Fasting according to the Suvorin method: reviews and results


Fasting is a popular way to cleanse the body and lose weight. People who adhere to such systems pursue different goals - some want to change their approach to nutrition and life in general, some want to forget about chronic diseases forever, others try to soften fasting in this way (refusing food can be much easier than sitting on a lean diet).

Fasting according to Suvorin is designed for 40 days and is one of the strictest. Before you start following it, make sure there are no contraindications.

About Suvorin

A. A. Suvorin
A. A. Suvorin is a famous scientist who spent his entire life studying the effect that fasting has on the human body. He did not have any specialized education, so all methods were tested on himself personally. At first glance, Suvorin's theory seems harsh, if not even harmful, but it has its own strengths, which also deserve attention.

Suvorin Aleksey Alekseevich is a scientist with a historical and philological education. He worked in the editorial office, that is, he was not a doctor. At a certain point in his life, he thought about the benefits of fasting and decided to test some of its aspects from his own experience. Based on the results of the work done, he wrote a book - partly complex, contradictory, but informative. She builds a specific treatment strategy, which will be discussed further.

Suvorin himself was a fan of various healing methods and programs that he tested on himself. His main goal was to increase life expectancy and prolong youth. The scientist studied Eastern, Western, European methods and always tested the principles of action personally. A little later, he opened his own publishing house, publishing only specialized literature devoted to alternative medicine.

Alexey Alekseevich was a representative of the intelligentsia layer, therefore, in times of unrest and strife, he was forced to fight with weapons on the side of the whites. When the revolution ended, he moved permanently to Yugoslavia. There, his fate was also not very simple - a false denunciation without verification, and Suvorin ended up in prison. As a protest, he went on a hunger strike, which lasted 39 days and, according to researchers, became a turning point in the fate of the scientist.

During the fast, the well-being and general health of the scientist in the field of traditional medicine improved significantly, and the chronic diseases that bothered him before his imprisonment disappeared. Suvorin observed all the changes carefully and recorded them. After his release, he wrote a book dedicated to therapeutic fasting, in which he described in detail his personal experience, gave readers useful recommendations for improving health, and shared interesting discoveries about how the body works.

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Let's say right away - to stick to this technique, you will need enormous willpower. And fasting is mainly about health improvement, and not a way to lose weight. If you return to your previous nutrition system after it, you will reduce all the results to “no” and cause additional harm to the body. Coming out of fasting becomes especially difficult when a person feels brutal hunger and has a great desire to pounce on junk food. Naturally, you shouldn’t do this, so as not to regain the weight with interest and, most importantly, not to harm yourself.

Features of 40 day fasting

Fasting treatment using the Suvorin method is quite popular, but not all people decide to cleanse the body in this way.
This method of losing weight is suitable only for those who are healthy and determined to get rid of excess weight and improve their body health. Suvorin devoted most of his life to studying the topic of fasting and how organs and systems react to the refusal of food. He came to the conclusion that when following the most strict diets, what matters is the person’s desire. If you have confidence in your abilities and fasting occurs voluntarily, the body helps to overcome all difficulties and completely adapts to a new mode of operation.

Suvorin Alexey Alekseevich

Suvorin believed that simultaneously with the restructuring of the gastrointestinal tract, the process of deep cleansing of the body is launched and the cells are nourished from internal reserves completely autonomously. In his book, Suvorin described how the purification process occurs. In his opinion, you need to pay attention to the following points:

  • the release of toxins occurs through saliva, and by the coating on the tongue you can determine how much the body is polluted;
  • The pancreatic gland, during fasting, collects toxins and wastes and throws them into the digestive tract;
  • after 21 days from the start of fasting, the magnetic tension in the molecules that make up the human body changes so much that bacteria and viruses die;
  • complete cleansing of the body is possible in 6 weeks, and by the time the fast ends, appetite should resume and the tongue should be clear of plaque.

