Kissel from beets, prunes and rolled oats reviews

How to cook beet jelly?

What are the benefits of beetroot jelly?

In the old days, jelly was made from beet kvass. If you just boil the beets and make jelly out of it, it will not be tasty. Beet kvass is prepared like this: take a 3-liter jar, cut it into 3-4 pieces. beets (well washed and peeled), put 2 tablespoons of sugar in a jar and fill with cold tap water, put in a warm place. After a week, the kvass is ready. First you need to remove the foam from it. To prepare jelly, kvass is diluted with water 1:1 , add sugar and starch. The jelly is ready. It is considered a good remedy for vitamin deficiency, hypertension, asthma, etc.

Beetroot jelly has many beneficial properties. It will be very useful for those who want to say goodbye to a couple of extra pounds, it cleanses the body, improves well-being, and has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract. The recipe is quite simple. To prepare beet jelly you will need beets, two tablespoons of oatmeal, 100 grams of prunes, and 1.5 liters of water. Next we do this:

    Grate raw beets and mix with finely chopped prunes and oatmeal. Pour boiling water over the resulting mass and cook over low heat for 15 minutes. Be sure to strain and cool. We feast on jelly 1.5-2 hours before bedtime in any quantity.

Before moving directly to the preparation method, let’s dwell on the beneficial properties of the drink. Each of the three ingredients has a specific set of beneficial properties. They are explained by the biochemical composition of the products.

The bioactive complex of oats includes a large amount of proteins (up to 18%), starch (up to 60%), hemicellulose (10%), fiber (10.5%), vitamins (B1, B3, B5, B6, PP, E, H ), as well as phytic acids, macro- and microelements (manganese, copper, iron, molybdenum, silicon).

Oats give the jelly viscous properties. Pectins, swelling in water, envelop and soothe the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines. The second quality of jelly with oatmeal, beets and prunes, important for weight loss, is satiety. The jelly-like mass effectively fills the volume of the stomach, relieving the feeling of hunger.

The biochemical composition of the root vegetable is rich in carbohydrates (6%) and, in particular, dietary fiber (12.5%). The red vegetable contains a lot of organic acids and vitamins (C, A, B2, B5, B6, U). Among the micro- and macroelements, manganese, cobalt, iron, silicon, chromium, copper, and molybdenum are distinguished.

Beets occupy one of the first places among products that slow down the aging of the body, lower blood pressure and protect the liver from the destructive effects of poisons. The biologically active complex of the vegetable accelerates lipid metabolism and stimulates the heart muscle.

This dried fruit contains a lot of carbohydrates (21%), including plant fibers (up to 28%), vitamins (C, K, B6, A), micro- and macroelements (calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, potassium) and absolutely low fat (1%).

The main effect of prunes in any dish is a laxative. Berries effectively enhance intestinal motility, thereby accelerating the elimination of stagnant feces. At the same time, the body receives nourishment from the nutrients and biological substances that make up the dried fruit.

Properties of the drink

Cleansing jelly made from Hercules, prunes and beets has a very gentle effect on the gastrointestinal tract. Thanks to the successful selection of products that complement each other, this drink exhibits many beneficial properties. It has the following effect:

  • Choleretic
  • Sweatshop
  • Diuretic
  • Antisclerotic
  • Calming
  • Enveloping
  • Laxative
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Hypotensive

But, despite the wide range of beneficial properties for healing and weight loss, oatmeal jelly with prunes and beets has some contraindications. You should not drink it in large quantities or often if:

  • Kidney failure
  • Heart failure
  • Postoperative period
  • Hemorrhoids
  • Acute intestinal disorders
  • Menstruation
  • Pregnancy
  • Breastfeeding

The benefits of oatmeal jelly

Kissel from oats was prepared in ancient times. Our grandmothers cooked it for intestinal disorders and poisoning. Modern scientific research has confirmed the great benefits of oat drink for humans. It cleanses the body well and promotes weight loss during a special diet. Gastroenterologists include it in medical nutrition for almost all gastrointestinal diseases.

