The benefits of stewed cabbage and how to cook it deliciously

Composition and calorie content of stewed cabbage

The beneficial properties of stewed cabbage and its calorie content make the vegetable indispensable for dietary nutrition. Includes:

  • vitamins C, K, A, PP, E;
  • vitamins from group B;
  • biotin;
  • calcium;
  • potassium;
  • magnesium;
  • sodium;
  • lactose;
  • phosphorus;
  • iron;
  • iodine;
  • copper;
  • manganese;
  • zinc;
  • fiber.

Per 100 g of product there are 2.6 g of protein, 5.8 g of fat and 9.8 g of carbohydrates. There are few calories in stewed cabbage. Per 100 g – only 100 kcal, excluding the nutritional value of additive products. Butter, yogurt, sour cream will add calories.

Healthy recipes

If you are trying to prepare a dish that is as healthy as possible and contains a minimum of calories and fat, do not use more than 1 tbsp when cooking. l. oils You can lightly fry onions and carrots on it. To prevent food from burning, avoid pans with thin bottoms. In this case, cast iron cookware with thick walls is ideal. Before frying the main ingredient, scald the shredded cabbage with salted boiling water.

A small secret to properly preparing cabbage is the method of chopping it. If you cut the leaves across the veins, the dish will be more juicy.

Instead of tomato paste, which may contain chemical additives and excessive amounts of sugar, it is better to use lightly boiled tomatoes, pureed using a sieve. Add this sauce to the water in which the cabbage will be stewed.

All that remains is to add salt, add black pepper and wait about half an hour until the products soften. The calorie content of this version of stewed cabbage is about 56 kcal per 100 g.

This dish will support kidney health, help with stomach diseases, constipation and dysbacteriosis.

To make the dish more nutritious, stew the cabbage not only with vegetables, but also with chopped chicken breast. This recipe follows the principles of a healthy diet and will provide you with numerous vitamins.

Video: rules for preparing cabbage with turmeric and cumin

Stewed cabbage is a dish that brings global benefits to everyone who consumes it. This is an excellent product for those who want to get in shape, stay in good shape and stay healthy. Proper preparation of stewed cabbage using healthy and low-calorie ingredients will enrich your daily menu with a hearty and nutritious dish that will supply the body with the necessary substances.

White cabbage, despite its availability, is one of the healthiest vegetables. Even in ancient times, cabbage was valued for the fact that it could be eaten not only raw, but also fermented, salted and stewed, and also used in the preparation of a variety of dishes - from pie filling to stewed meat.

Useful properties of stewed cabbage

The benefits of stewed cabbage for the human body mainly concern normalization, stimulation of digestion, metabolism, and strengthening of overall health. The prepared plant has the following effect:

  • strengthens the immune system;
  • increases energy, endurance;
  • provides essential microelements;
  • strengthens blood vessels;
  • prevents constipation;
  • normalizes cholesterol levels;
  • improves the functioning of the nervous system;
  • prevents sclerotic, age-related changes;
  • protects the retina from ultraviolet radiation;
  • prevents cancer;
  • improves intestinal function.

Elderly people will benefit from the rich composition of the plant in raw or cooked form. If you follow the measures, there will be no harm from the vegetable.

During a diet, stewed product helps to lose excess weight without depriving the body of nutrients.

Important! Minor negative effects can be easily neutralized after consulting a doctor. The properties do not imply a negative effect on the body; harm is caused only by excessive use.

