with a clear scientific basis for their opinion.


Therapeutic dry fasting is recommended if you have the following health problems:

  • atherosclerosis;
  • allergy;
  • infertility, prostate adenoma;
  • bronchitis, bronchial asthma, pneumonia, pulmonary sarcoidosis;
  • helminthiasis;
  • constipation, colitis, ulcer;
  • infections, inflammations;
  • cardiopsychoneurosis;
  • skin diseases;
  • overweight, obesity.
  • osteochondrosis, rheumatoid arthritis, polyarthritis, salt deposits in joints;
  • swelling;
  • cold.

Preparatory stage

The quality of the preparatory stage half determines the success of any undertaking. Likewise, therapeutic dry fasting requires thorough preparation. You will definitely need to study the literature on this issue, and it is advisable that it be written by people who regularly practice dry fasting. This will allow us to determine the maximum possible dangers. Ideally, it is at the preparatory stage that you should communicate with people who already have experience of fasting.

Prepare the necessary food for food before and after the period of hunger, as well as clean drinking water. Decide on places to walk. Set a time limit for entering and exiting fasting and choose a method - hard or soft.

If you choose a long fast - 3 days or more - switch in advance to a gentle diet without flour and sweets. And in two or three days - for vegetables and fruits.


These include:

  • bronchiectasis;
  • exhaustion, underweight (BMI < 20);
  • oncology;
  • renal failure;
  • paroxysmal chronic migraine;
  • problems with the cardiovascular system: poor blood clotting, hypertension, cardiac arrhythmia, previous heart attack;
  • mental illness;
  • diabetes;
  • gout;
  • purulent-inflammatory diseases;
  • thyrotoxicosis;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • tuberculosis;
  • anemia;
  • liver cirrhosis, hepatitis.

Fasting and the liver

Proponents of periodic fasting claim that they are especially beneficial for the liver, as they give the organ the necessary respite. If we are talking about short-term refusal of food, this makes sense. But a longer one, on the contrary, leads to overload of the liver, and at the same time the kidneys.

When glycogen runs out, this organ has the responsible task of finding other sources of energy. An anabolic process is launched - gluconeogenesis (glucose synthesis).

The liver produces bile necessary for digestion. As food enters the body, it moves further along the digestive tract. That is, without food, bile is produced in any case, but remains in place. This leads to stagnation, which causes cholelithiasis, metabolic disorders and even cirrhosis of the liver.


Depending on water procedures:

  1. Partial - shower, bath, douches are allowed.
  2. Complete - a categorical ban on any contact with water (you can’t even brush your teeth).

Depending on the methods:

  1. Classic - complete fasting from start to finish.
  2. Combined - alternating dry and water (when you can drink water, but you can’t eat anything) fasting every 3 days or every 1 day.

Depending on the timing:

  1. One-day is the most gentle and accessible to everyone at home (to try your hand).
  2. 36-hour - when apoptosis starts, but the matter does not reach a crisis, it is used exclusively for weight loss and cleansing the body.
  3. Short-term - up to 2 days.
  4. The average is seven days, requiring constant medical monitoring.
  5. Long-term - 21 days.

Depending on the cycles, the process may also be different.


Involves going through 3 stages (cycles, fractions):

  1. Hunger - 2 weeks.
  2. Restoration of the body on a plant-based diet - 34 days.
  3. Rest (return to normal diet) - 28 days.

The cycle then starts over and repeats three times.


Here one stage consists of two stages:

  1. Hunger - until the first symptoms of acidotic crisis (after 5-7 days).
  2. Recovery - exactly half of the time it took to complete the first stage is counted (2-3 days).

This step is repeated 3-4 times until the desired result is achieved (recovery or weight loss).

Cascade / periodic

Cascade dry fasting is considered one of the most gentle and safe for health, as it thoroughly and gradually prepares the body for the upcoming test. Consists of 5 periods:

  1. Hunger - 1 day / recovery (on proper nutrition) - 1 week.
  2. Hunger - 2 days / recovery - 1 week.
  3. Hunger - 3 days / recovery - 1 week.
  4. Hunger - 4 days / recovery - 1 week.
  5. Hunger - 5 days.

There is another option for cascade fasting, but it is more stressful for the body:

  1. Hunger - 1 day / recovery (on proper nutrition) - 2 days.
  2. Hunger - 2 days / recovery - 3 days.
  3. Hunger - 3 days / recovery - 4 days.
  4. Hunger - 4 days / recovery - 5 days.
  5. Hunger - 5 days.