Fasting according to the Suvorin method is deep, autonomous and comes from within. The author of the method assured that hunger not only relieves a person of excess weight, but also cures diseases. Unlike ointments and injections, treatment begins from the inside and the most important thing in this case is to eliminate the causes of the development of pathologies.

Suvorin believed that fasting is inertial and should not be interfered with until the appetite worsens. If a person does not feel the need to take food at any stage of cleansing, but forces himself to take it out of fear of getting sick, the consequences can be severe, including a nervous breakdown or exhaustion.

The author of the method identified 2 ways to cleanse the body: upper and lower. The lower path is natural. Food enters the mouth, passes through the digestive tract and is passed out as feces. In a state of fasting, the body feeds autonomously from previously made reserves and the cleansing process occurs from the bottom up.

How to fast properly at home

Fasting as a method of losing weight and cleansing the body is available at home. It is described in as much detail as possible in Suvorin’s book, but you can limit yourself to simply carefully studying the information presented in this review. Doctors' opinions about Suvorin's technique are controversial, but in general it really helps to heal from most diseases and stop taking tons of medications . With the right approach, therapeutic fasting works real miracles.

You will have to follow strict nutritional discipline, otherwise there will be no results. Any breakdowns are very dangerous for health, and in some cases even life.

The essence of the fasting method according to Suvorin

In his method, the author set the main priorities: stopping food intake and cleansing the gastrointestinal tract of food residues and their undigested components.


About products for cleansing the body

To achieve the desired result, Suvorin sets the following goals:

  1. Set up the upper cleaning path to evacuate unprocessed and undigested products, debris and slag accumulations through the mouth. All deposits turn into pus and mucus.
  2. Organize powerful salivation.
  3. Organize the disposal of cells that have died as a result of malnutrition.
  4. Start synthesizing the necessary substances using nitrogen, carbon dioxide and oxygen.
  5. Force slag waste to take part in metabolic reactions.
  6. Do not allow pus, mucus and toxins to fall onto the lower path of cleansing.

The main ideas of the technique

The 40-day program is also called full-term fasting. During this time, the body is completely cleansed, the internal organs begin to work harmoniously and correctly. You need to start fasting after a little preparation - these are short periods on the water.

The main idea of ​​the treatment technique is that with minimal activity of the gastrointestinal tract in the body, the release of special energy begins. The subconscious activates the upper paths of cleansing, and all toxins come out in the form of white pus through the respiratory organs. The oral cavity (mucous membranes) becomes covered with a whitish coating. When the tongue is cleared of it, fasting and cleansing can be considered successfully completed.

How to fast properly

The total period of fasting using this method is 40 days, but if necessary, it can be shortened or increased. For example, thin people may fast less than fat people. Suvorin believed that the body cannot cleanse itself in less than 40 days, so it is not recommended to deviate too much from the rules. Fasting is recommended for people with excess body weight - the cause of its appearance is not always excessive appetite, the problem may lie in impaired metabolism. Accordingly, only a comprehensive, deep restructuring will help restore it.

There are two ways to cleanse the body - lower and upper. The lower one is considered natural; the body uses it when eating. The upper one occurs only during fasting - an unpleasant odor emanates from the oral cavity, since toxic substances are released along with saliva. The author of the technique believed that fasting helps cure any problem - from cancer to the common cold.

Be sure to read: Is pregnant women allowed to fast and how to do it correctly?

Before you start fasting, you definitely need to cleanse your body. These could be products with Vaseline, laxatives, or an enema. The scientist recommends taking laxatives during the entire fasting period - this way the process of cleansing the body will be as effective as possible. To cleanse the pancreas, you need to induce vomiting. This organ accumulates a huge amount of toxins and waste, which in the future provoke the development of various diseases. To induce vomiting, drink several glasses of clean water and then press on the root of your tongue with your fingers.

During fasting, water consumption should not be very large, but you should not completely give up drinking. The maximum limit is 2 liters per day, which can be reduced. Physical activity is indicated - at least 10 exercises for each muscle group daily. You can also swim and walk in the fresh air. Be sure to breathe correctly - through your nose and deeply. Self-massage of different parts of the body is useful.