A diet based on oatmeal jelly helps not only to reduce weight, but also to improve the health of the body. Useful elements of oats help:

  • improve the functioning of the entire gastrointestinal tract;
  • cleanse the body of toxins and poisons;
  • increase human performance;
  • eliminate fluid stagnation;
  • boost immunity.

Your general condition will begin to improve within a week if you drink jelly correctly. Lightness will appear throughout the body, discomfort in the intestines will disappear, and your mood will rise.

Oatmeal jelly for weight loss is a low-calorie diet drink rich in vitamins and minerals. Consists of a large amount of insoluble dietary fiber. These fibers, swelling in the stomach, help to feel a feeling of fullness and satiety.

Cleansing jelly for a flat stomach - recipe


  • Oat flakes – 50 g
  • Beetroot – 150 g
  • Prunes – 100 g
  • Water – 1.5 liters
  1. Pour oatmeal (50 g - 5 heaped tablespoons) with hot water (500 ml). Let them swell.
  2. Wash the raw beets thoroughly, peel and grate on a coarse grater.
  3. Cut the washed prunes into small pieces or strips.
  4. Pour oatmeal, beets and prunes with the remaining boiling water and cook over low heat.
  5. After 15-20 minutes, remove the broth from the heat and strain. Squeeze out the pulp (do not throw it away).

The finished drink has a viscous consistency due to rolled oats, a raspberry tint due to beets and a plummy sweetish taste due to prunes. Some reviews of jelly say that it is very pleasant to drink, while others have negative statements about the taste. If you don’t like the taste, add a spoonful of honey to the finished drink. This will only enhance the beneficial properties, since honey contains a lot of substances valuable to the body.

To cleanse the intestines, get a flat stomach and lose a couple of kilograms, you need to drink 2 glasses of oatmeal jelly 2 hours before bedtime. In this case, the last meal should be earlier - at least 2 hours before drinking the drink.

After drinking the jelly, it is advisable to lie down for half an hour, placing a warm heating pad on the area of ​​the right hypochondrium. This procedure stimulates the liver and gallbladder. A more efficient outflow of bile occurs and the processes of cleansing not only the intestines, but also the liver are launched.

In the morning for breakfast, it is recommended to eat the grounds that were preserved from preparing oatmeal jelly. The fiber remaining in the beet-prune cake additionally adsorbs waste and toxins in the digestive tract. You need to eat this breakfast on an empty stomach, adding a spoonful of unrefined vegetable oil and honey.

To lose weight and achieve cleansing of the body, jelly is consumed for two to three weeks. But it is important to remember the contraindications. If oatmeal-beet jelly with prunes is used for weight loss, then it can be included in the oatmeal diet menu.

The drink is also useful for preparing the body for any other diet or therapeutic and intermittent fasting. In this case, the drink will gently cleanse the intestinal cavity and reduce the manifestation of intoxication, which is possible during fasting.

When losing weight on jelly with rolled oats, beets and prunes, it is advisable to include light dishes in your diet. It is recommended to avoid fried, smoked, pickled and fatty foods that are difficult for the stomach and liver. If you don’t change your diet, cleansing and losing weight with an oat drink makes no sense. In this case, achieving a flat stomach, losing weight and cleansing the intestines will be problematic.

Children will definitely love this very tasty and healthy drink!

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Cleansing jelly made from prunes and beets: recipe

Cleansing beet jelly

Cleansing jelly for a flat stomach can be prepared according to another recipe - with the addition of prunes and beets.

To do this, take:

  • 100 g beets;
  • 2 tbsp. Hercules;
  • 50 g prunes;
  • 1.5 liters of water.

All ingredients need to be chopped: finely chop the prunes with a knife, grate the beets. Mix with oatmeal and pour boiling water.

The jelly needs to be cooked for 15 minutes, stirring with a wooden spoon. The finished drink needs to be filtered and cooled.

You need to drink 1 glass of this jelly 2 hours before bedtime. By drinking it before bed, you will go to the toilet regularly the next morning.

Beetroot and prunes in the composition stimulate the intestines and help get rid of constipation.