This cascade can only be undertaken by those who have already practiced dry fasting more than once with longer periods for recovery.

Dry fasting: rejuvenating effect

Many people note that dry fasting is physically easier to tolerate than water fasting

1. During dry fasting, the body is placed in more stringent conditions; it must be rebuilt in such a way as to “extract” not only nutrients, but also water

Body tissues break down even more quickly, this happens in a short time.

The stages of therapeutic fasting when using the method of therapeutic dry fasting are the same as with “wet” fasting, but the duration is significantly reduced.

Thus, the stage of “food arousal” lasts less than a day, the stage of “increasing ketoacidosis” lasts from 1 to 3 days.

Already on the third day of dry fasting, a ketoacidotic crisis occurs. The second most therapeutic acidotic crisis occurs on days 9–11.

The sooner an acidotic crisis occurs, the faster it passes, the more time remains for renewal, treatment, and cleansing of the body. Autolysis during dry fasting occurs much earlier than with other types of fasting, so all cystic neoplasms and benign tumors disappear much faster .

During wet fasting, exogenous water enters the body, that is, water from outside

And it is she who is the main cleansing factor. According to the law of biological expediency, in this case the cell spends a minimum of its own energy - and so everything goes fine: all toxins, poisons, wastes dissolve and, figuratively speaking, toxins are washed out of the cell, from the intercellular space.

But water is very necessary, and cells are deprived of these indulgences, especially sick and altered ones. In such conditions, the strongest, healthiest cells survive and, willy-nilly, in order to survive in such difficult, harsh conditions, they have to activate the production of their own - ultra-high quality endogenous water. And this endogenous water should be several times higher quality than exogenous water, again, based on the law of biological expediency. After all, the cell spends a lot of energy - therefore, the resulting product must match the quality of the effort expended.

This is not the human mind, which can make mistakes. This is nature itself, which has provided for any scenario and does everything to ensure that life continues.

Exogenous and endogenous water can be compared to a poisoned river, where a local chemical plant dumps waste during flood periods, and a mountain river originating from the bowels of the earth and fed by melt water with healing energy.

Old dead water is replaced with high-quality living water synthesized by the body itself, and all negative information brought into our body from the outside is erased

Having spent a not very long fast without water, we force the body to process the water that it contains, and thus we are, as it were, updated informationally, and therefore at the end of the famine we are informationally pristine and represent an information matrix on which there is nothing negative not recorded by the environment.

This phenomenon is one of the main advantages of this type of fasting and can also be said to be one of the main therapeutic mechanisms of dry fasting.

Such mechanisms do not exist in any of the types of therapeutic fasting that exist in nature.

4. Many people note that dry fasting is physically easier to tolerate than water fasting, primarily due to the absence of a feeling of hunger and less intoxication of the body

This, in general, is not surprising. The fact is that water outside the body and water absorbed are two big differences . The body processes the molecules of incoming water, clears them of unnecessary information, structures them and turns them into “its own”, having the properties of the given organism. To do this, just like to digest food, he needs to spend a certain amount of energy and time. Therefore, absolute fasting is more complete, as it provides complete rest. If food and dead, heavy water do not enter the body, then in fact our blood does not receive many harmful substances. Therefore, the blood is constantly cleaned by our body, that is, in fact, the same blood composition will be cleaned repeatedly through filter elements, the blood will be almost perfectly clean. During dry fasting, there is no absorption of endotoxins, as happens with other types of fasting, so it is physically easier to tolerate.

5. The anti-inflammatory and immune-stimulating effect of dry fasting is several times more powerful than that of wet fasting

The thing is that inflammation cannot exist without water. Any inflammation area swells (swells with water). Only in a sufficient water environment can microorganisms multiply: germs and viruses. Water deficiency is detrimental to inflammation.

Due to dehydration of the body, strong competition begins between body cells and pathogenic microorganisms for water. Cells of the body in the host position take water from microorganisms, but the body itself can not only synthesize endogenous water in the required quantity, water during this period comes from the air, absorbed through the skin, due to the fact that the body in the process of SG works not to excrete, but for suction. Healthy, strong cells receive additional energy and water, but sick cells, viruses and bacteria cannot do this. Microbes, viruses, and worms die instantly without water.

With dry fasting, higher concentrations of biologically active substances, hormones, immunocompetent cells and immunoglobulins are achieved in body fluids.

