Cleansing the body with rice. Rice will remove all the harmful things. The secret of Tibetan lamas.

Cleansing of waste and toxins is the most important procedure for losing excess weight.

The rice diet for cleansing the body is considered one of the most effective and simplest ways.

Compliance with the diet prescribed by the method allows you not only to get rid of harmful substances, but also to rebuild your metabolism and improve your well-being.

General information

Rice peeling has been used since ancient times: rice was used for this purpose in Ancient China. After all, it helps to successfully cleanse the body of waste, toxins , and also allows you to rid the joints of salts deposited in them. Preventive cleansing of the body with the help of rice began to be practiced in ancient times in Asia. In Eastern medicine, there is a belief that with regular consumption of this grain you can significantly improve your health, especially if you prepare it correctly. It has long been used by Tibetan monks. This Tibetan cleansing is still successfully practiced. Proof of this is the health of Tibetan monks, many of whom live more than a hundred years. Since the grains of this crop have an excellent absorption effect, they cleanse the intestines and liver well. In general, such cleansing is beneficial for various systems and organs. However, there are certain restrictions and contraindications for using such a cleansing system. How to use rice for weight loss and cleansing, and which recipe is best to choose, will be discussed in this article.


There are few contraindications to cleaning methods when introducing rice, so cleaning the house is safe. But people suffering from gastrointestinal disorders, in particular, often experience constipation.

These methods are contraindicated in pregnant and breastfeeding women due to the hardening characteristics of rice.

Refining using rice culture has not been scientifically proven. But the positive experiences of people who have experimented with these methods provide incentive to carefully study and test these methods.

Who should practice this cleansing?

With the help of rice, you can significantly improve health in various body conditions and diseases:

  • remove salts, which will help overcome joint pain;
  • improve metabolic processes, which will help improve the functioning of a number of systems and activate the burning of fat deposits;
  • improve the body's health.

Cleansing with rice at home should be carried out by those who want to lose weight and improve the general condition of the body. Even without a visit to the doctor, at home, you can determine that such cleaning is necessary. First of all, you need to pay attention to the condition of your skin, nails and hair. If it leaves much to be desired, then it is necessary to take preventive measures.

Other signs that the body requires cleansing include:

  • overweight;
  • colds that recur very often;
  • severe fatigue, frequent weakness;
  • stiffness in the joints;
  • muscle pain;
  • allergic manifestations;
  • the appearance of edema .

Proper cleaning will help you overcome all these unpleasant manifestations, and you can do it with the help of rice.

How does rice work?

The structure of a grain of rice is as follows: its basis is fibers, between which other substances are located. Soaked rice always leaves a starchy coating at the bottom of the container. If you soak rice for a very long time, then in the end only fiber (fiber) will remain, and starch and other substances will separate. The grain will become like a sponge, suitable for absorbing toxins and waste in the body. That is why it is very important to properly prepare the rice grains to cleanse the body, otherwise the expected effect will not occur.

Once inside, prepared rice fibers attract and retain a variety of toxic substances. It is this property of rice that determines its use for cleansing. That is, after a person eats well-soaked rice, it gradually moves through the gastrointestinal tract, collecting harmful substances. Ultimately, it removes toxins from the body. That is, this cereal is a kind of analogue of sorbents , but, unlike them, it does not cause side effects and does not cause harm to the body.

Cleaning according to Eliseeva

This method is not completely different from the previous ones. The only difference is that Dr. Eliseev recommends using 3 tablespoons of unpolished rice. It must be consumed in the same way as described above, but for the previous boiling for 15 minutes. The method starts working within 30-40 days and lasts 3 months.

Some people will need 3 days to cleanse their body with rice, and others will need 3 months. The characteristics of a "clean" body head are clean "clean" urine and good health without impotence and pain. All practices have their place, but you must take into account the rules of consumption, contraindications and adverse reactions.

Indeed, the abuse of necessary goods can cause irreparable harm to the body. Also, make sure that you research all the methods and choose the one that is more applicable and safer. You do not trust obscure and pseudo-medical practices.

How to cleanse the body with rice?