Watch the video recipe:

Ingredients and how to cook

tea spoon5 ml
dessert spoon10 ml
tablespoon20 ml
cup200 ml


Composition weight:100 gr
Calorie composition:14 kcal
Belkov:0 g
Zhirov:0 g
Carbohydrates:3 g
Used:0 / 0 / 100
N 67 / C 0 / B 33

Cooking time: 25 min

cooking method

Kissel is a traditional Russian dessert dish. Culinary recipes for jelly have been known since ancient times. They were prepared as an independent dish, or used as an additive to foods such as casseroles and porridge. Kissel is made from fresh or dried berries and fruits with the addition of potato starch. I suggest making berry and vegetable jelly, which is not only quick to prepare, but is a very healthy and tasty drink. Pour fresh sea buckthorn (you can use pureed with sugar) with water and bring to a boil. Three raw beets on a fine grater, add half a glass of water and squeeze in gauze. You can make it easier by passing the beets through a juicer. Add the resulting juice to the boiled sea buckthorn and boil for several minutes. We dilute the starch in a small amount of cold water and pour it into a boiling broth. You need to stir very quickly. After a couple of minutes, the sea buckthorn and beet jelly is ready. Many children do not like jelly because of the unpleasant film that forms on its surface. To avoid this, lightly sprinkle the still hot jelly with granulated sugar.

Beetroot jelly is a delicacy that was revered and loved by the ancient Slavs.

Do you know about this?


And for good reason: with all its variety of taste, it is also healthy, easily digestible, does not contain many calories and is satisfying at the same time.

Also, beet juice contained in jelly is used in the treatment and prevention of cancer, anemia, vitamin deficiency and chronic fatigue.

Kissel is usually perceived as a drink, but it is very viscous in its structure, and therefore very useful for weight loss.

The fact is that it very gently envelops the gastrointestinal tract, helping to improve its functioning and cleanse it of toxins. By wisely using beet jelly for weight loss, you can expect a high effect, as well as increasing the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels and regulating cholesterol levels in the blood.

It will be useful to replace one or two meals with beet jelly. For example, afternoon tea or dinner.

Thanks to this, weight loss will occur quickly, and a slim figure will be noticeable within a couple of weeks.

Contraindications for the use of the drink are individual intolerance to its components, gastritis, stomach upsets and urolithiasis.

Read further on the topic:


Kissel for weight loss: basics and recipes

In addition, during this period all digestive organs rest. Hunger, as a rule, has a beneficial effect on the body.

Cleansing jelly made from rolled oats, prunes and beets. Published: Among the many recipes recommended by fitness trainers for successful weight loss, drinks stand out as a separate item - cocktails, fresh juices and jelly.

However, this cleaning method must be used with caution and not abused. Prolonged fasting can negatively affect the functioning of internal organs

It is best to consult a doctor before starting such a cleansing of the body about the possibility and effectiveness of this method for you personally. Remember that good health is more important than a graceful figure. You should also discuss the menu with a specialist during the period after the cleansing.

This method is suitable for those who prefer to avoid the use of medications. Natural ingredients act more gently on the intestines and do not have many contraindications. Olive oil and heated cabbage brine cleanse the intestines well. They must be drunk on an empty stomach.

You will need 2 tablespoons of oil, and half a glass of brine. Rowan tincture has long been used as a good laxative. The recipe for its preparation is extremely simple. It is necessary to purchase berries collected before the onset of frost.

Wash the rowan thoroughly and pour it into a jar, cover with sugar. Cover the container and place in a sunny place. The sugar should completely dissolve.

Then move the jar to a dark place for 3 weeks. Strain the syrup and dilute with alcohol. For half a liter of syrup - 2 tablespoons of alcohol.

Rowan tincture is taken 1 tablespoon every morning before meals. Flax seeds also perfectly cleanse the intestines. They can be purchased at the pharmacy. The recipe for making flaxseed tincture is not only simple, but also quick. That's all manufacturing. In the morning on an empty stomach, drink the tincture. To improve the effect, you can also eat the seeds.