During dry fasting, the temperature rises, which gives positive immunological effects:

  • Increased interferon production
  • Increased antiviral and antitumor activity of interferon
  • Increased T cell proliferation
  • Increased phagocytic and bactericidal activity of neutrophils, increased cytotoxic effects of lymphocytes
  • Reduced growth and virulence of microorganisms.

What is most important from my practice is that temperature is an important indicator of the body’s defenses. If a fever appears during SG, then the prognosis for cure is very, very good.

6. During wet fasting, special procedures are used to enhance the detoxification effect: enemas, colon hydrotherapy, bathhouse, sauna, etc.

During dry fasting, the body uses completely unique mechanisms to neutralize poisons and toxins that do not occur with any other type of fasting. During dry fasting, toxins are burned, one might say, in their own furnace - each cell, in the absence of water, triggers an internal thermonuclear reaction. It turns out to be a kind of extreme express method of destroying everything unnecessary, heavy, and painful inside the cell. Each cell temporarily turns into a mini-furnace, a mini-reactor. There is a kind of increase in the internal temperature of the body. This temperature may not be registered with a thermometer, but it is felt by people during dry fasting, like internal heat, fire or chills.

The most important point about this condition is that temperature itself is an important part of the defense response.

From our own experience, we know that at temperature all toxins, poisons, even cancer cells are destroyed and then completely suspend their vital functions. This process speeds up recovery. By reacting by increasing body temperature, the body slows down the growth of microorganisms. It becomes easier for the immune system to track down and kill everything foreign and altered.

During dry fasting, no enemas are needed , since there is no absorption of toxins from the intestines due to the lack of water. Therefore, with this type of fasting there is no such intoxication as occurs with other types of fasting. Accordingly, physically dry hunger is much easier to bear .

7. Slimming effect

With HS, neither food nor water enters the human body, i.e. The supply of energy from outside completely stops. The body is forced to obtain energy and water endogenously, i.e. inside yourself. Therefore, completely different, unusual chemical reactions begin to occur in the body, i.e. metabolic processes change. Less muscle tissue is lost relative to fat tissue.

During water fasting, the loss of muscle and fat tissue occurs in almost equal proportions.

During dry fasting, a person looks like a camel, and first of all, the body maintains its vital functions through fat reserves. Fat tissue is destroyed very efficiently and never restores its original volume; it breaks down 3-4 times faster than muscle tissue, because fat tissue is more than 90% water, while muscle tissue remains relatively intact.

The body does not suffer at all from water deficiency and uses water from adipose tissue for its needs.

During dry fasting, adipose tissue burns exactly 3 times faster than during water fasting. At the same time, complete restoration of adipose tissue never occurs, and this compares favorably with water fasting.

There is an early onset and more complete breakdown of deposited fats than with water fasting. If after normal fasting there is a fairly rapid complete restoration of adipose tissue (with the same diet), then with dry fasting this happens to a lesser extent.

Unlike numerous means for losing weight, dry fasting costs nothing and, most importantly, is harmless, therefore effective for the treatment of obesity . It is easier to tolerate than numerous grueling starvation diets that bring nothing but harm.

Eating from your own reserves is perfectly balanced. The body takes from reserves only what it needs at the moment, and not what is artificially imposed on it from the outside.

8. Anti-aging effect

Why does dry fasting result in more powerful rejuvenation of the body than wet fasting? Sick, degenerated, and weak cells cannot withstand harsh extreme conditions. They die and disintegrate.

Which ones remain? Those that have a good organization, efficient and wise genetic engineering. Those who were able to pass such harsh conditions survived and retained their capacity.

Thus, fasting helps to discard unnecessary, weak, sick and harmful . These are parasitic cells. They do not fulfill their functions, work, responsibilities. And it is better, if you get rid of them in time, not to allow them to die a natural death. Because, in this case, they manage to create similar offspring for themselves. The same dead, ruined and inoperable ones. As cells multiply, they divide. Offspring cannot surpass in quality. The apple doesn't roll far from the tree.

But after fasting the cells remain strong, and when they divide they will give an improvement in quality. Their offspring will have the properties of the mother's cells.

Of course, I would also like to tell you about the amazing legend about Count Cagliostro. According to some versions, Count Cagliostro engaged in dry fasting to prolong his own youth. And, based on some statements, during such fasts he sprinkled himself with some kind of powder. From which I suffered terribly. As a result of these sprinklings, his skin cracked and peeled off, like a snake. But after fasting, he looked about 25 years old. Count Cagliostro carried out such executions on himself every 50 years and demanded the same from those around him.

