We drive away excess weight with the “Broom”: recipes for a cleansing salad

Fans of tasty and healthy cuisine are probably familiar with the “Metelka” salad. This is a vegetable mix that helps cleanse the intestines and, if consumed regularly, can significantly affect the process of losing weight. This dish received such a funny name for the reason that, thanks to the vegetables included in its composition, the effect of “sweeping” from the body of toxins accumulated over a long time occurs.

“Broom” salad for weight loss, which creates the effect of a brush for the intestines, is one of the best remedies for weight loss. Its caloric content allows you to give you the necessary microelements and replace dinner without putting much stress on the body.

The salad recipe came from Switzerland. Russian lovers of proper nutrition really liked it, and as a result, a whole system of cleansing and losing weight was born using this vegetable mixture, which is also called the “Brush” salad.

Healthy salad ingredients

What ingredients are used to prepare a dish that cleanses the intestines?

  • Carrots (rich in carotene, vitamins A, C, K, B6, fiber, potassium and magnesium).
  • Beetroot (vitamin C, A, E, group B, minerals, fiber, protein).
  • White cabbage (vitamin C, B1, B2, minerals, sugars).
  • Chinese cabbage (vitamins A, C, E, K, group B, minerals, lysine).
  • Apples (ascorbic acid, iron, fiber, tannins, organic acids).
  • Celery (vitamins A, C, E, K, group B, minerals, essential oils).
  • Cucumbers (B vitamins, potassium, sodium, zinc, iodine).
  • Walnut (vitamins A, C, K, E, antioxidants, carotene, tannins).
  • Dill (vitamins A, E, P, B1, B2, C, essential oils).
  • Parsley (vitamin C, group B, folic acid).
  • Cilantro (vitamins A, P, K, C, group B, carotene).
  • Basil (vitamin C, antioxidants).
  • Lettuce (vitamins A and C, potassium salts, iron, folic acid).

This mixture can be seasoned with olive, vegetable or flaxseed oil, lemon juice, low-fat yogurt or kefir.

Selecting ingredients for a cleansing dish

Of course, first of all you should rely on your own preferences. If, say, you don’t like cabbage, and it doesn’t have any effect on you, you don’t have to force yourself to eat it. Often, the body itself tells you which foods are best to stop at.

A diet for weight loss is certain restrictions, but it does not have to turn it into torture. The best way to prepare a tasty and healthy dish is to trust your intuition and choose those vegetables and fruits that you like to eat. That’s what’s good about this salad - it can include any ingredients from the list above. Experiment, try and choose the options that are right for you.

How/when/how much to eat?

According to doctors, you should not consume more than half a kilogram of fresh vegetables and fruits per day. Therefore, you should not overuse this dish; it may result in stomach or intestinal problems.

Salad can be used for fasting days, while eating nothing else besides this dish, or use it for prevention every day.

To maintain your figure, it is recommended to consume it once a day: in the morning for breakfast, for lunch as a side dish for meat dishes, or for dinner. One serving will be enough for the intestines to function well.

How to prepare a salad to cleanse the intestines

The classic version of the Panicle salad can be prepared from three ingredients. These are raw beets, carrots and cabbage. However, everyone who was interested in the vegetable menu made their own adjustments to the preparation. As a result, many recipes were born that can diversify any kitchen. They are suitable as a complement to any meal and will help you lose weight.

  1. Peel 1 beet and 1 carrot and grate. Cut white cabbage into strips. Add dill and parsley, season everything with olive or any other vegetable oil. For 100 g of carrots and 100 g of beets you should take 300 mg. cabbage Greens are added to taste.
  2. 1 peeled carrot and 1 green apple, cut into strips. Add Chinese cabbage (proportion 1-1-3). Dill will be useful. You can season the salad with lemon juice.
  3. For 200 g of celery you will need: 1 cucumber, 1 carrot, 1 green apple and any greens you like. You can add walnuts. Season with olive oil or lemon juice. You can mix them if desired.
  4. Grind 2 green apples, add 1 grated beet, 200 g of celery and a lot of herbs (dill, parsley, basil, lovage, cilantro). Season everything with low-fat organic yogurt.

No one forbids inventing and creating new recipes based on the products listed above. Your imagination will only diversify your diet and give you the opportunity to lose weight with the help of the Panicle salad.