Ingredients and calories

  1. Cabbage is considered a storehouse of vitamin C. The concentration of this substance in this product is quite high. Ascorbic acid has a beneficial effect on the entire body. Its main purpose is to protect the human immune system. This vitamin strengthens the walls of blood vessels, cleanses them and promotes the absorption of iron. This substance must enter the body with food. Sauerkraut is an excellent product containing vitamin C. In 100 g of such oil, about 70 mg of this acid is concentrated, which is the daily requirement for it.
  2. Cabbage juice is enriched with bioflavonoids, vitamins and antioxidant elements. This complex of beneficial substances protects organs from inflammation and the formation of cancer cells.
  3. Sauerkraut contains macro- and microelements, inulin, as well as dietary fiber, organic acids, mono- and polysaccharides. All of them are necessary to remove decomposition products from the body to ensure the normal functioning of the digestive tract.
  4. Tocopherol with retinol was also found in cabbage, which has a beneficial effect on the dermis and hair. In addition, the product with sauerkraut contains representatives of the group of B vitamins, vitamins H, and K.
  5. Among the minerals found are Cr, Na, Ca, P, Zn, Fe, K, I, Mg, Cu. Such a rich chemical composition provides the body with all the necessary substances.
  6. Calorie content is 20-25 kcal per 100 g, depending on the ingredients that are additionally present in the dish.

Daily intake for a healthy person

The properties, beneficial and harmful, of the product are such that even a healthy person must comply with a certain norm. 500 g is the maximum that can be consumed. The minimum portion to get the benefit is 200 g.

Eating more than 0.5 kg of stewed cabbage per day can, in addition to benefit, cause harm to the body. Consequences:

  • increased gas formation;
  • stomach ache;
  • formation of diverticulum in the large intestine.

By observing the measure, you get all the beneficial properties, avoiding even minor harm. A slight excess of the permissible portion once is not critical. Systematic violation of recommendations will lead to undesirable consequences.

Features of eating stewed cabbage

The benefits and harms of stewed white cabbage are directly dependent on the quantity and method of consumption. By following the recommendations, it is possible to improve your health.

During pregnancy

When the expectant mother does not have stomach or intestinal diseases, it is permissible to consume up to 200 g of such food per day. The beneficial property of stewed cabbage, relieving constipation, will manifest itself from 2 tbsp. l. per day.

The benefits of stewed cabbage for pregnant women are not only in its properties. The composition saturates the expectant mother’s body with essential substances no worse than vitamins.

When breastfeeding

During lactation, you should limit your consumption of raw or cooked plants. In children under 1 month of age, this product in the mother's diet can cause colic. A serving per 24 hours should not exceed 150 g.

The baby's behavior is an indicator. Ordinary, calm means that use does not cause harm. Hyperactive warns that instead of benefits, negative properties have appeared, the product should be excluded from the diet.

For children

It is recommended to give the product to a child from 7 months. First, add it to vegetable purees and cook it with milk. Since then it has been served as an independent dish or a side dish for meat. The recommended serving to get the benefits without causing harm ranges from 70 to 100 g.

Important! Children should be given stewed and fresh cabbage after receiving the recommendations of a pediatrician.

For gastritis and stomach ulcers

If there is no increased acidity, it is allowed to consume 120 g of the product. During an exacerbation of the disease, it is forbidden to eat the stewed plant in any quantity.

For pancreatitis

When the disease has passed the acute stage, 150 g per day will not cause harm. But in other cases there will be no benefit, it will only get worse. It should be remembered that pancreatitis is one of the contraindications for use. It is up to the doctor to decide whether or not to eat the dish.

For diabetes

Benefits of stewed white cabbage for diabetes:

  • when consumed, the absorption of glucose slows down;
  • low calorie content helps to get rid of extra pounds;
  • healthy, nutrients improve health.

The permissible dose is 200 g per day, no more than 3 times a week. The beneficial properties will be fully manifested, and harm will be avoided.

For cholecystitis

In combination with zucchini, carrots, a small amount of stewed plant is useful to consume daily. To avoid potential harm, regular visits to your doctor to check your condition are necessary. As soon as deterioration appears, it is necessary to exclude stewed cabbage from the diet.


When considering the benefits and harms of sauerkraut for the body, it is appropriate to consider the other side of the coin.