Now it is difficult to separate truth from fiction in these legends. But from a logical standpoint, everything here is flawless.

  • On the one hand, a dry forty-day fast in itself is a factor that mobilizes internal reserves in a situation that we have already mentioned, hyperpatience.
  • On the other hand, the powder (composition unknown) that the great magician sprinkled on himself, if it was not some kind of chemical reagent promoting rejuvenation, then, in itself, adding dryness to the body, already had an even greater effect on mobilization than just dryness. fasting, and therefore such powder contributed to better rejuvenation of the body. After all, during the days of hunger, the count had to focus all his will on patience and thereby literally sweep away old age and decrepitude from the body, not to mention diseases, infections, and harmful bacteria.

This is, most likely, the solution to the mystery of the eternal youth of Count Cagliostro, who, according to some statements, lived 5,000 years, and according to others, lived forever. By the way, the count recruited people into his company who were kind, balanced and willing, moreover, to practice periodic fasting, like the count himself.

The fasting of Cagliostro and his associates was not some kind of end in itself, they were only a means to obtain excellent health, which in turn was necessary for a hectic, active life with feasts and feasts.

Here is the ideal combination of dry fasting and methods of modern cosmetology, of course, in this situation such a long dry fast is not necessary, you can get by with dry fractional fasting in combination with chemical peels. published by econet.ru

Author: Sergey Filonov

The materials are for informational purposes only. Remember, self-medication is life-threatening; consult a doctor for advice on the use of any medications and treatment methods.

PS And remember, just by changing your consumption, we are changing the world together! © econet



First, study the material on this issue, weigh the pros and cons. Pay special attention to criticism, possible complications and the consequences that fasting leads to.

If after this the desire to experience this for yourself does not disappear, you need to find a specialist with a medical education who has experience in managing such patients. He will tell you how to prepare, where to start, and will offer to go to his clinic if there is one.

It will also be useful to find those people who have already practiced this and can share their experiences - both negative and positive. A circle of like-minded people will be very helpful. In any difficult situations, they will be able to give advice and dispel doubts.


Dry fasting puts a huge strain on the psyche. Surviving without water or food for even one day is an incredible challenge. Therefore, the event is recommended only for those who do not suffer from depression. If you are not confident in yourself, you need to first take a course of antidepressants and prepare yourself mentally. The sooner you think about it, the better: the duration of taking such drugs is from 3 weeks (this is the minimum) to several months.


The body must be carefully prepared for the upcoming test. Strange as it may sound, strength training stops 2-3 weeks before the hunger strike. If the muscles are pumped up, they will be the first to be used up.

But cardio at the preparation stage is welcome, as it strengthens the heart muscle, the load on which will be enormous. Morning jogging, swimming pool, walking, exercises are recommended.

It would also be a good idea to undergo a medical examination to check for contraindications. You are unlikely to get a doctor’s permission, because most doctors will not support such an initiative.

In terms of nutrition

2 weeks before dry fasting, you need to change your diet, because you cannot suddenly stop eating. This is fraught with serious disruptions in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Each category of products should be abandoned gradually:

  • Days 1-2: avoid fatty meat (only chicken remains) and fried foods;
  • 3-4: from sweet pastries, sugar, coffee and alcohol;
  • 5-6: from spicy, pickled, salty, smoked foods, canned food, seasonings, fast food, snacks, carbonated drinks;
  • 7-8: from chicken and fatty fish, store-bought juices;
  • 9-10: from fish and seafood;
  • 11-12: from milk, tea, salt, at this point only products of plant origin should be present in the diet;
  • 13-14: water fasting (you can only drink water).

In addition to gradually eliminating meals, it is necessary to reduce the size of consumed portions every day.

The benefits and harms of this method

Before starting a dry fast, study all its pros and cons. Prepare yourself mentally, because the body expects some stress.


  • metabolism is restored;
  • To obtain energy, reserves from fat cells are consumed, toxins are destroyed, and waste products are removed;
  • after refusing food and water, blood cells are cleansed;
  • Instead of removing toxins from urine, intestines, kidneys, liver and skin, the body burns them inside each cell;
  • cleanses the skin and mucous membranes;
  • the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines is restored. During the period of refusal to eat, nothing irritates the walls of these organs, the cells are renewed;
  • dry fasting has a healing effect on the female genital organs, brain, joint tissue;
  • Cholesterol levels are reduced, which has a beneficial effect on heart function;
  • cells in neoplasms, tumors and necrotic tissues are broken down.