Fitness salad for cleansing

Brush salad for weight loss: reviews from those who tried it

Karina, 45 years old. Great salad! I also learned a similar recipe from my mother. When I left home to study at university, I started having stomach problems due to poor and irregular nutrition. Moreover, problems began with the stool. I felt terrible. Until I started eating this “Brush” for dinner! I prepared myself a panicle from raw beets, carrots, cabbage and added pumpkin (when it was in season). Seasoned with unrefined sunflower or olive oil. The stomach problems gradually resolved, as I, in general, reconsidered my diet, and began to take this salad as a snack for lunch.

Tatyana, 28 years old. I’m really not very fat, but there are floating 5 kilograms that I periodically get rid of, and after a while they still come back to me. I try to go on diets, sometimes I get myself in order with sports, but it doesn’t last me for a long time, as soon as I lose my extra pounds, I return to my normal lifestyle and the pounds come back. I love sweets very much, I simply cannot imagine life without buns and cakes. Now I try to eat them in the first half of the day, and for dinner I always have the Metelka salad in different versions, sometimes with a piece of chicken or fish, and sometimes just like that, depending on the feeling of hunger. What I liked is that the functioning of the intestines has improved, now everything works like clockwork, and without diets the weight stays and does not creep up.

Elena Selivanova - especially for.

What happens to the body when eating salad?

First of all, the entire gastrointestinal tract is cleansed. Fiber is the same “broom” that restores order inside and removes waste and toxins. The latter tend to accumulate and create deposits that slow down metabolism and negatively affect the condition of the body as a whole. That's why nutrition experts strongly recommend including vegetables and fruits in your daily menu. Without them, stagnation occurs, the digestion process slows down, and after this the internal organs of our body begin to suffer.

The Panicle salad is perfect for cleansing the intestines and losing weight because it contains everything you need to help the body cope with problems. Excess weight goes away along with “deposits” that accumulate on the intestinal walls.

The benefits of “Metelka” salad for weight loss and cleansing the intestines

The health of the body as a whole depends on the well-being of the intestines. When it is clean and nothing interferes with its work, a person feels full of strength and energy. And vice versa, as soon as the intestines are clogged with human waste products, the condition of the skin and immunity will immediately make themselves felt by various diseases.

In order to avoid these problems, you should systematically deep clean your intestines of accumulated debris.

The positive effect of the “Broom” salad (another name is “Brush”) in such a situation will be reflected in the following:

  • cleanses the intestines of toxins and waste;
  • normalizes digestion processes;
  • promotes effective weight loss by increasing intestinal motility;
  • has laxative properties, so it is an excellent remedy for combating irregular bowel movements;
  • reduces cholesterol;
  • balances the pH level in the body;
  • has a beneficial effect on intestinal microflora.

The main ingredient of this dish is cabbage, which is a cruciferous vegetable and is known for its anti-inflammatory properties. It is considered one of the products important for health:

  • contains thiols, sulfur-containing chemicals that have antifungal effects. Thiols also prevent blood clotting and help lower cholesterol;
  • contains indoles and isothianates, which help protect against colon cancer;
  • Red cabbage contains high amounts of anthocyanin polyphenols, antioxidants that help lower blood pressure. It also has 8 times more vitamin C than green;
  • in general, cabbage is rich in vitamins K, C, B6, and folic acid.

What are the benefits of this dish?

  • “Pastel” consists of those components that contain many vitamins, microelements, minerals and enzymes, the deficiency of which is experienced by every human body.
  • This dish is low in calories, it will not add weight - on the contrary, it will help you get rid of extra pounds.
  • The high fiber content in vegetables and root vegetables that are used to prepare Panicle will facilitate the rapid removal of harmful substances from the intestines.
  • Cleansing and losing weight with the help of this salad is quite gentle.
  • The recipe for any version of this dish does not require large financial expenditures. Plus, all the ingredients are easy to buy—available in every way.
  • “Broom” will diversify the diet, will decorate the menu, and will be suitable as an addition to any meal.

Salad from Elena Malysheva

Many people learned about the salad brush recipe from Elena Malysheva, because this teledoctor actively distributes various options for healing and cleansing the body, and in particular various elements of the diet. Salad from Elena Malysheva is offered as a component of a special diet, which allows you to significantly lose weight in a short period of time. You can watch the video for more detailed information regarding the use of the diet and how to use the salad brush for weight loss as part of the diet.