You need to exit the fasting system carefully and smoothly. During the first days, eat fresh vegetables and fruits; their quantity is not limited. On day 4 you can introduce complex carbohydrates and proteins, on day 6 – vegetable fat, on day 10 – meat. Continue taking laxatives until the natural functions of the body are completely restored. If you want to cleanse yourself, but are afraid to do everything yourself, fast under the supervision of a doctor in a specialized medical facility.

Instructions for the Suvorin method

The fasting method according to Alexander Suvorin lasts for 6 weeks and is divided into several stages. The duration of the diet is determined independently: from 2-6 weeks is considered therapeutic; for normal cleansing, 1-2 weeks are enough. It is not recommended to extend the period beyond 9 weeks.

Input: Preparing to Start Fasting

The preparatory stage takes 3 days. During the first two, meat dishes are excluded from the diet. Dairy and plant products are preferred. The last day is considered a fasting day: a light menu for breakfast and lunch, no dinner, but a laxative is taken at night.

As a weakening drug, a drink of magnesium solution is taken, which helps cleanse the intestines of the remnants of undigested food. If you ignore the salt drink, it will be more difficult to move to the stage of the lower path of waste disposal, and unprocessed food fragments will become pus.

Fasting: method of management

Fasting treatment involves restricting food and water. To prevent dehydration, enemas are used. You should enter a state of hunger gradually; it is not recommended to drink liquid at all; it is better to drink as needed. On the first day, give an enema with a volume of 1.5 - 2 liters of warm water at a temperature of 35-40 degrees. Then you can drink 0.5 liters of liquid.

Rules to follow:

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  1. Refuse food and medications.
  2. Drink no more than 2 liters of water per day.
  3. Cleanse your intestines and stomach daily.
  4. Track the results, keep a diary of observations, sum up the results every 3-4 days.

During a forty-day fast, Vaseline oil is used to eliminate adhesions and intestinal obstruction. They supplement the sewage disposal process with enemas (Esmarch mug) 1-2 times a day, and take warm baths.

We recommend reading Alexey Suvorin’s book Fasting Treatment in which he described fasting techniques for different types of people

Additional procedures

  • A set of exercises. Performed on the entire muscle group at a slow pace. Repeat 10 times each. As a result, muscle tone increases, and internal organs work well throughout the day.
  • Hiking. Walk about 6 km at a relaxed pace.
  • Rhythmic breathing. While walking, perform rhythmic inhalations and exhalations, selected according to the number of steps: inhale 4, then exhale 4. You can't hold your breath. The number of steps is determined independently.
  • Self-massage. The execution takes place in a lying position on the bed. You should rub your body in a rhythm of 2 movements per second until you feel warmth. Perform in the morning and before bed.

What information is missing from the article?

  • Real reviews about the practice
  • Experts' opinions
  • Photo and video reviews
  • More menu options for preparation and exit

Return to normal power mode

It is necessary to gradually reach the level of normal nutrition after the cleansing stage. The duration of the stage of anti-stress completion of hunger is 1-2 weeks.

  1. For the first 3 days, eat fruits and vegetables in small quantities.
  2. On days 3-4, add proteins and complex carbohydrates. Dairy and plant products are allowed.
  3. On days 5-6, consume vegetable fats, carbohydrates, and proteins. From day 10, meat is allowed.

At the recovery stage, laxatives are discontinued, but enemas are given for another 4 days. It is recommended to take warm baths daily, drink a decoction of wormwood before meals and perform a massage using olive oil.

Compliance with all the rules will allow you to quickly restore your appetite and gain the missing body weight. You cannot immediately load your stomach with heavy food, as this will negatively affect the heart and cause swelling of the legs.



Suvorin fasting has its own contraindications, which must be taken into account. It doesn't fit:

  • Children and teenagers;
  • Pregnant and lactating women;
  • To old people.