The product has a paradoxical contraindication. For stomach and duodenal ulcers in the acute stage, it is better to avoid this product. In the remission stage of chronic diseases, it is even useful. The healing effect in such cases is achieved from the juice. Take half a glass of juice three times a day. The duration of the course is one month. The second contraindication is hyperfunction of the thyroid gland.

As confirmation, we can cite the results of studies that initially cast doubt on the benefits of sauerkraut. Back in 1928, three researchers conducted a scientific experiment on rabbits that were put on a cabbage diet. After some time, scientists noticed a rapid increase in the thyroid gland in the subjects. By the end of the experiment, she was ten times higher than normal.

Sauerkraut juice

The researchers decided to change the conditions slightly and replaced the vegetarian food with liquid food. From now on, the rabbits were given only cabbage juice. However, it did not have any effect directly on the thyroid gland. Based on the results of the research, biologists came to the conclusion that squeezing cabbage causes an enlargement of the thyroid gland, while cabbage juice is neutral.

The next contraindication is hyperfunction of the thyroid gland (hyperthyroidism).

Also in the meager list of contraindications are increased acidity and intestinal obstruction.

As you can see, the benefits of sauerkraut are a hundred times greater than the harm.

Is it possible to eat stewed cabbage while losing weight?

Stewed cabbage benefits your figure without harming your health. The properties of the product allow you to eat almost completely, leaving only plant foods and chicken in your diet.

  1. The prepared plant is rich in nutrients, low in calories, nutritious, and you don’t need to fast to lose excess weight.
  2. Due to the abundance of fiber, the plant cleanses the intestines, helping to lose excess weight.
  3. A useful property during a diet is to maintain energy and performance.
  4. When the stewed vegetable is not the basis of a weight loss program, but an addition, it will prevent constipation.

The benefits of weight loss for a healthy person are questionable, but a well-prepared plant will reduce the risk of harm. Nutrients will support the body.

Important! A cabbage-only diet for more than a week is harmful. The ability to cleanse the body will work against a person.

Composition and benefits of the product

Stewed cabbage is not only a tasty delicacy, but also a real storehouse of nutrients. Despite the fact that during cooking the amount of some vitamins decreases, the main part of the microelements still retains its biological value.

Stewed cabbage is a very healthy dish that many will enjoy

As a rule, cabbage is stewed with onions and carrots. These vegetables enhance the beneficial effects of the dish on the body. A small amount of vegetable oil and spices are also added. Many people prefer to stew cabbage with tomatoes or tomato paste. By the way, you can cook fresh, sauerkraut and salted cabbage in this way. By the way, stewed cabbage is indispensable for proper nutrition.

If you stew sauerkraut, you will get a very unusual dish.

The table of the chemical composition of 100 grams of stewed cabbage, prepared using tomato paste, onions, carrots, vinegar, sugar and spices, is as follows.

Table: chemical composition of stewed cabbage

The chemical composition of stewed cabbage is superior to many pharmacy multivitamins.

Just 200 grams of the product contain the daily norm of vitamin A and half the norm of ascorbic acid.

Depending on the set of ingredients and method of preparation, the energy value of stewed cabbage can vary from 88 to 110 kcal.

Adding mushrooms, meat and sausages to the dish will increase its calorie content. This is important to consider if you are watching your figure. For example, stewed cabbage with mushrooms contains 132 kcal, and with chicken - 171 kcal.