The proposed diet can only be used for a short time and only by relatively healthy people. In particular, this diet is offered so that women can improve their own attractiveness and lose some weight in a short period. However, you should not always be on such a diet.

Fasting day on vegetable salad

Spending just one day eating only the Panicle salad for weight loss is not difficult. At the same time, it will benefit your body and start cleansing processes. It is enough to stock up on vegetables and herbs that will make this dish the most delicious and enjoyable for you, and choose a day when you are free and can devote time to yourself.

  • To prevent the fasting day from becoming a painful ordeal, you can prepare different versions of the salad, seasoning it with oil, lemon juice, or fermented milk products.
  • You should replace all meals with “Metelka” salads and try another masterpiece of culinary art every 3 hours.
  • Dinner must take place no later than 19:00.

Diet on vegetable cleansing salads

One of the very comfortable and easy diets using the Panicle salad is replacing dinner with a vegetable mix from the ingredients given above. If you eat this salad instead of dinner for a month, you can lose up to 10 kg. excess weight. Of course, the daily routine should be changed slightly:

  • increase the amount of water consumed per day to 2 liters;
  • allocate 5 minutes of time for a morning warm-up, which will help the body wake up and start all the necessary processes;
  • replace dinner with a tasty and healthy salad of fresh vegetables.

By fulfilling all these conditions, you will notice: the “Broom” will immediately begin to work, cleansing the digestive organs and promoting weight loss. If you would like to speed up your weight loss process, replace two meals with this salad. A cleansing vegetable mix will help you lose weight within the first 10 days. When the results satisfy you, you can switch to a one-time dose of the Panicle salad.

Weight loss benefits of Brush salad

As noted earlier, this recipe allows you to cleanse the intestines, and only this factor can provide you with effective weight loss. However, in order to get the greatest effect, some details should be taken into account.

  • The calorie content of a salad as a whole is determined not only by the amount of main ingredients, but also by additional ingredients, in particular the oil used.
  • Whatever salad you choose next, the recipe never includes heat-treated ingredients - this is the general rule; in addition, many do not add salt to this salad, ever.
  • Do not use sugary drinks or other additives, wash down this dish with water, if you “sit” on the brush all day, then drink at least a couple of liters of water.

If you do not feel the need for a major weight loss, then you can use a salad brush for weight loss recipe, reviews of which you can read further, only periodically for prevention and on certain days. For example, after the holidays, when you have enjoyed yourself at a feast, you can use a fasting day, which is discussed below, or use the recipe in one of the meals for several days in a row, for example, have a salad for lunch or dinner for several days in a row. As a preventive measure, it is simply useful to eat a similar salad every week.

If you need to lose weight, then sometimes it is best to read in more detail about salad brush for weight loss, reviews and results from those who used this recipe. If you see a situation similar to yours, you can choose the best option for you to use this salad. In general, you combine fasting days, regular consumption of vegetables and try to record the resulting reduction in body weight and move forward.


Contraindications to consider when eating vegetable cleansing salad:

  • People suffering from gastrointestinal diseases should take the vegetable mix on a regular basis with caution. The high acid content in cabbage and the powerful vitamin and mineral composition of beets and carrots can negatively affect the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines.
  • It should be borne in mind that beets can affect blood pressure. Therefore, hypertensive patients who want to practice the Panicle diet are advised to monitor their blood pressure. If it remains normal, then you have chosen the most suitable recipe for yourself and the best unloading option.
  • Pregnant women can eat salad for weight loss, however, if there are changes in bowel function, it is better to consult a doctor.

Reviews about fasting days and salad diet

I thought I came up with this recipe myself. I have always liked raw vegetables, I can easily eat both beets and cabbage in their raw form. It turned out that this dish is an excellent way to cleanse the body. I practice a diet on this salad regularly. The results are excellent. I can lose weight in a week by eating Broom salad for lunch and dinner.

Sergey, 50 years old

Yes, this salad can really speed up your weight loss process. But I absolutely don't like its taste. I'm talking about the classic combination of beets, carrots and cabbage. I'm trying other recipes. The best one is the one that uses green apples and celery. I season it with olive oil - lemon juice is completely out of place, in my opinion.