If you are not confident in your health, then do not experiment - otherwise you will only harm yourself. Also, you may be better off sticking to a different fasting method - fortunately, there are really a lot of options to choose from. A severely weakened body will not tolerate a long-term severe illness well, therefore, after serious illnesses, rehabilitation is not recommended.

How do people feel while fasting?

It is difficult for a person who is not prepared in advance to withstand 40 days of a complete hunger strike. The first steps should be shorter. Otherwise, discomfort on a “water diet” persists for about a week, then the body gets used to it.

Lifestyle, despite dietary restrictions, can remain the same, since the body releases stable amounts of energy. It would be better to avoid mental overload and heavy physical labor. In any case, be careful - long-term fasting is not easy.

Be sure to read: The main causes of metabolic disorders. How to speed up the process?

Additional procedures

When fasting, Suvorin recommends performing additional cleansing manipulations that will help the body use internal resources as efficiently as possible. This:

  1. Enemas and taking Vaseline oil orally;
  2. Gastric lavage;
  3. Morning exercises, walking for at least half an hour (don’t forget to watch your breathing);
  4. Massage, self-massage.


Gennady, 37 years old, Krasnodar “I have fasted using the method more than once, and I am very pleased with the result. But those who rush headlong into the pool and eat without understanding the basic principles are making a huge mistake. Therapeutic fasting is a whole system, it is complex and does not allow deviations. If you don’t want to create unnecessary problems for yourself, undergo a preliminary health examination and read the entire book. Be healthy!"

Anna, 22 years old, Rostov-on-Don “Of course, I’m not a doctor, but 40 days is a very long time. I try not to get carried away, especially since for me personally even one week is enough to feel good. I fast like this - 7 days on the water, a month off or a little more. There is weakness, of course, but it is tolerable. The main thing is to understand why you are making such “sacrifices”, and the process turns out to be quite vigorous.”

Irina, 34 years old, St. Petersburg “My mother has been hungry for Suvorin for a long time. I don’t know what exactly gave the main effect, since about 10 years ago she radically changed her lifestyle, but she looks great for her age, and practically does not complain about various ailments. Personally, I’m not at all ready for 40 days yet, but I did short cleanses in water. I’m planning a week-long fast.”

Andrey, 53 goals, Kazan “Our body is a very complex system, the normal functioning of which cannot be restored only with pills. Fasting restarts metabolic and other processes, restores what was lost, spoiled, knocked down, gives vigor and good health. But you must understand that Suvorin’s method is very complex and has a lot of nuances. You cannot ignore them, so as not to earn additional health problems. Under no circumstances should you suddenly stop fasting - it is not only harmful, but also unsafe. Since it is very, very difficult to endure 40 days, think about your motivation.”

Anya, 19 years old, Moscow “Unfortunately, I didn’t make it through, I barely made it through 10 days, but I tried to get out smoothly. Apparently, there was a lack of training and knowledge on the fasting method. Perhaps I’ll return to this experience later.”

Main stages of cleansing

Forty days of fasting can be divided into six main stages - weeks. The first week is very often difficult for a person; the severity of the passage depends on many factors: whether the person has fasted before, how heavily the body is polluted, how flexible it is and how quickly it can adapt to a new regime. The second week is easier.

The third week is easier to tolerate than the second. It is considered the easiest among all. The fourth week feels similar to the second and is tolerated satisfactorily. The fifth and sixth weeks are the most difficult; it is during this period that the entire main load falls. Stopping hunger at this stage is undesirable: in fact, all the work done will be wasted. The author is confident that this particular period guarantees relief from chronic long-term diseases.


Suvorov claims that cleansing affects all organs and systems, which is why there is a surge in magnetic voltage. This has a destructive effect on harmful microorganisms, they die, and many diseases recede. This fact allows us to assert that the technique is therapeutic. Fasting, according to the author of the method, is the same natural process as bearing a child, and also has its own timing. Therefore, the optimal period is considered to be forty days, plus or minus a few days.


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