Useful properties of the product

  1. Regular consumption of stewed cabbage helps improve metabolism and strengthen the immune system. This is due to the high content of nicotinic acid, vitamin C, selenium and zinc in the product.
  2. Stewed cabbage normalizes the gastrointestinal tract because it contains dietary fiber. These substances improve motor function and prevent constipation. Dietary fiber helps fight dysbiosis, absorbs toxins, radionuclides, heavy metals and carcinogens.
  3. Stewed cabbage contains methylmethionine, which protects the intestinal walls from damage. Thanks to this, when eating the dish, the likelihood of developing putrefactive processes in the gastrointestinal tract sharply decreases. This, in turn, is the main condition for reducing the risk of cancer.
  4. Stewed cabbage has a beneficial effect on liver function and reduces the risk of gallstones.
  5. Eating stewed cabbage helps stabilize the cardiovascular system. Vitamin PP contained in the product reduces the fragility of the walls of blood vessels. Potassium and magnesium lead to normalization of heart rate. Vitamin E improves blood circulation, and copper helps improve its quality. Thanks to this, cholesterol levels are reduced and the risk of developing arrhythmia, sclerosis, tachycardia, atherosclerotic plaques, coronary heart disease and heart attack is reduced.
  6. The presence of stewed cabbage in the diet helps improve vision and protect the retina from the negative effects of UV rays.
  7. The product normalizes the activity of the endocrine system.
  8. The dietary fiber contained in cabbage slows down the absorption of fats and carbohydrates, which leads to slow saturation of the blood with glucose. This is especially important for patients with diabetes.
  9. Eating stewed cabbage helps improve the condition of the skin due to the presence of vitamin B2 and improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
  10. The product reduces the risk of breast cancer due to the content of indole-tri-carbinol, which is a natural anticarcinogen.
  11. Regular consumption of the dish helps to stop anxiety and depression due to the presence of manganese.
  12. Stewed cabbage helps normalize weight, because it is quite filling and at the same time low-calorie product.

Secrets of cooking stewed cabbage

The medicinal properties of stewed cabbage are not all that is worth paying attention to. You can prepare tasty and healthy meals by following these recommendations:

  • Do not simmer for too long; during prolonged heat treatment, some of the substances are lost;
  • to get a specific, slightly islandy taste, a few minutes before cooking, you can increase the heat and let the cabbage burn a little (the process must be controlled so that you get a barely noticeable frying and the dish does not burn), then mix thoroughly;
  • if you simmer with tomatoes and bell peppers, the result will be higher in calories, but tastier;
  • for dietary dishes, butter, sour cream, cream, and yoghurt should be excluded;
  • Beans can be added to stewed cabbage only if there are no diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • salt and spices are added to taste, only approximately based on the recipe.

Recommended reading: Benefits of tomatoes for the body

Additionally, don’t forget about family recipes. Food often turns out tastier using methods described in old notebooks than using new, someone else's recommendations. But it is better to prepare healthy dishes according to recipes recommended by nutritionists. The properties of the vegetable vary depending on the preparation.

The benefits of cabbage for older people


Elderly people need special nutrition, and the older the person, the higher the requirements. The gastrointestinal tract of older people does not work as smoothly as before. Many foods are not fully digested, and heavy foods cause discomfort and disruption of digestive functions. The product has anti-sclerotic properties, this is achieved thanks to vitamins C, A, E and their antioxidant capacity. Systematic consumption of stewed cabbage reduces the risk of developing atherosclerotic changes in blood vessels. In addition, the product weakens and people prone to constipation note an improvement in their condition.

Cabbage stewed in a small amount of oil is a dietary product and prevents excess weight gain. The components of the product have a positive effect on the immune system and help activate its functioning. The body is filled with vitamins, of which there are many in the stew. The ability of cabbage to prevent the risk of breast cancer has scientific basis. The product is rich in indole-tri-carbinol, which prevents cell pathology and suppresses the growth of cancer cells.


Stewed vegetables are unique in that they are allowed and even recommended for various age categories and for various conditions:

  • while expecting a child;
  • during breastfeeding;
  • how to feed a baby;
  • with inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • with gallbladder pathology;
  • for diabetes mellitus;
  • with pancreatitis;
  • with excess body weight.


How much cholesterol is in quail eggs?

Healthy and tasty recipes for stewed cabbage

A diet based on stewed cabbage gives an amazing effect, no matter what the need is caused: health status, weight loss. It is only important to remember that the doctor’s recommendations come first, and personal preferences in case of health difficulties are secondary.