Raisa, 30 years old

The Panicle salad suits me best for weight loss. I tried different diets: I tried to lose weight on apples, on dairy products, on pumpkin... I only got results when I started eating my favorite salad instead of dinner. I recommend everyone to experiment on themselves.

Svetlana, 42 years old

My friend’s reviews about the unprecedented weight loss results that she received by eating the “Pastel” salad to cleanse the intestines made me try to spend a fasting day eating this dish. Yes, it really works. I lost 2 kg. in a week, just replacing their dinner. Did not expect!

Katya, 28 years old

Losing weight using vegetable salad is very comfortable and varied. If you follow all the recommendations listed in this article, your body will thank you. By listening to your body, you will find the only option that is acceptable to you and begin to practice it, getting your own results.

Panicle salad in different variations

Regardless of the chosen recipe and the duration of cleaning, there are at least two general rules for preparing Panicle salad:

  • vegetables or fruits used for the dish must be raw;
  • the salad cannot be salted; If you cannot eat unsalted food, a small pinch of salt is acceptable.

Recipe 1. Classic vegetable salad “Pastel”


  • red beets – 1 piece (small);
  • carrots – 3 pieces (small);
  • white cabbage – 800 grams;
  • olive oil – 1-2 tablespoons.

Shred the cabbage and mash it with your hands so that it releases the juice and becomes softer. Grate carrots and beets. Mix all the vegetables, season with oil. Salad ready.

The resulting dish is enough for the whole day. They can have breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks. The number of kilocalories in a one-day serving is about 250, which is six times less than the daily requirement for an adult.

Recipe 2. “Brush” with reduced calorie content

This recipe was proposed by nutritionists in Elena Malysheva’s program “Live Healthy.”

Ingredients for a one-day serving of salad:

  • cabbage – 500 grams;
  • carrots – 500 grams;
  • beets – 500 grams;
  • juice of half a lemon.

Grate the carrots and beets, finely chop the cabbage. Mix thoroughly with your hand and be sure to squeeze.

We consume the resulting volume of salad throughout the day until 19.00, dividing it into 7-8 parts. Don’t forget about plenty of fluids – be sure to drink 2 liters of water a day.

Recipe 3. Panicle salad with celery and apple


  • fresh root celery – 200 g;
  • red beets – 500 g;
  • green apples – 600 g;
  • lemon juice – 1 tablespoon;
  • olive oil – 1 tablespoon.

Peel the celery and grate it. We do the same with apples and beets. Season with lemon juice and olive oil and mix well. We use it throughout the day.

Recipe 4. Simplified celery salad


  • stem celery – 500 g;
  • fresh cucumbers – 500 g;
  • garden greens (any) – 10 sprigs (more or less is possible);
  • lemon juice – 2-3 tablespoons;
  • olive oil – 1 tablespoon.

Grind celery and cucumbers, finely chop the greens. Mix everything thoroughly, season with juice and oil. The prepared salad is enough for the whole day. It can be used as a main dish for low-carb diets.

Recipe 5. Fruit and vegetable salad “Pastel”


  • green apples – 400 grams;
  • carrots – 400 grams;
  • beets – 400 grams;
  • lemon juice – 2 tablespoons;
  • olive oil – 1 tablespoon.

Grate apples, carrots and beets, mix well, squeeze lightly. Add lemon juice and olive oil.

Recipe 6. Summer version of salad


  • apple - 1 piece;
  • kiwi – 2 pieces;
  • orange - 1 piece;
  • oatmeal – 2 tablespoons;
  • honey – 1.5 tablespoons.

Peel the kiwi and grate the pulp on a medium grater. Peel the orange and cut into slices. Divide the resulting slices into three or four more pieces. Cut the apple into four parts, remove the core and grate on the same grater. Place the chopped fruits in a deep plate, cover with oatmeal, add honey, and mix. The salad is ready to eat.

Recipe 7. Fruit “Pastel”


  • grapefruit – 1 piece;
  • pomegranate seeds – 100 grams;
  • prunes – 150 grams;
  • dried apricots – 150 grams.

Soak dried fruits for 1 hour in separate containers. Peel the grapefruit and chop the pulp into small pieces or chop it by hand. Finely chop the softened prunes and dried apricots. Mix all ingredients.

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