But they taste quite unpleasant. This recipe deserves to be discussed separately. Many women who have used this drink share excellent results. Oatmeal jelly with beets and prunes will not only cleanse the intestines, but will also help you get rid of a couple of extra pounds and gain a flat stomach. The cleansing jelly recipe contains ingredients that can be purchased at any store. Plain oatmeal won't do.

What methods of colon cleansing exist?

For jelly you need instant cereal. Buy pitted prunes. You will also need raw beets. Chop the prunes with a knife, peel the beets and grate them on a coarse grater.

Take a handful of all ingredients and pour 2 liters of boiling water. Place the mixture on the stove over very low heat. The mass should be cooked for 15 - 20 minutes. As it cooks, it will become jelly-like.

Strain the finished broth and cool. It must be drunk completely 2 hours before bedtime. And in the morning, instead of breakfast, eat the remaining grounds. If possible, it is better to apply a heating pad on the right side, in the liver area, at night.

Kissel is very good. And I really like this product as a cleanser for the body. Firstly, the jelly envelops the stomach, no harsh interference.

Just what you need for gastritis. Secondly, it cleanses the intestines, removes what is stored there, but also very gently. If you are looking for a stronger remedy, you can drink freshly squeezed beet juice for several days in a row. But believe me, the effect of jelly is no worse than that of juice!

I don't understand where is the connection? If jelly is intended to initially improve health, then what makes you think that it will make your stomach flat? Because it removes toxins, not fat. But just oatmeal jelly will not do. Otherwise I don’t want to use beets at all.

This will be disgusting disgusting stuff. I can't even stand all those green smoothies. Because the taste is the most disgusting one could imagine.

More on the topic:

I know that brewed flax seed helps a lot... In general, everything that is included in your jelly can be consumed simply, the same alyssum, beets and rolled oats with prunes are just... No, no, no, it’s not worth it for a mono-diet. Even with all the benefits.

Otherwise you can spoil your stomach. And considering that in modern times the stomachs of most people are already not in order, such experiments are not worth it.

And doctors are categorically against mono-diets, no matter what the product is: jelly, buckwheat, apples, kefir or any other. How to quickly remove fat from the stomach and sides?

Beetroot jelly for weight loss: recipes and method of application

Beet jelly has high cleansing properties due to the addition of prunes and oatmeal along with the main ingredient - beets.

The preparation method is very simple: take a handful of rolled oats, prunes and grated raw beets and fill them with water (2 l).

The volume of beets can be varied depending on the taste of the jelly. Boil the mixture for about half an hour over low heat until thickened.

We strain the mixture, but do not throw away the remaining grounds.

Throughout the day, when we prepare jelly, we eat limitedly. For example, we arrange unloading on apples or kefir.

Two to three hours before bedtime, instead of a portion of dinner, we drink jelly in as much volume as you want.

The next morning we have breakfast with grounds.

It is advisable to carry out such fasting days once or twice a week, depending on how quickly results are required.

If emergency weight loss is necessary, the recipe can be used daily. In this case, grounds are consumed for breakfast, anything for lunch (except for fatty, sweet foods and fast food), and jelly for dinner.

Kissel can also be prepared according to the classic recipe from beets without other ingredients.

For this you will need: beet juice (200 ml), water (600 ml), sugar (0.5 cup), 4 tsp. starch and one lemon.

Method of preparation: grate the beets using a fine grater and squeeze out the juice. Boil water with sugar and lemon peel. Add starch diluted in beet juice and let it boil. Then add lemon juice and stir.

Before serving, pour the beetroot jelly into small vases or bowls and decorate them with thin slices of lemon.

If you add a glass of sea buckthorn juice to beet juice when preparing jelly, you will get an original and bright taste.

We also suggest trying oatmeal jelly for weight loss.

Read further on the topic:

All people have tried jelly; this delicious, incomparable drink has come to us from time immemorial.