Diet stewed cabbage recipe

When losing weight, a minimally calorie recipe is appreciated. To prepare you will need:

  • 500 g white cabbage;
  • carrots, 1 pc. (medium size);
  • onion, 1 pc. (large).

Cooking follows a simple procedure:

  1. The head of cabbage is finely chopped.
  2. The onion is cut into half rings.
  3. Grate the carrots on a fine grater.
  4. Onions and carrots are stewed, without oil, until soft.
  5. Cabbage leaves are scalded with boiling water and added to the rest of the vegetables.
  6. Salt, add a little water.
  7. The mixture is simmered until soft. It is recommended not to remove from heat for an hour. However, the beneficial properties will decrease. When cooked correctly, softness comes faster. It is necessary to regularly taste the product to determine the degree of readiness.
  8. 5 minutes before removing from the stove, add spices if desired.

Serve as a side dish for chicken breast and turkey. Stewing meat and vegetable foods in the same container will take longer, and the beneficial properties may decrease.

Important! To prevent it from becoming bland, some recommend adding bell peppers and tomatoes, but in this case the calorie content will increase. The benefits will remain, but will decrease if the food was intended to help you lose weight.

We recommend reading: Chili peppers: benefits and harms, properties, how to eat them

Cabbage curry for diabetics

The plant is useful for people with type 2 diabetes, especially when stewed. You will need to prepare the following products:

  • 1.5 kg thinly sliced ​​white cabbage;
  • onion – 1 pc., preferably yellow, for a more intense taste;
  • 1 tbsp. broth, preferably chicken, but turkey broth is acceptable;
  • 1 tsp. turmeric;
  • 2 tsp. curry powder;
  • 0.25 tbsp. vinegar (rice is preferable);
  • garlic – 3 cloves;
  • to taste - salt.

We recommend reading: Turmeric: health benefits and harm, medicinal properties, applications

The dish is prepared as follows:

  1. Garlic is crushed or finely chopped. The onion is cut into half rings; rings are acceptable for beauty.
  2. Onions and garlic are fried in vegetable oil until yellow. Frying longer is permissible, the main thing is not to overcook.
  3. Add turmeric and curry to the container after 10 seconds. add chicken broth.
  4. After 5 min. put chopped leaves, pour vinegar.
  5. The dish is stewed for 15 minutes.
  6. Add salt and leave to steep for 20 minutes, covered.

Once ready, the dish can be served as a side dish or on its own.

Stewed cabbage with milk and flour for kidney health

Required Products:

  • 0.5 kg thinly sliced ​​cabbage;
  • 250 ml milk;
  • 250 ml water;
  • 3 tsp. flour;
  • 3 tsp. butter.

Prepare the dish like this:

  1. Mix water with milk.
  2. Pour the mixture over chopped leaves and simmer until soft.
  3. Mix with flour and butter. Cook for another 7 minutes.

This healthy dish contains more calories than leaves cooked in water, but for kidney disease, different properties are needed.

Important! Some nutritionists recommend not mixing cabbage with dairy products. This combination is believed to harm the digestive system.

Recipe for stewed cabbage for gastritis with low acidity

To prepare you need to take:

  • 300 g cabbage;
  • juice from 1/2 lemon;
  • 100 g onion;
  • 100 ml water;
  • 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil.

The preparation goes like this:

  1. The leaves are chopped and sprinkled with lemon juice.
  2. Place in a saucepan, add water.
  3. Simmer for 10 minutes.
  4. Fry the onion for 5 minutes in oil.
  5. Mix cabbage with onion, salt, simmer until tender, about 20 minutes.

The dish is served hot.

Stewed cabbage with yogurt for constipation

In this case, in addition to cabbage, additional products are used. The dish is good with any additions, but in each case it is better to use different ingredients. For this recipe you need:

  • 500 g cabbage leaves;
  • 500 g zucchini;
  • 300 g carrots;
  • 50 ml yogurt;
  • 2 tbsp. l. tomato paste;
  • greens to taste.