The proper cleaning recipe must be followed strictly to get the desired result. For a cleansing course that lasts two weeks, you will need one pack of cereal with a volume of 800 g. As for recommendations regarding the type of cereal, they differ in different sources. But in fact, what matters is not so much whether it is round or long, but rather the amount of fiber in the cereal. The more there are, the better the cleansing will be. Therefore, you need to choose whole, unpolished rice. But, if such a product is unavailable for certain reasons, you can add bran to regular rice in a 1:1 ratio. This way, cleansing the body will be more effective.

To prepare the cleansing product you need to take five half-liter jars. To avoid confusion, they should be numbered.

On the first day, add 3 tbsp to jar number one. l. well washed rice and fill it with water, the volume of which is twice as large as the cereal. After steeping for 24 hours, you need to drain the water and fill the already soaked cereal with the same portion of clean water, and soak a new portion of rice in the second jar. On the third day, repeat the manipulations, changing the water in two jars and pouring the cereal in the third. You need to do this every day until all the jars are filled. On the sixth day, the rice from the first jar can already be used. But, having emptied the jar, a new portion should be poured into it so that the process is continuous.

Before consuming soaked rice, you need to pour boiling water over it and leave for 10 minutes, or bring to a boil and boil for a minute. Eat porridge for breakfast - one serving per day. Moreover, you cannot add salt or any other additives to it.

Before taking the cereal, you need to drink a glass of water about half an hour.

The body is cleansed with rice in 40 days. Therefore, this procedure is not practiced for longer than 40 days.

Nutrition during the cleansing period with rice

It is erroneous to say that during the cleansing period one should not eat anything other than rice. In fact, soaked and cooked cereals should be eaten in the morning on an empty stomach. You should not eat anything for three hours after your rice breakfast. Next, the person should feel quite strong hunger, which is an indicator that the cleansing is working. But later, for lunch and dinner, you can consume different dietary foods. Dishes made from meat, poultry, fish, cottage cheese, and dairy products are allowed. You can also eat fruits and vegetables. It is important to drink a lot of water.

Recipe for cleaning joints

To cleanse joints, another recipe is used, which provides for a slightly different method of preparing cereals. Initially, 3 kg of rice is poured with 10 liters of water. For a week, you need to rinse the cereal very thoroughly every day, doing this for 20 minutes, and then fill it with clean water. Already a week after washing the cereal, the water will remain clear, which will indicate that the starch has been completely washed out of the grains. After this, the water must be drained, the grains dried and placed in a paper bag.

Next, the cleaning process itself begins. In the morning every day you need to prepare porridge from 1 tbsp. l. these grains, boiling them for 25 minutes. There is no need to add anything to the porridge. After breakfast, you cannot eat or drink anything for 4 hours.

Within a month the therapeutic effect will be noticeable. During this period, the urine becomes cloudy, which is evidence of cleansing of the body. Also at this time you may feel slightly unwell, sometimes dizzy . The amount of feces also increases.

To cleanse your joints, it is best to choose brown rice. During the period of using this technique, it is recommended to eat apples as often as possible, which also help cleanse the body of salts.

Important Tips

During the cleaning process, you need to consider a few more important recommendations that will help make the procedure more effective.

  • chlorinated water is better for washing rice . It promotes disinfection, since microbial flora can develop in jars with an organic substrate over several days. Contaminated food can cause diarrhea and other problems.
  • Jars of soaked cereal should be stored in a cool place, as microbes will multiply very intensively in warmth. The jars must be covered with a lid. However, pre-sterilization of the jars is not required - just wash them well before use.
  • During cleansing, it is advisable to take vitamin and mineral complexes that will help improve your well-being and maintain health. It is best to ask your doctor which complex to choose.
  • This procedure can be carried out no more than once every two years. It is important to remember that potassium is also washed out of the body along with toxins and wastes. Therefore, it is necessary to introduce foods high in it into the menu. In this case, figs, dried apricots, raisins, and potatoes are suitable. In addition, the menu should contain as many fresh fruits and vegetables as possible, which also enrich the body with useful substances.
  • Before cleansing, it is worth preparing the body for this process. Five days in advance, it is recommended to start eating fiber-rich foods and drinking herbal teas and ginger tea. You should drink enough liquid these days, that is, at least 2 liters of water.
  • During the period of cleansing procedures, it is important to exclude alcohol and coffee from the menu, and not to smoke.

How does cleaning work?

This procedure helps strengthen the immune system, which consequently has a positive effect on overall health. In addition, normal immunity is important for activating the process of cleansing the body.