  • The benefits of jelly for losing excess weight
  • Contraindications for the “jelly” diet
  • Opinions of users who use jelly for weight loss
  • How to lose weight using jelly for weight loss?
  • Making jelly for weight loss at home
  • Hercules jelly
  • Kissel Izotova for weight loss
  • Beetroot jelly
  • Flax jelly
  • Rice jelly

The first mentions of jelly were noticed several millennia BC in the countries of the Middle East.

Our ancestors also loved jelly, and at that time jelly was not a drink, but an independent first course; it was usually consumed with dairy products or with fried onions.

Kissel is often mentioned in various monuments of ancient Russian literature; it was both a ritual, funeral dish, and an everyday dish. Now the old traditions of making jelly have sunk into oblivion, and we consider jelly a dessert drink like compote.

Old healthy recipes for jelly have found their application in restorative and rehabilitation practice, when a person needs to gain strength after a long illness. It is also good to use them for weight loss.

How to prepare “Jeel from rolled oats, prunes and beets”

Prepare the necessary ingredients. Boil the water.

Place Hercules in a saucepan or other container, pour 500 ml. boiling water and leave for 25 minutes for the cereal to swell.

Wash the prunes and cut into strips.

Wash the beets thoroughly and grate them on a coarse grater.

Take a saucepan with a thick bottom. Place the swollen oatmeal, chopped prunes, grated beets into it and pour in 800 ml. boiling water Place on the lowest heat. After boiling, cook for 20 minutes, stirring occasionally.

Remove the finished jelly from the heat.

Strain through a sieve. Don’t throw away the grounds; you can season them with vegetable oil and serve them for breakfast.

Pour the jelly, cool until warm and serve as a separate dish.

Bon appetit!

The benefits of jelly for losing excess weight

Properly prepared jelly is not only incredibly tasty, but also beneficial for the body. By consuming jelly for a month, you can lose up to seven kilograms of excess weight. What else is jelly good for weight loss?

  • The starch contained in jelly helps to better preserve vitamins in the products from which the jelly is made. All useful microelements enter the body almost intact and have obvious benefits for our health.
  • It is very good to use jelly for people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract; sometimes jelly is almost the only remedy suitable for weight loss for people suffering from peptic ulcers, gastritis and other digestive ailments.
  • Excellent jelly for weight loss has excellent cleansing properties, it has a slight laxative effect and stimulates intestinal motility.
  • Kissel is able to relieve hunger and overeating that contributes to it for a long time. By consuming jelly for weight loss before meals, satiety will come faster and from a much smaller amount of food. You will forget what breakdowns are and get rid of the desire to eat something sweet.
  • The natural ingredients from which most jelly is made to burn fatty tissue are rich in antioxidants; they prolong the youth of the skin, maintain its firmness and elasticity for a long time, and also qualitatively improve the structure of the hair.
  • Also, all components of jelly have a beneficial effect on the mental and emotional spheres. You will become a more collected person, gain high performance and lose chronic fatigue.

The benefits of jelly

The benefits of jelly for the body

Kissel is a dish traditional to Russian cuisine. In our country they have been drinking it since ancient times.

Today its popularity has decreased somewhat: the drink is included in children's diets, but adults undeservedly neglect it.

The benefit of jelly is that it gently envelops the stomach and intestinal walls, is easily digestible, and saturates the body with useful microelements.

With the help of jelly you can not only lose weight and cleanse the body, but also cure some diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. In particular, Izotov’s oatmeal jelly treats pancreatitis.

When we say “jelly,” we imagine a viscous, sweetish substance that is cooked for children from starch and berry juice.

However, cleansing jelly for a flat stomach is prepared in a completely different way.

It is based on oatmeal in the form of oats, rolled oats or rolled oats.

It is this that gives the drink its viscosity and, along with it, its healing properties. After all, oatmeal is a very healthy dietary product.

With a low calorie content, it perfectly saturates, and also contains vitamins B, PP, E, A, calcium, magnesium, iron, potassium, fluorine.

Contraindications for the “jelly” diet

No matter how tasty, rich and pleasant the jelly is, losing weight with the help of a variety of jelly is not recommended for everyone.