Stewed cabbage with additions is prepared in this way:

  1. The zucchini is finely chopped, the cabbage is finely shredded.
  2. Place the ingredients and 100 ml of water in a saucepan and simmer for 10 minutes.
  3. Place in a pot, fill with yogurt, tomato paste, and salt. Place in the oven preheated to 200°C.
  4. Simmer for 20 minutes.
  5. After readiness, add greens.

Instead of a pot and pan, it is permissible to use a thick-walled cauldron and simmer over low heat, eliminating the cooking step in the oven.

Stewed sauerkraut

The beneficial properties of stewed cabbage do not decrease when sauerkraut is used instead of a fresh vegetable. A dish with mushrooms will be healthy and tasty. Harm is possible only if there is individual intolerance to the components. To prepare you will need:

  • 500 g sauerkraut;
  • 100 g of dried mushrooms, preferably white;
  • 2 tbsp. l. tomato paste;
  • 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil;
  • carrots – 2 pcs.;
  • onions – 2 pcs.;
  • 1 bay leaf.

The subsequent preparation is as follows:

  1. Cook the mushrooms for 1.5 hours. Add a bay leaf to the water.
  2. Finely chop onions and carrots.
  3. Fry for 5 minutes until golden brown.
  4. Sauerkraut is soaked in boiled water.
  5. Add to fried onions and carrots.
  6. Simmer for 20 minutes.
  7. Mushrooms and tomato paste are added to the product.
  8. Cook the dish for another 5 minutes. under the lid.
  9. After the cabbage is ready, let it sit for half an hour.

The result is a healthy side dish. It is advisable to serve the dish warm.

Important! The product is consumed hot, cold, warm. This does not affect the beneficial properties, but the taste of the cold product is lower.

Nuances of use

Fans of a healthy lifestyle and everyone who cares about ensuring that their diet is correct and balanced often have questions regarding the use of stewed cabbage.

During pregnancy

The answer from nutritionists is clear: stewed cabbage during pregnancy will not only not harm the expectant mother’s body, but will also help her stay healthy. The dish during pregnancy helps to normalize the activity of the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, do not deny yourself a wide range of vitamins, minerals and amino acids. The product can also eliminate lethargy, decreased vitality, strengthen the immune system and add strength. And the potassium contained in the dish will remove excess liquid and prevent swelling.

Stewed cabbage can be included in the diet of the expectant mother throughout pregnancy, but try not to eat more than 200 grams of the product per day and no later than 3 hours before bedtime.

Stewed cabbage for children

Of course, it’s impossible to test children’s health with new products ahead of time. However, at the age of about 4 months, the baby is already ready to try new foods if he is bottle-fed. In the case of breastfeeding, the product is suitable for introduction into the child’s diet only after 6 months, when the baby is already familiar with purees and juices from other vegetables and fruits.

It is best to puree the cabbage and offer it to the baby in small portions of about 50 grams. Despite the fact that cabbage is a healthy dietary product, it can cause excessive gas formation in children.

When breastfeeding

White cabbage can cause bloating in a baby fed on mother's milk, so it is better to choose cauliflower or broccoli.

For dieting and weight loss

Stewed cabbage is an ideal dish for those losing weight. It is not only low-calorie, but also contains substances that promote the breakdown of fat. In addition, this dish can easily satisfy your hunger.

Harm of stewed cabbage and contraindications for consumption

In addition to health benefits, stewed cabbage also brings harm. Therefore, contraindications should be taken into account:

  • gastritis;
  • diarrhea;
  • cholecystitis;
  • stomach ulcer, duodenal ulcer;
  • enterocolitis;
  • high level of stomach acidity;
  • pancreatitis;
  • inflammation of the intestinal mucosa;
  • a number of kidney diseases;
  • recovery after operations on the chest and abdominal cavity;
  • allergy.

In other cases, if discomfort occurs, you should continue to use it after consulting your doctor. The benefits usually outweigh the harm.

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