After preventive cleaning, the process of removing metabolites - impurities, toxins, salts - is accelerated. Food components important for health are absorbed faster.

Cleansing the body with rice: reviews and results

Despite the fact that there are no solid scientific research results on the benefits of this method, numerous reviews of rice cleansing indicate that rice cleansing of the intestines, joints and the body as a whole allows you to achieve the following results:

  • free the intestines from accumulated toxins ;
  • remove excess salts from the body;
  • reduce swelling by normalizing water-salt metabolism;
  • stabilize carbohydrate metabolism, reduce the amount of excess sugar in the blood (since a person also adheres to a diet during cleansing);
  • stop the development of atherosclerosis and reduce cholesterol due to the removal of excess fat molecules from the intestines;
  • strengthen the immune system ;
  • improve the characteristics of the skin, reduce the severity of acne ;
  • increase the degree of elasticity of muscles and ligaments, provided that the person consumes rice on an empty stomach for at least 40 days.

Thus, if a doctor recommended such a cleansing or a person decided to carry out this procedure on his own, one must take into account its effect on the body. For example, during this period you can try to expand your physical capabilities by doing stretching.

As for the removal of salts, this process is also lengthy. They are completely eliminated after two months of eating rice. However, there is one important note: you can practice cleansing salts from joints with rice no more than once every two years. Indeed, during this period, not only harmful salts are washed out of the body, but also useful substances. Therefore, between such courses it is better to use other folk remedies.

Other benefits

In addition to the positive effects of using this cereal listed above, some other advantages of this method can be noted:

  • This procedure has virtually no significant side effects provided that it is used for a short period of time. It should not be performed only on expectant mothers and nursing women, as well as people with kidney stones, hemorrhoids , chronic constipation and heart disease. It can be carried out starting from the age of 13.
  • Those who practice it do not experience any discomfort. During cleaning, too strict restrictions are not needed, which greatly facilitates its implementation.
  • Cleaning is very cheap and easy to carry out.

Many practicing doctors also say that such cleansing is quite useful and effective. Users, leaving reviews online about cleansing procedures using this cereal, write that after just a few days of such breakfasts they feel light, and after completing the course they notice a weight loss of several kilograms. An improvement in the condition of the gastrointestinal tract is also observed, in particular, intestinal function is normalized. In addition, as a positive thing, many note that this cleansing is easily tolerated.

Advantages and disadvantages


  • Positive effect on the circulatory system
  • Natural product
  • Cholesterol decreases
  • Thanks to the content of microelements, the nervous system is strengthened, anxiety is relieved
  • Significant weight loss
  • It is cheap
  • Skin and hair properties improve
  • The body receives many necessary substances
  • Treats joints, genitourinary system
  • Removes salt from joints, is an adsorbent


  • There are side effects
  • Very thick cleansing eliminates potassium and vitamins, making it harder for the heart to function
  • Without salt in dishes there is rice, soaked, without taste, the risk of a breakdown in the diet increases
  • Very long course of cleaning (usually takes 2 months)
  • If you cook white rice and then leave it at room temperature for 8-10 hours or more, you can become poisoned by developing a microbe and releasing toxic substances into it.


The procedure for cleansing the body with rice is currently very popular, so you can read many reviews about its effectiveness. However, no matter how enthusiastic they may be, it is still worth consulting with a specialist before starting this process.

It is also important to understand that you cannot expect results within a few days. You can see the first positive changes only after two weeks of regular consumption of grains. It is very important to strictly follow the instructions for preparing and consuming rice grains.

In addition to cleansing, there are also various variations of the rice diet , which can be practiced for weight loss. In general, cleansing with rice is a fairly gentle and at the same time beneficial procedure for the body.

Diet for three to five weeks

Treatment of toxin overdoses using a similar method involves eating rice porridge prepared in a certain way for breakfast.


  • At night, the required volume of cereal is filled with water,
  • In the morning, drain the water, pour in clean water and put it on the fire,
  • The liquid should not be absorbed into the rice, so every five minutes it must be drained and replaced with clean liquid.
  • Repeat the procedure four times, the last time the rice is cooked completely.
  • You cannot add salt, sugar or butter to the porridge.

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The finished dish is consumed for breakfast, after which one abstains from eating for three hours. The duration of such treatment is three weeks. If you feel well, you can extend treatment up to five weeks.

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