
What are the benefits of rabbit meat?

Rabbit meat is considered white and is one of the most dietary products, therefore it is highly valued. The dietary properties of rabbit meat lie primarily in the high content of easily digestible protein, while there is very little fat in it. As a result, almost any dish prepared from rabbit turns out to be a real delicacy and can satisfy even the most demanding taste.

It has a pleasant taste and subtle aroma. Meat is easily digested by the human body. Unlike any other meat, it contains the least cholesterol and fat, and, on the contrary, more proteins. Rabbit meat helps maintain normal fat metabolism and nutrient balance in the body, so nutritionists advise using it more often in your diet. Wild rabbit meat is darker and more flavorful than domestic rabbit meat.

The meat of old animals needs to be marinated and stewed for a long time. It makes excellent roast, jelly, stew or rabbit in white sauce.

Forelegs, neck and shoulder blade. These parts of the carcass are used to prepare stews or bases for sauces.

Back and abdomen. The back of the rabbit makes an excellent roast, while the belly is separated, cut into small pieces and used to make sauce.

Rabbit hind legs are often sold separately. They are used to prepare roasts and stews.

The dietary properties of rabbit meat are the reason why doctors recommend this meat to children, including as first complementary foods, to the elderly and the sick. You can prepare a huge number of dishes from rabbit meat: excellent main courses, broths and soups.

It has long been noted that the systematic inclusion of rabbit meat in the daily menu (of course, within reasonable limits) has a beneficial effect on metabolic processes and maintains the necessary balance of nutrients. It is no coincidence that rabbit meat is recommended for the following ailments:

  • gastritis.
  • ulcer of the stomach and duodenum.
  • colitis and enterocolitis.
  • hypertension.
  • atherosclerosis.
  • diabetes.
  • all kinds of diseases of the liver, biliary tract, heart, gastrointestinal tract and kidneys.
  • various types of allergies (except allergies to rabbit meat itself).

For long-term storage, rabbit meat is salted and smoked, and salting is usually used for subsequent smoking.

Rabbit meat has very little fat, so if cooked incorrectly it becomes dry. That's why it's best to bake or stew it, or fry it to a thin pink crust, giving it the opportunity to cook in its own juices.

Calorie content of rabbit meat

Rabbit meat is considered the most dietary compared to all other types of meat, and this is true. Doctors keep saying that it is necessary to replace fatty meat with rabbit meat.

Rabbit meat contains B- and C-group vitamins, as well as the following set of mineral elements: manganese, phosphorus, fluorine, iron, potassium. Due to the presence of sodium salt in meat, it is considered most suitable for inclusion in the diet. Among all meat types, rabbit meat is the least allergenic, therefore it is recommended even for children under 1 year of age and pregnant women.

The calorie content of rabbit meat is 156 kcal. The composition also contains proteins - 21.0 g, fats - 8.0 g.

Rabbit meat occupies one of the leading positions in modern cooking. It goes well with other types of meat, with most vegetables and remarkably retains its beneficial qualities when baked, boiled, fresh and even smoked. This meat makes many wonderful dishes.

Good digestibility of rabbit meat dishes is ensured by the use of all types of heat treatments. Most often, the rabbit is simmered in sauce, but this does not mean that it is not allowed to be fried, spit-cooked, used for soups or stuffed. For example, stewed rabbit in sour cream sauce or red wine can perfectly complement any holiday table.

Rabbit prepared in different ways is served with vegetable side dishes, boiled rice, and various sauces with a glass of good wine.

Recipe? Recipe!

What can you cook with rabbit meat? Here are some recipes:

Rabbit meat with dried porcini mushrooms:

Ingredients: 1 kg rabbit meat (with bone), 50 g porcini mushrooms (dried), 200 g mayonnaise, 50 g fat, 1 carrot, 2 onions, 1 bunch of parsley, 1 bunch of dill, 3-4 black peppercorns, bay leaf , ground pepper, salt.

Method of preparation: Peel the onions and carrots, wash and finely chop.

Wash the parsley and dill and chop them.

Wash the rabbit meat, chop into pieces of 50–70 g, add salt and pepper, place in a cauldron, fry in fat until golden brown, pour in a little water. Add pre-soaked mushrooms, bay leaves, peppercorns, onions, carrots and simmer for 20 minutes. Add mayonnaise and simmer until done. When serving, sprinkle with parsley and dill.

Rabbit meat with pickled vegetables:

Ingredients: 500 g rabbit meat, 4 cucumbers (pickled), 3 green tomatoes (pickled), 100 g zucchini (pickled), 200 g green peas (canned), 200 g sour cream, 4 potatoes, 2 teaspoons 3% vinegar , pepper, salt.

Method of preparation: Chop cucumbers, zucchini and tomatoes. Wash the potatoes, peel and cut into cubes.

Wash the rabbit meat, salt, sprinkle with vinegar, cut into thin slices, place in a cauldron, add potatoes, green peas, cucumbers, zucchini and tomatoes, pepper, add sour cream. Simmer until done.