  • with prolonged refusal of food and water, vitamin deficiency occurs (vitamin deficiency in the body);
  • blood thickens, which leads to the formation of blood clots;
  • weakness, dizziness, and drowsiness appear in the body. Performance decreases;
  • dehydration negatively affects consciousness.

In any case, before you start fasting without water and food, you should consult your doctor. If you have a number of diseases, both acute and chronic, this method of unloading the body is contraindicated for you.

Author's methods

According to Shchennikov

Author: Leonid Aleksandrovich Shchennikov is a practitioner who set a record for dry fasting, abstaining from food and water for 21 days. The treatment center is located in Kislovodsk and has been operating for 30 years.


  • scheme: 36-hour fast / 2 days break / 2 days fast / 2 breaks / 3 days fast / exit;
  • water procedures are allowed;
  • ban on enemas.

Shchennikov also insists on strict adherence to a certain daily schedule:

  • 06.00-10.00 - morning sleep;
  • 10.00-13.00 - fresh air (walks, yoga);
  • 13.00-15.00 - “brainstorming” (work);
  • 15.00-18.00 - physical activity;
  • 18.00-22.00 - evening sleep;
  • 22.00-06.00 - fresh air (walks).

The Shchennikov method is good because it offers a gentle fasting scheme and methodological assistance in its organization (courses are held, you can visit a treatment center). However, the schedule he recommends to his patients is practically incompatible with the modern lifestyle.

According to Filonov

Author: Sergey Ivanovich Filonov is a doctor who deals with dry fasting for the treatment of various diseases. Wellness in Altai.


  • any water procedures are allowed;
  • Enemas, castor oil and magnesium sulfate are recommended to cleanse the intestines;
  • during the recovery period between fasts - a plant-based diet.

It was he who developed the cascade dry fasting (both long-term and short-term) - see the diagram above.

According to Yakub

Author: Anna Yakuba - Ukrainian expert on dry fasting. Personally practices a 7-day fast. Founder of the online school “Mriya” (“Dream”).


  • an integrated approach to spiritual and physical health;
  • mandatory part - meditation and auto-training as a preparatory stage;
  • mastering the principles of proper nutrition for competent organization of breaks between hunger strikes;
  • development of individual physical development programs including race walking, joint gymnastics, yoga, and breathing practices.

The proposed scheme: 1 day of hunger strike / 1 day of raw food diet for 15 days and another 2 weeks are allocated for recovery.

According to Lavrova

Author: Valentina Pavlovna Lavrova is more of a theorist than a practitioner. She has written books that describe in detail dry fasting schemes. The clinic, which is based on her methodology, is a self-health clinic in Orenburg. Some of the schemes she proposes are nothing more than the Filonov cascades discussed above. She simply supplemented them, expanded them and introduced some prohibitions.


  • ban on any water procedures;
  • The maximum duration of a hunger strike is 5 days.


  • Period I: day of hunger - day of food. The duration of alternations is unlimited.
  • Period II: 2 days of fasting - 2 days of eating. Again, there are no time limits.
  • III period: 3 through 3. Duration - who can withstand how long.
  • IV period: 4 days - without water and food, 4 days of diet. No repetitions.
  • V period: 5 days - abstinence, 5 - proper nutrition. No repetitions.

The disadvantage of Lavrova’s method is the ban on water procedures.

Preparing for fasting

Abruptly depriving the body of nutrition will cause serious stress. Therefore, you need to prepare for unloading by switching to a new mode gradually. Under no circumstances should you overeat for the week ahead. On the contrary, you need to step by step:

  • reduce the amount of calories consumed;
  • give up meat, fish and dairy products;
  • include more fruits and vegetables in your diet;
  • the day before, cleanse the intestines of feces.

Doctors believe that the preparatory period is much more beneficial for health than the hunger strike itself. Reducing calories more actively promotes weight loss, and the digestive system receives smooth unloading without stress.

To avoid damage to internal organs, you should consult an endocrinologist or gastroenterologist. He will determine whether a person can fast and whether there are any contraindications for this.


Rule #1

There is nothing to eat. It is recommended not to even inhale the smell of the food. Taking medications is also prohibited.