Firstly, since various products serve as the basis for making jelly, allergies to individual components of this drink should be taken into account. If you have previously experienced any allergic reactions, then it is better to choose a different jelly recipe for weight loss, especially since there are truly a huge number of them.

People with high blood sugar levels and people with diabetes should also not use jelly for weight loss, as it is often quite sweet.

Jelly is also contraindicated for people with significant excess body weight, who should use more serious long-term diets in conjunction with physical exercise. Children under fourteen years of age also limit the consumption of drinks for weight loss due to unsteady metabolism.

Opinions of users who use jelly for weight loss

Mostly reviews from people who use jelly for weight loss are positive. Those who are losing weight on jelly say that thanks to the jelly diet or fasting days on jelly, they managed to get rid of extra pounds.

Many who have used jelly for weight loss leave reviews in which they show their results achieved using jelly for weight loss. Thanks to their reviews, we can conclude that by organizing fasting days on jelly, you can lose up to three kilograms of excess weight in a couple of such days.

And if you follow a jelly diet, which requires replacing several meals with jelly drinks, the weight per month averages ten kilograms.

People share their impressions of losing weight on jelly, claiming that this method of losing weight is quite easy and is well tolerated by the body, preventing overeating. In addition, eating jelly will help you get rid of the feeling of heaviness in your stomach and feel light.

Many also noted an improvement in their well-being during the diet, began to move more and enjoy every day they lived.

Kissel for weight loss “Beets, oatmeal, prunes”

Before moving directly to the preparation method, let’s dwell on the beneficial properties of the drink. Each of the three ingredients has a specific set of beneficial properties. They are explained by the biochemical composition of the products.


The bioactive complex of oats includes a large amount of proteins (up to 18%), starch (up to 60%), hemicellulose (10%), fiber (10.5%), vitamins (B1, B3, B5, B6, PP, E, H ), as well as phytic acids, macro- and microelements (manganese, copper, iron, molybdenum, silicon).

Cleansing jelly can be included in the diet of a fasting day with oatmeal. The effectiveness of such asceticism increases significantly due to the large number of enveloping, absorbent and laxative components of Hercules flakes.

Oats give the jelly viscous properties. Pectins, swelling in water, envelop and soothe the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines. The second quality of jelly with oatmeal, beets and prunes, important for weight loss, is satiety. The jelly-like mass effectively fills the volume of the stomach, relieving the feeling of hunger.


The biochemical composition of the root vegetable is rich in carbohydrates (6%) and, in particular, dietary fiber (12.5%). The red vegetable contains a lot of organic acids and vitamins (C, A, B2, B5, B6, U). Among the micro- and macroelements, manganese, cobalt, iron, silicon, chromium, copper, and molybdenum are distinguished.

Beets occupy one of the first places among products that slow down the aging of the body, lower blood pressure and protect the liver from the destructive effects of poisons. The biologically active complex of the vegetable accelerates lipid metabolism and stimulates the heart muscle.


This dried fruit contains a lot of carbohydrates (21%), including plant fibers (up to 28%), vitamins (C, K, B6, A), micro- and macroelements (calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, potassium) and absolutely low fat (1%).

The main effect of prunes in any dish is a laxative. Berries effectively enhance intestinal motility, thereby accelerating the elimination of stagnant feces. At the same time, the body receives nourishment from the nutrients and biological substances that make up the dried fruit.

How to lose weight using jelly for weight loss?

Any diet has a number of proven recommendations, strictly following which you will improve your results when losing weight and maintain the achieved weight for a long time. To help you lose weight quickly, follow these steps:

  1. Use jelly for weight loss instead of several meals, it is good to drink jelly instead of breakfast and eat it at the last meal. Also try not to overeat during the jelly diet, adhere to the principles of a balanced diet, and divide the entire daily calorie intake into equal portions. Fractional meals will allow you to significantly reduce weight and reduce stomach volume.
  2. While following the jelly diet, give up many unhealthy foods, such as sweet soda, mayonnaise, pastries and desserts, try to eat more fresh vegetables and fruits to replenish the balance of vitamins during the cleansing effect of the jelly diet.
  3. Regular physical activity will help you quickly say goodbye to those hated extra pounds; do at least a few exercises in the morning to warm up the muscles of the whole body. In addition, this will speed up metabolism and fat tissue will be broken down faster.
  4. Prepare jellies of such a consistency that they can be easily drunk; do not make drinks that are too thick and will have to be consumed with a spoon.
  5. Try to prepare jelly without any additives, sweeteners or salt. In extreme cases, when the jelly turns out to be too sour, you can add a little natural flower honey or slightly sweeten the taste with stevia.
  6. Freshly prepared jelly is best suited for weight loss. Don’t be lazy to make your own jelly every time and don’t prepare it for future use. Significant benefits for weight loss come only from freshly brewed jelly.
  7. It is permissible to arrange fasting days on jelly, eating exclusively fresh jelly. However, it is not recommended to adhere to such a diet for a long time, as an imbalance of nutrients in the body may occur.
  8. Do not forget to consume your daily fluid intake, and this does not include jelly and all other liquid drinks. This should only be fresh, clean, non-carbonated water. Moreover, try to consume it no earlier than an hour after you drink the next portion of jelly for weight loss.

Miracle jelly for weight loss made from beets and oatmeal: why it 100% will not work

PuzaNet reader Svetlana sent a link to one channel, where it is stated that the author is losing weight at a wild speed (and for many years already) on a drink made from beets and oatmeal, losing as much as 2 kg of weight per day (in the slang of professionally losing weight, this is called “plumb line” ).

At Svetlana’s request, I briefly comment in 3 theses:

✅1) in terms of composition: a beetroot weight loss drink is a very healthy drink, and has long been known in Runet. Especially closer to summer, his numerous copy-pastes and rewrites pop up, with the seasonal hope of making money on those losing weight.

The base is beetroot juice and oatmeal, and some people also add kefir, orange, mint, honey - whatever you like, and great job, I think. Beetroot juice has a peculiar taste, not everyone will like it, so such disguises, if they help, can only be welcomed. In my opinion, this is all healthy and excellent food , and, indeed, very inexpensive. Such cocktails and jelly contain a lot of vitamins and nutrients, including those for losing weight.

✅2) on weight loss: losing 2 kg per day is impossible for any living person in nature. This is an absolute deception and scam of readers so that they click on the title. Losing weight is not about changing your body weight to a lighter one, but about getting rid of excess and unhealthy fatty tissue. Any amount of vitamins by itself cannot free us from fat. Only a calorie deficit helps you get rid of fat – that is, you spend more energy than you consume through food.

Even after peeing a lot, sweating and what not, becoming 2 kg lighter per day is not easy. Such dubious experiments, worthy of a coach from the Omsk “Gazmyasochka”, are practiced in professional sports, but they have nothing to do with losing weight and are harmful to health.

✅3) according to the technique of the process : if you are still just overweight, then calculating the calorie deficit can be done very simply and efficiently - using a free application on your phone; if you are already obese, it is better to go to the doctor first. In any case, maintaining a caloric deficit will not be easy for most, due to the almost inevitable anxiety of hunger that comes with it. But there is simply no other way, except for surgery.

In addition, if we don’t change our thinking and don’t see what it is that we are consuming with excess food , then the weight will definitely return = losing weight will be wrong.

If you simply, without a calorie deficit, drink a weight loss drink made from beets and oatmeal or any other miracle drink, or eat any other healthy miracle food, or any packs of vitamins, but do not maintain a calorie deficit, then it is impossible to lose weight . Anyone who claims otherwise is a harmful deceiver trying to make money off of human ignorance.

If you drink and eat healthy foods and vitamins, while maintaining a calorie deficit, the health benefits will be enormous.

If you change your brain from negative to positive, then you can remain normal - both in weight and in health for many years and live happily. The entire PuzaNet channel is just about this, especially this section - Motivation .

Continuation of the topic about the miracle jelly “Flat tummy” made from beets and oatmeal here .

✅ Scroll through, scroll through

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