Rabbit meat with Korean carrots:

Ingredients: 1 kg of rabbit meat, 200 g of Korean carrots, 100 g of fat, 200 g of mayonnaise, 3 onions, bay leaf, pepper, salt.

Method of preparation: Peel the onion, wash and finely chop. Wash the rabbit meat, cut into portions, salt and pepper, place in a cauldron, fry in fat until golden brown, add onions, Korean carrots, bay leaves, mayonnaise and add water so that the liquid covers the contents by no more than ½. Simmer until done.

Rabbit in mayonnaise:

Ingredients: 400 g rabbit meat, 50 g lard, 100 g mayonnaise, juice of 1 lemon, pepper, salt.

Method of preparation: Wash the meat, cut into large pieces, salt and pepper, pour in lemon juice, leave for 20 minutes. Place the lard in a cauldron, fry until the fat is rendered, add the meat and fry. Add mayonnaise, simmer until done.

Rabbit in red wine:

Ingredients: 1 rabbit carcass, 200 g of bacon, 3 onions, 700 ml of red wine, 200 ml of apple cider vinegar, 3 carrots, 50 g of flour, 3 cloves, ¼ teaspoon of caraway seeds, 2 cloves of garlic, 10 allspice peas, bay leaf, salt.

Method of preparation: To prepare the marinade, wash, peel and finely chop the carrots. Peel the garlic, wash it, crush it. Pour wine mixed with vinegar over carrots and garlic, add bay leaf, cumin, cloves, allspice and salt, pour in a little water, bring to a boil, add flour, stir and heat over low heat for 5 minutes. Cool the marinade.

Wash the rabbit carcass, chop it, pour in the marinade and leave for 2-3 hours at room temperature, then keep for another 3 hours in a cool place. Remove the meat and strain the marinade.

Peel the onion, wash it, finely chop it. Finely chop the bacon, place in a cauldron, fry until the fat has rendered, add onion and meat, fry. Pour in the marinade and simmer until done.

Benefits of rabbit

Rabbit meat has long been known as a particularly high-quality dietary product, surpassing the meat of other animals in terms of nutritional qualities.

Basically, the benefits of rabbit meat are determined by its rich amino acid composition, which improves with the age of the animal. It is believed that optimal meat characteristics are achieved when the rabbit reaches the age of 4-5 months, and the protein quality indicator reaches its maximum. Protein-quality indicator is a value characterizing the quality of meat as a whole. It is the ratio of the amount of the amino acid tryptophan, which is found only in muscle tissue, to the amount of the amino acid hydroxyproline, which is characteristic only of connective tissue. After five months of age, the protein quality indicator of the rabbit decreases slightly.

Other characteristics also confirm the benefits of rabbit meat. It contains the largest amount of vitamins and minerals compared to the meat of other animals. Rabbit meat is rich in nicotinic acid, vitamin C, and B vitamins. Fluorine, phosphorus, cobalt, potassium, manganese and iron contained in rabbit make it possible to replenish the body's need for these microelements.

Rabbit meat has excellent digestibility in the human gastrointestinal tract. Thanks to this, rabbit meat can be recommended to people with diseases of the digestive system - gastroduodenitis, colitis, pancreatitis, etc. For comparison: the digestibility of beef is about 62%, and rabbit meat is digestible by more than 90%.

Rabbit has a relatively low amount of nitrogenous substances, so it can be consumed in small quantities by people suffering from gout, which is associated with metabolic disorders. Rabbit meat is also excellent for feeding people suffering from allergic diseases, especially for young children.

Separately, it is worth emphasizing the benefits of rabbit meat in case of cancer. Rabbit meat helps eliminate radionuclides that inevitably accumulate in the body during radiation therapy. It is also known that rabbit meat can lead to normal blood glucose levels.

Contraindications for rabbit meat

You need to know that in rare cases, rabbit can be harmful to health. There are cases of individual intolerance to rabbit meat. Nitrogenous substances contained in rabbit, although they have a low concentration compared to other types of meat, can also become a rare cause of the occurrence and exacerbation of gout. To prevent the likelihood of this in people with a predisposition to uric acid metabolism disorders, it is recommended to boil the meat in several waters, thereby reducing the concentration of substances harmful to the sick person.

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Rabbit meat has a sweetish taste and a bony structure. It is slightly tougher than chicken or turkey, but softer than pork or beef. During preparation, you must strictly follow the recipe. Rabbit meat can be fried, stewed, baked and boiled. You can prepare delicious rabbit meat using this recipe: 1. Cut the carcass. 2. Rub with spices, onion slices and marinate for an hour in kefir or sour cream. 3. Fry in a frying pan until golden brown. 4. Place meat, vegetables and potatoes in a saucepan or pots in layers and simmer for an hour. This dish goes well with green peas and vegetable salad with olive oil. You can cook rabbit meat under a cheese cap. To do this, you must separate the bones from the meat and remove the skin. Because it contains unnecessary fats. You can add bacon or lard for lubrication and juiciness. You can bake in the oven at a temperature of 150-180 degrees. To keep it juicy and retain moisture, you can place a bowl of water in the oven.

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