Rule #2

Do not drink anything and do not come into contact with water at all: do not take a bath or shower, do not go to baths and saunas, try not to get exposed to rain, do not swim. The restriction even applies to hand washing and mouth rinsing.

Additional Tips

  1. At home, dry fasting should not last more than 2 days. Longer periods are carried out under the supervision of a doctor.
  2. The body must be provided with sufficient oxygen. To do this, spend as much time as possible outdoors. Ideally - in a forest area, at a resort, in a mountainous area, in an environmentally friendly area.
  3. The premises should be ventilated several times a day. The ideal option is ozonation.
  4. Try to fill your day with exclusively positive emotions. There should be no stress or nervous breakdowns.
  5. If you have trouble sleeping, try aromatherapy.

To improve the final result, it is recommended to use various weight loss techniques and alternative medicine:

  • balneotherapy;
  • colon hydrotherapy;
  • hypoxia;
  • hirudotherapy;
  • homeopathy;
  • acupuncture;
  • method of volitional holding of breath, etc.

If symptoms such as headache, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, fainting do not go away within 24 hours, stop the hunger strike and sign up for a medical examination.

Event plan for a beginner

If you are planning to try out fasting for the first time, you can choose a one-day dry fast, but it is best to choose the option that involves dry fasting for 36 hours. This period is quite suitable for regular weekly use. It will also allow you to find out your body’s reaction to the procedure itself and feel the first effect. Let's consider the process of carrying out the first dry fasting using the example of the “night-day-night” scheme.

So what do we do in advance:

  • We study the literature on this issue, and also, if possible, communicate with practitioners of regular fasting.
  • We stock up on clean drinking water (can be boiled) and fresh vegetables and fruits for nutrition before and after fasting. It is better to rinse them with running clean water, dry them and put them in the refrigerator, in the area for storing vegetables. We choose our favorite ones to enjoy, but it is better to avoid bananas and grapes.
  • Among the fruits purchased, lemons must be present.
  • For the severe version of the famine, you will need to redo all the tasks related to water the day before - wash clothes, clean the apartment, prepare food for the household. It is advisable to take a shower and brush your teeth - since this will not be possible on Friday and Saturday.
  • During the preparation process, the specific hour of entry and exit from fasting is determined.

Let's determine the fasting period for the weekend; in this case, the last meal of food, as well as water, should be taken on Friday evening. There is no need to follow any kind of diet before entering hunger, but it is still better to limit or completely abstain from flour and sweets the day before. On Friday, it is advisable to eat only fresh vegetables and fruits, and drink juices from them. This will allow the body to store the necessary vitamins and minerals. These substances will be required in large quantities during the fasting day to break down toxins and fats.

Let’s say you decide to go into hunger at 21:00, then:

  • We have dinner no later than six o’clock in the evening with vegetables and fruits.
  • We are finishing things related to water.
  • Until nine in the evening we drink water as much as the body requires, but acidified with lemon.
  • We go to bed early.

Saturday will pass without food or liquid, and it is better to spend it in the fresh air, but not doing active recreation, but calmly walking in a park or in the forest, near a pond. During dry fasting, the skin absorbs moisture from the air, so it is very important to be in nature, as far as possible from civilization. Watching TV will complicate the process of hunger, since there is an abundance of food in the program and in advertisements. It is better to replace it with reading light literature, looking at magazines (naturally, not culinary ones).

On Saturday night, insomnia may begin due to hunger. You need to be prepared for this and provide for the opportunity to read or listen to your favorite music, and you can get enough sleep on Sunday, after you have recovered from hunger.

On Sunday morning, at the hour when you plan to end dry fasting (in our example, it’s nine o’clock in the morning), we take a shower, brush our teeth, and drink a glass of prepared water. Half an hour later we have breakfast with a salad of raw vegetables. Light chicken soup is suitable for lunch, and vegetables again for dinner. We try not to consume salt and sugar on this day.


To avoid undesirable health consequences, it is necessary to ensure a gradual exit from dry fasting. It should be like this regardless of whether you have gone through all the cycles and stages to the end or stopped in the middle of the path.

If you immediately eat to satiety, the digestive system after a long rest is overloaded, this provokes an outflow of blood from vital organs. The result is sudden cardiac arrest. The state in which a person is in the first 2-3 days after abstaining from food and water is called “feeding recovery syndrome.”

How to get out of dry fasting correctly:

  • Day 1: starting from 1 tbsp. l. water, increase its volume by 1 tbsp every hour. l.;
  • Day 2: drink 100 ml of water every hour, in the morning - weak green tea without any additives, at lunch - 100 ml of low-fat chicken broth, for dinner - any juice diluted with water;
  • Day 3: drink 150 ml of water every hour, in the morning - a fermented milk drink, for lunch - vegetable puree soup, for dinner - a cocktail or smoothie;
  • starting from day 4, you can gradually include solid food, but first of plant origin.

The main rule of exit is small portions of water and food with gradual increase. On average, a complete transition to a normal diet takes 2-3 weeks. With proper organization of the process, you can lose about 8-10 more kg, since you will have to eat low-calorie foods.

Symptoms for emergency exit from fasting

Perhaps someone will plan to fast for 7 days or more, but the body will decide otherwise. It is important not to miss the alarming symptoms and start exiting dry fasting in time so as not to harm yourself.

It is recommended to start exiting dry fasting when:

  • A sharp increase in the feeling of hunger, when before it had practically disappeared;
  • Excessive salivation;
  • Complete cleansing of the tongue (there should be a coating on it);
  • Dizziness, lightheadedness;
  • Continuous vomiting.


  1. Bragg P. The miracle of fasting.
  2. Voitovich G. A. Heal yourself.
  3. De Vries A. Therapeutic fasting.
  4. Ermakova S., Zharov L. Fasting for health: family experience.
  5. Kokosov A. N., Luft V. M., Tkachenko E. I., Khoroshilov I. E. Therapeutic fasting for internal diseases.
  6. Kurdyumov N. Technique and nuances of fasting.
  7. Malakhov G.P. Great encyclopedia of therapeutic fasting.
  8. Nikolaev Yu. S., Nilov E. I. Fasting for health.
  9. Petrov M.I. Fasting treatment according to the method of A.A. Suvorin.
  10. Suvorin A. A. Suvorin's method. Fasting treatment.
  11. Filonov S.I. Dry therapeutic fasting: myths and reality.
  12. Sharafetdinov Kh. Kh. Therapeutic fasting.
  13. Shelton G. Orthotrophy: nutrition and fasting.
  14. Shchennikov L.A. Healing abstinence from liquids and food.
  15. Yugov E. Dry fasting (methodological manual).

Dry fasting is without a doubt one of the most effective weight loss techniques. However, it is worth thinking about the fact that all the supposedly “scientific” principles that explain its benefits are actively criticized by official medicine and are not confirmed, but are at the stage of hypotheses. Cases when people achieved excellent results with its help both in weight loss and in terms of health improvement are rare. To do this, they spent years developing a system of abstinence from food and water, and competently prepared the body for this.

Most attempts end in, at best, disturbances in the functioning of the stomach, and at worst, serious complications and hospitalization. This should give anyone thinking about losing weight in such an extreme way something to think about before making such an important decision.

What is special about the dry method?

You've certainly heard about regular water fasting, but you probably haven't heard about dry abstinence.

Because in dietary and therapeutic nutrition, “wet” fasting is more often used, which consists of abstaining from eating, while being allowed to drink water.

This technique also involves removing excess fluid from the body along with toxins using additional methods: sauna, bathhouse, hydrocolonoscopy, cleansing enemas. During dry (absolute) fasting, a person refuses both food and water.

You think this is unusual, impossible, and you say why refuse not only food, but also water.

But this feature makes the technique tens of times more effective .

With a dry refusal to eat, the same stages of change in the internal environment occur as with the exclusion of only foods from the diet.

  1. Stage of food arousal.
  2. Stage of increasing ketoacidosis (acidification of the internal environment).
  3. Stage of ketoacidotic crisis.

But with dry fasting, these stages develop 2 times faster than with simple refusal of food. Accordingly, therapeutic effects occur faster, which has a beneficial effect on health after the end of the procedure.

Changes in the body after giving up nutrients and fluids are more natural and physiological for a person, and also easier to tolerate, no matter how strange it may sound. If you have a choice between two methods, I recommend that you choose the dry one.

I myself have repeatedly fasted both with and without water, and I’ll be honest that without water, fasting is much easier to bear. And I felt much more healing and energy-boosting effects.

But it is imperative to take into account the state of health, the exacerbation of some chronic diseases, especially the heart and liver. We will talk about indications and contraindications later.

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